Fortnite Only Up WORLD RECORD! (Speedrun)

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sixty thousand people playing it what hey everyone it's Nick 830 here and as you guys know only up is a game which has zero checkpoints you're trying to make it to the very very top if we go to browse we go to popular it sorts every single game mode in fortnite based on how many people are playing it obviously we have Battle Royale with the most amount of people playing it on a Monday it's a Monday right now by the time I'm recording this and as you see only up it's a creative map the most amount of people playing I've ever seen in any creative 2.0 map almost 60 000 people it is this map right here if you guys want the code and today we are going to be breaking the world record for the fastest completion I've been playing this non-stop the past few days on stream and we got everything down to a science let's jump into it if you guys do want to support me because you enjoy the video It's called Nick a30 no space in the item shop please and thank you speedrun only up fastest time let's go let's go up here for elevation so we can get this little shortcut jump Sprint jump boom Sprint jump again skip the Box regular regular and just hop it on through Sprint jump and now we're gonna pull back on our reticle press jump right away and now we mantle we skip past all those pieces underneath hug this wall turn turn shortcut Sprint jump and now we're gonna stop to realign Sprint jump and slide if we can yup hold jump to go higher up faster go towards the side to get ready to jump but don't touch the wall otherwise you'll glitch small camera adjustments here so you're not glitching up on the little Furniture skip past this for a little shortcut you could actually land it I didn't I mantled jump at the same time to get right onto the next tire jump as soon as you make contact with the tire in order to do that now we're gonna find little shortcuts right here like this and like this all these little shortcuts you can take and boom stop sprinting and now Sprint again jump over this find the corner so that way we can skip over all those jumps on the toilets same Vibe here same thing here go to the side you skip the toilets there same thing and now we're gonna find another shortcut right there I stopped sprinting here entirely until I get to this point right here I Sprint stop now Sprint and stop and keep going now with the Sprint on now we're gonna just keep on doing this and we can skip these little gaps if you time it right right up here I didn't but you can hold mantle if you mess up boom I got it that second time that's what I mean just run straight through okay so it's gonna be a shortcut up in that tilted building that I was looking at instead of going to the left we should hug these walls as quickly as we can stay on this little path right here stop jump so you don't get stuck jump jump Sprint jump stop Sprint jump stop now keep it going hold it boom and now we're gonna cut into the shortcut you gotta time this jump right it's hard now we're going to stop sprinting 90 degree turn come on this come on this and then you can mantle if you're unsure about landing on it I mantle this one just to be safe hit the tire now we're on the corner piece cut Corners we're gonna just jump on this like regular boom jump boom jump and mantle to reset because see it gets a little wonky sometime now you go and just hold mantle now Sprint jump on this one so it's an easy one pulled mantle jump before you make contact with this and you should go much further in order to be able to deploy your glider and get right here that's actually the first time I've done that you got to time it really well though that's the thing and then I come on the left side like this that was clean proud about that one and then this one there's no real shortcuts just like you know if you got your timing down you're warmed up you go right right here like this boom and you can slide under here or just keep sprinting you can go to the right you don't need to do anything there jump past this point for a little shortcut keep it going this is going to be a world record here it kind of pushes out so I stop but you don't really need to do that that's just if you want to be extra safe you could jump as well cut the corner here turn cut hold jump you'll go up higher and then we're going to end up being I think it's over on this side so that's where we're gonna end up going so we get ready the pool is going to be here and there's gonna be cars so right about here we start sprinting we're gonna take a car it's definitely faster than foot on being on foot but you got to be careful you don't get ejected off I charge the Boost by drifting and now boost and I don't do it anymore because you don't need to you'll just mess up just drive always in the center line right here hallway Center always Center and you know there will be times where you need to adjust but I'll show you where and again you are going to be bouncing but that's why you're in the center so it doesn't like protrude you off so right when we get up to this point right here we need to be on the right side right here otherwise we won't be able to make it oh my gosh I'm not joking see it's just sometimes are unpredictable there's nothing you can do about that but there now we're back in the center and we should be pretty much good as long as we're not turning what I like to do is like to go pretty much straight I top my left and my right if I need to on keyboard and mouse of course but I'm pretty much going straight and just using my camera to turn [Music] we're just gonna keep on following it just like that and now it's going to Auto eject us off there's a little shortcut up ahead but it's one that's obvious and we can skip that other rock on my left move make move back from that so you don't get stuck go here and now we're gonna slide we're gonna land then Sprint jump same thing and we should be able to get this in one go boom you have to make sure you land that and time that right otherwise you won't be able to get in one try you'll have to double bounce which wastes time of course this is one of my best runs so far no shortcuts here just keep on running and let's get it so good right now this time you just let it hate you just land on it I like the slide to keep the momentum going slide jump all the way to the staircase jump here jump past that and boom you can mantle if you don't get that right away slide jump hold your mantel if you need to right here you just want to touch the corner of this so you don't have to jump and waste time and then I slowed down a little bit here because these little railings they get a little wonky cut the corner mantle if you need to Sprint see again they're a little bit wonky which I don't like but you know it is what it is you can take your time a little bit here better safe than sorry and then cut the corner boom this snow coming up you want to make sure you're in the center otherwise you'll slide off on each side and literally just I jump here because sometimes it does glitch and then boom you're on top of that little like invisible barrier and now just make sure you stay in the middle otherwise you'll slide off there's a couple spots you can skip right here we can hit this first one do this and then you can just drop there but I jumped I shouldn't have you can skip this and then if you just turn right here you can actually mantle all the way up and Skip all that and there's actually a few more of those little little checkpoints oh my gosh I almost messed that up you can actually do this then you can do this then you can do that that then this and as you see there's quite a bit of shortcuts like that and then we're gonna come right here and just stay in the center we can mantle here cut some some Corners same thing here same thing here boom and we're gonna just stay Center again jump off just so we don't slide off and we're almost through with this it's gonna be our best run yet I'm very excited zero Cuts zero edits again we just drop here so we can jump immediately stay on the little edges right here so you're higher up and you got better jumps when you can of course you don't need to but definitely does help and then there's some Corners you can cut like this like this and then same kind of vibe hit the jump so you need to hit and then what I do is I just go like this like this cut the corner a little 90 degree turn jump jump we're gonna get our speed boost here so here there's a spot when you have your speed boost you gotta make sure you're hugging the right wall right here otherwise you'll slide off and then you need to make sure you use your Boost even if you hit the lava it doesn't even matter because like you only take five damage you need to make sure crap you need to make sure you hit these jumps right here because your Boost will run out you need to cross that one and then there's another one you need to get across two more actually if our boost Runs Out you need to go all the way back down so that's why you need to be quick but if you're quick enough you can also use your Boost to get across this area past this point to increase your speed time so you jump here and then just jump here and now be careful there be careful there and then here it gets risky because if you want to use your speed to get ahead it'll just shut off at a random time right because it's a time limit so you really just gotta like hold your mantle and be careful because look see it just wore off there and it kind of throws your speed off you know so there I was able to capitalize on it and get a little bit further ahead I almost wrist it but I mean if I risked it I would have had to die and I would have to restart but that's okay we keep going now no real shortcuts here just hit your jumps boom so for this I mean you could jump I've never landed the jump like timed it right like I did previously I'm just gonna hit it and now you're gonna want the player glider at the highest point before you start going down right now and you can always aim for this third one the middle one the middle box and you should be able to mantle on it and then you cut the corners just like this instead of having to land all the way at the bottom and go up see those little things down low and now just to pull your glider just at the very last moment just like this don't jump right when you land otherwise you'll do a bunny hop and like potentially fall to your death so boom boom here we just land and then if we fall we can go and land on the other part underneath us cut some Corners here it almost did the mantle glitch got some Corners holy just worried about the mantle glitch this one's a 90 degree turn always stop searching before you do that otherwise like that stuff happens see what it Jacks you out it's kind of wonky sometimes so I'm gonna just slow it down just a little bit we're still gonna get a record here we're still gonna get a record holy get me off of this give me all of this I am way too far to mess up this time you can do all in one go you can hit both the pads if you do a Sprint jump like that I didn't do it there but you can totally do it so just so FYI it can increase your speed time there you just want to run nothing crazy here you don't even need to be on the railings hit this just time it right you don't even need to be sprinting time it time it time it and jump okay for this you want to do the jump timing so jump now you jump before you hit the tires just so you got better elevation and you want to stay in the middle of these because these ones have like invisible barriers guys so you want to see in the middle you don't go too far too far to the left otherwise it'll hit you off and just like that a lot of people die there I've even died in my first reaction to this map video we've come a long way we've improved quite a bit if you ask me and now we're going up up and away boom same thing as here this is stuff we've all done you're just gonna run on these tires just run let it do the work for you and same thing for once above so here we land I just like to be a safe you can actually hit that jump but I like to play it safe because we're so far this you can mantle right over them if you're worried about hitting your head and like going underneath and grabbing just mantle over it just to be safe you know you don't get to get fancy that's inappropriate I think I'm not sure not family friendly boom and now we just cut a corner this one is like this weird it glitches sometimes so go go on it very carefully it's like it's moving it like slides you off luckily it didn't happen to us right there boom boom and I fell holy we're back here now you want to jump over in this and you'll fall back down it's actually a better of a time go right here you're just gonna run and let the tires take you just keep on holding forward here do not let it go because if anything you just get ejected even further right there boom just jump and hold mantle this one's a little tricky one but again jump hold mantle just in case you don't get it turn jump hold mantle jump hold mantle get on top there and now we're in the home stretch where we're going to be going to space right now I like to just like turn like that 90 degree turn just to get on top just to make sure it's safe boom same kind of vibe mantle aim for the mantle instead of like landing on top because sometimes you just don't get on top at least for those ones boom in space there it is guys the original only up map we got 1105 after a lot of practice and hours and hours ours on the map I learned best ways to maneuver I learned it all myself if anyone has a better time let me know put in the comments below if you guys did enjoy this video and the intensity of it because I was sweating we tried this a lot of times on screen we finally got it make sure to leave a like subscribe turn notifications if you guys do want to support me it's code Nick 830 no space in the item shop please and thank you keep on being awesome 18 and I will see you all in the next one hey all right [Music] hey everyone it's Nick a30 here and today we're going to be doing a personal dance for you guys come on over come on over baby hahaha
Channel: Nick Eh 30
Views: 1,129,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite gameplay, fortnite battle royale, fortnite funny moments, fortnite new update, fortnite victory royale, Fortnite Item Shop, Fortnite funny, Fortnite tips, Fortnite Update, Fortnite How To Win, Fortnite how to play, Fortnite Victory Royale, Fortnite tournament, fortnite best moments, Nick eh 30, Fortnite nick eh 30, fortnite new season, Fortnite only up, Only up, only up fortnite, fortnite only up speedrun, fortnite only up world record
Id: fTgrcMY6TLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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