The Best Friend's Betrayal Caused By An Internet Monster ?? | Mystery & Makeup | Bailey Sarian

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Bailey mentioned she read 10 books when she was gone, wow! I'd love to know what she was reading. I want a Bailey Book Club! haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RedBagWithMyMaykap πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

She does indeed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KingoryDoc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am so excited that Bailey is back! She looks lovely and tanned after her holiday, I hope she caught up on some much need R&R.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VisibleLiterature πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
Oh, my goodness. Look who it is. If this isn't Bailey just strolling in here, like nothing happened. Like she wasn't gone for a month. Oh my God, she showed up. Hi, did you miss me? I missed you. I hope you had a great September. I really do. Happy Halloweenie. Do you like my Halloween background? Let me get out of the way. For those of you who are wondering where I was and messaging me like, oh my God, where are you? You gave up. I told you in the last "Murder and Mystery Makeup" that I was skipping the month of September, just taking some time off to regroup, focus a little bit more on "Dark History," which has been uploading on Thursdays, and also just chill for a minute. You know, just not think about murder, because it does take a toll on you. It was great though. It was great. I read, I'm almost done with my 10th book. I read 10 books in a month. Hello. Hi. Incredible. Should I start like a book-tube? I'm like a reader now. I'm like a reader. So thank you for being patient. I know most of you understand, but I'm excited to be here cause it's Halloween month and I'm going to be doing "Murder, Mystery and Makeup," Halloween edition. (thunder rumbling) If you're new here, hi, my name is Bailey Sarian, and on Mondays I sit down and I talk about a true crime story that's been heavy on my noggin, and I do my makeup at the same time. If you're interested in true crime and you like murder. If you're interested in true crime and you like makeup, I would highly suggest you subscribe, 'cause I'm here for you on Mondays. During the month of October, I do Halloween looks, and... (Bailey laughing) I had a plan for today, and then I was like, I like to switch things up on me last minute, just to freaking make things fun, I guess?! So I had a plan for today and now I'm kind of going blank, but hopefully it goes well. I mean, it's just makeup. It washes off, so. Before we jump into today's story, we do have a sponsor, it's Hunt A Killer. So let me just jump right into that really quick, BRB. Hi, I'm just popping in here really quick because today's video is brought to you by Hunt A Killer. Yay. I love Hunt A Killer. You see, spooky season is here my friends, and many of us like to do as many creepy activities as possible this time of year, you know? Luckily for us it doesn't mean just watching scary movies. Oh, nay nay. Another way you can have some fun is by solving a murder mystery with Hunt A Killer. Oh, that's right, baby. You're probably wondering, well, what is Hunt A Killer, Bailey? I don't know what that is. I don't know. What is that? Hunt A Killer is a murder mystery subscription game that delivers an immersive experience right to your door. So you can put on your little detective hat without having to leave your house. I'm like foaming at the mouth, and I don't know why. With each delivery, you'll sift through piles of documents, evidence, audio recording, and case files, eliminating suspects and identifying murder weapons until you crack the case, and catch the killer. One of my favorite parts of Hunt A Killer is that you can join their spoiler-free community with thousands of members to help each other solve difficult puzzles and even just talk about true crime. Plus on top of that, part of the proceeds for every box goes to the Cold Case Foundation, which is an organization that is dedicated to helping with real life cold cases. Oh, yes. I look forward to my Hunt A Killer box, it's so fun. It's exciting. And you never really know where the story is going to go. So many twists and turns like, can I solve this mystery? I don't know. You know? Like I thought I was a good little detective over here. Nay nay. If this sounds like your cup of tea, right now, you can go to, and use code Sarian for $10 off anything. Again, make sure to use code Sarian for $10 off anything. Thanks Hunt A Killer. A big thank you to Hunt A Killer for constantly partnering with me throughout my "Murder, Mystery and Makeup" series. It means more than you know, but most of all, a big thank you to you guys, because without you, I wouldn't be here. No, I would not. I'm gonna go get an aspirin because I've got a splitting headache. (Bailey laughing) Okay. Whatever. And we're back. Hi. While I was away, I did not take care of my skin. So I've been breaking out. I didn't wear any makeup and I didn't wash my face, 'cause I was like, meh. If you're ever curious to know what I'm using, I will list it down in the description box down below. But other than that, let me stop rambling, and get right into today's story. So today's story is legit the stuff of your nightmares, you know how some people go to see, or sit down and watch a horror movie because you know, they like the thrill of being spooked, scared, curious, maybe. One of the things about ***** movies. Horror movies. Unlike the stories I tell here, is that usually they're fake or exaggerated, you know? You can turn them off, click, go mimis. Go to bed. For the most part anyways. And you get like a sense of comfort, knowing that the boogeyman, it was just a movie, the boogeyman is not coming for you. You know, you're old. But today's story kind of blurs the line between what's real and what's not. Today's story is about a crime inspired by a boogeyman, and not the kind you find in the movie, so nay nay. This boogeyman was born on the internet. I'm trying to be spooky because it's Halloween. Today's story takes place in a town called Waukesha, Wisconsin. Let me guess, I said that wrong. But it's a part of the Milwaukee Metro area in Wisconsin. And it was founded in the early 1800s by pioneers as a water resort town, and is most well-known for its great tasting water. So living in this town is a girl named Payton, and it was said that, you know, she's a sweet little brunette girl who always tried just to find the good in people. In fourth grade, Payton met this girl named Morgan. Her and Payton like met and hit it off. Morgan was said to be a happy girl. She was artistic. And also she was pretty clever for her age. That was mentioned, you know. And it was said that Morgan always liked telling jokes and she had a wild imagination that would keep things really fun. So the two of them hit it off pretty quickly and became the best of friends. The two girls found a common interest in fantasy, video games and science fiction. And they were pretty inseparable. When the girls were in sixth grade, Morgan kind of brought a new friend into the group. Her name was Anissa. And Morgan and Anissa had lived in the same apartment complex. And also they rode the same bus to school together, you know? So they quickly became good friends. So naturally Morgan brought Anissa into the group with Payton, right? And it was said that Payton wasn't like the biggest fan of Anissa, and she would only hang out with her because Morgan just seemed to like really love her. As some time goes on, Payton starts to recognize that maybe the friendship between her and Morgan are just becoming not the same, right? It seemed like Morgan was becoming much closer to Anissa, and not so much Payton. Like, maybe Anissa was kind of replacing her in a way. And you know when there's a group of three friends, sometimes it feels like someone can get easily left out, and sometimes, especially when you're younger, there's some jealousy going on. It was around this time that their new friend Anissa, I don't know if it's Anissa or Anissa. I kind of heard both, but I think it's Anissa. It was around this time that the new friend Anissa was telling Morgan some creepy stories that she had found and was reading on the internet. And there were stories about a man without a face. Oh yes. Not only that, this man without a face would kidnap kids from all over the world and would like, possess them and kill them or whatever. So Anissa is telling Morgan all of this, and Morgan is like, what? Oh, she is intrigued. She is fascinated. She is engulfed by the story. Tell me more. She just wanted to know everything and became completely obsessed with the story. But Payton was said to just not be as interested into this faceless man who steals kids as much as the other two girls were, she was like, that's actually terrifying, and I don't want anything to do with that. Like, the story scared her. Payton went to her mom and was like, Hey, I heard this story, like Morgan was telling me about this faceless man who steals kids and kills them or whatever, like this isn't true, right? You know? Cause she was getting real spooked over it. And Payton's mom reassured her like, don't worry, the story is most likely made up, it's just a ghost story, somebody probably made up on the internet. After having that conversation with her mom, Payton goes back to Morgan, and it was like, yeah, my mom told me that the story isn't true. Like, can you please just stop talking about it? Because honestly it's kind of freaking me out and you guys are like obsessed with it and I just don't want to talk about it. So she tells this to Morgan, and Morgan thought it was funny or maybe she was just being a dick, but she, well, she just doesn't stop telling the story to Payton. Kids. You tell them not to do something, what are they going to do? They're gonna to do it. Anissa and Morgan became even closer, you know, just over the story because obviously Payton's not interested in it. So they're constantly researching about it online, feeding each other these scary stories and just talking about it nonstop. Most of all, they're believing the stories that they're reading online to be true. These stories were not fake to the girls, like this faceless man that they were reading about existed in their mind. Like he was real and you couldn't convince them otherwise. So on May 30th, 2014, the three girls would celebrate Morgan's 12th birthday. So Payton, Morgan and Anissa, they went over to the local roller rink. And then after that they decided to get some frozen yogurt. And then once that was all said and done at the end of the night, they headed over to Morgan's house for a slumber party. You know, it's just like a pretty fun little birthday party with your friends when you're 12. Makes sense. Great. Okay, so they're Morgan's house, slumber party. Great. Now something was a little weird. Something kind of seemed a bit off because at the slumber party, Morgan said that she wanted to go to bed, like actually go to bed, which was weird because the girls had planned on staying up, like as late as they could, or maybe even try to pull like an all-nighter, you know, when you're a kid and you're like, let's pull an all nighter. Morgan kind of now is like, I want to go to bed. We are going to bed now. That was weird. Something ain't right. Payton felt like maybe she was missing something, you know. The next morning it's May 31st and Payton wakes up and she sees that the two girls, Morgan and Anissa, they weren't in their beds. The beds were empty. So she gets up and she makes her way downstairs. And that's where she finds the two girls, sitting in front of the computer. So Payton asks them like, hey, what are you guys doing? She gets no answer. They just ignored her. She's like, okay. So the girls got up, eventually off the computer and they gathered around the breakfast table or whatever. And they had like some donuts or something. And then afterwards they played some games. And then as some time passed, Morgan announced to the group of girls like, hey, we should go to the park. Doesn't that sound like fun? The park. And the other girls were like, yeah, let's go to the park. That'd be fun. Like, it's something you do, it's outside. It's not far. They could just walk there. So Morgan asks her mom, and normally Morgan's mom would make an adult go with them, but she figured, you know what, it's her birthday. It's her 12th birthday. She's with her friends. What kind of trouble could they really get into? What could really, you know, let me just give them their independence. So she said, yes, go ahead. And you guys just make sure to all stick together when you head to the park and don't lose each other. So the three of the girls are walking to the park, and Anissa suggests that they should play a game of hide and seek. So the girls were like, yeah, let's do it. That's a great idea. I love that idea. Hide and seek. Morgan announced that she was going to count first. You know, she's going to be the one count. Payton and Anissa are the ones who are going to go off and hide. So Morgan goes by a tree starts counting, one, two. And then Anissa goes up to Payton, and she's like, hey, you should lay on the ground and cover yourself with sticks and leaves, and blend in with the ground, and that could be a great hiding spot. So Payton was like, yeah, that's a great idea, like I should do that. So she lays on the ground and she starts covering herself with leaves to hide in the ground. Now Payton is doing this when all of a sudden, out of nowhere pops Morgan. So Morgan comes out of nowhere, and she's like standing over her. She's holding a knife that she had taken from the kitchen. I'm not even sure if Payton had a minute to process what was going on, before Morgan started stabbing her best friend on the ground. Now, she wasn't just stabbing her friend like once or twice. Not that it makes it any better or anything, but it wasn't just one or two times. Morgan stabbed poor Payton 19 times. Like, that's a lot. 19 times? 19 times. Now mind you, while Morgan is there stabbing away at poor Payton, Anissa, Anissa, Anissa? I can't ever, okay. Anissa. Sorry. I'm not laugh-- I'm just, sorry. Anissa was right next to Morgan. There were some reports that said, she was holding Payton down, and then there were some that were just saying she was just standing there, but either way she was there, kind of rooting her on, Morgan, and didn't try to stop it. She was definitely there to help, is what I'm getting at. But once the two of them felt that their job was done, Morgan and Anissa, they leave Payton to die in the woods and they take off. Now luckily, unbelievably, miraculously, incredibly, all of the -blies, Payton isn't dead. She's able to come to, she gets up. And then she's using the tree stumps that are around her, kind of like a support. Cause she's stumbling, trying to find her way out of the woods into a grassy area, that's kind of near the main road where she would, was hoping someone would see her. And she's able to make it out there. Like, it's incredible. Not even long after she got out of the woods, this person riding a bicycle came by at that exact moment, and saw her, called 911 immediately. Incredible, you know like, wow. Payton said that she remembered she was fading in and out of consciousness, as the EMTs rushed her to the hospital for emergency surgery. Now, when she got there, the doctors saw how bad her injuries were. And they were pretty shocked that she was able to get up and, you know, move. She had some pretty deep wounds on her arms and legs. But the biggest issue was that there was two stab wounds in her torso area that hit major organs. So one of them caused some serious damage to her liver and stomach. And also on top of that, there was another stab wound that went straight to Payton's heart. Payton later found out that if the stab wound to her heart had been just a millimeter over, just a smidge, she would've died. A millimeter is as thick as a single strand of human hair. So doctors are like, yeah, you almost died. She's like, yeah, I freaking know, I was there. Thanks. I kind of hate that, like when they tell you something like that, it's like, do I want to know? Yeah, I almost died, I know. That's what happened, like I'm here, right? Yep. So Payton after surgery, she had to be put on oxygen, 'cause she was having a hard time breathing on her own and she was in pretty bad shape, but she was alive, you know? And she was on her way to fully heal, which is incredible. While she was laying in her hospital bed, they gave her a whiteboard. Well investigators came in, they gave her a whiteboard, trying to communicate with her, like who attacked you? Can you write down on the whiteboard who attacked you? So she writes down Anissa and Morgan. Right? She knows. Hello. Yeah. They did it. Go get 'em. But, get this, at this point, by this point, police had already arrested Morgan and Anissa. Oh yes. They were kind of like, ahead of the game for once, I know. Wow. Rare, here on "Murder, Mystery and Makeup." Is it not? But good for them. Good for them. So the day of the crime, police had actually spotted both of the girls walking and they were like five miles away from the park. They were near a local furniture store. So police kind of spot them. It's kind of like a peculiar situation because both of them are covered in blood. For that reason alone, police were like, eh, maybe we should pull over and ask what's going on. So they do just that, they pull over and police is like, hey, what's that about? The girls tell police that they were on their way to Wisconsin's Nicolet National Forest. Nicolet, like the gum? Is that it? National. Anyways, they're on their way to some national forest that was like, not that far away. Police noticed that Anissa, she wasn't doing much talking. Okay. She seemed pretty shaken up. She was trembling a little bit. She seemed to be very bothered, something wasn't right with her. So then police asked if there's anything in their pocket and that's when they find a bloody knife on them. So Anissa starts talking and she tells police, she was saying some nonsense that wasn't making any sense to them. She kept saying how he, I'm using quotes here, he could read minds and teleport places. And police are like, you know, who's he, what are you talking about? So they're trying to get answers, but they're not getting any clear answers. So eventually some of the truth comes out, and they tell police that they needed to kill their friend Payton, because a man by the name of Slender Man told them to. Slender Man. Yup. This is about Slender Man. Okay, so you're probably like who's Slender Man, either, you know the story or you don't. But let me explain this Slender Man, for those of you who don't know. I didn't know the full story, the Slender Man situation. I remember seeing the pictures and it was like, what the hell? There's an online forum called something offer. (Bailey sputtering) There's an online forum called Something Awful. And back in 2009, this forum is where Slender Man was created. If you don't know what a forum is, an online forum, it's like a online message board where you can have, where people can just create usernames, great, and have discussions, and hold conversations on certain topics. I had to Google it, 'cause I was like, what is an online forum? Like, what's the definition? That's pretty much it. On this forum, Slender Man was introduced. And he at this time, also in the beginning, I think, I don't know. There was a time when he went by the name Victor Surge. And that's because the creator of the Slender Man story, his online username was Victor Surge. So originally that's what this character was named, so yeah. But most people just know this character as Slender Man, because according to the story, that's exactly what he looked like. According to the online forum and just myths circling around the intro net, Slender Man was said to usually be found in the woods, or like in some dark abandoned location. It was said that he was abnormally tall, anywhere from six to 15 feet. And he had the ability to change his height depending on the situation he was in. I guess if he needed to go under a bridge, he was like, I'm shorter now, you know. A doorway, he's like, meh. He was described as having long tentacle-like arms that would grow in length, that are to grab or lure victims in. Slender Man was said to have no face, no hair, no ears. Or maybe he was just unfinished, like the Mona Lisa or something. We don't know, but when you saw him, he gave you the creeps. It was said that he wore a business suit because he was professional. Um, great. And then many believe that the suit was actually like some form of skin molded into the appearance of a suit. This demon looking fella was described as being highly intelligent and would evolve to match his environment. You know, just in case he needed to blend in more, even though he had no face, no hair. No ears or anything, blend in. Sure. Okay. He was known to be very dangerous, extremely dangerous at that. Stalking and kidnapping people, bringing them into a wooded area where he would remove the victim's organs and place them in baggies. So I was like, okay, what is he, so what's he doing with the baggies of organs? And it never really said what he was doing with the baggies of organs. Maybe he was selling them. I couldn't find an answer, but okay. And when he lured and snatched a victim up, he would then pass on something called the Slender sickness. It kind of sounds like a diet plan where you would get sick and probably lose a lot of weight. Food poisoning. But according to the story, after being stalked, or even having an encounter with the Slender Man, it would lead to the sickness. Which would consist of mostly coughing fits, sometimes coughing up blood. Sometimes people would experience nausea, paranoia. Random nosebleeds would occur. Ugh. Some would even say that the sickness would cause a fever or amnesia and have no memory as to what happened. It was said once someone got the Slender sickness, it would cause the victim to go absolutely insane, torturing their mind until the person gave in, causing harm to themselves, or even leading the victim to murder someone on behalf of the Slender Man. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. I know. Now, depending on what website or forum you were looking at, it would have different descriptions or stories about what the Slender Man was capable of, why he was doing what he was doing. But for the most part, that was kind of like the gist of it. Now the Slender Man was created by a guy named Eric Knudsen, and he created an image of this Slender Man for a Photoshop contest for the website that we mentioned earlier called Something Awful. So they're having this Photoshop contest, and they're challenging the users to create some kind of paranormal, spooky, creepy image, something that would just give you the creeps, but looks legit. It was just for ***** and giggles. So Eric said that he had submitted two black and white images. It was a picture, a real picture, of a group of children. Both of these pictures had some children in it, but he took the photo, and he photoshopped in this character he created, Slender Man. And he's kind of like, lurking in the background, looking all creepy-like. Like, it's honestly very creepy. And then to make it even more believable, Eric said that he added some quotes to the photos to just make them look more legit. And honestly, when you see quotes with like a date and stuff, for some reason, you just believe it, right? Don't lie. You're just kind of just like, okay yeah. Wow. Quotes. Must be legit. If you don't know any better, you would believe. Yeah, I believe. Oh, seems legit. He's trying to win this Photoshop competition, good for him. (item slamming) That scared me. I thought Slender Man was there, ah. But luckily this was just for this Photoshop group, and it wasn't a real story, right? So Eric, the creator of Slender Man said he was inspired by the work of writers like Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft, as well as from different video games like "Silent Hill," and "Resident Evil." But he was especially inspired by an old movie called "Phantasm." There's a villain in this movie called the Tall Man. So he pulls inspiration from different areas, and again, it was just all for fun. Now, I don't know if Eric won the contest or not, but he did submit the images, right? So they're out there on the internet, but very quickly the Slender Man photos became like the hottest thing on the internet. At first it was just people expanding on Eric's original two photos. So some were just taking the photos and kind of adding or changing little things to them, either adding more elements to the photo and making them a little bit creepy or a little bit scarier. People were just really liking the story and really building on it. And not long after there was Slender Man fan art popping up, there was Slender Man cosplay, and a bunch of a fictional horror stories that started spreading like wildfire. It was just ending up everywhere, growing bigger and bigger, and becoming a thing of its own, like bigger than what Eric had ever envisioned for this Photoshop contest, you know? And then there was even a YouTube series inspired by the Slender Man myth that came out in 2009 and it was called "Marble Hornets." "Marble Hornets," I dunno why it's hard. "Marble Hornets." Thank you. Was basically like a bunch of video diary entries mixed with found footage, videos about Slender Man, and again, it was all just fake and for fun, but it was a really big, big hit. And it went on for three seasons, which is great. Good old fun. Reminder, Slender Man was a completely made up story, using the imagination. Slender Man was getting bigger and bigger and it got to a point where people really didn't know that this was a fake story anymore, because it had grown into such a big thing. No one knew that it stemmed from this Photoshop forum. I think you and I can sit here and be like, oh my God, that's fake. How do you think that's real? But again, if you're a kid, you're like, oh my God, this is real, like, there's a picture. In 2012, there were Slender Man inspired video games, movies, tons of videos on YouTube. Us YouTubers just spreading our little gossip aren't we? And it was just everywhere. Slender Man was the new Sasquatch. The more that this story is going round and round, again, the more people are just believing it to be true, which leads us back to Morgan and Anissa, because they came across these Slender Man stories, just like many other people out there. And because there was so much information about Slender Man, or stories and whatnot, it was easy to believe. So when Morgan and Anissa were arrested, they had claimed that they were on their way to join the Slender Man, who was said to be living at his mansion in the national forest. So that's where they were walking to. And the girls truly believed at this time that if they didn't murder their friend Payton, the Slender Man was going to come after them and kill their families. They went on to say that they had to kill Payton in order to protect their own family from the Slender Man. I know, it sounds just absolutely wacko. Now, Morgan and Anissa, get this though. So Morgan and Anissa, they actually admitted that they had been planning this stabbing, towards their friend, they were planning on killing their friend for a long time. A long time. Okay. They were, I'm not just talking about weeks here. I'm not talking about weeks, days, no. They had been planning this attack for months. And both of them admitted that they actually thought about killing Payton while she was asleep during the sleepover at the birthday slumber party, remember? It was said that Morgan wanted to go to bed super early. And she was like super eager to go to bed. She's like, let's go to bed. And it was just kind of weird. Because they originally had planned to do it that night. Super ****** up. These are children. These are 12 year olds. So after all of this information came out, came to light. You know, obviously the two girls were arrested. So Morgan was charged with attempted first degree homicide, as she should. She just tried to murder her best friend. Anissa was charged with attempted second degree homicide. It's probably because Morgan was the one who actually did the stabbing, but she was there. She was like a sidekick, you know. But because of the serious nature of the charges, both of them were going to be tried as adults. Now again, they were only 12 years old. So this was kind of like a hot debate. Lots of mixed feelings on that one. So while they waited for their trials, Morgan, while incarcerated, started acting a little odd, she was, something wasn't right. And it was to the point where it seemed that she was kind of, she wasn't well. She's not well, Morgan. Morgan went on to say that she started seeing unicorns in her cell with her. And she started treating the ants in her jail cell like they were her pets. Like I don't see a problem with that, but it was off. And apparently she was even having conversations with the Slender Man himself, inside of herself. Morgan was moved to a mental hospital for a couple of months and was placed under a 24 hour observation to determine if she was competent enough to stand trial, you know? So they gave her a psychological evaluation where they concluded that she had early onset schizophrenia and because it was early onset or whatever, the judge determined that she was still capable of standing trial. Oh, side note, turns out Morgan's dad was also diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 14. Now at this time, Morgan was 12. So it's like almost around the same time that, two years apart than her dad. Her father had never received treatment, but luckily I guess, yeah, luckily they... I don't think there is a luckily here, Bailey. But you know, they found it in Morgan, and you know, at least now they can continue to give her the help that she needs. About a year and a half after the attack, Morgan was finally moved to a state mental hospital and put on medication to help treat her schizophrenia. In September of 2016, Morgan accepted a plea bargain and agreed to be placed in a mental institution instead of going to a typical prison. So the judge granted this, and gave her a 40 year sentence at the institution, which is the maximum allowed. That's a long time. But, I mean, she tried to kill her friend. Let me change into my costume, I know. I feel like it's a little inappropriate, and I was stalling 'cause. (Bailey scoffs) When is a good time to put on this **** costume? And I'll be right back, hold on. I'm a bee. Okay, hold on. Get it together, Bailey. You're a bee? We get it. A few weeks earlier, Anissa had also accepted a deal and pleaded guilty. She was facing at least three years in a mental hospital, but a way better deal, right? Three years? So during the hearing, Anissa submitted a letter saying that she was super sorry, deeply regretful for the agony, pain and hurt she had caused. And after three and a half years, Anissa was released after petitioning that she was no longer a threat to anyone else. I don't know if that's good. I don't know. Like, I was trying to think like normally, you know, I have a little comment, like they should be in prison longer. But it's like, I don't know. What they did was awful. I'm not trying to make an excuse or erase any of that. What they do is fricking awful, and they made adult choices. They made adult choices and tried to murder their friend at 12 years old. And that's very disappointing, right? That it, no, no. But then there's the other side, and it's like, they're 12 years old, your brain, you're stupid as hell. You're believing some story you see on the internet. Like, I could see how that happens, but you made an adult. I don't know. I don't know. But listen, the Slender Man made me do it story was not like a one-time thing. Oh nay, nay. In June of 2014, there was a 13 year old girl in Cincinnati, Ohio, who was in the family kitchen, she's sitting there one night, and she's waiting for her mom to come home from work. Now this girl was wearing a dark hoodie and the hood was all the way up. It's kind of like covering her face and her hair a little bit, you know. Her sleeves of the hoodie were pulled down to cover her hands. And she was wearing a white mask over her face. Creepy. She waited in the dark, in the kitchen, for her mom to come home. So her mom comes walking in, when suddenly this girl attacks her mother with a knife. Now, fortunately, her mother, was able to get control of the situation with only minor injuries to her neck, face and back. Her mom told reporters that she knew her daughter had mental health issues, but she never imagined something like that would happen. Okay. Like it was just, it was like out of nowhere. She said it was almost like her daughter was another person during this attack. And her daughter said that she didn't even remember the attack taking place. So during the investigation, they found this girl's journal. She had written entries in her journal that talked about, you guessed it, Slender Man. In her diary, she's like Slender Man, blah, blah. Throughout her journal entries, she was mentioning Slender Man over and over again. She was completely obsessed with Slender Man. I mean so much so, that she even created a world for the Slender Man in the game "Minecraft." So when the mom learned about how another girl named Payton got stabbed by a group of girls in the name of Slender Man, she was convinced that her daughter was under the same kind of influence, or like reading the same kind of story and whatnot. There's also another Slender Man case, and it's the story of a girl named Lily Hartwell. Now in September of 2014, a 14 year old girl in Port Richey, Florida, she soaked a towel and bed sheet in bleach and rum during the middle of the night. She's like, I have an idea. She went to the garage, and she lit it on fire, which is not cool. And especially not cool because her mom and her nine-year-old brother were asleep inside the house. Lily, this girl, she's watching the fire get bigger and bigger, and she peaces out. She's like, bye. And she leaves the house and she walks to the nearby park. Fortunately enough, the smoke alarm woke her mom up and she grabbed her son and she was able to make it out of the house completely unharmed. When she didn't see her daughter, she's like, oh my God, my daughter's inside. She ran back into the house to look for her. And she ends up running in the house, not once, not twice, but three different times. I mean, it's her daughter. She's assumed that she's inside the house somewhere, you know? I mean, of course a mom is probably going to go looking. Luckily, mom and her son was able to get out of the house before it was completely destroyed in the fire. Not long after, the mom, she was receiving text messages on her phone from her daughter. Now the text messages said something like, mom, I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did it. Did any of you get hurt? I mean like did any of us get hurt? You ************. Have you heard of orphanage? So cops, they would end up finding Lily Marie, sleeping in the bathroom at the park. She was taken into custody and charged with two counts of attempted murder, and one count of arson. So during questioning, Lily Marie readmitted that she had an obsession with violent stories about Slender Man. They also found her diary, and she wrote about this Slender Man a handful of times, describing her thoughts and desires on killing people and how she would do it. So while the police never officially went on the record saying that Slender Man was the cause for this arson and whatnot, it definitely seemed like it played some kind of part or role in the situation, and influenced, you know. There are probably more instances about the Slender Man, but I am, this video is running very long, isn't it? So fortunately, due to the attention that this Slender Man was getting in association with these freaking awful crimes, popularity in this Slender Man, dipped quite a bit. But it didn't really stop people from making, you know, big budget feature films about Slender Man, like in 28, there was a movie about Slender Man. It went nationwide or something. The reviews weren't that great, people didn't really seem to like it, but many of the original Slender Man entries or posts that were online have been taken down over time. But there's still many out there. You could still find lots of stories about Slender Man and whatnot. But I feel like because it came to light in the news and whatnot, more people were aware that it was a fake story. Does that make sense? These crimes, these situations also fueled the fire for a never ending debate about the role the internet plays on society, and how it affects, or even influences the younger generations. You know, how does one prevent something like this happening again? Ban kids from the internet? I mean, come on that's not the answer. I mean, there were even some grown adults who are very gullible too. It happens. You know, especially with the photoshopped picture, looks good with the caption. People believe anything on the internet, and it's just not the younger generation, you know, and laws have not caught up to where the internet is at, and something needs to be done, but nobody has an answer as what needs to be done. Do you? Would love to hear down below because we need answers, babe. So that my friends, is the awful story about two friends attempting to murder their other best friend, all because of this Slender Man situation that turned out to not even be real. Some friends, those are, huh? Could you imagine? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I don't know how you guys are doing it, honestly. Like raising kids with this technology. Like, I give you guys a lot of credit, you parents out there. I don't know how you're doing it. I don't know how you stay ahead of the technology, and what your kids are doing online. I couldn't imagine how difficult that is, on top of your own life, and chaos and all that stuff. It's like how, I don't know. (Bailey laughing) I don't know how you guys do it. I could not imagine. I could not imagine. Let me know your guys' thoughts down below. But other than that, I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day. I missed you. I'll see you next week with another Halloween look. I'm a bee today. Let me know who you guys want me to talk about next week. But other than that, I had too much coffee today. I'm not going to be able to sleep, am I? I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. You make good choices. I love and appreciate you so much, and be safe out there. Bee safe out there. You get it? And I'll be seeing you guys. Bee seeing you guys later. (Bailey laughing) Bye. (eerie music)
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 4,864,923
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Keywords: Bailey sarian, youtube bailey sarian, bailey sarian youtube, youtube bailey, bailey, sarian, mystery makeup monday, monday mystery makeup, mystery makeup, mystery makeup mondays, makeup artist, makeup 2021, new makeup 2021, new makeup tutorial, flawless makeup, makeup and story time, makeup story time, story time and makeup, story time, grwm, grwm and makeup, get ready with me and makeup, makeup grwm, grwm 2021, flawless foundation, mystery monday, mystery, monday story time
Id: B7gKA1o31rM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 39sec (2379 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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