The Best Enduro Riding Tip For Free! GRAHAM JARVIS Showed Me THIS!

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hey guys thanks for tuning in this is dirt bike Channel I'm your host Kyle Brotherton and today I'm gonna share a tip with you that Graham Jarvis shared with me this made a huge difference in my riding stick around yeah so about two years ago I did a Graham Jarvis ride and one of the things that he had us do was full lock turns in a parking lot full lock turn is where you've got the bar turned all the way to the stops and then you're up and you're holding the brake on the the foot brake and handbrake and you're doing turns in a circle all the way around and he showed me something at that time where he's like hey you should take the steering stops out of the bike because it'll allow you to turn tighter and that's gonna help you in their technical situations let me bring you in closer and show you what I'm talking about see this little bolt right here it's on the front of your bike it's right in front of your radiators and this is actually a steering stop as your as your fork comes over and as this triple clamp comes over that triple clamp will go down there and bottom out down on that stop right well what Graham Jarvis said is look if you take this out and this one is already bent I've already had this out ever since I got the bike and you'll notice it's a little bit rusted down in this down in this cavity here because I didn't cover this up because I didn't know if the if the pre if the guy who I'm gonna give this bike to is gonna want this in or not but I've taken these bolts out what happens now is the way that KTM has this radiator designed you can still you can turn this steering wheel or the steering the handlebars a lot further now over to the side because you've got this bolt out of there this makes a massive massive difference on side hills and on switchbacks and on tight tricky situations and when you're balancing the bike could be able to turn the handlebars a long way let me show you what it looks like on some of these other bikes here's the steering stop on the beta and I've actually taken the beta bolt out and put a KTM bolt in because I couldn't get the actual amount of travel that I want to with that with the beta bolt but it either way I've taken that I tried to take this all the way out on the beta and it wouldn't allow me to do that because then my my Forks came in contact with my you can probably let me just move this over just a Titch here you can probably see right here see this little indentation right there that's where the forks are coming in contact with the radiator so I adjusted this as far as I possibly could this steering stop bolt as far as I could to make the betta turn as far as it possibly can but this bike is actually it's got a much larger turning radius than some of the like 2019 and 2020 KTMs and so this it makes it a little harder to ride this bike and switchbacks and some of the nasty terrain because you don't get as much travel on the the handlebars there and so it makes it so your steering radius is a lot larger you'll probably see I'll roll in some footage right now showing how much wider the turning radius is on this bike than it is on like a 2020 KTM okay so Tyler and I just did a full lock turn test that is a 2020 KTM 300 x CW he's got the steering stops taken out I am I've got mine adjusted down to exactly where it comes in contact with the radiator so I can't turn it any tighter what happened is we came over here by this tree and then we initiated a full lock turn to see if we could get around that gap between these two trees so this line the inside line right here is Tyler's line on the xcw he made it around on a full lock turn this other line is me on the beta 200 RR you can see I did not make the turn I ended up hitting into the tree that's a big difference on turning radius how far is that is that four feet and it's just that's a hundred and eighty degree turn and so you're turning four feet tighter on the KTM with the steering stops out interesting let me show you a 2019 KTM now real quick okay so here's an example of a 2019 KTM 250 XC and you'll notice there is no bolt right here this is actually just a welded piece of steel on the frame the nice thing so you can't adjust that the nice thing though is they've dropped the radiators down on this model and they've made it so that this can turn a quite a ways over so you can get a tight turning radius but this isn't as tight of a turning radius as what you can get on the 2020 KTM if you can adjust these if you can adjust this so you get more steering on this thing it's a lot better in the nasty stuff let me see if I can get a better angle to show you this okay so this is the 2020 KTM 300 XC TPI this is the bike that I'm gonna be giving away to one of you guys here for Christmas with those steering stops out you'll notice now that I can turn the whee I can turn the handlebars way over like this and I still don't come in contact with the radiator right here you can see there's still a gap right here I'm barely coming in contact with the plastic radiator guards right here and same thing happens on this side I turn it all the way over I barely come in contact with the actual radiator guard but there is still what is this it's almost a it's it's about a yeah it's almost 3/8 of an inch away from the actual top of the radiators and this allows me to turn extremely tight and this is super critical for some of the nastier stuff now coming over to the beta this is the 2020 beta 200 RR you'll notice that when I come all the way over I am actually in contact with the top of the radiators and I can't turn the steering the handlebars nearly as far on this bike as I could on the KTM and that makes this bike a little bit harder to ride in switchbacks and in some of the nasty terrain because you can't turn your handlebars as far and that doesn't have that doesn't allow you to give yourself as much balance or as much advantage in those situations so on this bike I've got to adjust it as far as they possibly can because I am coming in contact with the radiators so on your bike take a look at those steering stops and see if you can adjust those for a little bit more play now I've been doing this long enough to know and this is not my first rodeo that some of you guys are already thinking Kyle you're a II shouldn't be telling people to do that because those steering stops are there to keep you from crashing if you've got if your bars get turned too fast or near a speed you're gonna crash really hard but here's the thing if your bars are already at the steering stop and you're doing 30 miles an hour you're dead in the water anyway it doesn't matter you're not pulling it so even if I even if I have my bars if I have my steering stop so it only allows my par to go this far if I'm doing 60 and my handle bar has already turned that far I'm going straight over the bike and tomahawking into the ground anyway so that's not a legitimate argument I'm taking I took this piece of advice from Graham Jarvis who is literally the best rider that I know of on the planet at least for technical stuff and he looked me right in the eyes and he said if I were you I would take those steering stops out which I did and that allows me to turn the bars further it gives me better balance and this is really gonna help guys the biggest thing the biggest benefit that I think I've had to my writing in the last two years is just doing full lock turns in my driveway or every time I get out there to the trail just go around and practice this go as slow as you possibly can use rear brake use front brake and just feather that clutch and just do those really really slow turns and build up your balance and the tighter you can turn the handlebars the easier this is on my trials bike it feels like I'm turning it 90 degrees you know and so this bike is not as good if for that as as the Kate as this 2019 KTM and then these 2020 KTM is over here or even better so I hope the beta will drop down the drop down there radiators and future models of the you sill that this handle bar can have more travel but that is a really awesome tip for you guys I promise if you can get more travel out of that out of your handlebars it's going to increase your balance and make you a better rider on switchbacks and technical terrain just try it that's what Graham Jarvis told me I'm so glad I did just so you guys know I have two dirt bikes that are going to be given away to someone for Christmas in fact one guys gonna win this 2019 KTM and the other person is going to win this 2020 KTM over here it's the 2020 KTM 300 XC TPI it's the 2019 KTM 250 XC and eight other people are going to win $100 gift cards all you have to do is go over to dirt bike channel calm before December 15th of this year you can buy shirts you can buy hats you can buy hoodies you can buy tie-downs you can buy tow straps like here on this bike there's a whole bunch of things that you can do to get entered into that there's also a mail-in entry so no purchase is necessary but you guys should go check all that out please subscribe to these videos and listen to the dirtbike Channel podcast on iTunes and stitcher and Google Play and Spotify and anywhere else that you listen to podcasts I think that's pretty much it thanks watching
Channel: Dirt Bike Channel
Views: 83,527
Rating: 4.8493609 out of 5
Keywords: enduro, motocross, dirtbike, ktm 2016, ktm motorcycles, shootout, ktm, range, erzberg, graham jarvis, johnny walker, best dirtbike, 125, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 525, exc, sx, how to, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, video, review, husqvarna
Id: loP2VuYW2po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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