*CAUGHT* Four Decades Later - Untold Story Of The Golden State Killer | Mystery&Makeup Bailey Sarian

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- Hi, how are you doing today? I hope you're having a wonderful day so far. My name is Bailey Sarian and today's Monday, which means it's murder, mystery and makeup Monday. (theme music) I was thinking about it and I've grown a lot since my whole theme song started. And if you've been here from the beginning then you know that the theme song started 'cause this whole thing was awkward, what I'm doing. Talking about murder and then doing makeup at the same time. And I was like, "I feel like I need a theme song or something to break the tension." And that's, if you go back to the beginning, that's where you can see the theme song evolve. Yeah, so that's that. (laughs) I've been thinking about it. I've gotten a lot of new subscribers and I'm like, "They probably have no idea what's going on." Anyways, hi, so if you're new here, my name is Bailey Sarian and on Mondays I sit down and I talk about true crime story that's been heavy on my noggin and I do my makeup at the same time. If you're interested in true crime and you like makeup, I would highly suggest you hit that subscribe button 'cause I'm here for you on Mondays. Should I keep this background? This is my Halloween background, but I was thinking about just keeping it. Should I keep it? Really? It's cute, I like it. No? Okay, let me know. Before we jump into today's story, very highly requested story, we do have a sponsor, a big thank you to SimpliSafe for partnering with me on today's video. Now, if you don't know what SimpliSafe is, well, it's an easier way to secure your home and family. And right now SimpliSafe is offering its best deals of the year with up to 40% off your security system. SimpliSafe systems can be customized to fit your needs for your home with a comprehensive lineup of sensors and cameras. They all connect to 24/7 monitoring service that sends help fast, in case of emergency. SimpliSafe allows you to design a system best fit for your space, and it delivers it right to your doorstep. So you don't have to leave the house. Lengthy ordering and complicated setup processes are a thing of the past because SimpliSafe is really fricking easy. They've got sensors to cover every window, room and door, doorbell cameras, and so much more. From there, your home is professionally monitored 24/7 by SimpliSafe's professional monitoring service beginning at only 50 cents a day. Talking about true crime all the time (laughs), I can sometimes make you, it makes me, I should say, hyper aware of my surroundings. When I hear noises, I'm like, "What's that? Hello?" So being able to have a great view of the entire outside space brings extra peace of mind regarding my safety, because you could pull it up on the phone, there's an app, and you can be like, "Oh, it's just the wind. Just the wind, everybody, false alarm." SimpliSafe setup is so easy. It took me about 30 minutes to set up the whole system. And it's very simple to use. The instructions are straightforward and simple, great. I feel like we've all experienced those alarm systems where you have to enter a bunch of special codes, press random button patterns to activate, deactivate, but not with SimpliSafe. It has a rechargeable battery, so you can just pop it in and mount the camera anywhere on your property. The new wireless outdoor security camera is one of my favorite pieces. Okay, first of all, outdoor, I could see everything, okay? It has an ultra wide, 140 degree field of view, eight times digital zoom and a built-in spotlight with color night vision. So you can closely capture what's happening around the clock. It has a rechargeable battery and it doesn't need an outlet. So it can really go anywhere. Then there's the base station and that's like the powerhouse of the SimpliSafe system. You just plug it in and it controls all of the SimpliSafe sensors in your home. There's entry sensors that can be installed on any type of door or window. And it detects whenever the magnet is two inches away. So you'll be alerted when a window or door is opened. Then there's this wireless keypad that lets you arm and disarm your home with one touch. And it lets you know if any of your entry sensors are open. The SimpliSafe app also allows you to control the system from your phone, so you can control it while you're away. And their interactive monitoring service will call the police if it's alerted to anything while you're away. So right now you can save 40% or more on your SimpliSafe security system during the biggest sale of the year. Just visit simplisafe.com/bailey to learn more. Thank you SimpliSafe for partnering with me on today's video, but most of all, a big thank you to you guys 'cause without you I wouldn't be here. And that's a fact. Today's story is a very hot one. It's been very requested. We're gonna talk about the Golden State Killer, AKA the East Area Rapist, AKA the Visalia Ransacker. Visalia? Sure. AKA the Original Night Stalker, AKA (laughs) I'm sorry. He has a lot of names. His real name is Joseph DeAngelo, okay? I don't think there really has ever been another serial killer with so many fricking nicknames, but this guy he's the winner. So many of you guys have asked me to do this one, and I always avoid doing popular stories, 'cause I feel like, "Well, what can I add to it?" But they seem to like it and I think I just need to stop overthinking it 'cause I overthink everything. This one is very interesting because this man Joseph, he got away with a lot and he was really smart, he was really tricky that his crimes were thought to have been done by three different people rather than one guy. And he got away with everything for about 45 years, 45 years. But when he was finally arrested, he just seemed like this old frail grandpa. He looked like a toad, you're like, "Him? That toad? Who's that toad?" Many people were like, "Could this guy really be guilty of so many rapes and murders?" But aside from all of that, the publicity surrounding this case, it's exciting to talk about. I don't know if exciting is the right word. It's interesting to talk about because it gives us hope that even when you think a case has gone cold, we can eventually, hopefully one day get justice. Technology is changing and evolving and moving forward every day. And it's, hopefully these shithead murderers out there can't hide forever in a perfect world. I try to stay positive. Okay, so who is Joseph James DeAngelo, Jr? Wow, that is a name. He was born November 8th... (gasps) He was born today, that's creepy. Oh, God. Well, he was born November 8th, 1945 in Bath, New York. He was Joseph and Kathleen's first child and he was the oldest of four kids. He had two younger sisters and also a younger brother. His father was a sergeant in the U.S Army. So they ended up moving around a lot. At one point when Joseph Jr was a young child, they were stationed in West Germany. That's when he witnessed his seven-year-old sister being raped by two airmen in a warehouse. I don't know the follow-up. Did he scream or say anything? I don't know, but this was mentioned because it obviously had a very lasting impact on him and it was pretty traumatic thing for his sister to experience, first of all, and for him to witness. So it just had this imprint on his brain. It's so sad. This world is so gross. But unfortunately that wasn't the only case of abuse in the family. One of his sisters claimed later on in an interview that Joseph was abused by his father while he was growing up. But Joseph never said that, but yeah. So pretty much not a great upbringing. Just sad, poor kids. But I have to do a different foundation because that one was just cracking on me, it's so old. I think it's expired honestly, but (laughs) anywho. So later the family moves back to the United States, and from 1959 to 1960, Joseph went to school in Rancho Cordova, California. In 1961, he was in high school, and he was on the school's junior varsity baseball team. And in addition to doing whatever normal teenagers did in the 1960s, Joseph also had some less than ideal hobbies. Oh, I forgot to mention in the beginning. We're gonna mention everything today, animals abuse, murder, rape, okay? Just a little FYI. Most kids who are a little off usually start with doing weird shit with animals, right? And that's what Joseph was doing, okay? He was in high school and he was committing robberies, which was weird because he'd break into people's houses and just steal random shit. And then he would just kill a bunch of animals by blowing them up. Extreme, cheezel, wheeze. All of these are not great signs that he will be a contributing member of society. I don't know if his parents noticed or what, because apparently not, apparently not, 'cause we wanna be here right now if his parents noticed. So he would go on to get his GED in 1964. And after that Joseph joined the Navy and he would end up serving for 22 months during the Vietnam war, when he was a damage controlman, which was basically an emergency repair man. He would come home a very decorated veteran. He earned a National Defense Service Medal, a Vietnam Service Medal, and a Vietnam Campaign Medal. Well-respected and also, this is just an opinion, but he was probably super messed up from seeing some shit that went down during that war. I mean, a lot of them were, so sad. In 1968, Joseph decided that he wanted to be a cop. Oh no, yes he did. He's like, "I wanna be a police officer." So he ends up going back to school and he got his associates degree in police science. And then he even graduated with honors. So then from there he went to Sacramento State University to get his bachelor's degree in criminal justice before going to another college for police training. So, great, the smart ones are the scariest. He would go on to complete his 32-week police internship. And he would go on working in the burglary unit. I can't say burglary, burglary. It just sounds so cartoony when I say it, maybe not. Anyways, everyone seemed to really like this guy. Of course they did, right? That's how it always goes. Everyone's like, "Wow, he's such a great guy. He's serving the community and he was great at his job. He seemed to love it." So on the surface of it, it seems like the robberies he committed as a kid maybe influenced him to stop other criminals because he had the mind of a criminal. And he's like, "Oh, I'm gonna stop them and make this community a better place." He's getting on the straight and narrow. But once again, we're here, so of course that's not the case. But actually it might have been more about learning how to better commit a crime and how to get away with it. If you can't beat them, join them. He's working from the inside. So at first, Joseph's love life seemed pretty normal, right? Okay, in may of 1970, he got engaged to his college girlfriend, Bonnie. As time goes on, Bonnie realizes that this Joseph guy, her fiance, he's not as great as she thought he was. As time was going on, she's noticing that he's more controlling and he becomes abusive. There was one time when they went hunting together. Technically it was an illegal area where you're not supposed to hunt, but I guess Bonnie didn't know that, but they rode on Joseph's motorcycle out into the area, right? The two of them. So when they were ready to leave, the two hopped back onto the motorcycle and they headed out. Well, I guess at this time, a dog came out, someone's dog came out of the area and started chasing them. Started chasing them on the motorcycle. So Joseph ends up kicking the dog, but kicks him until the dog dies. And Bonnie was like, "What the fuck was that?" She's never seen this side of him, and she was completely shocked. But I guess the straw that broke the camel's back was when he asked her to help him cheat on an exam he was taking. And that's when she decided to break off the engagement. I feel like the dog situation, oh no, that's enough to break, that's... But at least she got out. She saw the red flags and she's like, "I'm out of here." Of course, leaving isn't that easy when you're stuck in these awful relationships. Bonnie tries to end their engagement, but Joseph is threatening her with a gun saying, "You're not going anywhere, we're gonna get married." And Bonnie's like, "No, this is not happening." And luckily she holds her ground and she ends the relationship. She packs her stuff and she gets the hell out of there. Good for her. And after the breakup, Joseph shows up outside Bonnie's home and her dad is there, and he tells Bonnie, her dad tells Bonnie, "Go lock yourself in the bathroom while I go deal with this creep." And to this day, nobody knows what Bonnie's dad said to him to make him leave. But after that, he never bothered Bonnie again. So thank God for him. Later, people reported that Joseph would say, "I hate you Bonnie," while carrying out his attacks. What a dick? Well, Joseph would end up moving on from his heartbreak and he would get married to a woman named Sharon Huddle in 1973. So in addition to being a newlywed, Joseph was over here just being super busy. He had a lot going on between 1973 and 1986. So in order to keep things organized, we're gonna talk about his crimes in batches of three, just helps a little bit I think, 'cause he did a lot. He did a lot. We we'd be here for hours. My God, this man. Because in may of 1973, there was a spree of crimes happening in the San Joaquin Valley. And this was credited to a killer given the name Cordova Cat Burglar, which may or may not have been Joseph. Many think the Cordova Cat Burglar was Joseph, but it was the very first case recorded for the Visalia Ransacker. But the Ransacker guy, the V. Ransacker, that was indeed Joseph. And that happened in the same area on March 19th in 1974. Now at first, the attacks were super random because, okay, Joseph would break into a house and he would steal $50 in coins from a piggy bank. That was his first hit. And in fact, for the most part, all of Joseph's burglaries committed during this Ransacker phase was maybe just practice. He ignored large amounts of money in these homes that he's robbing. And he ignored high valued items that were just laying around the house. So it seemed like it wasn't necessarily for money. He was just doing it for the thrill maybe or practice. But what he did do was caused just a lot of chaos. He would break into houses, he would go digging through everyone's drawers, he would break people's stuff, he would shove stuff off of the shelves and stuff, he would throw women's lingerie and underwear around, he would move different things to different parts of the house to where they didn't belong before, and then he would steal low valued things. He would empty piggy banks and coin jars, he would steal historic foreign coins, and he would grab random things like a single earring or a cufflink in addiction to rings and whatnot. Just one of them, just one earring. He also stole something called Blue Chip Stamps, which were essentially a loyalty program for the local grocery store or pharmacy. These stamps would get you discounts on stuff at the store. So he would steal those. Guess he loved to bargain, I don't know. A couple of times he did steal some weapons or ammunition, but it was rare. So when he committed these crimes, he would stash his car somewhere. And then he would take different routes of the parks, ditches, trails that he knew pretty well, which would allow for a faster getaway if he had to run from police, 'cause you can't make on a street in a car, but he could on foot. He would also pry open multiple points of entry and take off any window screens he found, leaving multiple points of escape open when he needed to get out quick. During his attacks, he also wore gloves 'cause he didn't wanna leave fingerprints. And then he often set up a warning system to let him know if someone was coming. So this would be dishes or bottles placed up against the door or on the door handle, so it would crash and just make a bunch of noise, letting them know it was time to skedaddle right out of there. Someone is coming. Over the course of 20 months, Joseph committed 120 burglaries. So that's a lot, I think that's safe to say. 20 months, let me see, yeah. If you think about that, yeah, that's a lot. This guy's a little fucking creepy. Okay? Okay. Joseph put in a lot of effort to not get caught, and he didn't really steal much. He just basically trashed these places and took a couple of things. He was like, "Cool, thanks, bye." When he was 28, that's when he started doing these burglaries. So maybe he just enjoyed the thrill or the adrenaline, the chaos, the control of it all. What many wanna know is how in the world this man did so much sneaking around, staying out late and his wife didn't have any idea. Well, I mean, he could say he was working as a police officer and that's long nights and stuff. So I could see where the wife might not suspect anything. But I don't know. My face is orange, isn't it? So Joseph decides to take it up a notch. He's a little bored. September 11th, 1975, Joseph goes out around 2:00 AM, okay? He breaks into this home, beautiful home, great. He finds a 16-year-old girl, her name is Beth. She's sleeping in her room, and he decides, "I'm gonna kidnap her," okay? So he has a flashlight with him and he shines the flashlight in her face to wake her up, and then he's like, "I'm gonna shoot you or stab you if you don't come with me. One or the other, those are your options." Usually Joseph was very planned. Planned everything, very detailed. But this time he was not ready or he didn't think this all the way through because the girl, her dad was home, okay? And he was asleep in the next room, and here he just is hearing some weird noises going on. So the dad gets up and he notices that the back door is open. So he's like, "Oh, what the fuck?" And he runs out and then finds that Joseph, who is now a Joseph, but he finds a man wearing a ski mask in the carport with his daughter, okay? So he's yelling after him. Joseph shoots him twice and then sadly, her dad passes away. This really freaked Joseph out. He ends up letting her go. He kicks her in the face, he hops on a bicycle, then he just paddles away and leaves Beth behind. So that didn't go well for him, which sadly, that guy died. Anyway, so he ends up ditching the bicycle not far from the house. Cops come out, they find the stolen bike. It's literally not that far. He drops it, Joseph runs. He gets away. Because someone was killed, cops increased the task force working on catching this Ransacker. They would also post a $4,000 reward for the capture of whoever this man was. And just for comparison sake, $4,000 back in 1975 would be 19,000 today. So it's a good amount of money. They just want this guy caught because first he's doing a lot of burglaries and now he's upping to murdering someone. The police also start doing a nightly stakeout where Joseph had previously hit the house. They're thinking that he might return to the same area, but Joseph's not dumb and he's like, "I'm not going back there. I know what they're doing." He knows what they're doing because he's working with them. One of the last of his crimes in this area was on December 12th, 1975 at 8:30 PM. Joseph put on a mask and he entered the backyard of a house that wasn't too far from the neighborhood that he normally hit. There actually was a police officer on stakeout in the garage. And the cop saw Joseph or he saw a man, and tried to detain him. And he also fired a warning shot at him. But Joseph shouted removed his mask, holding it in his right hand and pretended to give himself up and surrender. But then he pulled out his gun and he ended up shooting the officer near the face. I guess it just shattered the cop's flashlight. So then Joseph fleeces the scene and he left behind some tennis shoe prints in the mud and his loot, which again was some Blue Chip Stamps. And also a blue sock full of coins. So in 1976, Joseph gets a job working for the Auburn Police Department. So he and his wife moved to Sacramento, the Sacramento area. And this will end his time as the V. Ransacker. Just because he moved out, doesn't mean his crimes stopped. Starting in June of 1976, he would be given the name, the East Area Rapist, so he ups it a notch. Sometimes he would spend his time just ransacking closets and drawers, eating food in the kitchen or drinking their beers. He would steal people's personal objects or items, stuff that had little or no value to it. It's just whatever he found interesting or something. I don't know what he was doing, I don't know. If he found cash, he would take that. But again, it was stuff that really wasn't that valuable. But for the most part, the focus of his breaking and entering was now to just rape the women who lived there. Joseph would stock neighborhoods, looking for women who lived in a middle-class neighborhood. He was specifically look for women who lived alone in a one-story house, usually near a school or a creek, or something next to a trail, an open space that would allow him to make a quick escape while staying off of the street. The night before this person's house would be attacked, they would report hearing something in the bushes, like someone was lurking around or something. And then that night their house would be attacked. Often this Joseph dude, he would call his future victims. Sometimes for months he would call them trying to figure out what was their routine. When were they home? When were they not home? He would also prep the house in advanced before breaking in. So when they were gone, he would break in and unlock windows, unload guns, stash things to tie women up with around the house. That way, when he broke in and did his attack, it would be a lot easier 'cause he knew the situation was controlled, creepy. Well, when the night finally came, he would then break in through a window or a sliding glass door, sneak into the bedroom. He would wake up his victim, threatened them, like hold a flashlight in their face, threaten them with the handgun. He would then tie her up with either shoelaces or something he brought with him, and then blindfold and gagged them. In the beginning, Joseph preferred single women, although sometimes they would have kids. But then an article mentioned that this mysterious raper was in the area, right? And this person never seemed to attack a house that had a man in it. Well, I guess Joseph was reading this article and he was like, "Hey, that's interesting. I'll take the physical challenge." So he decides, "You know what? I'm gonna switch gears a little bit and now I'm going to attack couples. Oh yes, they think I can't do it, I'm gonna do it now." So he took that as a literal challenge. Great, so he sees this as a challenge and he decides to switch gears. Now he's like, "I'm gonna break into houses that have a man and a woman." So Joseph, he would do that. And then he would wake both of them up, force the victim to tie their partner up, and then Joseph would tie up the other one, the husband and wife. After the couple was tied up, before leaving the bedroom, he would turn the guy on his stomach or make the guy lay on his stomach, place a stack of dishes on the guy's back. And this was again, an alarm system set up. And he would say, he would tell the guy, "Listen, if I hear any noises come from these dishes, I'll come back and I'll kill everybody in this house." So of course, terrified, they're not gonna move. And then after that, he would take the woman into the living room and then rape her, knowing that the poor guy's listening in the other room. And it was just all sorts of disturbing, so gross. So once Joseph was done, he would then sneak out quietly, and his victims, they would still be tied up and stuff, and they wouldn't know if he'd left or not. And they were too afraid to move thinking, "What if he's still in the house and he hears the dishes move? He's gonna come back and kill us." So a lot of them will just lay there for hours, not knowing if he was still in the house or not, just torture, torture. But when he did leave, Joseph usually would leave on foot or he would bring a bicycle or steal a bicycle. I just think of the wicked witch, but that's not the point. But he just always stayed off the street. A bicycle, just crazy murderer on a bicycle. It just is... It just doesn't sound right. (laughs) There was a couple of times where Joseph was spotted and someone tried to shoot him, but he always got away. He always got away. Well, obviously, 'cause this guy's well-trained, he's a fricking police officer and shit. So word is getting out on the street or within the community that there's a serial rapist going around. And obviously a lot of people are concerned. So they end up holding a town hall meeting. During this meeting, a guy stood up and he was like, "If he comes to my house, I'll kill him." Well, I guess Joseph must have been at the meeting hiding in plain sight, because that man and his family were the next victims of the East Area Rapist. Fucking A, man. So on March 18th, 1977, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office received three phone calls from a guy claiming to be the East Area Rapist. The first two calls were 15 minutes apart. One was at 4:15 and the next was at 4:30 PM. And on the call was a man who was just laughing and then hung up. And then on his third call, which was at 5:00 PM, whoever was on the phone was like, "I'm the East Side Rapist." And like, "I have my next victim already stalked and you guys can't catch me." Just a total loser wanting attention. What is he doing? Now unfortunately, no one recorded these calls, okay? And they were never confirmed to be Joseph on the other end of the call, but many think it was. But that very night that the phone calls happened at 10:45 PM, another woman was attacked. So maybe Joseph was just feeling bold and maybe he was trying to make his crimes a little bit more exciting for him. I don't know, what he's. He's obviously not all right in the noggin. So, 23 of the 50 rapes Joseph committed as the East Area Rapist where between June of 1976 and may of 1977. Eight of them happened after those phone calls. Then oddly enough, for some reason no one knows why, Joseph took a three-month break before starting up again in September. Maybe he and his wife went on a vacation. Yeah, summer vacation or something. Or maybe he was trying to lay low, who knows? But he disappeared for three months. When Joseph did start back up again, he mostly stayed in Sacramento, but then in March of 1978, he started to hit neighboring counties. He would hit Stockton and Modesto, California, just to mix things up a bit. His pattern seemed to be changing consistently. And it was just making it harder for police to know where this guy's gonna hit next. December 2nd, 1977, a man claiming to be the East Area Rapist called the Sacramento Police Department saying something along the lines of, "You're never gonna catch me. I'm the East Area Rapist, you dumb fucks. I'm gonna fuck again tonight, you should be careful." That's what he said. Not me, that's what he said. And he did just that, at 11:30 PM, he struck again. He was busy. Then shortly before 10:00 PM on December 10th, 1977, authorities received two identical phone calls where the guy on the other end of the line was like, "I'm gonna to hit tonight, Watt Avenue." Fortunately, cops were able to record both of these calls. Great, they confirmed that the caller was the same person from the December, 2nd call. Finally, making a little progress here. Now, there was no record of an attack that night, but at 2:30 AM, police were patrolling and spotted a masked man riding a bicycle on Watt Avenue under Watt Avenue Bridge. So at 4:30 AM, they saw the same person again, but this time he didn't have a bicycle, he was running. He was just running away. So despite the increased patrol, cops still couldn't catch this guy, if it was Joseph, but maybe they were at least able to stop him from attacking that night. Trying to stay positive here. But yeah, they see him and they couldn't get him, that's... They see him twice and they weren't able to get him. The police department and the sheriff's office, they weren't the only ones that were in contact with someone claiming to be the East Area Rapist. Oh, nay nay, of course not. This man wants attention. You see what happened is, in December of 1977, a poem titled "Excitement's Crave" was sent to the mayor's office, the local news station and the daily news paper, the Sacramento Bee. And honestly, it's not very poetic. So he was writing now poetry about his work and he's now a poet and we didn't even know it. Not only is he a rapist, he's also into poetry. So then some of Joseph's victims that he already attacked, they were getting phone calls, okay? So on December, 9th, the night before he called to tell the cops that he was gonna attack someone on Watt Avenue, someone reached out to the previous victim saying, "Merry Christmas, it's me again." It was him. He called one of his previous victims to tell them Merry Christmas, just to fricking torture them. Special kind of fucked up. So now he's just torturing his previous victims. Could you imagine? No, no. He did this with a couple of his previous victims. I guess when he would call these victims, he would... His voice was very low, he'd be whispering. And it was just super creepy. Yeah, especially if you were just attacked, I'm sure it's super creepy. You'd be like, "What the fuck? You just attack me, now you're harassing me? Get a goddamn life." Great, so that's what he's doing. He's calling people up because he's bored. Okay, remember, he's married. Joseph, he's married. How does his wife not suspect something? Does he seem a little bit more agitated? Angry? Is he coming home with weird collectibles? She didn't notice anything? Okay, well, on January 6, a phone call comes in again claiming to be the East Area Rapist. And he calls into the... It's like a counseling hotline where they help people who need some counseling. So this person calls in and says, "I'm the East Area Rapist. Hi, it's me." And tell us the person on the other end, like, "I have a problem and I need help because I don't wanna do this anymore." And then after the short conversation, this caller just randomly said, "I think you're tracing this call," and then hung up. If it was Joseph, maybe the fear of being caught outweighed the desire to get help, maybe he was drunk, maybe he was actually feeling some remorse over the choices he was making. I guess we'll never know, really. So during his spree, as the East Area Rapist, he did end up killing two people, which was rare, okay? 'Cause he was only raping people, but now he had ended up killing two people. It was February 2nd, 1978. There was a young couple out walking their dog. And it was an area that Joseph had hit five different times. So they were walking their dog and they run into Joseph, and I guess there's some confrontation. Not sure what was said or what was done, whatever. But the couple, they try to run and then they were shot to death. Investigators suspected it had been Joseph who killed them based on the location and the fact that some shoelaces had been found at the scene. But it wasn't really announced that he was their main suspect until June 15th, 2016. Yeah, a fricking long time later. And then it was confirmed they were murdered by Joseph on June 29th, 2020. Yeah, bitch, what? On December 9th, 1978, Joseph attacked a house at 2:00 AM in a town called Danville in Contra Costa, California, yeah. Cops are investigating the area where a suspicious vehicle had been parked when they find three pieces of paper. So they see this suspicious looking vehicle. They're looking inside the vehicle and they find these three pieces of paper. The first piece of paper looked like it was homework, okay? It looked like school homework, weird. And it seemed like it was an essay of some sorts. And then on the second page, there seemed to be a journal entry about how much this person who was writing on this paper hated their sixth grade teacher. They're like, "Wow, this kid really hates this teacher." But on the third page, is what intrigued police the most. On one side of the page, the word punishment was written in a sloppy handwriting. And on the other side was a drawing of a map of the neighborhood. And the police, they couldn't figure out what neighborhood it was, but they felt like it was a map that represented the rapist's desired hunting ground, and somehow held clues that they couldn't seem to unlock. Oh my God, what if it was just some kid making a map or something? 'Cause they never figured out what the map was of, what area it was. But they thought it was... What's his name? Joseph. But now that I'm sitting here thinking about it, what if it was just some kids shitting in there? Kids like to... No, punishment? I don't know, Bailey. You know what sucks? Without DNA, I don't know how they were solving mysteries. Well, obviously they weren't solving mysteries. I mean, this is a different game. It's like, how do you figure those shenanigans out? Anyways, so after they discover these pages that they believe is linked to Joseph, he would attack seven more times. And not long after the rape, he committed on July 5th, 1979, Joseph, he had a little slip up that could have derailed his whole double life and everything he had going on. Oh yes, a little slip up, nobody's perfect. And he was getting a little cocky, I think, I'm not sure. Okay, so Joseph, yeah, here's where he messes up. He shoplifts and he ends up getting caught. So then he gets arrested for shoplifting. Right? Great. He gets caught shoplifting a hammer and dog repellent. That in itself should hold him longer than just shoplifting. It seemed like if anything, he was getting about to murder a damn animal. Anyways, so he gets arrested like, "Why are you stealing the stuff you (indistinct) now?" Joseph got off pretty easy. He was only sentenced to six months probation. But they had him, they had him. So I guess the police department didn't wanna have a criminal on their force. And he ended up getting fired in October of 1979. Now Joseph, he was not too thrilled about being fired. That was not in his plan. So then he gets fired and he threatens to kill the police chief, okay? He's like, "I'm gonna fucking kill you." And he ends up stalking the police chief. His home, the area, and just being a real creep about it, okay? You would think this kind of behavior suggests that maybe someone should have looked into him a little bit better because he's obviously not well, but they didn't. He was just like, "Wow, that guy is weird. He needs to let it go. He keeps stalking me, weird." Do you think that would have set off some red flags? I'm sorry, we asked too much, don't we? Yeah, I know. So Joseph loses his job. He's like, "I lost my job." So he decides, "Okay, we need to pick up a move again." So him and his wife, they moved down to Southern California to get a new start. So with this new start, he's got a new start with crime. Great, he's excited, new area. Joseph's final crime spree happened in Santa Barbara, Ventura, and the Orange County area, which earned him the name the Original Night Stalker. (laughs) Yeah. So at first he was known as just the Night Stalker, but as you may remember from my... I did a previous story, Ricardo Ramirez. He was also given the name the Night Stalker from his crime spree in 1984 and 1985. Because of the mix-up happening, right? Joseph's Night Stalker crime spree was then nicknamed the Original Night Stalker. They can't think of anything else. They're like, "That's all we caught. How about Original Night Stalker?" (laughs) So, okay, not to get confused with Night Stalker. This is the Original Night Stalker, great. October, 1979, Joseph was back at it. This time in Southern California, he wasn't just burglarizing and raping people. Now, he was just straight up murdering people too. So just really progressed. His first two victims would end up surviving his attacks, but many others were not so lucky. Joseph's first attack as the Original Night Stalker was on October 1st, and he broke into a home, he tied the couple up, he's telling them like, "I'm gonna kill you, I'll kill them." And of course, the couple was freaking out. Who wouldn't? Great, but you understand. And as soon as Joseph leaves the room, I guess the woman, she's trying to escape, she's realizing she can't. And then she starts screaming at the top of her lungs. And she's really hoping to alert one of her neighbors. Now, normally, Joseph's victims didn't scream like that. No one had actually tried him like that. And he was like, "Oh shit, she's screaming." So he knows that this is gonna mean trouble for him. And at that point, after she's screaming, he decides to just bail. So he hops on his bicycle and he just peddles away. The woman is screaming, right? Joseph is peddling away. Well guess what? The neighbor that's hearing the woman scream, he ends up being an FBI agent and he runs outside, he spots Joseph trying to make his get away on the bicycle. And this guy starts to chase after him. For some reason, Joseph thinks he's got a better chance avoiding getting caught by just getting off the bike and running on foot. So he does just that and he's able to get away from him. He almost gets caught so many different times. It's like, dammit! His second attack as the Original Night Stalker was a bit more successful. (indistinct) I guess, you could say. On December 30th, Joseph breaks into the home of a couple named Robert and Deborah. And he kills them before stealing a bike from the apartment next door and then making his getaway. The couple was found shot to death, but Robert's bindings were untied, which suggests to investigators that he attempted some attack on Joseph. Maybe he was able to get out or something. Police found the stolen bike abandoned not too far from the apartment. And they also found large dog prints at the scene, which made them think like, "Did Joseph bring a dog with him?" That was new, that was a new move. There had never been evidence of a dog at the crime scene before. But also he... Remember he stole dog repellent? So maybe it was someone else's dog and Joseph scared it away. Maybe it was their dog. On March 13th, 1980, Joseph attacks again. This time attacking a couple. He breaks in, he ties their wrist and ankles with a drapery cord before he rapes the woman. And then bludgeons them both to death with a log taken from the woodpile on the side of their house. Now police find something unique about this attack, okay? An unusual Chinese knot called at diamond knot was used to bind the woman's wrists. This is the same knot that was used on at least one of the confirmed victims of the east Area Rapist. So this is the first time that they're making the connection that these could be linked together. So Joseph was given another name, which I don't think I mentioned at the beginning, the Diamond Knot Killer. Why do they spend more time naming the killers than they do try to solve the crime? They're like, "What should we name him this time? Diamond Knot, you guys? Yeah, let's do that." Joseph's next victims were a newlywed couple. One of them was a student at UC Irvine and the other was a nurse. They had been married for just a couple... They have to... Just a couple of months. And they lived in a really nice gated community out in Dana Point, California. So on August 19th, just three months after the wedding, Joseph broke into their apartment, tied them both up, raped the woman before bludgeoning both of them to death. This time, Joseph didn't leave a murder weapon behind, and he actually even took whatever he tied their hands and wrists with, which was different 'cause he would normally leave it behind. What Joseph didn't realize he left behind was a really angry rich brother, which we'll get to that later, 'cause shit's coming to you bro. At some point during 1980, Joseph and his wife, Sharon, buy a house in Citrus Heights, California, but that doesn't seem to stop him from attacking two more times in 1981. On February 6th, 1981, Joseph entered the home of a 28-year-old woman. He tied her up, once again, raped her and then bludgeoned her to death. And like the crime scene at the home of the previous couple, he didn't leave behind the murder weapon or whatever he tied her up with. And he did move a television outside in the backyard. I don't know. Maybe he was trying to make it look like it was a failed robbery and keep the police off his trail, but maybe he wanted the TV. Maybe, I don't know. On July 27th, Joseph decided to return to his old stomping ground. And he went back to an area that was only a few blocks away from the neighborhood he first visited as the Original Night Stalker. And Joseph, he enters the house through a small bathroom window. And that's when he runs until the guy who lives there, okay? Now this guy, he's like 27 years old. And police believe that this guy, he must have tried to attack Joseph because he had no marks on him suggesting that he had been tied up. They found his head covered with clothes that seemed to have been pulled from the closet, with a gunshot wound in the cheek, and evidence that he was killed with a garden tool. And then there's a woman in the house also. And she was found with bruises on her and ankles that suggested she had been tied up and then she was raped and bludgeoned to death. While the restraints were missing from her body, cops did find a piece of shipping twine near the bed. And there were fibers all over her body that they couldn't identify. Cops thought maybe the attacker worked as a painter or a similar type of job at the shopping center nearby, but they weren't sure. They were like, "We have theories, but that's about it." Joseph's final attack was on May 4th, 1986. He breaks into a home where there's a teenager. She's home alone, her family's away on vacation, and she got left behind. Maybe she wanted to. Either way, Joseph enters her home, he bludgeoned her to death and then rapes her. There was a pipe wrench that was missing from the house and police believe that that was the murder weapon. And then that was it. 41-year-old Joseph's 13-year crime spree came to an end. It's unclear what Joseph was up to in terms of work during the 1980s, but starting in the 1990s, he worked as a truck mechanic in California and then he retired in 2017. There's really not much known about his personal life other than he and his wife, Sharon, have three daughters together. And then they ended up separating in 1991. Unclear why they separated. I would bet he probably stopped killing when she had children. I don't know. That's just my theory that I have, I just don't know. I don't know. So over the years of different police departments investigated their crime sprees separately, pursuing all the cases as individual crimes and not as one person. And no one thought that the Southern California murders were connected to the ones up north. There was one detective up in Sacramento who thought that the East Area Rapist had committed the same crimes down south. But the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department insisted it was the work of a local criminal they had their eye on. But this guy that they had their eye on, he ended up getting murdered. So that guy was out. Finally, in 2001, DNA from several of the East Area Rapist cases were connected to DNA found at crimes committed by the Original Night Stalker, officially linking the two crime sprees. Whoa! Finally! The DNA was such a game changer. Thank God for the DNA. DNA doesn't lie. DNA doesn't lie. So they finally linked the two. Then they give him another name. (scoffs) They combine them to Earons, E-A-R-O-N-S. Which again, it's just like they're spending too much time on the names I feel like, but whatever. Yeah, so he gets another fricking name. So this case just really went cold for a very long time. Now, at the time, there was a crime writer and a citizen sleuth, Michelle McNamara was also pursuing the case. Now she wanted to help figure out who this monster was. And I think she just overall got obsessed with this story. Who was this guy? Why was he never caught? She just wanted to know everything. So Michelle gave him another name, the Golden State Killer. And she ended up writing a book, you should read it. It's called, "I'll Be Gone in the Dark." And it came out in 2013. I believe there's also a... Is it on HBO? Ooh, what's it on? It's, there's a Netflix series maybe about her book? Of course the book is always better. So I would suggest you check it out. But she saw Joseph as her nemesis and she was actively pursuing him. She was following his crime. She was making links that nobody else was making. She was bringing this case to life, because it had gotten cold for so long. And then sadly, Michelle died. She died in 2016 and she died before her book was finished. But her husband at the time, Patton Oswalt, he helped get the book finished and published it for her. And then it became published in 2018, and it became a best seller. She mysteriously died. Someone tell me what she died of? I always thought that was just a little odd, a little weird. I bring that up because she's the one who really, I think, brought the story back to light for sure. She was opening the doors, having conversations about it, bringing his name back into the media. Her book, amazing. So this is indirectly related to Joseph, but remember that there was a young newlywed couple who was murdered in 1980, and I said, the brother was rich or whatever. So the rich brother ends up spending $2 million supporting California Proposition 69, which authorized DNA collection from all California felons and other criminals. So he backed this thing up and put lots of money into it, right? The proposition passed in 2004, which helped establish the California DNA database, which collects DNA from all accused and convicted felons in California, making California the third largest database in the world. And the effectiveness for solving cold cases is incredible, with California coming second to only Virginia in the country. Hell yeah. So with that being said, this is not good for criminals, because their DNA will be in the system. Also it's a very controversial topic. Some people have very mixed feelings about it, but we'll talk about that in a minute. On June 15th, 2016, the FBI released new crime details and some new sketches of who they thought this suspect was. They also announced that there was a $50,000 reward. Yeah, they were just really hoping to figure out who did this. Finally in January of 2018, they had a serious breakthrough. I know, 2018 though, damn. Investigators use this thing called GEDmatch, which is an online service that compares DNA files from different genetic testing companies. Investigators knew that the DNA from the different crime scenes matched one another. So they were able to upload the DNA found in the rape kit from the 1980 Ventura County murder into the system. So the DNA allowed them to identify a very distant relative of Joseph from the 1800s, very distant relative to say the least. This relative however, was connected to about 25 different DeAngelo family trees, a lot of trees. And these trees had thousands of people on them. But at least they had somewhere to start with. At least they had a plan. Using other clues investigators had, like, age, sex, place of possible residence during the crimes, they were able to slowly narrow down the list of subjects. But then in 2018, there was a lady who was working, helping upload DNA into the system. She ends up finding a closer match to the killer's DNA. Then they'd narrow it down even more, and they're using ancestry.com to really pinpoint who this person is. So, okay, they get it narrowed down all the way to six possible suspects. They're getting close. They are getting fucking close. And they had gotten it narrowed down until Joseph and one other family member remained. Now that person was ruled out of the DNA test, leaving Joseph as the only remaining suspect. Oh shit, that must've been so exciting. Like, "We fucking got him, bitch." So then on April 18th, a DNA sample was carefully and secretly collected off of Joseph's car door handle. I guess he went shopping at Hobby Lobby, great. They got some DNA off of his car thing when he was gone. Someone else also dug through Joseph's garbage can outside and got a used tissue, great. Both were a DNA match for the Golden State Killer crimes. Yeah, you wanna celebrate, but at the same time, it's like, "Oh God, this guy is nasty." He thought he could run forever. Nay nay, bitch. Nay nay, gotcha. Just ignore my lip liner, okay? So on April 24th, 2018, police finally arrested 72-year-old Joseph. Yup, and guess what? He lived in his little house in Citrus Heights where he was living with his daughter and granddaughter. Must've been so sad for them. He got to live his whole life, first of all. Okay, so they arrive at his house to arrest him, right? And they're like, "Joseph DeAgelo, you're under arrest." Or whatever they say, all dramatically. And Joseph's first response was, "But I have a roast in the oven." He was very concerned about his roast. That was his response, okay, great. I guess it's like, what do you expect? What do you think he's gonna say? "Oh, you got me. Oh, you did it. Congratulations, you found me." Well, during the time of the initial arrest, Joseph was charged with eight counts of first-degree murder attributed to the Golden State Killer. And then on May 10th, the Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office charged him with four additional counts of first degree murder, good. Well, there was no DNA linking Joseph to the Central Valley cases, the very beginning ones. The chief of police stated that he was 100% confident it was him. Shortly after his arrest, Joseph made a very weird statement that he was, I mean, that was almost like a confession. He mentioned that he had this inner personality named Jerry who was forcing him to commit crimes. And according to the prosecution, Joseph said the following while hanging out in the police interrogation room alone. He said, "I didn't have the strength to push him out. He went with me. It was like in my head. I mean, he's a part of me. I didn't want to do those things. I pushed Jerry out and had a happy life. I did all those things. I destroyed all their lives. So now I've got to pay the price." So he said that in the confession room, which essentially is, right, he's admitting. Yeah, so Jerry made him do whatever. You did it though, Joseph. People said that there were warning signs over the years, which is so frustrating 'cause of course, people say that after the fact, but no one wants to say it when it's happening, right? We're chicken shits. Anyways, Joseph's brother-in-law claimed that Joseph had casually brought up the East Area Rapist during a conversation, one time around when the original crimes were happening, but no one thought much of it, but it gave him a weird feeling. His coworkers at the supermarket said he was just a regular guy, except he never smiled. His neighbors did not like him at all, okay? They called him a unlikeable curmudgeon. What's a curmudgeon? Who would frequently have this loud profane outburst. See, now that's some flags, right? At one time a neighbor even got a voicemail where Joseph threatened to deliver a load of death because Joseph didn't like that their dog was barking all night or something. Well, in July, 2018, his strange wife, Sharon, finally files for a divorce, which was finalized in 2019. And during their divorce proceedings, she does say that she was fooled by him, okay? He would have tons of excuses; working late nights, he was visiting his parents, he was working. He was always working. She said she had no idea. 'Cause many people were like, "How did she not know?" I think it's possible to not know. I don't think... I hate when people assume that they always know. I don't know. (laughs) So she was saying that she was a victim to him as well. She had no idea. Many people found it hard to believe that she didn't think he had some double life going on because he did so much. But yeah, she said that she has lost her ability to trust people. Don't blame her, okay? We don't blame her. However, this part was a little upsetting. There were other family members who were writing letters to the judge telling him that the man that they were prosecuting, this man that was being considered a monster was actually the polar opposite. One of his nieces described him as a loving father figure, while another said that he was her hero who took her camping and fishing. His daughter described how he would be a good listener. (laughs) Sorry. She said, "The father I know and love is a good person. It's not this man." Sorry, sorry. Surprise, plot twist, your dad, your uncle, your relative is a piece of shit. Sorry about it. Accept it, you have to. He could be two things, a piece of shit and a good father. It's very rare, but yeah. They just wanted them to have mercy on him. It's like, "Eww." He ruined so many people's lives. Did you guys watch it? 'Cause you could watch the court hearing. It happened, when? The last year or so. I'm telling you 'cause it was during COVID. So he had on that face mask thing. Many victims and the families of the victim spoke out at the hearing as well saying now that they were able to get closure and then others took the stand with a way more angry approach, which is totally valid and fine. One woman wore a shirt that was bedazzled that said, "Rot in hell," loved that, great. When his victims got up to speak one by one, Joseph remained stone face the entire time refusing to look at any of them. It must've been nice for those victims and the families to be able to say what they've been wanting to say. Most people don't get that. Between 1973 and 1986, the three crime sprees resulted in 13 murders, 50 rapes and 120 burglaries across California. But due to the statute of limitations, Joseph was not able to be charged with any of the rapes or burglaries. He was able to be charged with 13 counts of murder and 13 counts of kidnapping, great. On June 29th, 2020, Joseph pled guilty to all 13 counts of first degree murder and special circumstances, which included murder committed during rapes and burglaries as well as 13 counts of kidnapping. And then on July 21st, 2020, Joseph DeAngelo received multiple consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole. And he did stand up and offer a brief apology. After listening to the days of the victim impact statements, he stood up and said, "I listened to all of your statements, each one of them, and I'm truly sorry for everyone I've hurt." I would be the lady with the bedazzled shirt. Yeah, what a journey? What a long journey? Can't believe he got caught, right? Good, and as of February of this year, he is currently incarcerated at the California State Prison in California, great. This story is wild, right? Wild, I can't believe they caught him. I mean, you remember it was just what? A year ago, two years? I don't know what year it is right now, 'cause I don't know where we're at, but a year ago, the news announced him being caught. Everyone was losing their shit, yeah. It sucks at this guy got to live majority of his life, just normal happy and free. But at least the victims and the victim's family got to say what they've been wanting to say and he will die in prison. That's something, I guess. So that's a really complicated, awful story of the Golden State Killer, AKA all the other names he had. I'm losing my voice. This man was absolutely disgusting. I hope he has a miserable time in prison. Yeah, not sorry about it. I would love to hear your guy's thoughts down below. If you have any. I mean, he did so much more. I would suggest reading that book. And yeah, there's just a lot to it, but I felt like this was very long because it was. (laughs) Thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. Please be safe out there and make good choices. And let me know down below who you want me to talk about next week. But other than that, I'll be seeing you guys later. Bye.
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Id: _BbaiH17hOU
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Length: 61min 8sec (3668 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 08 2021
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