Retrospective Investigation - Action 52 Analyzed

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[Music] doors that lead back to the beginning of the game Cole gets understandable it's your last chance to exit this dimension go back living your life to wait was before [Music] you hypothetically if the only choice you've got used to do the wrong thing then it's really not the wrong thing it's more like fate [Music] seeing his son play an illegally produced 40 games in one cartridge made in Taiwan Vince Perry a businessman from Florida hath the idea to create a similar product but through legal means Perry's neighbor who would seem to go crazy about these multi game cartridges and as a venture are in business he saw the money-making opportunity it was a no-brainer for the cash loving entrepreneur unfortunately Perry had little to no knowledge in video game production and as a result didn't even know how time-consuming video game development could be it was estimated at Perry raised around 20 million dollars from private backers three individuals from college were assigned to create 52 games and a deadline for the entire project was a whopping three months there were rumors that the original game count was 60 and that they only had time to do 52 of them this is however not true there was something called a bank switch bug we shall go into more detail later it showcased eight unused templates so it was believed that these eight templates were the eight slots for more games that were left undone some games just had to be split up into multiple parts which caused the confusion three whole months they built the Eiffel Tower in that time pretty sure unfortunately closed to no testing was done each game was produced from random bits and pieces as it would seem like in most cases random sprite art was distributed amongst them the games aren't ran enough times to find problems and as the video game knowledge Perry had was limited there was nobody to supervise the project one by one the games were finished but they weren't adequately tested the biggest NES game releases 40 megabytes in size while the common size was around 300 kilobytes action 52 you measured at around 700 kilobytes which begs the question how big the individual games really were most of the games have repeating screens to overcome the issue with limited space this alone hindered any kind of realistic progress that could have made the games more playable the space limitation alone caused all of the games to look something like Atari 2600 games instead even worse than the black box series there were things they could have done to overcome some of these problems but the story tells they had little experience usually multicarts had simple games around 24k in size so that they could fit as many of them as possible this is why you don't often see titles outside of the black box series or other simple small games in multi carts let alone the fact that the advertised number of games wasn't true most of the time same games would be recycled over and over with a different starting point action 52 with its 52 original games was doomed from the start action 52 retailed for $199 mint was released in 1991 which in 2018 would have been 366 dollars for that kind of money you could have had several real NES games instead and been a lot more satisfied the SNES version was cancelled but there was also a Sega Genesis version that actually got released but that's another story of its own I'm not going to explain the full history of this game since there's already a good video about it here on YouTube and I'll link it in the card at the top right the biggest most ambitious game of the 52 was cheetahmen a toy line and a cartoon was planned but with any kind of project that doesn't get supervised all of those ideas came crumbling down with the essential selves the way it's time to look at each game in depth go get your hot pockets and White Russians this is going to take a while but you'll leave it a bundle of information maybe even some unseen footage of all of the games as you can see the cartridge is clear with a sticker on it there is also a black label version which is even more valuable there are different revisions revision a detour vision B and different kind of cartridges out there but they all play almost the same aside from a few bugs and glitches and games that don't run I should mention that the cartridge starts to smell like a strapping ass after 20 minutes so I'd advise closing the lid and not using a top loader here is me putting the cartridge in and pressing the power button on my Nintendo Entertainment System indicating that I'm playing the game live right now but in reality I'll turn to my pre-recorded footage I shot emulator and hope nobody saw that my controllers weren't even hooked up I make videos on YouTube it takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it outside it takes me to make a thing go right it takes two to make it outta sight it takes two by Rob bass let's find one song with the word to on it's to signify that at least the other number of five and T was used this amount of detailing the song blows my mind they could do this but not make a single cute game well how could you and you only had one kilobyte to use for each of them most of the music in action 52 is rather catchy but some of it was plagiarized from other sources active enterprises make your selection now I'll have to number nines are number nine large and number six with extra dip and number seven two number forty-fives one of the cheese and a large soda what kind of value does this sentence ahead they had a voice sample in the game but they decided to make it say make your selection now it's not like we have any other option the sole act of putting the game into the system implied that we're going to make a selection anyway this sentence is redundant Nico evaluates game number 5 is always highlighted at first for some reason hooves why don't you start at number 1 well here's the reason they stole the menu from another multi card which also started at game number five to find out why we need to research that game but let's just concentrate on action 52 this time long story short they stole and didn't even modify it apart from the colors hmm fire breathers it's the last of the Dragon Balls you must kill the dragon riders in the midnight skies and bring victory to the kingdom again or main menu what is the purpose of the screen i already selected a game why should I back out now I can just create a game by pressing start and select anyway this whole screen is pointless since the next screen is there for half a second until the game starts so you're not losing any time either by just quitting the game inside itself level 1 player 1 player 2 zeroes blocks I'm sorry what this is probably meant to serve as some sort of a point counter but the screen stays up for less time than it takes to blink and it's gone hello no music I think they forgot to mention that both of you are the Dragon Riders except the blue dragon looks like Batman just hung himself dead man upon first inspection this game looks a lot like combat on atari only that game is far superior you're supposed to kill each other at one stage after another they didn't code diagonals in so the only method of moving is to press one direction at a time this makes maneuvering and trying to hit the other person way harder than it needs to be there are several oddities and mistakes present you can't fly over the building but you can shoot through it that's a strike a shared problem between all of the games can be seen here if your sprite is too far to one edge you ignore all damage with no time limit or punishments in the game the other player can just sit there forever nice I gotta hand it to them this game has held bars for the players that's a luxury that we're not going to get with all the games but why is the blue players health bar purple and why does it have so much more shading it's like the health bars are just stripped from existing garbage sprites meant to serve as placeholders but were never changed my goodness what is this you're in the middle of a fight scene straight from the game of trophies never watch the show and a decapitated pac-man head rolls in and he hurts you yeah what are you stupid touch the pac-man hated it just slowly rolls around and it doesn't really contribute anything to the game how do you get hit by it anyway it looks like it's just rolling on the ground but we're flying huh level 2 begins when the other person loses all of their hilts and it begins instantly no time to waste if we pause the footage we can see that schooler we have to pause the game to see the school oh my god interesting so unless you record your game on a VCR and pause it on the score screen you're not gonna know who's winning the angle is just off this looks like some sort of a stone wall but you can actually go through it so every time there's a new stage the first thing both players are doing is to check what you can fly through and what you can't a well-made game presents itself to you in a way where you can instantly know what's obstructing you and what isn't by creating atmosphere angles shadows and just good design but this is not even bad design its design that was never planned this was never meant to be the finished product level tree let's see who's winning ah shut blink if you kill each other at the same exact time you both get a point at least that could be considered as a good idea I'd probably just repeat a stage if there was a true problem with that is that you can't go back once the code executes Savina condition a callback was never made so it just executes the point for both because both of the players execute the meeting requirements at the same time next level there really isn't any kind of thought put into levels it's just random tiles reused over and over in different spots combat on Atari was better because it looked more clean it was simple to understand most importantly it was fun and there was no pacman head rolling around trying to kill you watch out for the flame a stationary object that also hurts you make sense to me flame bad pac-man head bad got it level 5 and the pac-man head code gets rewritten and it becomes a mess of garbage to many levels and broken code that's what you get as two players keep dealing damage to each other and beating levels the code gets mangled and starts executing that doesn't make any sense because it was never tested there's a fence now or is the fence or instead a trench or straw that's bent and this is the NES you are fully capable to make sprites and backgrounds that are easy to distinguish this building looks like a TV wall melt and yes you can go through the fence I just noticed that if you spent the other person did what could be considered too fast the dead sound carries over to the next level so either the code keeps executing in the background of the score screen or the same level place until enough kills are made and the score screen is there just to hide the transition what you can go through the boundaries that means it's even easier to dodge damage by being at edge when getting shot this one the pink person is behind this massive wall and effectively at a disadvantage and that's the last stage it's Jeff it just says game over oh that's why there's a beginning or a main menu screen it brings you to it when the game ends like like I'd want to play it again just add the screen whenever a game gets beat and you don't need it at the beginning of each one then it would make more sense to change begin to new game fire-breathers me star evil the star gets brighter until there's no night then the fire creatures come out to rule and defeat you but kill them all and bring back the night el culo del diablo if I had classes I'd take them out and rub my eyes out of disgust any game that respects their audience doesn't put any obstacles or enemies on the first screen ever you need to be able to get your bearings before you're thrown into a spaz egde look at how close these blocks are the moment the level starts it takes about 0.3 seconds to hit them you need to be holding right before the stage human loads if the developers went back even once to check how the game plays they would have noticed this how long does it take to move those blocks think about it because you tracked ass people have been dying to this single block for 28 years holy then the fire creatures come out through land defeat you but kill them all and bring back the noise it's already night or were in space nevertheless the description makes as much sense as bricks it's for player 1 how Vegas dead well the four is your lives apparently they just didn't think it would be a cute idea to tell you this yep four player one single well what is wrong with this one then we have a health bar but no invincibility frames touch an enemy or a wall for too long and he died instantly too long being a few frames most of the time you don't even have to move a few enemy ships come flying down and they're usually not in your way your biggest obstacle is going to be not knowing how not to softlock the game on the later stages you'll deal with hitbox is so bad it makes you think you died to nothing look at this that's nice touch any of that red area and your cutest dead sprite should always match their hit boxes because the player Believe It or Not doesn't have psychic powers to know where the boundaries are I'd sort of understand this if the shapes were circles or something because then it would at least make sense like they'd mess it up but these are squares it's almost like they first threw the sprite and then they attached the hitbox value to it that was close enough without actually testing it you might have noticed on other reviews how the boss doesn't always appear seemingly a random occurrence isn't so random in my research so why doesn't the boss always show up well you exceeded the sprite limits what does that mean you shot too many q-tips yes if you shoot too much the boss doesn't appear at the end of the stage because it can't be called until there is enough space for it listen the boss gets wiped because it's one of the flags in the code and if the flag gets wiped by the sprite limit then it doesn't exist anymore you can't make the boss disappear if it's already on the screen because the flag was already called out notice have no enemy ships boy if you keep holding the turbo button you're effectively rewriting every enemy with your shots once the screen stops the code calls the boss in if you are shooting when the boss is being called in chances are that you are exceeding the sprite limit on the screen and the boss can spawn in the limits isn't due to any SS limitations it's actually just horrible coding the NES can display eights price per horizontal scanline but even then it can be coded in a way where the rest Flickr there are real sprite limitations on the system but this is not it if the developers didn't add their own sprite limit then most likely what would happen is that he would just gets warned by enemy ships instantly so they added a barrier why did they do this most likely because they didn't know how to code it in any other way so they put a band-aid on a problem they created which then results in the code getting mangled in the background if you fail to play just the way the code progresses notice how in this game only two ships appear at once if you keep shooting then that limit has already been exceeded and nothing else pawns keep shooting before the screen is about to stop and the boss can't come in since there are more than T objects on the field at that point the game ends when the screen stops as there are no actions left to call since the boss spawn is tied to the screen stopping so if you want to advance in this game don't choose at the end you can shoot a few enemies here and there to be safe but don't make it a habit since you can't really anticipate when the level is going to end and there we go the pass has formed the boss AI is not exclusive just for this game in fact a lot of the enemies use the same exact AI in multiple games I'll explain this only once so in the future when you see the same AI you'll know how it works it's not even that complicated this boss does not shoot bullets but this same AI is used elsewhere where it does the shots are timed every time a certain amount of time passes the bar shoes at your location also every time the boss changes direction it does so randomly the time it travels in one direction is also completely random this version of the boss also ignores any scenery making it possible for it to just move inside a ball where you can't go making you wait for it to return to somewhere you can shoot it again twice to pass a birthday cake another strike is that it doesn't even make any sound when you hit it ever heard of feedback the single thing that makes shooting things satisfying give me a ding give me anything stage 2 shot we're going for the same strategy don't shoot too much so we can proceed to beat the game you have to understand the game Jesus Christ what didn't I say it sometimes seems like you died to nothing well guess what they forgot some kind of a tile on that spot that isn't visible yep that'll kill you oh my goodness these dirt blocks that aren't visible can also be found in other games they're just late about notice how the states repeats over and over until you've traveled far enough you know it's one of those space-saving mechanisms in the game and most games use it you'll be doing laps over and over so in a sense the game is fooling you most levels in most games would be like three screens long without the repeated sections what a great layout it's obstructing our flight from the sides and it takes a longer time to kill the boss as a result it doesn't necessarily make it harder but more frustrating another point where we can see that either the developers didn't know how to make rewarding experiences or they just didn't have the time to even try this one is even more virtus the tiles are brown now and behold the cake level four looks like they didn't finish the game so it's impossible to beat still a better ending screen and ghostbusters some cartridges have a black screen some pink my god I'm at the end of my rope what game number was this - a neo illuminator the illuminator must fight his sister heed the illuminator must find his sister in the door he must also fight batteries if he's get weak and can use a special spot like to kill the enemies can also get additional flashlights but he must be careful of enemies like shadows vampires find your sister in the god damn dark what is this Alabama we have a game where you're trying to find your sister in the dark and bring batteries with you sexual immorality this concept is somehow even more strange than the Phil over sex with his car that's a vampire almost a couple of chromosomes looks like King Kong ripped his jaw in half the basic principle is to shoot these Mons so the lights come back a few moments past when it goes dark again she with another prince and repeat supposedly you're shooting out flashlight beams but it looks more like SpongeBob's be China's enemies can spawn right next to you so sometimes when you reach a ladder and Eve enemy spawns on the same floor making you look like an idiot jumping off a gap will kill you as in most of the games featured on this cartridge the fall damage isn't the one that kills you it's descending too far in the air you'll learn after a few games what too far means rather than code real fall damage or hazards like spikes they added a simple way to tell if you made this kind of mistake all that the code is looking for is if you're in the air for too long descending down main problem with this is that you should never do this in the first place but also the time you travel down that kills you is far too short if you can't make these simple jumps down make it look like actual fall damage and please make the sprite reach the ground now the game just kills you for nothing in the air only because the code is realizing that you're falling for too long and cuts roped in your life support also what the Christ is this this still Rafi turns into an upside-down ice cream cone when he dies I've never done crystal meth but I'd like to know what it is like on the other side there is no order in which you need to kill these fellows so you can just stay on the floor breach a ladder go back and keep killing them there when the spawn counter of the enemies is at zero no new monks will come out that's where you can go and kill the rest on the other floors that is the easiest strategy that's with a game like this there really isn't any good minutes to code this so that it would make actual sins all that it has is a kill counter and once it's reached you go to the next level all that changes is the layouts and sometimes there will be a small batteries collect but they didn't actually code a flag for it so it does nothing there was also a bigger battery but they never used it in the game flashlights were never even added and your sister is nowhere to be found well it's not entirely true she can be seen in the files that were named put in by hacking the code but on a normal run she never appears as you go through the levels the vampires get faster and deaths about it one hit and you're dead this makes climbing ladders fun as it's sometimes impossible to make it if you're blocked by an enemy I've heard people say that the enemies get stuck sometimes no that would actually be a better alternative because then you'd know it was a glitch here's how they did it though when an enemy spawns a random walking area is applied to it this length is truly a random number between zero and infinity this is what it looks like when an enemy spawns in Vitas zero attach the walking area it's just not just back-and-forth random calls are the easiest to code man it always makes the game so much worse if not done right I do like the effect when you kill one of them it's like they melt and burn biggest problem however is the fact that you don't really have to move much just keep killing on one floor and once no more spawn kill the rest also all of these games have the buttons backwards B makes you jump and a makes you do the action inputs that's up and the best part is that they didn't even code in the simplest controls for any of these games if you hold down the jump button as you move in the air it locks your movement vertically so the easiest way to jump is to quickly tap the jump button and ten move diagonals they're not a thing the only thing the code is looking for is up down left and right god help if you press multiple directions at the same time it has no idea what to do and usually just locks you up because it's calling two directions at the same time with no explanation and what to do then so every time you jump one of these gaps you have to remember the first pressed jump and then move or just tap jump and move if you do hold down the jump button you can kind of see that you cheater forward a few pixels at a time then stop cheater some more and so that makes me think that even me to press down button there's still a timer trigger where the button presses ended anyway making you do some progress as T jump button is lifted from you every now and then but it's still not enough to make it through any kind of gaps reliably so just let go of jump and you'll be alright that's alright as you can be ladders are inconsistent you can crab a ladder even from its sides and you never really snap into them that's because they're not actual objects they're just part of the background when an exception we're pressing up and down makes your character move accordingly for example the ladders in games like Mega Man or actual ladder objects so interacting with them is easy and makes sense and these lamps there in the background you just don't hit your head on them yet they look like they're physical objects to watch out for there's ten levels in this which is criminal level ten for example starts with two bats coming at you faster than you could ever run usually these paths show up in certain spots and in this level it's all planned they really don't want you to beat this game because the sister sprite was never pulled in the only way I was able to go through this was with savestates and even then it's near impossible you have to know they're coming and the only way to get rid of them is to go through the screen at the other side to trick the AI once you beat level 10 the game repeats no ending no nothing I know you wanted to see us not sister but what are you gonna do at least we still have the batteries in our equipment g-force fighters what's your fuel level use it wisely and escape the force that holds you the enemies are strong but the g-force of the planet will take us as we get powerless g-force it just screams finished when every screen of the game has a different name for the title manual says g-force fighters came with says g-force freaks and the game screen says g-force you're a chief wahoo was vomiting head flying through brown sticks in space the sticks do kill you but the sprite extends 50% below the hitbox so you can still fly in that area what are those well the lasers shot by the enemy ships only they move so fast they outrun their own shots we got farting Turtles pumpkin fellow staplers and and finally a flaw that haunts a lot of the space shooters they never made sure to include enemies on all horizontal lines allowing you to just stand there and for the level to play itself second stage you get hit immediately because the enemies are already placed in as the screen transitions the hitbox is now fixed at the top or rather accidentally accurate that doesn't mean we can scum it though here you go Stage three is a copy of stage two essentially nice for them to add variation by having different enemy sprites for different levels why sure he'll know what this is supposed to be the angles on these are all wrong it looks like a squashed baby then there's this that's obviously supposed to walk on the ground did I mention that you can shoot why would you do and what did the man you will say what's your fuel level there's no even if you were to treat this as a high-score game and killed a bunch of plane people the game doesn't have a battery so none of it would be saved and there are no high score lists anyway so it all just destroys the point of having score in the first place game done but wait why are there bathroom tiles his face or pubes some questions can never be answered me rules avoid the green ooze ah I see a title screen all of a sudden there's a title screen well this game is a bit special and I don't mean special in the handicapped way or the special forces way wait a developer held a contest where the first person ever to beat the game between $104,000 big problem however has some versions of the game crash in level 2 if you happen to die I just hope that was it for the problems but actually beating level 2 as well on some versions will crash the game revision B of the cartridge is the better version but let's see if you can beat the game on emulator and see if we can win the money first of all it's never good when somebody starts with a first of all eight lives that's a random number why don't any of these games have animations for chomping you just fly up in a straight line in the same stance you were when you lift it from the ground the same chunk mechanics that I talked about previously apply to every game so we don't need to disgust at every time well ok almost every game I'll I'll tell you when there's an exception do note that on level 1 you can chomp through these platforms and then you suddenly can't anymore god forbid we ever figure out what any of the is supposed to represent we know for a fact that these little [ __ ] are all losers oh and just to prove a point I made about the pizza earlier there are no hazards down there no coded in this at the bottom so you simply wrap around the screen come down from the top hit the falling threshold trigger die and turn into a green pile of Sunday take that secondary color I adore how the protagonist looks like a drawing I made in school and was immediately taken in for mental health evaluation holy Averill pull out of no Averell pull out of nowhere yes there is no time to react to it you'll learn by dying you absolutely need to know where it's coming or it's too late you are a memorize the whole stage which is not impossible to do considering the same screens just repeat Oh somebody's nose don't get snorted now at least they have a different sprite for the hopping all this understanding uses attention to detail and makes it a little easier to predict in some games your own sprite doesn't even match the orientation of it I'm shooting out of my own ass because the sprite is turned left in reality but the actual traffic is still turned right they missed a few frames there stage 2 has some new challenges like I said you can no longer jump through these platforms and now there are more noses dropping on us making it really feel like a new experience shut oh and levels just hind' and they just start the game just wipes the screen and injects another section of the code instead of just making a fresh start completely with cutscenes and other breaks wow this is just you lord knows us down you advance it's not like it's challenging you just have to get up to them not even under and they drop down all you do is wait now the rules fellows don't even shoot they just stand there like a bunch of statues well we just made enough laps so we ended level 4 no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this game also has a problem with shooting the enemies but I'll save that for another game since the shooting isn't a big part of this per actual tradition everything is faster now and you still can't kill these water droplets so you have to learn where they are 8 lives really isn't enough if you have to learn by dying imagine game overing in level 4 look a bit of platforming too bad the enemy is now to load shoot enemies need to have Telegraph's for their actions here the enemies just shoot out bullets without warning nobody can react to that chase us now there's two of these the noses have become colored another problem is that in a lot of these platforming games you can only have one bullet on the screen at once if you hesitate or you shoot too early then there's a good chance you'll just die because there is nothing else you can do final station the blue color on the platform signified that you can jump through them again how considerate the only real obstacle in this stage is to know where to go if you drop down the path below you actually can't proceed and you have to kill yourself you need to repeat a few laps of the same stretch and stay as high as you can sometimes maneuvering through the platforms in quite frustrating ways has to not kill yourself in the air that's right trap for too long and the game executes the codes to kill you once you've done exactly what the game wants you get this congratulations you may have just won take a photograph of the screen and send it to the address listed in rules and regulations your personal code modeling guess what the code is the same on every cartridge it's painted on that's still not it because the message doesn't even appear on a revision B at all nobody ever got any kind of response for sending this in and most cartridges would just crash if you attempt it anyway without savestates this game is near impossible to beat unless you practice for a long time and memorize the whole thing this was just a marketing scam to attempt and sell more copies of the game activation didn't necessarily even have the money I can't even believe I'm calling this a game most Atari 2600 games were far more complicated and more importantly a blast this game has an unused level and you can access it with game genie it has one up that does nothing and the same falling noses who's more like booze before I blow my fuse entire news pathetic silver sword mutants in the forest and the must be fought off all sites are open but they give you a clue to move up by placing you at the bottom facing up so cute for them the protagonist just looks like some [ __ ] with a bowl cut who has a face hugger attached to their head here come the swords you ready right out of your doughnut there's no throwing animation no nothing the sword just appears does this look familiar the cake the bass AI is now used for normal enemies and now they can shoot so then that means that the enemies don't even realize your lair apart from the shots they just moved random directions with a random travel time and random intentions really makes you feel like everything matters the enemies move so fast that there's little to no value in shooting them so it's wise to just keep moving up Jayesh again no diagonal movement so this will get awkward as he'll trying to maneuver through these meaningless obstacles I'm not even trying to make jokes this is hideous I can't come up with anything even remotely as funny as this attempt at making a game still better mutant Stan Bart vs. the space mutants huge caterpillars and eyeballs when you come across the stone wall level 2 starts so it's almost like they tried to make a transition it should be noted that you can take a few hits but the health bar isn't showing up it's probably coated in because it shows up in other games but some sort of error is causing it to malfunction I've never seen a health bar when the hit points are something else than 4 so maybe that's it the main problem with this is that pretty much the only thing you can do is go up and keep shooting and hope that the sword lands in an enemy before it hits you there is little to no time to react to anything you're far too you up the screen and you have a one shot limit why in the hell did they allow the player to go so high up before the screen moved if this is something you don't understand as a developer you need to start checking out other job offers and figure out if you're good at something else thinking isn't your strong suit and what would silver sword be without some horseshit hitboxes look at how much room you could fit to pregnant elephants through that hole in a baguette yet our friend mole can seemed to make it ah my god trying to make this and fit the exactly sized person through these rocks while a bunch of doctor pip at the loading seemed at the table and it just looks like some kindergarteners first projects the loading seam has tea screen information from the bottom of the screen the same loading seam happens in Super Mario Brothers 3 for example on the right side now if developers really bother to fix it because the old CRT televisions didn't show the effect anyway to the screen curvature not like these fellows would have even thought about fixing something like this Q dolt s yep once you get lucky for long enough the game is over after level 3 congratulations you just wasted your time critical bypass you have got to land with your valuable cargo but the intense gravitational pull on these planets is treacherous you must initiate landing procedures defeat this gravity problem and save your cargo try critical bypass unless we are the planet there really is no gravitational pull every damn Rock homes on us though so I just assume VR the planet and we have the cargo talk about a busy background if the Americans landed on the moon and this is what was waiting for them they would have all gotten epileptic seizures I can't even look at this looks like the cartridge he is glitching out do I have to blow in the cartridge yeah that's bad for the game the condensation it's a joke alright good news first didn't I already told you about some bad aspects you can shoot in all directions bad news is that you shoot in the direction you last moved so in order to shoot up you have to move up and not touch the d-pad after again we have these bathroom tiles but in this game they actually hurt you they look like solar panels your other obstacle are these meteors they spawn in from a random spot around the edge so sometimes they spawn behind you and immediately get this point by the moving screen this is what fun looks like this music fantastic if you have paid any attention you'll figure out the easiest way to pass the game stay in the lower left corner and wait for the meteors to get de spawned they curve a bit when they follow you so naturally they go past the edge and disappear if they come from the right side just make a small square movement to lure them the curve a bit and go back to the corner sometimes nothing is going on because the screen is full of these stationary [ __ ] preventing more meteors from spawning yep that's the sprite limit for you to beat the level you're supposed to go inside this box that transitions you out holy an actual objective as per tradition once you start a new level you're instantly swarmed by enemies I'm not sure if I mentioned this already but this happens because the screen is empty as you start to level saw the code quickly calls in enemies in the field avoid the problem is that you don't get any time to relax and prepare for the next round you have to already hold the direction to dodge these enemies if the level started with these stationary enemies in place meteors wouldn't attack you like this since the screen would already be full of enemies because of the sprite limit we talked about earlier so yet another problem with the limits they injected into most of the games guess what happens next have a yes the meteors get faster whoopty-doo now you really have to pay attention and lure them around the screen it's almost frame perfect now try doing this with the actual system with no save stating you'll be here for hours in fact most of the games in the cartridge become near impossible to be--if and you beat a few levels level one again we beat it all of these games are practically the same there's like three variations of games that use the same stretch of code and that's it it's like one of those 20,000 games in one then you find out that every fifth game is just the next speed level of Tetris now now the background is glitching up too literally up crying taiko bypass it's critical that we bypass this okay calm down nerd no need to get hostile Jupiter's go at first we saw one or two fall and thought nothing of it never thinking it could result in a meteor shower using the Stars a blazer we shoot the mud of the sky before they collide with things but the meteor shower gets more intense can I just say that this is one of the more innocent looking games on the cartridge but if you only knew how long this game is the background is static and you move around the screen like a mouse cursor the only thing that ever happens is these flaming peak rectums come flying down and shoot them the levels only advance once you kill a set number of enemies hold down turbo or shoot too much and nothing spawns as usual that means you really have to wait for an enemy to appear and then shoot you're way too slow for this task though and as the levels progress enemies get faster at that point it's almost impossible to reach some of the enemies in time they pretty much have to be in your line of fire so you have a chance one enemies worth a hundred points and guess how many points you need to beat the game have a guess well about 30,000 to 40,000 depends how much you died that's 310 enemies you have to kill yes I counted and it can take 20 seconds up to a minute to kill one if they come down from bad spots you can't reach in time so let's say it takes 25 seconds in average to kill one it would take you well over two and a half hours to beat the game I found a speed runner that dip is in just over 23 minutes but he got extremely lucky with the enemy positions also who the speedrun my god music is still going like who the hell has died whose fear Alam is is it mine because I'd like to wake up from the dead just so I could kill myself yeah you didn't evaluate the game look at it there's nothing to evaluate it's like shoving a sparkler in my dick hole yes it's there now sparkling me blind I I actually slapped my face Alfredo went to Miss build fettuccine 'he's the pasta has gotten out of control you've got to race the clock and get the spaghetti linguini and other pasta back into the pot where it belongs elfrid in the FIDIC the pasta people fettuccini ravioli one hits and your neck snaps that has got to be the best death animation of the entire library of games what is this guy's problem anyway looks like he skinned Bugs Bunny I made a costume of him or something honestly though this game doesn't look too bad for an early NES game too bad they put you too far to the right again so you can barely react to anything that's about to come your way you either learn when the enemies are gonna come and rest the attack button before they even spawn or you just get lucky a lot like with the previous games moderate Falls will kill you here as well but this time you can stop the coal from counting down the timer if you attack mid-air your position is reset and the kill timer starts from the beginning this way you can make bigger chumps and survive if you think about it these games are all about beating the broken code and finding ways to disable or circumvent certain phrases I like how you can go inside scenery like these games don't have enough problems as it is the ground isn't even made up of one solid block it's multiple passable layers of garbage see how the enemies seem to kind of drag and move in weird ways as the screen Scrolls it's like they're being tracked under a different timing interval and screen that's the problem I explained previously but this still isn't the cute example of a game to showcase the problem with the we had a weapon with bullets so I could show you later though I'd like to remind you that everything I've talked about or at least most things are still apparent here all the way from the wheel jump mechanics the hitboxes never forget those because I'm not going to repeat myself in every game just know those aspects exist well at least the enemies actually get squashed mmm come smoke is this supposed to be pasta or a condom wrapper ah my eyes the cockles do nothing why did they change the ceiling to these huge versions now as per tradition the enemies are now faster Jesus on a pogo stick after an excruciating level-3 were finally done the developers made most of these games near impossible to beat without cheating just so people wouldn't see much of them or see how short they really were smart more incredibly ignorant operation full moon mission assault lunar base one tribe your dune buggie through the enemy territory destroying all terrible occupants and establishments better look around real good and leave no moon stone unturned dictate a terrible establishments all right here I come all right here I come terrible establishments off well our bullets are colored like the black pixels on the grass I love this I also love the fact that if we keep firing that the enemies can't fire sprite limits yes oh well taking only shoots decides anyway I guess they're supposed to be cannons but they just ended up looking like Wang's the placements aren't even really thought out some Kenyans don't even fire at the sight you go past peak the darker dress makes us explode riveting and this dune buggie looks like someone is constantly flashing their ass crack at us now the grass is blue it must mean we're in the new stage nothing ever changes in this game except the colors green blue orange yellow green or green purple pink lighter blue - the buildings everything is faster now here are the other this is so slow 80% of the time you are just slowly going up with nothing to shoot at lucky for us when you hit this threshold the game crashes I don't even care it could just say level 1 and repeat but when it crashes at least it's it kind of feels like closure that was eight levels of human soil and it's not like every level has progression they just repeat the same three or four sections over / well you think you can just change the color and nobody would notice what is this made for people who don't vaccinate their kids Dambusters they are destroying everything and the only way to save the wildlife is to break the dam and let the water free your Vinita poof suffering from hematemesis just like everyone else in the game no damage indicators no health bar get hit a few times and you're dead the same boss AI is used on the enemies so all they do is swap directions after a random amount of time has passed soft enemies are stationary so the same stationary object code is used here again they also ignore the scenery and spawn inside walls what is their obsession of putting you so close to the edge of the screen and it's always the way of travel it cuts down the reaction time by at least 50% if we're moving right positioned the characters the far left or at least near the center there is an even Amelie here though watch what happens when we shoot and ten move the shot gets tracked by the actual screen movement something like this also happened in paperboy but in that game it almost felt like it was done like that in purpose so you could still steer the papers in the air this just makes it worse the shots are so fast that moving them deliberately is almost out of the question and again to shoot in different directions you first have to face that way the screen gets locked - whatever horizontal position its ads when you go forward so there's really no way to move back brilliant now I have to either reset the game or get killed was it so hard to add a pad for both sides our movement is so limited yet the level has these zigzags where you need precise control and they make you shoot enemies while doing this - great hitbox is by the way one up it doesn't actually give you a one-up - there's no sound or code attached oh my Oh randomly staged - how am I not surprised and why are our shots the exact same as the enemy's growl at least colored them differently can't tell which of these are mine since the game is using the boss ATI code the enemies can't really navigate through the mazes they only get through them by luck the only hazard ooh you have are the homing shots and sometimes the enemy is born right next to you and hit you why are all of these paths open there's nothing there okay trusters you have right and left thrusters hit full speed and use laser cannons to avoid alien invasions in the galaxy oh we've already seen in this game why would I discuss this twice I'm sorry what no they put in black borders well time to start shooting so nothing spawns level 2 cuckold why does this keep happening holy ovaries speculums limp dicks it's different now some of them started shooting bullets that are slower than the removed speed seems familiar you can barely even see them before it's too late so hold down fire and never let go it's blue oh no health bar again but we do have a few hit points our hitbox is essentially only the orange part so that's cool there's literally nothing new here to evaluate I'm sorry it's there's nothing home did hills of windward ghosts and Ghoulies are running loose in the cemetery get them all back to where they belong and in the chaos in the hall halls of winter words what Haunted Hill haunted Hall haunted hills Hank Hill all the same they give you two good reasons to like this game unfortunately we're out of the and into the your weapon of choice the cross one-shot limit maximum of two enemies on the screen and you're still going to have problems if you predict wrong and miss you're basically just did this guy makes you do all kinds of maneuvers to dodge the enemies there I say they might have accidentally created something that resembles a game this is one of the better games of the bunch don't be fooled here the spikes or whatever the these are supposed to be didn't actually kill us it's default height again well look at this skull doesn't this look pretty good all three of the college fellows were given $1500 in advance and if I had to guess this skull was their first creation after that it was all down hill down hole it honestly looks pretty nice there was also some fellow in a robe looks pretty cute too but it was never used in the game the chain in theory is a nice obstacle but it just needed to look more like an actual hazard color it differently from the ceiling at least and here's the hitboxes good I have an explanation of this however during my research I found out that the hitboxes are like this because they up goddamn oh my actual insta-kill objects this proves that it could have been done for all of the games they just didn't bother to copy paste the code over and what is this an actual boss fight I like how the bosses legs are black in a black background the game is just full of these amateur mistakes that any sane person would fix when they saw that I guess 52 games in three months makes it whole on you usually just one NES game took at least three months to make well how does this work just simple timers count move down count move up repeat this time they call it the shot separately from other games why because if these were homing shots you couldn't dodge them I liked how suddenly they have empathy for the player like they want you to beat the game so rather than make the shots follow you they just fly diagonally the bottom left from the bus and never seem to reach us so they are practically useless seems like they only had two choices muesli shots or impossible shots cute pic here though guys when you hit the spider it doesn't make any sound you get no feedback at first I thought you have to hit his ass because it's a huge purple part of it but no you can hit the sprite anywhere deal damage it just takes about 50 shots and this fight takes like five minutes I doesn't even deserve to there is no challenge here cyka blyat they're trying to lure us into jumping from the top but the descent would kill us you're not gonna fool me it's the chain I should get used to these spiders because it's never thing oh my god suck my duck eat the rest of the game is just pixel perfect maneuvering while simultaneously watching for your jumping and landing once you've cheated for a long time you get to the next spider it's the same as the first iota now their screen and more ghosts some of these paddlers require frame-perfect moves one wrong inputs and you kick the bucket and this happens all the time try beating this game without savestates or cheats I can guarantee you'll be trying T months in oh come on the last fighter is on the same spot as the last two and because the crowd is higher now the other cycle is impossible to hit the developers realized this and made this freak block for you to exit the stage instead we need this block for every game for the first screen please chill out Old Man Winter is at the top and easy hmm Old Man Winter is at the top and is your goal but it keeps snowing and he's blowing I mean whatever you gotta do to make money you must reach the top before you get snowed under this is basically the same game as the loominator except the lights don't go out what's with the characters always looking like Mongoloids well it's all here everything we've discussed so far is present do the exact same thing you did on illuminator and you're done stationary enemies are stationary this time though so no enemies seem to have such a little walking cycle that they would just notch back and forth Oh for [ __ ] sake five levels of this and it's all over it just seems like it's a lot easier to die in this because if the level layers are much more cramped add fast-moving mongs and you got yourself a gay old time sharks you are a frogman and must collect rare marine creatures and recover lost treasures at the bottom of the sea you have your stun gun and can always retreat in your electromagnetic base that repels sharks in the rest of the enemies your diving suit can only survive a few shark bites and is useless against the deadly chili fish hello hmm fear the frogman didn't get it's basically tubular sculpt just swapped horizontally and enemies coming from both sides your project aisles are so slow it's a pain to try and kill something that went past you and it's too hard to shoot them when they're coming at you because there's not much time to react oh my god just like with tubular scope it's running on triggers kill a certain amount of sharks and advance to the next level after a couple of hours there's something new jellyfish they come in with the same boss AI to a couple of terms and then disappear at the other edge the time you have to shoot this is a few seconds so if you miss prepared to wait another few minutes for anyone to spawn this is extremely infuriating I can't even begin to tell you just look at this imagine playing this on your free time do you hate yourself oh oh white sharks and my batteries died on my controller well guess what I literally walked to go get new batteries took the old ones out put the new ones in close the battery cover and I didn't take a single hit in two minutes unless we plan on wasting the same amount of time as in tubular scope I say we move on unless you want to keep getting pummeled by and yes I did research nothing changes the enemies get faster big ellonija she comes out of no where with her evil armies you must defend against the wave after wave they something-something wave after made of enemies and they will attack you until only the impressed machine megalomania remains it's the same game as g-force fighters this time there is no ceiling so you can just hug the top of the screen and wait till the game is over we do have an interesting oddity to remember how in star evil if you shot too many bullets you'd wipe out the boss usually the bosses in this game have a ridiculous amount of hit points and it takes like an hour to kill them unless you align yourself correctly you'll die so be careful and yes it's the same AI again what did you expect the Spanish Inquisition well now we're confined into this small space but the enemy still appear the same way so naturally they have come through the scenery all Midler's I have to fight the boss like this you have no idea how difficult this is if it wasn't for the slowly moving bullets this would actually be possible good different colors what suddenly were in a completely different level surprise and we're done here the French Baker you may try to keep the cookie patterns pounding and the bread rising but it's not as easy as it sounds yet another straight-up clone of illuminator because of the layers though it's not much easier to just hang onto a ladder and keep drawing your rolling pins at them everything is the same at the same strategy works stay on one level until nothing spawns and clear the rest Jesus Christ this will happen a lot by the way and it looks like the enemies have bigger hit boxes than it seems they just walk over these gaps how was I supposed to anticipate that result the enemies just float on the play fields they're not actually walking on anything thus they can't fall I don't even get what these enemies are supposed to Reaper sent four levels this time can't wait for the next iteration of illuminator there was an unused title screen for this game as well Wow really descriptive also for some unknown reason the code for the French Baker was inserted twice into the ROM the other code is an earlier version of the game you can access it with a hex editor but the game tends to crash a lot that's most quake the legions of space pirates are causing solar flares and sending shockwaves to destroy your planet you must fly in and arrest them all it's another story will accept you fly around as a Star Trek logo do note that the triangles don't hurt you on the sides just decoration main difference here is that there are no bosses the levels just end sprites have been swapped and that's pretty much it the issue is that some of the later levels get cramped as he'll and with these kind of hit boxes you'll take it up the ass a time or two look at this look at this you can't even squeeze a normal-sized stick through this level 5 is completely broken I don't think it was never even designed some kind of a layout was put in but that was it it looks like it's another level of the earlier four because you just die randomly the balls and obstacles are there for you to die on but nothing on the screen makes sense even with savestates I couldn't go very far there is a trigger here somewhere though to make it loop back to level 1 I'll give you one guess as to where release at the end of the stage no in the middle no sides no all right right as the level starts immediately move down and touch the bottom of the screen congratulations you beat the game they most likely just put the ending there so that they could test that it works and that takes you out but they never went back and redesigned the last level I guess they forgot kind of how I forgot the name of the game beyond board game of strategy and skill try to get places from starting line to go watch out for hidden traps harder than it sounds harder than it sounds mian mian that doesn't sound hard sounds like you're trying to talk Japanese to your cat create music the channel thought people have heard about this game is that you move up and randomly you get killed by nothing so it's like a guessing game that's not really true but what I'm about to show you it's not really going to make a difference either so you're supposed to watch out for hidden traps like the manual says and please take it literally you're supposed to stop every once in a while to look for which squares turn and trap you down only by the waiting can you see the deadly blocks not a lot of people knew about this because your gut instinct tells you to go up fast and then that's how you just get killed they should have made it so that these trap doors actually chopped you down add an animation and all that now you just explode which doesn't make any sense so wait and look for the trapdoors what me try they ask you the way to see the trapdoors but waiting kills you that's right if you are in the same block for too long you get killed so the only sane thing left to do is wait to see the trap squares but also move back and forth so the invisible trigger timer doesn't kill you this is fun holy I guess it would be really easy otherwise Judge Joe brave I guess it would be really easy otherwise to just go one by one and wait to see the deadly blocks but let me ask you what's this whole game a good idea in the first place maybe this game doesn't need to exist I'm just saying the small action 52 logo actually looks pretty good but why in the name of my name is it the character we move it's like a board game that uses its own logo as the movable piece I mean can you stop sucking your own dick for 52 seconds and the way you move oh boy you have to keep tapping the direction my tongue got tired after 15 seconds of this and it goes on and on and on it's worse than tapping away in Silver Surfer because it's my left thumb and not my right and it's the d-pad instead of a single button reach the top and the next level begins classic on some levels the trapdoors are bombs it makes no real difference except these are much easier to see so all of the challenge is pretty much gone it seems like some stages aren't properly showing the bombs and that's why they stay solid for so long but no it's actually coated that's why I believe it or not you are supposed to wait but not wait but move but not move too fast it's like a Spanish lady telling a Swedish guy how to drive a car four levels of this for the hell is happening at the bottom why are the previous level spawning there this I have no answer to maybe the game is trying to kill itself only thing I can think of is what I said earlier the levels aren't actually reset but rather the board is wiped and 10 new level transition occurs so all of the game's code this point is still running in the background would certainly make sense here somehow is still trying to call back something from the previous levels space dreams there is a black hole and on the other side are all your space dreams you must get past all of the obstacles to enter the hole and realize your dreams realize your dreams you're a baby you dream of scary dolls teddy bears made of bread dough rattles cubes and then you just wake up and realize your dreams the baby now possesses clarity and it's ready to take the next step in becoming the better version of themselves this music sounds a lot like the ducktales moon team in certain parts [Music] a pacifier shooting stars and no you don't get killed by these bright objects they're just part of the background and that's very much the game nothing to see you stay still and keep shooting nothing ever gets you enemies are again randomly spawned from the top so you're technically not safe anywhere take out walls buses and obstacles from star evil and you got space dreams twelve stages this time and when you only have one shot on screen at once I'd urge to make your mark or you're dead streamers try climbing to the top of this one what try climbing to the top of this one by showing Street steamers and climbing them on your shopping steamers on your way up you better watch out for the various piling clowns burning candles and bouncing balls because if they get you you'll die a little each time I die a little each time I have to look at another game you're some kind of a mouse that has syphilis okay I made that up just to lighten the mood I doubt the mouse had unprotected sex he would easily notice a terrible itch that in its core streamers is a lot like Bionic Commando if it was made by an inanimate caribou Narada you shoot out a string and when the string touches a platform you move up with it just like Bionic Commando you have no chump you can also fire the string around the screen because the only prevention that you would wrap the character around the screen is an invisible wall otherwise you could just walk to the right and come back from the lift but obviously for this game that needed to be disabled just like the devil essentially it's just a copy-paste of an existing games code but some games have invisible barriers around the screen and some don't hence the string is still able to go through but we can stuck at the edge they prevented cheating Bravo here's my number one no gamers tip for this game don't touch it clowns don't touch them magic wands don't touch them moneybags don't touch them rabbit in a top hat you can touch it it's just for decoration but a stupid obviously these face means it's bad you did a bad thing go figure rather than coding some kind of a currency system one up system that could have been borrowed from other games healed ups they decided to just put in all of these assets and make them all cost damage again invisible health bar but you do eventually die to everything oh nice money the game teaches you a handful of lessons don't be greedy don't let clowns touch you and most importantly don't shove a magic warms up you sometimes the platform's are spread out awfully the way you advance makes the game push you up in a certain way so you constantly have to reorient yourself to keep going up near the edges of platforms the string doesn't work at all because the heat box of the platform ends before the sprite ends nice sometimes the objects are just laid out in front of you and there is no way to get past them so you have to take damage this just emphasizes the fact that these were supposed to be collectables and power-ups so if you took too much damage prior this wand here would just end your run most invisible blocks interstage yeah get level it's so obvious that they constructed these levels without keeping this so-called physics in mind look at this for example what a pain in the dick such a warm feeling to see enemy AI recycled from other games like Illumina placements what else could they mess up is a TV going to hang itself me level 4 was the last one we're out I kinda enjoyed that in a very dark sadistic melancholic morose way I feel like drinking blood and sacrificing virgins and then come here nightgown mouse let's do it like they do it in Discovery spread fire you may have some great weapons in effect the best you believed him to fight off the tremendous enemies that seemed to multiply all right what is this don't make a volver joke don't make a fool of a joke don't make a fool of a joke we control and an excited that swims in oil guess what it's tubular scope except the enemies have the boss yeah I like how I can just save the boss nai and you know what I mean for some reason for these enemies they forgot to add a hitbox yep same code is still triggered no music either it's like I'm in limbo your biggest problem is going to be preventing the enemies from coming down to your level if that happens they can just ram into you since you can only shoot up levels go by enemies get faster dick gets hard shot course Melara look how look how fast this is luckily I developed a strategy wait for an enemy to spawn then immediately start shooting to exceed the sprite limit so you only have one enemy to kill at a time if you let multiple of them spawn you're roadkill guess how many levels just have a guess give me a number between 0 and 50 how many levels do you think are on this you ready this game is near impossible and can you even fathom the idea of dodging and perfectly hitting for 18 levels at the end the enemies move so fast we can finally discuss one of the biggest problems that is evident in most of these games that have moving objects it's hard to explain but let's try so usually when you think of a size color you think how fluid the movement is in most cases the character can move pixel perfect if you're just precise with your inputs same for the enemies well animated and designed they can easily behave in a realistic way more the frames better the outcome in most cases anyway I don't quite understand how they made this particular segment in the code but it seems like the way the sprites move especially enemies they are either being dragged along by the screen or they our own but they don't actually move as in the object itself isn't advancing in time but rather it looks as if the object is being assigned a new point every time they are supposed to move so let's say this ship is going to move left for a while instead of telling it to move from point A to point B my guess is that they didn't exactly know how to do that so instead it moves from point A to a new point a to a new point a until the randomizer just randomizes a new direction so every time it's moved it has a chance that it will turn it does look like there is a minimum amount it will move every time at least in certain games such as this one otherwise it could literally change direction after every point making it to spirals and other crazy another problem with this point to point movement is that the sprite isn't dragging itself but it's it's assigned a new location what seems like every now and then leaving a few frames dead while it's doing its thing this is the core of the problem because this happens it means that enemies can sometimes just pass through you or you can easily just shoot through them because there's little dead air from point A to another point a there is a time when the sprite doesn't really exist in any kind of space as it's still transitioning long story short so make your sprites actually move don't make them appear then disappeared and appear again in another spot it's just it looks like it moves but it doesn't it's just being assigned new locations this was the issue I mentioned a couple of times with the other games so the more you know doesn't it seem like the way they did it was far more difficult to do than the obvious method I've heard that it was hard as to code games for the NES and if all they had was three months for 52 games I'm not even surprised they went with the first thing that sort of worked bubblegum Rosie Rosie is looking for her gum but so are a lot of other gum starved critters help her get her gum back but be careful the critters don't get you first did it just say the critters are looking for gum not a little girl gun starved you do realize you don't eat gum you chew gum most critters don't even have teeth bubble gum Rossi [Music] well that's that's it we took a hit on our invisible health bar now we can only take X amount of damage spikes in our Achilles at least yeah they forgot they forgot to okay this is getting old unlike Rosie T old for me machi God I don't even get the joke I never got that what does it mean it's like a like to you old for me what the just is how he said to even gotta get me a new script write a script writer for this I mean this is not the comedy club what does it mean there is one stationary objects shoot shot it God God and they didn't make it possible to shoot these springy the only thing you can do is jump over or go under you can take one hit but if you take another you die also there's no tail if you took damage enemies just disappear when you collide into them no sound no nothing as you might have noticed the enemies get tracked when discrete moves the enemies are just placed into the scene and they're not actually interacting with the ground at all hence why they also go inside the scenery there's no collision these balls have come from the right rolling in also just hover in the air it looks like they just roll on the ground but it's just place to look like it but hey at least there's animation for your attack rosie is looking for her come but she but she sure as hell can fire a million gumballs out of her melt sweet baby Jesus hold me what's what's wrong with the controls what's wrong I already explained the controls they're the same for almost every game and bubble come but gumgum rossi is no different see I've come to learn how to dodge the immediate blockages when starting a stage I had no idea this game had a driving stage look at this there's gum balls all over the level except they kill you yeah the boss AI it's not like we haven't played this exact same game five times already I mean completely original you wish of a [ __ ] I'll shove this public I'm so far up her ass you'll have another reason to on it thanks for that cruel feeling look a bunch of great ideas let's now have the boss AI in a side-scroller that makes it easy to anticipate the nose this removes but now they actually look like ooze the Fox News they also didn't color her eyes in so they just changed depending on the background she's look so dead look look at her how in the world's biggest am I supposed to make this without saving the state every two seconds they try to fool us again I'm not going to jump from one platform to another I know better sprites changed that indicates that they changed the sprites now does the game behave differently is there any challenge to be learned guess three times good answer it should be noted that there is an unused level level for achieving stage why should it be noted I don't know it wasn't used who cares micro Mike he's only the size of a flea and it's difficult getting from her it's difficult getting from her to dare they can't these people were Americans it's their first language what the is only the size of a flea and it's difficult getting from her the Dare when you're smaller than the Strand the strand of hair never mentioned before it seems like you're in the land of the Giants let's okay let's check how how many mistakes are in this he is only the size of a flea okay that's good karma and that's a strike and it is difficult getting from her getting from her getting out of a woman getting from her so getting from inside of women to dare so somebody else's somebody's when you're you're what you're smaller you're not you are you're smaller than the strand of hair which wasn't mentioned before so it should be a strand of hair it seems like you're not you are but you're in the land of the Giants I didn't even write this in the script I'm just baffled Deever Americans it was their first language and this is this is a read this is the real manual it exists what the is your education the object of the game is to not eat your controller out of frustration micro Mike more like dick boy Fathead time to throw my pencil at this game seriously though it's something relatively new the screen moves twice the speed of some of the other games and your goal is to avoid these upcoming walls if you only get hit a little Mike gets dragged a bit more if you only get hit a little Mike gets tracked a bit more to the left each time when you are pushed too far it's going to make it so that the next dodge becomes impossible to make you need to be near frame perfect and not get tracked but maybe once in the entire stage otherwise you've run out of room enemies are placed without any thought put behind it they're in your way out of your way just everywhere randomly you can shoot but your shots are so slow it barely matters as per tradition miss once and you can say goodbye to max face oven boy please note these small balls coming at you slowly these are important for later mice the whole playing field glitching I really wanted to know the answer to this some games just keep bumping the two bottom rows up randomly and Anna it would have wrapped back down from the top if someone knows why this happens let me know I think sometimes code is ran in these areas because it doesn't show up in an old old TV so nobody bothered to hide it but my god why is it so prominent at times the whole screen is having a seizure if I had to guess ugly code ah rat do blue lines guess my hunch was pretty good they didn't have the courtesy to make new AI for these enemies surprised to see T pass AI once again obviously when you design something you're supposed to design things around each other not just copy paste one mechanic over to a completely different area it's like only having urinals for women's bathrooms just because men have it just fine well it is 2019 then there's the boss this time it's the spider boss AI from haunted halls or heels or whatever the but with an added line of code it can now also move left then back right but it can't freely move around the screen it can only move up and down at the very far right the vertical travel length is also a bit longer and now it doesn't shoot spiders or anything else for that matter remember those small balls we saw in the stage their back and they spawn from here that's pretty close to us have fun you [ __ ] I've saved a thousand times but if you miss consider yourself done you're trying to kill the boss but also protect yourself at the same time this is ridiculous I could make a fifty page essay about this it doesn't help that the small balls are actually big rectangles what is this though here there there's an actual sound cue when you hit the well it kind of looks like someone is bending over and getting a footlong up their ass interesting idea for a boss very brave after 50 or so shots reach level 2 and let me make sure you understand doing that boss without any safe states on the actual cartridge on the actual console is easily considered impossible there is no way you can beat that unless you get extremely lucky predict in advance and just familiarize yourself with the fight yes it can theoretically be done but it's so difficult I just consider it impossible back to level 2 it's more of the same come on don't act surprised and what the hell is this slim daddy fat legs supposed to be anyway what is this what is it what is it it looks like a fat man cut in half riding a rocket where do you come up with this no matter how many lines I snorts I could never picture this exact thing in my head not even my verse nightmares I've never seen anything like this like how many mushrooms do you have to eat they really don't want you to beat this game I have to lead this ball so I can shoot it but you stay up here can't get to the line of fire I need and I still have a whole boss to kill I can land one shot at the bus and didn't kill another 23 balls then one shot at the boss maybe even miss repeat do it again dreams my nuts go again savestates after a few hours were created with level 3 don't worry this is it he got spikes now but it's not really different from the walls prior you don't get insta killed or nothing it's just a graphic they chose here you have to know what to do you absolutely need to if you don't nail this whole level by the second you're dead sometimes you have to chew in advance other times it's just about alignment and choosing your next kill one fraction of a second gone wrong in your toast no human could ever go through this again it's possible that doesn't mean it's doable you need emulator tools for this it's criminal why are some of these games made impossible to beat to add insult to injury the last boss has the same AI but your movement is now limited to this one section holy if it was a matter of a second before now we're talking frames imagine doing a frame or two wrong and game overing to this it's not like I had any expectations it's a fat fellow riding a dick in a turbo tunnel sign me up crackheads even the unused tiles are telling us to off there are literally tiles in the ROM saying haha micro Mike I get it no I don't get it underground tunnel this way and that's in order to find the gold be careful of the other strange creatures you find here other strange creatures you're implying that were a creature or did you just forget to tell us about the main creatures in any case for a black fellow who got dumped into an underground tunnel system literally dumped I is this okay I mean it was 1991 can I even show this yeah it's probably fine anyway if you're a black fellow killing a herd of ugly Reds the city's look like your stereotypical Chinese people hits yeah better not to look at in too much detail you touch the mushrooms and you turn over like a second hand on a clock chop a hundred meters you're fine touch a mushroom with your toe there - good teaching moment don't touch anything yellow what's my goal even if I made it up there there's nothing there I'm glad they utilize the illuminator code here it looks so easy to just get up there oh my goodness I suppose we do the same thing we do on each one of these one screen platformers we kill enough enemies and deliver least beaten [Music] well I've been here for half an hour and the enemies just keep on coming and without some careful safe stating and trial and error this would be impossible how many times have I said the word impossible during this episode like a million times five perfectly explains the situation it is impossible what the hell do you ask of me I've been here for are you kidding me there was another one of those invisible exit blocks up there how was I supposed to know that there are no instructions no teaching elements no nothing if I've done the same thing over and over for 20 games now and suddenly changes up how would I know okay well the rest of the game once you know how to walk to the other side is really easy you just walk there unless you decide to check why they would put mushrooms in a dead end where nobody would go in the first place and you can crap the ladders even if you only touch them by one pixel of your body it's always so nice being treated like an idiot's the finish is technically right next to me but I have to walk all around just to get to it and because the ladders are actually just background objects it looks like they wanted to block some of these routes but you can just go through there and crap the ladder because there's nothing obstructing you you can just grab this ladder because it's a background objects the the wall isn't actually a walls just paint it on what Christ look at this purple bird it's like picking the ground but with the back of his skull or it's a black man wearing a hoody a schnitz of course you shoot through them if you time it wrong I said time it's like you even could level four looks insane but it's the easiest of them you don't even a face where you're shooting if you shoot from a ladder level six what a game an enemy is killed through the wall sometimes it just looks like they don't travel on the ground in this game either they're just going from point to point in drawing the scenery the final stage you walk up to a dead end and that's the game whereas in the other levels there was an actual opening so the black guy dies at the end there was nowhere to go now I'm sad it's too real rocket chalky futuristic cowboy straddles of rockets attempting to last so various Robo cattle the lasso gains power as it glows brighter but gets dimmer and losses power as the bad guys shoot and here okay I'm sorry it's just two levels of staying at the top there's nothing new I've discussed every aspect of this game during the other evaluations there is however an unused level level tree it's pretty cliche so clearly wasn't finished yep rocket jockey non-human they're not human they have a mind of the road they are hungry and they want you as their next meal get them before they get you just what the doctor ordered a triangle through the back head inside a condom track pants your basic Slav quick we need lava for the bottom of the screen what kind of tiles do we have is the I like how the screen is literally pushing us back as we move and I went the screen is still he runs like he got stung by a Hornet why would the character have a relative connection to the screen movement nothing is ever fixed the same code used for every game the game is forcing us to go up but as soon as we do it punishes us by placing enemies like this you can't Crouch and shoot the only thing you can do is fire while standing which by the way also doesn't have an animation the one-shot limit is really a [ __ ] wanna miss dead and here the only way you can avoid this is to go back here and jump over it oh my god oh you can make it it just requires some superhero moves my god it makes you lower the enemies out you can't spawn enemies after you've already committed to jump that's horrible game design that's it yes cry-baby try to get crybaby back to his crib but be careful - IO with open electric sockets poisons fire in the stove there are things to help along the way such as cookies lollipops candy bars and pacifiers if the baby meets any bad guys trying to kidnap him he squeezes his bar will shoots down twinkle twinkle little guy how I wonder why you cry down below a game so bad running from your deadbeat dad twinkle twinkle little kyle now you stumble upon a paedophile it's illuminator why is the baby the size of the adults actually he's bigger than some of the adults what is this guy's agenda it's literally a game where pedophiles try to snatch a baby and this is supposed to be milk the game is even called cry baby so the developers just assumed you're going to get cold essentially this is just like every other one screen game where you go about on different platforms it's just that the ladders are exchanged with furniture same rules apply stay on one platform get rid of the enemies once they stop spawning move on and kill the rest I do have a problem with the furniture being ladders because they don't extend up to the floor so it looks like they can't be used for climbing purposes the premise is cute I guess a baby climbing furniture and going about the room but what the is this when somebody proposed this idea didn't anyone else go like maybe that's not a good idea well I guess someone wants I love it the furniture the furniture doesn't even sit on the ground it's hanging in mid-air and this television or whatever the this is it's only a ladder hanging in the air because if you tried to climb it down you'll just fall down and die why are there Marcy pants with legs a bunch of levels here and the only difference is come on now I'm waiting the only difference is yep the colors sent the speed of the enemies well actually if they don't get faster they are just being moved faster between their new locations on the screen oh it's part of the difference between this and the other games you have a melee weapon this time that's like at least changing two lines of existing code and this way you really can't shoot through the enemies because the milik stays on the screen for a few frames nullifying that empty frame effects five levels done and shut Shh come alright slashers they are everywhere mean guys with nails that are 9-inch knives and they like to slash everything that comes into their path don't get in their way or your next week I like when I like when Americans use your instead of you are the American education system guys first kick in 1821 and people still don't know the difference between your and you are Oh what is this a hilt bar no an actual health bar it's a whole new game we've we've got platforms dings bricks you can kick and punch and it's one of the worst games I've ever seen typically in beat-em-ups it makes some kind of a robust sound like but this just looks like a catfight between to you sexually insecure people you can't even tell when you're getting here if you just mash buttons well the way to avoid damage is to perfectly time your punch so that your punch meets the enemies that's essentially the block of the game missed time it's just a little and you'll take damage it's not like you're reacting to the enemy every enemy is the same you just learn by taking damage before you know what the rhythm is none of this matters though you Inc yes you just walk around them and you're fine essentially what the AI is doing is this first it spawns from the right as soon as it spawns it target locks even starts to follow you but their speed is so low you can actually just go around them if they do catch you they latch to you from the front lock in place and now you have to fight it because they're stuck to their position now when they're stuck they repeat the same pattern over and over so at that point practing the rhythm prior makes a big difference but you shouldn't even need to because avoiding every enemy is pretty easy unless the scenery comes in the way the music just makes me want to live life Oh as usual the enemies ignore the blockades classic way to apply that code only to the player less work I suppose I like how when the enemies die they explode into a bloody mess hmm get boys one of the only good things here at least with no distinct sounds this almost makes it up for it holy who's this [ __ ] first this seems like a boss but then one of the levels has like 20 of them and he's really no different to anyone else rooftops waive rooftops subway rooftops game is over but I mean you gotta hand it to them it's something different and it has things that other games don't your winner crazy shuffle educational puzzle game picture matching with many levels games and options tests memory and concentration skills my memory seems to be fine because I can recall this code being used before what comes to concentration skills those are trapping at an alarming rate think you got the wrong name and description for this one buddy it looks like GTA 0.5 and Windows 3.2 looks like a pretty fun game if I only had a magnifying glass and crystal meth so from what I understand here an orange fellow shooting at things you hate purple fellows you collect crosses they forgot to inject code into and watch out for the stationary shurikens that's an insta-kill well for those ones that were made into an object collect EF holy there's a sound attached it's like action 52 gave me feedback for the first time can't go up even though it's open what okay now I'm confused you're you've done it you've done you you confused me how did we beat the level okay maybe we can figure this out together let's do this every project island person is like four pixels wide have fun hitting like this those purple fellows remind of cooroo cooroo cooroo in on the gameboy advance I used to like that game well I still like that game it's like made for four-year-olds the boss a is at full speed here again but now it collides with these green walls except if there are round parts it those are just painted on they're not actually part of the walls hitbox this is going to take a year or two again the enemy's move from one spot to the next so you're going to miss most of your shots even if they are bang on they didn't even bother to check that the enemies would spawn inside the playing field obviously there are empty spots outside and inside the green barrier so they can spawn there too oh boy I know how this gets beat the amount of enemies to kill is just very low for the first few stages it's enough to kill just a couple of them and it doesn't even care if there are still enemies on the screen there are other games like this on this cartridge but I think this is the only one that does this usually you need to kill everything that's left on the screen because there is always a set number spawn looks like the enemy's here just keep spawning but the game ends at a defined kill count it's winter catch a fellow spawning into this location keep firing at the deed is done obviously you should never allow the player to choose enemies like this it's kind of like hopping on some kind of a rock and a 3d game at the enemies can't challenge you from the ground so it just fire arrows at them until they die the name was still adequate crazy shuffle you had Christian teams killing people getting too little refs running around in a maze none of it makes any goddamn sense first power Fuzzy's must get to the land of guru he's got to avoid of walking brushes hair Troyer's combs and other natural hair disasters because if he lost says all of his hair he's bald and the game is over that's a micro Mike's got nothing on this I do have to admit my hair went gray a few years ago and this is a solid depiction of mine in fast power supposedly you're some kind of a deformed fellow losing here each time we get hit and apparently according to the manual losing all of your hair means you should off yourself you're not very for society without hair that's right if you don't look like an old man's bang you're worthless the first time I tried this I could not figure out why I kept killing hit listen your attack is this role and you're supposed to roll into enemies to kill them it just seemed like every time I tried it I died or will lost my hair and killed myself the problem is that the role stays on for only a few frames and when the enemy is group up and moved together a few frames it gives you isn't enough to dodge both enemies so you just end up getting hit you should only roll into enemies when there's only one of them the game just does a job at giving you those possibilities if you are here with one frame off your roll stops and you take a hit or if it's a projectile like air from the hairdryer you actually can't roll into them they cancel your attack stance and cause damage anyway since they have the same attributes as the other bullets from all the other games they hold on you and cause damage my landlords the developers just didn't bother to change them for this instance so of course the roll gets cancelled because you're supposed to get damaged that's how the bullets were coded may be a bad idea to reuse them for a game like this all they had to do was to give the bullets a positive flag for destruction if the players pride was in the roll stance but I guess by doing that all of the other games would have had the same piece of code and that would have caused even more problems games are supposed to be designed in a way where your attack or trouble weapon can easily be distinguished sound effects should be added and you should also feel the impact this is like having intercourse with an elephant or waving a baguette in a Masshole and how is this calm a natural hair disaster Jesus a Korean enemy against a green background what was this May - its game maker for blind people and what are these tombstones for it's not it's not held or points just looks like a placeholder for something that never became anything wait it just leave it in once you walk for a while trying to beat the odds you come across these mountains and then soon after that this pile of rocks this is the end actually because there is no way you can make it up there it's too high you can hack the xvalue and move yourself over the mountain but it will just reset the game well if you don't want to continue developing a game just add a barrier beats me shooting-gallery seven different levels to test shooting skills skeet shooting gallery shooting target shooting quick-draw and a final shootout with bad guys no no no the floppy-eared Bonnie let's do the mandatory test yep now we know our boats are so small we're going to have to really pray for the best the hitboxes are so small that we shoot through everything like five times before making our mark because of the positioning issue I've talked about million times if the bullet or the enemy are just changing positions it goes true let alone both of them at the same time that's two possible frames where there is no contact I've heard it all what comes to this game you can't beat it there's no way to die it goes on forever all of these are false the game does end you can die and it doesn't go on forever the manual literally says seven levels and this time it's correct in order to beat the game and go back to level one you have to kill 137 targets the thing is it doesn't matter if you miss the targets which would be counter intuitive an actual range you're supposed to see how many targets you can get here it doesn't matter just kill enough of them in a single level to proceed it has nothing to do with actual target practice every enemy amounts to different points but that doesn't really matter so many bad guys white ducks pink rabbits what's next black the shooting makes a horrible sound this is literal torture the Chinese water torture this is worse remember when I said that there is a way to die well nobody knows about it because nobody plays this game for longer than one level you can only die when you reach level three now the enemies have a chance to come down to your level if the AI decides so it's not too common but it can happen with bad luck essentially levels fun until you have an actual barrier at the bottom before your character but the barrier is then removed for later levels to make it harder quite a good idea in theory but the execution is horrid it doesn't tell you that it happened you have no idea why didn't they just add a visible barrier and then just take it away in level three I don't know about you but whenever I close the range i hold the gun on top of my head and hold it there for extra challenge ten minutes and hundred thirty seven targets later we're out lollipops the chocolate monsters have taken lollies you are chunni jawbreaker and must try to rescuer [Music] great somebody died again lower the casket tapped the coffin to show connection eat cake to celebrate what is with this music I thought Goonies too was strange enough because the main character killed enemies with his yo-yo here's a fellow who kills with a lollipop a hole is doughnut kirby that morphs into a deformed starfish a cleaver with stick legs boy they got all of the chocolate monsters in here they also couldn't use the existing ladders from other games because they wanted needs to be bigger and wider now you have to jump up on it instead of climbing it was it that hard to attach code from a different object this one actually yes because these are just normal blocks and platforms made to look like a ladder it could very well just be one of the blocks from us it's done like this because the character is bigger in this game than the others but then why is the character bigger it's just an endless barrage of questions we're gonna go deeper and deeper and Hoover dissecting pixels here well let's do that because there's an unused sprite for a stickman with a dick funny how they didn't use that one your first instinct would be to jump back down from here and you know what that would do so carefully what if you see that he got me he got mangled I mean I've seen a lot of liveleak videos where people turn into paste but my goodness look at this he got well at least I got a teaching element here how the ladders work in this game shame there was no prize up there okay no that's worthless then why would I go up there aha every time you jump it makes that noise and so many platforms up there but no use for them at all it's not like there's another path there or something it's just for decoration and once you figure out that you deal damage in the same way as in fast power except with an additional 4 pixel range here is rather just jump over everything yet another challenge nollie 5 I envy that guy in the casket wait a minute isn't the fall Heights before dying greater in this game than the others it's just that they're false is much faster it's basically the same amount of time before you die in this game you just fall faster giving you more airtime we've found it the Tree of Life but I thought we were searching for lolly and I say let the peach die we found a tree full of lollies welcome to a bunch of chumps where you commit to a chump and then see if an enemy was coming do it again die do it again make it a bit further do it again look the less they have screen estates the smaller their movement they actually collide with the H in this not going to help much as the platforms are on are so small yet again their speed is way too fast for a game like this this game almost looks like it's fun but the looks deceive you it's as mediocre as the rest it's a fun idea for a kids game but when you got this now it's just a green door the tree is gone you would not believe this [Music] [Music] what the happened it's like some sort of a hidden message the developers are in danger of course oh my goodness that the ghost of Vince Perry it all makes sense doors that lead back to the beginning of the game cruel gets understandable it's your last chance to exit this dimension go back living your life the way it was before before gets all of this it's your choice going the door or keep going to see how deep the rabbit-hole goes and you're if you ignored all of the doors you're in limbo forever this is it the end of the game looks like we made the wrong choice and we are stuck here until we starve to death it doesn't matter anyway because if you go back to level 1 level 3 is always here waiting for you to finally arrive and go pass the doors it resemble states suffering agony our demise this is how it all ends there is no lali lali was in our heads all that time it was merely a character we created so we wouldn't feel so distant to the current social struggles this is the only game so far that made me think and for that reason it is the best game in the cartridge so far whether this was an easter egg by the developers or just the code getting mangled or unfinished it's unsettling in both cases why hasn't nobody showcased this to me before why am I the first one ever to come here and show it to you I don't feel normal I feel like something has been injected into me my senses have been deleted I've been sensory deprivation I've been extinguished amnesia insomnia night terrors hallucinations pencil-dick syndrome the evil empire the Arabian desert has bad Arabians whoa Oh what Arabian desert has bad Arabians and gee knees harsher the worn wood has stolen the great genie weeds he will rule the land unless you can defeat his evil empire and saved Jeanne Jim what do you call two Arab guys in front of a trash can a family portrait with that racist backstory out of the way here's the game you wouldn't believe me when I told you it's illuminated but it is again now it's smaller people random walk lengths dead while falling more spawn when you kill them you know the thrill except now you're killing a bunch of Arabian people I like have some of the ladders our chain links this bigger fellow on the carpet is actually the same size as the rest and his hitbox is still on the ground despite his price being off ground that's fun to shoot at why the hell do you climb a ladder like a spider well alright we understand the similarities but what are the differences between all of the other illuminator clothes well you got one UPS for one even though it's more like a plum and doesn't in any way let you know it's a one up the one up spawn at the same ratio as the enemies and if you manage to have 4:1 ups in the level at once then only one enemy can spawn because of the sprite limit so leave four of them there and fight just one enemy at a time if you feel like it then there's these stationary fires using vases and of course our bullets being so small and ignoring health of the frames you have to shoot it multiple times and adjust your position a bit to kill them they shoot the bosses homing shots that you made to look like burning mice they're also always facing rights and despite the ROM having left facing mice - guess they forgot yet - here's the strange thing and I wasn't even preparing you for this but you can get so many 1ups you can actually go over nine but then it starts to rotate other characters from the sprites Bank in its place like here we got tea lives and backslash lives so for example if we have tea as two lives it would mean we have 29 lives this could seriously be a cute way to somehow hack this game and rewrite its code but I don't think anyone who know how to do that wouldn't give a damn to even do it so we might never even see that happen after you get more lives than there are characters it becomes blank the sprite Bank basically holds all of the characters letters numbers and they are all placed in a row in this one tile so you just count from the first character to T and then you have twenty nine so that's twenty nine lives wealth the same strategy works as always stay on the ladders wait for enemies to spawn go kill them preferably if one platform at a time as long as they keep coming then finish the rest they actually have a real pattern on an enemy yes the birds always do this pattern and never change up it's really something new and you can sometimes miss because of this fresh new can't believe it I'm sure they'll find a way to reuse this but well such excitement another note I should make is that the platform's aren't solid here either just like pretty much everywhere else just like pretty much everywhere else you can land in between these two layers the ladders always seem to be the same weight so even if they appear smaller like in this game you can crab them pretty far after sides if you don't get bored enough and quit the game before level 5 you get to see something breathtaking and new mechanic you can only climb down these parts not up it doesn't really change anything since it's a idea to begin with it just limits you from coming up the middle and and if the enemies spawn in bad spots have fun 5 levels with a new mechanic introduced on the final level and never used to its full potential in total you have to kill 125 Arabians to complete the game where do they come up with these numbers there's also an unused title screen and some sprite letters and numbers it doesn't end there though take a look at this dragon this is probably meant to be a boss but never included sombreros a she want to leave has stolen all of the sombreros you must use your pistola take the law into your own hands and get them back this game follows logic because there are belt buckles driving on the roads yeah I know they're supposed to be cars but I've never seen a sprite that looked less like a card in this one but hey there's something completely new here again well not that Buddha the screen works against us again as our movement is severely hindered when the screen moves so our movement is literally relative to the screen movement and it's getting some sort of values from there making us slower it's absolutely normal and if we're not moving the screen up so go figure what I was actually talking about was two sombreros on the ground which by the way are bigger than us they serve as armor in this game you can only have one armor you can only have one armor at a time so if you get hit you can collect another to get the armor back you can't however keep collecting them as the maximum value is one so if you get hit get a new sombrero or you're one hit away from dying shame there are no indicators on the screen for this a lot of the games are missing the bonus information on the screen if they are unique to the game because they will probably show on top of every other game if they try to add it since most of these games are just played only sharing the same piece of code this whole cartridge probably has one piece of paper worth of code if even that there is also no indication made for the player that the sombreros are actually armored my first instinct was that you need to collect them all to beat the game game should be made in a way it's easy for the player to understand the goals but sometimes the developers just assume the players know what they want and that is a clear mark of a developer who doesn't know what they're doing there is still a sprite limit but you're so far at the screen it doesn't really get infested cars are impossible to see coming before it's too late but if you keep shooting they won't get you the people have the pass AI but with a twist the only changed directions when they hit a wall cars just go straight down the screen is being scrolled oh look it's the third Mountain from illuminator here's the difference we're also collecting women's heads now they also forgot each other they also they also forgot to throw a line on the rules of the blue houses making it look like the house he smashed to the ground there is no perception just in case I collected every hat or waited for them to disappear just see if there was a prize for special people like me but no nothing the game is also longer than it seems but in reality you're just doing laps over the same screens over and over again one level might just have you going through the same screen three times if you're not placing yourself by the pixel these gaps can't be cleared they're exactly as wide as you are which is just bad design the gap should be wider than your heat look at this piece of Road acting as a bridge this looks like my first city in the 1989 Sim City for das what makes this even more sad that not only are a lot of things borrowed from other games it looks like the distance you travel in this game is exactly the same as in other games where the screen is moving up for example star evil if you look at these games being played at the same time you can see that both of them complete at the exact same moment when we slow down star evils the same pace in sombreros I made sure to keep moving up we are stopping so yet another thing that was reused every game that has you scrolling the screen up are exactly the same length I could easily believe it's an easy way to set a boundary for each game and once they ran out of screen to scroll just add some plans at the end and complete level I'm also led to believe that in a lot of these games they also used a invisible block to transfer you between levels as a trigger because the game doesn't end when the screen scroll ends it ends when you walk high enough it's easier to code for star evil when the boss dies the level ends but they need it a trigger nevertheless there are also countless other things that have been reused like having to look where you want to fire but I don't think it's necessary to go over everything again so if they just hatched you without the sombrero before collecting one and then putting one on as he picked them up then it would at least queue you in that you had some sort of protection the enemies could have then first shot the sombrero off then you but no no such thought went around during development and I thought of that after 5 seconds of seeing how the mechanic worked then again if somebody handed me $1,500 and told me to make a game in three months maybe I would have done the same way to treat your team like [ __ ] I don't even get out of bed for $1,500 storm over desert using your tanks you must avoid the mine fields set by the evil army of say Hossein the evil Satan's army of soldiers will kill you or die trying' it it has an intro screen the 1963 flag of Iraq why is Satan equipped with a crop this is a big intro screen coming from a small man who can't even write English there are more grammar mistakes in these manual descriptions than there is oil in the Middle East and here they come with a very American splash screen good job guys really makes you look fantastic where was this game made in Alabama how's the game then well Iraq is being marked with pink tanks and a huge version of a running Saddam Hussein what is this 1990s Newgrounds yay kill all of the ugly deserters anyway you can take five hits and it includes people yes running over people cause the tank damaged because coding one extra line I tried to understand their motive for this game but after making so much fun of Saddam they then make him invincible in the game he can't be killed you can only shoot his black friends to your heart's content at first I thought the enemies would go across the screen but no they actually appear from random spots oftentimes just hitting you almost instantly and you're so slow good luck actually hitting anything kind of suffers from the same problems as sharks in that sense and no health bar what do you think you can help bar better write down your health and keep track that way level 2 you're at the beach we ship that you can run over that looks like a fence but isn't level 3 the deserts a few blocks are now placed on the screen to stop you from moving there the enemies hover as usual so they just go past them level 4 level 5 however has some sort of a trench and in the middle of it there's an invisible th block that kills you good one there's also some sort of a pipe you can't go through it's like waiting for pain to try in the rain level 6 I've learned don't go into the trenches oh my god who the cares you add all of the enemies together that you need to kill the beat the game it's 249 enemies have fun mash man you're really you're a funny-looking dude with a little hair and great big feet you've got to match everything in sight before they somehow mash you I'm gonna cut to the chase don't jump on sharp jump on eyeballs god damn a thumbtack my only weakness can't even see the he's basically the from fast power but now dressed as some sort of a Danish fellow running the marathon for the first time the scenery never changes no gaps no elevation just enemies that you jump over unless it's an eyeball then you can mash it this nose stuck between some saloon doors though that's too prickly it's just stationary enemies every now and then it's three levels I can't even make this up this is a real game of course the game doesn't really tell you what hurts you and what doesn't so you'll eventually just figure out that sharp things are sharp and eyeballs aren't there was a hurt sprites but it was never used time what a [ __ ] three levels with different palettes and this game gave me nothing to talk about even the like controls and jump mechanics I've already talked about them so there's literally nothing left unless maybe we can check if the horizontal games are also as long as the vertical ones oh they came they came on what they came from outer space try killing all of the green-eyed monsters only to be attacked by the leader they came from outer space well obviously couldn't fit that hole tightly and so just better shorten it to take aim why even name your game how do you like that projectile size it's like two pixels tied together you've got four hit points this time and picking up these peepers gives you one more hits with the maximum being four now what you guessed that these are actually hazardous yes these stationary things that look like explored stars actually kill you there is no animation or anything so how would you know another example of a grand design they came from outer space if they didn't come out were also in space so how did they come from outer space if we're also there they're coming from within space to our current location I almost like these blocks because they resemble some kind of cargo or pieces of spaceships that got blown off but when my imagination ends so does the game's charm there is really nothing new here that I haven't already explained you turned the fire in same direction enemies spawn from random spots giving you close to known time to react and if you keep the sprite limit full you're going to be alone in space I am the one who comes now as we move on look at this the borders of these blocks are filled with the same purple material that can be seen on these rounded things that hurt us so why in the hell would we even try and go close to it well you have to at some point at least try it because it seems that otherwise the space would be pretty limited here you should never use the same kind of pattern for both objects that's hurt even background graphics but it seems like to me that whoever is watching this now understands that so why don't all of the developers understand the basic principles of game design I mean if you took an electrician or a carpenter off the street and asked them about this they would no doubt tell you that it's not smart to make two objects look the same but work differently it's like installing your garage door to work with the light switch and look the same well we got one oxygen no sound better leave them there if you want less enemies at any given time I just know this to hell why are shot sideways oh they just never added any code to turn it based on the ship's position if issues right it looks normal but when we turn it's the same as shooting right even shooting left it's takes the wrong way look it looks different stand in one place and keep firing I mean why would you do anything else what incentive would I have to keep moving around it's not like asteroids which is an actual good game or you need to keep dodging the meteors here you've got nothing to dodge unless the enemies spawn right on you but they'll die if they are in your line of fire stationary enemies have been thrown into the mix and now this one up just keeps spawning oh and now they recolor that purple goo and made it gray why didn't they do that earlier Oh but now the ships are grey - it's like every possible game design mistake you could never do they're all here skulls mean dead no touch the skull they just change the purple garbage into skulls but at least now we have a better idea of the actual hitbox yes they use the same hitbox for all of them you surprised I have to admit this is one of the better games on the cartridge because every other level works a bit differently and it's going to get quite insane but when I say better that's not saying much it still sucks ass throw out if a platypus is penis while hanging up we've got so many 1ups again that were in the litters but like I said every stage has new enemies new patters to learn and so on they're not cute patters or even that fun and it can turn unfair pretty fast but this game at least even tries sometimes there are so many won apps that the game goes over the sprite limited nothing spawns it doesn't help that they can spawn inside the skulls - because no ground checks were done they can just spawn anywhere on the screen it's some sort of a boss level but as usual there is nothing on the screen and starting the level so obviously the game just calls the boss is in as soon as possible and you get gang-raped mr. boss AI and they don't even physically turn they are facing the way they faced when they spawned in this is actually quite everything it's almost like I'm playing a game next up more ships these ones appear and disappear just as fast you're better off just killing the stationary blocks to beat the stage as it doesn't matter what you kill just as long as you kill enough of them and then another boss level now it blocks in your way damn this is busy looking just have to find a safe spot otherwise there's not much you can do to survive the biggest problem of this game certainly is the fact that you have to kind of cheat to beat it which of course is true for most of these games but here I kind of feel bad this would be possible to beat but who in the right mind wouldn't savestate this especially with those cheap level spawns and if you game over you'd have to start it back from level 1 I don't think a hundred lives would be enough there's an even better game done in a similar manner but it's coming up later we're just running out of evaluations to do since everything is powered across the titles let's keep going Laser League you're trapped in a warp with only your laser you must try to stay alive collecting new weapons on the way and avoiding the traps they've set for you until you can be rescued by laser League my power of the gaze cow me well will will doesn't it look like the bottom is solid ground well it's not and no enemies ever spawn from that spot they just forgot to make it solid so why wouldn't we use that to our advantage even if you couldn't go there you could just stay in one spot and keep firing then there's another familiar thing this game effectively uses every asset that has already been created before we've had games forever too slow to get out of harm's way well this is the complete opposites were faster than anything else so dodging these bullets is nothing even if you play the levels legit it's still one of the most boring games in existence don't you love the soundtrack it's also a dumbass move to have our lasers be in two parts weight really is just one projectile that doesn't want damage wife they include a gap in its guess how many stitches to two stages and look at these ships I could probably make a better sprite in 10 minutes and I've never ever done sprite work I could make up more to talk about but I think we're just wasting our time let's get to something actually interesting Billy barber Marilu has disappeared the bad guys have her but Billy Bob is stuck in jail and must find his way out from deep within this prison it's a long sentence in the desert by traversing all of the levels and rescuing Marilu being kidnapped isn't exactly called disappearing but whatever listen it's a cheap knockoff of Prince of Persia the animations of the main characters stop as soon as he let go button usually there's a void or downtime for the animation to come to a smooth stop after no buttons are being pressed this is done to make the movement look fluent and realistic unlike this miss excuse me there's a showcase for literally every other arrow that's about to drop except the one straight above this first obstacle yet another learned by dying title truth be told these drops from the ceiling are you guessed its random placements are random and the actual sprites are random it doesn't matter if it's a block or an arrow the end result is the same lucky for us there are certain animations with no hitbox so we can make the climb up if we just time it correctly off this is really one of my pet peeves but your common sense should tell you not to put hassled pits or enemies right after a transition especially if the transition is instant instead of a crack screen shift you'll never see that coming the first time seems like most of these screens in majority of these games were done without thinking about the continuity of the game it's like the rules were done and thrown into a pool and ten picked from there and assembled you can't in your greatest honesty tell me that this level for example was built from room 1 to room whatever in order there is no way anyone who'd do this it has to be randomized at least in some form that's not the only problem the fact that there's a gap right after the transition there is a bigger much more idiotic problem it's an old friend visiting will two of them the first one is the descending time to shorts of course you can tell that they didn't even account to it in this game if you look at the screen you should be able to just drop down and go right but due to every game sharing the same mechanics it doesn't work out it doesn't just magically work how they intended it to that requires actual work what's the other problem then the jump mechanics remember how we already discussed it if you hold down the jump button while pressing a direction it locks your horizontal movement this is through the most of these games people have actually thought that this game is impossible to beat and that it ends here this is however false here's how you do it so let go of the button as soon as you jump and there we go notice how it's not even enough that you stop on this platform you need to make a running jump jump doesn't actually work when you're standing still yes they disabled it why who knows so in order to make this you need to be ready to jump immediately when the screen changes otherwise you can't make it so not only do you have to know that there's a gap you also have to know the jump in advance even if this was left in the game make it the last screen not the second if you really have to it anyway whilst us cleared we can move on okay there's another that's really funny I'm laughing right now holy god damn well are these trapping blocks and arrows only start to spawn in after a while so we our best bet is to try and make every screen as fast as possible if you don't you just get cornered or pummeled I mean they do spawn instantly sometimes because it's all random but usually you have at least a few seconds to get out of the way oh it's our friend the sprite limit that's why some of the arrows and blocks drop down immediately without the Telegraph it's because the Telegraph can't show up if there's too much going on otherwise you would only have the Telegraph's at the top and none of them could fall down because that would require a new sprite to come in even the Chobe all ideas fail the game is trippin on its own shoelaces oh those are actually some nice-looking sprites shame they forgot the descending date so now they're just there for sure come on you can't have the floor this high up if the hazards drop down from the ceiling and can you imagine how hard it is to jump on top of this block it's not coded as a variable so you can't just be 5 or 7 pixels away from the block and grab it you have to be spot-on you have to be just one pixel away from the edge to be able to grab it and that's hard to judge can you imagine buying this on a CRT television holy there's an actual exit it's the same invisible exit block again but with sprite on top but hey at least is here don't jump off the platform though that will kill you you literally have to run from the previous screen to make this what oh I didn't realize you can shoot pretty nice sound effect and look at the animation that's really nice I'm not sure if we're ever going to need the gun but it's there for now okay it really does highlight the idea I had about the screen pool doesn't it there's literally no platform on the screen so you have to start your jump from the previous screen no no no no no no ah nice trigger I'm serious if you're on the same level as the hazards they get wiped they want you to beat this game huh the arrow shouldn't go through the goddamn earth the arrow shouldn't go through the goddamn blocks this entire cartridge has zero collisions coded in apart from invisible walls and character interactions between objects enemies they just float it somehow gets even worse I have to make this and I'm so close to the arrows to begin with and the next screen I have to stand on that platform at isn't me if I can just god damn come on ah nice level three christ almighty this can't be real this can't be real for suddenly in cheetahmen level four to be exact we just warped from an entirely different game to another now I sound like I've made so much sense during this whole video all the talk about the games being load at the same way sharing the same code behaving similarly and using the same asset pool and paragraphs of code in fact this shouldn't even be surprising the reason this happened is because the game has what is called a bank switch bug something about the banks which is being switched by accident meaning that it fails and I either crashes or load something else bank switching is a technique used in computer design to increase the amount of usable memory beyond the amount that is addressable by the processor in video game systems Bank switching basically allowed larger games to be developed for play on existing consoles I'd imagine that with 52 games Taney of this technology to even have a few levels per game and of course like everything else they failed utilizing the technology as soon as you exit this level the banks which happens by its mistakenly swapped with another switch and here we are in cheetahmen level for the beginning of this level looks like s and it has crossed my mind that this screen could be a so-called garbage screen sometimes developers use to hide excess or bonus code in garbage tiles like this and it would make sense that we ended up here why are their garbage tiles in an actual cheetahmen stay and not hidden somewhere else I have no idea there are also two level threes in cheetahmen so my educated guess would be that this other level was never supposed to be actually included or at least not the beginning of it let's save the evaluation of chairman for its actual spot but I do want to mention that if we keep going the rabbit hole goes deeper during level four or should I say five keep in mind we're still actually playing billy-bob if you drop down to this pits well you are now pushed into level nine of cheetahmen collective one up and boom level 10 which really is just a cardboard mess it's most likely a part of a stage or two stages mixed together nothing makes sense and to advance you jump on invisible platforms if you can cross a certain area on the screen with your sprite you can spawn the final boss of the game here if you beat it you're just transferred back to the title screen this is without a doubt it's not supposed to be here even the colors are wrong so the code is getting mangled at some points why does this beat cause it's the best answer I have is that it's executing something bad when you drop down here I really don't have a good answer some people say they are warps that we were coded in but never finished but who the knows my best guess is that there's one of those invisible exit blocks or indeed a warp and they just forgot it there during testing because otherwise we would have come down from the top and died there but the fact that the sprite completely stops at the bottom we're hitting some sort of a trigger there well you can actually be cheetahmen via billy-bob and that's awesome billy-bob is heavily clicked and because of the banks which is being called out of order the rest of the levels don't work there are actually a whopping 11 stages for billy-bob and because of a simple bug you can only play two of them what a sad conclusion seeing all the potential it had it's gonna be one of the best games on the cartridge no matter how awesome this experience was I'm still bitter that it all happened we just can't get a break with this game like I said there are 11 unused levels which can all be played via an emulator by accessing the RAM there are also voice clips made for Billy but never used in the final version of the game city of tune while scaling the city skycrapers to read the city of the evil insect plague you very shoes will and accurately because the fall is a long way down behold the worst game of the entire Bunch ah ah what do you you turn into a priest when you die not even the two level games come close to this abomination this is the only game I didn't actually beat but make sure to do research so that I wouldn't miss anything important here's the thing the windows and the window sills are in your way so the wall is the only surface you can climb not only that but you get killed by touching the windows you die they're not just obstacles they're stationary enemies one slip-up and you're dead try scaling this gap you have to be on the pixel to make this so you're better off not even trying too bad there are usually enemies coming at you and you'd benefit from going sideways but no it's out of the question the windows and the window sills gradually hurt you and they take a part of your health bar it looks like sometimes you can pass through some of the surface but most times you'll take several hits but only when you move so pressing a direction and passing over this area will get you killed but if you let go you're fine until you move again everything else is pretty familiar to enemies at once at max strange projectiles and goal of moving the screen up as far as it goes it's probably the same length as other games will most likely you're traversing so slow it'll take you a while the bowling balls go straight down but the Hornets have the boss AI which is a really bad idea because the developers have the tendency to put you really close to the edge you're moving towards so that your reaction times are cut in half we should be positioned closer to the bottom to be able to react these enemies even then your movement speed is so slow that if you miss your shot you're going to get hit at the end you have to stop shooting just like in Star evil otherwise the boss doesn't spoil when it does born you realize how slow you actually are the boss is almost twice as fast and if the random number generator decides to kill you it'll kill you there is no running away you can't get away from this you have to have insane luck for a few minutes so that the boss doesn't run into you and kill it and you can't even move diagonally because they never go to such movements in the games this is really thread fool most times you're just going up with nothing going on then something kills you faster than you can say doc I'm getting the Forest Whitaker I if I could just keep going up and fires the sights or something but no and you can only fire through your right hand so you're always firing off sin through your best bet is to go up from the sides but careful the cloud is an enemy really now this this is literally the worst game in the entire cartridge and it's almost nothing near from the other games all the assets and the code is just be used for this but somehow the setting the premise and how its presented to you it's just the worst thing I can't make myself go through this I give up there's only three stages and I made it halfway through level 2 wait save stating and cheating that was the furthest I could make it this is because everything gets even faster except the player's ability to move so now dodging anything is even more difficult you're just way too slow for this game level 3 tie up the count of the enemies and made them even faster it would be easier to actually climb a real building than beat this game the final insect boss is so fast you can't react to anything it does so it's all luck at that point off bits and pieces try to make solid line cells of various size in the shapes as they flow down to the bottom of the screen so Tetris this can't even be bad I've only seen a couple of bad tetris clones and it's been a while okay so maybe they messed up the title of the game the description of the game in the manual and in the game this is just a clone of mesh man but the enemies move now and they come from left and right wolves walking upright with diapers slime chaps skeletons and you're some kind of a dark vampire dressed as a janitor health bar is missing as usual but you can take three hits when you get hit the final time you disintegrate and to be honest it looks pretty good just like in mesh man the only attack you have is the bottom of your feet if you hit the enemies with anything else than a descending jump on their head you take damage I really hate how in most games you don't get any feedback at all as per your actions kill the enemy successfully or get hit by it the result is more often than not the same the enemy disappears and you're left wondering what happened it's only once we really test the game we figure out how it works in all honesty if you have three months to make 52 games hiring a testing team would've led to the cancellation of this cartridge or at the very least prologue the published schedule by a few years and that was not in Vince Perry's best interests what an amateur mistake having a white background while most of the enemies have white accents or parts in them the teeth of the wolves the skeleton must diapers just basic principles you should never mess up in game development and to talk about the jump some more it's usually best to jump over the enemies instead of trying to land on top of them because sometimes a few enemies spawn at once so when you make that initial jump to crush the first one you'll probably learn too soon and get hit by the next enemy stage 2 has more tombstones in the back and brown crosses also these purple persons now stage 3 however doesn't this look like it's supposed to be stage 1 usually game starts with the happy green overworld and then gradually changed into something more morose it's like starting Mario Tree from world 8 and going back to world 1 once we walk the same distance over again the game is done the enemies are a bit faster of course but the game never gets to her no bosses no nothing I remember playing a darts game when I was a kid this was on the PC it was one of the worst games I ever played and even that was more interesting than most of these to take the dart in your hand you press space to select the curvature you press space at the right time to select power you held down space until you had enough of it and de TRO you press space to clear the points and to throw another darts you press space so all you did to draw one dart was press base four times and that was far better than anything we've seen here today a game that you only have one button has beaten a bunch of games on the NES it's hard to imagine at least on the Atari 2600 you still have to choice the Qian if you only had one button when entertainment turns into surreal reflection of your life you're a lucky man if you can laugh at the choked beeps and bleeps robots microscopy than human goos here they come ready your weapons and fire still watching splendid because this is the best game on the entire cartridge this is the grand of action 52 the title that is like a rain cloud on top of every other game here ok it's not that good but it can certainly carry the entire arsenal with ease listen you're a diamond shaped eyeball ship and you go around collecting 1ups which in this game are actually hit points and one up ads one hit point and it's clearly showcased on your ship the maximum hit points you can have is 4 we actually got feedback on the things we just accomplished now we know what it does isn't that a great feeling the background isn't really in your way it's just there for graphics it's mostly random garbage anyway but this game actually has something you would call progression every level is different from the rest and would you believe that every enemy is different they all behave in a unique way and that means you actually learn something playing this on level one you've got two enemies these horseshoes move slowly and fire small bullets and they can only move into four main directions then there's this blue cross which can actually also move diagonally look at that diagonal II die agonal II in addition to their moves it's being randomly generated they can also trigger a de-spawn they are they're just basically to annoy you most likely you proceeds the next level by killing enough horseshoes yes that's right the basic mechanic of killing enough is back I'm happy to say that level 2 has different enemies and more stuff to learn the green cross moves in the four directions the green crosshairs fire bullets it's not much and of course these are all assets we know of but it's still pretty interesting take out enough of them while collecting HP and you're after the next level I still hate how in order to fire lifts you have to turn left first and that mechanic ends up like a rain cloud on top of this game as well anyway the stage 3 the background is really offending my eyes now but the enemies are rather interesting again although flawed the pink balls move too fast remember what I talked about the fact that enemies don't really move on the road but rather they are being moved from spot to spot well it really shows here again it's hard to hit these in any other way than dead-on when they are coming at you seems like the hitboxes health decisis will despite these flaws is still there I say almost a fun fight and isn't it nice to have an actual representation of your health in a simple manner this time it's like I'm playing an actual game the yellow crosses are basically suicide bombers they move in all directions and home on you like a but it's given a trigger to keep following your every move instead of just going the direction you were first seen you wanna get rid of these fast I mean holy I'm explaining a real game to you and how it works and what's behind it Stage four is a bit criminal but it's because of the enemy designs and Sprite limit you start the stage and realize everything is coming at you because the game is told to spawn in something when the field is empty well it's sort of a bass level you got clean mines which are fast as he'll actually faster than you so there is no getting away you need to kill them before they catch you or you lose HP shame they are so fast they end up ruining this whole stage the idea is nice but in practice it doesn't work will you also got pink crosses which also home on you I'll bite slower but to make up for it they fire bullets in random directions sad to say but unless you save state on the level intro you probably won't make it it's way too difficult even though the grid mines are faster than you they turn slower so by going in circles they shouldn't catch you if you do it correctly you wanna just hope that the level spawns more pink crosses than these mines you now also got to get used to these purple blocks they are in your way one other flaw is that the enemy is spawning from random locations so sometimes they spawn right next to you and there's not much you can do about it do you keep in mind the mechanics on this game as well when you realize that there's only one enemy left wait for one ops to spawn and get them you should cheat to beat this level and it's probably the only way to win keep lowering the mice behind you and try to get them to the edge of the screen if you succeed they will disappear only problem is that this doesn't count towards the kill so you still need to achieve enough kills in the stage to proceed but then you actually have a chance to get rid of the pink crosses kill enough of them and your sit or get enough one up so you can crash into the mice and kill them that way near impossible level but I forgive them oh but notice how these blocks aren't even the same vertical field now I'm mad again anyway on level 5 we've got flowers and Decepticon logos the Decepticon logos just stay still and sometimes fire bullets the flowers moving for directions and an intermediate speed but they can't be killed by bullets we've got our first puzzle ladies and gentlemen do you wait for enough Decepticon logos to spawn and keep killing them or do you wait for one UPS and RAM the flowers with your ship I can't believe this game exists so much thought was put into this it's almost makes me think it was the first game they made for the cartridge and then they started ripping the assets of this game to all the other games it's the most polished most interesting and dare I say really the best game on the cartridge this is almost fun okay what's next level 6 adequate balls utilizing the bass AI which can actually only be killed by collision and some sort of Charlie enemy that homes on you I'd advise getting full hit points in the previous stage before getting here but yet again we have an interesting twist on our hands plain old strategic fun level 7 has more phallic enemies good luck trying to dodge the stick coming at you 500 miles per hour the only thing you can do now is to play that they spawn into your existing line of fire this stage is pretty flawed for that reason it looks like the developers trapped their balls a little bit here they did realize this is the smaller yellow fellows spawn in but then move out of the screen as soon as they can just pay attention to the pink ships and pray use savestates to the best of your ability this is the worst level so far if you somehow make it there is an actual boss encounter too bad they were pretty sure nobody would ever make it there so they didn't actually finish the game you can't hurt the boss and the boss can't hurt you it's a cardboard mess and wasn't probably even meant to be seen let's be real you could not be it isn't the original system is way too difficult without save States but even with the final stage being unfinished it's still by far the best game in the entire collection I'm almost impressed and cheater be man Manchester beat there have been sources where it's met it's actually called man cheetah beat the manual does have it correctly suddenly they're trying to convey a message from this I'll gather that you're the wife or a man beating your husband because they cheated on you man cheater beat or is it like some sort of a dance game where we celebrate the man cheater be an awesome beat you must try to keep the rhythm but noise little critters won't let you noisy creator being the wife roll the drums and they go away temporarily but they'll be back yeah I mean make sense oh man Chester of course in the UK Manchester Manchester or Manchester as in linen okay it's the beat or having arrived in this dance team game where we celebrate that this cheater who is a man every time you chump they don't know out of all of the sound effects they have in the in the games this was the perfect choice get used to it it'll overpower everything else well you can punch with both fists though slowly ah it boxes the usual and your fist isn't exactly what's causing damage it's just that your surprise becomes invincible for a few frames so technically you're still crashing into them just without taking damage look at this puny punch is ridiculous the most probable enemy to kill you in this game is this red flower again with zero time to react you just have to memorize when they are spawned in and jump over or if you're confident enough system music blocks from Mario never knew what they symbolized in that game and I don't get it here either consider us lucky because our fall speed is so fast we can make pretty high jumps without getting killed me their enemies typically move until they clash with the scenery so they just go back and forth except on blocks that were never made in the blocks what there are also stationary flames fun effect you can actually just walk past the entire thing when you see the first gap of the stage since the ground is in solid but made of separate tiles you can just drop down into one of these gaps here and run to the finish also because the roof has well an actual roof the bottom of the pits don't actually kill you you can just walk on them because you'll be walking on the roof remember how the screen basically wraps around unless they add a barrier yeah they didn't add anything nor built an idiot blocks down there so now the pits do nothing if in some places the roof would be missing it would still kill you as you drop out from the top an interesting note they never added a sprite for the main character would punch to his left if you face left and punch the sprite will turn right and punch of course it doesn't make a difference since the fist isn't an actual damage dealer but the whole body is and look at this sometimes dropping off of these blocks means that you're there is no way to get back up there what a joke for games as primitive as this why are there sections that require you to reset the game my goodness it's three levels and like this is a thing hey it's a new boss type for the cartridge sadly once you follow him for about 10 seconds he realized that is all he moves in a triangular pattern and never does anything else just look for the spot where he starts flying in the air and align yourself so that you can punch him as soon as he lifts up this way your sprite is invincible as he passes through and you can cause some damage at the same time failing to punch at the right time will kill you as his sprite passes over yours not much else you can do because it's a flawed design hmm Stage two has new tiles enemies are the same so find a gap and drop down to the layer below and run to the right to beat the stage of course before you can do that there's paths like this lovely another flame person find a spot and repeat stage 3 has spikes as platforms that doesn't look off or anything good job here's one of the spots where if you drop down there is no way up such a nice design it would almost be a cute challenge but the fact that there's no way to know what's going to happen you just have to know to keep jumping on these blocks and not drop down and if you do drop down there is nothing there to kill yourself with so you have to resit the game and go back to level one the idea is to challenge the player but the execution leads us to believe that maybe this was designed by a blind ape well once you reset the game and do all of the levels again here's your final boss your winner the toad is the mafia boss hmm it hold is the mafia boss who use a salamander hit when they're all out to get you but you can beat them as long as your part it's knit never put your partner terr keeps a good eye for those bad guys we are so far up action 52 SS there's almost nothing new to find anymore but at least we have a unique concept here and the protagonist doesn't even look too bad shame the game is like taking a piece in your own mouth you never run out of bullets so you probably should keep firing just in case an enemy runs at you or just stands there I never understood stationary enemies in games in a platformer or any other kind of game or you move what does an enemy give to the game if all they do is stand there and look pretty you're just going to kill them and move on it's just to slow you down and make you feel like you're doing something when in reality you're being treated like an idiot some games can pull that off but this is action 52 let's be realistic your biggest threat is not the enemies but bombs all you're gonna do is to time it though as a positive side there are queue Telegraph's for the bomb traps and it's easy to tell when the move maybe even a bit too easy I crashed the wrong party I mean good efforts the boss just goes left and right in a small pyramid never going to do anything to you kill the helpless the second stage is laid out so badly that all you have to do is walk right and fire off the bombs they have no chance to drop on you because they are so high up and their Telegraph is so long and Boop here's another mr. frog on level three I actually thought the game was over because I ran into a dead end and could not go any further of course I was shooting when the boss was trying to appear so I exceeded the sprite limit unknowingly there's actually more to this on the next batch of levels the bombs gets faster and enemies are placed in spots when you're coming under a bomb when that happens enough times you'll learn to shoot beforehand the last stage is all about the trigger finger as soon as one of these green fellows pop up on the screen you have just under a second to fire or you'll die every stage boss is the deform frog oh that's a useful skill to have if I could fly honestly if you could even climb the buildings or something to make it a little bit more interesting it was at this point when I realized I could jump for some reason I never even tried to jump because there was no need to until these stationary maang started shooting small bullet cells if it happens in an inconvenient spot your only option is to learn to shut the lift and then make a very precise jump over and what you look at this character it looks like something I true before I even went to take here honestly if I could just find one of my old toys that I made just after I learned how to walk if it look exactly like this it's so close to my style of drawing as a kid it's almost frightening and this was done by an adult grant that he probably had 10 minutes per sprite but let's still make fun of the fact I also noticed that in the later levels they try to trick you by extending the hands but not dropping bombs at first clever the bombs being faster it's really not making the game harder in any way The Telegraph is as long as it was before I'd imagine changing Zilla craft timing was probably tied to all levels so they could not change it well that's about it we killed mr. frog third six times and got rid of all the salamander hitmen we are the superior race can even sake didn't help the end protect the anthill from intruder and protect the Queen push pebbles to close the hole against intruders but it's not easy well this game is doing is pushing a pebble in my [ __ ] now we're in the game do you push anything anywhere this is in basic terms a poor man space invaders with ant and music that would make you go into labor as a man at first I thought I could not let the ants at the bottom because that meant I'd have to kill myself see you can only shoot up so if the enemies get to your level then there really isn't any way to kill them anymore you just have to collide into them and die essentially you just have to kill enough of them to proceed to the next level but what I found out was that if I'm in these two spots the enemy is vanished when they get near and then I saw that they just used the boss oh yeah so eventually with the luck of the troll they'll move back up so if all you want to do is to dodge shots be in these parts and the bullets can't hit you as they are coded to disappear on contact with the blocks this open space also works because for some reason it still carries the blocks attributes the shots just vanish thinking it's a wall so yet again finding a way to cheat is your key to victory this is all just a huge waiting game if the enemies gets at the bottom wait for them to go back up whenever you get the chance land a shot you also don't have to worry about the homing enemy types as they just disappear at the edges will but if you can kill one of those well it just counts towards the completion of the stage my god would this be impossible without this cheat or is it really a cheat if it's possible within the game the enemies to clash with the cirrie at first but on the following level some of them are placed afloat instead of crashing with the scenery so no matter what the layout of the room is it doesn't play into it in any way kind of defeats the purpose of different layouts you just gotta think why do some games have a one shot limit and other games have no limit at all like here why on earth are we restrict one shot only with a game as difficult as this it just encourages you to cheat after you've killed a hundred and sixteen enemies in various stages the game is over Campbell's adventure donkey kong type of game try to get ham both the top and watch out for the rolling balls first of all when you have to disclose that your game resembles another game let alone a real classic your nose is so far up your own ass you can't even breathe I get that they make these descriptions hastily in the allotted time so they probably just couldn't make up a good story but come on if you're expecting a big version of Rambo prepare to be disappointed it its illuminator except you don't have to kill a set number of enemies but reach the door at the top which by the way always looks like you're going to get outside but then in fact there's another room when I said that they probably just kept making sprites and graphics and dropping them into a pool to draw from I was not kidding I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they did so let's say they had 200 sprites and they had 52 games there for each game they just picked graphics that could fit the team but never went back to change any of them so what else is new nothing same controls same mechanics same everything except you're a pig with blue hair and when you die he's looking at you like I trusted you but now I'm porked why do some characters get a seizure when they die it's like the brain gets sapped so they just reach about in an unconscious state with muscle contractions before they finally kick the bucket sounds like he's himself as well the game files do show that there are unused powerup blocks pretty ambitious seeing that like this would have never been coded in course the level has to spawn enemies as soon as the level starts because it's empty this time these stationary enemies are Dynamite's but they don't actually explode or anything it's just a sprite they chose way to trick me into thinking I need to be away from them what you want me to talk about the illuminator for the 20th time one up Solomon and mustard good luck making that out on a CRT television the reason the game gives you one ups is because for some reason you only start with one life a similar level one starts you'll probably game over right out the gate funny how if you press up and jump on a ladder at the same time the travel speeds of both attributes get added on top of each other and you'll be able to clear all of the ladders which one jump further packing up the theory about the ladder is just being background tiles with added functionality to them we're doing any actions inside the area will modify the original values in a cute game like Megaman you snap into a ladder and actually has various functionalities built in but in a game like action 52 the ladders just modify existing values to something else change the sprite stance the ability to hover and float up it's not really climbing it's just tricking you into believing you're climbing hence you can also go left and right on it and it feels like the bowling ball seems to be the fastest one so just pray none of them spawn can't we get a weapon okay I guess we could anything you have plenty of games to steal a weapon from now it's just deal with bull crap like this if your luck is out multiple balls will spawn at the same platform making it impossible for you to be at the stage so we just have to kill yourself look everything is faster now it's literally one of the easiest things to code speed equals 50 now speed equals 80 10 levels by the way but the game can be beating like three minutes if I see another illuminator clone I'm going to probably beat it and show it to you time warp tickers as the ticker continues you must stop the our blasters and jump the time work to stop the tickers what is this I hear some of the music like I said it was stolen this is one of the tracks this music is actually from an Atari ST game called the music studio this is the bottom of the sprite pool every sprite that didn't make it is in this game you're a pair of fingers flicking enemies it seems like this is trying to predict the future or something I don't know it looks like something you make an opioid whenever a sprite is wiped it says time I did some research and all that I could find was that one of the developers said it's a reference to a Miami dance song that will repeat the word time over and over I still don't understand what that has to do with the game or the fingers or anything else when digging a bit deeper this game as well as cry-baby and a few others were designed by one of the developers who wasn't a developer at first but a fresh musician he was trained by the other guys who had game development experience worth of a few weeks that is messed up but he also explains a lot about the game then this time your sprite doesn't turn into a killing machine when you press the attack button you actually have to kill the enemies with your fingertip if you attack but you're facing the wrong way you die this is extremely frustrating because the tip of your finger is only about five pixels wide so you really need to make your mark timing is everything this game also bears the same problem as Billy Bob where you can't jump from a standstill you need to be holding a direction at the same time and once again enemies float on the play field causing some of them just run in the air The Replacements seem randomly thought-out but they do repeat in the same intervals for example this microphone looking [ __ ] always spawns a bit after it's firm so when you try to jump over the berm you get killed by the mic better just to travel on the ground and flick the enemies there and as usual because of the random nature of spawning enemies in by jumping over the initial enemy there is usually going to be another and here did enemies can also come up from the left so if you prefer jumping over the enemies prepare to get your fingers up the look at this guy there's no way ever to get hit by this it's just for show the ground elements are too profound most if not all of them look like they can be chomped on or that they should be avoided but you just go through all of them just decoration level two also violates basic design principles like these pipes in the background they look like they're in your way blocking you but no we could just walk past a finger passed them I'm not kidding after a few minutes of listening to this jump sound my left ear started ringing I swear this activates something in your inner ear and irritates it's two levels of the same crap and it's time to repeat level one I say it's time to off cheek so challenging jig soul apostles shows you picture then it scrambles it the new must pull it back together finish one and they get more and more difficult every time I was doing a cheek so puzzle there was always a little boy trying to kill me with a nail gun excuse me but what they seem to have messed up another description and title and quite possibly the game I took a few steps and already noticed how some of the enemies are placed inside the ground so they have to wiggle themselves free first to do their thing another game where the enemies move back and forth in the platforms they are placed in God reminds me of those Chinese videos were people working conditions and get electrocuted by something they didn't even know was dangerous god that's just too good can't make this up I like these small gaps really a challenge oh you're meant to use it to kill this enemy so we can proceed more easily now that's game design it's like they try this first without the small gap somewhere like I like how there's something hairy on the bed with a gaping hole looking at us or is the table but my goodness this is exactly why you don't make enemies just a few pixel higher than the platform you can't anticipate that it's never supposed to happen look at this bright table right here yep in the background can't use it can sit on it can't walk on it I can only look at it oh and this cap no no no no that's spike what are you stupid don't tell me you can't color that differently to make it look like a spike station Ares Willie's enemy is that more weighty first-first react the same Chomp mechanics too close to the right edge can't jump off platforms without dying it's all here what are you surprised No then we can also see that the background tiles are made from two to three different parts and something goes haywire n' and cuts the background into the wrong pieces or they just threw in there and didn't check if the tiles looked good probably the latter some blocks you can go inside like found in other games it's like they were placing the ground blocks and then that their finger slipped on some of them and they added the wrong one although at times it almost looks deliberate just thought the enemies could pass through the blocks and kill you one fatal flaw is that the enemies are so fast they scroll themselves off if you move the screen just a little bit at a time there's a good chance that the enemies will just collide with the wall can go back and disappear or you could just shoot them because there really isn't anything hard about this if we don't count the ones that are on your level three stages that is all ninja assault the master has given you the task to defeat the sins and evil ninja tribes prove you are worthy they filled the evil tribe while avoiding the Chinese stars and other objects hmm I can't fit the whole title into the menu so what letter or letters should I take away ninja 2 vague assault doesn't describe the game ninja s Nina assault ninja assault good enough first thing you'll notice are T reflections the floor is so reflective that the torch is can be seen in broad daylight you can move about you can jump like the Ninja Turtles and you can cross your sticks which is your main way of hurting your phone's just like in slashers the screen stops and the enemy approaches you stopping right before you so the fight can commence this time there's knock-back which is interesting to see something new T bad it just delays the fight for no reason every time damage he stills you hear the same sound even the birds do it the protagonists voice is curlier they for whatever reason changed the pitch for the player I guess to differentiate when you take damage element the enemy takes damage but was this really the best no it wasn't the birds home on you but they can't move diagonally so so instead they go down or left depending where you are positioned choosing the faster route for every point of movement try dodging these dogs Holy Hand Grenade the reaction time you need for all of these games is just ludicrous not the rapper and because the screen stops moving in a fight more often than not you've moved a bit to the right during the fight so in order to not get immediately killed after it you need to go back lift and let the screen orient back to its normal position god forbid the game made sure the camera was always positioned will what is this a hilt bar why of course anytime we have four hit points the health bar magically shows up any other time yeah that would require a different phrase of code game to game basis and that's too much work the screen is able to wrap around again but not in the normal way if you hit the enemies over the screen state the sprite isn't really located anywhere on the screen so they are able to fly through the right side and wrap around from the left sometimes you just keep hitting the enemies back and forth between the right and left side talking as how the games were done adding some sort of an invisible wall to prevent this wasn't really possible unless you rewrote most of the games hit men with sticks hit birds with sticks hit though a boss fight in level 2 I am surprised now oh it's just a normal fellow with more hit points it seems like rather than put it at the end of the first level a whole new stage was made for just the boss huh why I just spawned the boss is the last guy to appear I guess they just wanted the game to feel longer holy what is this battletoads i mean this game has some serious thought put into it so some of the logs flicker and some of them start to stop flickering in an a wall does not make much sense and if you trap on them the ninja fellow just curls up and starts to sleep this time they added invisible date blocks at the bottom and falling for too long doesn't kill you this also happens in stage 4 after falling from great heights just makes you think why they didn't use the mechanics of this game on other games guess they wouldn't match the is that seriously though this is pretty refreshing when the log starts to flicker you still have about a second to jump off of it so it's a nicely way and a nice warning for the player well done it's here when you begin to realize the size of the hitbox it's roughly half of the size only at the front of the ninja is the part that takes damage see how the leg bends up here standing on a flickering log or something else with this part of the sprite doesn't actually hurt you cuteness there's a visible into this as well I'm impressed you just follow the trick and die level done and this level again is different and refreshing still quite bland and TV is the end do I even have to mention that the graphics dogon got it up there my best guess here is that the banks which is acting up again and since this is level 4 and knowing that cheetahmen has two level threes it has got to have something to do with the same bug makes you think if they had the first boss in level 1 instead and had 3 levels could this actually have been avoided anyway this level only has birds nothing too near it but at the end there's a car vault mess of you can just easily kill as it keeps moving a triangular pattern hey we found it browsing the sprites of the game we can actually see that it's a dragon head there are also flames but they were never used but hey at least we have a final boss that's unique well unique in a very special way they tried Robbie and the robots Robbie must lead his cute robots against his evil brother Brady but Brady has his own robots and it's not going to be easy you know what's not going to be easy looking at this guy this is the most pedophile looking sprite I've ever seen in any game I mean look at his robe and everything white pants a small gun capable of piercing a kid's skull and the overall aesthetics just makes me uneasy you know what else makes me uneasy the fact that you can just run right and keep firing and nothing will ever do anything they also used another price template for this one because the shots are coming from the back of the sprite and not the gun itself now we actually have to do something nobody told me this all I've seen is people play this for 10 seconds and give up well level 2 welcomes us back to the world of multi-layer ground blocks but this time the pits kill you even when there's a ceiling damn they're getting smarter adding those invisible death blocks kind of watch out for the kidney stones the enemy shoot ok it's actually a challenge now like with any other similar game enemies bum-rush you faster than you can anticipate one helpful tip you ready for this oh you already figured it out sprite limit so keep shooting to negate any bullets coming from the turrets there are no bosses so you don't have to fear about preventing them from spawning my god the technicality is here you have to be a master of controlling this game if you want to survive stage 3 back to running right and shooting now we seem to have killed the evil brothers so they they just made him into a normal enemy instead of a boss I mean alright why not what a twist turns out you can't just run through this after all there are some placements which require your full concentration this is rough yet so familiar it doesn't differ from the same kind of games we've already seen but some of the turret placements make this hill and again if it is shallow block why do you have two versions of the same block when they even look the same Wow he ran so fast we completely ignored collision another good example of how the enemies will win the games and another example of a completely useless game the difficulty curve is more complex than Eve's the action gained there stood boy gasps track into the TV while playing video game changes character into one of the three cheetahmen and must fight off all the bad guys from the previous 51 games the action game master was at home playing his video game when suddenly an arm reached out of the TV and pulled him inside when he looked up he saw three gigantic yellow bodies it was two cheetahmen he began to explain the cheetah men told off the enemies here in the game world don't worry we will fight for you cheetah men run off and now the cheetah man during this game you will have treated them in a different one in every second level to fight for new oh here we are end of the line action 52 has been like a fun house a fun house is a linear sequence of scares take it or leave it is the only choice given makes you think about free will have our choices be made for us because of who we are this was supposed to be a challenger for the Ninja Turtles and alike so let's see why that didn't happen I smell ninja salt it's the same controls and pretty much the same type of game you keep moving and fight off enemies too lazy to code the falling animation no problem you explode into yellow balls when you touch a pit water or anything else thank god these blocks don't kill you house ready to strangle a pig the is a dildo flying in the air the biggest difference to ninja assault is that the screen doesn't stop for each enemy but whether you have free control of course no health bar that must mean our HP isn't for kill an enemy or take a hits they both make the same sound that should make it easy and this best they just follow you which is a nice gimmick but it's held to deal with because of the perspective and the size first price we climbed I'm surprised they were able to make big letters and so some fun to us me something that's in an angle you can't move diagonally and there's so much space at the top but you can't go there because the area to walk into at the same tile the edge tile is different but barely so it's hard to see the difference when somebody dies it sounds like a pigeon getting molested I just love how in every game like this you're walking and having the summer stroll of your life only to be instantaneously killed by something you had no idea what's coming most of this game is you trying to trick the AI into following you someplace or you can kill them next level and we're actually going down that's nice can't see where you're going you can also jump in the air now because for some reason attacking in the air resets your last jump so it thinks you landed already and gives you another forever there's not much use for this as most of the enemies are in the air anyway now what the lowest ground level is set to kill you before I it's not like you it's not like you could go there anyway yeah doing before the screen triggers is right is always fun can't seem to break it in anyway though Saddam I'm he Satan yes it's all the sprites from the air all of the games for some reason alright three months in all honesty this game is so close to ninja assault there's not much left to say other than the level design is some of the best in the cartridge and rightfully so it's still not saying much it still snore there's a boss with an original pattern and did but my god they they made a new pattern their Hercules the largest of the three ah great look at this [ __ ] he's like one fourth of the screen estate rules Robbie turrets data and spiders all of your favorites the looks of the stage the graphics impressive the background has animation it looks lively but the only attack we've got is a stomp and a punch but luckily it changes our whole sprite into a damage dealer and now we're here and we just aged like 40 years this is the same problem we saw in Billy Bob already so there's nothing more to discuss conveyor belts are never taught to the player so the first time you encounter them they're over the pit you should always teach the player of the mechanics first then put them to the test the latter just end no it doesn't it doesn't even end it's just cut you can't go any further there's oh there's only one a block visible on the right flowing you in that you're supposed to go right just great designs overall and never too close to the edge so we have to reorient the screen god help us calm down calm down it's almost over the waterfalls actually have a current that's pushing us look at it look at it color really surprised some of the protagonists of the other games are enemies of the cheetah men apparently but should I even think about that here's mr. right oh if you don't want to get killed cause at the left side of the screen tap right once and punch him when he gets near this makes your sprite invincible if you just time it will doing it in the middle is a death wish because he's going to be on top of your sprite for too long another great pattern huh level 5 is missing the intro text for the cheetah the developers have forgot to put the alphabet characters next to the image tiles in the ROM a small [ __ ] right well it should say Apollo is the master of the crossbow use the crossbow to defeating enemies in the last two levels and get dr. Laura B's I mean we have to give it to them having multiple characters with everyone having their own unique attack whether stolen from the other bits of code and assets or not it's pretty impressive in its own way this though some enemies are too low to shoes and you can't talk my I love shooting condom wrappers with a bow oh the Chinese people the only way to survive this is not to take any damage on too easy enemies because you need to help to plow through some of the bad placements no it's just a boss that's left well it's a set pattern and it repeats never actually causing you harm if you don't move from the left side shoot me in the head cheetahmen actually is considered having warps you know having some stages you've warp into different levels by dropping in pizza and whatever but if that was their idea of battle dome style warps my goodness are they out of their minds secrets are wanting but just have an indication have something even if they are legitimate warps they got messed up so it really doesn't help the fact there is a warp inside the second waterfall in the first level and the second pit in levels three and five but they all take you the great glitched level well depending on the revision they might actually work as well I'm sure you know about cheetahmen to you but I'm spinned cheetahmen to you is nothing else but more of the same with the same problems it explains a little more about the story but that's really it action 52 put forth by a businessman who didn't understand the videogame world hiring a few college students to make 52 games in three months is one of the biggest laughing stocks in videogame history the effort the guys put in was in a way remarkable but in other ways extremely lazy Tikrit old wins it's impossible to make it good it's impossible to make it way he wants to be what Vince was almost never in the office the developers weren't going to be paid anything in advance but after pressing the matter they all got $1,500 but that was everything they got for the entire project later on the guys met in 2013 to get together one more time and play the cartridge supposedly they had a good time laughing at their own creations action 52 was never anything more than a few unsupervised guys having a laugh and a good time I feel like action fix do is still better than some if not most of the early access games we see today and that is something I never thought was possible we live in a world where games are not complete when they hit the store shelves no putting the cartridge in your console and straight up playing it we've got console updates game updates bug fixes glitches it never ends when I was young things were different this is partly the reason I never got another console after PlayStation 2 action 52 might not have a single good game in it but the story behind it is interesting and the people who worked on it influenced our views on videogames today you get what you ask for and you get what you pay for this was Vince Perry's biggest life lesson one businessman in the wrong field for people who didn't know what they were doing with no way to deal with the past I get my eyes on the road after rearview mirror and roadkill behind me
Channel: Nico Evaluates
Views: 8,703
Rating: 4.9839358 out of 5
Keywords: nico evaluates, action 52 review, avgn action 52, history of action 52, miiyouandmii2, miiyouandmii2 action 52, action 52 innocent, cygnus destroyer action 52, Absolutely Terrible Games action 52, avgn cheetahmen, stanburdman action 52, action52 review, Oney Plays Action 52, video game industry history, video game industry philosophy, worst game ever, sega genesis mini review, action 52, nes music, nintendo music
Id: rBlPnRaH2qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 25sec (11965 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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