How to Chain Kills (Risk: Road to Grandmaster)

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what's up everybody and welcome to the ridiculous game of Risk I am Logan AKA laser G and if you love risk hit that subscribe button down below we are back to the perfect settings today whoa what was that uh uh okay we are in the first position uh we have alliances on in this game so let's try and make alliances with everyone and I'll show you the settings after our turn here uh okay I don't think I'm going for a continent in this game so we're gonna play multi-positional we've got some stuff in Asia we've got this in Africa we've got this in North America think this is gonna be my four to five potentially I think I want my Europe stack to be stronger and I want my Africa stack to be stronger might as well keep everything and then my attack I think I'm gonna go here yeah that looks good get a little more out of the way there and then I'm gonna fortify this two in because I don't want this two to get hit okay I actually really like that turn uh I'll show you the settings so we are playing on world domination on the classic map Auto setup 60 second turn hard AI Progressive cards balance Blitz that is no filtering of rank alliances are on and everything else is off okay I didn't quite see what that was uh looks like that wasn't on me though we have one Ally now we have two allies in black and blue hopefully not a metaphor for how I'm gonna end up after I play this game don't want to get bruised up too badly we do see a nine in Africa so take a look at where the big Stacks are the biggest stack in North America is my six the biggest stack in South America is Black's four which is basically a seven right because they can bring three off of this okay we see uh orange hit me there that's fine just taking a card so I think I want to build up on Ukraine here that seems good right we really like the Ukraine position uh C's basically everywhere on the board is in the middle of the board and then I think I want an ancillary stack in Africa hopefully it survives we'll see what uh What uh purple tries to do if purple tries to go for Africa we are going to see black going for South America and they're very strong there right they hit that way then they're gonna go up and then they're gonna bring the four in or probably the three down if they're smart yeah I think what I would do if I was black is probably bring this three down yeah okay I'm gonna give him a well played and throw him a heart since they're my Ally so Black's in a strong position now yeah this is a very strong guard thinking a lot about it I think black is good interesting they pull in they pull in pulling in is a really interesting move because that makes purple a little less likely to hit them so I actually like that play even though they're not guarding as strong as they could be right these two threes are interior this three is here I actually like the way they took this uh did I get an I don't want an alliance okay we they do yeah that was a mistake cool okay so we have three allies in the game now curious what blue does here I think blue probably attacks up in leaves seems like everyone is abandoning Africa which is very bad for my four stack right people are just kind of handing it to purple and we see two continents have been taken already and so three continents are taken my multi-positional play isn't looking great but I definitely don't want to try for a different continent okay we see a 10 there that's very interesting okay we're allies with blue so we're gonna give them a thumbs up maybe they come into Europe no they can test in Africa that's very good for me what why is that happening I don't understand this that's very bizarre Okay so I like my stack in Africa I think I want an Africa stack and uh Ukraine stack in a North America stack so I'm gonna add two here yeah and then I had one here I'm gonna attack up onto this one and then I'm gonna move my two right here so we're gonna consolidate all of this stuff and mostly be adding in North America and in Africa okay so purple is playing purple has two positions because this one's gonna get eliminated interesting where is this nine going okay we see them hit a two not a great play from purple I guess they're trying to bring that in why does that keep happening the sort of edge thing that's bizarre huh weird Okay so what I was saying I'm gonna have this position this position where I'm going to be adding and then I'm going to be consolidating all of this stuff so I'm actually really liking my positioning in the game right now my next attack is definitely on Ukraine okay we see Orange playing a multi-positional game loses a troop there I do really like this okay please don't hit me that was unnecessary he's gonna consolidate this stuff sure yeah I'm a little bit less confident about Ukraine now just because I'm worried that orange is gonna come in and try and take Europe so I haven't seen yet what orange is trying to do but here's the thing they moved closer this way and this way so I kind of don't want to mess with them in Europe just in case okay I think that thing pops up every time a new player goes that's kind of strange see what happens next time uh green with a very very very strong Australia and they block where I was gonna attack don't like that yeah okay I think that thing happens whenever a new player comes weird must be a change in the game okay where's that six going it's the one and then comes in and makes that a 14. so no one's taking this continent for a while and I'm gonna keep that the case I'm gonna make sure no one's tempted ah I don't like that uh little graphic it's annoying North America is basically empty now but I'm not going for it uh so this is my fortify for sure I think this is my attack let's make sure this is maybe a seven and then this is a seven yeah and I like being in this spot in North America centrally located and out of the way looks good to me and I'm gonna pull this in because I want to consolidate with the three cool all right so we're allies with everyone except green purple accepts our alliance request throw a purple a heart so as I said I mean it's still early but I am liking my positioning we've got uh two sevens a six and a three and we're gonna hopefully merge the six and the three I don't like this I really don't like this because now blue is going to be incentivized to hit me yeah that's very worrisome okay so I'm gonna motion like I wanna leave on my next turn for sure and then I'm actually going to bring the six this way because I'm gonna need three positions and I can't be an Africa anymore so I don't want all of this to be too close together we see everyone leaving yeah I'm worried about how this is going okay so looks like orange is in fact gonna go for Europe right they're making multiple attacks on their turns and pulling everything into Europe which is a very very bad play for them I really really don't like that play for orange here because they're not going to take Europe right there's too much stuff in Europe it's in the middle it doesn't make sense and they have like the fewest troops the second fewest troops of everyone so Orange going for Europe is just putting them in one place making them easier to kill don't do this um okay black wisely knocks orange out of North America let me give them a thumbs up for that I like that black quietly getting very strong down here in the corner guarding with a 14 stack I really don't like that uh pop-up here wonder how I can get rid of that okay we see green consolidate in the middle of Europe and clear the way for orange to get in yeah okay that must be like a new graphic don't like it don't like it um okay so blue now I'm gonna throw blue a heart I really don't want them to hit the seven it would be very dumb of them to hit the seven interesting they add there okay so Blue's pretty good Blue's not gonna just Ram me for no reason yeah I'm gonna indicate like I'm trying to leave Africa which I am where do they get their card they get their card here and they hide in Japan okay I like Blues game they're playing two positional but I like their game now they hide here sure makes sense so on my turn I think we have to add to this uh just to make sure it's strong enough that blue doesn't hit me and then I think we have to add to this to make sure it doesn't get destroyed just add one there and then the rest here I think and motion like we're leaving so we're gonna go here because we have to attack once anyway so it doesn't hurt us and I'm emotion this way without attacking and say thanks and then do it one more time and then give blue a heart and then give purple a heart and say I'm sorry I need to attack your territory quickly end my Attack Phase so if he knows I don't mean right now and then we are going to migrate this six this way cool and purple gives me a thumbs up all right so purple's Gonna Leave we're gonna throw a purple another heart for doing that uh I think they probably will attack either me or green where do they go here they attack me yeah that's fine okay they make two attacks very bizarre no reason to do that I don't understand that play at all from purple not even a little bit right because he could have just attacked straight up why waste the troop and block yourself there I think purple is not good I really don't understand that at all man this thing is so annoying uh so black is building up their lead they have 36 and then green will also have 36 on their turn assuming they don't lose any here I'm at 29 so if the folks who don't have continents I'm doing well we do think that blue is going to be taking Africa but blue has played well so maybe blue doesn't even take Africa uh it'll be wide open though once I leave okay six goes there right okay so black is good Black's playing as well interesting though that they don't they block themselves up here which is not great and they don't fortify in so maybe they're not that good I haven't really seen a South America played quite like this interesting how they're doing this yeah and they don't really have an exterior it would behoove someone to attack black there my throw blew a heart and I must say to attack my territory if you need to I think they do I think they just get the attack right here and then we'll get out of their way they know that I'm leaving and they're good so they're not going to hit my eight no no no no no no don't hit the eight don't hit the eight don't hit the eight okay he doesn't yeah that's cool good stuff all right please stop there now please stop oh my God if he hits the eight yeah he's not going to right that would be so crazy cool see if uh black lets him hold this right curious if this turns into a war I think they're both good but maybe it will okay so now we're playing a three position game officially we're gonna make this a seven so we have two sevens uh and I could have traded in now but I don't think I need to see if anyone sets in early cool we go there end my attack phase and this is gonna be my main stack in Asia so we have a seven a seven and a 12. I don't really like having my main stack in Asia it's kind of just the way this worked out and I wanted to have three strong positions so uh you know I like this we managed to avoid getting hit uh which I haven't in recent games uh okay where is purple going with that sit in the middle of Europe that might be a warning to get the hell out of Europe and they stay there interesting okay very confused about purple's game I can't decide if purple's good see if we get any early sets we do we get an early set from Orange what is orange doing with an early set so we know that orange is not a good player they were not at risk of death see them coming into Europe which is what we suspected you said in just to do that I don't understand that play at all from Orange maybe they were worried about dying Flack has a ton of troops that Advantage is built up they now have nine troops over me and they're going to get a much bigger set I have to set second now at least it's better than setting first I don't like going first in the turn order not my favorite black smartly adds to their uh your sorry to their Asia position and makes two attacks to get out of the way okay that was a good play this is a decent play yeah I think black is probably an expert I really should have hit that two before I was allies with them but I was very tempted to hit this to a black and just put them all in one position and I probably should have done that in retrospect okay we see green going into Africa you see what is going on here very strange play from Green very bizarre play I'm gonna fuel this war and go shocked face and I'm gonna tell blue to attack green and give him a heart so that was very unfriendly to a lot of people but especially to Blue obviously who was clearly lined up to take Africa don't know about that play from Green I think blue just hits your eight at least a lot of players just hit the eight here but blue has been very disciplined and maybe green sees that I don't know that was an sit at the bottom of Africa I don't think I've ever seen that exact play before I think what you do if you're green if you don't want him to have Africa is you let him take Africa waste all of his troops taking Africa and then you break him because you'll be super strong if you put all those reinforcements here okay so we see blue coming all the way down sure single stack or Runs Out of Time single stack no interesting that's your last warning stack okay so we're gonna set uh oh my God it's a lot of horses Ural seems doable Great Britain It's Great Britain doable yeah Britain's doable all right so I'll save Great Britain and I think I attacked that way get a little out of the way of orange doesn't really get out of the way of Orange don't really want to invest more troops there make this a 10 psychologically I think and then I'll make this a 10 I think yeah and then this becomes my big stack as usual okay cool yeah I like this attack Great Britain you get the card it's also just a good attack and my attack phase and that looks fine to me okay I think we have a set now right man like graphic is annoying yeah we have a set cool so we're not gonna die most likely on the next turn or before the next turn sitting on 40 troops don't like having the second smallest set okay we see purple does purple go crazy now they don't they're gonna Block in North America no they're just gonna sit there with a 32. don't mind that play From my perspective putting themselves all in one spot okay interesting this one is still here which is a very good play from green to not hit this one uh which guards them against purple but uh this was an odd play as we said in Africa from Green so trying to get a read on how good green is it's been a little bit challenging I feel like probably they leave Africa now right put some troops here and then fortify the eight out we'll see orange oranges dreams of Europe are so done at this point hanging out with the 19 and the 10 orange looking kind of appetizing I have great lines on Orange maybe I kill orange on the next turn I would I would sit on four no probably not right because this is going to be 15 so I would get the 20. yeah I don't think it's worth it but we're gonna line up and kill to kill them I might set for safety rather than sitting on four I don't like sitting on four this 22 is locked okay I'm revising my prediction on black does the 22 move now no three onto the okay yeah Black's not good this is very bad okay I thought black was playing well but look at how many troops they have locked they have nine 31 they have 31 troops locked and they're all connected now so I don't like that okay we see green set in they now will leave Africa having locked Blue from taking it for a turn and the eight is gonna fortify out that's exactly what I thought they were gonna do okay so I'm getting the sense that green is quite good I think green might be a master I think black is no better than an intermediate I think orange is not particularly good purple's basically closed off to everyone with this at least this way so blue finally takes now let me give blue a thumbs up and a well played make sure everyone knows that they just took Africa I am gonna set in and I'm going to potentially kill purple Orange uh yeah just purple or orange potentially blue uh yeah this is a very clear set I don't want to be on four right here so I'm not gonna risk it for any reason uh so we do want to get have lines on Orange right and we want to have lines on purple and blue so I do kind of like the single stack in Ukraine play yeah and then make sure this is big enough to get orange no matter what they do yeah make that a 19. then we're gonna make several attacks here one lose a troop not ideal two and three attacks sure we get it often time and my attack phase four to five there okay so we're sitting on Ukraine with the 37. we're open in every direction gonna throw purple a heart cool okay this is good we are lined up on purple we are lined up on orange uh orange is a lot less risky please don't set Orange purple is close to Orange very good please don't set orange looks like they might be setting right now looking at their cards I am very much lined up on Orange and everyone can see it uh blue with a traditional guarding structure here I don't like it all right this prevents them from making kills uh they're basically blocked everywhere except here so they only really have a 14 that can do anything don't like that for blue if orange is is smart they don't uh attack this way because purple is close to them right now but orange is basically [ __ ] yeah orange is completely [ __ ] so orange is dead orange making way too many attacks let me give them a thumbs up so Orange Is Dead uh hopefully I get to kill them can black kill them Black's not really open this is quite bad right I have the best lines so if blue sets in blue can maybe kill Orange what's the set right now so that is 25 so if blue gets the 25 plus six uh that's 31. black continues to do nothing oh they block there no they come back sure gonna give black a thumbs up gonna give okay Green's not my Ally right I'm gonna give uh blue a heart wow this 19 blocks the 14. okay so green does set I wonder if orange is dead now wonder who's dead now while they do nothing with the set very surprising they hit purple wow okay huge mistake there from Green yeah you have a huge huge 76 stack now but you're all in one place and now I get to make a lot of kills please don't set blue if blue doesn't set here I get to chain a lot of kills together I get to chain a lot of kills together come on yeah this can come this way and get the blue kill Maybe okay they don't cool and they just hit green nice please lock your troops inside yourself yeah nice okay cool cool cool very good all right big turn for me lots of troops yeah it locks his troops what are you doing dude okay opens his troops that's better sure okay so here we go that's enough to get them there we'll add all of it here and I think we might just win now let's see boom okay good dice there yeah thumbs down thumbs down for my own death I don't like that that's not optimal for me sorry orange you are dead let's use the slider here boom we got the orange kill okay set in nice and thank you green for knocking out purple there that was very helpful so now we get the purple kill uh yeah we go here okay and I'm gonna do this in an interesting way I think hopefully we get good dice on this and we're actually only gonna leave six here okay and then we'll use the slider one and two we got the purple kill okay let's see if we get the blue kill now I'll set in okay so Blue's got a lot over here 44 um this needs to be six five four three two that needs to be a little bigger do I go for the blue kill now I think I should right yeah I'm gonna go for it let's see if if uh this nine can get it first yeah I'm not gonna slide or I think seven six five four we get it there hope for a good dice on this one this is the big one okay decent okay and yeah we got it easily beautiful okay I think I should have lined myself on black there instead but that's fine uh now we can just hang out I think okay we said it again uh yeah I think now I just chill where can even hit everyone though I think I don't need to kill anyone next time I do want to be lined up on Black just in case but not on Green and my Attack Phase will just totally abandon all of this I think yeah just single stack there cool I like that I'm gonna throw black a heart and uh Green's not my Ally cool all right well we didn't win but that was a great turn we have 88 troops and we're sitting on five cards so unless black kills me right here I'm in great shape hopefully black doesn't have a set they haven't said in yet uh green knocking out purple there in single stacking rather than going for kills on that critical turn was a huge mistake that was obviously the turn where kills needed to happen there's probably a way for me to pass it where I could have gotten black but I just wanted to make sure that I had blue and attacking yeah I must say well played yeah well played you broke me good job okay stop now please I'm gonna send them a heart still love you and you're dead now um Okay so yeah what I was saying is I wanted to hit the 25 first uh because that just works out better than hitting it last I know I have enough troops to slide her really effectively uh so let's see what happens now is green gonna try and kill me I don't think so they haven't been very aggressive they might though they're hitting a lot of me that's a four yeah they might be trying to kill me now I'm gonna go okay they're killing black what are they doing here they're breaking black they're killing me I must say oops yeah I'm gonna say oops again hopefully they don't reach my 58 yeah that was a mistake on their part I don't really understand that okay so now Black's dead this can get all of this I think or just add a couple uh so let's set in first of all not going to worry too much about that uh we need to be able to get is this open to everything it is open to everything okay I think I just go off of this one stack then reminds me of my huge mistake I made in the last video If you haven't seen that one check that out not gonna slide her I'm just gonna like partially slider so it's a little bit better uh did I get an alliances over from black yeah I did okay so black is terrible we figured that out already okay cool I should have just cleaned that up I think and we got the Black Hill nice okay and now we're gonna get the green kill I think we said it again um Okay so just add all of it here I think uh and then what do we need in here seven I think five four get it there cool and I think we got him what is this 65v61 is 98 I'm gonna say good game I think we have them because he's on two cards and well played we get the win nice let's go that was fun I feel like that's a good lesson in why you don't need a continent to win in Progressive right like we had a lot of continents taken we had three continents taken um and yet it was still a pretty easy win for us wow very surprised orange is a master I did not understand Orange's game I thought they were going for Europe and then they put themselves all in one place they did a lot of weird attacking that's very bizarre to me I'm very very surprised they were a master didn't understand their game at all uh and then green was a master I definitely saw that coming because of the way they took Australia and blocked blue I thought that I I did call in the game that they were a master uh blue only a beginner that makes sense they were kind of traditionally guarding Africa black and novice okay I thought they were more like a beginner intermediate but makes sense they didn't know what they were doing and then purple is a beginner all right well that was a fun one uh we're one step closer to becoming a grand master and I hope to see you all next time
Channel: LaserGamer
Views: 877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jevLxZouclY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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