The Best Of Conan On The Job | CONAN on TBS

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i have to tell you i honestly love hosting uh a late night talk show i always have and uh i've always thought it was the job that i was born to do but every so often i love to try my hand at another career and i don't want to brag but i personally believe i hit it out of the park every time take a look yes this is king walk what is it you would like what's that i don't know do we have do we have rice i got to go i got a delivery i'm going to hang up on you and your order's not being placed [Applause] i am the delivery guy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] [Applause] you can put it on your cheek yes and then the forehead what if i go outside and i peek in through the window looking like this charlie is now going to teach me how to drive the gravedigger we can shut you down remotely if we feel you're out of control or are doing something we don't like what happened to me at nbc trevor just informed me off camera i thought that i was only announcing here at the track but that is not the case this is going out where well it'll go to the whole of america it goes to south america it'll definitely be in england you'll be in every bedding shop in england i wasn't told this here we go and it's pancakes on the griddle as the horses [Applause] yes this race is really up the jockeys bottoms are in the air which is the way that horses bottoms high that's the way to go boys and here we go it looks like this is a very exciting race it's knuckles someone just saw me it's knucklebuster it looks like knucklebusters taken in by your head oh good golly miss molly pull out the kitchen grab the onions and cook yourself somebody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay so i'm going to narrate from behind camera the scenarios okay and then you're going to act them okay and action and then you're driving along and driving along and all of a sudden these storm clouds show up and it looks like rain but it's like katrina rain you look nervous when all these storms are happening yeah yeah so you said katrina right you said katrina's coming that's right and you don't want me to look nervous because the real what we're really selling is not a car we're selling safety and security i see okay so no matter what happens yes so right now i'm driving the ford delusion i know you're driving and driving you know bike messenger hits your car you're in the delusion no wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute you're saying i hit a guy on a bike but because i'm in such a nice luxury car i don't give that's crazy this car is making me immoral the clients the clients do not want us to worry about a human being human beings must be eradicated so we're driving along and driving along and all of a sudden this bike messenger hits your car be at the autopsy this is where people sit with dolls and eat do i need to name my doll you absolutely can name your doll she is your doll agnes agnes fights hoffa she was born in germany she entered the united states illegally and her activities are suspicious see the gluten-free baked chicken tenders absolutely i don't want it look you have to try something you have to eat something you can't have dessert unless you take three bites of the chicken destroy threes one and two and three up down one two up down i don't suppose we could use his body and then in editing put my head [Applause] [Music] you were still twisting you all right the rest of you may remain in the dance troupe you're now all uber drivers [Applause]
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 238,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan O'Brien, Conan, Conan (TV Series), TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco
Id: QDpB8oP52SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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