The Presidents Play Risk: Global Domination

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yo boys we're back on risk I'll be playing as blue all right Trump I'll play as pink green for me I guess all right good luck boys will be interesting to see who can win this time hopefully I can win this though good luck you will all need it against Almighty Joe shut the [ __ ] up Joe it's my turn now wrong it's my turn also why so hostile already sorry I'm just a bit mad about something that happened earlier today what happened Donnie so I ordered a toy room in my Mansion I specifically asked for a golden toilet right but when it delivered they gave me a regular toilet and said you don't deserve a golden toilet you piece of [ __ ] to which I told the delivery man [ __ ] off and go away you spoiled piece of [ __ ] Trump just look at how well I'm doing in this game damn Obama nice play but I don't think I'll be letting you get away with invading my Africa aha failed whatever trumpet doesn't matter sounds like something someone would say terrible at the game ain't no way you trying to attack with 37 chance Obama no wonder you are losing shut the hell up Joe I just won with 37 chance so what are you talking about I'm saying that it's stupid to try and fight when the odds are against you play smarter next time Joe is honestly spitting facts right now oh whatever you guys just always try and find a way to criticize me even if you don't need to how would you like it if I mocked every move you made Obama it's called constructive criticism it's when you criticize something in a good way by giving advice all right let's end this little debate I am going to secure Asia it's a good strategy even if it failed for Obama the reason it failed for Obama is because he's [ __ ] at this game and I'm not how the [ __ ] is that constructive criticism come on how the hell is it advice I mean it does shed some truth Obama sometimes for good players to exist like me I would say Joe is good but I am a level better than him there has to be trash players also for example you are one of those trash players shut the [ __ ] up Trump also what the hell honestly Joe is better than you at this Trump thanks Obama I know I can win this I'm going to stop you right there Joe I'm going to be winning because of how toxic you guys have been to me whatever Obama I am going to fortify my two troops in China since why the hell not let's go I got a territory bonus my [ __ ] turn now watch me cook Trump the only one who will be cooking is me that is when I roast you shut the [ __ ] up you piece of [ __ ] just watch this I am about to reclaim Africa if I'm being totally honest Trump Africa is overrated in this game Asia or South America is more valuable don't talk [ __ ] about my African homies and since South America is so valuable I am going to attack it right now you [ __ ] no he's right Obama don't talk [ __ ] about the Africans it is friendly fire at the end of the day what the [ __ ] do you mean it's friendly fire I'm not African I am from Hawaii shut the hell up you don't know [ __ ] about me Trump says the one who can't run for president again haha two terms [ __ ] late whatever Donald stop being so [ __ ] toxic in provoking arguments I'll do whatever the hell I want Obama and fine I'll stop being toxic it won't matter anyway when I get this win sorry Joe but I have to attack you in North America it's all good but just make sure to try and attack Trump after me [ __ ] seriously though again really are you guys really can we have a fair game of Risk for once I mean I'm not really teaming Trump I am also trying to attack Joe I just find it unfair how you're being so toxic to me Joe provoked the argument Obama have you already forgotten he called you [ __ ] at this game what I don't remember that happening of course you [ __ ] don't Joe you're old in scene Island can't remember [ __ ] jeez Trump please calm down you also called me trash at this game Trump stopped being a hypocrite fine whatever okay look at how much I should try it anyway since I am literally the goat at gaming and I won the 2020 election well Joe I just can't help but bring up how that worked out for you it failed didn't it Joe also don't bring up that rigged election ever again because the next election will be fair and guess who will be winning oh yeah you're right Trump I will be winning the election thanks for reminding me [ __ ] you ain't winning [ __ ] Joe I'll be winning tell that to the court when I get you put in jail did you really just admit to planning evidence Joe what the [ __ ] shut the hell up with the fake news no I didn't he's obviously guilty of something shut the hell up Joe and let me play now it is my turn watch the greatest president make a comeback what a shame Trump you just couldn't conquer all of South America only Brazil no no stay mad what's the what's the sound Obama like seriously what drugs did you take this morning I didn't [ __ ] take drugs Joe I'm just tired tired of me winning [Music] shut the [ __ ] up Trump also stupid move from you because now you only have a few troops so your land can easily be taken back by me or Joe think smarter next time facts Bro think smarter next time blah blah blah [ __ ] [ __ ] now Obama says stop [ __ ] attacking me Obama I thought you were going for Trump I thought we were teaming what happened to that we aren't [ __ ] teaming Joe this game only has one winner I'm not going to let you team and win easily this game is supposed to be played fairly no matter how much beef we have we must play fairly in this game finally Obama isn't being a [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up Trump Also let's please not use that word all right you heard him Trump now it's my turn hopefully I can reclaim my lands that are rightfully mine in Asia [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that sound Trump you were sounding like a lifetime smoker right now [ __ ] now Asia is securely mine don't [ __ ] mess with me Trump oh Cry me a [ __ ] River okay I am going to fortify Ukraine since once you take Ukraine it's almost like you can take the rest of Asia so it's a good area to defend please stop lecturing me geez the school is for lectures next time don't get into politics and work at a [ __ ] school library instead now it's my turn to play so stop riddling me with this [ __ ] what do you mean by next time Trump Joe will find out soon are you implying that I'm almost old enough to die and live again yes Joe also I'd watch out Donald Trump is about and he's looking for trouble why the [ __ ] are you talking in third person Trump seems like something a narcissist would do Trump is a narcissist Trump is a narcissist narcissist alert please Joe no one wants to hear your opinion and for you Obama it's just because it [ __ ] sounds cool all right you know what fair enough Trump but what isn't fair enough is me letting you have troops in North America damn [ __ ] oh come on stop being greedy share North America hell no Trump I ain't sharing [ __ ] no this is a game where we fight to the death I hate to break it stop it I am going to attack you now oh man really I the [ __ ] did you do that Obama please just don't attack me you absolute idiot Joe I'm not going to explain to you again that I am not teaming with you you are being so annoying about it you know what Obama fine if a war is what you want then a war is what you are going to get it's not going to be pretty no [ __ ] haha Joe is a teleprompter reading that out to you because you can't form sentences considering how stupid you are shut the [ __ ] up Trump I am also going to attack you too stop trying to team with Obama I ain't teaming with Obama for [ __ ] Joe Trump you are so [ __ ] lucky that I didn't have enough troops to finish you off I would have done it if I could have skill issue but no seriously good luck to all of you even though I know it won't help you for [ __ ] watch your words Trump I am the new superpower of this game and you should treat me as such I literally have the most land I can defeat you next turn if I wanted to yeah yeah whatever Joe why the [ __ ] were you talking so slowly go to [ __ ] bed if you are that tired Joe sleepy Joe anyways just watch this comeback I just had I would call it the Reconquista of Spain but this is Africa so I like to call it the re-africa sore loser you tried to attack me in Australia and failed soy boy Nigel your ego is growing a lot just because you have most of the land doesn't mean you have to be a total [ __ ] also who the [ __ ] you calling soy boy I gotta stand up for my boy Trump for once he ain't no soy boy sorry Trump even though I stood up for you I still have to attack you in Africa to get to Joe oh never mind you won that's because you weren't using Blitz mode Obama anyways I recommend you try attacking him from Japan for your info though I am not teaming with anyone just giving you advice took you [ __ ] long I fell asleep because of how long it took you to figure out how Blitz mode works Obama of course you fell asleep old man it's time for you to retire sleepy Joe also Obama you keep forgetting to use Blitz mode damn Trump I look like a [ __ ] idiot right now I can't even get the attacking mode right that's what losers do Obama remember that you want me to remember something because your tiny brain can't remember [ __ ] [ __ ] no I ain't doing all that damn good job Obama shut the hell up Trump you're only saying that because he's beating me no uh Biden not at all also I ain't reading all that what do you mean you ain't reading all that it's [ __ ] called hearing Trump and for the record you should listen to what I have to say you could learn a lot of things why the [ __ ] does it sound like you're half asleep right now Joe also Obama is destroying you right now no stop crying like a [ __ ] baby all right let's all calm down here I'm just going to fortify good luck to whoever is playing next are you stupid Obama I'm the one playing next if you look at the right you will see shut the [ __ ] up Joe stop acting like you know it all also Obama said calm down so calm the [ __ ] down Trump you don't seem very calm right now either but whatever whatever Trump you are sounding like a [ __ ] wizard right now also watch this insane comeback I'm about to have took it took long enough you were acting so confident Joe don't think for one second I'm going to let you keep all of Asia just wait until my epic come back who the [ __ ] says epic in 2023 grow up kid how about you get a good mic before trash talking me you piece of [ __ ] also epic is one of those words that will never die it's a truly epic word he's got a point Joe now I get to tell you to sober up after like a month sober of Joe Obama more like Obama dictionary and Trump I ain't on [ __ ] drugs for the last time I ain't on drugs I'm just tired all right and don't [ __ ] call me sleepy yeah yeah I don't care just look at this comeback I'm having come back that's the funniest thing I've heard all day Donald Trump you ain't gonna have much of a comeback with four troops you idiot what the [ __ ] happened to your mic dude your mic just got [ __ ] over like one minute all right I fixed it chill out bro Joe I don't think you were ready for what is coming to you I have 12 troops in Canada and I'm ready to destroy you well Obama we all have our own hopes and dreams that was an example of someone who likes dreaming a lot also you ain't got [ __ ] on me just because you're taking some land in Europe doesn't mean I won't be able to take it back later that's not exactly true Joe just because you're losing it doesn't mean you have to be a sore loser who makes excuses for why he lost yeah Joe you're being a sore loser [ __ ] no no looks like someone's ego is shattering huh also why the [ __ ] do you scream like that Joe don't judge the king Joe Biden mods Bannock Joe is really out here thinking he's Nick a30 come on ban Trump and put him on the submarine you aren't Nick a30 bro also submarine jokes aren't funny and you are also so late to it didn't ask for your trash opinion Obama just watch this comeback you piece of dog [ __ ] just watch me play like Napoleon no keep crying loser [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up Joe you ain't got [ __ ] on anyone just wait till it's my turn [ __ ] this should be a lesson Trump don't [ __ ] with me don't mess with me because I am the goat at this game and I always will be shut the hell up Joe you ain't no [ __ ] goat you're more like an earthworm you sleepy idiot are you just mad because you lost South America Obama [ __ ] no I ain't mad because I can just take it back next time it's my turn you are an idiot because you will have no troops left over and none to fortify with facts Obama Joe's an idiot for that says the one who is losing hard right now how does it feel to lose like 90 percent of your land Trump only being reduced to a few countries in Africa I would watch your [ __ ] words Joe just remember it's my turn next so what if it is your turn your trash at the game kid you ain't got [ __ ] on me damn Joe's ego is skyrocketed just wait for it to completely collapse later shut up please Obama you're losing just remember that let's [ __ ] go I got a 10 bonus what the [ __ ] no Joe imagine calling someone a loser but their advice would have helped you in the long run you should have spared some troops to fortify you absolute idiot facts Obama now Joe will pay for how toxic he has been no [ __ ] Trump shut the hell up you know I am better than you also you're just coping what the [ __ ] Trump why did you attack me what the hell don't worry about it Obama it's just so I can attack Joe but you didn't need my land to attack Joe look who's the idiot now huh should have listened to Obama's advice Trump maybe you should have kept some troops to fortify with huh don't worry Trump I'll knock him back thanks a lot Obama we need to defeat Joe he's the reason why this group has been so damn toxic recently facts wow so you guys are just going to team against me that's not what real friends do guys you do realize you're backstabbing me right Joe after how damn toxic and narcissistic you have been recently you honestly deserve it we are just trying to teach you a damn leasing Donnie maybe you should consider going back to kindergarten and go hang out with your baby friends and in the meanwhile you can learn how to pronounce lesson correctly no one [ __ ] says listen what the [ __ ] is wrong with you Joe shut the [ __ ] up man he just mispronounced it that's all and you are making a huge deal out of it facts thanks for backing me up anytime Trump whatever you want I dorks it's my turn now anyway so I'd watch what you guys are saying hahaha you losers look who's taking Europe stay mad and keep crying about it I know you both are secretly crying so much right now ain't none of us crying you stupid liar stop slandering us so the viewers side with you then where is Trump huh why isn't he talking he seems oddly quiet I'm here listening to you being a piece of [ __ ] also did you forget get to fortify again you absolute buffoon don't be a [ __ ] hypocrite Trump you also didn't fortify so you have no right to tell me what to do says the one who is losing land to me in Asia right now shut the [ __ ] up old man you look like if someone slapped 10 blocks down and called it a person also stay mad plus keep crying damn you absolutely roasted him Trump he ain't coming back after that one Trump what the [ __ ] why the hell do you talk an internet slang like stay mad plus L you need to learn how to talk properly respect your elders kid also Obama stop talking to me like that you Enderman stop backing Trump up join me instead he's losing so why not shut the [ __ ] up Joe also why the [ __ ] do you call me Enderman in every video bro cause it's hilarious Obama Joe no the [ __ ] it isn't it's literally racist as hell what the [ __ ] how does Obama have so many troops oh it's too bad he can't attack anymore with them though at least I can fortify which you never do which is the reason why you never won a risk game you doofus fake news Obama the reason why I never want to risk game is because it's flipping rigged wow how ironic coming from the person who rigged a whole election also don't act like you never sweared before by saying flipping shut the [ __ ] up all right Trump I agree with you except from saying that he rigged the election I'm not sure about that no [ __ ] this is bad Trump this is real Karma because of how much of a piece of [ __ ] you were being shut the [ __ ] up also this doesn't mean you are good at the game you are just lucky you have a card bonus keep crying Donny I'll be the one winning you will be the one losing haha don't worry Trump I won't even let him get the chance to win thanks bro I know one of the one of at least try to hide it don't be a [ __ ] hypocrite Joe remember the first game we had when you were losing so you decided to start teaming with Obama because he was winning huh remember that called strategy Trump Obama was going to help me win well Obama it turns out you [ __ ] played yourself the only reason I quote unquote teamed with you is so that you don't attack me I wasn't going to defend you for [ __ ] so basically you just screwed yourself over my lands right now [ __ ] whoa whoa whoa what do you mean your lands nobody they're my lens Joe stop coping buddy you know you're going to lose and now you are just trying to find any excuse you can get to make up for your stupid losses facts man oh yeah I'm making excuse for my stupid losses huh then how come Trump made an excuse such as the election was rigged when he lost the 2020 election you just got lucky I'm sorry Trump but I'm gonna have to attack you in Africa so I can get to Joe and attack him I hope you understand I understand Obama Go destroy the [ __ ] out of Joe Hahaha Trump your friend is attacking you shut the [ __ ] up Joe I'm just attacking him so I can gain dominance over the map and eliminate you lower your [ __ ] ego you piece of dog [ __ ] no [ __ ] Look Who's Crying Now Joe I recommend you get your tissue paper ready for when you start crying says the one who's being attacked right now by Obama shut the [ __ ] up I Don't Care Anymore Joe Obama deserves to win he did the most hard work in this game thanks I really appreciate it Trump also Joe maybe you could learn something from this past three games don't be [ __ ] toxic when playing against someone always respect your opponent and don't pick and switch sides I mean come on man your reputation is pretty much ruined at this point Joe stop acting like a philosopher stop acting like you won the 2020 election Joe I know it was [ __ ] rigged shut the [ __ ] up trumpy boy Joe I hope you are ready for what's about to come I have 22 troops lined up on your border right now I'm sorry but you're going to lose this game and I'm going to be winning no believe it I'm so [ __ ] mad right now I want to punch a [ __ ] wall good game bro better luck next time it's it's almost over good game guys see you all next time
Channel: President party
Views: 15,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: US Presidents, Presidents Play, Presidents AI, Presidents Play risk, Risk, Presidents risk, Presidents AI Play, Presidents play risk global domination, Presidents, US Presidents play, US Presidents AI, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Trump AI, Obama AI, Biden AI, Presidents Playdates, Risk: Global Domination, Risk gameplay, Presidents ai video, AI Presidents play risk, Presidents AI Play risk, US Presidents gameplay, Risk Global Domination, Global Domination, Trump
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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