Spider-Man (GameShow #13)

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Spider-man! You know him! this guy, and this guy and this guy and this-. Oh insomniac has returned in full form if you don't know Already, this is the studio behind Ratchet and Clank 1 2 3. 4. 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10... 11 And now they've released Marvel's spider-man the game. Where you swing around New York City Fighting crime and helping out the little guy now. (Who is this guy...?) This game has an excellent main campaign. But in this episode, we'll just be focusing on helping out the community (You gotta help with your city mate!) by completing side missions. My first deed as the friendly neighborhood spider-man, was helping the police to disarm bombs that been planted around the area. The culprits were on this rooftop, which especially in this game isn't a particularly great place to be. (#Thatstrue) BOOM! Actually love that move in order to disarm the first bomb, I needed to solve a circuit puzzle now. I don't know what it is. (Welp!) With Insomniac and putting puzzles in their games. But I must say they do a pretty good job of it after solving the circuit in record time. Trust me! I know I checked I was then on a timer to disarm the remaining two bombs. Although they didn't have circuit puzzles to complete... So it wasn't much of a rush, and the mission was done with plenty of time to spare. No problem chief! Only moments after stopping one crime, another had already popped up. We'll never fear because Spider-Man is on the- what? How did I fail already? D: What's wrong with me? Dude, they gave you like two seconds. You're Spider-Man. Not the Flash! I decided to check out what new suits I could get, and oh boy! This one? This one looked good! Now to unlock the suit. I needed one more base token, which you get for clearing out enemy bases. So I set a marker for the nearest one I could find, which turned out to be a kingpin hideout, and made my way there. I wanted to play it safe, and go for stealth takedowns only, but apparently Spidey boy here had other plans. (Whats the plan anyway?) Now I'm not exactly sure how this dude didn't see me considering I just knocked his buddy 10 feet into the air right next to him, followed by dancing around the scene of the crime.(OOF) But I guess not all henchmen can be top of the class. While crouched above his confused self, a thought occurred to me. How come these villains never bother to look up? See? That's what I was trying to do. The first time. A few sneaky attacks later and I came across this trio groups are harder to take down without raising alarm, but I figured the Weber bomb would do just the trick. (FATALITY!) Seeing as I'm showing off my gadgets here, take a look at this! (ooooh! Shiny!) Huh, I am afraid you have been fooled this is in fact, not Sammy (Sorry I'm not a fan of Spiderman or know too much about him but who's Sammy?) What I wasn't aware of was that you can only really do the first wave of a base in stealth. Since once wave 2 starts, all the enemies are instantly notified of your whereabouts anyway. And some of these dudes have rocket launchers! I was left with no choice but to give them this work. Oh! Oh.. he's dead isn't he? Did I just use that guy as a jungle gym? Oh my god, who did that was it you?! Give me that, take it back, gimme that, take it back.(Those criminals are wrecked for life) Gimme that take it back Oh No Oh God, sir. I am so sorry! Once I had these guys all tied up... Or dead, I had enough bass tokens to buy my new spider suit and oh boy, did it look good. :D So good. In fact that I wanted to find the perfect spot to take a selfie with this thing! Yo, can these- can you get out of here? Birds: NO! Unfortunately, my photography efforts were cut short when reports of a demon attack, on sable agents came through and you know your boy, Spider-Man's gotta call all up inside, everybody's business! (You're screwed!) Boy, mate you've got mail! Clearing out the demons was a, well, light work. (I thought demons were heavy, but I guess I was wrong) But it turned out there was one demon I'd missed, and I legitimately could not believe what I was seeing! There are six sable agents and a turret on this one guy! And you're telling me they can't take him down?!? Damn, useless sable agents! Got to do everything myself around here! Moving that out of the way, I was able to return to my mission to take the perfect selfie. Man. Don't I just look... fabulous! Something seemed off... however, the location just didn't feel quite right. And so I decided to head to the coolest building I could find. The Avengers Tower. *SPIDEY MAN MUSIC WITH A KAZOO* Then came across yet another demon attack on sable agents! And if lost time was any indication They were gonna need my help. I don't like you! True that, Spider-Man! Now just like last time, the demons were light work, and also just like last time the sable agents proved themselves to be completely incompetent. Dude, this guy is point blank. Did you see that bullet spread? Bruh! I decided to hang back on this one, and just let disable agents handle it. and just let disable agents handle it. (This will be a while...) (Cue the Jeopardy waiting music!) At this point I was at such a level of disbelief, I started taking pictures. (WAIT, WHAT?) I mean are you really gonna tell me that this turret is doing nothing? Eventually, I decided to help disable agents out by disarming the demon for them. Gimme that, take it back! And would you believe, They just let him pick it... back up! In the end, I just had to put a stop to it myself. (Flippin' disable agents) What do you mean?!? I did let you handle it! For ten whole minutes! I thought I'd finally be able to return to my quest of taking the perfect selfie... But no more than twenty seconds after the last incident had been handled another one had popped up. New York City! What are you doing?! I was on a hot pursuit of a truck carrying explosives, but was being shot at by enemies in the vehicles following behind. If I wanted to have any hope of stopping that truck. I was going to have to evade... Well, the quest to take the perfect selfie continues! Yeah, well, I guess I'll just let you guys handle it. (OH SHOOT! MADLAD ALERT!) Here I was the top of the Avengers tower... So, you know what that means? selfie time! :D (Wii Shop Channel Music starts playing) And there we have it! You know now that I think about it... You can't even really see the city, or tell how high up I am. Like you don't even know I'm on the Avengers Tower. Why did I go through this much trouble?! To put an end to Spider-Man's busy day, I thought what better way than to round things off, with a good old drone challenge. The concept is simple. Follow the drone, swing through the blue orbs it leaves behind, and catch the drone at the end of the course before the timer runs out. (That sounds fun) Listen. I said it was simple, not easy. I did manage to complete it the second time around, but I mean look I was so close to the silver. like so close. (OOF) I had to give it another go! *pause* Alright. Imma let you in on a little secret, before this video became a GameShow episode, it was originally gonna be a video of me actually playing the game. You see my Spider-Man hoodie? I look so good! But whilst I was in the process of editing that video, I figured a GameShow would be more fun. So I scrapped that project, and started working on this one. Hence why this video came out a whole month and a half late! All that said, for this particular segment. I think the live reactions will do just fine. (???) No, no, no. Okay. Get get up. Get up there mate! It is too far away! Mate, did I ask you to do that? No, no. No. I ran out of time! I wasn't even close that time! I have to employ Maximum Focus™, okay? No, uh-hmm.... damnit! don't play games with me. Go 20 seconds! got 20 seconds spider-man. Did I do it did I do it? No!!!! I'm too far. No! damn it! Are you serious? Are you serious my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Twenty nine thousand, but I missed it! Come on come on! No! Yes, come on, yes! Composed. Relax it wasn't a big deal. We did it. You know you got it Spy Hunter exactly trophy. Thank you. It's all good. It's all good. Thank you everyone. Spider-Man. This game was a lot of fun and without a doubt. One of the best superhero games out there. Maybe the best one I've ever played. Insomniac did a great job with it, and I cannot wait for them to release their next game. Ratchet and Clank 12. All right, it's been fun guys. But if you'll excuse me, I've got a city to protect! Give me that... Take it BACK Thanks for watching guys! (Captions and things like this were made by Anthonyplaysalot and Jason K! Thanks for putting captions on, and have a nice day! Now go watch another one of his videos! :D)
Channel: tamago2474
Views: 383,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tamago, tamago2474, 2474, funny, comedy, gameshow, game, show, spider-man, spiderman, playstation 4, ps4, review, reactions, funny moments, gameplay, Simi, Adeshina, Simi Adeshina
Id: UlDqgfN3a2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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