College of Eloquence (Bard) Build Guide in D&D 5e - HDIWDT

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what is up fellow nerds and welcome back to the dapper snapper gaming channel and welcome back to how do i want to do this this is our series where we take a look at all playable options available to players in dungeons and dragons 5th edition and then we rank them on a scale of 1 to 10 and then build them or fix them together now today is part two of our talk on the eloquence bard and so i hope you guys are excited to watch us build one of these together i'm excited i really like this build i really like the subclass and so i think you all are gonna have fun as well so go ahead and leave a like on the video and subscribe if you haven't already as you can see most of the people who watch this channel are actually not subscribed and we are trying to get to 500 by the end of the year so i think it's possible if you will help me out and of course you can do that by sharing this video with your friends and clicking the bell so that you're notified when new videos are uploaded so that you don't miss any of those so before we get into the build i do want to say that this video is coming a little bit late um it was supposed to come out earlier this week but i had to delay it um this build that you're seeing today is version like 3.0 um version 2.0 was fully recorded and like halfway edited and i just realized that there were some things that about the build that i i didn't think were up to par um at least the standards that i try to have for the channel um and so i decided to scrap the entire thing uh change the build a little bit and and we're just re-recording the whole thing so that's why it's a little late that's why we're now doing this after thanksgiving um so happy thanksgiving i hope you guys had a wonderful day um if you don't celebrate thanksgiving then i hope you had a great thursday and i hope you're having a great friday slash black friday if you're if you're out and doing all the shopping and that sort of thing so i hope you guys are having a great time i'm sorry that it is a little late but we will be we will be back to our normal schedule coming next week so just want to get that out of the way before we jump in now as we talked about last week um we talked about this being similar to jareth from the uh the labyrinth movie david bowie's character which i think is really really funny i think it's a really fun comparison um and this definitely fits the entire flavor the character we're building today is not necessarily built around it being him um it's it's definitely taking some liberties in the dungeons and dragons world but there's there's some flavor in there for sure so hope you guys are excited as we jump right in so let's get right into things and starting off with our race uh for this build originally i went with something very unique but instead we're gonna switch to doing something very vanilla um we're gonna go with custom lineage and this gives us the option to take a feet at level one um and i think that that's gonna be really really nice for this build i really only need the one feet and i don't want to have to waste time doing this later when i have other ability score increases and so i want as many ability score increases on this character as i possibly can get so we're gonna go ahead and take custom lineage that gives us a plus two to any stat of our choice and any feat that we want um so the feat we're gonna take actually is going to be a new one from this band's treasury of dragons which just came out here very recently and we're going to take gift of the gem dragon this is a really cool feat the gem dragons have some uh some telekinetic psychic powers and so we're getting a little bit of a taste of that it is a half feet so we do get a plus one to one of our mental stats with this and then we also get the ability to just hit back when we are hit by a creature that is within 10 feet of us we have the ability to force a strength saving throw and then we can we can shove them do some force damage it's pretty cool um i i also consider the telekinetic feet here they're very similar however telekinetic is a bonus action where this is a reaction so telekinetic is a little bit more uh versatile in which you can just move people whether or not they uh whether or not they want to be moved they can intentionally fail to save on telekinetic but it is a bonus action and so a lot of the times we're going to be using bonus action to give out bardic inspiration or even give our negative modifiers to an opponent and so i don't want our feet to compete with that so that's why i went with this one however telekinetic is a great option as well so just something to consider as far as our stats go we're going to go very standard here sort of we're going to go with a 17 in our charisma 15 constitution 13 dexterity 12 wisdom 10 intelligence and of course dumping strength so we get our plus two from our custom lineage and plus one from our feet so we're gonna start off with a 20 charisma which is absolutely amazing this is our modified standard array that we use in all of our builds so this is just what we use at my table of course if your table uses point by regular standard array rolled stats whatever it is make sure to use that at your table this is just with my method that i use at mine as far as equipment goes just some standard stuff i would take some studded leather armor for now um i would take a rapier or some other weapon with finesse possibly even a ranged option but this this is basically to try to keep people away from you um you are not going to be the frontline fighter um your your ac is not going to be all that great at least for now we're going to make it better as we get a little bit higher level um but for right now your ac is not going to be all that impressive so you're going to want to try to stay in the back and encourage people where you can and help to uh lessen the blows and lessen their attack roles with uh with your bardic inspiration as well so we have a lot of a lot of really cool ways to do this so as far as our level one class goes um last week i started on a class that wasn't what we're talking about and i broke that rule for for this series anyway uh this week we're breaking two of our rules so what's the even the point of rules um if i can just break them all so this week we're also starting with sorcerer so what i see this character as is being maybe descended from dragons um although we're not going with the um with the draconic bloodline sorcerer so we're not we're not doing that but you you have had some kind of a some kind of an encounter with dragons um and you've had these powers that you're trying to figure out how to control and and it's just been really really tough um and you've got this this magic that just surges from you in ways that you don't know how to control and this dragon is teaching you how to possibly control it through the power of music so we're going to start with sorcerer this gives us a bonus to our concentration checks with proficiency in constitution saving throws this is going to be vital because we are going to be very interested in using concentration spells the entire time um yeah concentration is very very important on this character so having that is great i i don't want to have to take something like resilient um so we went with this and we're gonna take the wild magic sorcerer i know wild magic is very divisive in the d d community some people love it some people absolutely hate it uh just because of the randomness that that comes from it um the unpredictability but that's what makes it fun and so at your table you may love this at your table you may hate this i don't know talk to you talk to your dm and talk to the other players even this this is one that when i get to the ranking this will be an interesting one that'll have a lot of discussion points but we're going to skip over most of those today just because we're only taking one level but we get our wild magic surge here at level one and this basically uh yeah we have to roll on a big big d100 table this is the only subclass that uses a d100 and random things can happen depending on if certain conditions are met which is pretty awesome um and we also have tides of chaos which allows us to actually generate advantage for ourselves which is also really really cool so there's a lot of really cool things here um i really like the advantage i really like i personally like the rolling of the d100 for random things um it's roughly an 80 20 split of good to bad so most of the time either something good is going to happen to you or something neutral and then some of the time you know you'll turn into a potted plant there are times when that will happen or you'll fireball yourself there there are times when those things can happen um but for me those are what give memorable dungeons and dragons moments so that's what i love about this subclass um as far as our cantrips we get four and i would suggest taking firebolt it's just a very a very standard cantrip a very reliable kandra can't really go wrong with that i would suggest booming blade here we we will have a sword with us um and so i would suggest taking this unless you wanted to take the hand crossbow which is fine um in which case you something different but i like having booming blade here and being able to shove people away so basically use booming blade uh on them then they move up to they they try to attack you right you blow them back a little bit and if they go to move they're gonna get hurt again so i really like booming blade for that uh for that aspect it really really works well with what we're trying to do as far as being able to shove people away when they attack us um i really like that um very much in the theme of what we're doing here mind sliver is a really really good can trip to take gives a little bit of damage and a negative d4 to saving throws so we are already doing bardic inspiration negative to saving throws and plus this is an intelligent safe i mean very few creatures are going to pass an intelligence saving throw so it's going to be pretty reliable and and i really like that and then as far as the last one you know you've got press digitation you've got mage hand if you took telekinetic you'd get mage hand for free so something to keep in mind but press digitization is always a good one just to have some some flavor it's good utility i really recommend that first level spells pick your favorites absorb elements i would suggest here um i'm actually not recommending shield just yet because we can pick it up a little bit later but if you wanted to feel free it's it's right there i would take magic missile very very reliable one to take um and then for other ones i would do things that are based on saving throws um we are going to be focusing very heavily on saving throw based attacks kant trips those sorts of things because we are able to throw out negative negative modifiers to that so tasha's caustic brew ray of sickness grease things like that all very reliable things that require a saving throw at level two we are beginning to understand how to use music or storytelling or whatever method your character chooses in order to control our magic a little bit better and so we're going to go ahead and begin our bard levels here and we're going to stay barred for a little while because i want to blitz to level 6. i want to go ahead and pick up our two of our subclass features so that we can have unveiling inspiration i don't want to put that off any longer it is a great feature so we're going to run straight towards that as fast as we can so we get spell casting for bards of course both are charisma casters so we don't have to worry about any kind of any kind of mix-ups as far as that goes everything is used in the same stat which is great our bark inspiration is a d6 currently and that will go up a little bit later um the only cantrip i'm going to say you like really need to take is vicious mockery for your bard cane trips otherwise just kind of pick your favorites basically uh level one spells bane the thing i really love bane and all of these other negative spells in addition to what we have um just because when you use this it doesn't necessarily just have to be for yourself you can use this to set up the wizard's fireball to set or set up something much stronger for the wizard maybe it's something that's a really really good spell but it requires a constitution saving throw as i'm sure you know a lot of creatures have really good con saves and so this could really really neuter those in a crucial time um this can make sure that banishment spell works later later on down the line it's very good to have these these negatives going on so i would definitely suggest bane and then i would suggest some control spells tasha city's laughter and charm person really really cool um and so one thing that's cool is you could bane turn one and then mind sliver turn two and vein keeps going as long as you maintain concentration and then mindsliver setting up whoever is after you and now they have a negative d4 to that same negative two d4 to that saving throw which is pretty cool um at least here at this level and then that will go down even more as we go so really really cool what you can set up as far as combinations here level three we are at bard two we are going to get jack of all trades here as well as song of rest at a d6 and magical inspiration so our bark inspiration is a little bit more versatile now of course which is fantastic our bark inspiration just does so much on this build it's so useful so we're definitely also trying to get to where we get these back on a short rest because then we can blow them a little bit more freely and that is always a good thing um as far as our next level level four overall part three we get expertise and we get our subclass and of course we're going with college of eloquence this gives us a couple of different features which we discussed in length last week so make sure to check that out up in the icard above if you missed it but we get silver tongue which basically makes it to where we're always going to be persuading or lying through our teeth successfully almost always one thing i would suggest now that you are taking uh expertise at the same level i would suggest that you go ahead and expertise out your persuasion and your deception so that way you are uh almost always succeeding it's it's really really good it's really nice for social situations you're definitely going to be the face of the party with this and you're basically almost always going to succeed and it's it's absolutely fantastic so make sure you grab proficiency and then expertise in those two skills past that whatever you want to do we also get our unsettling words which is one of our main reasons we're here in order to give negative modifiers to opponent opposing uh creature saving throws i think that's fantastic it's one of the best features that you could that you get on this build and you get it so early this is a subclass that's definitely a very multi-class friendly subclass because that feature right there is pretty great because then you can just throw out d6s based on your uh based on your charisma modifier so you you have quite a few you know you can still throw those out as well as your biotic inspiration um even if you just take three levels in this you know if you've got a if you've got another charisma caster and you're the plus five charisma you still have five chances to use that so i mean that's still not that bad um for per long rest it's still not that bad um so we could in now in theory bane on turn one turn two we can mine sliver for our action and then bonus action unsettling words uh so now it's minus 2d6 minus 2d4 uh to a saving throw which is great we're only at level 4 and we're already causing all kinds of mayhem which is fantastic we also get second level bard spells here and there are several that i would consider uh this is gonna be one of the few very very few builds that i recommend taking cloud of daggers this the spell is is not the best spell in the world but the ability to shove people through it with your feet is kind of uh kind of compelling to me if you can trap them in a place where they attack you you have it one space behind them you shove them through it and then they've got to run back through it to get to you if it's a melee character that's pretty great um that's pretty great obviously that takes some setup and that's not gonna work every time especially if it's a wide open field or something that you're fighting it not gonna work there but if you can set that up that's gonna do a lot of damage um really really quickly so cloudera daggers is definitely one to consider besides that some standard ones um crowd of madness pretty standard um enthrall would be a really good one and it's really really on flavor here just to get all the attention on you in order to help other people get around safely on the battlefield or even in non-combat situations i like enthrall for non-combat situations actually a lot it's it's very versatile in in that way so really nice whole person mirror image just to save your butt and suggestion all really really good standard spells at part four level five we're gonna go ahead and take an asi or a feat here and like i said i really don't need any more feats obviously some of them would be nice but i'm going to just focus on asis this build which may be a little boring but i want to get my stats up and i think that's important so we're going to go ahead and start by go ahead and fixing those two odd numbers that we have getting our constitution to 16 and our dexterity to 14. this is the highest that we really need our dexterity for this build given what we're going to do so i know that your weapon attacks are not really doing all that much damage at the moment but hang on we're gonna fix it here in just a minute um but i just i gotta do a couple things first um next level at bard five level six overall we are getting our bargain inspiration bump to a d8 and of course we get font of inspiration as well so we're very happy camper's getting that of course if you are confused on what all of the bard features do in detail i of course have put up a bard guide and ranking video and that will be up in the icard right there for you to check out and that's where we go into detail on all of these barred features that i'm kind of skimming over here because i've gone into detail before so no reason to talk your head off twice so then we get third level spells as well um i'm only going to suggest a few here hypnotic pattern is kind of a must take in my opinion um fear is a good one and i think that that's also very on point with what we're doing and slow i haven't suggested slow yet i don't believe but really good battlefield control um just really good to shut down an enemy from doing more than what it normally would this is especially all good on something with multi-attack or ways of doing a lot of things on its turn um this can really really help out with those so really good for problematic enemies at bard six level seven overall we get counter charm who cares um and then we get unfailing inspiration this is what i was kind of rushing for because now if our bardic inspiration doesn't work out and turn a failure to a success it's not expended anymore which is amazing this this makes sure that you're not giving it out in vain so let's say that uh your your friend makes an attack roll and misses the ac by two right misses the ac by two so they say i'm gonna roll my bar to conspiration and roll a one normally your bar expiration would just be expended and it's gone and oh well sad times but in this case yes you would still fail the roll but you get to keep the bardic inspiration that's fantastic so that makes sure that you're getting the most mileage out of your inspiration that you possibly can no other subclass can do that no other spell can do anything like that very unique very powerful so level eight we're gonna have a bit of a shift um just for a little bit so your character now having become pretty good with instruments and um somewhat controlling magic depending on what's going on now finds him or herself in a situation where a dark power has uh has begun to influence you where maybe you're experimenting with uh as jareth would say so we're gonna take a little dip in warlock we haven't done this yet on the channel even though i kind of expected to do this on most of my charisma based builds we haven't done a one level dip into warlock just yet and i think most of you know exactly where this is going um it's going exactly where you think it's going we're gonna take one level hex blade warlock this is a really good subclass and you get so much by just a one level dip that i i considered i considered doing something a little different which we will mention in our honorable mentions at the very end but i couldn't pass up this feature i couldn't pass up hex blade and this is why we don't have to go any higher than our dexterity you are no longer going to be as sad when it comes to well sad as far as you know crying we are going to be definitely more sad as far as single ability dependent though after taking a one level dip into hex blades so we get a couple of things here we get hexblade's curse which is really cool it allows us to mark targets we can more easily quit them and it helps us do more damage and all of those things there's a lot of really cool benefits here and we also get hex warrior which is pretty great giving us medium armor proficiency shield proficiency and martial weapon proficiency so now you can switch up the weapons that you want to use which is great and you can now use charisma instead of dexterity for your attack roles and damage roles when using weapons that are specified as your specific weapon that's fantastic so we no longer really have to rely on our dexterity anymore at least for attack roles and saving throws and an attack roll specifically um and we only need a plus two because medium armor almost all of it is a max of plus two modifier from your dexterity so we don't really need to waste any more of our ability score increases on dexterity when they're not going to affect our ac at all so we're definitely going to be shooting for as as good of as as good of armor that you can get obviously you'd want to shoot for something like a breastplate at least but obviously those are expensive so probably a little early to have a breastplate but who knows maybe you've been saving your money i mean you are you know however many levels in you know you've been here a while so this is level eight you can probably afford it by now maybe depending on what you've been hunting so definitely work your way up to that take some kind of medium armor though as soon as you possibly can it will definitely make you much more happy with that we also get some cantrips here and my suggestions to you are going to be eldritch blast because eldritch blast this gives you a really really reliable option that scales as you level not in warlock but just in general so that's really really handy in doing a lot of damage and then i've got two suggestions for the other cantrip in total the dead or lightning lure lightning lure i normally don't recommend but i think it would actually work really nice on this or if you just want straight up damage then you could definitely go with told the dead whatever fits your uh whatever fits your play style one thing to keep in mind about warlocks since we haven't really talked about them on the channel is that you have to keep the spell slots separate from warlocks with your other spell slots your sorcerer and barred ones can mix and that's totally fine but warlock spell slots are their own thing you only get one and that's as much as you're gonna get and it does regen on a short rest rather than a long rest with the others so just keep that in mind they are different um and so you can't count them in the same in the same pool you can use them to cast spells from any of your spell lists that you know um at least that you spells that you do know um but you know just just be careful with with trying to do too much with it and that sort of thing um it's it's really cool um for first level spells i have a few suggestions here um first of all you get the ability to take shield with um with being a hex blade warlock so definitely something to consider if you didn't take it earlier you can take it now armor of agathis is good um it's it's not going to be super powerful really you can up cast it with your other spell slots though i probably wouldn't cast it at first level at this point i would probably try to up cast it if i could you'd get a lot more mileage that way arms of hay dart isn't too bad and then hellish rebuke is also not bad at all that is a great way of just lashing back out at somebody who's attacking you um in in similar fashion to our feet um so maybe you've run out of uses of your gift of the gem dragon and you want to use this it's there but uh you you'd probably be better off taking the other ones um then we head back to bard um now that we have uh had an experience with a dark power voodoo uh it's time to get back to our roots here so bard seven level nine overall we are not getting any features but we get fourth level spells uh fourth level bard spells we of course are now uh one level behind as far as what spell slots we're getting um but we have you know spells of a lower level so you can have you can up cast these spells to the next level if you want to we do have the ability to take things like charm monster i definitely would consider that again it's very on flavor dimension door not so much on flavor but i mean helps you get around always a good spell greater invisibility and of course polymorph polymorph works really well here because you can now add negative modifiers to the save so that's really fantastic um bard eight level ten we get the ability to take another asi or feat like i said we're taking asis basically the whole way um so we're gonna go ahead and get our constitution up to an 18 so that our concentration is not broken when we are casting things like bane i really really like bane i think it's a great concentration spell of course there are many other options that i'm throwing out here as we go this helps with all of them so keep that in mind um i did also consider taking more caster here just to throw that out there you may want to take that for yourself warcaster could be good to take at this level um i'm gonna push it off um and i may you know i i may take it may end up taking warcaster later um but i i think that warcaster now makes sense or it could come later but for now i'm i'm just gonna for this build we're gonna go to an 18 constitution next bard nine we're going to go to uh song of rest going up to a d8 and we also get fifth level barred spells uh i would say take dominate person hold monster and modify memory those are the big ones for me of course i'm naming too many spells for you to take overall for the whole uh for your whole progression but um i just i'm giving you what is out there at least for me bart 10 level 12 we are getting our bardic inspiration improved once again to a d10 and we get our very first round of magical secrets magical secrets is what makes bards so good um and so i love this let's for for our secrets spells which is what i what i call them um i think banishment is great um i think that that's a really really good spell to pick up of course there's always counter spell um there's always haste there's always fireball um these are these are three that i just wanted to throw out there because um counterspell is always good to shut down enemy casters haste is good not so much to cast on yourself i would use this to cast on someone else but really good and of course fireball dexterity saving throw it's fireball why not right um some of the other ones i would suggest here shadow blade i don't think would be a terrible option this allows you to make a basically spectral blade and you can use that to attack with which is pretty cool there is a bit of contention in in the community as far as creating the shadow blade and using it to cast booming blade technically you can't do this rules is written some dms would allow it though just because there is a material cost and you're making a blade that has no cost i believe jeremy crawford said that he would allow it at his tables but to me rules is written you can't do this ask your dm it's possible it's technically possible but talk to your dm um the other one i would take is tasha's mind whip i think that this is a great spell to to throw in there if you want some some some flavor some fun thrown in there bart 11 no features but we get six level spells there's only a couple here um i would say mass suggestion and i bite those are the only two i would really recommend here i mean there are others that are okay but yeah those are the only two i really like um and then bar 12 level 14 i'm gonna cap our constitution i think that that's super super important to do so that we have the maximum amount of chance of maintaining our concentration which is great then bart 13 level 15 song of rest gets upgraded to a d10 and we get seventh level bard spells only a couple here but they're very potent force cage force cage is a must to me it is a fantastic spell just basically says you're going to stay in there and you're going to like it and you're not going to leave and it's a saving throw to get out of the force cage if they try to if they try to get out with teleportation and you of course can give them negative modifiers to that so fantastic stuff i think it's great prismatic spray would be the other one that i would suggest here also a really really good spell uh bard 14 little 16 overall magical secrets again and infectious inspiration infectious inspiration basically makes it to where you get way more usage out of each part of inspiration that you use allowing you to shift it around kind of like hunter's mark will let you do it's amazing really really good feature just makes this even more ridiculous as far as our secret spells here uh finger death why not i mean it's there it's sitting right there simulacrum i'm gonna definitely recommend that on every bard i'm gonna recommend it on every single possible caster yeah simulacrum's insane and then power word pain i normally don't recommend power pain but i think here it's actually pretty cool um it does require saving throw but it does a good amount of damage and i really i like it in this situation where you can add a negative modifier to that saving throw then for bard 15 level 17 overall robotic inspiration is finally a d12 so you're now doing the most amount of help to your allies and the most amount of damage as far as saving throws and attack rolls and things to your opponents which is great you also get eighth level board spells and there are a few here that i would take dominate monster always good um feeble mind this this is where we're getting into there's the ones that are insane mind blank always good and then power word stun the power word spells um outside of kill and heal i normally don't really recommend all that much just because the saving throws a little tough but here we are working very much against those saving throws and so i think i'm okay with i think i'm okay with taking it bart 16 level 18 overall i think i'll finally take warcaster here of course you could have taken it earlier to get advantage but i i think it's okay to take um you could also bump your dexterity to a 16 which is what i had in my original notes but i don't know it's going to give you plus it's not going to give you any bonus to your ac it will help you with your initiative and that's about it because the hex blade features so i probably wouldn't even do that i probably would just take probably would take warcaster here or if you took it earlier cap out constitution that sort of thing uh level 17 level 19 overall song of rest goes out to a d12 which is great and then we get our ninth level spells so yes it's it's a little late we're getting those at 19th rather than 17th level but it's okay it's worth the wait because we are much more sad in a good way than we would have been before um mass polymorph very good power word kill prismatic wall i think is a must bring and then polymorph i want a true polymorph rather i want to talk about prismatic wall for a second prismatic wall is the spell that i really want you to take here because you can set the wall behind them shove them through it when they go to attack you and it does so much damage prismatic walls insane and then they've got to run back through it in order to get you which does a lot more damage so yeah the ability to shove with your feet you're going to get a lot of usage out of and i think that you will really really enjoy the cohesion in all of this finally level 20 barred 18 we got our final magical secrets and they are ninth level spells of course wish duh you have to take wish um as far as the other ones i'm gonna suggest some weird ones um meteor swarm i think would be a really cool cool one to take for some big damage and sunburst as well i think sunburst is a really really cool spell to take on this build as well so that is our build for the day i hope you guys liked it and let me know in the comments down below what you think before we go i wanted to go ahead and do our honorable mentions on what almost was and what very it was very close to happen and then i ended up scrapping it and then starting over um as far as the sorcerer i basically always had the plan to start sorcerer however it was originally clockworks hull i just did a clockwork solar sorcerer um so i don't really want to do that again i want to make sure that i'm mixing all of these up and doing a bunch of different things so we ended up going with the wild magic sorcerer but the clockwork soul is definitely very strong on this subclass because if something has advantage on its saving throw that you're adding these negative modifiers to that's going to hurt your modifiers but if you can then nullify that with your restore balance feature that's kind of great and so definitely definitely consider that one i also considered aberrant mind more for flavor than anything else and i probably wouldn't have taken a gift of the gem dragon at that point but aberrant minds is is also really really good as a sorcerer as far as warlock uh it actually wasn't originally a hex blade it actually was originally an archbay warlock and it fits the theming really really well within 10 feet you can charm or frighten it fits and so i as far as as far as flavor i think archfay might have been a little bit better but as far as mechanically speaking hex blade is going to be superior so use use that if you think that it's it's better for your flavor i think archbay does a lot more for you as far as fitting your flavor then as far as feats go um our honorable mentions um telekinetic which i mentioned already i think the telekinetic would have been really really nice to have it would have given us mage hand for free and also the ability to move people around however it did compete with our bonus action that we are using for our main feature of giving out bardic inspiration and also giving out negative bardic inspiration it takes that up and so i didn't want that competition there didn't seem to be good um of course we ended up taking warcaster um but if you didn't take it i would consider taking it and finally i would say tough tough is a really really good one here gives you a lot more survivability which is always great and i think you would have gotten a lot of mileage out of that feat as well so that is all for today's video and i hope you guys enjoyed it next week we're going to be talking about the glamour bard and i hope you guys are excited about seeing how to dress the part and be the ultimate bard up in people's faces being the prettiest that you can possibly be it's fantastic so until then stay safe out there have a great time with shopping and receiving all of the gifts in the mail and that sort of thing and we will see you next week bye [Music] you
Channel: DapperSnapper Gaming
Views: 6,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: college of eloquence, bard build, tashas cauldron, gift of the gem dragon, fizban
Id: 3AA7lnIgCXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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