Simple Makeup Tips To Look 10 Years Younger

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[Music] hi so good to see you this week it is a makeup application and it's one that I think this audience might appreciate how to apply makeup to make you look at least ten years younger the key is in the formulation it's in the heavy-handedness or in this particular case being a little bit more light handed and just mindful of certain rules that seem to apply once we hit a certain age also the key is to not have this take up too much time we don't want to spend forever looking like we have a more youthful glow so I'm going to show you how to do this I've got ten steps that are very basic and easy to follow that you can utilize I bet you even be able to utilize a lot of the products that you have right now so first and foremost I'm starting with a blank surface here and the key to a youthful glow is glowing skin and the way to achieve that is moisture and a more subtle coverage so instead of thinking of a heavy formulation foundation I want you to think a little bit more of a lighter dewy application and there are several ways that you can achieve that you can break away from your foundation and switch over to a BB or a CC cream the two that I've used repeatedly here are the Garnier skin active BB cream and the it cosmetics CC cream both of these have sun protection in them so you don't need to apply sunscreen or another trick that you can do is if you don't want to invest in a different product take your current foundation and cut it in half with moisturizer and that will give you a little bit more of a minimalistic look a little bit more of a dewy finish as well so there are many ways to make this happen and the key is obviously not breaking the budget while we do this I also have another little weapon in my arsenal and this is the Laura Mercier tinted moisturizer illuminating and I will take this and mix a little bit in my foundation it gives a bit of kind of a sun-kissed summery glow a bit of a shimmer to it and the kids you don't want to overdo it with shimmer but you do want a little bit of a glow going on so I'm going to utilize the it CC cream and a little goes a long long way with this stuff so I'm going to do a pump and this color is medium I sort of alternate between medium and tan and I'm going to add a little bit of the laura mercier and just kind of mix it up and here we go just using a brush to apply the key is it'll give you some nice coverage so you feel like you have something on your face but you want to be able to see your skin and that's a big part of having that glow and it's what we love so much in our younger kids you know our teenagers and 20-something girls you know their skin is just so beautiful and it has just a little bit of a sheen to it so it's really just recreating that look and giving yourself a little bit of coverage at the same time okay so now that that's going on and I just bring it down on the neck as well and that's it pretty pretty quick any any residual I just take from my hand I hate to leave some on my hand and not get it on my face all righty so from here the next step I forgot to pull this out of my drawer give me two seconds here and that is a eyelid primer and I think that's really important to give your eyelids a nice foundation and something to help your makeup adhere to so and I will list everything for you in the description portion as always but this is just a great way to cut the redness in the eyelid and and provide a nice eyelid foundation for the eye shadow which will also be a very light neutral application but you don't want any redness in your eyelid and really want to start with an even palette okay and I always take the RET of the residual and just sweep a little bit under my eye and this is a great trick to catch I makeup that falls below it will prevent things from moving south and and tends to keep it northward which we all love okay so the next step is to hide discoloration and for that I'm using the tarte maracuja creaseless concealer it's my all-time favorite a little bit goes a long way with this so you're just going to want to go right in the under-eye area right here and if you want you can save this step for after eye shadow if you feel like you get a lot of eye shadow below the eye and you can always clean up a little bit as well afterward I'm not going to set this with powder just yet so if I need to add more I will but I'm really just taking and I'm pressing in the areas where there is discoloration and I want everything to to even out and if you have any spots any sun spots or whatever you can always hit it there as well okay next up on my list is filling in the brows a little bit you don't want to create too heavy of a brow because we're going for a more of a natural pared down look here a more youthful look but as we get older our brows tend to thin a little so they need some help and I'm just going to use this Anastasia straw burn and a brush and I'm just gonna create some feather-like strokes with the brush okay so you just go in and you follow your own brow line and it's going to be again very light they're just giving the brows a little bit of a pop I'm lucky with the Braille tattooing that I've done and micro bleeding it's a lot easier and quicker as you can see to just deepen and follow a line that's been created I've always said this was one of the best investments in doing this so if you're on the fence take it from me it's been a really good choice and I do find with my no makeup looks I don't even feel like I need to do eyebrows at all alright so again that's just giving our eyes some framework and now what I'm going to do is move on to eye shadow and for this look again a very nice neutral matte palette I love this japonesque eye palette I've had it for a while now and I featured it on this channel but as you can see it's an array of very pretty neutral colors so again with a relatively light hand I'm going to start with the lightest color and go on the inner corner of my eye and then up into the brow area same on the other side next up I'm going to I'm gonna utilize this bottom section here and I'm gonna start with this one on my eyelid you just can't go wrong with you know just nice tans and browns khaki green I use a lot because of the greenish color in my eyes a lot of you blue eyed gals can use some gray here so you've got some some options but the key is just a very light handed approach to the eye makeup we're just opening up the eyes focusing really on the center portion of the lid above into the crease not going too far in with this medium shade okay and I'm going to use this darker brown and we're working our way out so this is now going on the outer third portion of the eye okay and last but not least will be the darkest color really focusing on the outer lash line and then just a little little bit out to the side just for some extra depth and definition there helps to create a wider eye look you don't want to go too far out the side but just a little blocking outside the lash line here okay I'm going to take a blending brush and then I'm just gonna swirl it all together because the key is keeping it natural no hard lines or edges so I'm just swirled and blend and then I will follow up a little bit more highlighter right here and just kind of clean up if there's anything below with the lighter color so basically your you're looking at your eye as if it's cut into 1/3 so this third this inner corner to right about here is your lightest from the mid section to two thirds out would be your medium tone and your outer third is your darkest tone that helps to create width in the eye and it opens things up so that's the extent of the eye shadow you notice that I stayed above nothing happened below there's a reason for that so the next thing we're going to do is we're going to tightline the eye so this is not the smokey eye where we do the waterline that's a bit more of a dramatic look the tight lining of the eye keeps your pencil basically in this upper lashline and it really defines that upper lash line and it creates an open look so you're gonna take a good liner an eye sight you can do a dark brown you can do a black either or just depending on your lash and your skin color and you go from the underside and you're basically pushing up so let me push in a little closer so you can see and I'm going underneath and I'm hugging my lashes and drawing in this black line so really makes your lash line stand out and then just a tiny little whisk out to the side here same with the other eye going from the underside so we're not going down because you ruined the eye shadow here and you close off the eye by doing that so under side I'm smudging in the lash line and then a tiny little whisk out on the corner and that is tight lining and it really really opens up that lash so now we're going to finish this off with mascara again upper lashes only the reason why we focus on the upper instead of the lower is the minute you start putting shadow and mascara you create the focus going downward and it creates a droop we're trying to lift so everything stays above I've been such a huge fan of this mascara the Thrive cosmetics between that and the lash boots that I've been doing it creates an incredible false lash effect or lash extension look and with these two going on I feel like I've got lash extensions on but I don't all right and so our eyes are done now what we're going to do is you've got options here if you have very dry skin you may not want to use any powder at all if you want to control shine a little bit very little powder I'm doing the Laura Mercier translucent loose powder but with a little brush and I'm just gonna tone down the shine a tiny tiny tiny bit but I'm not going to do too heavy of a powder because I still want to have that youthful glow okay so the next step is strobing or highlighting contouring depending on how you want to look at it you've got options here I am gonna pull out a couple of choices for you if you want to stay on the matte side if you feel like you're developing a lot of lines in this area and you don't want to use anything shimmery here this Smashbox contour palette is a good option because it gives you ways to still contour bring light up into the cheekbone area a little bronzer so this is a choice for you or you can do something that has a little bit of a shimmer so it's it's completely up to you in this area but strobing as in highlighting and contouring is great for that sort of summer sunkissed glow so I'm going to use a bronzer and a brush and I'm going to do it you know you can go in here but it to make it easy for you it's like doing a number three you go here and here here and here so we take a little bit of bronzer and here and here it's kind of where the where the Sun gets you when you're outside and what's good about doing bronze are into here is that it helps to accentuate the jawline so we're doing our number three and it really just pops in a nice little glow and you can also use bronzer if you if you want to sculpt or contour a little bit more in the cheek area you can that's up to you but we're not doing any heavy carving no dark contours or it or things like that blush blush blush blush so again a very light peachy pinky nude nothing too bright this is a color called princess by Ulta and and we want to be careful not to do Big Apple's right here because that can be very aging so we want to keep the blush just hugging tight right along the cheekbone here on the side so again it's just a little bit of a whisk right here toward the side right along the cheekbone area just to give you a hint of color again like you've been outside playing around all day and you can follow this up now with your your choices of highlighter if you want to do a powder highlighter you can use a flat brush like this and run that right here or if you want again a little bit of a shimmer you can use kind of a highlight stick and instead of applying it directly I'll take a little bit on my finger and then just smudge right here along the upper part of my cheekbone and it just gives a little cheekbone pop a little shimmer but again it's up to you to decide if you feel comfortable with a little shimmer or if you want matte that's a completely personal decision okay wow we're almost done next up would be lips and for lips again the secret to having a more youthful look is to go lighter as we go older the darker colors can be very harsh you know I will limit those to maybe an evening look especially in the winter time but for the most part I'm going lighter and I tend to like the peachy cream colors so one of my absolute favorites is if I could read is by Moore and it's called in the mood and again it's a real real kimchi cream color like I said but before you apply lipstick you definitely want a lip liner and you want that as close to the lipstick shade as you can possibly get and I'm fishing around here okay hold on bear with me there it is and again this is by NYX I will list everything in the description box but this is a very nude color and it's just it serves as a border in a boundary so things don't bleed and move where they shouldn't move we want everything to stay in place so just follow along okay follow it up with a light application of the lipstick and I like to hit it with just a little little little little bit of a goldish shimmer but right in the middle and it's a it's not a gloss it's just a little bit of a shimmer which I again for me since I use a little bit of a shimmery highlight it all sort of plays in there and plays together but this is a very simple basic makeup application it allows it allows your skin to come through it allows people to see your skin it gives you it gives you a bit of a glow it gives you a little warmth to the face as we head into the spring in the summer months it's wonderful you know to add these colors to the spring type tones that we're wearing and you know you get a little bit of Sun outside and it's just a very I don't know it's just a very warm summery sunny fun feeling but again all of these things help to lift still create dimension in the face but we're thinking lighter as we go older we're thinking less is more and we're playing around with what we have but it's really being mindful in how we use what we have and not overdoing it like I said again with my line of work I have to overdo it because the lights and the camera cut through the makeup like that and I'm grateful that I had to learn all that stuff because it's given me a skill set to really learn how to recreate things but it's so nice to be able to bring it back to natural and showcase what you have celebrate what you have and then to be able to take it to that next level and kind of surprise yourself so I hope you found this video helpful I hope it's maybe got to thinkin how I can reuse and and and rethink my application and my colors and placement and all of that if you have some wonderful tips and tricks that you use to help you let your inner glow through and in really kind of downplay age please put it out there I know my base here would love to hear from you and again we are such a great community we are content shares we are supporters encouragers and I love how we lift one another on this platform so I thank you for being here I thank you for following me on social media and I look forward to seeing you next week as I always say go out be bold be blessed and enjoy
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 7,383,325
Rating: 4.826108 out of 5
Keywords: dominique sachse, simple makeup, makeup tips, look 10 years younger, youthful makeup, glowing makeup, makeup over 50, women over 50, glowy makeup, light makeup, mature skin, makeup tutorial, it cosmetics, tarte, easy everyday makeup
Id: iHCzGvaMAug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2018
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