The Best Home Business Starts Free

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welcome to my website my name is arthur gottlieb and my website has changed lives many lives over the last 10 years this business starts for free without any investment operates from home and average incomes are well over a hundred thousand dollars this business is newspapers and magazines the kind that you see everywhere and the publishers of these newspapers and magazines are making a fortune my mailbox is full with different newspapers and magazines every day and the publishers of these magazines and newspapers are getting rich and many of them started their business right from my website and i would suggest that you go to my website now even in my neighborhood which is pembroke pines see miramar pembroke pines pembroke pine city connect our city pembroke pines hometown magazine west pines even my own neighborhood it's a small neighborhood there are four different medias where publishers are making a fortune and you can too you can start for free these here are some of the papers from some of the people who sent me their papers from learning the business on the website and you can too and i have hundreds and hundreds of papers in my closet from different people thanking me for the information i make available on my website you can be in this business without any investment those magazines you just looked at they're booming and they're all loaded with advertising paid advertising and advertising is growing these magazines and newspapers they're everywhere and there are 25 000 people publishing from their own homes and getting rich and you can join them you can learn this business on this website there are 11 tutorial videos to follow which will teach you everything about designing selling why every customer signs on to advertise mailing the products printing the products and profiting from your own newspaper or magazine yeah the 11 videos it's two and a half hours of information but after you watch it you will be able to venture out into your own community and start selling advertising and collecting deposits you can succeed with this business it's not a scam it's free don't waste any more time searching through all the make-believe opportunities invest two and a half hours in yourself and learn to earn without buying a franchise or getting scammed this business is just like a whole bunch of media franchises it's like the valpak hundred thousand dollars it's like the clipper magazine a hundred thousand dollars it's like the red plum it's like the money mailer it's like the coffee news it's like the tidbits magazine it's like the home mag the only difference is you don't have to buy a franchise you could learn and you can start for free and you could become my next millionaire publisher because i've had many of them many of the people that stay on this website and learn the business publish numerous different newspapers and magazines in the same community and have become millionaires and maybe you can too if you stay tuned and watch the tutorial videos invest two and a half hours in your future don't waste any more time bye bye how much money can you make well it's unlimited you can become rich or you might not even publish a paper the minimum that you could earn is seven thousand dollars per paper seven thousand dollars per 12 page paper some of my students they publish 36 page papers this is one of my recent students it looks just like my sample paper because that's the best way to go but the way this works is when you sell the advertising in your paper at the crazy low price of one cent per home delivered in the mailbox you take in 10 000 in advertising with the 12 pages and what happens is that it cost a thousand dollars to print the 12 page paper 10 000 copies and it cost another 18 cents to mail it so for the purpose of rounding it out let's say it costs three thousand dollars to print and mail ten thousand newspapers and you're going to take in ten thousand dollars in advertising so you're gonna profit seven thousand dollars some of my students have many newspapers and many of my students start with a larger than a 12-page paper many people have gotten rich in the publishing business because it's very high profit but in this one you could have the lowest price possible one cent per home delivered in the mailbox all the businesses will eat it up you'll watch the next video it'll show you how i sold every customer i visited so you'll be able to sell the product the customers all want it they all want to get into the paper that's being mailed to all the households surrounding their business so they all have interest but you can make a fortune in this business but you have to work watch the rest of the videos you're going to get the details on the printing on the mailing on how i sold every customer that i visited and how you can start for free and if you have questions just call me up bye bye hi there now i'm going to talk about the sample paper and how it enables you to sell advertising without even trying just turning the pages first of all and i'm going to put the paper up to the camera very close first of all you got all these things over here free paper coupons and savings mail to local households these are all sales pictures believe it or not go page by page [Applause] over here built into the guy's ad at the bottom it says focusing your dollars on those who respond while the customer is looking at the ad and reading the advertorial over here you're reading over here you're paying attention to this then down here it says does your hometown really know your business good enough so there's there's pictures everywhere on this paper that's just page two on page three you have this which is a big eye opener this size color ad delivered for just one cent can you afford not to advertise down here on the opposite side of the page is a whole bunch of sales pitches that while he's looking at the edge or a lot of times the paper is going to be open like this so he's looking at two pages you're going to be focusing your eyes over here with a whole bunch of sales pitches and it's going to say become the name brand of your industry separate yourself from your competition more affording than even a business card targeted to your best prospects direct mail delivers over fifty dollars in sales for every dollar spent at home your neighbors are open to your messages eighty-five percent of readers use two or more coupons per issue coupon advertising is growing 20 yearly advertorials are proven 10 times more effective exclusive advertising crushes competition so these are all one-liners that you're going to mention and you're going to expand on while the guy is going through the paper even on top of the golden corral four-week shelf life equal repeat exposure and time to generate sales so you even got on top of the ads like i said it's not noticeable to the to the guy that you're visiting and the store keeper you're selling the advertising tool just like here if you look at this this basically is a lot of little ads but what it is is over here you got your sales pitches share a page promote your block street strip mall neighborhood etc share a page promote your block down here share the cost as low as 50 per merchant the idea is you sell the page for 800 and you get eight guys in the strip mall to share the page for a hundred dollars a piece you get 16 stores to share the full page ad now we go to the next page and again you've got the one cent per home so so far every page we have a sales pitch or something of that nature not to mention every business is either on hometown boulevard or in hometown mall this is the hometown mini mall i mean everything is hometown so it sounds generic and everyone can associate with that here it says our readers scan your quick read codes and visit your website so there's another sales pitch right there now what this is this is an advertorial in reference to the business on top and if you read the advertorial you wouldn't believe it you wouldn't believe how great it is you have to read it you know go down further i got the pictures and you'll be able to read it but uh anyhow it's unbelievable when any of the potential advertisers read any of the advertorials their socks are going to fall off now here's the next page direct mail averages over fifty dollars in sales for every one dollar invested so there's another sales pitch and let's see that's it for that page this page here nine and ten households respond to offers and hometown informa so you've got a sales pitch again over there on this page this whole thing is a sales pitch and again when you have the paper open and it's on the guy's counter you're looking at a lot of information this this here is your information right here this is where you're going to be reading from and you don't point this out to the guy he's busy looking at this ed and he's looking at this advertorial and looking at this end and you you're gonna be reading off this air this is your little sales pitch and it sums up everything else that we've been saying our ad designs and direct mail targeted delivery ensure you will profit advertorials are proven to be more effective and it goes on and on coupon advertising four-week shelf life one cent per household it shows the mailbox 91 of our readers read our paper more than once so these are all things that you're going to be rattling off and you'll memorize you know so you can rattle them off on every page but anyhow this is what's going to make the selling effortless for you even if you're not a proven sales person you turn the page again and stopping advertising is to save money is like stopping your watch to save time doesn't work down here is more red nobody counts the number of ads but they do remember the impression you make not advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark you know what you're doing but nobody else does advertising with us is profitable it will pay for itself over and over and again this is another opportunity for you to sell a full page here is an advertorial and here's the ad copy for the same business and if you read this you'll be blown away if you're interested in going in business you should read these advertorials you'll understand why this paper is so effective you'll understand why you'll be able to sell a guy a full page ad now we're getting toward the end and here's your winner again this size color air delivered for a penny is you now we're at the back page we're at page 12. and over here you got your usual stuff on top local deals and specials free paper coupons and savings mail to local households and over here you got advertising to the many who are disposed toward your product but have not yet heard about its greatness we reach your target audience for you at the least possible cost in the best way so every page of this paper has something that you could be telling the storekeeper as you're turning the pages you don't have to memorize anything i mean you should memorize it you you want to be good like me so you memorize it and when it's facts it's not that hard to memorize but anyhow this sample paper is what's going to make selling effortlessly and it's my best paper ever so and ever since i come out with this sample paper whoever has going out whoever i trained and has gone out to sell advertising has been successful it wasn't always that way it used to be like 50 percent when they would go out uh well 50 before the advertorials and when they would go out with my own newspapers with north and south carolina businesses in it and there was no self-promotion in it at all this sample paper is priceless it's generic everything is hometown and it does the selling for you page by page and it's my best paper ever so give me a call we'll look into your area we'll see if your community can support a media such as this and if it can this is a business that you could succeed at you don't have to buy a franchise there's no startup course when you go around to the businesses you're going to be credible you're going to sell advertising you're going to collect your deposits you're going to collect more deposit money than it costs to mail and print your paper there's no reason you cannot do this the only reason is if you don't go out and visit the local businesses it's a no-brainer for them to sign on you know for them to reach the the customers that are surrounding their business for a penny a household that's crazy and the thing is you could do it for a penny a household and still make a fortune because you didn't overpay for a franchise and you're not paying graphic artists and you're not paying sales people this is a one person all cash business selling to other businesses your customers are the best they're all in business they have to pay their bills they got to pay to take their garbage away and nobody gets away from me with the advertising even if i went to a business and the guy says well i don't advertise well i would tell them well listen you might not advertise but you're over here on main street it's got to be costing you 10 000 a month just to open your door between your rent your staff your insurance your garbage removal your electric everything else and he'll say yeah and i'll say well listen you got 20 feet of footage i says i'm driving up and down this block i never looked on your side of the street i got no idea what's in your house you're paying ten thousand dollars a month and i don't even know what the hell is in here he says you might as well just bring your business back to your house give me three hundred dollars i'll give you a big ad in my newspaper i'll mail it to all the homes surrounding the location here i'll have 10 000 people all knowing what you got in there i'll have 10 000 homes 30 000 people they're all gonna know what's in here don't you think it's time you told the people what you're doing here i mean are you gonna make a wedding and not send out the invitations that's luna lunacy you know so this product is really great and i believe in it because i'm a businessman you know you don't invest to go into business and then not let people know what you're doing so every one of the businesses out there they're all advertising and even if they tell you they're not advertising they're still spending a fortune and by the time you turn it around on them they're going to realize well maybe i should advertise i'm spending so much money maybe it wouldn't maybe this guy makes some sense you know anyhow don't be a stranger call me up i'll see how many homes and businesses are in your territory i'll help you succeed and i'll make it easy for you call me my name is art bye hi there in this video i'm going to talk about competition and i'm going to talk about the sale ability of advertising as i know it i didn't have any competition believe it or not there was no competition i sold everyone who was advertising in any other type of advertising out there and i visited those people because they were spending the most money and they had a huge interest in spending the money wisely efficiently and correctly so i keyed in on all the other advertising vehicles that were out there what some of you might think our competitors were my sales leads because whoever would speak to me wound up in my paper and i'm gonna go through them all when i first got to town there was a valve pack and there was a coffee news i chased them out of town when i would visit the advertisers who were in the valpak i would tell them don't you know half your half the people that get this envelope are not going to go through these 50 coupons it's too much work i mean i don't do it anymore i know half my neighbors don't do it so half of the people you're trying to reach are not opening the envelope and they always agreed because they didn't like going through the envelope either when i explained how easy it is when the customers get the newspaper how they keep it stays together and they just turned the pages they agreed when i gave them my lower prices they signed on when i went to visit the customers that were advertising in the coffee news i chased them out of town too i explained to them that the coffee news is great but it's being left in the restaurants and the people are using them as placemats they're not taking them out of the restaurant they're putting their plate on top of the advertising like a placemat and i know that to be fact because that's what i used to do so i had no trouble signing on the advertisers who were in the coffee news also the coffee news was just left all over town nobody took it home they got it dirty and threw it out before they left the restaurant in my territory i didn't have a clipper magazine but a lot of the students who i've signed on and who have gone into business did have to compete against the clipper magazine and it really wasn't much different because the clipper magazine charged 10 times the price that we were charging and you couldn't get a straight answer out of them they would sell the customer a six-month advertising contract and promise them that they would be in four issues and whenever any one of my students called and asked them about postal receipts they never called them back they ran away they'll never produce a postal receipt i always would stick my postal receipts in the face of my customers because i was paying for it and i wanted them to know that i was paying for it so anyhow my students who have to compete with the clipper magazine do so very efficiently and take their business as well now the big newspapers they were easy to get the business from because the big newspapers only one out of three people get by the newspaper and the three people that buy the newspaper most of them are buying it for the classified ads or the sports section they're not going through the paper and finding your advertisement not only that the big newspaper often they're covering radiuses of 50 100 miles where i was i would get a a big newspaper and i would see ads from businesses that were 50 miles away in towns that i never even heard of so the advertisers in the big newspapers were paying to reach potential customers that were so far away from them in a million they'd need a spaceship to get to them so it wasn't easy to convince any of the local community that was in the big newspaper to come over into my newspaper which was targeted to all their best prospects which was surrounding their business all potential customers close enough to get in the car and be at their place in five minutes and spend money so i had no competition from the big newspapers i would get those customers i had a few customers that were on tv and when i approached them i didn't make like i knew anything but i would tell them you know talk to them about advertising and they'd always be bragging how they're on tv didn't i see them and sometimes i didn't see them and i would tell them well listen my wife watches the pastors and i get netflix in the mail and when i have time to sit by the tv i'm watching a movie so i never get to see your commercials on top of all that you've got the dish network directv all the different cable channels hundreds and hundreds of channels what is the what is the what are the odds that you're going to be watching the right channel at the right time when this guy's ad comes on and i would explain it to him i'd say you know you're spending a fortune but it's like russian roulette you're probably reaching the local clientele one out of every thousand times that they turn on the tv if you're lucky by the time i broke it down for them and explained it to them they were in agreement so i said why not go you know why not do a short thing i'm gonna mail this to everyone close enough to come in here and spend money so i had no trouble convincing the customers that were on television and same story for radio you know i went to people that were on the radio and i had no problem convincing them to switch over or at least to add the targeted mail you know like i'm doing with my newspaper there is no more effective advertising and there is nothing that could compete with my product now my paper stays in the house for weeks the people will read it over and over they'll save it for the coupons the coupons are like money to them they'll read the advertorials and they'll love it and the whole time they'll be seeing your ad over and over memorizing your business making you the name brand of this community all the people i visited signed on and rightfully so sometimes i would get postcards in the mail many different businesses would send postcards and i'd call them up and i would explain i got your postcard and they'd say great and i'd say well listen you know what did that postcard cost you it always cost them 75 cents sometimes a dollar to reach me at my house but i explained to them that number one i could give them a half a page ad in my newspaper bigger than their postcard and it would only cost them four cents a house then i went on to explain that you know your postcard because for example sometimes i would get a postcard for from a plumber if all the plumbing was working the postcard would immediately go in the trash so when someone when the when the plumber has an ad in my paper and i would explain this to him often the people keep the paper around for reading material and for coupons from other businesses it becomes a stronger advertising vehicle because there's a compilation of various businesses and offers in the one vehicle but to to explain it more simply you could have the paper in the house and three weeks later you could have a house guest a 300 pound house guest and this guy he stuffs up the toilet bowl meanwhile the plumber who sent the postcard that postcard is in the trash but the plumber who put his head into my newspaper offering the free estimate his advertising is still in the house still working for him so there's no comparison with the postcards i mean everybody who sent me a postcard wound up in my newspaper sometimes there were newspapers in the area that were just left left around for people to pick up left on benches in front of the supermarket left stacks in the beauty salon and one thing i noticed was that a lot of times when the issue ended at the end of the month the stack was still there most of it and then the next time i went to the store there was a new stack for the next issue now what does that mean that means that a lot of the papers that were being printed were being thrown away they're not really working for the advertisers and i explained that to them not only that i had neighbors that would collect a lot of these free papers and use them in the bottom of the cages for their dogs that's not what's called qualified circulation the dog is not going to spend any money at your business whoever was in these free papers that were left around i put them into my paper i delivered their message securely and safely with the united states post office in the mailbox their potential customers had to bring it inside along with the bills there was no comparison in response and naturally i was able to sell them all in my area we would get in the mail and a lot of you probably do we would get the red plum i don't have the stack here now because i'm not there i'm in new york now but in the carolinas where i was we would get the red plum and it would have about six or eight you know flyers stuck together usually burger king mcdonald's pizza hut all the big national chains and i would walk into the stores and i would explain to the guy you know this right and he'd go yeah yeah yeah i know that and i'd say well listen you can't be in here and he'd say what do you mean i said well look it's all national companies it's five thousand dollars you got to spend and you get a full page yet i said but what i'm doing is the same thing i'm mailing my discount clipper to every home in the area and it's not gonna cost you five thousand dollars it's not going to cost you five cents a house my ads are starting at a penny a house and there's three people in a house i can put you in front of all your neighbors for a penny a house with three people in a house they love that they all wanted to do like the national companies and they all wanted to do like the red plum and they all knew that it was a proven system since mcdonald's was doing it and burger king and pizza hut and all the big national chains so naturally i had no trouble selling those people i would call the people on the billboards because by me there was a lot of open road and there was a lot of billboard advertising and i would call them and i would tell them hey listen i almost crashed trying to get your number and i'd have to pull off the side of the road you know because the roads were always 55 miles an hour and you really couldn't make a note of the guy's phone number and i would explain to him that how is anybody ever going to write your phone number down up on the billboard we're all going 50 miles an hour and who's got time to read any of your offers or see what the heck you're selling i mean it's like a crash course i mean it's crazy and so a lot of times they'd say well i got a good deal it's 400 a month and i'd say yeah but you know something it's the same people traveling that road back and forth to work so you're not even reaching different people you're reaching just a small portion of the community over and over and over and even the small portion they're not able to see your ads then i would often get people out of the yellow pages too because in the yellow pages that you know that's good for emergencies that's when i would resort to a yellow pages but if you open up your yellow pages you'll find 50 ads for lawyers one after the other full pages a lot of them two pages you'll find the same story real estate companies and hvac companies and restaurants and they're all in there stuck together they're all waiting for the one phone call and i'd explain that to them i'd say you're all waiting for one phone call and they'd say but i got a full page in but you're the number 24 they got to go 24 pages to get to your full page yet and then i explained listen why don't you take a full page in my paper i'll make sure you're the only lawyer there i'll make you the name brand of the community everyone will remember your name you don't have to hope that they're going to go 24 pages deep into the yellow pages to maybe call you they're going to be thinking of you all the time when an emergency arises they're going to memorize your name in order to become the leader of your industry you have to differentiate yourself from the industry and it was the same pitch with the real estate companies a lot of them were piled up in the yellow pages but even worse a lot of them were in the homes and land magazine which is a franchise they get fifty thousand dollars but then the guy who buys the franchise goes around to all the different real estate places and sells them this broker a page in this broker a page so they're all in the homes and land the only thing is they're all stuck together it's just like with the lawyers in the yellow pages and i gave them the sales same sales pitch and i got a lot of real estate companies that were a little more smarter and a little more intelligent and they understood what i was explaining to them so i signed them on so there's nobody that was able to escape me and there's nobody that will be able to escape you if you follow my business plan i also would get business from people that would stick flyers in the bottom of my mailbox you know there was a wooden box at the bottom of the mailbox they couldn't put their flyer into the mailbox that was against the lure but they would stick their flyer in the bottom and they would drive through my community and stick these color flyers in the box and the color flyers would cost them 20 cents each and there was 350 homes in my community and the car would pull up inching its way along against my driveway and stick the flyer and and sometimes i'd be looking out my window and i'd be laughing you know and then later when i went out i would take the flyer and i would call the guy and i'd say look i got your flyer and he'd say oh yeah i just was there i just delivered it i said well listen i says i'm here there's 350 people here i says you know sometimes when it rains all those flyers get destroyed and nobody could even read them i says but what's more important is it took you probably four or six hours to drive through the community and stick one of those in every box yeah you're right i said and the gas you must have been you know you got to be in the car the whole time yeah you're right i said well you know if you figure what the flyers cost you 20 cents a piece if you give yourself even five dollars an hour if you figure what to get i says it's well over a hundred dollars for you to reach the 350 people in my community yes so what can you use me i said well listen i have a newspaper that i mail to ten thousand homes all the communities it'll take you six months to drive through every community and i can give you a full color ad and put it in the mailbox it doesn't get wet it doesn't it goes into the house every time and i'll do it for a penny a house man did they feel stupid when i was done explaining it to them and yeah they signed on because nothing could compete with me it was the best advertising available for all the local businesses and it doesn't matter how big the businesses how rich they are how famous they are whether they're on tv or the newspaper or any magazine or anything they still fell victim to my business plan because nothing was like it sometimes i would you know when i went to see an advertiser so if there was another business next to him i would go in just because i was there and so sometimes a guy would tell me oh i don't advertise and i'd say you don't advertise and he'd say yeah why i'd say well listen you've got 20 feet of frontage here on main street it's got to be costing you at least ten thousand dollars a month between your rent your staff your insurance your electric your garbage removal uh i says and a lot of times i say yeah a little more than that and i'd say well listen i said you know i'm living here for five years now i never knew what was inside here i says you're paying advertising for that 20 feet and nobody knows what's inside your store i says why don't you let me tell everyone for a penny a house i can put you into everyone's house and there's three people in a house you're spending so much money you might not be advertising in the newspapers or on tv or on radio or whatever it is but what do you think you're doing you're advertising if you weren't advertising you'd be in your house and just open your door wouldn't that cost a lot less money yeah i guess you're right they tell me and i'd say listen are you gonna make a wedding hire a limousine a catering hall pay the florist buy a thousand dollar wedding dress and then not send out the invitations well that's what you're doing here you're spending a fortune to be here if you're going to spend a fortune to open your doors and put all that hard work and labor into the place to try and be successful let the people know you're here let them know what you're doing i says obviously you could afford it it's a penny a house i says are you serious oh okay let me see what you got even when they didn't advertise they would sign on because how could they not they weren't stupid they were business people and these business people they're the best customers to do business with because they have money they're legitimate it's not like selling individuals that are in debt these guys are operating businesses they have accounts with all commercial vendors so these are the best customers this is an all cash one person business dealing with other businesses sometimes when i went to the advertiser like i say i keyed in on whoever was advertising they would tell me well listen you're right i have so many ads going right now i got coupons everywhere i can't take another one your price is great but i can't go on board now and i would say to him well listen i'm here because i can offer you advertising that's 10 times more effective than the coupons you've been using with these other medias i says the people that are coming into you from those coupons they're all your regular customers you're giving them your product for half price they would have been coming in anyhow i'll do an advertorial for you my advertorial will bring new customers in the new customers will read about your business and understand why you're so busy you will not have to give any discounts you will make money when the customers come in that i send to you just take a look and read what an advertorial looks like they would read the advertorial wow could you do that for me yeah i could do that for you and you sit down and you start working on it and i'll teach you how to do advertorials even when they had too much advertising going on they couldn't escape me because i could provide more effective advertising more profitable advertising again there's nothing that could compete with this product you know you're only as good as your product and this product is the greatest product i ever had because i control the whole product i control the graphics i control the selling i lay it out for the printer i control the mailings just like alfred hitchcock and the twilight zone were in control of your channel i'm in control of my success with this business and i'll teach you to do the same thing nobody can slow you down nobody can screw you up it's all up to you how rich and famous you want to become rubert murdoch started from the newspaper business now it's channel 5 fox news there's so much money in this business like i explained for three thousand dollars you're gonna print and mail ten thousand copies you're gonna bring in over ten thousand dollars you're gonna make seven thousand dollars an issue that's just if you do the minimum amount of pages 12 pages some of my publishers start out with 36 pages some of them know a lot of the business community i didn't anyhow the tradesmen they love to reach the homeowners the plumbers the roofers the carpet cleaners the electricians the bug-killing guys everybody i would go on the craigslist i would send them my flyer reach your neighbors for a penny a house oh they love it that's all they want to do is get into the home nobody could reason you could be working with the same flyer you could be making the same offer you could have the same product as me which is the most easily sold product you could possibly imagine or dream for now sometimes i would offer a guy exclusive deals as i mentioned and uh that was an easy sell as well because you know i would sell a guy a full page for seven and a half cents a house 750 dollars a page make him the leader of his industry now the readers the readers loved my magazine just as much as the advertiser because they would call me up oh can you send me more books i have friends coming in you know we had a lot of visitors i was close to myrtle beach not really close but in the vicinity half an hour away and it was like a beautiful area so people would retire and people would come to visit and go to the beaches so people would constantly be calling me and asking me if i could mail them additional copies of the newspaper i wouldn't i told them where i lived and i would leave a couple extra in the mailbox and they would come by and pick them up sometimes they tell me oh i love this restaurant and so they wanted a couple of coupons to that restaurant so but anyhow the customers love the product to them it means money it means savings so everybody loves the product and again there isn't any business you cannot approach and there isn't any business you can't sell because this product the delivery system is the most secure most prestigious the united states post office we're going to deliver it it's going to cost only 17 cents a house the recipients they must bring this into the house they're not throwing it on their garage and they're looking for what to read and how to save money so there's a whole host of reasons why they're going to go through this paper and it's not a thousand pages that you gotta struggle through it's short it's concise it's great and like i say it is the easiest sale imaginable i mean sometimes i would explain to the business owner listen i see you got a beautiful business card well you know i'm gonna deliver your ad three times the size of a business card in full color to ten thousand homes and i'm going to charge you just a penny a house and there's three people in a house so i'm going to deliver your message just like a business card but bigger to three people for a penny do you know what it cost for 10 000 business cards well it's 650 dollars from vista print do you think you'll ever give out six hundred and ten thousand business cards you'll keep those ten thousand business cards on your shelf under the counter the rest of your life but my ten thousand newspapers are guaranteed to be delivered into everyone's mailbox guaranteed to be brought into every home every home surrounding your business can you imagine that yeah it was an easy sell now if you can't sell this product with all the benefits and all the features and working with my sample newspaper that has the sales pictures built in page after page after pages sales pitches my best paper any if you can't succeed selling advertising with this product and the way i laid it out for you then you got to be trying to fail you must be trying you're going to have to try hard the only way you could fail is if you do not leave your house if you don't leave your house yeah there's a chance you could fail because you know you'll get some business on the email you know sending the flyers to the to the people in the yellow pages you'll get some from the craigslist but it's probably not going to be enough to start the paper you're going to need to visit the businesses and when you get started there's no startup course you're going to get a deposit from all the customers they're going to happily give you the deposit and not only are you have so much to sell and so many benefits i'm going to be selling for you because when you first go out and they tell you wow that sounds great make me a sample ed because that's what they're going to tell you make me a sample there so in the beginning you'll make up the sample ad i taught you to do it it's not going to be a problem i taught you on the skype then you're going to email it to me and i'm going to tweak it for you i'm going to make it so magnificent that when you send it back to him he's going to say wow this is trump he's going to take a bigger ad so even i'm gonna sell for you when you get started i'm gonna help you right out the gate now like i said you're only as good as your product this product is the best there's no way to mess up there's nobody that you have to count on the customers are great their money is great the sample paper sells for you as you're turning the pages there's no startup course the valpak franchise is a 75 000 franchise i chase them out of town they charge money in royalties they charge money to design the ads for you i teach you the business from the bottom up you'll use my printer he'll charge you less than 10 cents for a 12-page all-color newspaper you could go to staples and it cost 59 cents for a paper like this a small paper 59 cents for an eight and a half by 11. but you'll use my paper my printer and it'll cost you under 10 cents we work very close together because i've sent so many of my students to him so this price is even less than i used to pay when i was doing the paper and i haven't done the paper for two years now i sold my paper to a neighbor in north carolina and i moved back to new york and that's where i'm talking to you from right now new york city and you can succeed in any city in the world because i did it in north carolina made a hundred grand a year i mailed my paper to two states north carolina and south carolina i had to travel 30 miles to reach 20 000 home owners i didn't know that other people the people i'm training now sometimes they got 20 000 in one zip code most of the time it's so much easier like this this business is the greatest this product is the greatest anybody can succeed with this product anyhow keep watching my website start for free go around and start lining up the businesses then call me and i'll check out your demographics i'll check out your zip code i'll work up a business plan for you it's all free the only thing is when you do want to get started with me that's nineteen hundred and ninety five dollars because i have to pay for software i give you the software it's included i have to send you my manual i have to send you sample papers and i'm going to be on the skype with you for at least 12 hours teaching you how to design ads how to lay out the paper for the printer how to do the bulk mailings without any permits and for 17 cents of paper anyhow don't be a stranger if you call and i can't take you on as a student immediately students are always finishing up so if you have to wait a little bit it'll be worth it meanwhile keep studying the website keep learning this business because there's nothing like this business and there's nothing like this product and there's nothing like me teaching you this business anyhow i'm gonna go now don't forget this business has no competition i ate the competition for breakfast they supplied me with my customers i succeeded in north carolina where half the businesses wouldn't talk to me because they don't like the yankees they don't like the northerners but everybody who spoke to me signed on and you can have the same results don't be a stranger call me up my name is art bye-bye i'm going to talk about internet advertising some people think that the internet is affecting direct mail advertising well it isn't because internet doesn't affect direct mail whatsoever when you go to the internet and you search for a mexican restaurant in your town you're going to come up with taco bell and if you search for a pizza place you're going to come up with papa john's and if you search for a shoe store you're going to come up with payless all the big national chains they are dominating the internet and they're dominating the search so what happens when i get a local mom-and-pop real estate agent or whatever the business is a contractor and he's in my paper and the paper keeps coming to the house every month and the homeowner keeps seeing that contractor's name over and over and over again now when he needs a contractor okay it's possible the paper isn't in the house but what he does is he he might go to the internet but he's going to do a search for the contractor that he heard of the one he's been seeing the ad for the one he's familiar with the one that he knows is in his neighborhood the one that has already become trustworthy to him because he's been seeing him month after month sometimes year after year so direct mail will allow the local population to become familiar with your business and they'll your business will become trustworthy to them and if they ever decide to look whether you're sami's shoe store or you know max's pizza place whatever it is when they go to the internet and they do a search or on time heating they are going to do a search for your particular business and the business owners know this so all of you people that think the internet is dominating the advertising today it is but only for the national chains target and walmart and burger king and mcdonald's we're not so well we can sell them we will sell them a little bit but we are basically selling the independence not the national chains people that are not going to come up in the search no matter how much money they spend anyhow that's how i compete with internet advertising i crush it just like all the other advertising and i crush it for a penny a house okay bye bye hi there my name is art if you're watching this video hopefully you're on my website and you clicked on the start for free page i'm going to explain how you could start for free in your own area and determine if you could be successful in this business or not this is one of my tabloids this is one of my newspapers this is the sample newspaper that i provide to my students all laid out ready for you to sell advertising here's one of the things that talks about reach your neighbors for a penny a home anyhow i'm going to explain how you can start for free now what you do is you learn the business you stay on my website you click on all the categories to the left you learn what this business is about you watch the sales video at the bottom of the home page the sales video is me actually selling advertising to the businesses in my community when i would visit a business if the business owner wasn't in i would leave a flyer and the flyer would direct the business owner to my website when he got to my website he would watch that video he'd see my presentation and i'd be telling him the benefits and why he should advertise in my paper and call me up anyhow basically the gist of this business is that we mail the advertising paper your paper my paper we mail it to all the households that are surrounding the business so you go into a business that you are familiar with one of the people you shop at maybe the pizza place where you buy your pizza and you tell them hey joe i'm going to be buying a newspaper walk in with any newspaper you're not going to walk in with my sample because i only send my samples to the students but you walk in with any newspaper you want it doesn't matter what it is and you say joe i'm going to be buying a newspaper franchise and i'm curious if you'd have interest i'm going to be mailing it to every home in this zip code all the households that are surrounding your business i'm going to be sending the newspaper to it's going to come in the mailbox i'm gonna have full color ads that i can deliver to all the homes surrounding the business for a penny a piece just like it says here you're not gonna have the paper but so you'll understand what to explain to the guy i'm gonna have full color ads it's gonna cost a penny a house do you think you'd have interest in something like that you know business cards cost more than a penny a piece and they'll lay in your store forever anyhow if you can't convince this storekeeper that this is something he should be interested in then you might not succeed in this business but if you tell him what you're going to do and you can speak about it clearly and you understand what you're going to do he will catch on and he will have interest because i signed on businesses boom one after the other after the other there was no better advertising value for the business owners than my newspaper and it doesn't matter how many people are in your zip code if there's 5 000 that you're mailing to i did ten thousand so my ads were a hundred dollars for an eighth of a page if if you have fifteen thousand in your zip code and that's who you're mailing to it's gonna be a hundred and fifty dollars for an ad but the idea is it's still a penny a house and i hardly ever sold the penny ads i always sold the customers a bigger ad so basically we don't want to talk you into signing on and working with me because i don't really need to work with you i retired before i did my first paper and i don't have testimonials on the website and i don't supply testimonials because in the past i had one of my previous students train one of the people that i sent in their direction and you know it was a nice person and the other person begged them to teach them the business you know because it was going to be a hardship for them to sign on and do the program with me so ever since that happened i don't provide testimonials anymore but anyhow the idea is we don't sell anyone into signing on we don't know if your hair is going down to the floor we don't know if you have the abilities or if you the capabilities of actually starting a business but anyhow learn what the business involves learn what you're able to offer to the local businesses you're able to put their ad full color in the newspaper and you're able to deliver it to all the surrounding homes for a penny a piece and it's a full color ad and you're delivering it to the best prospects the man has because that's who he wants to reach the people that are surrounding his business so rather than calling me up and emailing me with questions as to whether or not you're going to be successful i'm not a mind reader and i'm not going to talk anyone into signing on because i've been training people for over six years now the phone rings in my home and nobody wakes me up because i do what i'm supposed to do and so nobody complains but the bottom line is a lot of people are always inquiring can i do it can i do it what do i know i did it i did it in north carolina i only lived there for six years i was a transient i did it in a community where more than half the business people would not speak to me they didn't once they heard my accent they didn't like the yankee so they didn't even want to talk to me and i still did it and i also did it with five different zip codes which wasn't the best scenario and i would mail one issue to north carolina and the next issue to south carolina in order to reach 20 000 households meanwhile i had the worst possible scenario to be doing this business in and i still was successful because the product is great the value is unmatched nobody can give these businesses a full color ad deliver it to the people surrounding their business for a penny a house and get it into the house that's the key you can leave flyers anywhere you can buy a million business cards but getting that advertising into the house that's worth a million dollars i guess it's like valpak but valpak can't do it for a penny a piece the clipper magazine can't do it for a penny a piece and none of these other vehicles are anything like what i produce my paper stays in the house for a long period of time because not only does it have advertising it has advertorials and the advertorials will keep the people reading and that means the paper will stay in the house so before you sign on and before you ask me questions as to whether or not you could do this business learn what you're offering full color advertising delivered to all the households surrounding the business location in the same zip code for a penny a house and then just explain it to the business owner and see if he has interest if he has no interest then you can't succeed at this business but if he has no interest the problem is you so you might want to consider a partner because any business owner unless they won't talk to you entirely like i had some of that in the carolinas but any business owner is spending money to be open rent insurance cost money even to take the garbage away if he could reach his best customers the ones most likely to come into his business and the most likely customers are the ones that are surrounding his business in his own zip code if he could reach these customers for just a penny a household he will i'll be right back the phone is ringing one minute well i'm back now and i'm still talking about starting for free anyhow another thing is keep in mind there are three people in a house that's the average so when you tell this business owner that i'm gonna mail the paper and get it into the household surrounding your business for a penny of peace what you're doing is you're going to get his ad but you're going to get his ad into the house but there's three people in the house so for a penny he's got an opportunity to reach three potential customers it's kind of insane and it's more insane if the business owner has no interest so if the business owner has no interest it's you you didn't study the website you don't know what you're offering so you didn't make any sense when you were speaking to him and that's the problem but anyhow that's my advice before you sign on with me you should start for free see if this is something that you could do and then if you feel you could do it if your customers the people you speak to tell you yeah that's a great idea then sign on i'll teach you the business i'll teach you everything i know and i've been making a lot of papers and been making a lot of money thousand dollars a year working part-time in a rural area so basically anybody can get rich in this business but not everybody is a business person that's why this video is on the website that's why we're telling you to start for free start making a list of businesses that are interested you'll tell them you're going to be buying the franchise what you're going to be offering they're going to tell you oh it sounds good come back to me when you get started and start making a list when you get started you'll already have half your paper sold out anyhow oh that phone is driving me crazy be back in a minute i'm back again sorry my phone keeps ringing and since what i offer is one-on-one personal service there are times when i have to put students off because i can only work with like three at a time so if you want to go into business in your own community without any investment and make a lot of money consider this business opportunity like i say start for free see if it's something you could do start making the list of interested businesses it's the easiest sale in the world would you have interest i'm gonna get i'll do it again i'm gonna buy a a magazine franchise oh there's a million of them oh here's another thing there are 25 000 newspapers and magazine publishers in the usa today i was one of them and i taught over 500 people in the last six years to do their own newspapers and magazines but for reference there's over 25 000 and obviously they have to be making money or they wouldn't be in business not only that there are hundreds of magazine franchises some of them you heard of like the clipper magazine the valpak the red plum the coffee news there's a whole bunch of them you know now the difference is these franchises they charge you money you have to work under their rules they limit where you can do business i have no limitations i teach people this business and they move they make money and they move to a better house in a better neighborhood in a better area and i'm glad so and they take their skills and they take their business with them this is america it's a free country but my time is not free if you push the buy now button then you're paying for my time my personal time working with you teaching you the business teaching you how to design the advertising teaching you how to lay the paper out teaching you how to get the paper printed and in case it's the first video this is what the paper looks like when we bring it into the post office we teach you how to bulk mail the paper for 17 cents a piece this is what the paper looks like when i'm driving them home from the printer there's 10 000 papers in my car and i'll help you get your papers printed for under 12 under 10 cents of paper that's 10 cents for a 12-page all-color newspaper 10 cents you could walk into staples and get one eight and a half by 11 color copy and it cost 59 cents but i know how to get it done yeah it's a special printer that's right and i'll lead you to my printers i got a a i'm affiliated with a whole bunch of them across the country but anyhow the idea is start for free go around to the businesses that you do business with tell them what you're going to be doing you're going to be buying a magazine franchise you're going to be selling advertising you're going to be mailing the magazine to all the homes and homes surrounding the business in the same zip code if you're in zip code one one one one one and the business is in zip code one one one one one you're going to be telling the guy hey i'm mailing it to everyone in your zip code one one one one one and i'm gonna have full color ads starting at a penny a house and guess what there's three people in the so my advertising franchise is going to enable me to give you an ad that's going to reach the household surrounding your business and there's three people in the house so you could reach three people for a penny nobody could do anything like that but you can that's why everybody signed on for advertising so listen if you call me up i will use my software check out the demographics and see how many homes and businesses there are in your zip code see if it's a good community for this kind of business and if you sign on and we work together i'll help you every step of the way as much as i possibly can to make you be successful even when you get started and you go around to the businesses and they say yeah that's a great idea i love it make me up a sample ad you'll make up a sample ad because i taught you how to do it or an advertorial whatever it might be but then you'll send it to me and i'll tweak it and i'll make sure that it's perfect then you'll send it back to the business owner and he'll sign on anyhow don't be a stranger if you want me to help you with your business plan give a call you're welcome to start for free and hopefully i'll be able to help you start your own business in your own home without any expenses because when you're selling the businesses the idea of advertising in your thing you're showing them the maps you're showing them your samples when you come back with the ad and he says wow this is gorgeous he's going to give you a 50 deposit this 50 deposit is going to cover the cost of printing and mailing so your first paper you're going to print it you're going to mail it you're going to make money before you go back to collect your balance because the way it works is if you operate on the penny per household theory the same way i did it cost three thousand dollars to print the newspaper and mail it under 3 000 and you're going to get back 10 000 when you sell out the paper the 12 pages so you're gonna make seven thousand dollars anyhow it's not hard anybody could do it but that doesn't mean you can so start for free call me up if you have any questions send me an email i'll be looking forward to hearing from you thank you very much don't forget a penny a house it's unbelievable hi there i'm going to talk about advertorials and advertorials will guarantee the success of your paper why are they going to guarantee the success of your paper a lot of reasons number one they're more effective than regular ad copy these are advertorials on the front cover they look like stories or articles but they're actually advertorials anyhow if you google advertorial versus ad copy you'll be brought to a lot of websites that'll tell you about how this regular ad got 30 responses and this advertorial got 180 responses advertorials are basically another form of selling that a lot of the medias today don't want to do they find it too difficult they don't want to bother with it they don't know how to do it but i've been teaching my students to do advertorials and it's been helping dramatically i mean with advertorials nobody can compete with you it also adds a lot of benefits to your paper with the advertorials the paper stays in the home longer because the person has reading material it looks informative it looks like a regular newspaper not like a coupon paper uh also when one of your prospects reads one of these advertorials they're going to be blown away and when you read them on the website down below on the sample paper you'll understand what i mean it's unbelievable how effective the advertorials are when it comes to doing the actual selling so i'll teach you how to do advertorials i'll teach you the formula it's not hard and you'll be way ahead of all the other coupon magazines in your area uh because you'll have a more effective advertising the customers will have to take a bigger ad in order to do an advertorial and when you visit a customer you know who has advertising all around town he's got coupons everywhere so now you'll go in and he's it's likely that he could say to you well everything sounds great it's a great deal but i have so much advertising out there now i just can't do it right now well listen what i would tell them and what you'll tell them is yeah i know you have a lot of advertising out there i saw your coupons that's why i'm here i could provide a more effective advertising and advertising that'll get more responses and you don't have to give anything away take a couple of seconds and read this you get them to read one of your advertorials in the sample paper and once he reads that he's blown away it's like wow can you do that for me the thing is when you do an advertorial for him you're going to be bringing in new customers customers that are not coming in because of his coupon you're going to explain to him i know you got a lot of coupons out there but who's coming in with those coupons your regular customers and you're giving away merchandise and profits i'll bring new customers in i'll teach new customers why you're busy and why you're better than your competition and when they come in they're not going to come in looking for a discount they're going to come in because they know how great you are and you know they they understand all the benefits of your business also there's just nothing that could compete with it so whatever advertising is in your community you're going to knock them to shreds i mean there's nothing like it if you read the advertorials on the category for sample papers you'll you'll fully understand what i'm talking about and there's a formula to it and i'll teach you the formula and i'll teach you the layout the advertorial will look like a regular article so the customers will read it and they'll think they're reading an article which is another reason that it lends legitimacy to itself and it has a bigger effect and i have a lot of pages which is specially set up where you can actually sell the guy a full page in other words this here is an advertorial and it's an advertorial for the same business down below but when you read the advertorial for the contractor you get the impression that it was written by one of his customers who kind of gave a review on him so what happens is and it happens a lot when that the advertiser gives you an advertorial a lot of times you'll be able to convince him to give you a regular ad copy as well because that adds more legitimacy to the advertorial when he see when the reader sees the advertorial on top of the ad copy he knows the advertorial is not an ad the ad is right below it so this is a review of some sort of nature and he tends to believe it even more anyhow i'll teach you how to do advertorials and advertorials are going to separate you from all your your competition and the sample paper since i have the sample paper which is only a few months now every student who has gone out to sell advertising has succeeded because every every page of this newspaper has some kind of sales pitch helping you to sell the advertising it's small it's in discrete when you're showing the newspaper to the customers to sell the advertising they're not going to notice it but it's there i'm going to go later when i do the video for the sample paper and i'm going to go up close in detail and show you exactly where all the sales ads are so you don't have to be a salesman this the paper is going to do the selling for you so can you succeed in this business i think so for like i say provided you go out and visit the businesses so anyhow that's it for aquatorials google it read some of them that are on the website offer them to your customers and you'll definitely be successful okay bye-bye printing and mailing course well i have printers all over the country that are ready to print a 12-page all-color newspaper for under 10 cents i even have a guy in iowa that'll do it for 8.50 but my own printer will do it for under 10 cents a 12 page all color newspaper for under 10 cents if you go to staples and you want one color copy this size eight and a half by 11 is 59 cents these are special printers and you're not going to find them on main street and you're not going to find them you're not going to find them because they're in big warehouses with giant printing presses you know what i mean these are commercial printers and you got to know where to look for them and where to find them anyhow you know normally we find the printer close to your home where you're going to be able to pick up the papers and when i say close to your home i mean an hour an hour and a half usually they're in the big cities you can use any of my printers and they can ship it to you on a pallet that'll cost another couple of hundred dollars so the price of your paper might wind up 12 cents instead of 10 cents but either way you will not have a problem getting your paper printed everybody gets their paper printed and every paper that you see is getting printed so that's one thing you don't have to worry about you have to worry about visiting the businesses and telling them what you could do for them now the other thing is the postage is 17 cents to mail a newspaper to the homes or businesses whatever it is you don't have to put any mailing labels on it you don't have to do a lot of work preparation in order to do it i teach you the processes in reference to the postal bulk system you don't have to get any permits there's no additional fees whatsoever and the 17 cents will cover your paper all the way up till it gets to 48 pages because the bulk rate goes by weight and this paper weighs less than an ounce and you can put up to 3.3 ounces for the same 17 cents the thing is you just have to get out in your community and offer the businesses the opportunity to reach their neighbors with a full color ad delivered in the mailboxes for a penny a house if you do this they're gonna sign on and you're gonna succeed it's all about visiting the businesses that's all you need to do talk to you on the next category bye-bye training and support that's me i'm the trainer and i'm gonna give you personal one-on-one training i'm gonna train you on the skype it's gonna be easy we're gonna work with the share screen feature and you're going to make a great ad the first session you're going to use the same software that i always used and i'm still using today you must have windows 7 or windows 8 in order to use this software and i've had people out in the field selling advertising in as fast as three days from the time we started the training and the way it works is after the first session which you'll make a nice ad then you have to make a couple of ads on your own and send them to me and then i'm going to correct them and tell you what you did wrong we're going to go back and forth this could take one or two days or it could take one or two weeks depending on how much time you have to make an ad and send it back to me once you've made an ad or two that are not too terrible then we go forward and i teach you how to do the advertorials and we do the same process again you'll make a nice one the first night then you'll go back and forth with me with a couple on your own and once they look halfway presentable then we go forward and the next step is for for us to put together your presentation book because now you're ready to go out selling ads so you're going to go out selling ads you're going to give the customers the sales pitch they're going to have interest they're going to tell you make me up a sample ad so now you're going to make them up a sample ad and you're going to lay it out but you're going to send it to me before you show it to them for their approval like i said earlier when you go to the businesses you're going to go there with postal receipts you're going to go there with maps from the post office you're going to go there with my best sample paper ever with sales pitches on every page you know my best paper that i ever made made specifically for you to sell advertising anyhow when you go back with the sample that i tweaked for you he's going to give you a 50 deposit and then you're on your way once you've gotten a few ads so then we're going to start laying out the paper for the printer once we laid the paper out for the printer and we send it into the printer then we're going to be working on the bulk mail and while the paper's in the print we're going to be doing the bulk mailing nothing is difficult because i will lead you step by step and hold your hand during the whole process and if i don't you'll torture me because the phone rings in my house so i do the best that i can to help everyone number one i'd like to see you succeed number two i don't want to be tortured i don't want to be woken up so i do the best i can but i can only go as fast as you go i can only lead you as you go if you don't go out to sell advertising then obviously we're not going to get into laying out the paper and doing a mailing because you never sold any ads so it's all up to you success is this close if you're willing to go out and grab it it's not hard all you got to do is go out and visit the businesses and tell them hey listen i bought a newspaper franchise i'm going to have full color ads i'm going to be mailing my newspaper to 10 000 homes or it doesn't matter how many you know if it's 15 000 homes it's still a penny a house and your ad is going to be 150 if it's 5 000 homes it's still going to be a penny a house and your ad is 50 so it all depends on how many you're mailing to but again when you're selling the guy and making your introduction you're not talking about ad prices you're talking about how much it's going to cost to get him into the mailbox of his best pro prospective customers all those customers that are in his own zip code that are surrounding his business the ones most likely to come into the business and spend money so and those are the customers he wants to service to give you an example if you were mailing 10 000 and the guy took this ad so this ad would cost a hundred dollars if you go on vistaprint and you look how much it cost for 10 000 business cards it's 650 do you know that when you mail the paper to 10 000 homes there's three people in a house that means there's an opportunity for 30 000 people to see his ad he's going to be interested he's going to sign off and he's not going to sign on with the penny ed you're going to tell him hey listen we're just starting out now you don't want to have the smallest ad in the paper do you why don't you spend a little bit more money aren't your customers worth at least five cents a house you know i mean you got three people in a house even with three people it's a little little bit more than a penny a person why don't you spend five cents a house i could give you a magnificent half page hand you'll look like a big shot everyone will see your head it'll catch everyone's attention you'll make your money back 20 times over and let's do it the right way so most of the time i would sell the customer a much larger ad i would get their attention with the penny offer and then you step them up but anyhow the training is never ending as long as you continue to print your newspaper i will help you if you don't print i can't help you if you don't go forward i can't help you but the training and support you'll get from me is unlimited and unmatched anywhere because i love designing and i love business and i love putting people into business so it's a win-win situation for me if i could push you to the finish line and then get you to send me your sample paper your papers after you get them first published anyhow training and support you're not going to have a problem with hi there it's me again this time i'm going to talk about doing the paper without art i mean what do you need me for i charge two thousand dollars do it without me well for your reference i get a lot of calls and they always ask all right how come you give so much information on your website and i'll tell you the truth i give all the information because it ain't enough it's just touching the surface i get emails and i get calls and people are always thanking me my video the couple of channels on youtube i have over 200 000 views yet i've only trained a couple of hundred people but anyhow i get emails and they're always telling me art thank you so much you motivated me to do a paper i'm gonna start my own paper thanks to you i could have never done it without you and i send them back the email and i say listen it was a pleasure i'm glad i could help you and the bottom line but then i tell them do me a favor when you print your first paper send me a copy oh yeah yeah yeah yeah they're all gonna send me a copy it's been years now and i've never gotten a copy from anybody who ever said they were gonna get the paper printed they never get it done they want to get it done but as easy as i make it sound it's a little bit more difficult it can be easy with me leading you every step of the way helping you fill out the forms teaching you how to do the ads you know so it could be easy but on your own it's really like a maze of confusion i mean even the first night i will teach you and you will do a nice ad because you're looking at my head and i'm telling you what to do and i'm watching what you're doing so your first day is really good usually no problem the problem happens on your second head in your third head when you do it on your own without me looking over your shoulder then you send the ads to me and i correct them and i show you how i corrected them and i show you what you did wrong and often we're going back and forth with ads 10 sometimes 20 times before you get it right and most of the students they're not sales people so they're not used to selling on paper which is really what you're doing when you're creating an ad you're selling and you've got a certain amount of space to sell in and that's what you have to do there but anyhow i've never had a student who was able to do the ads good on their own without me teaching them how to do it and the thing is the people that you're trying to get business from these are businesses that have been advertising and most of them are advertising with newspapers and valve packs and all kind of print media and often the person that's doing their ad is somebody who's been doing graphic arts for 20 years like me it's not someone like you believe me and when you bring them the ad when you're just learning to do ads they're not going to go for it they're not going to bite so it's not as simple as it seems even the printing it's very involved i mean just finding the right printer where you're going to be able to get 10 000 12 page all color newspapers for under 10 cents good luck with that finding the right kind of printer knowing what specifications he wants from you what type of files what type of software he wants you to use any little mistake the printer will take your money you always have to pay them up front but even if you find the printer no matter what you send him he's not going to be checking your work and making sure that it's perfect that you're going to be successful he's gonna print and if you wind up with ten thousand papers that were misprinted it's not his fault he can only print what you supply him so he's not concerned really he wants his money up front and then all the weight of the paper being successful and the way you wanted or thought it was going to come out is on your shoulders so it's not so easy to get the paper printed another thing is the bulk mailing oh it was like torture it took me months to learn because the post office people they don't like any extra work they hated me when i would keep coming to the post office and badgering them for the information and they did whatever they could to mess up my mailings you know the less that they deliver the less that they work the happier they are they're government employees they're not getting paid commission so they really hate to see you when you bring this stuff in so if you bring it in and your documents are not a1 perfect they will kick it back and even worse than that sometimes they'll put it through the system and it will not get to the people you're even mailing it to just one little mistake on the forms and there's quite a few of them or a mistake on your insignia and your papers are not going to get where you thought they'd be going so there really is a lot involved in becoming a successful newspaper person and i've been through it i've been there done that and i've been successful with a number of papers and i help a lot of people do the same thing as me but i'll tell you the truth none of them could have done it without me and if you can that'd be great send me the paper but what a lot of times what happens to is they try and do it and they run into a brick wall and then they wind up doing nothing just staying in the dead end job that they were in or even worse sometimes they're out of work sometimes they have no choice they can't afford to pay me the two thousand dollars i mean you know i have to lay out money for software for printing for manuals all my time some people can't afford it but if you can't afford it don't waste the opportunity you could look at it this way you could be buying a valpak franchise there's hundreds of franchisees across the country ah look the envelope just came today it just came in my mailbox where i was doing my paper look at all the little papers i got to go through oh what a job the the territory where i was doing my paper in north and south carolina i'm back in new york now so i don't do the paper anymore i'm too busy training people but the idea is i chase them out of my territory but anyhow they get 75 000 for a franchise and they do not teach you how to do the business they do the graphic arts for you you got to pay for that they do the printing for you you got to pay for that and it's no different than my business you got to go out and get the customers you have to visit the businesses you get a particular territory but then you're in the same boat you got to go out and get the customers and when you get your customers and you have a valpak franchise you've got to come up with royalties for them a part of the overall gross when i put my publishers into business they have no overhead they're doing their own graphic arts they're working with my printer directly or they're working with a printer in close proximity to where they live there's nobody making any money off their printing there's no royalties they're able to charge half the price of valpak and become rich half the price of clipper magazine half the price of coffee news half the price of everybody so when you sign on for my training you should feel like you've saved 73 000 don't feel like you're spending two thousand dollars because really there isn't any businesses you can get into for two thousand dollars that don't have any startup course and you'll get your first paper out at a profit your deposits will more than pay for your printing and your mailing and so you will make money just collecting the deposits and after i'm done preparing you you'll go out super prepared and credible with a great presentation book showing the maps of where you're mailing to showing the postal receipts showing my sample paper which will close the sales for you check it out on another category there's all kind of self-promotion in my newspaper so even if you're not a sales person you will sell advertising so call me up give me your zip codes i'll check and see if your demographics are good for this business i'll help you make out and figure out a good business plan and i'll do this for free and i'll continue to make videotapes and i'll continue to tell you how great and how easy and how every customer i went to bought the advertising for me how magnificent this business is but don't be fooled it's only easy if you're learning from someone who's been there done that successfully otherwise you could be losing a lot of money and you're surely going to be wasting a lot of time so don't be a stranger call me up i'll go over your location the demographics how many businesses there are some zip codes there's not enough businesses it's too residential you'll have to move to the next zip code what if you don't know that oh my god you wouldn't have customers to call on but anyhow call me up any question you have i'll have the answers because i like i say been there done that and i've done it successfully okay i don't say i did it successfully the first year i admitted i messed up some newspapers i messed up some mailings but it was years ago and i learned the hard way and now you can benefit from my experience and my losses you don't have to absorb them anyhow don't be a stranger call me up before you call me up click on every category on the left side watch all the videos and watch them over and over because the more you're prepared the easier it's going to be for me to make you successful and that's my goal because you're calling me up at my house and if i don't make you successful you're liable to wake me up in the middle of the night and nobody's done that since i started in 2009 because i make my publishers successful and if they're not successful it's because they haven't gone out to sell the advertising anyhow don't be a stranger study my website and i'll be putting on more and more videos this is the business opportunity you've been waiting for and i'm really busy lately so if you before you press the buy now button call up and make sure that i have time to work with you thank you very much for your time today and i'll be looking forward to working with you and again send me a paper
Channel: Mydiscount Clipper
Views: 3,567
Rating: 4.625 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 small business ideas, How to make money at home, In home business ideas, Online home business, Business for sale, How to start a business, Start your own business, Work from home, make money, cheap business ideas, home business, business ideas, low cost businesses, best business ideas, business opportunity, business opportunities, Franchise business opportunities, cheap franchises, cheap home businesses, Cheap businesses
Id: Ptxy334QXIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 25sec (6745 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2016
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