The Best Ice Cream Tiramisu | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello there friends another fantastic recipe today a frozen tiramisu this is a step up for any tiramisu you've ever had well i want you to try you're gonna love it stay tuned we're gonna show you exactly how to do it okay friends another fantastic recipe today recipe that i used to make in my restaurant people used to rave about it this is my frozen tiramisu it's like a traditional tiramisu except we make it in a cake pan and we freeze it and we slice it it's beautiful and it's amazing it's exactly the same way you make a regular tiramisu you're going to love it it's got a few changes since we're going to be freezing it but really simple first thing we're going to do friends we're going to make a zabayon and zabalion however you want to call it is eggs i use whole eggs and i put a couple of you know i put two two whole eggs and five yolks i put a little bit of sugar it's about a half a cup so we got five yolks two whole eggs half a cup of sugar and a little bit of masala this you have to measure carefully and then we're going to make the uh we're going to make the zabayon so look what we're going to do friends we're going to break the eggs we're going to break the eggs and then we're going to cook them in a water bath now you can do it on the burner if you're very good if you're experienced you can do another burner but i highly recommend at home you do it in a water bath and what happened is we have to cook the egg until they are about 135 140 degree temperature then we know they cook the reason why you do it on a water bath it's because it won't burn as easily as if you do it on a burner but if you don't want to dirty another part you can do it on a burner just be very very careful for two things one because your towel is gonna catch on fire and two uh because you could burn yourself and it's easy to overcook them i'm using a balloon whisk check it out that's a balloon whisk and the balloon whisk is going to pump air into this so we're going to cook it until it gets to uh 135 to 145 let's say 135 to 145 degrees and we'll know it's cooked because it will uh it will starting to uh uh to change in color not so much yellow very pale yellow when it's cooked versus the bright yellow we started with and and this is gonna be a zabayong now years ago in the restaurant business we used to make a hot zabayong at the customs table and pour it on top of strawberries it was amazing you can eat this like this but what we're gonna do we're going to cool it and then we're going to mix it with whipped cream and and mascarpone cheese we're going to mix those two together but first we have to cool this you see this chino color is how it's changing how it's changing let me make sure i got it on the right degrees right now we're still a little bit far away not too far not too far we want it to solidify you see [Music] let me make sure this thing is working there you go i'm close i'm close friends i'm at about 125. and you see it's starting to be very pale yellow and it's starting to solidify you see now at this point friends you gotta really really mix otherwise you're gonna do squibble legs we're not making scrambled eggs you see this is our young right there it's really important to have a nice whisk folks you see we're almost there let me see what temperature we got you'll know because it's starting to be very pale yellow i'm gonna i'm 132 so you know i'm very close very close very close friends but i want to show you you see you can see the bottom of my pots look look you can see the bottom of my bowl right there it's starting to solidify you see and look at the color let me tell you something folks you put this on top of strawberries it's amazing a little powdered sugar fabulous oh yeah we're close we're close we're still 134 so depends where i shoot it i wanted to cook a little bit more you actually have a perfectly cooked egg when you get to 145. so we're almost there remember i don't want it to be granulated i don't want to scramble legs now let me turn the heat off this thing because it's a little hot and you see right there this is a beautiful zabayon all right so next step okay the minute it's cooked you'll know because it's starting to thicken you see it's got consistency of a soft whipped cream you see because consistency of soft whipped cream friends then you know you got it and if you look if you have a digital thermometer you'll be right at 140. you see right there temperature you want to make sure you mix it up friends because if you don't you're going to have scrambled eggs you go around the bowl see go around the bowl and keep mixing it and you have consistency of a soft whipped cream and this is all we need so now what we're gonna do we're gonna put it on ice we're gonna put it on ice i'm gonna put some water in there put it on ice and i'm gonna let it get to room temperature and room temperature and flow it up i'd be lucky i want to get it to like 60 65 degrees and then i'm gonna take the whipped cream and i'm gonna fold it in so we're gonna wait for this to get to the right temperature before we start doing the whipped cream and then we'll put it all together all right friends great okay friends the uh zabao is cold i got it right there folks it's been on ice it is now um perfect temperature i got it actually at 65 degrees i'm pretty happy with that i'm gonna put it here ice bath makes it really easy it didn't take that long to do it really i was off camera you couldn't see it but it it probably took me about uh 10 15 minutes to get it to temperature right i got whipped cream here soft whipped cream just whipped cream that's all i got in here right so far all right soft whipped cream there you go that's good enough we're gonna take our whipped cream and we're going to put it right inside there and uh let me put this uh actually i can leave it right in here right putting my whipped cream in here friend and the whipped cream is pretty soft i don't want it to be a hard whipped cream for sure not putting it on a cake i'm putting it in the zabayong right and then i should take that whisk out of there it would have made it more professional looking and now we're gonna put the mascarpone cheese if you don't have mascarpone cheese you put a cream cheese okay make sure it's at room temperature right you can get mascarpone cheese just about everywhere it's an italian cream cheese basically so if you don't have a italian cream cheese use a a whatever cream cheese you can find all right mix it up really good and we got our mixture right there friends we got a beautiful sabayon you see and this is what we're going to make our frozen tiramisu with you see we're going to mix it up really good so it's nice and smooth you see look beautiful that is well i tell you what i'm glad i didn't do my exercise this morning because i'm doing them now and here we have it friends beautiful let's clean this up and now we're gonna put the tiramisu together okay okey-dokey i think we're gonna have to clean this up here we go we got the beautiful i'm destroying everything today look how beautiful that is book you see look how gorgeous that is all right now we're going to put the tiramisu together i got to clean this up i can't even move it okay now we're going to put it together friends sabayon is ready now we got the uh we're gonna dunk the ladyfingers in a coffee what i did is i made a very strong espresso and uh it's a lot of espresso very strong coffee and then you put a little bit of whatever you want to put in there i got i love it all captain morgan spiced rum it's delicious and i like a little kalua in there too don't be shy now okay make them happy here you go all right so now this is our uh syrup then we're gonna dunk our lady fingers in it yup yup yup yup so this is where i need to put my gloves on because it gets a little messy otherwise i got uh i got the uh espresso in my fingers for three days here we go friends so oh i got to get a ladle and i got to put that in there now look at this look how beautiful it is right okay the first thing we do is we take a layer of this beautiful zabayong with a whipped cream and a mascarpone and we cover the bottom of it okay oh oh i didn't tell you the most important what i didn't tell you is then i uh i put a plastic wrap all the way on the bottom and on the side of it because that's what i'm going to use to and mold it so plastic wrap make sure it covers on all side and it's all the way in the bottom okay it's very important to do that i forgot to tell you almost right so now you taking the lady finger and lady finger you want to let him soak about 10 seconds so you put a 10 second right and then um you wait and then you put another one for 10 seconds and then what you do well the other one is soaking for 10 seconds you'll go like this all right and then you put it right in there just like this all right and then see right there oh i didn't put the other one you put the other one in and when this one is soaking then you do it like this and we continue like this all right and we continue we continue we continue you see and then put another one it soaks for 10 seconds take the other one out and while you do that you see what i'm doing i'm letting it drain completely it's soaked you don't want to leave them more than 10 seconds the way they're going to fall apart you see look you see just like this friends i'll put another one in take this one out you see pretty simple right and you're going to say why don't you put them the other way they fit better on the other way remember take a second and take it out right 10 seconds and you take it out 10 seconds you take it out you're going to say why don't you put them in the other way because they fit so much better on the other way right you see you see you see you see what happened when i cut them see i'm going to cut them in slices i'm going to have beautiful trust me trust me in this one look look look take the zabayon right there look you see right there and make it nice and smooth and put another layer right there you see you see right there put another layer and we're going to do it again we're going to do that dance again with the with the cookies you see right there right there right there right there all right so now we'll do it again but i'm in for 10 seconds wait for the other one to go and then take it out i didn't leave it long enough did i take the wrong one that's possible now i'm confused right there there you go there you go put the other one in you can't forget the other one put it in take the other one out up right there see in the meantime the other one is soaking put the other one in see there is a madness there is a reason for my madness so how you say that's an expression i think i make up expression all the time look look we're almost there friends let me tell you this is not uh your grandmother is here i miss you okay this is chef jean-pierre at tiamatsu okay nobody makes a chairman like this you've seen this yamasu right there you've never seen tiamatsu like this one i promise you friends that's what happens when you have italian hot french you see look look put it in there now you know what you can do also show you a trick because what happened is the bread loaf pan go like this so that means now we have a little space in the middle so here's what you do that's the piece i want look you go like this you put this guy right in there you see can you see it all right now i'm done with my gloves thank goodness now i'm going to take it right there i'm going to put it on there you see and i'm going to cover the whole thing i got a little extra you can see and this your refrigerated friends you're refrigerated and yeah and then when it's nice and set because this is going to set beautiful you see remember it's got the whipped cream in it this is going to set beautiful right and what happened is when you set it let me give it a little more this will be delicious by itself oh over the bowl of fresh berries in there beautiful right so look fill it up pull up all the way all the way out of the way don't be afraid don't be afraid don't be afraid don't be afraid to put a lot right look at this all right fill it up all the way all the way all the way all the way right now what we're going to do we're going to take some cocoa powder and we're going to put it all the way on top and we're going to freeze this for 24-hour friends trust me 24 hours 24 hours from now you're gonna come back so stay with me we'll have a party tonight stay with me with potty we'll open up some wine we'll have a good time and we'll see you tomorrow we're gonna put this in the freezer i'm gonna when it's cold i'm gonna put it freezer for an hour so when it's cold i'm gonna wrap it all up i'm gonna leave it there overnight and then i'll come back to you and we're gonna slice it and we're gonna plate it when until you see it's beautiful all right we'll be back soon okay friends well it's been in the freezer all night so now let's cut it when do you see it oh yeah this is amazing friends so you see i got plastic wrap right i wrapped it erupted wrapped and wrapped it wrapped it wrapped it wrapped it right there it's all perfect perfectly wrapped you got to do this when you put in a freezer all right you don't want to absorb any of the flavor you have in your freezer like garlic or anything right you take it put it upside down okay now you watch how easy it is to come out because we are going to use the plastic look look comes right out right because it's a it's a the plastic wrap right there look look look how easy it is see see that's why you want to make sure you put the plastic wrap make sure when you put it in it's all tucked in in there right and now get yourself a beautiful knife right a nice very sharp knife and what i do is i usually have a bucket of water right there then i um i have a bucket of water that i use to clean my knife every time and all i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna cut the first cut might not be so special i usually save it for me the first cut oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah you see check it out shake it out is that a beauty or what friends look look at this is that a beauty what do you think she gorgeous in it so look we're going to take it right there you know so look at this now you understand why friends i decided to oh that's not this one's got a little do little boo boo right here so i'm not going to take it i want i'm going to make a nice plate out of this one right there and now you understand the benefit then we're going to put it on the plate just right there just like that i'm going to put on the plate right now you understand the benefit of of doing it putting the cookies this way instead of putting them this way and all i do basically at this point i take a a little mango or an orange coulis and a raspberry coulis raspberry coulis and i i did this uh i have a video on it and we just take it put a nice little uh a spoon nothing nothing really fancy right there on the side friends and this let me tell you friends this is a tiamatsu i promise you your friends are going to go wow this is the jama suit and the beauty is you can make it in advance you can keep it in the freezer as long as you want i mean as long as you want don't keep it 17 years but i promise you and this friends now you know what i like to do it's kind of like when i eat an ice cream i kind of leave it out i like to leave it out just a little bit so it's a little soft because it is an ice cream it's a little soft but let me tell you let me test it to make sure it's good now i want to make sure you know that it's good it's one of the first time that i'm eating something and i'm not burning myself folks you gotta try to make this it's a beautiful beautiful easy to make tiamatsu i hope you make it you're going to enjoy it don't forget to subscribe to our channel we need more subscribers don't forget to give us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell ring my bell so then you remind every week when i do a video you get on your phone thing i just upload a new video we'll see you next week thanks for watching
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 99,351
Rating: 4.9749608 out of 5
Keywords: how to make tiramisu, tiramisu ice cream recipe, italian dessert, dessert recipe, how to make tiramisu ice cream, tiramisu recipe easy, cooking show, chef jean pierre onion, how to, best chef on youtube, chocolate cake, how to cook, how to make, ice cream, chef jean-pierre, tiramisu ice cream, how to make tiramisu easy, how to make tiramisu cake at home, how to make tiramisu cake, french chef, how to make tiramisu at home, ice cream recipe, italian dessert tiramisu
Id: F7BNfBwmvBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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