The Best Is Upon You - Sunday Service

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i said hallelujah would you do me the honor and the privilege and i know i've got a time that i'm going to work with here so don't start my time yet until i open the word of god but would you do me the honor and the privilege of doing something i think we don't do enough sometimes in the body of christ in the west and that is salute and appreciate and celebrate the angels of the house that god gives to us [Applause] yeah it's right to do it i said it's right to do it now for those of you who were just practicing and are slightly unaccustomed to such celebration i'll take that one for me [Music] but if this is your man and woman of god okay okay okay thank you thank you thank you we celebrate the angels of the house the man and the woman of god with the vision of world changers church international 36 years of changing the world and the body of christ ain't nobody saying nothing to me [Applause] dr creflo dollar dr taffy we honor you sir we honor you ma'am we salute you not only for your work's sake but for who you are in the kingdom of god one more time give it to him i'm not playing with this i mean look at this [Applause] and to jesus be the praise and the glory now i am going to get to the word i have learned that a message need not be eternal to be immortal and so i'm going to get to it but we're going to get to it rather quickly i have with me my wife priscilla my our youngest son seth who just turned 17 on thursday and part of his gift he said i want to go to world changers church i want that to be part of my birthday gift so i brought them god bless you priscilla and seth i honor you thank god for them i see brother ben tanker so good to see you prophet khan is here he he he's someone that god's just using and maturing in the message of the grace of god and he said to me a few uh nights ago we were talking and when he heard i was coming he said i'm i'm coming you're going to you going to world changes he said i'm i'm coming and i said well come on sir and god is using him so tremendously and he said you know your message and ministries has been feeding me so i was honored to see him this morning would you salute prophet brian khan god's using him such a great way and i've got a son here in the ministry somewhere rex ricks where are you rex there he is pastor rex rick's man of god good looking young man would you lay your hands upon somebody close to you if you don't mind i mean if you if you don't mind if you trust them lay your hands on them and don't hold their hand lay your hands on them now you say bishop mcclendon you're being rather specific about this because jesus said and these signs [Music] shall follow them that believe and he didn't say apostles that believe or pastors that believe or prophets vanish he said then now if you're next to someone you trust and you don't mind talking to look at them and say these words to them say i am one of them no no no talk stronger than that tell them i am one of them that jesus was talking about when he said and these signs shall follow them i'm one of them jesus said they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover now tell them i don't know where sickness distress dis-ease disorder has attempted to raise its head in your life but the moment i laid these hands on you a recovery began somewhere in your life now receive it in the name of jesus keep your hand on them if you pray in the holy ghost give me about 60 seconds of holy ghost prayer just 60 seconds in the spirit just just 60 seconds in the name of jesus just 60 seconds in the spirit that's it [Music] is that's it that's it that's it in the name of jesus be made whole in the name of jesus recover in the name of jesus be restored in the name of jesus of nazareth we count it done now if you're believing god with me just lift your hands right there and begin to receive just lift your hands and receive [Music] father we bless you and we thank you for your presence in this house moses declared that your presence is what distinguishes your people from all the other people on the face of the earth it is that your presence goes with us thank you for your presence thank you for the integrity of your word for the intelligent holy spirit who is with us and in us and for your people for they are your inheritance in the earth and now in the name of jesus we take authority over every work of the enemy satan we declare to you your contracts are canceled and your power is broken we command you to loose our brothers and let our sisters go free and we declare this a day of revelation of illumination of breakthrough of celebration of release of restoration and in the name of jesus now we release the spirit of wisdom and of revelation knowledge in the anointed jesus and in his anointing we release the ministry of angels in this place all of those angels that have earth assignments connected to this people under the sound of my voice and we declare lord jesus we shall be bettered empowered lifted illuminated and gain understanding from having been with you in jesus name and everyone who agreed with the man of god said it is so but would you clap your hands one more time and give praise hallelujah to the lord you may be seated in the presence of the lord and let me say what an honor and what a privilege it is to be here at world changers church international and to be sharing with you on this your 36th anniversary as a church and a people of god what a work and what a wonder you are in the kingdom of god give yourselves one more time a great god bless amen now i'm going to ask you to open with me in your bibles very quickly to the book of hebrews chapter number 11 the book of hebrews chapter number 11 and i'm going to begin the reading of the word of god at verse number 32 hebrews chapter 11 and i'm going to begin the reading at verse number 32. and then i'm also i'm sorry i'm going to begin the reading at verse yeah at verse number 32 and then i'm going to go very quickly to romans chapter 5 verses 1 and 2 and that shall serve as bookends if you will thank you that will serve as bookends if you will for the word that the spirit of grace has given us to share with you this morning once again dr dollar let me say i am honored sir and i thank god for this invitation hebrews chapter 11 and verse number 32 and when you're there say i am and the word of god reads and what more shall i say for the time would fail me to tell of gideon and barack and samson and jephthah also of david and samuel and the prophets who through faith subdued kingdoms worked righteousness obtained promises stopped the mouths of lions quenched the violence of fire escape the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong became valiant in battle turned to flight the armies of the aliens look at verse 35 women received their dead raised to life now i could go on there but i want to skip for the sake of time down to verse number 39 and i want you to read this and i want you to remember that this was in your bible when you came in that i didn't write it there i didn't put it there it was there watch this verse 39 and said all and all these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise wait a minute and all these having obtained a good testimony through faith did not receive the promise would you say did not receive the promise did not receive the promise god having provided something better for us oh goodness when they were singing the best is yet to come i was about to run through here because that's exactly what the lord said to me he said i want you to minister on something better for us and i want you to tell the people of god that the better is upon them now it's upon them now it's not about to happen not getting ready to happen not fixing to happen it's on you now and one of the things that god is doing through your man and woman of god is stewarding not only you but the body of christ into something better that jesus has written for us i want you to get this it says it says they did not receive the promise god having provided something better for us watch this that they should not be made perfect that word there means complete or whole apart from us now i want to say something here because this is hebrews chapter 11. this is the faith chapter this is the faith hall of fame chapter and it begins hebrews 11 you know it i mean i'm in a faith house this is a house faith built and one thing you don't need me to come teach you faith you got that you know when mama can cook you don't send out for cooking very often if she can cook you so so so this is the faith and i like so many have been raised in the word of god i was raised a baptist boy i got filled with the holy ghost very young came into the reality of the integrity of the word of god when i got filled with the holy ghost it was you know it was brother hagin and and brother copeland i listened to and the apostle of faith when i moved to los angeles was right down the street apostle frederick kc price yeah his memory is worth celebrating all the time and god taught me the principles of faith and i walked in i mean and i didn't have the assignment to teach it it wasn't my assignment in the body to teach as a matter of fact i didn't really feel the grace on my life to teach and i was living it i was walking by now if you saw me on television you wouldn't have thought i was a faith preacher so to speak but i was living it and it was to the degree that i was living into the best i i could there was a time when i thought i was in faith in some areas and the enemy started wrecking stuff in my life and and and i went to the lord i said god i'm your boy you know i i've been doing this since i was seven i was called at 15 i've been preaching and the enemy has come and wrecked my life in some areas and i'll never forget it i i said lord what's going on and he said me there are some areas of your life where you are in faith and there are some areas of life where you're not and he said i'm going to take you through a faith exam the bible says examine yourself to see whether you're in the faith and he showed me he said there are things that you can get by your gift and by your anointing but you can only keep with your faith are you still there and i would have the apostle come every year because i didn't feel you know uh the grace to teach it i would have apostle price come every year and teach faith to our people there in los angeles three nights he'd come every year and i i lived by faith and i walked by faith but there was a point at which and this was not the this was not the fault of the fathers of the faith this was not the fault of the fathers of the message it was something that was happening in the hearers man it was something you know when you know when the bible says about the children of israel it said the word didn't profit because it was not mixed with faith in them that heard it nothing wrong with what was preached it was what wasn't being added to it in the hearer and what began to happen is the faith that influence it began to become very burdensome very technical i would travel the nations of the earth and the united states and i would see people struggling and tedious with their faith and their christianity had become a burden because they were wondering if they didn't dot every eye across every t if they didn't do everything exactly right they felt they would go back to square one and have to start all over and their faith projects would fail and i went to the spirit of god and he began to show me he said son there's something that i am going to restore now to the body of christ to add with what you have received so that your christianity becomes as i intended jesus said his yoke is easy [Applause] come on say amen to this and he said his burden is light but when i looked out at the body of christ i didn't see people in an easy and light christianity i saw them in a tedious burdensome heavy christianity that wasn't working for them and i said god something is wrong here and it was 2011 when the spirit of the lord began to reveal some things to me and and in point of fact he wouldn't let me preach some of it until recently it had to marinate in my own spirit first are you still here and i remember i remember dr creflo when the lord started showing me these things in my little office i would get up and run around scream and yell and i'd sit back down and write some more and hear some more and i would get up and say god and i remember one day i said god if i preach this [Laughter] i see your fastest father because i i said god if i preach this people are going to say this is too good to be true and i'll never forget uh pastor x the spirit of the lord answered me back very quickly he said yes and when they say that tell them it's so true that it can only be good you didn't hear what i did he said tell them this is so true that it can only be good somebody say something better say it again something better for us now here's what i want you to see here's what i want you to see in hebrews chapter 11 we have the hall of fame of faith it begins now faith is the seven of things hopefully you know that verse number four it says by faith abel by faith verse five enoch by faith verse seven noah by faith verse eight abraham by faith sarah and it goes on to talk about all that these men and women accomplished by faith are you still with me and by their faith but then when it gets down to verse 39 having now watch this having artik oh please pay attention having articulated all the things that these people's faith did all that stuff that their faith accomplished are you still here then it says and all these they obtained a good testimony through faith but they did not receive the promise wait [Applause] wait a minute so so getting people raised from the dead uh abraham finding a city that built back uh all that stuff all the miracles all the breakthroughs all that stuff the hebrew writer says was not the promise right so then it is possible to get some things with your faith and nobody's saying nothing to the preacher but actually not be living in the promise now in their case they were not living in the promise because the work was not yet finished you and i quebec are living in another covenant where the work is finished are you still here i said are you still with me and so he says they didn't receive the promise watch this god having provided please hear me hear what i'm saying and don't hear what i'm not saying god having provided something better for us something better than living by your faith [Applause] alone ain't nobody saying nothing to me come on come with me here come with me sana better than living by your faith alone lay your hand on your brother lay your hand on your sister tell them come easy we're going in here we're going all the way in here so now the question is what is the promise because the bible says they didn't get it are you still here and then what is the something better are you still with me or have you left me now what is something better and who is this us so something must be established now if you and i are going to understand and fully come into what the spirit of grace is wanting us to see and to understand and i'm going to say some things that may be a little challenging to your ears but but you'll get it because this is the first place god has let me preach this other than my own place i'm telling you the truth it's the first place and he put me on assignment and for many of you some of things i'm going to say it's not going to be revelation but it is going to be confirmation of what the spirit of grace and your man and woman of god have been bringing you into now watch this watch this what was the promise you've got to go back to uh genesis oh god genesis chapter number 12 to understand what this promise is and you've got to understand that jesus of nazareth in his earthly ministry is not a new covenant preacher i just i'm gonna need a minute because see i get to leave the prophet the apostle has to stay here but you've got to understand that jesus of nazareth in his earthly ministry everybody say earthly ministry say it again he said in his earthly ministry in his earthly ministry was not a new covenant preacher as a matter of fact jesus christ did not preach the gospel of jesus christ [Applause] now he said this himself you read it he said if i bear witness of myself then my witness is not true so that means he didn't bear witness of himself oh jesus the lord told me i could go here so you must been treading some ground he was not a new covenant he said himself that he came to fulfill the old covenant this is a place of understanding so i'm gonna show you a couple of things in the scripture uh in other places i might just go on but but you are worried people go to matthew chapter five very quickly now this is something we've got to understand oh i wish i could go down that road completely i can't i can't [Applause] i can't but jesus was not a new covenant minister he came to fulfill the old now at times everybody say at times at times he would give flashes of the new and he would lay down principles of the new and that's why his followers were often confused about what he was doing and how he was doing it and if you're going to walk with a man and woman of grace there are times when you're gonna have to just follow them even though you don't know exactly where they're leaving you because they're doing something better i wish i had a body i could really preach in something somebody's have something better so so now here he here let me give you an example go to matthew 5 let me stay up here because i'm running too much matthew chapter 5 are you still here look at matthew chapter 5 and verse 17. oh this is one of those scriptures that we quote wrong and and don't fully no look at what you said he says do not think verse 17 that i came to destroy the law or the prophets i did not come to destroy but to fulfill or to feel full i came to fill it up full are you still here i said are you still here now watch this watch what he said for the show and this is the part we we we get wrong when we quote it for surely i say to you till heaven and earth pass away one jot or tittle which is the equivalent of a calm or period will by no means move from the law till all is fulfilled now hear what he said he said nothing will be removed from the law until it is all fulfilled and oh god and he said i came [Applause] to fulfill it [Applause] so if he said it won't pass away until it's all fulfilled and he came to fulfill it then what happened when he fulfilled it is it was moved out of the way oh god you say bishop mclennan how can you say such a thing because i can read look look at colossians chapter 2 verse number 12 hallelujah to the lamb of god colossians chapter 2 and verse number 12 are you still with me colossians chapter 2 verse number 12 are you still here watch this it says buried with him in baptism now this baptism is not referring to water oh god it's not referring to water baptism hebrews 6 tells us that in the scripture there is the doctrine of baptisms plural meaning there is more than one baptism spoken of in scripture our problem is in the body of christ whenever we see the word baptism we impose water on it when the fact is there's more than one baptism there is the baptism with the holy ghost there's the baptism with fire there is the baptism with water there is the baptism of repentance and then according to romans 6 there is the baptism into christ's death romans 6 do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into christ he's not talking about water who were baptized into his death this is what paul calls in the book of colossians the operation of god that we're to have faith in the operation of god we have to understand that the passion the crucifixion the resurrection the ascension and the seeding of christ jesus at the right hand of god was a military operation it was a covert up ain't nobody saying nothing to me if you're in the military you understand it was a covert up the bible calls it the operation of god that in the passion the the death uh where jesus becomes sin in the god the death the burial the resurrection the ascension and the seating see the gospel is not just death burial resurrection the gospel is death burial resurrection ascension and seating that's why paul says in first corinthians 15 i declare you the gospel which i preached to you and also which you stand that christ first of all died for our sins according to the scriptures he was was raised are you still here but then it says he was see oh no you missed it he was seen after his resurrection and see and if you don't see him after his resurrection you will keep living in the old i'm going to say that again [Applause] and this is juarez and this is why three-fourths of your in my new covenant is written by the apostle paul because he was the apostle that was given the grace to see what happened after the resurrection i don't have time to get into that so this baptism that we're talking about here is the romans 6 baptism which is called the baptism into christ's death the scripture teaches that you and i were baptized into christ's death we were buried with him my god in that baptism in which also you were raised with him through faith there it is in the working the new king james says working the king james says operation it is speaking here about a military op i need i need to give you one other passage of scripture because i'm flowing like you said uh apostle uh i'm gonna say stuff that ain't in the notes go to romans six real quick go to i you've got to see this you've got to see this go to romans six i believe it is verse number three if you can uh put that up i'm coming back to colossians 2. but watch this he says or do you not know see because knowledge is key here if uh if you don't know this there's some things you're going to miss out on that you should be enjoying watching he said or do you not know that as many of us as we're baptized again this is not water into christ jesus we're baptized into his death now this word baptized there it is the greek word baptizo it literally means watch this to be immersed to be enveloped in or to be covered by so water baptism is immersion in water that's why it's called water that's why it's called because there are other kinds now we're talking about the baptism into christ's death let me say this he says do you not know as many of us as we're baptized into christ we're baptized into his death let me read on verse number four therefore we were buried why because we were baptized we were buried with him through this immersion into his death that just as christ jesus are you still with me that just as christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father even so we should walk in this newness of life now here's what the scripture teaches it says and we were united together the scripture says in his death that word united together is the greek word sum futos it literally means watch this you can look it up in your strong w vines whatever it literally means watch this to be together through a process oh god [Applause] he says we were united together with him we were baptized this is an immersion and we were united together it means to be together through a process somebody say together through the process so here's what happens in the operation of god the covert operation of god this is why the scripture says that none of the princes are chaon in greek which doesn't just mean natural princes it means principalities and spiritual magistrates it will it says none of the princes of this world knew what god was doing when he crucified jesus but had they known it they would not have crucified they would have left him alone if they knew god's covert up hey and here is the covert up the bible says we were baptized into his death one again you can look at the lord it means to be enveloped or enveloped this is a 20 bill when i put this dollar bill in this envelope this twenty dollar bill has been baptized ain't nobody saying nothing to the preacher it has been baptized into this envelope now you don't see the 20. what you see is the envelope but whatever happens to the envelope happens to the twenty because the 20 has been baptized into the envelope so i was buried with him not your neighbor said you didn't see me but i was there you didn't see me i was raised with him i was resurrected with him i ascended with him and when he sat down i was [Applause] sit down sit sit [Applause] not your neighbor and only not your neighbor and say neighbor that means whatever happened to him also happened to me heaven has recorded [Applause] that i already died with whatever the devil's trying to kill me with heaven has recorded [Applause] [Music] grab your neighbor's hand and say who's report [Applause] heaven has recorded i have already overcome whatever difficulty i'm dealing with heaven has recorded sit down [Applause] see this is why you've got to understand that the word of faith and the word of grace are the same word the bible talks about the word of faith it also talks about the word of grace are you there it's the same word faith is the force that is released when it is spoken but grace is the realm from which it originates i'm going to show you something in the world here just a moment now just know you never say something better for us something better for us so now jesus of nazareth is finishing this old covenant when he finishes it according to the book of colossians go back there real quick i'm working here when he when he finishes it look at verse number 12 of chapter 2 of colossians again buried with him we were together with him through this whole process in which also we were raised with him through faith in the working of the operation of god who raised him from the dead and you being dead or separated from god because of your trespasses and the unsecure uncircumcision of your flesh he has made alive together with him having forgiven you does that sound like something that happens when you confess it or something that's been done before you confess it having ain't nobody saying nothing to me having forgiven you all trespasses watch this having wiped out the handwriting of requirements the performance-based religion the religion in which if you don't do this you can't get that having wiped out the hand writing of requirements that was against us which was contrary to us and he has taken it out of the way watch this having nailed it to the cross now you just got a boatload of revelation there from the apostle paul the apostle paul just told you when you see jesus on the cross you are no longer just to see his body you will also to see the law on the cross are you still here now when he did that and finished the work he fulfilled the promise that god made in genesis 12 to abraham and to jesus lay your hands upon yourself and say i will receive this by the spirit of revelation and by the spirit of grace that when he finished and fulfilled the old covenant he fulfilled the promise not a promise the prophet see the bible says all those old covenant saints and and and everyone who is listed in hebrews chapter 11 is an old covenant saying they're all old covenant saints are you still here and jesus when he went through his passion death burial resurrection ascension and seeding he fulfilled the old covenant and moved it out of the way and he fulfilled the promise that god made to abraham and jesus in genesis 12 and the promise o god was made let's read it go to genesis 12. genesis chapter 12 glory be to god genesis chapter 12 shows us the promise i'm i'm working along here my god i wish i had time to get some of this out but look at genesis chapter number 12. now i want you to see this in your bible and then i want you to see what the apostle paul says about it are you still here genesis chapter number 12 and i shall begin reading at verse number one now the lord had said to abram get out of your country from your family from your father's house to your land i will show you i will make you a great nation i will bless you make your name great and you shall be a blessing are you still here i will bless those who bless you and i will curse those who curse you and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed so here's the blessing here's the promise that the blessing of god will come upon all the families of the earth through one man through one man everybody say through one man but now go with me quickly to galatians chapter 3. oh this is good i said this is good go with me quickly to galatians chapter 3. oh i want you to see this my jesus galatians chapter 3 and i'm gonna read here at verse number 13. christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law now paul tells us clearly in romans that the law itself is not a curse that the law is holy just and good so when it says the curse of the law it's not just talking about the law itself which is included here but it's talking about the consequences that should be ours as a result of falling short of it see he redeemed us not only from the law but from the consequences that should have come up on us for having fallen short of it so christ has redeemed us from the curse of the lord watch this having become a curse for us what is written every curse is everyone who hangs on the tree that the blessing of abraham or the blessing that god promised and made abraham might come upon the gentiles those of us who are non-jews without a covenant in christ jesus or in the anointed jesus that we might receive the promise that's the problem the promise of the spirit through faith now watch this brethren i speak in the manner of men though it is only a man's covenant yet if it is confirmed no one a nulls or adds to it oh pay attention now to abraham and his sea were the promises made he does not say unto seeds plural as of many but as of one and to your seed singular who is christ stop so what we were just told is that in genesis 12 when god says to abraham and in you shall all the nations of the earth all the families of the earth be blessed he wasn't just talking to abraham he was talking to abraham and to jesus come here william quick stand right here what just stand right here stand right there stand here stand right here prophet khan come here quick quick quick quick quick stand right here stand right stand right here oh jesus help me now we were just told that when god made the promise he's abraham he's christ he's that when god made the promise in genesis trump he wasn't just talking to abraham it says not to abraham and his seed singular capital s where the promise is made and it does not say unto his seeds plural but to his seed singular who is christ so the promise wasn't made to abraham isaac and jacob [Music] look at your neighbor say he can read he can read he can read the promise was not made to abraham isaac and jacob the promise was made to abraham and to jesus saying you are the two men through whom all the nations of the earth shall be blessed the jews shall be blessed in this covenant and the rest of the world shall be blessed in this one and come and this one will be absorbed in this one when this one comes into fruition and that one is fulfilled watch me now so he doesn't say when god is making i'll be god this is not type casting we're just giving for an example watch so he he he doesn't say and to you and then you shall all the nations of the earth all the families he says and in you so watch this isaac and jacob come here seth uh come here pastor isaac and jacob come into this covenant when they follow the faith of abraham now you don't see them you see abraham but when they follow abraham's faith [Applause] when they do what abraham does [Applause] they get in on the covenant because they followed abraham's faith but if you follow abraham's faith you won't get in ain't nobody saying nothing to the preacher i come into the covenant [Applause] come come here come here preacher come here come here i come into this covenant not by my performance y'all ain't saying nothing to me i come into this covenant not by my performance but when i believe on what god has done for me in christ jesus i get all the benefits all the blessing [Applause] sit down do you see it [Applause] [Music] you get it baba are you getting lay your hands [Applause] lay your hands on somebody close to you and ask are you getting this keep your hand on say are you getting this are you getting this [Applause] so isaac and jacob get in on the covenant when they believe what god said to abraham dr dollar and sister taffy and bishop mcclendon and everybody else if i say everybody else and everybody else get in on this covenant not by our performance but when we believe what god has done and completed in the finished work of jesus of nazareth now let me show you what your bible says that that work accomplished go to isaiah dr dollar i'm running out of time i know so i'm gonna be wise i'm gonna get done go to isaiah and i want you to see something i'm gonna have to make a sh a little course cut here to cut out some stuff but let me go here and show this to you are you still tracking me are you really still tracking me okay now watch this everybody say something better for us let me get to this and i'll i'll bring this home isaiah 53 verse number 10. oh jesus let him that has ears to hear hear isaiah chapter 53 verse number 10 watch this talking about the work of jesus it said yet it pleased the lord to bruise him and has put him to grief when you make his soul and offering for sin he shall see his seed oh this is this is so profound uh it says when you make his soul an offering for sin he that is jesus while his soul is being made an offering for sin he shall see his seed and shall prolong his days now i need to unpack this just a moment it says while jesus is being made an offering for sin while he is taking my sin and your sin oh and this is why you've got to learn to endure the contradictions when you're walking by faith in grace are you still here because when you're doing this you're going to be put in places where people will say you're not exactly who you are and and they'll try to get you to prove who you are which will actually disqualify you from being who you are [Applause] they said to jesus if you are the son of god come down from the cross and he is hanging on that cross knowing because i am the son of god i can't come down y'all aren't hearing me if i don't finish this there's nobody else qualified to finish it so you're telling me if i come down you'll believe and i'm saying i can't come down cause i'm the only one who can finish this watch it it says when you make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he's going to see who he's doing it for and what he's accomplishing he shall see his seed watch this and prolong his days and this is very interesting this hebrew word here prolonged is the hebrew word iraq which means to defer or to hold back to another time to hold back so as to be applied to a later time in other words jesus while he is doing this is seeing what he's doing for us and what it will mean and the bible says and the father is going to take what he's doing and defer it to a later time in other words he's going to take what he's doing and the moment you and i believe what he did the father's going to release it on you and release it on you he's going to release it he's going to hold it till somebody believes he shall see his seed watch this and prolong or defer the results to a later time are you still here watch this and the pleasure of the lord shall prosper in his hand look at this verse 11 he shall see the labor of his soul god shall see the label of jesus soul and be satisfied and be satisfied and be satisfied and be satisfied and be satisfied and be sad he shall see what jesus did and be satisfied no you missed it he shall see what jesus did and be satisfied so my faith doesn't satisfy him i'm not trying to satisfy him with my faith he's already been satisfied jesus [Applause] satisfied it i received [Applause] yes jesus satisfied him that do you understand the burden that takes off of you while you're walking by faith when you understand i'm not trying to satisfy jesus today [Applause] dr donald the spirit of the lord said to me i was reading that a few years ago and he said son i want you to understand every morning when you wake up you wake up to a satisfied father and a seated high priest you didn't hear what i just said a satisfied father and a seat at high priest i don't have time to go into this but the hebrew writer tells us that jesus after his resurrection goes into the holiest of all in the heavens with his own blood to appear before the father for us as our high priest so he is functioning as high priest in the holy of holies in the tabernacle of the heavens if i had the time i would read you the book of hebrews and show you where god sells tells moses make sure when i tell you to build this tabernacle that you build it exactly according to the pattern that i showed you and the hebrew writer tells us because what moses was building was a replica a shadow of things as they are in heaven so god said build it exactly like i told you because i got this done already and i will not live in a house of your design stay with me and the bible says when jesus got done he's functioning as a high priest fulfilling the old covenant until the new one comes into force it is for this reason after he is resurrected and he meets mary in the garden and she doesn't recognize him why because people don't recognize you when you're walking in grace when you're a new creation they don't recognize she didn't recognize and the bible says when he says mary she says rabboni and she reaches out to touch him and he says don't touch me because i've not yet ascended to my father what is that all about that is him fulfilling the old covenant type of the high priest once he had washed and purred sins he had to go into the holy of holies and appear before the shekinah glory of god the ark of the covenant once a year yom kippur the day of atonement and making atonement for the sins of the people after he did that he would come out and the way the people would know that the sacrifice had been accepted was if the high priest came out because if he didn't make the sacrifice according to the order he would be struck dead when the shekinah glory of god descended now the hebrew writer tells us in the old covenant the priests had to do this every year once a year why because the work of finishing all sacrifice for sin was not completed so watch this in the holy of holies on earth there is no seat that's right in the most holy place and the reason there is no seat in the most holy place is because the work of dealing with the sins of the people was never finished under that old covenant but your bible says that this one man when he had by himself purged our sins sat down at the right half of the majesty on the high forever waiting give me this mic i i asked the lord i said god why did he sit down he said he didn't sit down because he was tired he sat down because he was finished nothing else to do nothing else to do no sacrifice for sin lay your hand on your brother let your hand on your sister and say he's out of time and look at your other neighbor and say he couldn't keep yelling like that for much longer anyway [Applause] now watch it i'ma finish right here so now what is this something better for us galatians chapter 2 verse number 20 oh watch this watch watch watch this watch what happens and remember this was in your bible when you came in here [Music] what is this something better galatians chapter 2 verses 20 and 21 i paul's right have been crucified i understand i was with him through the whole process and the work of dealing with sin is finished now there's another way to deal with it and i'm not going to get into that because that's another message for another time but i have been crucified with christ watch this it is no longer i who live in other words it's really not me watch this but christ the anointed one and his anointing lives in me and the life which i now live in the flesh i'm not living it by my faith alone [Music] see abraham isaac jacob and them were living by their faith alone amen but you and i have something better we are not living by our faith alone i am crucified nevertheless i live but the life that i now live in the flesh i'm living by the faith of the son of god i am living by what i know he finished and accomplished for me i am not living by just what my faith can do i am living by what his faith has already done i am believing what his faith has already done i am declaring what his faith has already done i am receiving what his faith has already done [Applause] now watch it romans chapter 5 verses 1 and 2. therefore having been justified by faith that faith in romans chapter 5 verse 1 is not yours did you see that it's not yours how can you say that because i can read now you got to go back let me just do you got to go back to chapter four real quickly verse 20 i'm done i need three minutes and i'll be done you got to go back to chapter 4 verses i think 23 24 if you can put that up real quick how do you know that's not your faith because he tells you reasoning from the old covenant to the one way and he says now it was not written when when the bible says abraham believed god and it was accounted to him for righteousness he says now that was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to him let me read on but also for us in other words when god said to abraham your faith has been accounted to you for righteous he said god didn't just say that for abraham he said for us why it shall be imputed to us who believe in him who raised up jesus our lord from the dead watch this reading on verse who was delivered up because of our offenses and was raised because of our justification he was raised because of not to justify us no you didn't he no you didn't get he was raised not to justify us he was raised because of the fact that he had already justified us his resurrection is my receipt that the work is finished it's my evidence that everything god says about me is so it is my evidence that he paid the price in full so he justified me by his faith by what he did now romans chapter 5 verse 1 i'm closing look at this therefore having been justified by faith that's not mine that's his having been justified by faith we have and your pastor helped the whole body of christ understand this we have in the hebrew shalom with god nothing missing nothing lacking nothing broken having been justified by faith we are in a position now see the old covenant saints weren't in this position we are in a position now where nothing is missing nothing is lacking and nothing is broken we have shalom with god watch this through our lord jesus christ oh watch this watch this i'm done through whom also we have access by faith into this grace uh my faith is to keep me in the realm of believing and seeing that i'm getting better than i deserve all the time my faith is to get me and keep me in the realm what i can believe and understand that god is doing for me beyond what i have merited and he is empowering me beyond my watch ability through also also through we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand and rejoice in the glory in the manifestation of the goodness of god lay your hand upon yourself dr dollar i thank you [Music] for the opportunity to share the word of his grace with this great people and god told me to tell you you right now are coming into the something better as a people you're coming in it's already up on you and god sent me here just to confirm affirm strengthen you are moving into a whole other dimension of world changing oh you should clap your hands and thank god [Applause] look at this the bible says we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand i was reading that dr dollar meditating on it several years ago and the spirit of the lord said pay attention son he said this is why for some the walk of faith has become tedious and heavy and burdensome he said i never intended it to be that way but he said notice i said we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand and when the holy spirit said that to me the scripture second corinthians 5 7 said we walk by faith and not my side came to me and the holy spirit asked me he said son have you ever seen anyone who can walk before they can stand i said no sir i've never seen anyone who can walk before they can stand he said that's why many of my people even though they've been taught the word of faith they're not seeing the results he said because you cannot walk by faith until you are first standing in grace [Applause] you if you try to walk by faith and you're not standing in grace your faith walk will become burdensome tedious scary and jesus never intended for that to be now will you lay your hands up on somebody next to you i'm finished the apostle is coming and i call him apostle because he is one and i know you know that flow with me son byron flow with me lay your hands upon your brother lay your hands up on your sister as i was in prayer this morning i saw a vision i saw a very large angel standing over this dome god bear me witness in the holy ghost and the spirit of the lord said to me salute the prince [Music] and i said god what is going on i saw an angel hovering over the top of this dome and the spirit of the lord said to me he said my son dr creflo dollar has been a man of god for many years but he said declare in the house that he is no longer only a man of god but i have now made him my man there are many men of god but there are not a lot of men who are god's men in a region in an area in a stewardship and i say this by permission of the holy ghost and man of god you can stop me anytime you want but what i say now i say by the spirit of god when you become god's man in an area in a region he begins to deal with you differently he begins to deal with you like he dealt with abraham when he was about to go into sodom and he said can i hide from abraham what i'm going to do why abraham was god's man in the region and he was basically saying i can't do anything in this area unless i inform my man about it god gives men and women stewardship of regions and purposes and plans for seasons and i declare to you that world changers church and this apostle and this woman of god now are coming into a dimension of stewardship not only of this church but of this entire region and an apostolic grace is coming upon them for the message of the grace of god in the body of christ nationally and internationally now you know this but the spirit of god told me to speak it and dr dollar i'm going to give this to you sir i'm going to ask you just to come if you would and sister taffy i'm going to ask you to come if you would and i am going to ask you sir by permission may i speak a word to the both of you may i thank you sir i want you to stretch your hands towards the angels of the house and i asked the lord this morning i said god do you want me to say this publicly or do you want me to say it privately because i can say it to the man of god privately and he's and he said i'll let you know when you're finished because i guess he didn't want me to get nervous prophesying to this man of god this woman of god who are now seeing your statement stretch your hands toward them and pray in the spirit and i heard the spirit of the lord say to me dr dollar that because of your humility because of your integrity to my word because you have taken a no-nonsense approach to my things and wanted to make them real and simple and authentic to my people i have honored you and i will continue to honor you but i will raise you now this day in the sight of all the body of christ for you have been humble and you have said no lord it's not necessary i don't need this and i don't need to say that and i don't need to call myself that i'm just your servant but the lord says i have made you an apostle in my kingdom an apostle of faith an apostle of grace and apostle in the body of christ and did i not say my son because you have integrity and because you look to the integrity of my word but did i not say he that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward understand you do not take the title and mantle of apostleship for your sake but you say it so that the grace of that apostleship can be imparted and received everywhere you go for you have seen and you even inquired of me not long ago says the lord you saw the generals leaving you saw this one go and that one go and you inquired of me lord what is this and the lord says it is because there is a new day something better is coming and i have made you a steward of my grace and an apostle of this message understand my son though you do not want the ceremony and you do not have to have a big to do you must embrace the office and not be ashamed of letting men and women call you an apostle for an apostle you are this you know and i confirm it this day in the sight of many witnesses that you may know this is not something you take upon yourself but something i have given says the spirit of grace for my body worldwide in the name of jesus if you agree with that word and you receive it i want you to lift your hands i want you to open your mouth i want you to shout unto god because something better is upon you now and receive the apostle dr creflo a dollar somebody shot an apostle of the grace of god an apostle of the grace of god now you understand this he's not one because i said so he's won because god said so but as a prophet i have been sent to confirm the word of the lord i want you to shout one more time and thank god for the apostle [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey man oh yeah i uh you know i you know i'm a big cry baby now so i did not our hearts burn lift your hands up right now receive everything i believe god spoke to you i believe he spoke to you some specific things you needed to hear i believe that the the burden has been removed i believe now you've declared and you've received that you're righteous not because of you but because of him and as long as jesus is all right [Music] you are right if he believes you're healed you believe you healed if he believes you're delivered you believe you're delivered if he believes that you're righteous you believe you're righteous if he believes you're prosperous you believe you prosperous that's what living by the faith of jesus is all about i'm healed by the faith of jesus christ those of you who are on the stream and those of you who are in the dome today if you've never made jesus the lord of your life i want to pray this simple prayer that you can receive him and when you receive him a lot of stuff goes away a lot of things go away the struggle goes you have to be seated with him because rest is the highest kind of faith you got to rest you got to learn to enter into that rest you've been struggling and fighting and got to do this and got to do that right it's time to rest and his finish works pray this prayer with me if you're over the stream if you hear heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of my sins i receive the free gift of your forgiveness lord jesus come into my heart sit on the throne of my life be my lord and my savior and i declare in jesus name [Music] that i am saved thank you lord for saving me in jesus name now if you're watching on the stream if you just prayed that prayer of salvation with us today text the key word i'm saved as one word to 5155 and we'll provide if you'll provide your name and email address we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today now what we're going to do is now listen we're going to complete the worship service someone's how you do that through gift giving a gift given this even changes what we've heard about giving yeah that's right we're giving not to try to get god to do something we are giving out of gratitude and thanksgiving for what he's already done bring unto the lord glory do unto his name do what bring an offering and worship him in the beauty of his holiness this is a honor gift this is a gift of gratitude and love and an appreciation for what you received the day for what god has done last week for what he's done last year it's gift giving jesus walked in the book of matthew chapter 2 and he saw jesus around the age of 2 and the bible says that reaching in the treasury they bowed down and worshiped him let's complete this thank god for the songs thanks after everything that we've heard but there's something about this time where i'm saying you know what god this is not me asking you nothing this is i am giving out of gratitude and honor and worship because of what you've already done so now you're gonna have to deal with well i'm doing this to get god to do something no no it's done it's done i'm thanking god for it now god still promised that he will multiply to see each song but from your heart it's always how you do it and the attitude in which you do something in that really opens the door for god uh to to to help us and this is where i am right now the jeff shall live by complete dependence upon god and that's how we live this whole thing is coming down to either you declare your independence away from god or you declare your dependence for him complete dependence on him so you can be seated let's go ahead and prepare our gifts and prepare to give and it's so good to see you guys today you know normally we're having this during the super bowl and it feels so good not having a rush to try to get you out so you can get prepared for your super bowl stuff amen that's why they added that extra game for us [Music] listen if you're online giving you have a qr code there as well you have you can text world changers uh to 74483 you can call that number on your screen you can mail to that address or you can go to the websites and you can use your paypal if you're if you have one if you're here and you want to give uh through envelopes if you lift your hands up this whole thing's got a whole new meaning after the day of service i'm like dude i am in here you know lift your hands up and uh the ushers will go ahead and take care of you tap and i want to express our thanks to those of you who came today that you trusted us to provide a safe environment the cool thing about it is nobody if you're in here you you passed our test you had a good temperature and all those other kind of things but i'm i'm telling you and i have to say this to you uh some of you you keep saying you don't feel comfortable let's tell the truth fear is dominating you and you got to get rid of that you've got to get rid of you cannot allow fear to dominate you i'm telling you god's getting ready to turn this thing to a point and you know this whole thing has been set up for the antichrist to come in and try to really deceive people there's more to this than meets the eye and now i'm telling you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth ladies and gentlemen you do not have to walk in the fear of anything don't do it if you look if you locate fear in in any area of your life now you can get up and you can easily say well you know i don't feel comfortable this but but at the end of the day you you go out you know you got to ask yourself do i have do i have fear operating in my life i did a teaching some weeks ago on how to know if you're operating by fear and being dominated by fear and it's important that you know that because there are a lot of folks who are under demonic influence and things are happening in their life and they don't have a clue about what's going on amen so we are thankful and grateful to all of you and i'm believing god that will help you and just ask god help me god help me to deal with this and when you do that it's going to be fine uh i'm not going to come up here i'm not talk i'm not going to bring in we're not going to talk about what the republicans and and and the democrats are doing i ain't got time for all this stuff there's too much gospel to be preached and what you heard this morning was the gospel of jesus christ that's the true gospel the almost too good to be true news that's the true gospel and that's that's what we got to get and you're going to bump into your religion you're going to bump into your religious belief but that is the true gospel and you've got to start living life where you receive what jesus has already done and and this is we got to mature we have to mature we've got to go to the next level and i believe that that we are but it's so good to see all of you in the dome this morning we're glad to know that those of you who are streaming in we appreciate it so much we're so grateful and so thankful for you as well and we believe that the best is yet to come for your lives amen praise the lord ushers go ahead and receive the offering this morning go ahead and give there's qr codes here as well as out in the lobby you have some areas there where the qr code is somebody keeps asking me about the bookstore it is it is under renovation it's going to be very high tech a lot different in fact we're changing the name to the digital the dome digital store and you're gonna be shocked how things operate there we're getting some stuff from south korea uh and we're moving in a whole new place where you're gonna be able to go in and there's gonna be this gigantic screen and you're going to be able to with your phones do kind of stuff and we're going to have areas where we're going to even have people who have their phones and don't know how to do it to train people to operate amen some of y'all still coming asking where's the tape for the line i'm ready to get one you don't even know you can get it for free there's a lot of things that that are happening here and what a celebration what a message what a word it was everything i thought and more amen praise the lord guys would you escort our guests out right now and we're going we're going to handle a little church business real quick those of you who who got born again this morning i'd like for you to come to the altar and those of you who listen to me those of you who um those of you who desire to join this church today and uh you know i want you to know as a pastor i want a pastor you i do and i want to watch over your souls i want to accept the challenge that whatever is going on with you that god can handle it amen and so two things if you're born if you just prayed the prayer to get born again come on down secondly if you're here and you say i believe that i'm supposed to be a member of this church you can come on down at this time and as you do that i'm going to speak to our e-church members as they come you can come those of you who are online you can go to and click join at the top of the page or you can text join wcci all one word to 51 555 and we will send you all the benefits of e-membership we thank god for all of you our e-members and we are so excited about what god is doing in your life welcome to world changers e church god bless you amen praise god praise god amen happy anniversary world changes church international amen taffy and i are going on 41 years in the ministry but 36 of them have been spent pastoring this church and it has been a great great great joy and we're just so excited about what god is doing with the world changers nation amen so excited and all the other churches that uh joined us this morning for this celebration we welcome you and we're just grateful and thankful that every word that was spoken from this pulpit it is true also in every world changes church and we are just glad about what's happening amen praise god well father we thank you for those who've come to this altar and i thank you by the power of the holy spirit you are doing amazing things in their lives and they will never be the same again in jesus name amen at this time of your turn to follow this gentleman to the prayer room they're going to take you and get some things from you minister to you and we believe that the best is yet to come amen now as they go there are a couple of things i'm going to spend some time on in the future one of them is benediction benediction is a final blessing and i have to repent of you because last week you got to walk in and and i just said i'm gonna give a little simple off the head benediction i don't even want to do that because i don't know what's going on in your life throughout the week and the benediction is a spoken blessing over you hopefully led by the holy spirit so that anything you encounter during the week i want to make sure that that benef that that benediction has you covered so to walk out before the benediction is given is to walk out before you get the final blessing i want you to get the final blessing i gotta hurry up get my car get on track no no no the final blessing is a lot more important than you getting away from the traffic amen so we'll we'll begin to talk about that just a little bit more so that you can bring honor to that final blessing and begin to believe god lord i thank you that that whatever needs that i need to cover me for the week i thank you that i receive that blessing so with that said would you please stand for the benediction [Music] god bless you praise god and may the lord god of heaven be with you all may this week be a week of being led by the spirit of god may your family walk in the blessings may relationships be restored may god continue to perfect everything that concerns you i plead the blood of jesus over you over your household over your finances i declare that you are protected i declare long life until you're satisfied i declare that if any virus or sickness touches your body that it will die instantly and i declare that the favor of god will show up and overwhelm you i declare that doors will open that will surprise you and the god of the surprise will visit your life and now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power be blessed in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit in jesus name and everybody said amen god bless you everybody happy anniversary
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 157,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: QcOsFhi67Ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 40sec (5740 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 06 2022
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