How to Beat Beginners (Risk: Road to Grandmaster)

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what's up everybody and welcome to another game of Risk I am Logan AKA laser G and today we're back to the perfect settings it's a game that I'm hosting and I will show you those settings in just a minute here oh boy looks like we've got a lot of troops in Australia you hate to see it it's every freaking game I have so many troops in Australia question is do I want to double down there or do we see green coming in yeah I have a feeling Green's coming in hot to Australia with all these troops here five hits the one and then the four fortifies in no he doesn't okay interesting interesting all right here's the big question that we have to answer right away am I gonna try and go for Australia right am I stupid enough to do that I think the answer is no I think the answer is no then what do I do well I have this five here in a key territory I have this three and I've got these two stacks here so we're gonna play a multi-positional game with three stacks and I think my card is off of black right here so this will be a five this will be a five and then this is basically like a six then we're going to consolidate in Oz yeah that seems good to me so we're gonna make this attack first of all and use the slider that's fine and then I'm gonna motion like I'm trying to leave here say thanks end my attack phase and I think I fortified up just so it's clear I'm trying to get out too many games recently where I've gotten slammed in Australia and looks like Red's going here here's the thing though if I wanted Australia a couple things would have to happen in this game wow okay Red's an idiot red is an idiot they try and go for yeah three on four that's not a good attack so we know red is bad here's the thing if I wanted Australia I would have had to hit blue out because blue gets extra troops on their turn see if yeah this is leaving no doesn't leave interesting okay so I would have had to hit blue out and I would have had to bank that black wasn't coming in and black gets extra troops too they already have a lot of material here so they attack the one and then merge this in maybe let's see it maybe they go for Africa no they hit a three for no reason of pink okay so we're playing against a lot of bad players that's what we've learned so far we know that red is bad we know that black is bad and green attacked a two for no reason so we know that green is bad I think pink might be decent we'll see okay blue getting retribution on red for that attack delayed retribution okay I think this two still gets hit my five is now in trouble oh boy all right so we're gonna run from noobs in this game I can already tell this is going to be a runaway from the noobs game we're gonna make three big stacks and hide in the corner that's currently the plan three big stacks and hide in the corner I like Madagascar right it's out of the way people can run through Africa uh and I like this to be here on this one where this one is right now if this arrives that would be ideal for me and I don't think that we can add evenly I think unfortunately we have to add to Stacks that are threatened like this five is threatened right now wow maybe I do try for Australia what a bizarre game I think I have to wait to see what black does and what pink does before I add to Australia green misses a card okay this is a challenging game already uh I think my card is on black and then I run away from Black emotions like I want to leave to Pink again but I don't think I want to add here yet I think I have to add all of this here so that I don't get hit by Blue then I'm gonna motion up like I want to go this way and get out of Blue's way say thanks I'm gonna motion up to Pink again like I want to leave here also say thanks then we're gonna hit black use the slider and then we're gonna run away from black because we've already seen their crazy new so we're gonna run as far away as we can that's my turn we'll see how that works out The Runaway Strat we're gonna see this two go away yep that's gonna hit the two then blue is going to hit red I'm hoping they don't try and run through me to do it problem with the way blue played this is this two is still gonna get hit before they have a chance to retaliate on red so I don't know exactly how they should have played it but I don't think this was the answer because now the two goes away and now red and blue are in a crazy war that they're both going to lose so this is a very very frantic game very frantic game they're not even guarding okay what does pink do here they don't move they bring the seven in okay so pink is going for Australia now oh God what are we even what is this game oh this is some crazy play like are they going for Australia because like they didn't move the three into the seven or are they get letting me out because they didn't move the seven into the three what is this and what's black doing sure black actually makes a decent move and hits me hits a one for a change and they're doing some crazy splitting here for no reason they're just taking over the middle of the board okay all right interesting I've never seen this formation before we see blue break 100 100 breaks do we see 10 on 10v7 no we don't comes back okay is anyone gonna play ball with me in this game do we see green move here that would be ideal where does green go green seems like they might be kind of okay yeah thanks please hit the one please hit the one no don't do it damn it oh Green's a bot oh boy no [Laughter] okay so now we're in trouble in a lot of spots um these are both in trouble now I don't want to hit this block too hmm this needs to be at least a 10. so that the bot doesn't hit it we need to move this four away I think maybe I hit the bot here which is less controversial and then I'm going to protect this so we're going to hit the bot here and then remove away from everyone I think yeah this is just a crazy run and High game Marie takes South America and then Blue's gonna break them again can go all day like that yep cool three goes on to the seven makes it a nine or seven goes on to the three and War begins nope doesn't move interesting okay where's Pinko now pink it's me right Pink's an idiot yeah yeah sure pink tries to take Australia and then black is gonna come in and steal it from him four goes into this four I think no four guards okay so can we please see this war over Australia let's see it we've lost a lot of troops already and yet we're actually pretty close to being the troop leader we probably will be the troop leader as some of these wars continue because I'm just running away from the wars and the Bots seven before seven before come on seven before you know you want to you know you want to Black what is black doing in this game okay they hit a one okay I thought about it seven before yeah seven before and they lose six amazing perfect magenta teases them which you don't want to do yeah continues to tease them so now black and pink are in a war that they're both gonna lose blue and red are in a war that they're both going to lose and green is a bot so I'm the only player that is playing even remotely sensibly but we'll see if it matters or if I just get caught in the crossfire blue breaks again yeah blue breaks again 10v7 Blue's like I can do this all day long okay green gets three I'm hoping these four survive for one turn so that I can merge them on this one there's a chance I get hit really hard by the bot right now I've tried to avoid that nice okay this is why we made this a 10. I figured they might add to this territory do we see 10v7 that would be incredible okay they're hitting black I feel like black is going to take Vengeance on the bot for doing this right okay so I don't like this situation at all I'm almost tempted to set in so I don't get hit there [Music] yeah I mean I think I just have to keep stacking here so that I don't get hit and then I'm gonna run into Madagascar I don't really see another option like granted this three is probably gonna die now but I think I would rather protect the six and I don't think the bot adds here reason I'm so worried is that the bot can set red sets early curious if they hit Blues 10. or just guard more substantially I think probably guard more substantially because they're they're gonna have a nine or an eight after this attack is over they have a nine do we see 9v10 do we see 9v10 no right that's what I thought and they don't fortify so let's see if red sets in early to hit this Pink's gonna finish Australia now or try to no gets their attack here on black yeah punish is black good manual rolls the stack good good okay so they get that there right now Black's gonna take their vengeance Black's gonna take their Vengeance and burst in here nope you add to the four not to the one that's incorrect Oh Black right yeah correct okay so the five comes in five comes in if they know what they're doing black could have taken Australia a long time ago if they had any sense of how to play right okay pink is down to 13. so I want to be in a position to kill pink here black or blue breaks again come on come on no Blue Retreats interesting Blue Retreats hits me right inexplicably hits me okay what is going on uh does the bot set curious if the bot sets bot does set gets the six because someone had already set in so I think I lose this three now and I think black is gonna lose the two or the three maybe no black gets lucky bot hits the one first that hits the two and then hits my three no it's not too nice okay cool bought doing a lot of hitting bot doing a lot of hitting that's still a bot right yeah that's a lot of hitting for a bot okay so now this is very much in danger right because the bot is trying to take this but they've already set so the 13 should be fine for now here's what I was saying I want to be in a position to kill pink because this is going to be the last of pink if they don't set in here I think they do set in which means that black is going to be weak right everyone's going to be weak everyone's going to be weak except for the bot which is insanely strong right now yeah I don't think I set yet because I think one of these idiots is gonna set so I think I just connect my stacks I'll just wait a turn to do anything crazy I'm just running from the bot right now that's all this is we go one and two and then we connect up as far away from everyone as we can be and no don't want to go that way I want to go this way okay so we're just hiding now we've got a nine walked away where the noobs cannot cannot possibly hit me right they're not going to come down just to hit a nine I haven't pissed anyone off you see red continuing to guard South America I'm in such a better position than red despite the fact that they have a continent right because I have five cards red has one card and they've pissed off blue I haven't pissed off anyone in this game I've just been running away oh man so here will be the ideal sequence of events right uh would be that black and pink one of the two kills the other one here and then I kill uh the person who's weakened not kills but basically eliminates them from this position I think it'll probably be black against pink pink has to set here yeah pink sets and hits black yeah it hits the five of black and then I'm gonna egg them on so they're gonna finish Australia no they don't finish Australia oh God these idiots huh I was like good luck to Black I'm really hoping we see this doesn't look like it yeah I mean pink thinks I'm talking to them I'm talking to Black right black hits me sure Black's on five cards and I kind of have a line to them I'm hoping the bot opens me here actually so that the nine is open and maybe I can kill black off of the nine I'm hoping I get opened here this three we'll see it's unlikely okay we see blue over there blue kind of helps me right now I can back off of red a little bit blue is also on five cards hmm I can't really reach blue though because blue is here it's almost worth it to start making kills right it's worth it to kill black if we can I'm really hoping this one gets opened okay but hits this one right hits my one hit a four hit blocks four nah it doesn't just locks me just locks me in not ideal okay well we obviously set don't have the plus two that's annoying where are the plus twos okay killing block is extra good because we would get that black has 17 so we don't quite have enough to kill them man wish this nine was here I was just running but yeah I think that was a mistake I want to line up to kill pink on a future turn okay here's my move let's go 100 percent and attack phase sit in the middle of the board with a 21. so we have been hiding now we're in position to kill everyone especially red uh red might decide to hit me and feel threatened that would be really bad I don't think they do yeah I don't think that they do because they don't really have the troops to do it they're gonna hit a one here and then pull back yep okay right so the bot can't set yet but I cannot set yet but they are going to set and then my 13's in trouble how do I get out of this one my 13 is pretty trapped okay we see a lot of attacks that's that's trying to leave might have to hit some bot to prevent them from adding here do I have a set I do have a set okay black sets in right where is this going black really playing like a bot I have to keep checking if they're a bot because this is nonsense right hits the bot okay so I think unfortunately I have to hit the bot right here to prevent it from adding in North America don't want to do that though okay black opens me to hit pink that's very interesting I was just saying I kind of want to kill pink now but Pink's on three so I think I moved to the Middle East with this big stack can line up to kill pink maybe on four although we're lined up to kill red really well and four value that sets 20 curious what happens now just black go or just blue go for the black kill blue hits a lot of green Blue's hitting a lot of the bot to merge their Stacks okay that's actually good for me because now the bot's less likely to add here right okay so blue gets out of North America now what happens okay gonna hit some of black Maybe maybe I can get a double kill of black and oh black is pretty weak right now can I kill black and pink can I kill black and pink or do I kill red huh okay so that is 24 huh I think I kill red I don't think anyone can kill me if I kill red yeah I'm gonna do it I think this is normally a bad move but I think in this situation it's pretty good actually okay slider on this one [Music] yep pop and pop okay we get the red kill here's the thing we're now sitting on four cards which is not ideal but I think that's okay [Music] yeah I think that's fine actually I don't think anyone's gonna come and kill me here I could be wrong maybe black breaks me actually that is a problem right Black's gonna try and break me and then Blue's gonna kill me I think based on that do I have a set do you have a set if I survive yeah see normally I wouldn't do that right because it doesn't set me in again mid-turn so that's very risky but I just feel like the quality of opponents is not high enough where they would kill me this is what I'm really worried about black breaking me for no reason I think it happens right we've seen 12v9 yeah I think yeah go that way go that way yeah 12v9 damn it I knew it yeah black breaks me for no reason and then blue kills me frustrating yeah frustrating I'm gonna say well played yeah oh blocks me let's go that's awesome black hits my nine but doesn't break me oh no it doesn't block kind of blocks me oh my God does blue kill me right now blue should kill me right now off the 29. blue should kill me right now they don't see it they don't see it they don't see it end your turn what are you doing kills green what's going on merges his Stacks Blue's a big fan of merging the stacks end your turn perfect okay let's go that's good so now what now I kill uh black I think right because the set is 25 it'll be close so this will be 28 uh do I lose the three that would be a disaster for me losing the three would be kind of a disaster for me I'm glad black didn't open my 21 because then black would be dead this opens my 21 doesn't interesting open it yes let's go okay now we kill pink I think huh this can kill pink uh all right so set [Music] what is this 31 oh maybe I killed black yeah I killed black now and then I kill pink I think okay yeah uh so we slider hope for good dice ah lose a bunch I think it's still 100 right 97 we get it okay so we got the black kill nice good to have that idiot out of the game set again [Music] okay now I think we kill pink right this can get the job done there yeah now we kill pink okay so here we go we're gonna slide her on the four lose wow I'm just getting horrible by his fuse okay this is still 100 I think nice get it there wow I'm getting really bad dice but it doesn't matter okay I'm not even gonna slide or anything oh my God this is crazy bad dice okay here we go we're gonna slide her this one okay and we need like seven here yeah let's do seven five okay we got the pink kill can I get the blue kill now or should I go for green uh we set I like Greenland I think [Music] uh how many cards okay so this needs to be like 13. then this can go all the way around I think oh no okay I don't think we quite get it I don't want to feed yeah I don't want to feed the kill okay see if glue can come back from that value of the set is 40. I think blue is going to hit me really hard but we do have a set no I don't have a set amazing see if he goes for the green kill curious how good blue is or if he goes for like Australia or something random I feel like he's going for Australia oh God blue you're stupid man blues bad Blue's so bad watch him not even get Australia yeah he's not even gonna get Australia man what an idiot blue could have won right there I feel like if he had chained The Kills effectively yeah he doesn't get Australia genius genius play okay ends his turn there fortifies back to Ukraine now here okay oh man maybe I should have gone for the bot kill and just won the game there or gone for the blue kill I just felt like I didn't have time and I didn't want to feed blue yeah bought sets hits my 13. oh it's so unfortunate and I don't even have a set right now oh brutal brutal okay goes that way that's good sure breaks my South America yeah that's fine that's fine okay do I have enough to kill blue right now you don't think so right not really in the right places to do that but blue can't kill me either because Blue's on two cards and they're locked here so I don't open this ring of fire right because this can't escape and I position myself to kill blue can I go away from the bot where I'm threatened like I'm threatened here with the stack okay yep I like this okay that looks good to me [Music] cool I win next turn right because I have five cards blue can't do anything Blue's just gonna finish Australia yeah I'm gonna give him a well played you captured Australia it's only turn nine all right you captured Australia you are going to enjoy that plus two bonus for exactly zero turns my friend yeah he says well played uh oh your time has come your time has come Mr Blue so this 18 can knock out blue here we lose a three is what it is uh that hits that so where are we gonna run off of we could just run off of this 18 maybe maybe we go off of this and clean out this pocket yeah I like that yeah that's all blue cool okay we got him see what the scent is uh yeah so we have 50 troops okay so we do need to run off of the 18. that's fine okay that's game it's game yeah pretty sure we got him 52 on 48 97 we got it cool blade and a good game does this a good game doesn't that's bored you want me to do that from noobs they're really good sports and they say well played when they think they're gonna win then they think they have Australia Under Wraps oh man okay so how do we finish green 17 can do a lot of heavy lifting here right and then we need the seven so that's like that and then this maybe all right let's see if we got him I think yeah can't quite next turn cool all right really quickly get off the fortify and we win oh my God bought sets of course the bot sets in oh boy do I have a set I do have a set okay that's games though that's funny yeah okay bot's gonna take South America this bot is almost as good as uh blue taking Australia gonna hold that for exactly zero turns two that was a fun one uh I feel like this was just the master class on how to run away right we did a lot of we did a lot of running in this game if so we set cool I mean we still win this if we didn't have a Set uh but obviously set makes it a little faster so we go this way and for 13 we need like call it 22. get them game hope you all enjoyed this uh this Wild game of Risk don't even know how to describe this one this was crazy this was frantic I'm losing my voice even talking about this game uh let's see we got novice novice beginner beginner beginner yep that looks about right to Me Maybe the weakest field I have ever seen in Risk but it was a fun game nonetheless I think beginners make the game a little more fun sometimes uh just because they're so unpredictable and crazy um I definitely enjoyed this one and I hope to see you next time on my road to becoming a grand master
Channel: LaserGamer
Views: 6,377
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: C_tORF8QOgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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