The Best Comeback EVER? (Risk: Road to Grandmaster)

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what's up everybody and welcome to another game of Risk I am Logan AKA laser G and I made a big mistake I got really close to Grand Master if you've seen my last video played a couple games of uh The Meta settings Europe Advanced caps and uh suffice to say we're no longer very close to being a grand master that did not go well uh but this should be a fun one let's go ahead and try and make alliances with all of my opponents and I'll show you the settings here in a second we do go first so I want to make sure that I'm able to get this turn off I don't like this setup I feel like I'm going to lose both of these ooh Europe is very good with these blizzards I don't like my positioning at all we've got all of our material in Asia we're about to get destroyed where's a one this is a one yeah I like that let's put all of our eggs in this basket I think go ahead and hit yellow here even though they just accepted my alliance okay we get that and then very quickly fortify I think I want the six no I think I want this like that okay I really don't like this start I really don't like the start let's go ahead and send some hearts to my allies uh we did send pink and green but they haven't accepted uh Pink is going to go for Australia right hits the three gets perfect dice now hits this three I think wow perfect dice on two threes unbelievably lucky wow hit six troops loses none unbelievable okay that's good for me though we didn't lose anything there I think Green's Gonna Knock Out at least one of these twos if not both Red's gonna go for Europe but hopefully let me out wow okay uh let me show you the settings real quick please don't hit my four yeah hits the two uh so I'll show you the settings really really quick we are playing on the classic map Auto setup world domination mode 60 second turns expert AI uh it is a rank game Progressive cards balance Blitz dice alliances are on blizzards are on everything else is off okay we still haven't lost this two we're about to lose it yeah okay that's what we figured would happen so as I said bad bad start for us in this game uh we had a lot of material on these Nexus points right this to this two we had a ton of material in Asia that we couldn't really do anything with uh so I really don't like this start let's think about how we Salvage it I think we need to move out of Europe I'm pretty sure red is going to go for Europe um unfortunately the road is blocked here so one of my positions hopefully is in North America one of them is in Asia for sure I think maybe two of them are in Asia the other thing we could do is try to consolidate kind of in this region but Red Blocks me from doing that and then consolidates in right okay I'm gonna give red a well played oh boy we're down to 20 troops we are going first too which is really not ideal because we get the lowest set and I don't feel comfortable card skipping Wow real bad start here the bad luck continues for me I've lost a couple games in a row now black down to 17 but they get six to start what's black gonna do with the six hmm foreign they're going for n a interesting don't think they have enough to take any time soon though there's a ton of stuff in there so I don't love the consolidation play wow really bad spot hmm okay I think I'm going to do wow that's really not good okay I think I'm gonna do this because I don't want to lose that position I'm going to motion this way right I want to go this way say thanks give a heart to Red that I'm trying to leave their bonus then we're going to attack this just pretty out of the way end my attack phase and then come here be as out of the way as possible right we're playing defense right now not doing well we're trying to be out of the way and I'm trying to protect Stacks like this one that are in the way right I couldn't have moved this so so I just added all three to it I'm trying to keep it alive right pink hits there and then Retreats back don't like that turn a ton for pink because then pink has to waste their fortify so this is like kind of the marginal uh optimization things that will allow you to go from intermediate to expert expert to master so pink attacks here right which seems fine right seems like it makes sense he's attacking a one that's Obviously good the problem is he's weakening this stack which you don't want to do he's blocking himself from making kills this way right he's blocking his nine with this one uh which is not ideal and most importantly he's preventing himself from fortifying these other positions like he could move this two onto the nine right but he has to waste his fortify going back what I would have done if I was pink is trying to get value here interesting that we see green leaving essay that is very interesting that tells me that green is good and green got out of the way here they didn't Ally me up but I'm actually really liking how green is playing they didn't go too hard for this essay bonus and I don't think I'm the noob that goes very hard for that bonus I do like this position though okay yellow's going for it yellow's gonna come in with a 13. hopefully we see four on three I don't think so I think we see 11 or 10 on 3 here yeah no you come in I think huh yeah okay he does I was like is he really good no he's he's going for it wow he doesn't take very surprised he doesn't take there I think that's a pretty clear take yellow's down to 20 so maybe he's worried about someone trying to kill him if he takes it very interesting Green's down to 17. hard to figure how everyone's been losing this many troops uh Red's gonna be in a great position right because they're going to be able to take Europe but hopefully someone breaks their Europe and everyone gets weak in the process it looks like black is a newer player trying to take n a okay because he's single stacking but he's single stacking within 19 which I don't think is good so I think that red says yeah I know you need to attack my territory okay Red's good Red's doing some good signaling this is obviously my attack I don't think I want to add here anymore though I think I want to add to this really out of the way Asia stack and to this Asia stack make sure these positions still exist then we're going to get our take on green get out of Red's way obviously worried about all this stuff in North America but it kind of is what it is we do have a card here I'm gonna turn off the cards in a second but I might go into Kamchatka and block no no no no no no uh what the hell dude okay so we know pink is really bad that was awful that was so dumb oh God why would you hit that that's so stupid Jesus okay so now we gotta run from Pink because they're an idiot oh this is a doomed game this is a really Doom game do I set I might have to set here I mean I do have kamshaka right so maybe I take him shotgun and set on four because I kind of need the plus two at this point right like everything helps and that would get out of Pink's way a little bit oh them hitting me there is just really rough let's see if green sticks in Europe yeah Green's playing aggressively and sticking in Europe don't go back don't go back don't go back stay there stay there yes let's go okay this is now a war so we've got to just be really patient right we're gonna set in on four I don't think we die and then we just wait for this war to escalate say to attack green and then throw our Ally red a heart I'm gonna throw all my allies Hearts actually just because I'm very weak right now pink hitting my sixth there or whatever that was that was so dumb no no no reason to do that at all right and then they do this weird split guard thing I'm not really liking how things playing I would bet a lot that uh what are you doing here red is bringing this five in oh I don't like that my plan was to go on to Kamchatka or my other cards we have Kamchatka North Africa and eastern U.S this is North Africa yeah no real way to get that very surprised that we haven't seen yellow take essay bizarre game very strange game uh not understanding most of this play we've only seen one continent taken it's from Pink Pink isn't the lead because of it they got the insanely good spawn for Australia and then they got perfect dice on two threes so pink has gotten absurdly lucky and yet they don't have a very big lead I think maybe I just set now just in case right and then expend this three because I think this three is going to be gone blacks all in on N A it looks like see if they try and take it or they're just single stacking that'll tell me a lot about them hits my three of course okay they're taking it yeah oh God okay so we don't add here oh this is a doomed game this is a really doomed game I mean I think I have to set right I'm like so weak right now where do I even go like where do I even go just have to be totally out of the way I guess okay oh do I just card skip the whole game I mean this is terrible it's one of those games where like everyone just hits you for no reason okay I think I just hang out like way out of the way yeah I am attacking your territory if I need to okay we're just gonna chill here with the 14. see what happens get it pink sets to hit my 14. oh pink what are you doing why are you in Africa right now you gonna try and take watch them try and hold Africa this greedy bastard oh he's doing it oh my god dude he's trying to take LMFAO he takes Africa pink this is not how you play Risk buddy watch it work though he switches continents no he's trying to hold both okay I'm gonna say a good game right let everyone know that we cannot allow this to happen so I'm just waiting for people to slam into each other right now uh we're in a horrible spot in the game we have 24 troops and one card not where you want to be not at all where you want to be we have a kind of a line on black who's gonna be weak after they go for their dumb I'm gonna take North America on 18 troops play I cannot believe how many stacks we've lost for no reason in this game right we lost this stack for no reason uh we lost this stack for no reason there was another one I think too you see red taken leave right so now Black's gonna be emboldened probably gonna hit my five hold the weakest North America you've ever seen we see uh finally a take on essay okay I'm gonna give you a well played for that throw my Ally of heart they break as they absolutely should wow they break hard it's gonna try and take Africa he tries to take Africa for himself okay no he doesn't just weakens him take some to ten territories I don't know that I would have done that because now pink is gonna set in and probably hit yellow irrationally because we know that pink is a noob so I didn't love the extra attacking uh just black try and go for n a here what I'm hoping is that uh red leaves and lets me have better lines on black watch my five be gone right now no he doesn't he's patient-ish right okay so I'm gonna tell how do I get red to leave I want red to get out of here okay do this really quick because I don't want black to see this I'm gonna tell red I'm sorry I need to attack your territory heart and then not do it yeah he doesn't want me to do it now but I'm not doing it now so I'm gonna throw yeah he throws me hearts he gets it he gets it I just want to kill black dude hopefully you see that yeah yeah cool okay I'm gonna tell him to uh attack black is this black yeah attack black okay yeah it hits me okay goes back pulls back yeah okay I need sorry I need to attack your territory attack black cool cool he does it okay hopefully black sits on five we might be able to kill black if he hits black here right we might like we'll need good dice but we might be able to I think that might be my only chance to win this game let's see what happens now okay that hits me there so so Green's getting some value out of this Green's on five right now can I kill green unfortunately I don't think so yeah I'm not open to Green cool see if red goes for the green kill okay he hits black here yep yep his black his black yeah attack black good okay he hits pink that's fine too makes it a little harder for me to kill black I think that was probably on purpose he probably figured out yeah he probably figured out what I was up to but that's good that's more of a buffer right that's more of a buffer for me and block probably sets in any way right now on four so who am I trying to kill now I think I'm trying to kill I think I'm dead I think it's all over for me uh yeah we're gonna have three cards not ideal right still early doesn't feel early feels like pretty late game because everyone's been hitting each other does black try and finish n a right now I'm hoping that black tries to finish n a and then gets punished right someone hits them but if they set and try and take n a there's a chance that they hold it in which case I'm just dead I think because I would lose the four I'm in one's position basically uh not good not good wow this is a bad game from start to finish basically nothing went well in this game for me it's gonna be a long road to Grand Master I feel like I've been a thousand points away from Grand Master for so long and just like can never get there every time I just lose like five games in a row right back down to Mid Master every time okay just black finish black is on five do I just hope for insanely good cards or sorry insanely good dice 20 19. oh it's too much of a long shot right and like the set isn't even big enough at least this is kind of blocked don't love it don't love it yeah we're gonna lose this four not good do I have a set on three please please once I do okay that's good is anyone gonna be on uh five no everyone's gonna set now I'm probably dead everyone sets except yellow right now but I said two okay I think the plan is still to stay out of the way okay see this war continuing do we see eight V4 here no okay interesting things playing a little better I really don't understand why he hit my stack there I I mean well we'll see I really thought pink was bad this is fine I feel like from them I thought they were gonna hit the four which would be bad green sets I think green maybe goes for the red kill now but they don't have it yeah they're realizing now that they don't have the red kill I think where do they go with the 31 just takes a card and passes no interesting they take Australia so green is horrible green is really bad this is great for me though right this is great for me because now there's a war so I'm gonna set in and I'm gonna wait to try and get the pink kill and or the green kill okay I'm gonna give a shocked face Red's gonna set in and maybe red goes for the pink kill because red is good we know and they do have lines on pink okay right so we need to be lined up on pink and green doesn't goes for Europe now don't try and take Europe that's dumb yeah that's dumb all right good luck interesting very interesting they're fully open on this side what do you mean you need to attack my territory where do you need to go you need to get this nine up I'm not playing nice with you anymore you're holding gear up so we can't let that happen okay we see some more hitting on pink which is good so pink is weak we need to be in a position to hit pink so we set I think someone else kills pink first man this is really shitty turn order pink and green go right after me so then red yellow and black all have a chance to kill them I think black is bad though because they're just gonna go for n a right now my four is gone but so is this two man if I had gotten less unlucky in this game I would have won so fast because we're playing against a lot of really bad opponents yeah he's just taking n a right now man he's going slow this is a slow take all right he gets it he got it cool all right we got two takes here so these guys are gonna get insanely strong we are gonna set and get in position to make some kills hopefully this escalates wow okay weird game fortunately we have the set so obviously we set where's my card I don't even have a card oh no I do have a card on Black here that's good okay so we take this easy card on Black I'm gonna slider if I win this game I'm gonna be so proud of myself here we go 41 goes right here okay so we're lined up for the green kill and the pink kill but I'm pretty sure they either kill each other and or everyone else kills them hard to figure how we get either of those kills if we do we're in business Okay pink takes a card and passes now Pink's just a crazy over attacker Watch Pink go for Africa right now Pink's like oh yeah this is my chance to take Africa don't open the five please they will be suicidal to hit this five he doesn't okay so he just lets green take Australia Wild okay hoping green doesn't set here then we can chain The Kills if no one sets I think I might have a chance right if none of these guys said on three I have a chance okay green doesn't green takes a card and passes almost for sure yeah back here yeah back here okay don't have a set if if red yellow and black don't have a set I think I get both of these kills from the Australian noobs come on let me make this comeback please damn it okay oh no he's totally gonna kill him he's totally gonna get this kill damn game over that's game at least we don't go up first yeah he gets he gets the uh green kill he passed it badly though he passed it really badly he could have gotten both I think so now oh he's gonna be on five Red's on five so if yellow doesn't set no I think I'm just dead right I mean Pink's Dead next at least but there's a chance I can get these two kills if if black doesn't set there's a chance for me okay I'm gonna throw red a heart if black doesn't set I can kill pink and then yellow and then red and then black potentially okay we need black to not have a set right now come on let me get lucky one time in this game please one time let me get lucky come on come on don't have a set black don't have a set don't have a set don't have the set value of the set is 30. please he's moving really slow again God damn it he has a set oh no man this was just such a doomed game from the start okay he hits red what are you doing oh no he's killing things that way okay Black's good game over okay well at least I get second I think now right because black is good so then he's gonna kill yellow no he doesn't so I get the yellow kill weird dude can I kill yellow I have to try right I have to try and kill yellow okay good luck to us we're gonna go for it or do I try and kill red on five maybe red on five I'm thinking about this too much I think we try and kill red now okay we're gonna chance it a little bit slider get it there 's the big one 31v31 this is 72 percent we get it let's go we get the red kill that's huge okay we set in boom okay we get 35 I think we can get the yellow kill now oh my God uh slider I think come on give me your dice this is the big one oh damn it come on come on 89 percent we get the yellow kill let's go okay can I get the Black Hill now oh my God okay here we go uh attack this way make this is a hundred percent okay here we go slider on the 10. oh my heart is pounding right now what a comeback if we can get it and no more slider here we go no that's not great no we don't get it okay that's fine and my Attack Phase Black's on five so we just need to survive here okay oh my God that was crazy wow I was so dead this entire game blackheads 45 we have a follow-up set can they kill us right now I think I'm probably dead on this turn but I feel freaking great about this comeback there's a chance I must say uh good luck black super super fast okay I don't think he gets it though it's close no this doesn't get it he it up let's go okay so we come off of the two oh he did that badly okay he's fast but he's not good interesting this is all connected got a 12 there I think we win right now okay okay what do we need this way 12 so like 20 something I think we got him right let's slide her on this one yeah we got him that might have been Overkill just really wanted to make sure I feel like we have him now oh my God I feel so freaking good about this game this is one of my all-time favorite games actually this just looks so dead on so many levels let's freaking go all right that's how you play Risk doesn't matter if they hit your Stacks doesn't matter if they hold the biggest freaking continents of Europe and North America you can go kill everyone we love it we're playing against a lot of beginners novices wow black was a beginner black was the fastest attacking beginner I have ever seen they didn't play extremely well but they attacked unbelievably fast very confused about Black's game uh yeah that's extremely weird uh I feel like a little less good that we beat so many beginners but these beginners were slamming into me right and made it really really difficult yeah so I'm feeling great about this win and I will see you next time on my road to becoming a grand master
Channel: LaserGamer
Views: 913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x48hbYYamlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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