The Best Clips of the Cast of Dune: Part Two's Media Tour

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my name is l what are you both listening to right now flight a lot of flight this morning it was Miss ellien I needed to get the Vibes going you know I need to get the energy up was it your alarm it wasn't my alarm could you imagine work it you know this is again do you have a terrible audition experience absolutely white boy Rick that was have you seen that movie yeah I know the movie yeah have you ever been Star Struck on the red carpet please elaborate I don't know on a red carpet I don't think I've ever had that specific experience I lie the other night Oprah oh okay there you go yeah I W past her went oh my God it's you guy and she was like oh my God crazy welcome Timothy and Austin Butler and [Applause] Florence Timothy I have to I want to start with you because there's something that's been driving me crazy there's a billboard that's been hovering over our theater here me and it's just there's a little accent over one of the e in your name and I want to know how I should handle that well uh honestly it's Teo but I would not oblige you to say it like that it could be Timothy or Timmy or Doug or Alan it's timote hey that's what it was supposed my parents curs me with that but then my middle name is Hal which breaks it up in a what that isn't really wait your initials are THC oh my no but uh I don't I don't do drugs um Austin did you miss your eyebrows making this movie did you shave the eyebrows I was going to a job right after and that and with uh this director named Jeff Nichols and and Jeff said can you please it was more of an indie film than than this was and he said they can afford to make you a ball cap but we can't really make you hair so can you just uh get a ball cap and that so that's what I did it it was 3 hours a day and that was when they brought it down start about 5 hours w i remember I was obsessed with top G Maverick at the time so I I rented a a theater in Budapest and I dragged the casting crew to see that for me it was my 12th time or something Have you really well how many times have you really seen that movie now now it's like 12 or 13 really yeah oh yeah obsessed I just love that it was a feel-good movie but it was so shamelessly about what it was about and this this Dune is more action-packed and it was it was inspiring it made me want to be more like that yeah I mean it was getting into his mindset really you know what is it in a person's childhood that makes them become this way growing up with with the baron as as the person that has ultimate power around you and what that does to you show me who you are and for me it was know there's a long period where I was trying to figure out what would he what would he sound like you know and and then that was the thing that clicked for me was I grew up that throughout those moments I have to remember that there is a love story happening so there would be scenes that had nothing to do with it with with with love but he would say you know I just want to film you guys looking at each other through in you know in the distance just like simple glances and how you can build a love story just off the looks what I'm so proud of in the chin and Paul relationship in this movie is how many of the elements of love we see aren't traditional like Gaga eyes over each other but as he put it that it's earned it's in all the blank spaces that you see a trust build or that scene where Paul wakes up from a nightmare and the comfort of waking up with the one person you can trust okay I'm here I'm here it's been a while since you've had one of those nightmares although there's there's that Joy too which is important to the movie that you see the two people that are happy to be around one another I like to believe what Den firstly brought to the script and what we brought to the movie was to bring a a groundedness to that love story that it wasn't like I said before simply there cuz it's a big movie I had seen Austin Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and in Elvis L that you know zendai in Euphoria which is coming out right around the time we did the first dune but as you said means you got little to do together on the first one actually we barely work together on the first one and with Austin I think Elvis had basically just come out so like I said I saw Once Upon Time in Hollywood but I was excited to get grappling with him right away and like Z said it was first day of school energy when we finally met and I think in in this in this moment too I think there's an extra sense of that because there's so many people who love the books there's so many people who are fans and feel very connected to these characters so you want to do that Justice and honor that and then also Denny loves the material so much like this is truly something dear to his heart it's like a childhood dream for him so you want to do also do well because of that and then on top of it you're in a cast of incredible performers and so you're showing up and you just want to to do your best I feel like I'm always starting from from zero like with any new thing it's like okay now I have to prove that I'm even worthy of being here this time you know and you and you do it every time whether it's feels good or not um sometimes it is is really it's very humbling you know and it and you feel very honored just to to be able to to go to work again
Channel: Carrington Flash
Views: 5,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dune part 2, timothee chalamet, austin butler, zendaya, interview
Id: wvKHIsLL5cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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