New SECRET Vault in FORTNITE! (Update)

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before they added a secret vault that nobody knows about in the newest update I'm gonna show you where it is how to get all the loot from it and on top of that I'm gonna do a challenge where I can only use the loot from this Vault to win the game you're going to want to watch the whole video because things get pretty crazy oh yeah subscribe with the Bell if you like this content okay essentially this is a two-parter and I'll explain why in just a second here let's jump into it first things first we're gonna Mark our map for lonely Labs you're probably wondering well why the heck are you gonna land there obviously it's to check out the new secret vault so I'm going to show you how to get in there there's kind of a little bit of a trick to get some really good loot it also looks really cool so we're gonna discover all that and then I'm only going to use the loot from this secret maze Vault area to try and win the game so here goes nothing you're going to want to look at lonely labs and just ignore the main area here you bump alone and drift into this like sub Island behind lonely Labs right near this building on the lonely Labs Island you're gonna see the zip line here and this like building that's just randomly appeared it's very very random going in here you're gonna see this nice bright neon uh sign tells you to go left do not go left go right you're going to want to follow this wooden sign oh wait somebody come in oh my gosh no shot dude so sorry about this that's actually so funny yeah don't go to the bright neon light I mean we can go that way it's actually not going to lead you anywhere special there's some loot not too much good loot though you can see it says Exit and it'll bring to this porta potty which will actually just bring you above you don't want to go there although I will get the slurp barrels from the side why not it's just free heels of course you can look around there are some chests just in the uh other hallways and all that and I mean I needed all the loot I can get so uh I'm just gonna grab everything you know but making our way back towards the start area here we're gonna follow the wood signs what the heck oh what the heck I didn't know that was possible honestly okay let's loot up some more oh I gotta get everything because I don't know what I'm gonna get eventually so I gotta have just all the loot I'm not gonna be very happy with the lever action shotgun okay we gotta keep on looking this isn't the right way but there's a chest okay grapple glove not bad okay that Arrow says this way okay and then we should go that way but I'm gonna go this way just see if there's any Loop there's not keep it moving see neon sign don't follow it because it just leads you to these porta potties to get you out of here there's secret Loot and you want the secret loot okay trust me on this one okay I got some more minis got a mammoth pistol too that's actually huge my loadout's not horrible right now it's not like the best it could be but it's not horrible okay another neon sign what the heck I've never seen the neon sign lead up here oh that's actually pretty sick what the heck it says Exit and then it points over here okay I guess it just tricks you sometimes I mean if you made it this far you definitely should have figured it out by now I guess okay another wood sign another one over there and I mean all these chests are great don't get me wrong but you're gonna want to get to the very end of this it takes a little while to do so but it is worth it so we need to go that way what's on this side though a chest okay see there is like a ton of chests here I think there's something like 15 plus chests lots of ammo crates and yes okay we made it to the finale here you'll know you're in the final room when you see all this gold and you see the stingray boss he actually sells a purple sharp tooth shotgun and if you challenge them you can get a blue Havoc pump I prefer the Havoc pump although I love the imagery of the OG pump Havoc pump is just simply better honestly so four chests here oh yes a purple Mammoth pistol and then a chest hidden behind these uh barrels here how much gold do these give you too let me just break them all all right it is gonna be 35 gold each probably yep 35 gold okay so we're gonna wanna actually fight this guy Let's do let's challenge him let's just use this little pillar there we go give me them weapons yes I'm feeling pretty good about this loot honestly wait I hear a chest over here okay well clearly there was a path that I did not travel we gotta go so let's go ahead and go through the Porta body and the loot we have is all the loot we could use what the heck we're just going up easy I want to take his lead I want to take the Mythic but I can't I can't do it now his pick is still alive this pig is still alive we can't focus on that this is our inventory this is our loot what do you guys think of the secret vault let me know in the comments and we can actually get some augments to help me out here I'm gonna get first assault I think that'll be good let's go with desperate reload which is gonna be fantastic for the mammoth pistol and let's make our way into the Zone they're drilling some oil over here huh all right let's go over to brutal Bastion let's see what it got for us does that even make sense let's see what it's got for us oh there's a guy right over there he's gonna launch I missed come on keep missing I missed every single shot he's not scary been pretty hard is he gonna aggress here nice big shot Oh shoot what the heck was that I think he's right behind that pillar am I crazy oh that hurt I can't get him I actually can't hit him we're gonna hide for a second I'm terrified like I had a big pot I really want it stop hiding behind that freaking pillar dude oh there he is wait no that's a wolf wolf has kind of gunned him for him though I think I honestly don't know I have a decent amount of mats I gotta get moving though well I really want to upgrade my shotgun but I can't let's pop these heels we just gotta move hopefully this guy's still here I doubt it oh actually I think he is pissed up oh my goodness down they go the bigger they are the harder they fall oh shoot there's somebody else here they're sneaking up on me I don't think I've hit a single man in the shot yet oh hit him hard come on this gray uh Flapjack is not hidden bro this dude is so one shot I know you're in here [Music] come on bro what you trying what you trying give me that slurp juice I should probably drop this man's pistol since I'm not hidden at all with it but it's really really good so uh I just gotta practice a little more right now warm up is probably the better word I can actually get my weapon cash over here too so that's good oh they're fighting directly on it it's time for me to swing into battle da da I'm coming in hot 97 oh my one shot okay give me that Crown though and while I'm at it I'm gonna take my Supply catcher recover cash weapon cash Supply cash whatever you want to call it it's cold hard cash I don't know I said that okay we are absolutely dominating the competition I can see the boss over there but I mean I guess I could fight him to get some more slurp juices but I think I'm good with what I got oh somebody's riding an animal over here I missed I hit the animal with the animal nah I think they changed this honestly [Music] I think they changed it before I suck no no they 100 changed it hey 100 changes it this is ridiculous I've never missed so many shots genuinely never missed so many shots there we one shot I hit is the one I needed oh my gosh give me this I was embarrassing I need to cut all that out [Applause] the truth Oh shoot what the heck was that what the heck is shooting me through the tree it was a little brutal who's this guy doing let me heal up to full could you not pop another slurp month oh my gosh that guy's one shot okay you know what I'm actually gonna take out the bus because I have zero heals all right open up the vault what an interesting interesting game this has been so far I really love to upgrade my Loop fortnite oh my gosh I want to grab the Mythic Flapjack but I can't oh boy oh boy I can swap out my grapple glove for a more full grapple glove though I think that's a fair trade it's the same thing just you know more of it okay heels coming in clutch here we are good to go just gotta make sure everything's reloaded oh God get some corn to go then we grapple glove out of here now we can actually use the riffs Left Behind from this floating island to uh get towards the Zone there we go Zone's a little bit far away but we should be okay oh wow it's like really far away our timing isn't bad and now it's starting to two tick we are officially in here's some shots over here so let's go check it out oh my gosh I see him over here oh they're beefing oh they're shooting giant purple orbs of energy at each other I can't hit like I just got tranquilized not come on I'm gonna hire this lady I'm gonna hire this lady come on from my team now oh my gosh shooting a giant purple ball at me run what the flick man what the flick I gotta go to him hmm is it worth popping a slurp oh he's getting shot from behind too I gotta get out of here gonna swing up behind him my bills now 33 on him 86 90. [Applause] oh my gosh that guy's so hard okay he's gonna have like all the maps now I gotta dip I really don't have a lot of materials please don't hit me once excellent got a slurp truck and get more materials got some augments maybe heavy hat shots that's great and uh uh aquatic Warrior why not I gotta try to farm as much as I can with this time having full materials is going to be pretty crucial I think 80 152. okay I gotta move because otherwise I'm dead we're gonna go oh gosh we're gonna rotate into the Zone here rotate all the way in oh damn with the tree did I hit him with the train there's no shut oh my gosh challenge complete GG okay so you got me here I'm shooting at that tree this guy run around the tree crushes him GG
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 629,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6xIqUA5Vr94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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