I Busted JUJUTSU KAISEN *MYTHS* in Fortnite

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Jiu Jitsu Kaizen and its mythics are here and with them comes a lot of myths let's go break fortnite what's the maximum distance a nail can travel it looks like a lot further than we thought can it hit that street that definitely hit the tree we're definitely gonna hit the ground okay so this piece of wood is about 100 meters away will a nail yeah a nail will destroy that you're gonna have to be insanely accurate at this distance but let's try 130. okay yeah this thing goes really far let's try 160 I guess dude what is going on I'm gonna be honest I did not expect this to be the longest thing ever dude it's like how far does this go all right how about 260. [Music] all right surely it doesn't go 350 meters [Music] they go across the map I am now over 500 meters away the render distance doesn't even know where the builds are I had no idea this nail would go forever all right Vader's gonna tell me if that broke it broke uh so yeah this thing is infinite myth confirmed that's in sync will the hollow purple one shot a car what just happened I think I just missed this will it one shot a car let's find out take that okay it does no damage to a car and instead it picked it up and threw it I didn't even think that was possible out of all the things that I expected to happen that was not it so I'm gonna go myth busted but at the same time that was really cool will somebody take damage on the other side of a build after it explodes with the straw doll so I don't know if you can see him but Vader's right on the other side right there now if I throw this on the build no it actually protects him which is interesting because this has an explosion radius but it seems like if they're behind a build they do not take damage myth busted whoa whoa how'd that just happen so you could walk into the explosion afterwards stop it why are you doing that I'm confused at what's happening so it explodes after bro you said wait have we discovered a weird glitch so it doesn't explode until after he moves interesting hold on let's try it again so now stand still for a minute it's not exploding nothing happens and now nothing happened what I'm so confused is there a certain amount of time where it matters or did we just find a glitch oops I'm so confused what did we just discover somebody who's smarter than me tell me what's happening I think we've just discovered a really weird interaction that is so weird uh I'm gonna just go with uh myth confirmed and also busted at the same time somebody please let me know what's happening if you use the hollow purple midair will it save you from taking fall damage let's find out so it does work midair and it does indeed float you back down to earth so it does save you from Fall damage myth confirmed at the same time though I didn't do that from very high so we're gonna do a crazier test to see if you survived the whole time now this is the ultimate fall damage test so jump off use it midair but does it save you from Fall damage no it does not so I lied it helps you float towards the ground but if you're too high that's not saving you I guess what you could do is use it right when you're about to hit the ground and that might work if you use it really close to the ground let's see it definitely slows you down and it does save you myth confirmed huh interesting if you're unable to kill the Llama before it disappears it's gone and it doesn't drop you a Mythic myth confirmed you have to make sure to kill that llama fast now I have no Mythic this here we go that was not that many but I kind of missed let's try that one more time oh it's still going foreign that was all of them right I know it kind of broke the bottom but if it went through those over there I was at least 15. it dissipated like a little bit further so it would probably go through like 16 or 17 but no pieces of wood stopped it let's try bricks this is 15 bricks since the bricks have more Health let's see if they can withstand the hollow purple here we go take that brick breath I missed I'm bad at this okay so here's the deal that Mythic behaves a little bit differently than what we're used to we're used to the Kamehameha and the Deku smash breaking through builds a little bit differently it seems like the hollow purple will break through anything for a certain amount of distance so like for example if I took this and threw it at this farmhouse it's getting demolished like anything that's in its path it's GG for a certain amount of time it even set it on fire for some reason so I'm gonna have to go myth bust it well kind of it operates a little bit differently than how we expect can you use the mythics from the passenger seat of a car yes you can even though it's a little awkward but can you use this oh you actually can't I'm clicking furiously I can see my my hands are on fire but I can't actually use it you also can't stick your head out of the window so we gotta go past myth confirmed half myth busted bus firmed you can only use the straw doll not the purple Hollow we know the hollow purple can go through anything but for how long what's the maximum distance a hollow purple will go so this is about 100 meters away it doesn't seem to have the same range that like a Kamehameha would let's see if it goes 100 meters by the way still one of the coolest animations ever and I can't tell I think it just barely did 100 meters like maybe a little bit more that was actually like almost exact maybe it did like 102 or 103 meters but to make it easier I'll just say 100 meters myth confirmed does the straw doll damage builds and how much that did wait why'd that do so much 200 damage to builds is a lot considering it only does 20 and then 70 damage to a player so actually an underrated way of breaking builds Miss confirmed what is the maximum damage that a hollow purple can do so let's say you get the most perfect shot off and a player is not fighting or anything how much damage can it do let's find out 110 sounds about right that's not bad it's a lot less than Deku Smash in the Kamehameha I don't think this is going to get you many insta kills but since it goes on for so long and it breaks so many builds I think the advantage is gonna be in that myth confirmed headshot bonus with the straw doll stroller bars all right here we go let's just have a headshot bonus so this normally does 20 and then it explodes for 70. but will a headshot bonus do anything extra headshot No in fact I also took damage wait did they Nerf this like today why did it do only 50. oh does it do 70 total I thought for some reason it did 20 and then 70. but it looks like it does 20 and then 50. and you also can hurt yourself with it so myth confirmed you learn something new every day will it damage bees no can you use the mythics off of a bike the nail you can but what about the hollow purple you can and I accidentally killed Vader because the bike is actually faster than it that was weird uh misconfirmed I guess here's a fun myth if you use coat tomato you become good at the game uh mythbusted is not true but you should use code tomato anyway will a hollow purple one shot of cursed llama let's find out take this lava no interesting enough it actually did 120 damage instead of 110 which is a little weird but that's fine it seems like it radiates 10 damage if it hits you a few times myth busted this is not really a myth but I just thought it would be funny to point out while we've filmed this myth video we normally only got one maybe two llamas this time there's a six Apollo purple versus Hollow purple the moment we've all been waiting for who will win what happens if they Collide does it cause a crazy explosion three two one go it was almost perfect timing so they went right through each other and it caused like a weird purple thing and then it just goes through so sadly there's no crazy explosion or anything it doesn't block each other but it was still pretty cool myth confirmed or or busted actually yeah definitely busted
Channel: Tomato - Fortnite
Views: 489,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite jujutsu kaisen, i busted jujutsu kaisen myths in fortnite, tomato fortnite, funny fortnite, fortnite myths
Id: FJFIt70APgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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