Best Boot Review Ever! Over A Decade of Boots From Worst to Best

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it's time to cut through the bs and talk about 10 years of boots i'm kyle with dirt bike channel stick around [Music] okay everybody here it is this is 10 years of my boots out here on my bench and i did an instagram post on this a while ago but i've actually added another boot to my stable in that time and i just wanted to talk to you and kind of give you a roundup of all of these boots first off you need to know that i paid full price for every single item on the table i did not get a discount on any of this stuff i bought my first pair of boots the garnier sg-10s a little over 10 years ago when i started the next boots that i went to were the fox instinct off-road boots after that the next ones i purchased were the cd crossfire srs3 the next one after that would be these fox instinct boots just the standard version and then after that i went and got the garnet sg12s and then lastly the the newest ones that i have are the cd crossfire 3 with a traditional sole where it isn't a replacement like a sole replacement system what i've done here actually is i've lined them up on the table on the order of the quality and will i the quality or the suck factor if you will or the the awesome factor and basically the fox boots over here on the left i will never buy these again i'll get into that the garnet sg10s i would buy them again um and then the cds and and the garnier sg12s i will definitely buy them again now you'll be wondering why why there's no alpine stars on here i was going to do some alpine star tech tens this last time around and i will still but because they have a booty inside so it's a two-piece system i wasn't i i've just that's kind of turned me off every time when i've looked at the alpine stars i don't i want to get the top of the line boot but in their top-of-the-line boot it's got that booty in there that you're dealing with and i haven't wanted to deal with that yet the t the alpine star tech sevens don't have that and so i may get those as well but for now we've got six pairs of boots you can see we've got two fox two garniers and two cds here the reason why i won't buy the fox boots again is because a while the fox boots are probably the most comfortable they don't offer a ton of support i don't feel like and i was constantly losing parts i was either losing these pivot screws here or constantly losing the buckles and other hardware on these boots you'll notice that on this boot right here i'm missing the strap because these straps had come off all the time either your either your screws would come out and i would have to lock tight these things in i would lock tight these screws in and they would still sometimes come out but what happens all the time is your buckle comes undone like this and then this thing just starts to flap around and you don't know it and then you lose this strap to this day i still have multiple pieces of hardware for these boots for these two different boots right here in my riding bag because you'd get to a trailhead and you'd notice that you don't have a piece or in the middle of a ride you'd notice that you don't have a piece when i'm riding with these types of boots i've actually got to carry these parts in my riding kit because you'll lose them out on the trail the other thing i didn't like about the off-road boots this this while the traction here made it actually easy to walk around with these are the easiest walking boots that i've ever had but this traction made it i felt like i was locked in the bike i had too much traction on the pegs i didn't like that moving up to these fox instinct boots the standard version these these boots are pretty good as far as feel on the pegs you have a pretty good feel on the pegs but i've used these the boots boots the least of any of them because i had problem getting parts like immediately i had parts falling off these things even though i'm locked tiding them in and so these i basically only use if i'm going on a kids ride with my kids where i know it's not going to be it's not going to be anything bad or i will if i'm messing around on the trials bike i'll wear these boots here because i want to get some value out of them but if i'm going on a nasty ride i do not take my fox boots moving up to the grenades these boots uh likely have the most hours on them the soles have held up amazing um the boot doesn't have as much support now because i feel like with these with any of these boots the longer you wear them the more that they break down and the more the less support that they offer over time and so these guardian sg10s you can see i've never actually had a problem with any of the buckles this this boot is over a decade old and i've never nothing is broken on i can still use these boots and i still do from time to time i'll throw them in the trailer for a backup pair of boots if one if one of the other boots gets swamped or something and i've got a multiple day ride but the garnier sg10s have been awesome i do prefer the sg-12s to these and i'll get to that in just a minute but these have been an awesome awesome boot moving up here the cross the cd crossfire srs if if i was going to say which boot i have the second most amount of hours it would probably be the seedy crossfires now what's good about the cds they have a narrow toe box i have a pretty decent feel of the pegs when i'm with these boots these boots are very stiff though the cd boots right here are very very stiff and you know that you're wearing a real boot like if you if you compare it to the fox boots it just feels like you're wearing you know i don't know some type of snow boot or something because they're not really that stiff i don't really think there's that much support here on the fox boots there's more support on the on the on the garn asg 10s but then on the cds these are very very stiff if you don't want a stiff boot don't get the cds but i do want a stiff boot i want i want a ton of protection when i'm out there i'm wearing these boots to protect my ankles to protect my shins to protect my toes and the cd boots do offer that i beat the crap out of these cd boots probably done the most amount of nasty riding of all these boots with these cds and i never had a problem with them there are a little bit harder to get to get buckled in i'll be dead honest with you the way they are but then you don't get as many things falling down inside of your boot like brush and grass and pine needles and all that other stuff i don't get as much stuff down inside my boots with the cds they do have ability to adjust things on them so if your calf is bigger or whatever you can do that towards the end though in fact just recently i actually did finally break one of these straps and lose lose one of these one of the straps on this on this boot so i'm not going to say it's totally bulletproof because i did actually break this eventually but these boots have gone through the most war the most heck if you will of any boot that i've had so far because i put more time on those in nasty situations than anything else the only other boots that might have more hours on them total would be these garnier sg10s and that's just because i've had them for longer then moving up the next boot in my list that i like that i will continue to buy the this is also the the cd crossfire 3. but these are the traditional soles these are my newest boots actually right here and they're very very stiff these ones i actually have had to loosen my straps a little bit because they're they're relatively tight as far as sizing i usually wear a size 10 and a half shoe and on these boots i went with a size 10. i think on the last time i bought the cds i went with a size 11 so i yeah i ordered a size up on these and i ordered a size down on these because they don't i didn't really find it in half sizes these are still working really really well but i had to i have to run my straps just a little bit looser on these so that i don't lose circulation down on my toes yesterday when i was riding with these boots i went on i did two one hour sprints with these boots and going as hard as i could go and i started to lose a teeny bit of circulation in the bottom in in in the ball of my foot so i loosened them just slightly to uh to combat that but these boots are awesome i love these boots they've got a very narrow toe box here so i feel like i can get under and shift really easily um and so and so that's that's really good i also feel like i have a pretty good feel of the foot pegs especially now with these traditional soles that i mean this is still replaceable you could take this to a boot or a shoe sole person you know i can't remember what they call those guys and you could get that sole replaced the crossfire the the sole replacement system here you can replace this on your own but here's here's the thing with replacing souls this is just my opinion by the time you've worn out the soul the rest of the integrity of the the boot i feel is going to be pretty compromised and it's not going to offer as much support as it used to so i haven't replaced any of the soles with these boots i just keep but i keep buying new ones i figured okay if i'm 500 in this boot and it lasts me for two different seasons especially because i've got multiple pairs that i can cycle through i'm okay with that i know some people are gonna like hey i'm gonna keep this boot for 10 years and keep replacing souls and it'll be the only boot i have but i don't know i know i don't have as much support on the 10 year old garnet sg10s as i do on the 1 year old or whatever less than 1 year old garnet sg12s i just know i don't have as much protection so i do really really like my cds for the slim toe box and they offer crazy good protection on this i feel really locked in on the bike with the cds and then the the last one that i'll put over here which is i think probably my favorite just because of the comfort and the buckle system and everything is the garnier sg-12s the garnier sg12s you know you're wearing a freaking boot here it you can it just like the cds and the garnet sg12 it's stiff it offers crazy support you feel that you actually are protected with these boots and i really really like the sg-12s one of the reasons why i placed them at the top of my list just slightly above the cds is just the buckles are indestructible i've got these other garniers down here i've never broken a buckle i've never lost a strap so i have to say these these buckle the buckle system on the sg-12 is superior it's also easier to get in and out of this boot because you have less velcro and just less things going on so it's easier to slip in and out of these you do get a little bit more like needles or whatever coming down in the top of these boots than i would than i do with the cds but because i actually did break one of these straps on the cds and maybe they're not quite as comfortable i prefer the garnet and look at that dirt and dust coming off i prefer the garnier sg12s these are a very stiff boot i think it probably is the most protection of all of them um and you you know so the sole is awesome uh very very bulletproof on these soles and they can be redone if you went to one of those you know soul manufacturer guys so these these boots over here i will definitely be buying these again um love these boots and i just i just kind of alternate between them the garnies they aren't as slim of a toe box it is a little harder to shift with the garniers because it's just a bulkier it's shifting i should i should pick this one it's not a super massive thing but i would say it's a little bit easier to slip your toe under the shifter on the cds than it is on the garnies and on the garnies i have less feel of the foot pegs i just do so i don't have crazy amount of feel on the foot pegs you just have to kind of get used to it it's not bad i'm just saying like like with any review if i just said hey this thing is all awesome it's not really even believable there are some downsides to that because you don't feel that you don't feel the the pegs quite as as much but you you get you get the feeling enough you have a little bit more feeling with the cds you got a ton of feel and a really good feel with the fox down here but i think you're lacking on a quality longevity and protection with the fox so each one has their benefits the fox ones are a little bit cheaper um they are easier to walk around in um i would suggest just the the standard instinct and not the off-road instinct for me um and then the the garniers have a garnier g10s have a really good quality um this is the middle line for them and if you can't afford the sg-12s this is a good way to go but my favorites are the cds and the garnier sg-12s for the protection that you get and for all those other things so that's 10 years of my boots right here it's no nonsense guys if you want to if you want to buy any of these products i don't sell any of these things but rocky mountain atv motorsport they sell all these boots i have links down in the video description you can use my links and it will basically give me a referral bonus for sending you over to those companies and that would be really helpful it helps to support my family if you want to get entered into the bikes that i'm giving away if you're watching this before december 15th i'm giving away three different bikes you can head over on my website i'm trying to get some of these polo shirts in stock so that you guys could do that but i've got things like hats i'm trying to get more of these hats in stock i've got a few different hats that i've got up on my website hats hoodies you know some different things over there that all helps to support me um and also please subscribe to the channel i mean these videos are a lot of work to put out and i'm trying to i'm trying to help you guys out and show you like unbiased reviews i buy all this stuff if i don't buy it i tell you straight out hey i didn't buy this thing but all these suckers i bought i bought these for full price so i think that's what i've got for you today hopefully that's helpful for you and helps you to kind of decide what you're going to buy and what you're going to put on your feet to protect yourself and yeah i think that's it until next time leave a single track thanks
Channel: Dirt Bike Channel
Views: 68,543
Rating: 4.9427862 out of 5
Keywords: enduro, motocross, dirtbike, ktm 2016, ktm motorcycles, shootout, ktm, range, erzberg, graham jarvis, johnny walker, best dirtbike, 125, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 525, exc, sx, how to, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, video, review, ktm, husqvarna
Id: lbokzNd3pAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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