DUNE 2 Cast Interviews Get Spicy | Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya, Florence Pugh, Austin Butler & More

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I'm going to kick things off by saying thanks so much for bombarding my interview with Josh broland I mean I love what's going on thank you [Music] God H Denny this movie this movie is perfect that was exactly my thought when it finished I was like I have no notes this is a perfect film you really set the bar high for part one did you know that you're going to stick the landing the way you did for this one uh let's say that uh I I I was really inspired by the second part of the book and that's where the frankly the meat was I for me part one was a more of a kind of a introduction a kind of appetizer and the main meal was part two so I was dreaming I was hoping I was praying that we will have the chance to do the second part and I I worked hard with uh John Spade uh together in the screenwriting room to make sure that uh we will create the direct continuity of of of part one but that we will still create an autonomous movie that could be seen uh could be appreciated could be understood without having seen the first part it was I was I was trying to have both qualities in the same time and but for me it was just really exciting to u to go back in a more much more let's say muscular movie uh uh the first movie was more contemplative and I was in need as a director to to go in something that would be more playful with more action I was I was uh craving for that honestly for me well you mean action you really brought it there was so many shots in this movie where I was just in awe it looks so amazing and you have to see it on the big screen but when you watched this back for the first time with the complete edit was there a moment where you were just like crushed it this here is I'm so proud of this shot it's it's it's like uh you as a director uh uh you have to focus on details and uh until the very last second okay you cannot let it go you have to focus focus and it's just there's just a moment when finally it's finished that you can finally see that all the ingredients are coming together and that you but you have to be very very um uh severe and present until the last second and uh let's say that I don't have a lot of distance with the movie right now I've seen it a thousand time and and I'm looking forward to seen it at one of the premiere with an audience to feel all people act watching it um you guys did have amazing scenes together I'm sure so many people brought up that great fight choreography do you guys still remember how it goes now it's a great question wow nobody's asked us that would be so sad to try it if we try that well it starts with you lunging yeah yeah I would have the first couple down I feel like I'd have the first couple go yeah was a lunge and then not lunge in the opposite direction yeah I mean it's just trying to kill each other trying to kill each other yeah yeah uh that'd be so sad in Four Season in Los Angeles yeah we we can't do that right now I actually want to kick things off by saying gy H's such a great name in fact I love the names of so many characters here ever said that yeah it's cool isn't it great it's hard to say it is great but then there's like Duncan Idaho and Ford Roa that's kind of the best name Duncan ID you think that's the best I do I think it's the best because it's it sounds like a joke and it's not and then you see mimoa and you think he's a joke but he's not who thinks he's a joke I do why because I think he's silly but I think he's great with everyone on set now why not it just keeps things interesting you know how is it picking a fight with the Beast himself Rob I just saw him in the elevator well no but you get reminded by first of all like his presence and how big he is but he's such a softy it's like the biggest softy ever so you think you could take him take him you mean like in a fight really yeah no I would never want to fight him he's one of those guys that you just want to like cuddle up with and curl up and just have have a nice night uh stepping into this role how uncomfortable was it because Josh Brolin just told me that you're the softest nicest guy inside yeah and in this movie that ain't true no but I think it wasn't uncomfortable I think that's what makes it fun I think that's the escapism that's why I love acting I don't want to play me I want to play you know despicable layered characters any I want to play interesting characters but I want to play characters that are just layered in emotion and I want a character that I have to overly process because it allows me to become to perform and I think roles like that you know they don't come along very often uh not for guys like me anyway from a professional wrestling background who is typically just you know people want to put me in a box they want to put me in a lane you're you're a professional wrestler you are an action guy you got to do action and um and I don't want to do that you know it's not like I'm completely opposed to that but I seek out interesting roles that allow me to perform because I love acting there's something that happens in this movie that didn't happen in the book what this showdown The Showdown of with Beast raban was it nice fory hi to kind of have his moment it was it was a quick moment which I like I like that it was when when we we prepared for it because it was that big scene that I did before that that was like I wasn't sure if I could pull off and the fight scene and we did it in one shot and all that and then Deni had me walk up and then he said so you're going to so I'm ready for this big fight it's going to be a thing and we're going to have to rehearse it and he said no you just do this this and that then it was over and it felt like I felt like I got kind of you know uh stiffed from a from a from a great kind of it but it wasn't it was so quick and so kind of shocking that it's great what I really appreciated in this movie having split it up into part one and part two you were able to expand the characters and give them more time to sort of marinate especially with the characters Chie and Iran was they kind of exceeded what the book gave them how was that bringing these characters to life far more than the source material allowed in the first place the one of the idea there was to be closer to Frank Herbert initial intentions because uh he felt that when the Dune the book came out people thought that Paul was a hero but he himself wanted the character to be perceived as anti- hero and in order to correct that he did a second book like a kind of epilogue called D Messiah to inform the audience that Paul was in fact a dark figure and that the the first book was a warning to uh toward this dark figure the coming of this dark figure and and knowing that it informed me how to to make this adaptation uh I wanted to be faithful to uh Frank Herbert's initial intentions and and a way to do that with what with with the female characters that helped me tremendously to go closer to this to what he his intentions were actually I really love ch's character cuz she's not a love interest at all she's almost Paul's anchor yeah but resents him because he is a part of this bigger prophecy that she doesn't quite believe how fun was that yeah no I I think uh what I what I appreciate that Denny found within within this story is is allowing channie to have a very very strong perspective um and heart uh that ultimately makes her very distrusting of Paul and what he represents and so um as an actress it gave me something to really to play into now you're not just falling in love and everything is you know happy and sunshine and rainbows you know it's it's honestly a uh it's a battle I think inside of her to allow herself to love um someone like this um and it makes it more complicated and and and the weight is is bigger when she does open up herself to him with Princess Iran I love the fact that you got so much more than what was in the pages of the book how was that expanding her role did you kind of lean into Denny's vision of it or did you read the book and you're like I can see where I can go with this character um both I think you know it's it's always wonderful when there's a when there is um a book behind a script because you can pick out what you want to bring with you what you want to what you want to leave behind um I think something that I really appreciate appreciated about the script was was you really watch this woman grow in every scene that she's in and you really get to understand that she is constantly um on the edge of of of of figuring out the thing that she has been kept from her um and then also you know you always have to trust your director and you have to tress that they're going to lead you in all the right places and den is just a fantastic person to work um underneath beside like he truly uh he he he feels very safe as a director um and I think coming into this world as any actor it's so large this the characters are so large the sets are so large the world is so large it's very wonderful having a director that anything you throw down he's there to shape with you um and especially you know that being the first movie that did so well and and and really just like got everybody buzzed about what was going to come next it's it's very intimidating walking onto a set like that so I I really appreciated that what I haded up from book and from script was allowed and and um you know there's a there's a dot dot dot which is a wonderful thing as an actor to feel that it doesn't end here it's going to keep growing I think that your transition um from part one to part two has been nothing but exceptional and I had a bit of a breakthrough moment with this character um Jessica in the start obviously was super pulled between benaderet and being a mother and was often quite emotional when she moved to the fman camp I've recognized that there's so many points of being vulnerable and expressive that are actually now considered a waste of a resource what was that like knowing that you know Jessica used to be emote and she can't even cry anymore and you know what I believe in pushing emotions down and locking them up and throwing the key away I think that's how we reason in general in life you know don't overanalyze feelings and um but I think it's a very good question you mean the waste of Tears In general literally cannot show or remove anything any kind of vulnerability or expression no I nearly dropped a tear but then you know someone licked it up bloody Nora I was like jav you stop actually speaking of Steel gar in this one I think it's quite interesting how Denny decided to change some of the aspects of the book and the relationship that Jessica has with star is different in this how did you like sort of this newer version I like everything Denny does I don't overanalyze it I'm like that's the script great buddy can I change this line or can we do this or you want me to talk to my fetus absolutely for you anything um so it's it's the changes are necessary to work in a world today but I read an article I'm not going to go into it I'm going to use all of your time but we're talking about sort of bringing forth women and the powerment of of the female gender in general you know creating some form of equality out there um at the same time there's a lot of people who don't feel like it actually is so I always feel a bit confused as of if I'm on the pillar of rightfulness or the fact that we're just making a really good movie based on a script that's written by Denny vov do you know well I thought it did a really good job of like not being still gu's wife but going straight to being a reverend mother I love that as well but also we have something to build on later on you know who knows where we're going to end up one doesn't I also loved the fact that Jessica struggles with sort of the more power that she gets it's floating the line between sort of genius and Madness especially with these the power developments yeah do you feel that in life as well cuz I can feel you're a bit of a gen every day Jessica very smart am I incredibly smart or am I think there's a balance there it's the threshold um I think what's fun is the constant change of characters in the film generates a new decision for someone else you know that kind of domino effect of God if we could just do what I want life would be so much easier but that doesn't happen you know your kid has to go in a different way but what happens is the trajectory of these two people kind of meet anyway you know we just needed our own ways around it um it's fun it's fantastic I love I love the aspect F I love the gray zones I always go for a gray Zone part one we got the foundation we learned who Paul is he suffered through loss grief survival um now he becomes more a dib how was it bringing him and having him sort of elevate so much as a character because what I find fascinating is that he's so afraid of how powerful he can be yeah so how is that it was cathartic and uh and um just a dream to get to be in a film of the size but play uh somebody who's uh has such an inner tension and for the right reasons who's not power driven who's not power hungry who really is in love and wants to see that through more than any vision of uh of being domineering and sort of given a choice at some point to uh at some point selfishly continue on a more personal path or do what's right you know and stand up for people that have adopted him I find interesting as well your character fade ortha who is not at all afraid of power and the power that he has and the expansion of power so how was that for you well I mean it was one of the most fun times I've ever had with a character cuz he he he there's so much room for play you know and and uh and from those first conversations with Den I knew that there was going to be you know a lot of possibilities what we could do and um and like you say he's not afraid of power and um when somebody has an intense Vision it it gives you a lot to to work with so it was a blast and it was also exciting as well pinpointing his flaws as well like the two wonderful words desire and humiliation how is that bringing that to life too yeah I mean he's he's a he's a kinky guy in this I loved that you know you introduced the baron is introduced uh to a relationship ship with someone new his other nephew fade rotha how different does the baron treat fade as he does to Beast ran well fade is uh a revelation he he he knows uh raban from from from the beginning and he he is the natural air uh but he Mis Mis uh misbehaves and he doesn't take care of Rocket and the spice and everything uh and then he he gets his eyes on fade router and uh he falls in love with him in a way I mean it's uh he he is uh he is overshadowed by him in a way and uh and Austin Butler is doing a wonderful job I think and he's he's like a snake he moves like a snake he he looks like a snake well I mean he looks very different in this movie that's for sure he sounds an awful lot like you did work with you to try and get the Honan sort of or hin voice no he he he looked at a lot of my films to get it really yeah so uh the first time he he used it uh I heard myself uh in another in a younger version that must have been amazing though yeah was your favorite part about raban the Tantrums uh no the Tantrums are easy my favorite part about Rabon is trying to convey that he is inherently a coward that he's that is where all his rage and anger and violence stems from it's from an insecure Place uh an insecure place of him knowing that he's he's not he's not smart and he's brother is better at him than everything and that he desperately seeks approval from his uncle so and and that's what makes him not your typical brute it makes him a layered character and so as a performer that's that's my my dream and really changes up with the introduction of fade Roa what was that like having Austin on set amazing yeah amazing cuz he's incredibly talented and he's also just such an loving genuine person so it allows me to feel comfortable with him and I know he's not judging me so I don't feel self-conscious and all my inhibitions just go away can I and I can just perform and also because he is so talented I can just be lost in that moment with him like we're just sucked into that scene and then when they say cut we're completely out of that scene and we're having we're laughing we're you know having conversations and and that's what it is I like the comfortability I like people that I'm just super comfortable with and we can go in and out of character and uh play with things and not feel judged not have to feel self-conscious um so he made it really easy for me he you know with Denny brought out the Best in Me Now the baron is such an interesting character and you really get to delve into all facets of who he is if the baron had any redeeming qualities what what do you think they would be well well I I I think the redeeming quality is his sensuality he he his passion for food and U and the good things in life U which I totally share with him yeah but then redeem you can also say that he's he's playing by by by the by med medieval uh Rules by by melan rules rules and uh according to those rules he should uh to to sustain power he he should uh use all means like Henry the E right in the Renaissance in the first film you obviously had very limited sets and interactions with other characters in the film for part two was there someone that you finally were able to have a scene with that you didn't get to work with before well I for the first time I in the end I have I have the scene with with um uh Paul Al trus with with uh Mr shal uh spoilers yeah but if you've read the books it is yeah of of course that's it's the only thing I I have I lived mostly I've lived my my my uh hearken and life separately from from the other characters uh but uh raban and and fed rout that's a good good good gang there are so many amazing actors in this movie was there someone you weren't able to share a scene with that you felt like you really missed out uh well you know I was in I was in scenes with um most everybody didn't get to interact with a lot of people uh I would love to I mean there's not really anybody on the in the cast that I wouldn't like to interact with but I'm a huge Javier bardam fan and I didn't get to share dialogue with him also um Christopher Walkin I mean I grew up you know admiring and looking up to and idolizing Christopher Walkin and so I'm in a scene with him but I didn't get to really interact with him much and Florence I love Florence uh so there's really like and even Timmy like I love Timmy but we just don't we don't interact in the film he you bum you you get the sand action yes yeah of course I I mean watching him on the sand warm that was uh one of the coolest sequences I've seen in a long time how do you do it show me the techniques the techniques are crazy yeah yeah just like did it we just did it that's how I my just I just going to say that can not have been good on the back uh you also had something that was taken from you in the first film and that was your musical moment now you can actually officially say that you have collaborated with Han Zimmer with Han Zimmer isn't that crazy like I don't want to get into the whole collaboration cuz he was traveling at the time but I was like furiously writing and sending and writing and sending and then he'd send me back like a picture of the Antarctic or something and I'd be like that's wonderful but what do you think of the thing focus focus and then the music that he came up with was unbelievable it makes me look like a musical genius now you have to sing as gie he's like the B of the group yeah yeah how was that I did my best how you are you good with pitch if I can get it I I don't I you know okay you do it there you go no that sounds horrible no I think you got it that sounds like something's hurt no that was pretty good that was not bad thank you you're welcome I'm Googling yeah I'm Googling June popcorn bucket I don't understand what's happening oh you don't know about the AMC popcorn bucket I'm seeing something but I'm not sure what's going on what it is yeah you're supposed to put your hand in there and eat the popcorn oh yeah I know I don't think they had an intern that had a you know different mindset interest how Central yes yes well I mean they do say you have to ride a sandworm to earn your spot so look at that that's what happened back in the days with MGM but thankfully we moved on last time I spoke to you about this film you said that the baths were not fun to film um that doesn't really change much in this movie did you put up a bit of a fight to try and expand outside of the sludge no I I sort of I i' I've I sighed and I accepted my faith and I went in and I did it I did those I mean I'm only shooting for 10 days or something it's okay is that it yeah uh it was very efficient what I what I love about this is that uh Denny basically lured you into part one saying part two you're going to take off you know you in part one but part two is where it's at and then you had the same thing I'm in in part two we'll introduce you but you know it's funny you say like Denny didn't have to convince me I was the one like when I first heard that he was making this and I heard I watched the this version and I was like oh that's the character they're trying to cast okay wait a minute hey I no you don't know me and I know you're not even casting this yet cuz it was before they even started doing auditions or anything but I was like put my put my name out there you know and they were like we'll wait till we start auditioning people and all everything and I and I auditioned and did my chemistry read and yeah sealed the deal sealed the deal you've got Jessica his mother who's you know lifting him up and course correcting a lot of the time and then Chie who's making sure that he's not blowing up and keeps him grounded and then Iran dot dot dot we have to get a part three yes but the thing is that uh uh Florence PE came on board with the same promise that I did to zanda when Zena did part one I said uh uh you will be uh it will just be an introduction to your character and if there's a second part then your character will be absolutely prominent uh uh uh at the EP center of the story uh it's a bit the same thing with Florence it's we introduce our character in part two and if there's a Dun Messiah adaptation then she becomes one of the main it's like I so when not if how bad do we need to part three we're here like like desperate for one I want to know what happens you know I think it leaves on such a not I want to see those two have a a the I want to I want to be a fly on the wall for the first conversation me too I want to be there oh my god do you think Duncan Idaho is going to be a big part of part three I mean I like what's going thank you God I'm nice to meet you what no you're so fine fine do your thing did you guys purposly match did you get the books yes got the books got you got to sign it okay bring give me a little give me a little personal you boys I love you out here yeah man you guys are together you I'm I'm going to do this to you I love you guys bye I'm going to call that Josh Brolin and the Bromance that was cool thanks so much for bombarding my interview with Josh broland appreciate that could not yeah could not I heard you just got the book though so I'm grateful for that cuz I learned about this book how is it it's amazing yeah they did they did a version on the first one but this one is even more streamlined I think yeah yeah remember when we went over to Josh's trailer flat that day oh oh heing on it he already working on it we went to his apartment in in Hungary and and he was already writing poetry and stuff that moment until I just remember that right yeah how fun I think he was writing I think he was working on a book like his own book right yeah yeah and he and he was working on his own stuff yeah yeah he's such a creative guy he's the best yeah yeah memories that was cool what was the books you got himone uh I got him oh look at me I'm all nervous now um I got him a book there me and Greg Fraser did a book of Greg's photographs who was the DP on the movie and my writing and we put together from the first movie and the second movie a big thing and it's going to be available February 13th yeah for sale but I just gave them their books and you saw it yeah obviously they liked him so it was [Music] cool
Channel: Nerdist
Views: 292,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdist, Timothée Chalamet (Paul Atreides), Zendaya (China), Rebecca Ferguson (Jessica), Austin Butler (Feyd-Rautha), Josh Brolin (Gurney Halleck), Stellan Skarsgård (Baron Harkonnen), Dave Bautista (Beast Rabba), Florence Pugh (Princess Irulan), Denis Villeneuve, Maude Garrett
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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