The Best, Fastest, and Easiest way to render tons of grass - Unity 2023

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[Music] thank you hello I thought I'd make a quick video on how to render this much grass so nobody has to go through the pain I did try to figure this out I went through countless 20 minute tutorials and none of them ended up working so finally here's the easiest and best way to render all this grass this is achieved through GPU instancing which I won't cover too much in this video but it enables us to draw thousands of objects with little to no lack so the first step is to grab any grasp prefab you want I chose a stylized grass because it fits best with the theme of my game I will link the asset below but there's a bit of setup and modifications you have to do to the model first off this asset by polytype Studio by default comes set up for the built-in render pipeline so we will just go over here and import the version for unity's urp once we have that downloaded we will open our grass prefab and do a little bit of editing unity's GPU instancing system does not support LOD groups so we will just grab one LOD and turn that into its own prefab once we're done with that we can start painting our grass so here we have our basic terrain and what I'm going to do is select paint details edit details add detail mesh we will drag on our grass and you can edit the width and height of the mesh click add and we're ready to paint the brush on the detail editor is a little different to all the other ones it allows you to set the density of grass so you never have too much in one place and not enough in another now painting is pretty easy Once you set your values you can just zoom out and paint the whole terrain and that's it you just easily painted millions of grass without frying your PC
Channel: Shr0oms
Views: 27,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zWn61No6Ncc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 48sec (108 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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