Metal Detectors: Garrett Ace 300 Vs. Ace 400 | Aquachigger

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today what we're going to talk about are the two Garrett machines that are kind of like their mid grade machines the Garrett ace 400 which I am boxed like four five months ago was supposed to have given away already but I didn't and they gear a 300 now these machines are kind of like mid grade Garrett machines and one cost like I think 215 the other ones like 350 are a little bit less now just so you know these machines were donated to me by Garrett they sent them to me so that I could do a giveaway and hopefully talk about them a little bit and that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm going to tell you a little bit about the machines what I like about them and what I don't like about them I'm not going to get into a lot of detail about frequencies and things like that because you can read about that I think what's a value right here is my opinion because you can read all the rest online but you can't read my opinion online okay that's that anyway so talking about the 400 and 300 I'm going to do it like this oh by the way I want to give these machines away probably starting tomorrow night or the next night depending on how much it rings what I want to do with these machines is I want to turn them on let you listen to them that's not really something you can do easily online but just let you listen to how they respond when they go over target because to me that's very important and I'm going to tell you how they feel you know how does it feel holding them but that's pretty important too if they're really heavy then they might not be suitable for some people if they're really light that's good I like a light machine but those a couple things I'm going to do and I'm getting a little test bed set up over there but let me tell you something the test bed is on top of the ground I didn't bury anything and the reason I didn't bury anything is this every place you go on earth is going to be different than every place else the minerals in the ground right here at my house which is right there are going to be different to the mentors the minerals in the found at my house right here are going to be very different probably than the minerals in a farmer's field five miles over there so I'm just going to do air tests I'm not going to like bury stuff and see how deep it goes because air is pretty much the same everywhere around the world this is fairly good soil here it's not red clay if I was in the red clay I could put a bullet on top of the ground and with these machines and most other machines you might not even able to hear it you can look down and see it but you can hear but I think this will be a good test because it's fairly decent ground here I'm not going to bury him we're away from the hose you don't have electrical interference if you're in the house playing with these machines or in your backyard they can be very noisy because the lines and your walls of course there have electricity coming out of them and it creates fields and it just messes metal detectors up especially the ones that are overhead out in your yard or along the street so we're going to do out here away from the house I think that's about it for the introduction okay let's get right to it what we'll do is we'll talk about this 400 first this is the first machine that Garrett sent to me and they had hoped that I was going to take this out into some fields and actually do some hunts with it and I thought about that but then I thought to myself it really probably isn't a lot to be gained from that because I can take this machine into one of my camps where I can guarantee you would need that I'm going to find a handful of bullets now I can also take this machine one of my camps where I can guarantee pretty much that we're not going to find anything because I've dogged it to death with $5,000 metal detectors 30 years you know what I mean but I think this is probably the best way for me to do this because you know I could pick a camp we're going to find stuff and be all happy but you know you might not have that choices so we're just going to put the stuff on the ground where you can see what it is and I can see what it is and we'll just let the detector stand on their own merit then we're going to look at the standard ace 300 which is a step below it's like $100 $80 less it has a slightly different configuration and we're going to look at this and compare the two and how they react to the coins let me say this too I do sell these metal detectors I am in authorized Garrett dealer and I sell other kinds of metal detectors the bird dog who is a friend of mine has a YouTube channel bird dog I believe he's a partner with me selling these on aqua checker calm you can buy them from me you can buy them from one of the big-box places and I'll put a link to some of my friends up in New England on the in the video description of this if you want to buy from a big place like that it doesn't really matter just make sure they're an authorized dealer we all charge the same price because we can't charge you any less the price is the price is set by the factory or the manufacturer we can charge you more or we can't charge you less all right so that's out of the way aqua chicka comm will also give you an aqua or jigs army t-shirt for free any metal detector purchase alright so let's get right to it what do I like what do I not like about the 400 we're going to start with this again because this is the person I go this is the top of the line of the mid-level detectors the 300 is middle I think there's a 200 but they didn't send me one so I'm not gonna talk about the 200 oh another thing I made this offer to other manufacturers that they wanted to send me some of their beginners machines I would look at them and do videos like I'm doing right now with a giveaway on the end so that I could have some experience with beginners machines because I don't buy beginners machines I have no use for we getting this machine you know I got I have machines up there cost five thousand dollars I'm not going to use this when I can use one of those so but Garrett's the only one I took me up on the offer and they sent me these too so that's what we're going to put up Garrett ace 400 this is what it looks like I didn't unboxing if you want to see all the different parts that come with it the test we're going to do today we're going to do without the headphones so that you can hear that you can hear the signals with it does come with headphones it comes with this big loop as a standard loo this is the big one just like on the 80 Pro a comes standard with it this big loop it's not the exact same loop that's the same size same way kind of heavy actually and we're going to talk about that in a minute now the Garrett ace 300 is basically the same machine at least it looks the same but it comes with a slightly different in smaller loop you can see it's not as quite as big if you can see that but it's still very hip sorry about that but it's still a pretty heavy loop it's not as like it is not as light as I would like to see in a beginner loop it's kind of heavy and I'll show you that in a minute - now I'm going to show you a little bit about the programs when we go over there when I questioned Garrett about the heaviness of the loops as I think they're a little heavy for beginners machine I mean most people can probably use them but you know if you're a little kid I had a suspect they're going to be walking around like this holding the machine like this because it does get kind of tiring after a while now you can buy these smaller loops for the ACE series these are the five by eight loops this is about the same size as a loop that comes with the 80 Gold this is the size of loop I use I don't use the big one at all I really like this one I think they go about as deep as a big one and they guys more on the grass or what I should have started half an hour ago a half an hour but I'm going to show you why these can be better even though they may not go quite as deep although I think they do over the big core I'll show you that in a minute but these are like a hundred and some dollars so one hundred and some dollars just say it's a hundred bucks for two hundred fifty dollar machine doesn't make a lot of sense to me but they are available alright so does that make sense so far let's go over here and I'm going to turn the machines on and show you what they look like what they sound like when they go over some coins in a bullet and I got a real zinger for you something that's going to amaze you if you hang around and it involves a gold coin so look at it so we're going to start out with the 400 with the big loop this is the stock loop now Garrett says you guys want this loop because it covers more area and goes deeper that's why they say it has the big loop and not that little 5x8 that is so dear to my heart let me show you how we're going to set this up I'm going to sneak behind the camera this is a really easy machine to use we're just going to go ahead and turn it on this is the on button give it a second in this set and we're going to do our test in relic mode now we could do in coin motor jewelry mode or any mode actually but we're going to do in relics and I'm going to tell you why you see this bar going across the top this corresponds to these type of targets okay so you see like a 25 could be iron but it might not be iron whereas like a 40 or so is a nikohl a 60 could be a pull-tab and 75 could be a 1 cent piece now the thing about that is in relic mode you're going to hear all of those but if you go down to the coin mode right there see how these bars disappeared everything between say 50 and maybe 70 you're not going to hear those signals and I'm going to show you something that is going to blow you away and you're probably not going to want to hunt in coin mode unless you just want to find coins basically you will not hear pull tabs and some types of foil but you're also not going to hear some little coins I'm going to show that to you so I want to show you real like mo because that's 100% what I would dig in now the numbers are going to come up in any of these modes but I want to hear those signals that are little go points so coin mode the zero discrimination you hear everything all the irons on bbbb very noisy jewelry is not a bad mode either you only lose this very bottom which is mostly just like tinfoil so I would consider doing the jewelry mode custom you set up I guess you set up yourself out of mo relics good mode here everything is not iron and some iron and again coins you're going to lose some stuff so let's go ahead and do relics maximum sensitivity I'm going to everything on maximum sensitivity you may not be able to do that in some ground so this is a little test area that I just made I check to make sure there's no iron in here I have a penny there a bullet there and a silver quarter over there and some other stuff in the back we'll talk about later now you see these little posts I have set up that's at 8 inches that's an 8 inch post this is a 7 inch post that represents basically the height where I was getting good consistent signals with both the 400 and 300 now the 300 might have been just a little bit less maybe an inch maybe a half an inch but it wasn't much and it wasn't really noticed that noticeable to me so again the targets are 8 and getting good reputable signals that 82 inches and 7 inches and I'll show you that right now alright so go ahead and turn the machine on like I showed you one push we're going to make sure that it is in relic mode maximum sensitivity and again if it's really noisy you might want to crank the sensitivity back a little bit if it was chirping a lot but this is what it sounds like when you go over a penny and I wanted you to hear this because it's it is a nice crisp sound okay so that's the 8 inches there's your penny see it's a nice crisp song I like that okay we'll do the same thing with the quarter over here again that's an agent's peg right at the 8 inches so let me go around right at the 8 inch height we have a good repeatable signal then we get up higher we start to lose it a little bit so that's probably about 9 we're not really hearing it every time at 9 same way with the 8 inch over here ie to just get a little bit higher that's like 8 or 9 plus 9 8 yes eight inches every time the bullet was a little bit more shallow this is a 7 inch peg I was hearing it at 7 inches every time see the different shapes they get a different sound go about 8 inches and we start to lose it so to me that's really good that's good depth for a machine like this in this category one other thing I'm going to tell you the very first thing I do when I get in the machine out of the box I make sure everything is nice and tight I'll get the machine like this and shake it okay and assure to make any noises as long as you're not in the house with these electrical interference or next to a tripod it shouldn't make any noises just get your machine and shake it because that there's something wrong with the machine now that's a good way to tell if you have an existing machine if it's going bad a lot of people say it's starting to make a lot of noise well just hold it like this away from stop and shake it if it makes this noises something's wrong in here or in here nice and quiet no problems let's go get the other one now this is the 300 and again it looks almost identical a number is different ones three ones for it's a little bit different on here but really not much the loop is a little bit smaller than on the 400 it's not that great big ones a little smaller but it's still quite heavy alright so get the 300 here what we're going to do is go ahead and turn it on just like we did the other and some coins right now you can see it is blanked out the numbers right here which is like the pull tabs and I guess that's a bottle cap as blank that out so if we ran over those targets right now it would not make a noise Inaba would come up but we wouldn't hear it but what we're going to do is just do like we did to the other machine we're going to go over to the that was zero described now in jewelry which is not a bad program as well a custom and the relics is what we're going to hunt in don't want to do coins because we want to lose that and I want to show you about that in a second but I like mood maximum sensitivity if it squeaks the squawks and makes lots of noise to turn that down a little bit alright so let's go ahead and go over this panning again that's at 8 inches and I was hearing it clearly at 8 inches with the 400 let's try the 300 again we're in relic mode say no problem at all little higher we lose it so that's probably got 9 so around 7 8 inches that's too busy watching the camera around 7 or 8 inches pretty much the same as the 400 we have it let's go ahead uh that's the smooth on the other side let's go ahead and try the core that's a silver quarter si 8 inches no problem well - about 9:00 we start to lose it don't have it every time but add 8 inches no problem let's try that bullet that's silver bullet from his lead and of course from the American Civil War hopefully you can see it ok good that's that seven inches as it kind of eclipses on but we can hear it nice and clear and he comes up on the meet well it did come up on the meter comes up on the meter as a 70 nice and solid it actually gets it up a little higher than that kind of clip but it's a nice crisp sound no problem there so when you get your machine make sure everything's good and tight give it a little shake make sure I'll see it bouncing in it a little bit usually when you have it on the ground loop on the ground it becomes much more quiet - and in the air but that did make a couple little beep noises the 400 didn't do that alright so where does that leave us oh yeah I want to show you something over here about the coin mode what I'm going to recommend you guys not to ever use a coin mode unless you just want to find modern coins and you don't care about the gold coins and stuff check it out I know this video is getting way too long I want to chart I want to show you this real quick I think it's really important for you guys to know okay so I got the 400 back we're going to go ahead and turn it on we're going to put it in a relic mode which is going to here everything is going to give a signal for everything okay see that no set thing over there that's a civil war eagle button that's off a uniform from a Civil War soldier watch this picks it up no problem at all fifty-five sixty yellow thing over there yeah you're right that thing is that's a gold coin that's a gold coin that I found in the Civil War camp it's a one dollar gold piece from like 1858 or something like that listen oh no problem at all here's that but watch what happens when I put this into coin mode so say we were hunting somebody's yard and it just happened to be civil or camp there watch what happens when I go over a Civil War button uniform button nothing it won't pick it up watch what happens when I go over a gold coin nothing I won babypoo it didn't pick it up that's why I recommend you don't hunt in coin mode keep it in the either relics which will give you signal and everything or even these machine jewelry I think would be fine for you too you're going to hear because you're going to hear the button in jewelry and you're going to hear the actual real live gold coin enjoy there's one more thing I want to show you guys I know this video is like super long and you probably have already left for you true detectors you're still here I'm going to tell you why a big loop isn't always as good as a little loop I'm going to show you exactly why and why I like the 5a as opposed to these big loops on these machines I haven't tested the 5 by yet but I'm going to show it to you with this test let me just say that as far as the death is concerned as far as I can tell as the same as the stock loops on these machines this might be a hair deeper I mean just a hair but I'm going to show you why right now that doesn't make any difference whatsoever again apologizing shadows it kind of late but right here there's a painting ok that's a painting that I had and what I'm going to do is show you what the penny sounds with well you already heard if I'm already getting anyway I'm gonna go ahead and put it in relics mode again it's in relic mode just like I showed you before my solid zone right no the double beep was from the tripod but nice all it's out now watch what happens when I put a little piece of iron close by this is just like a piece of rough stuff that broke off one my rod let me put it right here okay right there the piece of iron there next to the penny it's in relic mood I had not changed this thing now listen can't hear the penny Kenya well the one little bit kinda but that sounds like iron done it that's cute that's actually given the iron signal iron grind now watch what happens when I go put the smaller Baba eight loop on this machine sit tight now what we're going to do is we have the 400 but I put the smaller loop on here this is the five ie loop that you would have to buy separately it's like little 100 bucks I think so let's go ahead and see what happens don't forget have a penny here and that piece of iron there and with a big loop that comes with a machine and they say comes with the machine so that you can go deeper and cover more ground it couldn't hear the penny alright so we're in relic mode maximum sensitivity exactly the same machine same settings as with that big coil well we have a smaller coil on now now listen to this well I'm still here the iron I'm getting the penny at least now we couldn't hear that penny with a big loop at all because because it was a bigger loop in covered more ground so it did not have as good ability to discriminate between iron and nails or rust or chunks of whatever that are in the ground like I had there so deeper isn't always better for me the most important thing one of the most important things is ability to discriminate out the iron and you get that normally with a smaller Loup I could recommend these machines be aware that the big loops that come with them are a little bit heavy so if you have little kids it might be a little bit heavy for them I can't recommend any other machines because I have not used any to beginner machines I haven't even handled any other beginner machine except one or two which are really junky not brand names the things you could buy for like a hundred bucks and they were just it couldn't your hair quarter laying on the ground but I would work it I can recommend these machines but let's go to the wrap up over there today just yapping on my knee what do you say for all Bo let's go I hope that a little demonstration made some sense to you guys I know was probably a lot longer than he really needed to be but I wanted to show you a few different things just to give you a broad overview up not only these metal detectors but metal detectors in general and different techniques you really need to consider you know big loop versus a smaller loop and that kind of stuff if you want me to make more videos talking about things like that and going into more depth I will gladly do that for you guys I know there's lots of other people out there already doing those kind of videos I've just kind of stay away from them because only really so much say but I'll gladly do that because not maybe I'll have some tips that they're not talking about tomorrow night or maybe the next night we're going to start the giveaway on these machines I think what I'll do is do two separate giveaways we'll start with one of them I'm not sure which and then the second night we'll do the other machine we'll let them run for I'm gonna let them run for two weeks since there's two machines and I'll give you the rules anybody can enter type thing but only certain people can win subscribers but we'll go ahead and get these things ready either tomorrow night or the next night we'll do two machines coming up and with those machines you're going to get the headphones and booklet and other stuff like that oh and I'm going to give you this far by loop too which is like over a hundred bucks again it was donated to me anyway but I'm going to go ahead and give one for each machine all right so hope you enjoyed it if you want me to do more videos like this let me know I don't forget like and subscribe subscribers make me happy likes make me happy you don't cost you anything and they make me happy I'll see you tomorrow night be ready
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 224,166
Rating: 4.826272 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, metal detectors, metal detectors 2016, adventure, garrett, nature, searching, metal finding, collecting, collect, free, river, experience, learn, teach, history, detecting, metal, ace, ace 400, ace 300, compare, reccommend, garet, garret, tips, tricks, hack, metal deting 2016, aquachigger, magnet fishing, river treasure, aqua chigger
Id: zsX8NkmcfnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
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