The Best of EVERY Smash Move! (All DLC Edition)

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Isabelle's Jab over Chroy's is bullshit, honestly. It's still possible to SDI out of it to avoid the infinites and it has piss ass range. I understand that faster characters would probably abuse this much better than Isabelle can, but something like Chrom's Jab that is disjointed, safer on-shield, has no sourspot, sends at a good angle for combos and kill confirms and can hit ledgehang which makes it even better in ledgetrap situations. Plus, since those moves are judged in a vacuum, imagine that move comboing into even stronger aerials than Chrom's Bair, like Ike's Bair, Arsene's Bair or Bowser's Bair. Even slow characters would absolutely abuse the fuck out of Chrom's Jab while Isabelle's would be pretty underwhelming on slow characters (hell, Isabelle herself is living proof of that, despite having that supposedly best Jab in the game, she is pretty much considered to be a mid tier character at best.)

Even Roy's Jab is much better in my opinion, since while he has sourspots which makes it worse for ledgetrapping and spacing, it's still disjointed, quite safe and the sweetspot's combo potential is even better than Chrom's, so some characters would absolutely abuse the ever living fuck out of that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PM_ME_EDGEWORTH_NUDE ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 04 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Most opinions I agree on, but Mythra's d-tilt over ROB's is pure ๐Ÿงข. Mythra's frame data is worse slightly in most aspects and a lot worse when it comes to shield safety. Plus they both have combo potential into kill confirms.

Like I think Mythra's d-tilt is top 5, but it clearly is not as good as ROB's. Hell, it might not be even as good as Diddy Kong's.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Severe-Operation-347 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 03 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

A lot of great points brought up about Steve Neutral-B but what bumps it up for me is PBR which allows you insta reverse your direction. I know RAR exists but the switching direction mid air is huge

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/DHMOProtectionAgency ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 04 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
well wrap it up we're done with sora's edition a few months back as the final ultimate dlc character the roster is now complete over the last few years we've had characters added characters improved characters slapped on the wrist or stomped into the dirt are completely reworked and of course i've changed too which makes now a great time to revisit the best of every move in smash ultimate probably the most requests i've ever gotten for a video topic that said i have tried to make this one independent if you haven't seen the earlier version from a few years back it's not mandatory and if you have i've tried to change enough things up to still be interesting we're gonna speed through the criteria here so listen up because this is important it affects the choices for the list a lot these moves are being judged in a vacuum not based on how they synergize with the rest of the characters tools physics etc last time i did this i asked you to picture a whole bunch of characters assigned completely random traits and moves except for their very last move which they were then allowed to choose for themselves whichever one i thought would be chosen most often for a given move slot is what i called the best move of that category which also means asking questions like how would this move change if the character had worse air physics or would this move still be good if the character's dash attack hit lower this worked pretty well but it did create issues with some resource-based mechanics which i generally just scrapped from the running this time though i'm not doing that just assume that the randomized character has some kind of trait which roughly balances the resource consumption of the move with how it performs for the source character maybe each pickaxe material is available for the same amount of time as it is in an average steve match the details really don't matter even with all of this there are a few things that are still just too incompatible with the concept so i'm still banning all forms of multi-character mechanics as well as any kind of super form character state the only other notable thing i'm banning is special cancelable moves because it's just too unclear how they should actually work should this cancel into all special moves or just the ones ryu has i don't know if you say it cancels into anything it's potentially extremely broken which we are celebrating but it does so in a way that i don't quite think fits the spirit of the list sora's up special a lot of terry's moves etc are banned for similar reasons three honorable mentions this time to allow for more coverage which aren't ordered by the way and that's about it the only other thing i'd like to say is that this is a sequel video which historically don't tend to do very well on youtube so i'm gonna be a bit more upfront than usual and ask that if you enjoy this please consider leaving a like and comment these are huge factors that youtube uses to gauge whether this video should be passed around to more people and recommendations let's do it [Applause] [Music] jabs were standardized pretty heavily in ultimate and nowadays rarely do much out of being a quick close quarter scrapping tool and of the few exceptions i think isabel has stood the test of time the best the squeaky toy hammer is extremely fast at frame 3 in a 60 frames per second game has solid range for a jab as well as a sword-like disjoint and most importantly acts as a phenomenal combo tool even at early percents you can get some great combos going and then later on it just straight up confirms into her kill moves and most characters would have a kill move fast enough to take advantage of this there's also a notorious technique dubbed the wabel where you walk ever so slightly towards your opponent at the ledge which can rack up a boatload of damage i initially expected this to be patched out as the developers generally really don't like infinites in ultimate but it actually turns out this isn't really an infinite like everyone thought originally it's hardcoded to be escapable after a measly 20 hits first honorable mention of the video goes to basser jr killing jabs aren't nearly as rare as they used to be but this one's speed and power are still absolute top of the line after this is steve's mobile comboing sword swipe that he shares with his forward tilt neutral air and a secondary forward air even past these early percent combos it's still a much better combo tool than you may expect it's just that it's stuck onto steve's deliberately terrible physics which remember are a property of the character not the move good time to start thinking about that criteria also a heads up that these attacks which exist in multiple move slots can compete in every category but will only appear in one so now that you've seen it don't expect to see it again and then for final honorable mention we have roy him and his clone crawler in a very tight race here roy's better close quarters sweet spot versus krom's uniform blade but while range is always going to be an important consideration on this list as you'll notice even someone with airspeed as great as chrom can struggle to follow up space jabs sometimes so we're gonna go with a safer option that leads to considerably more reliable combos if that sweet spot does connect forward tilts are primarily all about that range and my god does no character show that off quite like sephiroth with a sword that looks like this thank you japan of course we were inevitably going to get a few moves that showed off its full reach but what wasn't inevitable was forward tilts makes a very reasonable speed devastating kill power particularly on its middle sweet spot that still exceeds most characters entire reach and ability to hit ledges thanks to being angleable it's an incredible spacing tool with incredible reward that seems pretty blatantly designed to be spammed very little to complain about here first honorable mention goes to the belmonts which previously held the crown for this move and now gained some better frame data over sephiroth at the cost of reach kill power and the ability to angle the move still a fantastic tool but overall less versatile as a result of these trade-offs other honorable mentions go to lucas one of the safest forward tilts in the game while still packing great disjointed range kill power and two framing potential and mithra bringing the rare combo forward tilt with extremely solid speed and range up tilts are most commonly anti-airs and the more functionality you can stack on top of that the better steve's up tilt comes out lightning quick has the exceptional property of being able to walk with it has virtually no cooldown making it easy to spam and also by far one of the safest ground moves on shield and also basically just doesn't have knockback meaning even a character with physics as stunted as steve can easily follow up from it for a very long time yes the resource management is a bit of an issue but nowhere near enough to discount the incredible versatility and power of this simple axe swipe honorable mentions go to falco's wide reaching combo starter albeit combos which are slightly dependent on his great jump height which is a detriment for this list snakes infamously strong and fast upwards kick and mithra's snappy heavily disjointed anti-air which acts as a combo starter until unreasonably high percentage down tilts are usually really good moves often being a character's safest grounded poke a lot of them also act as combo starters and two frame tools but rarely do they do so with the kind of speed and range that mithra brings to the table her sword sweep comes out at frame 5 with a ridiculously short total animation time and much like her up tilt it barely sends opponents anywhere allowing for nearly universal confirms out of it this kind of attack is well tread ground in the smash series by now but mithra's specialized role as the speedy combo character and a duo allows her to push it farther than it's ever gone before now compared to some similar down tilts it is slightly less safe but is still mostly unpunishable at range and even closer is pushing the bounds of what's humanly reactable provided you don't blatantly spam it speaking of blatantly spamming first honorable mention goes to robb's unreasonably fast arm poke which can also start solid combos albeit horizontally instead of vertically and has some of the best frame data of any ground move period trying to challenge this thing on your shield is nearly impossible next up is roy's who doesn't get as guaranteed a reward as the others but is likewise one of the least risky grounded moves in the entire game making it a brilliant neutral tool he's once again directly competing against krom whose lack of a hilt sweet spot makes him less safe up close but safer at range both moves are about as safe as you could ask for though and roy has the option to start tech chases earlier with his sweet spot and then keep them going at much later percents thanks to his sour spot and then there's incineroar who i previously considered to have the best comboing sword sweep before mithrans steeded him and yes i did say sword sweep that leg is intangible during the attack dash attacks are one of the more uniformly designed moves among the roster usually acting as a character's best burst movement option palutena shield bash has reasonable range and kill power behind it but those aren't its main strengths along with traditional dash attack uses the shield comes with a lot of invincibility and a high hitbox allowing it to perform the fairly unique role of a potent anti-air a nasty use case that's only become more relevant over time as safe aerials continue to dominate ultimate's meta it catches landings in a way very few other moves can helped out significantly by a very snappy frame six startup first honorable mention goes to ganondorf a brutal shoulder bash with high range high damage high kill power solid cross-up potential on shield and even combo setups at its sour spot then we have two more invincible dash attacks which can't quite hang with palutena but are still excellent assets to have soraa and snakes long range lunges snakes is a little bit faster both to start up and wind down but also comes with a generally unproductive sour spot soraa meanwhile has slightly better range can hit much more of the roster on the ledge and is also a more consistently threatening attack even if neither of these moves particularly excel at taking stocks it's their mixture of invincibility speed and massive range that gives them the titles for me traits which all work very well regardless of context as useful as a quick combo starter like fox has might be for example a slower character likely would struggle to make full use of it something like ike's sword blow on the other hand has similarly impressive range and seriously just ridiculous kill power after being patched but there's a technique in smash called instant dash attack which provides a lot of utility with the caveat that it works much better for faster attacks i've got a video up on my second channel mock rock talk where i discuss a few moves like this that just barely didn't make the cut as well as all moves that didn't survive in between this list and the original one so if you're curious about more of my thought process that's where you'll find it forward smashes are mostly all about raw range and power one of the biggest exceptions being little mac i thought for years that this was the best forward smash in the game thanks to its strength super armor and the ability to choose between three attacks in one with all of its angled variants and then they decided to buff it the downward variant is a pretty incredible shield pressure tool and shield breaker now and combined with all its other great attributes i don't expect this one to be terribly controversial first honorable mention goes to meta knight for having one of the few forward smashes that regularly gets used as a neutral tool thanks to its very low end leg this also makes it extremely safe on shield for this category of move only allowing your opponent to act six frames before you can a number typically more in line with aerial attacks bowser jr gets a nod for similar reasons trading a bit of that safety for a faster larger overall more versatile hitbox and finally corin for a forward smash that's solid in its own right but downright devastating when you include its chainsaw setup no rolling out of this thing allowed and if you're near the ledge or already have a damage shield you're not wiggling your way out either pick a god and pray down smashes are mostly about covering both sides during ambiguous situations and also frequently work for two framing and wolf continues to excel in both departments surviving his nerf early and ultimate's life quite handily this move has fantastic disjointed reach thanks to wolf's honorary swordsman status including downwards making it exceptionally good at catching recoveries especially when combined with its ludicrous power at the tipper sweet spot first honorable mention goes to sephiroth's unconventional enormous ground stab an attack with a surprising amount of utility between its shield breaking potential dangerously far off stage reach and relative safety with proper spacing thanks to the increased power of its tipper's shockwave next up is ness and his yoyo providing a degree of brainless pressure at the ledge that essentially no other character can even come close to matching for more traditional use it's functional at best but i'd say down smashes in general are one of the less essential move types so they're a category that doesn't really mind being swapped over something a bit more specialized winding this section down we have mr gaiman watch's double hammer swing an unusually safe down smash that while a bit inconsistent with its sour spot leads to absurdly early kills if its bury sweet spot connects up smashes are probably the most widely used category of smash attacks overall they can be done without first taking time to drop your shield unlike the other types and are also often very well specialized as anti-airs trading off a typically slower startup than up tilts for perks like better range power and upper body invincibility or in minman's case a reflector this is technically a canonical reference to the arm series she originated from but it's still a pretty bizarre thing to see and when you combine that with the fact that this move would already be a contender for the title thanks to being one of the quickest up smashes in the game with an outrageous hitbox these factors also making it easy to combo into as well as still having very respectable kill power it's incredibly utility heavy in a way essentially no other upsmashes are this is after being heavily nerfed for the record it used to be faster and kill even earlier i honestly don't know what the devs were thinking with this one oh by the way if you're wondering why none of midman's actual arm attack showed up earlier it's because she'd only get one arm to work with and wouldn't be able to change its form they're still pretty good moves but taking away those mix-ups does bring them down quite a bit honorable mentions go to captain falcon with his shockingly large powerful and safe double kick their surprisingly low end leg on this thing ganondorf's destructive colossal sword swipe that pressures everything from platforms to shields and mr game and watch's powerful invincible and just overall unreasonably safe headbutt no matter what character you're playing neutral air is probably one of the most important tools in their arsenal earlier on in ultimate's life a common sentiment was that you could basically just make the game's tier list based on how good everyone's neutral air was and while i think both design wise and player mentality-wise things have shifted away from that somewhat the reliability versatility and safety that most of them bring to the table still can't be overstated this is still a bit of a leap of faith but i think newcomer sora takes the title here looking at it from the shallowest level possible it provides full disjointed body coverage and does great damage going a level deeper it allows for a degree of versatility and shield pressure mixups that aren't really comparable to anything else in the game and then you realize that the fastfall inversion leads to guaranteed combos at literally any percent and then you look into the nair loops the soraa players started discovering very quickly after release now in the grand scheme of things this video isn't being made that long after sora's launch these kinds of advanced techniques may completely break the game or may end up being a bit too specific and finicky considering that even its basic traits are excellent though really only lacking the speed to make it a great option out of shield and there's so much more beneath the surface i think this move is legitimately incredible my original plan was to hedge my bets and give it an honorable mention you know maybe say it has potential to be the best someday but that's the coward's approach i think sora has the best neutral air in the game first honorable mention instead goes to link an attack that at first glance might look somewhat unremarkable there are a lot of these kinds of sidekicks in the game but a quick look at it stupidly huge hitbox starts clueing you in on why it has its infamous reputation beating out essentially any other close quarters attack as well as many projectiles all while being one of the safest moves in the entire game providing solid combo potential and coming with decent kill power once again it's only major flaw being an unusually slow startup for this kind of kick which means we're bringing in me brawler to close that gap a blistering frame 3 kick that also comes with outrageous combo potential and safety and then finally we have palutena's classic staff twirl a move that did have his knock back and hitboxes nerfed but is still an all-encompassing fast disjoint with plenty of combo potential forward errors are great spacing tools more often than not and one of the most consistently versatile is the big dumb frontal arc bowser's is one of the biggest and dumbest of all of them though riskier on shield than usual but bringing sheer size and power to the table that are hard to match which makes it one of the most straightforward yet effective edge guarding moves in the game and it even comes equipped with a bit of combo potential to really drive things home forwarder was one of the harder categories to lock down but shulk gets first honorable mention for a similarly dumb arc that trades off some kill power for even more coverage and slightly better safety he was actually in close contention for the top slot but bowser's claw is strong enough to create a lot more viable kill confirm routes so i think that just barely eeks it out next one goes to sora for many of the same reasons this is neutral air including the all-important universal kill confirm and then we have mewtwo with his extremely fast and surprisingly large shadow scratch one of the safest moves in the entire game that transitions from a great combo tool early on into an incredibly potent kill move later shadow scratch by the way not shadow claw like everyone calls it yeah i don't really get why they did that either another extremely stacked category back hairs are usually allowed to be one of a character's better moves because of the increased positional awareness needed to use them effectively often serving as powerful kill options donkey kong has been the classic example of a great backer for a long time and for my money he's still on top this move is extremely quick both in terms of startup and cooldown has a massive and slightly disjointed hitbox that lasts for a long time and the lingering sourspod even works as a solid combo starter all while not sacrificing any of the sweet spots nasty kill power something that many of his direct competitors are forced to do first honorable mention goes to corin's wing flap another fantastic kill move with massive range and a special pushback property which gives it additionally used as a recovery aid and makes punishing it near impossible next up we have cloud a sword blow that's unbelievably safe on shield thanks to its range and minuscule landing lag which also makes it a strong combo move at lower percents it's once again able to do this without compromising on kill power later and finally palutena's shield bash it's a solid standard back here with good range speed and kill power but nothing mind blowing the shield invincibility comes in one more time to really crank things up the value of being able to challenge other aerials has only improved with time and while dash attack makes her good at catching opponent's landings the shield here makes it unusually hard to catch her landings as well up air the juggler's tool of choice similar to forward airs i think the big dumb upwards arc is the overall most transplantable high utility type of move that basically no character would feel bad about having especially because it also works much better as a landing option than most up-air styles which vastly increases their use cases chrom's variant comes to the table with incredible frame data and a massive disjoint working amazingly as a neutral tool juggling option combo starter combo extender what's not to love well really that'd just be its kill power launchers into up errors whether that's from down tail to up air down air to up air up throw to up air are pretty basic combo routes the crime will rarely be able to seal a stock with which is why the first honorable mention goes to ike i say that in addition to excelling in a lot of the usual roles you'd expect from this style of move it's also the best combo ender of all of them as it kills earlier than pretty much anyone else's take on the sword arc including ones that need to line up finicky sweet spots the one exception is robin's leaven sword which was also in heavy contention but while its resource mechanic can create an item for you to use and while its sour spot is decent for combos these still serve to make it less reliable and consistent overall ike does sacrifice a bit of speed in comparison but it's still fast enough to end combos and to be unreactable and on top of that it's also bigger than any of its competition apart from pyraz which is surprisingly tame as a kill move and sephiroth's which does give up too much speed to be a reliable combo ender i'm still giving the next honorable mention to it though because this really is the ultimate what's the spacing thing everyone keeps talking about attack it's outrageously big and difficult to get away from and his high ending leg is much less risky than you'd think because of how desperately your opponent needs to try and escape it and lastly we have mario the previous winner of this category the strengths of this move are obvious it has truly absurd frame data at least some of the corniest combos in smash but its potency is at least somewhat tied to mario's great physics and his particular neutral air which the sword moves are far less dependent on down airs tend to be relatively specialized moves their most famous roles working as offstage spikes and pyra's monstrous sword swipe is one of the game's premier spiking attacks with a massive hitbox that reaches comically far below the stage it allows for exceptionally easy two frames while retaining a position of relative safety beyond that though its horizontal range is so over the top that this is an extremely rare example of a downer that regularly gets used as a neutral tool all the more devastating because so much of that horizontal range is designated as the spiking hitbox remember marth and lucina's down air which spikes for a single frame directly underneath them uh yeah we've come a long ways basically the entire front part of this move works as an on-stage combo starter or as an off-stage instant kill no micro spacing required here first honorable mention goes to snake a frame three cake flurry that does 20. yes it's not the most reliable move and you're not always going to get the full amount of damage output but it's still close to as fast a note of shield option as they come and comes with additional movement utility giving it great functionality that's unusual for a typically very simple move category so i actually want to pause and dive a bit more into something here because while i was editing this video esam a top player and content creator put out his thoughts on the game's down airs and he brought up a point that i've heard some snake players make as well the big argument is that snake stanner doesn't actually deserve a top slot because while he's leaping at you with it you can actually sdi behind him and escape is that something you necessarily see a ton of players doing at the moment but i mean this video is an attempt to predict the future to some degree so fair enough having said that snake's air acceleration is some of the absolute worst in ultimate meaning that once he's jumped forward with a dan air he's pretty much committed to that jump he can't really drift back again to follow an opponent trying to wiggle through it so the question then becomes if a character with average air physics had snakes down air would this sdi thing still be an option for their opponent i honestly don't know and unfortunately i don't really have the modding tools or knowledge to test this if not then yeah i'd still give the spot to snake if opponents could still escape it though then i'd probably give it to steve's anvil that move is incredibly versatile yeah whenever i make an opinionated video it's always tempting for me to like preemptively head off every potential argument i expect to see pop up in the comments i usually resist those temptations but i know i'm gonna get this one a lot next up is yoshi's 30 damage flutter kick a tool that's passable in neutral because of how much shield damage it does but really starts excelling when used as a combo ender along with killing off the top later on rounding things off ivysaur comes to play with another enormous spike trading off some of pyrus coverage for faster startup and some air stalling ability neutral specials often one of the central moves of a character's design the competition is incredibly tough here this category is stacked with moves that push the limits of smash's power levels but ultimately shulk's monado arts are just way too oppressive they allow any moveset in the game to gain the damage output or kill power of a super heavyweight the mobility or recovery of the game's speediest ninja and oh yeah a complete immunity to combos and death that literally nothing else an ultimate even comes close to replicating there are a lot of neutral specials that are phenomenal in some or even many situations but monado arts are easily one of the most malleable all-purpose tools in the entire game first honorable mention to joker's gun a ridiculous get out of jail free card in disadvantage state a risk-free edge guarding tool something that forces your opponent to approach a movement technique yeah this move does a lot the reason it makes this list is primarily because of how much the downward variant in particular breaks every risk reward rule smash is supposed to have but it is a move that's just loaded with excellent use cases even beside that next up is samus's charge shot and these chargeable projectiles are pretty much all fantastic but i'm giving it to samus because it's essentially moveset agnostic less designed around synergy within her kit a particular movement speed etc than most of her peers not to say that none of that exists but it's less pronounced while still being oppressive this is a universal combo starter that any character could take heavy advantage of and also a universal kill move absolutely dominant presence in neutral it's one of the dead simplest but still unbelievably effective projectiles in the game and last but certainly not least and certainly not simple either we have steve now we can debate the logistics of exactly how resource gathering would translate to other move sets or the crafting table pressing b does a lot of weird stuff with steve but all i'm interested in is this the ability to place your own platforms is potentially extremely game breaking and i have this as the best neutral special in one draft of the script but it's just conceptually too difficult to picture how it would interact with every move set for a few ideas that just stick to full characters for simplicity's sake though picture mario except he always has full platform extensions available captain falcon or ganondorf with some sorely needed help in disadvantaged state or trying to deal with sonic charging spin dash behind a wall or ridley's planking except now he can touch the ground when he's off stage bileth able to set up post right below you with those devastating hitboxes frankly steve may have the best neutral special but again hard to conceptualize compared to how obviously insane monado arts are so honorable mention it is side specials are mostly projectiles or burst movement tools and of the latter sonics is easily one of the most obnoxious to try and deal with it's fast obviously it's non-committal it leads to combos it controls neutral from across the stage it does pretty much everything an important thing to note here is that it is absolutely better on sonic's kit specifically his speed helps create the needed space to charge it up and his danner also helps with fake oats but i don't think these factors are enough to downplay just how much the move does first honorable mention goes to snake's nikita probably the best edge guarding tool in the entire game between its great damage and knockback refined control and complete lack of risk to snake for using it next mention goes to steve's minecart yeah the resource mechanic is a thing but a non-committal burst movement tool is also a thing and a projectile which is also a command grab on the topic of command grabs bowser's flying slams frame 6 faster than a lot of actual grabs does absurd amounts of damage and kills reliably on any stage but even more so when platforms are involved it's probably the best overall platform pressure move in ultimate between its speed and reward and that speed also makes it easy to combo into even on a character not known for strong combo starters dan specials often share a few common sub themes including being counters or item polls but i think zeros who samus's more unique flip jump has shown itself to be the best in the game it's my choice for the single best move in disadvantage state being an ultra fast and mobile attack that grants you invincibility on startup and while the bury time for hitting an opponent on the ground did get reduced in a patch that was never the main selling point of the move its spike hitbox was never nerfed either meaning it's still more than capable of setting up some really cheesy early kills in some cases even earlier than wario's waft our first honorable mention this move did get nerfed it's a bit slower now so not nearly as many things combo into it but a lot of things still combo into it and it means that your opponent essentially needs to approach the game as if they're playing with one less stock than you are next honorable mention goes to link's remote bomb it's got all of the usual shenanigans and combo extensions that items enable helped out significantly by not disappearing as early as most items but even without any of that its fundamentals are still ahead of the competition it's a kill move an edge guarding tool a ledge trap a confounding neutral option that can be manipulated in any number of ways all of that's fantastic and then of course it also provides an entirely new method of recovery very rare among down specials and an incredibly versatile one of that final honorable mention goes to heroes menu select which is definitely one of the moves i was most hesitant to include on the list because its mana resource and random selection make it way more inconsistent than most of its competitors and i tend to value consistency quite a bit when you look at the high points of the move though i mean they're just insane the snappiest character physics in the history of smash complete turn your brain off immunity to any form of projectile almost completely free recoveries absurdly broken shield pressure and kill options a boatload of generally great zoning tools even a character as slow as hero can find plenty of opportunities to fish through the menu and the highlights are common enough among the duds that this becomes an extremely impactful player in any tournament set even more impactful if your opponent doesn't speak english by the way up specials are another extremely stacked category with their most important roles being recovery and out of shield options right behind that and mr gaiman watches fire excels at both at frame 3 it's literally as fast a note of shield option as exists in ultimate it comes with invincibility and it works both as a combo starter and ender it doesn't put you into free fall either which makes it excellent for recovery purposes as well as being a relatively low risk option to pull the trigger on if you're on the stage as i mentioned in an earlier video it is actually a bit less safe on whiff than everyone is necessarily prepared for yet but compared to many up specials out of shield it's still in very good shape there honorable mention one goes to sephiroth's blade dash which turns into octa slash if charged blade dash is an extremely versatile recovery move that's hard to pin down as well as having some uses of burst movement mix up and octaslash is an exceptionally long reaching recovery that's difficult to challenge and comes with a ton of bonus use thanks to its massive hitbox and high kill power that applies whether we're talking about using it as a two frame an air dodge catch or one of the game's more reliable kamikaze options and sephiroth combo videos have become somewhat notorious for constantly ending an octa-slash kills honorable mention 2 goes to pikachu's quick attack an exceptionally multi-faceted way to recover and get out of disadvantage which also works as a surprise burst movement tool in neutral and then to top the video off we have biles sword of the creator i'd never expected to give this slot to a tether recovery which are often very exploitable and while bileth isn't completely exempt from that this move's insane range does do a lot to compensate as well as the sheer fear factor of trying to challenge it the fact that it starts combos at low percents and does that along with spiking later on makes it one of the game's better reversal tools and creates a lot of scary situations for their opponent this can be the obvious case where you're stuck above bileth but also applies to say trying to ledge trap them a situation very few characters can actually reverse into a kill setup this move does come with a few caveats particularly the fact that buyless range grants more combos than some characters would get and that some combos are technically avoidable with proper di but there's a big difference between clinical training mode conditions and the reality of a competitive set many other setups would still be available to everyone and regardless it's still a universal offstage stall tool a decent note of shield option and a cheesy highly effective and relatively easy edge guard to go for the fact that the best player in the world uses biles inevitably does warp perceptions of the character to some degree and while i've never particularly liked using results in isolation to back character opinions up i do think there's a ton of value in observing good players demonstrating a move's use cases as much as ultimate has changed since i last tackled this topic this video was as much to update my own thought process towards the game as anything else so a move that's changed my thoughts towards it so much feels like an extremely appropriate final entry oh i'm sorry did i say final entry ah we've got one more category for all moves which don't use a typical input so i don't want to see another thousand comedians talking about terry having the best back special again this category is for literally any move that doesn't neatly slot into one of the earlier ones whether that's a unique stick input or something that uses a specific input condition our winner is kazia's electric wind god fist a move that much like in tekken was explicitly designed to be phenomenally powerful electric wind god fist is initiated out of an invincible dash is itself invincible pushes your opponent into a uniquely generous combo setup and it may also be the single safest move on shield in the game with its crazy shield push back the trade-off is that it's very difficult to input only having a two frame window to simultaneously press a and the final stick direction but it's not that bad i was able to get it somewhat consistent after only a few minutes of practice and i'm not a kazia player i find it much easier to think of pressing a on the downwards input rather than the diagonal one kazia veterans will be expected to get this input the vast majority of the time and will be rewarded with what's not just my choice for the best input move in the game but one of the best moves in the game period honorable mention one yes it does go to terry's crack chute it's great range speed and travel arch give it a lot of combo potential even if he couldn't special cancel something that can't necessarily be said for his other input specials and it also comes with excellent damage output uses an anti-air and for platform pressure and a strong boost to any character's recovery thanks to not putting him in freefall after using it his super moves power geyser and buster wolf pack more shear carnage and are eligible for the list since their mechanic of needing 100 damage ontario to use is completely self-contained but i still think crack shoot is the more impactful move overall because it doesn't have that restriction next honorable mention goes to mithra's foresight a freezing effect born out of multiple well-timed dodge actions that can lead to some corny plays and works really really well against close range projectiles in particular and for our actual final entry i'll include ryu's hadoken and shakanetsu sure they're the same move as an extremely strong neutral tool that can be fired fast or slow useful for zoning starting combos as well as general shield pressure and with that we are finally done with the v uh that's right you all asked for throws last time these are so boring to look at okay um down throw goes to dr mario which is what i think is the most consistent of all the traditional combo throws yes i did test every single one it can be acted out of quickly and is in the exclusive keeps mario under the blue line in training mode at 100 club while still very importantly having a sharply vertical launch angle i'd say its main competitors are mario and greninja which launch opponents considerably lower but also a lot more horizontal and kazuya who's somewhere in between but i'm betting on away or dan and away the eye being the thing that kills combo throws more often than the slight bit of extra height that docks throw adds i'd also generally like to have a good long lasting and reliable combo throw rather than one which ramps up later but is sketchier at early percents stuff like the berry throws or snakes chokehold best up throw goes to charizard the strongest raw kill throw that i could find in the category which gets even stronger when we bring platforms into the mix there are a couple of potentially very strong combo throws as well but too dependent on moveset and character physics the combo windows for them don't tend to be that great best forward throw goes to donkey kong a huge chunk of the reason he's even a vaguely viable character and best back throw goes to ness the overall strongest kill throw in the entire game and with that we're finally finished oh god crabs uh compared to previous titles where having a tether grab has been a major handicap and ultimate they tend to be really good both because they're faster overall and also because regular grabs for stuff like grabbing out of shield were severely nerfed i think i'd give the top pick to pac-man which lingers for long enough to catch defensive options like spot dodges which are usually how you avoid grabs although luigi's plunger is also a close contender for the last spot on zaire zero suit samus it's got range for days while still being one of the more reliable combo enablers uh i found this chart that says the heavies have the highest average damage per second for pummels so probably them taunt attacks are clearly all supposed to be bad they're a joke and even though luigi's is by far the most famous among them i'd still give the least bad title to snake if you didn't have you know snake stuff to do it might see some very nice use as an edge guarding tool every now and then best ledge attack goes to bowser because it reaches furthest i'm just gonna say best ghetto attack goes to banjo to try and traumatize gimmer oh come on this isn't even competitive criteria anymore best final smash goes to zelda its hitbox is just ridiculously big and it instantly kills anyone over 100 damage stage position being completely irrelevant competitive final smash meter was very very briefly experimented with at the beginning of ultimate's life and if there was any single character who completely destroyed the idea it had to be zelda alright and ending on final smashes we finally for real come to a close for the best of every move and i do mean every move in smash ultimate there's no punch line this thing took forever i'm tired go read a book thanks for watching everyone this video took a lot of work and some really tough choices so if you think helping it out on youtube's algorithm with a like and comment as deserved much appreciated there's a discussion on some of the missing moves on my second channel above the sad story of kirby below and patrons youtube members and twitch subscribe perks like early videos and discord access later people
Channel: MockRock
Views: 399,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash Ultimate, alpharad, Nintendo, little z, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros ultimate, tier list, esam, hungrybox, ssbu, alpharad deluxe, Nintendo Switch, Gameplay, nairo smash, nintendo memes, nintendo, smash ultimate tier list, smash ultimate tournament, smash ultimate best attacks, smash ultimate best moves, super smash bros ultimate best moves, super smash bros ultimate worst moves, sora smash, sora smash bros, kirby smash, smash bros, sora, steve, sephiroth, kazuya, kirby
Id: vaZbFd6GOY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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