The BEST Mega Man Weapons List! (ALL 78 CLASSIC WEAPONS)

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For the most part I agree with him on the weapon orders for their games. It is nice that Nico and the Snupsters do these deranged challenges with a specific weapon that they know what weapon is truly bad or good for the most part, like Spark Shot.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Marth_is_Shinji 📅︎︎ Nov 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello people and welcome to something that nobody will agree on it's a top list not just any top list but a top list of each and every classic Mega Man weapon from Mega Man 1 through 10 I'm only including Robot Master weapons not utilities or other weapons outside of the main game so keep that in mind this isn't just a list I made up by shuffling weapons around I actually made an excel file and ranked all of the weapons in four different categories and added points together to create an average score let's go over the categories first so you have a better understanding of how this works first up we have performance it's pretty straightforward how much damage does the weapon do how easy it is to use how practical it may be and so on right so then we have usefulness is it actually viable to use this weapon over something else does it do enough to justify its presence and just overall how useful the weapon really is next up is balance and this is a tricky one but hear me out if a weapon is overpowered in contrast to other weapons inside the same game this sentence is important inside the same game it will not rank as high if this is the case so let's take metal blades for example he is so overpowered in comparison to the other weapons in Mega Man 2 that it's going to get [ __ ] points for this category another thing that affects the balance category is the weapon energy consumption so economy in other words does it train in a second or do we actually get to use it for a bit how fair is the weapon in general if you take into account all of the various aspects of the entire game in general Mega Man 2 5 and 8 have serious problems with weapon balance but it'll become apparent as we go through the list and lastly we got fun factor this is quite the surprising category as it completely flipped certain weapons around a weapon has to be fun to use for it to be considered good right that's why this category is very important so just because it would appear that plug ball is better overall weapon in comparison to the search snake all of the different categories can completely turn things around I'm also not going to mention the various ways which the developers in for the weapons to be used such as breaking walls or freezing lava and and stuff like that because that's that's to be expected of the weapons they have some use as utility wise but that's not what we're looking at here looking at the weapon in its entirely we're not just looking at its special use cases so keep that in mind as well I think you'll find this interesting so we are keeping you any longer let's go ahead and find out my list yes I said my lists disagree all you want you can't change my opinion that easily we've all got opinions and there's no way all of us would ever agree I'm not gonna go that deep into numbers for each weapon that would make this boring you can check them out on the screen if you want alright let's go spark shock it all looks good on paper but we are all out of paper you might say well what about this super arm you need blocks to use it what about the hyper bomb well that does damage spark shock stuns enemies in place it comes as a shock that this weapon is hands-down the worst one in the classic series Mega Man 3 is a game where you really don't want to stunt the enemies because most of them require you to either kill them to advance in the stage or they're just too big to justify using spark shock just use the Buster you might say well first you stun them with the spark shock and then you switch to another weapon and kill them you can't pause understand this weapon is completely [ __ ] useless yes it doesn't have performance it isn't useful it is not balanced and there is no fun to be had what a shock like Mega Felix said I don't have twenty eighty tanks bubble led ah the bubble led it's no Led Zeppelin but it's great if there's enemies below you or you want to take them out from a distance since it travels on the ground right no it doesn't work on anything ding-ding-ding and whatever the hell this is what a great idea for a weapon shame its Mega Man 2 and developers didn't know how to code weapon weakness tables but Nico it has so much weapon energy that makes it up for it middle bleeds power stone imagine a weapon that circles around Mega Man creating havoc in the entire screen state while doing so taking out enemies left and right well what you just imagined is not the Power Stone sure you can pause reset and spam it but you're already in the weapons menu just changed to an actual weapon Power Star is like pissing out 2p streams and hitting the toilet with neither of them just sit your ass down and you'll be able to hit your mark only to find out the damage is [ __ ] - I have an idea how to improve this weapon make it into an actual weapon time stopper Mega Man 2 we meet again what a wonderful idea stop time and go past enemies unharmed but wait there's a catch you can't cancel the effect you lose the whole weapon bar in one use you can't even shoot but come on right you can use it in quick message to stop the beams yeah yeah great going dumbass is also the weakness for quick man you use the boss's weakness in the stage if a weapon comes in handy three times in the entire game guess what it's [ __ ] useless scorch wheel trying to hit anything with the scorch wheel it's like trying to play Mega Man with a guitar it takes forever for the wheel to start moving and guess what there's a charge feature but it doesn't do check it just holds it in your grasp for a second longer you know just in case you wanted to miss even more I don't know how much damage it does because I can never hit anything with it except this tree so unless you turn every enemy into a tree this weapon stays at the bottom I bet it would be easier to throw yourself through a basketball hoop than to hit anything with this weapon Thunderball [Music] it's bad somehow is still above the Scorch wheel at least you can do something with this Jesus [ __ ] all-star super arm can't we just call this the guts arm nobody says super arm and when you do say super arm everyone thinks you mean the magnet beam anyway this is the only weapon in the classic series that requires an outside component to use guts Vance super arm can only be used when there's blocks around why can't you just pull blocks out of the ground it's moderately fun to use though you're always waiting to lift those blocks up and tears on my ass easy to mess with it though but it's still better than the previous attempts at making a weapon and it still does great damage atomic fire charge it's and you lose the bar in no time don't charge it until no damage health charge shots are glitchy and charging in general is a damn pain and screams more than a cat cutting its anal glands emptied just like almost every other Megaman 3 weapon it's way too underpowered the only use apart from a couple of weaknesses is this part where you go around inevitable damage by using it frame perfectly on this choke I know this game belongs in an atomic fire crash bummer the only bomb here is this weapon it doesn't work on anything it doesn't even work on [ __ ] that would make sense a bomb weapon is supposed to annihilate everything it's a [ __ ] bomb you shoot a dog in the face with a bomb and it merely tickles it this weapon serves just one purpose in this game to [ __ ] you over in booby trap for opening those walls earlier what are you a [ __ ] dumbass trying to have fun the explosion is radical though I love that sound he battered under all that debris lies an unharmed enemy scratching its head you could then say but it's a utility weapon you use it to break walls it's a bomb if it breaks walls why the [ __ ] doesn't it decapitate a dog there has to be a bomb weapon that does damage hyper bomb now very funny now the bomb doesn't fly in a straight line anymore but rather clunk clunk clunk boom but hey at least it does damage and it's fun as hell to try and use it it's so bad it's good but why the hell does it use so much weapon energy oh and why does it suck still the hyperbole is a viable weapon if you really think about it just use the Buster it tells you a story when you'd rather Buster a boss instead of using its weakness Negra just made it to blow up on contact just like the way bomb man uses it but no it's too powerful can't allow that mild coil slinkys [ __ ] yeah pressing fire launches two springs on both sides of Megaman press down and they stay low press up and they jump high they also have a bit of a physics engine built into them the main problem is that Megaman stops every time you launch the weapon thus making you take damage left and right the other main problem is that it literally deals no damage the other main problem is that it's inconvenient to use the other main problem is that no enemies are placed in such a way where this weapon would pop into your mind first as the best option they accept wily but even then it's like trying to give a [ __ ] to an oak tree well pass freeze cracka watch the language when you talk to me well there's no freezing here now or cracking the enemies aren't even slowed down by the ice it's just a one-shot one-trick pony you'll probably use it once or twice in the entire run and determined that it's not good that's because you are correct this weapon is the epitome of boring sure it can shatter against walls and small snowflakes come out the levels are just not built for this weapon nor is the weapon built for the weapon I don't even know what that means water wave it's certainly a wave of water it doesn't work near etches it doesn't work on all surfaces it doesn't work when you jump it doesn't work but when it does we deal some decent damage great let's have a weapon that only works on enemies that are on the ground well on most surfaces anyway he selected plug balls handicapped cousin it's pretty fun to watch it travel though as far away from me as possible and it's [ __ ] Mega Man 5 the charge buster is better than any of the weapons and that's why the balance stat is zero when most of these weapons crystal I it's a huge projectile when you hit a wall with it it creates several blue balls that bounce around it's kind of fun to look at when it's not a condition and that's where the capabilities of Crystal Eye end you would think that shooting something with a huge initial cannon of a shot would deal massive damage but that's not the case most of the time it just ends up being another Buster with a bigger hitbox and if you miss you get to look at the small pebbles bounce about while you're trying to pause the game to change back to the Buster but you can't because you need to wait until each ball has vanished [ __ ] this weapon really needed confined spaces and actual damage Thunderbolt wow it's a slight improvement over freeze cracker upon impact it fires more projectiles vertically up and down that's pretty much the difference come to think of it this weapon makes freeze cracker completely useless unless you want to freeze lava found a use for it napalm bomb if you ever wondered what it looks like to fire penis from your Buster wonder no more what just a peanut slowly reached their target and explode but wait the explosion doesn't actually do any damage to the nearby enemies that woulda been too good at this to the fact that Mega Man 5s enemies have iframes and you got yourself a useless ass weapon you really need to be close to your target for it to work but why not just use the charge Buster there is no [ __ ] reason to use to napalm bomb ever leave shield a shield that flies off when you move a shield that doesn't block bullets or anything else you just use it around three times during your entire run of Megaman - good thing is that it only uses weapon energy when you move well whoop de [ __ ] doom Blizzard attack no hater shooter it's a good idea enemies above you should be easy targets with the air shooter too bad there's really not many enemies above you and even when they are above you your shots don't stick together but rather scatter around this makes it so that in most cases you need to hit the enemy multiple times anyway what's that oh you're out of whip energy oops water balloon ah mega man hate a game birthday never made any profound weakness tables for the enemies you either kill everything in one two or three hits the weapon of choice doesn't really matter unless of course it's the flash bomb because that does damage over time or Astro bomb because it's a screen nuke so you could use the water balloon and kill this thing in three hits or you could just use something that has a better hitbox so what does this mean well it means that the balance that will ruin most of Megaman its weapons in this list there is no balanced water balloon is essentially just a Buster as you can spam and it arcs a bit hooray 46 uses though gotta give it that wind storm another weapon that behaves just like bubble Laden plug ball except it doesn't climb walls and it doesn't give you any items because none of the enemies actually die they just float away and you still get hit if you touch them why don't you just you know charge Buster instead it's kind of fun to watch it fly off screen though but that gets old pretty damn fast blackball look they improve water wave Queen storm and bubble lid it's still not saying much it still only travels through the ground but it does also climb walls too bad the level design wasn't built around the weapon I can't hit [ __ ] with this why not just use something else the time it takes for me to go to the pause menu switch to plug ball tried to kill the enemy and miss a couple of times pause switch back to Buster Avril killed five other enemies with the Buster in this time this would be a good weapon for Megaman 2 and I'm not even kidding the times I tried to use the bubble lead and failed this would have easily done the trick but since it's now in the wrong game it doesn't do me any favors it's also the weakness of wily ME come the [ __ ] on you think this is a game charge kick instead of your normal slide you do damage as you're doing so too bad most of the time your slide is not long enough and you keep taking damage instead and things that should no doubt die in one hits don't the only cute thing about this piece of garbage is the iframes sometimes it can help just use the charged Buster the charged kick would come handy in here even using it against wave man is super awkward it's like the only boss in the game that doesn't make sense for charge kick because of the continuously rising waves tornado hold this weapon makes pretty much no sense for this game it's short range can boost you up can kill enemies and stop projectiles but overall you would very rarely equip it because it's not that good when would you ever really use it to boost yourself up when would you ever use it as a shield and when would you ever really kill enemies with it if this weapon was in Mega Man 9 instead I would have probably loved it but I made the tornado blow certainly a little bit different instead of it being a screen clear tornado hold is just one of those weapons that make more sense when it's used by the actual Robot Master commando bomb yet another bomb not even in its literal form the weapon would actually be practical if it can move the [ __ ] about the new move see whenever you keep running you keep accidentally altering the weapons to check 3 it is required that you stay put and guide it that way but cute luck trying to stay still when you're being murdered by enemies if that is not enough you're actually supposed to hit your target with the sideways blast instead of making direct contact this weapon is a Miss literally at the couch oak deer hunter claw actually a pretty effective weapon comparable to the ring boomerang hmm you may ask why it's solo on this list it's simple Megaman aids in ability to balance the weapons and make them unique there is no sense in actually using the tundra claw unless you want to swing around because every weapon does the same damage so why limit yourself in range hmm on the other hand if it's moderately fun to use ice wave we did not need another water bubble plug wave it's the same weapon again this time it's a bit faster and certainly more useful than search snake so why is it below the snakes make eminates balance I repeat why would she use this weapon instead of the flash bomb when the level design doesn't actually help the ice wave at all and why the [ __ ] is this the weakness of Tengu man he flies he rarely even touches the [ __ ] ground flames bald this weapon is tons of fun it's always nice to see melee weapons on games like these only problem can you guess what it is it's the same damage as everything else this is no slash claw Mega Man 8 actually has decent weapons yeah yes Timmy they're all equally decent topspin topspin is actually pretty useful in places like as useful as leaf shield is all total four times in the entire game not convinced go watch these lobsters topspin only race one of the downfalls is that you can only use it while jumping sometimes the whole web energy bar depletes in a single hit if you don't happen to know how it works well I'm using the word works white loosely here the weapon has [ __ ] balance when it can be fully trained in an accident in one hit the weapon is super fun to use and it's something completely unique and that's the only reason why it's not at the bottom of the list danger wrap what a strange case it's not useful almost at all since there are better options but the performance is not half bad and look at the enemies go this is like [ __ ] bubble bubble mmm this is one of my personal favorites but since we're not allowed to be biased this weapon east without a doubt just bad although you can shoot it up straightforward or just drop it down like a mine it's a fun weapon to play around with but it doesn't actually help you in any real way dust crusher what a megamouth for weapon this low on the list yes frankly only because it is so [ __ ] boring to use it's just a one-shot Buster that supposedly shatters and tries to cause more damage that way I never found a little shrapnel that useful but the weapon itself packs some nice damage there is definitely a place for it in the game but it's one of the more lackluster designs considering how beauty Arsenal is otherwise I would have rather seen a Kirby like weapon you know how dust man sucks you in yeah I try to have a sucking power instead of a blowing power weight search snake I mean it's kinda cute and in places it can be pretty helpful it's just a bit too slow and cumbersome it's a neat idea but it could be much better the snakes are so slow that you often find yourself mashing the pause button but little too late and it just died as a result it's a fun weapon to see what kind of [ __ ] it can do but let's face it get these [ __ ] snakes out of my [ __ ] game it's just lacks power homing sniper look this weapon would actually be slightly better than the dive missile but again its mega man 8 he have better luck killing your targets with pretty much any weapon and they don't ever seem to be that out of reach where you would actually need the homing shots a forgettable weapon that's pretty taxing to use yes I know you can charge Wow a stroke rush a screen nuke it's no fun to use but there is a little pause as you fire it so we can help you save yourself from dropping if you use the megabowl with it in a correct sequence that's pretty much the secret use of the weapon minibuses might be afraid of its damage but it's just not fun to use it's pretty well balanced though considering this is Mega Man AIDS there is just the right amount of weapon energy and when you use it it's really effective a stroke rush gets a semi thumbs up from me the model spear talked about a meal of the road weapon I've never seen a spear this monotonous meat berry differs from the Buster it has a slightly bigger hitbox but it keeps going in a slight angle either up or down and that can cause you to miss anyway and since you can't charge it I just rather use the Buster it's not even that give it in piercing enemies kill spike shield spike is decent you can lay it on the ground and wait for your enemy to run over it or you can just get close and freeze them it's pretty delightful actually but it's not that effective the weapon has its uses but it's not as good as I'd hope it's just an extra step for you to try and be fancy gravity hold press a button and every enemy on screen is killed instantly well tracked off-screen well almost instantly okay pretty much never instantly and the weapon just drains too fast it's good for one hit enemies but for the most part you don't get any traps or power-ups either still it's almost like Abel sent our flesh Oh only difference the gravity hold is that the enemies die instantly instead of being tracked away and that means power-ups it also makes this epilepsy inducing flesh in all honesty it's not bad it can sometimes save your ass especially later on in the game Laser Trident this is the Yamato spear I asked for it does suffer partially from the same problems it's pretty dull but has a big hitbox there are some instances where you'd actually switch to this weapon from the Buster but it's not enough to bump this weapon higher in the list when developing a weapon that pierces it begs for a better unique pattern or something else to really make it fun and we are lacking in that departments plant barrier this shield is actually not bad it just rains way too fast just when you start to like it BAM it's empty just like that it works well for its purpose it can block bullets and kill enemies if you decide to play a bit more aggressively just give it 14 uses god damn what's the problem gyro attack all hail the king of megaman 5 this weapon is actually balanced and there are situations where you would actually use this over the charge buster it suffers from the same problem as the commando bomb making it hard to direct as you're constantly moving a sliding around still what a fun weapon and it comes in handy pretty often if you're in the right mood I give a warm hug to the only balanced weapon in mega man 5 come here you noise crush well the noise crush is not half bad it bounces off walls and once it hits Mega Man again you get a bigger charge you can also just slide into it it comes in handy more than the previous weapons in this list and it's pretty cool to play around with it's not rebound striker cool but it's not terrible at what it does jimena laser let's face it this weapon is pretty awful you can only fire one at a time it lacks the game up and you have to wait for it to fully disappear until you can pause again and it takes forever for it to vanish but in my list the cherry no laser is where it is only because it's so much fun it's one of the highest ratings I have given here what comes to the fun factor and I can't help but love it it's one of my favorite weapon designs of all time purely because it's so crazy again not very useful in any way I just like looking at it [ __ ] needle cannon this is one of the most uninteresting weapons of all time sure you can turbo fire with it but it's just a Buster it has crazy damage and it's useful in that way but what a missed opportunity I always wanted to hate but from Neal man not this needle cannon garbage who cares about this give me the damn head but hard Nicole you can't deny it's not the powerhouse of mega man trees weapons and thus it is created to be slow in purpose you can aim it up and down as it's flying but that little pause when you fire it's kinda kills the weapon for me it's awkward to use and more often than not you'll just take damage from something as you pause making this weapon very situational and like I said in 2012 hitting anything with the hard knuckle is like trying to throw a dart into someone's anus flash bomb all hail the best weapon from Mega Man 8 made it this far well best what comes to the average score this is it the go-to weapon whenever you don't feel like using the Buster just wish to this it deals damage over time and it's pretty balanced what comes to this weapon energy every other weapon aside from the asteroid crush is pretty useless in comparison unless we're talking about specific parts in the game where they design some [ __ ] mechanics around them I like this weapon it's definitely unique and dare I say an actual bomb magma bazooka middle-of-the-road everyday average Multi shotgun like weapon fires three fireballs and can be charged for a more powerful shot my problem is the clunky charging it's not well presented and often times I'll just use something else enemies with big hit boxes though you might get close with his weapon and spam it but let's face it it was solely designed to kill Hornet man and he's three Hornets easily Metal Blade talk about overpowered the metal blades and quick boomerangs are so overpowered that they overshadowed the whole arsenal of Megaman 2 when it's pretty cool to fire these in every direction what just the whole game comes apart but it is just way too powerful for your typical Megaman experience there should not be a weapon this strong in a game where you get eight weapons to choose from I can't deny its usefulness and performance but with the balance so out of whack it ends up in the middle of the list it's like shut up silver tomahawk with its weird arc upwards it's not the most useful piece of tech it has its seemingly random benefits but the damage makes it worth your while the problem is that the arc is way too low and this means that whatever it is that you're trying to kill needs to be killed right when they pop into the screen otherwise you'll usually miss full potential of this weapon is only granted when you already know where every enemy is in the game so you can fire the tomahawks before they even come up on the screen that way they die as soon as they enter your field of view gimmicky but moderately enjoyable rolling color listen it's not the most useful weapon out there but it certainly has its merits it's cool as hell and watching it boomerang back to you is so satisfying believe it or not this weird art makes it easy to hit certain enemies in Mega Man 1 and overall it's a very average experience but we can add a twist solar blaze if you want to actually hurt your targets the solar blaze is not half bad it's kind of amusing and definitely the horizontal shrapnel helps a lot more than vertical when you hit something with this weapon it brings a satisfactory smile to your face as you watch the target each tick the balance is just right with this one quick boomerang now that we are in the world of low range weapons let's bring in the quick boomerang it kills everything in Mega Man 2 and I mean everything there is no enemy in the game that this weapon doesn't kill on the other hand what brings up the balance is that it's very low range and more often than not you could just be using the Buster anyway however you can turbo fire with the quick boomerang and the damage is pretty high I actually enjoyed this one for its melee danger versus reward system star crash take the leaf shield and throw it in trash because here comes star crash it's basically the same exact weapon but you can fire it off when you decide to and plus it can actually block [ __ ] too bad that it rains pretty fast and again it's Mega Man 5 so you're not gonna find a lot of stages or rules where you would actually equip it and feel cute about the decision I can only remember one stretch in the entire game where it's actually very beneficial but hey it's a cute shield for offensive strategies as will gotta give make my 5 some love right the other reason why I rank star crash so high is because I want leaf shield to feel bad really bad skull barrier huh plant barrier done right it only uses two weapon energy and it can block bullets it fits very nicely into the Arsenal of Mega Man 4 and it has plenty of great uses in the game shame there is no secondary use but it doesn't stop me to rank at this high when the game is built well around its weapons the shield weapon shines in its own right - and this is a great example rebound striker here we are remember my take on the Gemini laser well it seems to me that they fixed whatever was wrong with it and made it even more fun this is one of the coolest weapons I've ever used and it's just super cool watching it bounce around the rooms it doesn't end there the more times it bounces the more damage it will deal once it lands on its targets what a neat idea and it transfers pretty well to the world of Mega Man 10 the level design supports the weapon pretty nicely and it's just a fun addition to the Arsenal the only thing it's missing is actual practicality as most of the time you'll just hit your targets with the first hit and thus deal minimal damage the learning curve is definitely there though triple blade triple blade does what magma bazooka doesn't you can spam this weapon to your heart's content it obeys get close and mash that B button and [ __ ] dies it's one of the more powerful weapons ever to be seeing the world of Megaman and it does a good job balancing itself is weird trajectory however the ridiculous damage brings the balance down at the same time still it's not enough to make this weapon overpowered in the grand scheme of things it's just a very versatile utility and you'll find yourself switching to it quite often tornado blow another screen nuke in this style of gravity hold enemies are tracked off screen but this time there is a secondary use jump at the same time and you'll get a decent boost up to help you make those pesky jumps all of the stats of this weapon are quite ridiculous thus the balance is a bit off sure it doesn't get many uses before it's empty but I find it a bit too overpowered regardless don't get me wrong I really like it but it's not the best way to implement a weapon like this I really would have loved to see the tornado hold in Mega Man 9 instead firestorm on the surface firestorm seems like a dull weapon just one projectile can be fired at a time while a small circle of a shield spawns around Mega Man well let's take a closer look the fireball is actually fast as hell and the short burst of a shield is pretty affecting killing enemies around you that would otherwise hurt you especially near pits the firestorm is very approachable what comes to choosing your weapon the doesn't actually block anything but that would just make the weapon overpowered firestorm is just fine the way it is and it showcases held a perfectly balanced of weapon around your game mechanics water shield this is definitely the most interesting shield weapon on the list it spawns slowly around you and you can fire it out in the style of Power Stone that's not saying much it's very hard to hit anything with it that way you have better luck just getting close to enemies and being aggressive or you know by just running away and letting it suck bullets in gotta be careful though the bubbles vanish one by one as they take damage it's certainly a good shield but it's a bit cumbersome chunk shield certainly the most powerful shield in the whole list it tears ass through out Mega Man 7 and there is only a couple of enemies that remain unaffected not even that it can be fired out and the devastation is imminent it's one of the best weapons in the entire game but with that comes the balancing issues again it's a bit too overpowered but I can't help but love it since when where shield weapons this beneficial black hole bomb if you told me that a black hole would be a neat idea for a weapon I'd agree it sucks everything up like a New Yorker however it's doing it in a very sophisticated manner it almost looks like as if the black hole has physics of its own as it's dragging everything into their eternal damnation you don't get too many uses of this weapon but considering this is the way I would do a screen clear it's lovable as hell the stage design plays well for this kind of a weapon man it shows good job magnet missile so this is how you would fix weapons like commando bomb and Cairo attack feel the things with magnets whenever that missile encounters an enemy in its vertical plane it goes up and kills it well most of the time there is still a trick to making the weapon as effective as it can be seeing that you can sometimes just plain miss with it it's also a bit finicky when used right under an enemy but I can truly recommend using it a lot due to its beneficial trajectory flash stopper Mega Man 4 just doesn't stop giving this is what I always imagined timestopper to be like they even named it after flash man the gist of it is that when you press fire it freezes every enemy on the screen and now you have a free range of using the Buster to finish the job it's a nicely balanced piece of equipment and it plays well with the other weapons in the game making it a very useful option at times not to mention some of the enemies are literally built for it close to death party avoid enemies want to make fun of your targets flashed upper [ __ ] ring boomerang remember when I say that the piercing weapon so far were very uninteresting introducing the ring boomerang that comes into play fixing all of the above it's a ring that pierces through everything and it comes back to Mega Man in a flash when it's done not only is it beneficial against enemies it can be used in certain other situations as will it's a very interesting take on the whole idea of piercing your foes the balance is very well taken into consideration and it's just plain fun to use let's also not forget how much of a powerhouse it is dive missile homing sniper made interesting where the homing snipers sprites are a bit hard on the eyes and the overall experience bit clunky the dive missile is colorful be easy to see and most importantly it's a joy to use it does decent damage and is just plain out hilarious to watch it go around the screen if an enemy it was going after happens to die it changes its target to something else and goes after that instead this weapon truly is an experience and it doesn't deserve being ignored quite the contrary it's one of the most versatile weapons of all time it's not quite there but it's still one of my personal favorites i slasher I'm curious as to why the best ice weapon is found in the first ever Megaman title this is just clearly the best performer and all-around very useful utility while it doesn't do any damage it can freeze enemies and most importantly you can pause the game and switch your weapon to finish off the job why wasn't this a thing later on you can make the decision to either freeze the enemies in runway or freeze them and take them out at 28 uses on top of these facts and it's certainly the best ice weapon we've guards shadowblade after figuring out that maybe the metal blades were a bit too good the developers nerfed it literally you can no longer fire it down or diagonally down it also doesn't travel through the entire screen and you can only fire one at a time sounds like a pretty mediocre weapon but it actually packs a punch it does insane damage in most cases and thus it's well balanced sound is also top-notch I love the saw blade like screech it produces rain flush why isn't rain flushed down there with its siblings gravity hold and center flash it's quite simple there's a noticeable delay in when it actually triggers see if fired is container up in the sky and a few seconds later the screen is filled with metal-eating acid rain this is a Chinese way to nerf a screen nuke weapon as it requires quite a timing to pull off what you set yourself to do in the first place you also don't get that many uses of it so it's really your last resort or if you know your way around the game it's pretty useful in other ways too when you use your imagination this is a screen nuke I can get behind since it requires actual skill slash claw melee weapons haven't worked well before so why the hell is slash claw in the top 10 well let me explain this time our melee weapon actually deals damage and no does it deal damage it kills most enemies without even fretting about it most of your targets just die and you've got pretty much nothing to worry about usually this indicated a balance issue but come on you have to get right up to your targets face to kill it that to me is just plain badass slash claw simply put is the most fun you can have in Mega Man 7 with your pants on and that's a fact give it a try sometime you'll be pleasantly surprised night crusher this wouldn't be so high up on the list but it just seems like every enemy is placed in a way where the night crusher just becomes one of your best bits to kill [ __ ] not only does it go through everything it arcs in a very special way where it just happens to crap into everything in its path creating havoc oh and you can fire it up and down - it's not all roses and cake as it can't open a platforms implant mass stage but I'll tell you this suck it ring boomerang Pharaoh shards Pharaoh shard is truly one kind of an experience it's basically your guardian angel you can charge it to create a Sun on top of your head and you can just walk around with it while it's protecting you from harm when it gets destroyed you still have another fool charge some consider this as a clich but I think it makes the weapon worth your while and if you want to fire a bit faster you can just fire out small projectiles instead and they are fine for dealing damages will on top of tests you can add the fact that you can fire it in multiple directions it doesn't get much more fun than this flame blast on the surface flame blast doesn't seem like anything I'd ever use but upon closer inspection it deals damage like a horse most things it kills just straight up and it can get pretty creative if you use your head a bit it suffers from low rage but that's the beauty of it any high damage weapon shouldn't travel all the way to the edge of the screen in any way so the balance is just right on this one however - points for not being able to fire it upwards real colour it's never been this fun to own a weapon in mega man and fun is right look at this you can hold the wheel colour at the end of your Buster climb walls with it destroy everything melee range of let's go and watch the wheels shred through enemies for breakfast alright maybe there are beats slow and unpredictable but that's the whole beauty of it when you equip the wheel cutter the whole megaman 10 experience becomes like a play field for you and your new best friend it's like the shot cannon doom it defies what Mega Man was always all about fun as hell weapons there's nothing better than barely saving your from something as you fling up a wall to your safety it's as close to a ninja rope as we're ever going to get I can't begin to explain how much enjoyment I've gotten out of this weapon so I'm not sure we'll satellites you probably thought I forgot about this one well here it is hands down the best shield weapon no questions asked there is no argument you can make look at it it ricochet shots it defines the word shield it tops every other shield in every way it's fast it's good for defense softens playing with your enemies and it's just an amusing weapon [ __ ] everything I got an actual shield it's like every other shield so far was combined into this one and merged together well except water shield that is still fun in its own right Tundra beam Mega Man 1 did a lot right when it comes to his weapons for the most parts Thunder Bay misty cubed version of Thunderbolts and man is it good the damage is ridiculous and it's so much fun to blast enemies above and below as will the sound it makes is forever engraved in my mind and I can't help but love the whole concept of it it's simple yet complicated it would have been a bit too good of a weapon but they added that one little thing that nerves it's just enough to make you question its capabilities yeah you know what I'm talking about the Fester's quest asked whirly [ __ ] sometimes you can completely miss your targets but no big deals just fire again and cross your fingers look at spark shock and then look back to this what the hell went wrong in Mega Man 3 drill bomb wait a minute you can't top the flash bomb who don't pick a fight with me well let's take a critical looked in this bomb shreds the [ __ ] out of every [ __ ] of an enemies comes into contact with you can also just blow it up yourself meet here as opposed to a bomb bomb the trill variant actually deals Splash Damage well sort of whenever you want to tear ass just equip the trio bomb and watch as the ashes of your enemies fall down from the sky as you enjoy the smell of devastation around you the thrill bomb hits so hard it can actually break the game so a small - for that Hornet chaser dive missile is that you it's basically a straight-up ripoff of dye missile but look at the bees look at them would you just look at that they're so [ __ ] cute and they bring you power-ups as well don't forget the ones that are laying inside walls except those e-tanks because [ __ ] you seriously though just run-and-gun you would think it gets old pretty fast but surprisingly that is not the case I just can't get enough of this sure they don't do a lot of damage at times but that's the whole point in creating balance if it's a homing weapon it's not supposed to kill everything in one hit concrete chart here we are number one if you ever wanted to make platforms with your weapon and simultaneously turn enemies into concrete you won't be disappointed it's one of the highest damage weapons out there as it nearly instakills every possible enemy but as a counter they don't drop any power-ups way to balance it out you can also just make platforms with it and just so you know the entire game is pretty much beatable with this weapon alone to add more balance to the mix it also has a pretty short range I can never get enough of this masterpiece end of the line that's every classic Mega Man weapon order from worst to best by yours truly agree or disagree I'd like to hear your opinion you can just lay down the top 10 worst and top 10 best weapons in the comments below or you can go all out and order all of them like I did you'll find out that it's not so easy that's why I restarted making the excel file in the first place hope you enjoyed this new weapon marathon and I'll catch you next time make sure you check the lobster races in the description you'll find a lot of one weapon only races they're definitely worth your time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Nico Evaluates
Views: 144,881
Rating: 4.6995983 out of 5
Keywords: best mega man weapons, worst mega man weapost, top 10 mega man weapons, top 10 worst mega man weapons, top 10 best megaman weapons, coolest mega man powerups, top 20 mega man weapons, useful and useless mega man weapons, every mega man weapons, all mega man weapons, mega man 1-10 weapons, mixed nuts productions, dookieshed weapons, dookieshed megaman, dookieshed, aerodragon2, lplance, cjszero01, The Quarter Guy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 32sec (2912 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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