The Best Musicians Of Jay Leno's Garage | Jay Leno's Garage

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She is so damn cute and funny.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Quinn8267 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I forgot about this series. I'll have to watch it later.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/sheilzy 📅︎︎ Aug 15 2020 🗫︎ replies

haha shes doing 30mph ...jay do a 100

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Skitcher77 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so what was the first cool thing you bought when you made money in music was it a car or a motorcycle you know what the first thing i bought when i made money what a piano oh yeah well yeah yeah yeah grand piano and i slept under it oh is that right you slept under the piano have you still got that one yes yeah and what was the first vehicle you won the first vehicle i bought was an audi fox oh an audi a sensible car wow wow this is totally out of character i thought it was like a foreign car right it was i thought it was a sexy little car and it was easy to drive so it seems like you started out as an old man and have gotten younger i guess automotively so what first got you interested in cars and motorcycles motorcycles i always liked since i was a kid motorcycles on rock and roll were the same thing loud noisy yeah the cars recently with motorcycles always so were you one of those kids that just was it the dmv when you're 15 and 9 10 waiting to get your license i didn't have a motorcycle license until i was in my 30s really yeah i just drove without a little motorcycle license oh you just but you had motorcycles yeah i had motorcycles but on and off and then i got serious about it in my late 20s i always missed the bikes i sold or gave away i want that back i want that back that's when i started collecting this is a beautiful area yes this is bayville my mom used to take us here when we were kids we jump off the bridge and you go fishing and we'd borrow boats yeah borrow a boat you just take them off the mooring go for a rug come back yeah i think the real key to success is never forget where you came from i think that keeps it being fun because i'm still startled and overwhelmed by what i'm doing stadiums i'm a piano player what the hell am i doing in a baseball stadium right they're coming right 40 000 people yay okay all right [Music] now oyster bay may be only eight miles from where billy grew up so this is my property oh it's a beautiful piece of property yeah but man it's a world apart i used to work on an oyster boat out here was that right i look up at this house and curse it to people rich bastards never worked a day in your life but now i own the place yeah which i really enjoy because i don't really belong but that's what makes it fun waiting for the owner to come back and throw me out [Music] what's up hey what do you think oh you're so country i mean i like the look everybody always pulls up men will pull up like especially guys and they'll they'll be like oh i got a cool car you might fall up next to a blonde and say things that's unusual no but it's always about the car it's never about me really yes it'll say something and i'm like i only know the engine that's all i know i was like it was just you know the engine what engine is this coyote 5.0 that's very good that's very good what was your first car uh my first car i ever bought myself on credit um well i didn't have anybody to co-sign i didn't have anybody so i was one of those kids that you know very stupidly was like look what you can do with this thing um but anyway i bought a ford explorer sport oh that was my first kind of thing as a bronco yeah i like a i like an suv but i like the little q one i have something i'm gonna take you bro i'm gonna let you drive it okay have you done much off-roading i have off-roaded quite a bit in my teen years and 20s but not really i think once you become a mom you become not cool jay um and you just don't have time for things well you know i guess maybe there's something to that so what are we gonna be driving what you'll see you'll see you ready yeah okay you trust me not my truck let's go down here let's see how this thing really goes off all right [Music] this turn should be really fun jay wow this is pretty steep i know i love the very first thing you're testing my [Music] skill i see a tremor in your future see i actually really like how this drives no don't drive tonight so you guys are four wheel drives here we go i love four-wheel drive i got this look at that look at that huh i'm a pro oh my god i want to know what that underground tunnel thing was we'll find out let's do this [Music] this is the shelby mustang the gt500 remember how the beatles really broke out in england the 60s this was our beatles it's just become an american tradition and i just thought i would get you out of the foreign jobs my dad called him something just something in america how many horsepower do you think this has take a gas the sounds of that engine is going to be pretty large 760. wow what's that zero to 60. less than three and a half seconds can i go take a look of course go take a look wow oh look at that i love the interior can i sit inside that's beautiful wow well see the cool thing is this car has not been officially released to the public yet and i wanted to get someone who was not familiar with it to get an unbiased opinion you will be the first person outside of ford and their employees and the people who built this car to drive it well before you jay before me i have not driven it yet that's an opportunity i wanted to bring in a proper englishman and see what you think i'd love to well we've only got two seats dave so i'm sorry you'll have bye for now get back to detroit somehow but listen uh we'll take good care of it he'll be fine you're sure dave i'll see you later thanks dave thanks ready to give it a shot absolutely all right let's do it's it some power oh yeah power corrupts absolutely but it drives very nicely it does it's surprisingly smooth put your foot on see what it'll do what do you think impressive really impressive it's got a great sound it's a proper car it is a proper car so what was your very first car my very first car like i can answer that question with certainty yeah my very first car was 28 at the time and it was a secondhand porsche targa oh very nice i loved that thing but no beater cars when you were in high school or anything i couldn't even afford to beat a car right i got my first success at the age of 27 and so the car i was able to buy was a pretty decent car and i guess you know that was uh my first taste of the american dream now what's the most foolish car purchase you've ever made a rolls royce wraith bulls right yeah beautiful car but it was like driving a boat every time i took it out a massive thing completely senseless purchase but you have to do that that's you out of being a rock star exactly what is it bolin said that driver rolls royce because it's good for my voice we call this the all-american car the mustang the original 350 was designed by a korean gentleman john chun was his name he escaped from north korea went to south korea came to america went to art center college to be a designer and this is one of the fruits of his labor or a descendant of it you could say the american dream in america you finally drive an american car you eat hamburgers don't you yeah i eat hamburgers i eat hamburgers let's do it all right i think we'll make an american meal yet [Music] i'm excited i can't believe this is my first time on a race track we'll see first time for everything i know this is your day off i know you're right in the middle of the tour so have the tour going good the tour is going great it's been five years since i've been on tour my head above water is a new album tell me about the title why what does that refer to what's the first single off the record okay there's a song that i wrote about my my health journey yeah that's right you have that lyme disease deal yeah so i fought that for a couple of years wow i'm happy to be driving i'm happy to be on tour and yeah living life well you started at 15 right yeah my first album came out when i was 17 complicated and skater boy and what year were you first on the tonight show with me i would have been 17 right right so you want to get your speed up and then break right before the turn and then power through the turns go right into that corner right there right tight as you can see try to get near that white line you kind of go wide that's it there you go doing good the idea is to always kind of keep the car going straight even when you're going on a curve cut the wheel now get on the gas there you go there you go i feel like i'm in a video game right now well it is like a video game yeah there you go now you're doing good give a little more gasket one more guess so in canada you just say give her giveaway give her eye see now go this way step on the break and then cut the wheel way over there oh this is easy well yeah that's because we're not going that fast but okay yeah we're going 30. you go 100 and it gets a little crazy give her it don't be afraid of it there you go all right pick it up some speed there we go let's see if she gets it over 100 miles an hour are you ready to go oh my gosh okay you're gonna put your foot right to the floor okay all the way to the floor there you go there you go keep going keep going that's it you're doing good oh you just goes fast oh my god there you go 100 miles an hour that's good it's so fun you want me to take you around for life absolutely all right we'll switch off it's not every day you get to go on a race track with jay leno or avril lavigne [Music] so fast oh my we break god right here oh you mean [Music] business i've literally never gone that fast in a car before now imagine this car goes another 100 miles an hour faster than that but it shows you what a good car this is wow how you doing are you okay i'm holding down my lunch this purple frame rail was kind of a tribute to taking a piece of cadzilla so it's bad little sister of eliminator still going to have some purple in it catzilla purple but you do get that sense of machine meets art can we take it for a ride i think we should do it time to fire it up button this thing up before we do that can you throw me the keys so we can recreate it like you did in the video yeah all right let me get over here yeah okay okay sun's kinda in my eye but go ahead let's try it [Music] i hear a lawsuit coming you okay it's all right it's all right it's okay you're good enough to drive yeah i'm fine yeah that's right you take some of the cars don't you the eliminator we loaned it to the rock and roll hall of fame you can still go up and see it of course cadzilla sits at the peterson auto museum right well tell me about your relationship between music and cars i've been asked many times why does rock and roll and cars maybe we should go back to chuck berry 1955 maybelline maybelline yeah and then of course before that rocket 88 socket 88 there's hot rod lincoln oh my gosh there's always been this connection yeah nobody really has uh the definitive answer i just kind of go with it knowing that fast loud let's leave it at that a sharp dressed man with a well-made point i think we've eased down the highway enough in this old whiskey runner it's time to put these legs to use jay it's been a great one man [Music] it's really cool [Music] now were you car crazy as a kid or was it more music than girls or was it no it was all about music did your parents ever think you could make a living their music or they try to encourage you to take uh heating and air conditioning you know something exactly no my dad wanted to be in college to have something to fall back on something to fall back on good song title yeah i know that was uh that was my pants i have something to fall back on so you were pretty successful right from the get-go huh well log as a messina was right right we had we had quickly because right at the beginning the whole singer-songwriter thing was new and when i went into the movies i lucked into really iconic movies caddyshack still one of the most rendered movies of all time yeah great movie then footloose then uh top gun let me ask you when you get the call to do the music yeah does the director or the writer or the british tell you what he wants or do you watch it and tell them what you want i watch it and and put the picture where i want the song when i did top gun the screening was full of acts that were popular at the time right and so uh my partner and i decided we would write for the volleyball scene because i figured nobody's gonna write for that scene right because i'd learned that you just want in on the soundtrack right and then maybe you'll get a hit single maybe you won't but you'd be a part of something that's going to be big yeah yeah and so we wrote a song called playing with the boys i had no idea that that scene would become this big iconic yeah moment in the movie but probably wouldn't have if that song hadn't been in there fair to say or i would absolutely yeah yeah i would say that [Music] hey we should recreate one of those classic scenes from top gun we got the car okay what do you got in mind i gotta go yeah this maverick permission to buzz the tower negative ghost rider the pattern is full do it anyway go [Music] [Applause] yeah whoa all right all right i'm touring the east side of detroit with motown legend martha reeds in a car i picked out just for her so when was the last time you rode into 65 mustangs for a while i have never ridden in a mustang wait you've never ridden in a mustang no this is my first time my first mustang ride tell about the early days you grew up here did you knock on barry gordy's door did he discover you well you know we used to have amateur shows all the time in the different theaters and i won an amateur contest oh okay yeah and the hits followed but while martha's career was flourishing jobs are moving out to the suburbs and social unrest was growing i remember story were you on stage once when the riots broke out did that have i got that right right at this wonderful theater right here the fox theater right i was getting ready to sing and somebody beckoned me to the edge of the stage and i thought something was wrong with my dress i put on the wrong shoes or something but i could hear sirens and they said marty you got to tell everybody to walk out of here calmly there's a riot that's broken out got a curfew everybody has to be home by nine and the armed guards are in the street in july of 1967 economic pressures the summer heat and long-running tensions between african-american residents and the police erupted in five days of violent riots imagine you've seen the city changed quite a bit since you were making the hits here huh oh yeah because of the rise a lot of things changed people moved and people went out of business yes and decided they'd take their business to the suburbs [Music] give you some perspective just how massive the exodus from detroit was between 1950 and 2010 the city lost about 1.1 million residents that's more people than in san jose california the ninth largest city in the u.s they left behind tens of thousands of abandoned buildings and the effects were devastating [Music] so what made you stay after so many folks left our job was to be an example you get over a crisis and you continue your life you can't run from reality but there were those like martha who stuck it out and helped turn things around this is heidelberg over here yes we're injuring heidelberg wow that is so clever [Music] there's tyree going to be on the hard work yeah come on all right jay have you ever been on television oh this is a first for me yeah martha you ever been on television no hardenburg television no this is the first you know this is really a big screen this high def stuff is unbelievable it likes the hands coming right at you come right at you let me turn the set off yeah turn it off [Music] hey cnbc fans thanks for checking out our youtube channel here you'll find videos from all your favorite cnbc shows be sure to subscribe by clicking right here click on the videos around me and watch the ladies from cnbc thanks for watching
Channel: CNBC Prime
Views: 606,098
Rating: 4.8707604 out of 5
Keywords: CNBC Prime, Money, cnbc, tv, television, cnbc tv, finance, cnbc money, cnbc finance, cnbc channel, cnbc television, business, cnbc business, Jay Leno's Garage, Jay Leno, Cars, Jay Leno Cars, Car Reviews, Vintage Cars, Classic Cars, Super Cars, Sports Cars, Race Cars, Restored Cars, Jay Lenos Garage, jay leno garage, leno garage, lenos garage, jay leno garage tour, Avril Lavigne, Seal, Kelly Clarkson, Musicians, The Best Musicians, JLG, Best Musicians, mini mashup, leno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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