The BEST FIGHTER in Baldur's Gate 3 - [Updated] Lae'zel Honour Build Guide

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hello my friends and welcome back to another balers Gate 3 character building guide hope you're all doing well today we're covering my pick for the best fighter build in balers Gate 3 this is another update video to my previous video of the same name because that video was recorded more than 6 months ago before honor mode had released and so I wanted to update that video so we have a fighter build for the modern era the game has been patched significantly so my previous video contains information that is no longer true thanks to Patches and game updates and also we've learned some lessons as to how to build characters over the last 8 months of gameplay so we definitely can update the build significantly I will also here be focusing on a melee fighter because I think that a lot of the information online for fighter builds is for throne weapon Fighters which is of course an extremely powerful way to play the character and I have builds up for that if you're interested in that play style but for people who are looking to play a fighter as a fighter as a Melee character who's running into combat and hitting things there's not a lot of information out there so I wanted to provide a guide for people who are looking for a powerful simple build that will work in any party extremely well um and always be an excellent way to add some damage utility and power to a given party so let's build a fighter the great thing about fighter is that as a class it always works fighter is extremely reliable it may not be the flashiest class but it is a class that will always do exactly what it is supposed to extremely well and can be added to just about any party in order to improve its consistency that's very important in Dungeons and Dragons because a lot of effects in DND D are inconsistent or binary if you cast a spell with a saving throw an enemy who saves against that spell often has suffers no ill effect at all and so having a character that can pretty much always get the thing done that it's intending to get done is always very valuable Fighters simply by virtue of existing on the battlefield do a lot of the thing that their character is supposed to be doing placing a fighter next to an enemy Mage or squishy ranged character significantly constrains what that enemy is able to do and so even if your fighter misses their attacks which you're also very good at not doing you will still be able to impact the game strategically in extremely significant ways just by existing this liability is incredibly important especially on honor mode but on any difficulty setting because on honor mode you will have things go wrong pretty frequently Fighters are very resilient to play mistakes they're very resilient to bugs they're very resilient to getting home tired from work and just not playing very well and it's a great way to ensure that your party always has a backup uh safety option is to have a fighter who will be powerful simple to execute and extremely effective itive no matter what the circumstance is or the composition they're surrounded with Fighters also as a as a result of this make one of the best possible character builds for newer players so if you're new to Dungeons and Dragons new to balers Gate 3 or if you're trying to introduce someone who is uh new to the game to the game in a co-op campaign or something this build I would highly recommend for new players because it is both extremely powerful and extremely effective with relatively minimal inputs um but also gives them a lot of room to explore some of the the game mechanics and learn how to play the game as they go so there's a lot of great reasons to play a fighter and amongst those reasons is the sheer power level because Fighters have one of the strongest endgame potentials of any character class getting three attacks in a single action is absurdly strong and so your damage output will be second to none in the late game uh in addition to the extreme reliability that you bring to your party in terms of race or background pi for your fighter you have immense flexibility here and can pick pretty much anything you want based on the flavor of the character that you're looking for Fighters are an extremely independent class they get all of their weapon and armor proficiencies already so you're not looking for those from your race or background picks and you already have all of the skills that you care about because you only really care about one skill on a fighter and that's Athletics so fighter already provides for itself all of the things that it wants from a race or background pick and and can operate pretty independently of those for the most mechanically optimal choices there's a couple races that stand out as being slightly better than the others though I want to emphasize that these are relatively small gains and those are wood elf for the additional movement speed which is incredibly useful for any Melee character of course being able to close the distance to vulnerable enemies more easily is excellent G Yankee for the Misty step which of course is convenient because uh lasel is already a gith Yanke and because there are gith Yanke unique weapons scattered throughout the game that will be more powerful if you're playing a GI Yankee and surprisingly gnome gnome gets advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws all three mental saves and that is very useful one of the very few things your fighter might struggle with throughout the game is passing these mental saves because you don't have Proficiency in them and it can be debilitating if your fighter gets struck by a fear or Charm or worst case scenario a dominant effect a fighter who turns against your party is extremely dangerous so gnome's advantage on those saves can be used to prevent that and is there pretty good as a fighter pick in terms of our attribute points which of course we have to fix because lael's default attribute points are terrible there are really two directions that we can go the standard and sort of default way to build this character and what I'm going to recommend for this build guide takes 17 in strength 14 dexterity 16 in Constitution and 10 in wisdom wisdom is the most important of the mental save so we have the extra two points in wisdom often you will see me take 16 rather than 17 because odd numbers in this game are typically pretty weak but there's a reason that we want an odd number in strength and that is the athlete feat athlete lets us gain one point in strength which will be very useful and so doesn't cost us any actual strength but also increases our jump distance massively Fighters Mobility is based on the jump distance Fighters will be jumping most turns of combat in order to get to an appropriate Target and so the athlete feat will be very important for us later on down the line and gives us a lot of additional options during our uh game play because we will be able to reposition very easily in combat one of the best spells in the game I talked about this for gith yanki already is Misty step which lets you reposition 60 ft as a bonus action a fighter with athlete basically gets that every single turn because they can jump up to 60 ft pretty easily with a single bonus action and so we'll be able to reposition their character to anywhere on most battlefields very effectively the other option for attribute points is because this is a strength character in balers Gate 3 we have the option of taking no strength at all and instead using elixir of Hill giant strength if we do that we would take 17 in dexterity 16 in Constitution and 15 in wisdom and then stockpile elixir of Hill giant strength every uh in Act One enough to last us the entire game and simply drink one every day that sets your strength to 21 so you can skip taking points in strength if you do that to do that you are probably going to forgo the athlete feed but that's okay because you get a lot of extra stats out of it so it's a worthy trade-off it's probably the stronger way to play the character but does involve drinking a consumable every day so for this build we are going to recommend the other attributes sprad for our skill proficiencies the only thing that we care about is that we have Athletics Fighters by default don't use their bonus action for much from their class levels but they get the default bonus actions that are available to every character in balder's gate and they use them better than anyone else Athletics to shove enemies around is an incredibly powerful tool for a fighter because you'll have high strength and you'll be able to reposition to anywhere on the map pretty easily so you will be uh due to your resilience and Mobility so you'll be able to shove enemies around repositioning enemies is really powerful you can push them into off of cliffs into hazardous effects down off of Ledges and so on um or just cluster enemies up for AOE effects for your party mates and that is an incredibly powerful tool to have access to for our second skill you're going to want to take perception because it's just just nice to have as many characters as possible able to roll perception at high levels that makes you more likely to see traps and stuff and for our last Point here there's actually nothing that we particularly need um you won't be doing dialogue so Insight doesn't matter acrobatics is uh redundant with Athletics so you can take survival as a quality of life tool just to make it a little easier to find chests you can dig for chests even if you fail the survival check but this makes it fewer clicks and it's not like you're using these uh skills for anything else because Fighters are not a skill-based class finally for our fighting style we are going to take great weapon fighting although defense is also a great option and if you are doing The Elixir build and therefore have more Feats you may want to take defense instead great weapon fighting though lets you roll the damage dice on your two-handed weapons which is any damage dice so a great sword which rolls 2d6 if you roll a one or two on either of those dice you roll them so it's a huge damage boost to the most common two-handed weapon that you're going to have and makes your character extremely reliable at doing damage reliability is the Fighter's watch word so you don't want to have the chance of rolling low damage and great weapon fighting prevents that all right that's level one let's move on to level two at level two there's no decisions that we have to make as we level up but we do get access to the single best class feature in the entire game action surge action surge lets you get an extra turn effectively an extra action so at level two it lets you make a second full attack doubling your damage output once per short rest is incredible and it only gets better as your actions get better action surge is the only way in honor mode to make multiple attacks with a single extra action haste potions and elixir of blood lust do not give you your full number of extra attacks but action surge still will so a fighter in the late game can make six attacks in a turn with by three attacks with each of their actions whereas other character will be capped out at three this is an incredible benefit for Fighters giving them massive amounts of damage and making you one of the highest burst damage characters in the entire game action surge is just so powerful and you should uh weigh carefully when to use it because it's one of the best tools that you have available no decisions to make though so let's level to level three at level three we get to choose our subass now all three of these are VI and uh I think that there are lots of neat ways that you can build all three of them but for a fighter who wants to hit things in melee I think that there is a clear choice and that is Battlemaster this is also nice because it's sort of lore friendly for LEL and everything um but Battlemaster is so good because the Battlemaster Maneuvers are extremely powerful enable you to do a lot of stuff and give you a lot of Versatility in combat you get to choose between a number of Battle Master Maneuvers but almost every fighter is going to want at least uh want their first three Maneuvers to be the same three these are repost because this gives you a reaction when an enemy attacks you and misses you which they'll do pretty regularly because of your very high Armor class you get to hit them back Fighters normally don't have a lot of great uses for their reaction so the ability to spend a superiority die for an extra attack when it's not your turn is incredibly useful to every fighter next next Precision attack being able to spend a superiority die and add a d8 to your chance to hit is enormous lots of enemies in the game will be hard to hit and a Precision attack especially when combined with Advantage from some uh other source is going to make it much easier for you to land those critical attacks in particular Next Level when we take great weapon Master Precision attack negates entirely the tah hit chance of great weapon the almost entirely the tah hit penalty of great weapon Master Precision attack at this level is an average plus 4 and a half to your attack great weapon Master is is minus5 so that means you're basically getting plus 10 damage on every Precision attack without any penalty that's a huge damage boost at this early of a level and makes this character's damage output absurd and very reliable thanks to Precision attack finally the last one that we're going to want is trip attack being able to do extra damage with at least one of our maneuver ver is very helpful the ability to add the d8 and have that be extra damage and then of course that gets multiplied if you critically hit is very powerful so at least one of these we want to be one of the Maneuvers that increases our damage and the ability to knock enemies prone is really powerful this is really good both for this character when later on you're making multiple attacks in a round and so you can knock an enemy prone and then any subsequent attacks you make against them have advantage and also for any allies who are making attacks against the prone enemy they'll have Advantage it's great to set up Rogues for sneak attack it's great to set up um any other melee characters that might be in your party especially paladins love Advantage because it makes them more likely to get a critical Smite so this works really well with your party and also help set up this character extremely effectively itself so these three I would recommend for just about every Battle Master as your first three Maneuvers um and then later on as we pick more Maneuvers we will have a little more flexibility with which ones we pick pick this gives you a lot of different options for what you're doing in combat which is of course what's great about Fighters at fighter level four we get our first feat and the feat that we're going to take no matter what uh attribute spread we took is going to be great weapon Master now you might think we want to take athlete right away in order to even out our strength and I don't think that you actually do I think that athlete is obviously very good but great weapon Master is more important to this character's function the ability to hit for plus 10 damage especially this early is decreases the number of attacks that you are going to take against enemies uh significantly and standard enemy around level four probably has about 20 or 30 hit points and so you are taking the number of attacks that it takes to kill that enemy from 3 to two or from two to one um depending on the number of on how tough that particular enemy is it also massively improves your character against bosses and even though you have the minus5 attack roll penalty this character has just taken a bunch of excellent ways to mitigate that penalty meaning that you can always land your great weapon Master attacks with um the additional damage this plays especially well with a cleric Ally who can give you bless because that will make you even more likely to land these but it's not necessary the math on this works out to where it's more average damage to have great weapon Master on uh essentially all the time but in terms of strategy with great weapon master I would choose to toggle it off if my chance to hit an enemy was 30% or lower because sometimes you just need to land some damage and if you toggle that off you'll go from a 30% chance to a 55% chance which will be significantly better um odds of actually Landing your attacks and give the enemy fewer turns you will almost always get more average damage with great weapon Master on but average damage isn't the be all and all of things accuracy does help as well so that's a good rule of thumb for optimizing your great weapon Master damage you'll miss a little more often but you'll do more damage when uh you hit and that works out better in your favor also you get when you land a critical hit or kill an enemy which we're going to be doing very regularly thanks to our very high damage and reliability of our attacks you get to make an additional attack as a bonus action I already mentioned that Fighters will sometimes struggle to use their bonus actions well and attack is the best thing you can be doing as a fighter and this will mean we will very regularly get to make extra attacks in our turn so we'll be going from uh two attacks in an action surge turn to three or one attack to two in non-action Surge turns meaning that we're making more attacks than most other characters already and that only will increase as we continue to level up because this gives us optimal uses for all of our actions great weapon Master therefore is critical to this character I highly recommend taking it early at fighter level five we don't get any uh decisions but we do get extra attack so now our actions make two attacks and our action surge actions make two attacks meaning we're going from two uh to four attacks or from four to five attacks if we happen to kill an enemy and can use our great weapon master attack we also get Misty step if we're get if we are a gith Yankee which is particularly useful for this character as well because positioning next to enemies is really good and like I said you don't have a lot of other uses for your bonus action every character in Dungeons and Dragons every turn of combat has five resources that they can use their action their reaction their bonus action their movement and their concentration Fighters will rarely be using concentration because they don't cast spells but the other four actions are ones that you want to make sure you're using optimally Fighters inherently have excellent uses for their actions and movement because they're melee characters so they want to move next to enemies and they want to hit them but reactions and bonus actions we need to work a little harder to uh use and so that's why we select what we select so that we can make sure that we're using all of our resources to their greatest potential next up level six where we get a second feat Fighters are the only character that gets a feat at level six so this gives us great access to more powerful tools as we level up our character the feat that we're going to take here is athlete and we're going to increase our strength to 18 so we get a strength bonus and this also allows us to jump 50% further meaning that our jump distance is now enormous the ability to clear the entire arena in a single jump is very powerful for a fighter I've talked about that already and of course makes us much better at getting on priority targets if you took the hill giant Elixir build then you won't be taking um athlete instead you'll just even out your dexterity and your wisdom with a um an ASI or you can take alert this early because alert is really good obviously on honor mode so those are your two options if you are using the Elixir stat spread at fighter level seven we get two more Maneuvers which is nice because we get to add a few more things to our Arsenal um and the ability to to make decisions about which Maneuvers we're using is pretty nice cuz it lets us be a little more versatile in our choices in combat I'm going to recommend that you take disarming attack because there are lots of enemies who can be profitably disarmed and you can prevent them from being able to do anything for the rest of combat basically if you disarm an enemy and then pick up their um their weapon and for the other option we're going to take pushing attack being able to push an enemy with an attack means we don't have to spend a bonus action shoving them and so can knock enemies off of Ledges or into walls of fire that our allies have set up notice that this comes at level right when we get a lot of the best hazardous terrain spells on our allies and so we can move up to an enemy and while doing great damage also punt them back into uh a hunger of Hadar or a wall of fire or something that they have painstakingly escaped but our fighter just walks up and puts the boot in to knock them right back into it this gives us a lot of additional options for repositioning enemies or shutting them down in combat so it gives us a lot of extra flexibility the other option here I think is menacing attack cuz frightened is very good against melee enemies but I like these two a little more in terms of how they actually play out in combat at fighter level eight we get another feat and the feat that we are going to take here is alert you could take uh an ability Improvement in strength go up to 20 strength but I think that going first is so important on honor mode um that I highly recommend every character who can gets alert at least by level eight because you will be able to shut down enemies much more easily if you go first alert is a massive bonus it takes our initiative bonus from plus two to plus seven so it almost guarantees that we go before most enemies in the game and gives us a lot of additional options there if you already have alert because you're the Elixir build so you took alert at level six you have a lot more options for what feet you're going to take at this level there's a few that will help a lot and so I'm going to just go through them in order Mage Slayer is pretty nice because this character will always want to be next to uh enemy spellcasters as much as possible to hit them so Mage Slayer just makes it easier to do that mobile is very good because it increases your movement speed I already talked about how important movement speed is to this character and um being able to make a melee attack without provoking and and then move without provoking isn't that useful but does come up occasionally mostly this is just for the bonus movement speed though Savage attacker gives you the most possible damage um because it lets you roll your attack dice though note that Savage attacker doesn't play Super well with great weapon uh great weapon Fighter the the one that lets you roll your damage dice so if you do that you'll likely want to take defense fighting style instead of great weapon fighting style um if you're going to take Savage attacker and that will get you the most possible value or Sentinel is extremely helpful as well for this character because shutting down enemy movement and trapping them next to you is great and the ability to make more uh opportunity attacks more reaction attacks is also really excellent of those four options the one that I would recommend most is Sentinel because I think it gives you more the most possible options in combat and that will make your party the strongest overall but if you're just looking to optimize damage Savage attacker is good and there's a lot of other options here that help as well one thing that's also worth mentioning is Marshall adapt because it gives you an additional superiority die every short rest as a Battle Master fighter I don't recommend this cuz I think that you won't typically run out of superiority dice um or you you won't typically get enough value out of the single additional superiority dice to justify spending a feat on it but it does work pretty well with Battlemaster fighter because it just gives you additional Maneuvers and dice so that's another option anyways for this build though we are taking alert and moving on to level 9 at fighter level 9 we get indomitable which lets us roll failed saving throws which is very helpful because we have relatively low wisdom saving throws and also this works with normal sources of advantage or other bonuses that we might have from bless or any gear that we might have to make it much less likely that we fail saving throws especially saves that we're proficient in strength and dexterity but uh or consti strength and Constitution excuse me um but in particular this is useful for our wisdom saves because those are the ones we're most worried about failing and so any bonuses that we can get to our saves work extremely well with indomitable to make Fighters much more reliable starting at level 9 which is very very helpful going on into the late game at fighter level 10 we get to improve our combat superiority dice which is very nice it just increases the damage of all our man manuvers the accuracy of our Precision attacks and so on and we get to choose two more Maneuvers and the Maneuvers that I'm going to recommend here are taking menacing attack because frightening a Target can be pretty useful an enemy who's frightened can't move so you can hit an enemy frighten them and uh run away from them which is pretty nice as well and then one that at first glance looks pretty bad but at this point we have a lot of our combat options on lock anyways we've already got our default actions for our turn and if you want a sort of just like higher damage one between menacing pushing and trip uh and disarming attack you will have plenty of options for disrupting enemies so rather than spend an additional maneuver choice on something that kind of does the same thing let's add an extra Dimension to our character and take rally a superior a superiority die for eight temporary hit points is not a particularly good trade on paper right but we won't use it that often and when it does come up it can be an extremely useful panic button for an ally who's otherwise going to die this is not something that I recommend using frequently rally um as a default action but it's better to have the option for a panic button than it is to just get another redundant option for our Maneuvers and so I like taking it here because it gives us an additional option for our character um when we already have excellent options for our actual attack we can now have another dimension to our combat presence in case we really need a panic button again not something that you're going to use that frequently but it's really nice to add it in as an option for the character at level 11 we get the other best class feature in the game improved extra attack being able to make three attacks with a single action is massive this means we can unload enormous amounts of damage with action surge this is six attacks by default before we get any other Buffs and usually seven because we'll probably kill or land a critical hit somewhere within those six attacks and so can make an a seventh attack as a bonus action that's more attacks than just about any other character is capable of doing and we're doing these all as fully featured two-handed mainhand attacks so they get all of our strength bonuses they get all the damage of our weapon they get the very high base damage of our weapon because we're probably using a great sword or great Axe or something like that and so we can output staggering amounts of damage they all also get the bonus from great weapon master so you get the plus 10 damage on each of them for a total of flat 70 additional damage already that's a huge amount of damage improved extra attack is awesome doesn't change the strategy of our character significantly but is one of the reasons why fighter is so powerful in the first place finally at fighter level 12 we take a feat and we just improve our strength to 20 so that we can land our attacks most optimally and do as much damage as possible you can you will probably have had have found ways to increase your strength by this point there's a lot of story events that can increase your strength and so you'll probably have more than 20 strength by this point um but 20 strength as a baseline will let you very reliably hit enemies do enormous amount of damage cuz each attack is adding plus 15 at base before any item effects or anything thing thanks to your strength and great weapon Master uh and you're making so many attacks per round that this character does an enormous amount of damage extremely reliably as always Fighters are built to be as reliable as possible and the Battle Master fighter 12 levels of it makes you incredibly solid for any party that being said we can improve this character with items and multi classing so let's talk about those for items for this character the key word again is versatility Fighters can actually be very item independent we don't need to hunt down any specific items for our playthrough unless we're using the strength Elixir build if you are using the strength Elixir build then you are going to of course want to collect as many elixir of Hill giant strength as you can and use one of these every day as normal for non- Elixir builds or for Elixir builds in general the only other item that I would really want you to look out for is some way to cast Misti step Misty step is just critical on every character so getting that on a Battlemaster fighter is very useful because being able to reposition is so good it's less important for the fighter for the athlete fighter because you can see we've got this much jump distance um and we've got this much misy step distance so in the late game we'll be able to jump almost as far as we could misy step but misy step still allows you to reposition to areas that are not in direct line of effect so you can you can uh Misty step to places that you can't jump to because the path is interrupted or whatever like for example we can Misty step to here but we can't jump to there um thanks to the ceiling so it's still very useful to have Misty step available other things that are really important are just the highest Armor class heavy armor that you can find heavy armor is surprisingly uncontested in balers gate most characters are going to want to be in medium armor because typically it's it's more powerful but Battlemaster Fighters heavy armor really well the fact that we have 14 dexterity means we can use medium armor for the early game when medium armors tend to be stronger but in the late game we're just going to want the highest Armor class heavy armor available that's all that really matters to us is just the armor class on it cuz we just don't want to get hit in the early game that's probably going to be the adamantine splint and in the later game it's going to be just increasing your AC anytime you see a higher AC number next um we are going to want anything that increases our saving throws this is really important for a fighter because our saving throws are one weak point is our relatively low wisdom save so anything that can increase our wisdom saving throws give us immunity to fear charm domination or other wisdom save targeting effects is very important so keep an eye out for things like the cloak of protection or other ways to boost your saves finally we're going to want the highest damage two-handed weapon we can find and in particular you're looking for weapons like great swords or Ms that do 2 D6 of damage rather than weapons like axes that do 1 D12 of damage that's because of how great weapon fighter works you reroll ones or twos on the damage dice of your weapon and so having 2d6 gives you more chances to trigger that and leads to higher average damage a combination that I quite like in the middle and end game too this is just a fun specific weapon combination is the soul breaker Great Sword and the gauntlets of the warm the soul breaker great sword gives us two things we want it's a great sword it gives us extra damage it works very well cuz it's a gith Yankee specific weapon but it also gives us plus two to initiative which is really nice and it has the soul breaker weapon action Soul breaker gives you the chance to stun an enemy for two turns and if you combine that with the gauntlets of the warm enemies have disadvantage on your weapon actions that means they are very likely to get stunned once per short rest by the the soulbreaker great swword and that's really powerful it's a stunning effect that's based on your strength which is really nice um and it lasts for two turns so it's even more powerful than amongst stunning strike and enemies will have disadvantage against the save as well as the saves against all of your Maneuvers which is really nice with the gauntlets of the warm so I recommend those items as some specific items um although I do recommend also experimenting with your glove slot because you can get additional damage out of stuff like the flawed hell dusk gloves that just adds damage to your attacks so there's a lot of different options there as well overall Fighters are super flexible um mostly you're just looking for the highest damage two-handed weapon you can find the best armor class on a heavy armor you can find and anything that boosts your saving throw finally for multiclassing for this character most fighter builds are going to want to stay with only a single level in another class the reason for this is that you want to hit 11 levels so that your fighter gets your third level uh your third weapon attack per action there's a couple cool options that can really help power up your fighter if you're looking for a onlevel dip one is cleric a single level of light domain cleric can give you the most powerful defensive reaction in the game making enem which you can use indefinitely it costs no resources and Fighters don't typically have a lot of uses for their reaction so you can use this constantly making enemies much much less likely to hit you alternatively a level of War domain cleric gets you War priest charges which can be used to make bonus action attacks and that's a great way to add additional damage to your character uh clerics also get a lot of additional utility spells you can have bless which you can concentrate on on yourself making you more likely to hit and Sanctuary to help out your allies so there's a lot of options there another one-level dip is uh another option for a one-level dip is to take a level of sorcerer sorcerer gets you the shield spell Which is less spammable but even more powerful than wng flare and then also gets you some utility spells like enhanced leap that you can cast on yourself or magic Missile to give you an extremely reliable ranged option even bad Spell access is very good on a marshall character um and that's the whole reason why eldrich Knight is a good class getting that on a Battle Master with one level of sorcerer means you get to have your cake and eat it too by having uh both the spell casting that you'd get from eldrich Knight and the Maneuvers that you get from Battlemaster if you do that you want to take storm sorcery so that you can use tempestuous magic because it's just the one that gives you the most options finally a single level of Barbarian to gain rage just lets you do two extra damage with every single attack and that is a huge boost to your character really Fighters can do with one Lev dips in just about any other class but those are the ones that I would recommend for more involved multiclassing splits I have lots of builds up mixing fighter and Ranger fighter and uh Barbarian fighter and Rogue and definitely check out the individual build guides for those but those are your best options for a fighter focused multiclassing split all right my friends I hope that you've enjoyed this look at the fighter the best fighter in Boulders Gate 3 and I hope you enjoyed looking at a character that's a little more straightforward to build than some of the builds I normally do because I think that this is very helpful to have a solid grounding in build Theory when you're building your other characters as always if you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment and like the video both of those things help me out a ton with the algorithm so I appreciate it very much and I do read every comment I get and you can subscribe to my channel for more of this and other strategy game content cheers folks I'll catch you next time
Channel: Cephalopocalypse
Views: 53,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etarran, Cephalopocalypse, Baldur's Gate 3, Larian, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Build, Guide, Strategy, Tactics, Tutorial
Id: 6-7deP6ejL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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