The BEST and WORST Superhero Films Every Year

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so as you can probably tell by the batman iceberg i'm a bit of a superhero fan and so i've watched pretty much every single superhero film released in the past two decades minus maybe two or three of them and a lot of people like to argue which is the best superhero film of all time is it the dark knight end game logan infinity war spider-man 2 spider-verse kangaroo jack wait that one's on the superhero film where's your phone i ran it the danny's you guys have a denny's but instead of discussing which superhero film i think is the best overall regarding the galaxy 2 i've decided to go over which superhero films i think were the best and worst from each year from the far off year of 2000. before we begin let's lay down some rules rule number one no parodies so no superhero movie rule two just because a film is a superhero in it doesn't make it a superhero film for example would you consider the lego movie topology as a superhero film would you consider scoob to be a superhero film rule 3 these films had to be theatrically released in the united states not including limited runs so films like the killing joke in both my hero academia films can't be counted and finally rule 4 this is going to be for superhero films not comic book films just because the better black movies beaver vendetta jonah hex and league of extraordinary men were based on comics doesn't make them superhero films before we begin i want to make it clear that's all my opinion there's no objectivity when it comes to art if i love winter soldier but you hate it that's great if i hate x-men 3 but you love it that's also great don't let my opinion dictate yours instead leave your opinions on which films are the best and worse in the comments below don't let anyone make you feel bad at what you like and don't like with that out of the way let's begin there are only two speaker films released in 2000 x-men directed by the awful human being brian singer and unbreakable directed by enmite shyamalan and let's be real here there isn't really much my contest while i think a lot of the acting x-men is pretty solid specifically from hugh jackman patrick stewart and mckellen a lot of the effects have aged horribly and there's still some pretty mediocre lines thrown in there for good measure i also hate the costumes as much as most x-men fans do i'm glad the error of tight black leather outfits is over bring in the color unbreakable on the other hand still holds up pretty well i think honestly it's probably the last film i ever cared for bruce willison and of course sam jackson is excellent as mr glass not only do i think it's the best superhero film of the year 2000 but it's probably shyamalan's best film in general there was one superhero film release and i've never seen it i don't know what the hell the one is i don't think anybody counts but google says it does so i guess it's the best and worst now the super superhero films really began in my opinion of course there's the entertaining is all hell blake ii directed by del toro and the underrated gem that is the powerpuff girls movie dressed by craig mccracken well the witcher ton of fun but i mean come on the best superhero film test 2002 is sam raimi's spider-man there's really not much for me to say as everyone to talk about this film to death spider-man may not be the most well-ridden film in the world but in terms of entertainment it really can't be beat from tony maguire and willing to foster counterperformances the amazing score and the unmatched meme material there really won't ever be a film like spider-man again besides spider-man 2 and 3. sure the organic webbing is weird and a lot and i mean a lot of the cgi hasn't aged well but i can look past it for the love letter to the classic spider-man that it is as for the worst film in 2002 i'd probably say blade too because while i think blade 2 is a more entertaining film than say powerpuff girls i just think powerful girls is a better film altogether blade 2's story and dialogue just fell flat to me even though wesley snipes is always great as blade while powerpuff girls is good in pretty much every category just not excellent x2 is the best one yeah i'm not even pretend it's a contest well i do have my fair bit of criticisms for x2 but the costumes still being pretty bad the cgi not holding up very well and the acting for some of the characters isn't all that great it's leagues better than the other two superior films released this year hulk and daredevil daredevil is at least extremely entertaining with its dated sound direct hilariously bad costumes and amazing lines of dialogue like what do you want justice that light at the end of the tunnel guess what that's not heaven it's a film that i come back to every now and again just for how silly it is meanwhile english hulk is just kind of boring i appreciate what angley was going for a much more personal and deep exploration in the whole character man the cgi has not aged well and the acting is not very good either and the editing holy [ __ ] just look at this this was released in theaters combined with probably my least favorite final fight in any superhero film in the painfully boring sections of the film sliced together with the short scenes of comedy gold like the hulk dogs i just can't say hulk is better than daredevil but to wrap it all up again with x2 x2 takes will work with the first film and expands upon it completely especially the fight scenes x2 is by far the best accent film in the original timeline to start things off we got blade trinity which is played trinity while wesley snipes is entertaining as always the same can't be said for pretty much everyone else especially ryan reynolds i just don't care for it all in this film and then there's punisher which up until the mcu was the best take on the character you can tell thomas jane has the insane respect for the character as he puts it all into this film and while i think he does a great job it just doesn't feel like a punisher film to me it feels more like your standard action film that just so happens to star the punisher not to the extent to say punisher 1989 does but still then we got hellboy which is a fan [ __ ] tastic film it might not be the most accurate to the source material but it makes up for that in the acting special effects character world building and heart put into this project i absolutely love this film and i like most people consider ron perklin to be the definitive hellboy it'd easily be my favorite superhero film 2004 if incredibles and so i read two didn't exist first off spider-man 2 which i'll just say right now is my favorite of this year it's just the most entertaining goddamn film i've ever watched it's never boring everyone's doing a great job action's fantastic the dialogue while still can't be melds perfectly with the rest of the film's tone and of course we got pizza time next we have incredibles which is one of my favorite pixar films i don't think it's perfect like a lot of people do like for example a lot of the backgrounds in the first half kind of look like a barren wasteland and i don't like either dash or violet but i just hate kids in general and sure jack jack is not funny but hey he's barely in the film at all meanwhile bob and my wife helen parr are constantly in the film and they're just fantastic so we get the best decision for what's the worst cat one i don't even really need to go more into it for that terrible costume horrible acting atrocious story god-awful cgi i mean like what what do you want me to say it's known as the worst superhero film of all time for a reason 2005 was a weird year for superhero films because not only did batman begins release which pretty much brought batman back into the mainstream and began a new era of superhero film but it also included fantastic four which is very clearly trying to be like the first two remy spiderman films with its tone but just really really falls flat the film for the most part is pretty boring and the acting is nothing to write home about sure thing is hilarious but that's really all i can say about it in terms of positive stuff i mean i guess the costumes are fine for the most part then there's electro which is the last superhero film made in the style of the early 2000s and oh boy is it just the worst jennifer garner tries all she can to make this film work but damn it she can't save this film or this dialogue it's a completely pointless spin-off that doesn't do enough to even really be worth mentioning and before we go back to batman begins we also have sky high which is a film i'm mixed on i know a ton of people love this film and it's their childhood or something i never really got into it i mean i liked it as a kid for sure but as an adult going back i don't know it just doesn't hit me like it hits everyone else it's a fine family film but there's not really much else for me to say on it and that's where batman begins well i think it's the best 8005 i'm not really super into it look i just really don't like bales batman the voice particularly i'm sorry i just can't get over it's not good but i think gary oldman is not only an amazing gordon but is the definitive gordon i'm also just not a big liam neeson fan especially nowadays and while i think he does an alright job with roswell ghoul i'm not even really big in the league of assassins scarecrow is alright though for his five minutes screen time oh and i don't care if it's the tumblr or tumblr 2006 is a pretty rough view for superhero films the superman returns which was all right i guess it's kind of boring for a lot of it though i think brendan ralph and kevin spacey do really great jobs and sadly up until the cw i think this was the last superman film or show to really capture the character though i think this film was also way too long thanks brian singer for bringing us this now [ __ ] off forever but it wins this year by default because the only other superhero film released this year was x-men 3 the last stand imagine killing off cyclops in an x-men movie within the first 20 minutes imagine thinking juggernaut in this film was even remotely a good idea imagine getting rid of magneto's powers seemingly for good but then revealing the final scene nah he's got them anyways don't worry about it just not good just just not good at all i love spider-man 3. yep almost because i'd love the first two is venom bad oh yeah is emo peter cringe of course then why do i love it because like the first two installments it's just never not entertaining everyone in this film despite the mediocre dialogue and acting is just nailing the campy goodness of this trilogy it's known for the action's fantastic for the most part characters are all likable and enjoyable for the most part and the score is amazing i know it's like a sin to love this movie but i really don't give a [ __ ] it's so much goddamn fun i absolutely love it now you know what's not fun tmnt well the ninja turtles themselves are great but the 2007 tmnt film is incredibly dull i just don't really care for the art styleness though i applaud the film for trying new things like having a tnt film where shredder isn't the main bad guy but man the drama is so forced and the voice acting well all right isn't anything spectacular sure it's not team team 3 or 2014 levels are bad but it's just boring to me and while the first fantastic four was boring the sequel is anything but rise of the silver surfer does a way better job of capturing the raby campiness they were obviously going for while the acting still isn't very good and cloud galactus is incredibly dumb i feel like this film was a step in the right direction i think if a third one was made they would have finally gotten it right or at least more so the last two which granted that's not saying a lot next we have ghost writer now i know you're probably sick of me saying it but ghost rider is just incredibly entertaining i mean it's nick cage for 90 percent of it he's just screaming it's a blast is the story and dialogue very good no not really but ghost rider looks [ __ ] badass just wish the rest of the film cgi looked as good overall it's a fun time and i highly recommend but i also recommend never watching underdog yeah yeah this counts just barely i won't spend too much time on this because it's a family film aimed at a very young demographic but oh boy if you're not a five-year-old kid in the year 2007 you're probably not gonna like this even remotely and so yeah it's the worst of the year the dark knight is the best one mine come on let's be let's just be real here heath ledger is fantastic as is gary oldman and aaron eckhart this film's been talked about to death so what else can i really say about it oh um if you claim you hate superhero films that get political but love the dark knight you're a giant hypocrite because this entire subplot towards the end of the film that is quite literally just a critique in the bush administration patriarch so shut the [ __ ] up and be consistent anyways we also get two mcu films iron man and the incredible hulk and while iron man is great with broadhead jr doing a fantastic job the story and script being great the effects holding up really goddamn well iron monger is just an extremely meh villain and terence howard is brody i feel was just an insane miscast just like how i think the incredible hulk is a missed opportunity i'll just be honest here i hate this movie it's one of the very few mcu films i flat out dislike but it's just so painfully nothing to me sure the final fight is alright the acting is fine but that's just it it's just a collection of all right stuff piled into a film that i just don't think has anything going for it the story and script are really bland it's just a boring semi-mess of a film that i'm glad it's just barely kept candid canon meanwhile we have hellboy 2 which i really liked when i first watched it but then i rewatched in the mid 2010s and i didn't really like it after re-watching it last year it made me realize oh [ __ ] this is actually pretty [ __ ] good like i said it's not as good as the first one but everything that was great in the first one is still great here the characters effects script score heart etc are all fantastic and yeah the story isn't super gripping and it still infuriates me that we'll never get another wrong permanent hellboy film but oh well then we get punisher warzone which honestly i think just barely passes the parody rule in this list this film is so over the top crazy i can't help but think it's a semi-parody of the hardcore edgy action films of this time the characters outside the villains script and story aren't very good at all but the action sequences are spectacular the comedy intentional or not is also insanely funny i'm gonna get my apple sauce back yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy just like how hancock's pretty funny yeah remember hancock you know the film that had the beach whale trailer hancock's pretty underrated gym just for will smith's performance alone it makes me wish we got more film original superheroes like hancock but oh well i guess they just to do as well but wait 600 holy [ __ ] but anyways the comedy in action are great but i tend to agree with most critics on this film in that the second half is just kind of well it doesn't suck it's just really i have very faint memories of briefly seeing the spirits on tv i don't remember anything outside of scarlet johansson being there and i saw someone getting punched sorry but i don't feel like re-watching this film for the video i like the visuals from what i've seen in google fun fact watchmen's my all-time favorite graphic novel so when i heard there was a movie coming out based on it i didn't really give a [ __ ] because i was nine when i came out i hadn't read the comic yet obviously i knew watchman as he he i saw blue man penis on the on demand preview screen years later i watched it read it and well i actually don't hate it i'll be honest here i don't really care for zack snyder's style of filmmaking at all but i think he does a really good job with this film some of the story changes are a bit weird like i really hate night owl witnessing rorschach's death and i get why they changed the giant squid but man wouldn't have been cool to see anyways i think watchman fits with snyder's film looking pretty well i think jackie earl haley is perfectly cast as rorschach as well as jeffrey dean morgan as the comedian the rest of the cast does good enough jobs but none of them stand out to me like those two did though billy grew up as dr hann had and was pretty good too so so i guess there's three standouts i think it's the closest adaptation to watchmen we've ever gotten which all right this is the only one we've got since there's been no word on that animated adaptation in years so it's probably not gonna happen anyways it's by far the best 2009 film though because its only competition is x-men origins wolverine and origins is actually one of my favorite x-men films not because it's good it's terrible in pretty much every way from the costumes treatment deadpool hell i hate deadpool as a character but even i was insulted by this the script cgi patrick stewart and the iconic blob well this version of the character i actually could see being a cannibal i really like this film just for how awful it is it's a very so bad it's good movie for me not on the level of say the room but pretty funny i do love how this is technically the first installment of a trilogy that ends with logan what a tone shift this is probably going to make some people mad but whatever i don't really like kick-ass i don't hate kick-ass i just never got into it and honestly i don't know why the plot itself is fine the acne for everyone is pretty solid and the fights are great so why don't i like it maybe because i have no connection to the source material i've never read it but that can't be because i'm not a big wolverine fan at all but i adore logan i can't put my finger on it i just don't enjoy this film when i watch it moving on we have iron man 2 which i don't really like justin hammer is great tony's story arc is great too and don cheadle scar joe's inclusion in the mcu were great choices but everything else no whiplash in my opinion is one of the worst mcu villains mickey rourke is clearly having a blast in this film which is great but i never really cared for him as a character as his dialogue in particular i'm not a big fan of and while i do love tony's arc in this film i will admit reducing the demon in a bottle story arc just tony going yup i am party and briefly fighting roadie kind of annoys me i will say iron man 2 does have one of the coolest mcu scenes period next up is super which i think is kick-ass but way better the dark comedy i feel just fits this film better and rain wilson nails the character i do love how this film is extremely moderately grey like sure frank's got the right mindset well well stopping crime not really the whole smashing people's heads in because they butt button line but you know he's got he's got the spirit it's a really great scenario for a twisted dirk comedy that perhaps says something about our society very weird that this film was canon the bright burn though like i guess frank's gonna [ __ ] die because he's not gonna be able to fight the breitbart kid and finally we have my favorite superhero film in 2010 megamind yep megamind this film has had sort of a resurgence in the last couple years mostly as a meme but i genuinely think it's amazing and that's a comedy because truthfully outside of a handful of scenes i don't really laugh at it though markiplier over here is the best character in terms of comedy but the drama in this is insanely good keep in mind this is a dreamworks kids film but it gets really serious out of nowhere and it's fantastic the seat of the rain in particular i think is one of the best in the film from the score to the voice acting genuinely amazing film i can't recommend it enough look be mad at me all you want i haven't seen the green hornet since it's released in 2011 and i honestly do not care enough to re-watch it for this video it's a seth rogen film but a common character that hasn't really been mainstream since the 1960s i remember being extremely whatever moving on we have thor which is also extremely whatever look at one of those dudes who thinks thor was a really boring character up until right rock so keep that in mind i talk about this film chris hemsworth i feel does a decent enough job but the story itself doesn't get me invested at all the other has guardians or whatever i guess darcy's annoying as hell jane foster is okay though her and thor's romance is probably the worst in the mcu if we're not counting like betty and bruce and incredible hulk i do really like how this film mostly takes place in new mexico though it's a setting that makes the film stand out from other mcu films as well as the other films really haven't taken place in a desert environment for most of it honestly i don't really have much else to say i think thor is pretty boring the another scene is pretty funny though and now look it's hawkeye meanwhile i really like the first avenger i didn't use two but the more i think about this film the more i'm like wow that was a lot of fun i love most people tend to agree that chris evans is an amazing captain america his performance and here is proof of that i totally buy the idea that this kid wants to be a hero but can't because he's too weak well writing wise i believe it's those effects no also hugo waving is pretty solid as the red skull though i think his head's a little too shiny for me looks like it's plastic is the story simple yeah can it sometimes be a little too goofy but overall it's just a fun time you know what it's a fun time x-men first class which is my second favorite film of 2011. sorry but cap just barely beats it for me first class tells the story of the origins of the x-men and i think it does a pretty good job with it it's not perfect like outside of mcvoy and fast fassbender and jennifer lawrence and kevin bacon's performances i don't really think the other actors really stand out though i don't think any of them are bad like generate jones and nicholas hull duper both do pretty solid jobs and i admit this isn't fair to the film at all but after seeing its three sequels i do find it hard to get attached to these characters going back to this film because all of the new mutants in this film besides like three just get dropped immediately for the sequels which granted is a problem with all the x-men films but still good film one of the best x-men films easily and now we have the worst 2011 green lantern which i'm not going to spend too much time on because everyone knows it's terrible literally everyone from the horrible cgi script plot weird use of characters like did you know that that's amanda waller yeah she's in this film for whatever reason was she gonna recruit sinestro to the suicide squad and no seriously i can't get over the siege in this film it's just the worst it looks like a next-gen pluto nash i don't like the dark knight rises at all i don't like bane i mean i like the bane memes but i can't stand his voice and also the fact you can barely understand him is especially a problem here because you can barely understand batman catwoman in this also just doesn't feel like catwoman i mean anne hathaway does a good enough job but i don't know i just feel like they could have done more to make her seem like catwoman scarecrow's cameo is whatever i honestly wish they kept two faces alive just for this scene because this scene is literally perfect for two-face taliel ghoul just kind of comes out of nowhere and john blake or i'm sorry robin john blake was lame as hell why not just call him dick grayson or tim drake or i don't know just john blake you really needed to make his first name robin i also don't really care for the bat as it's literally just the tumbler but it flies now insert they fly now joke here but there are things i do like like gary goldman again flawless as gordon and michael kane steals a pretty good shot as alfred and i like the idea of the story but i don't like how it's executed i also think the action is a major step down from the dark knight next we have the amazing spider-man which is okay i actually really like andrew garfield as spider-man not so much as peter parker though i just can't really imagine this peter parker getting bullied i also am not a big fan of the chasm suit chasm 2 suit's great i just don't care if the weird goal dies they got going on there i will give this film massive props though because they never have peter find the dude who kills uncle ben which is my favorite version of that story i just the idea of peter always thinking in the back of his head like that guy just beat up that could have been him it's a really neat idea i also think of a stone place a really great one stacy and would have loved to see your spider-gwen i'll talk about that in a future video in like two months three months i don't know man next up we have oh yeah right i guess i should talk about the lizard light the character hate the design although that brief reference to his classic design was pretty nice what was his plan even to turn the city into lizard people for like a day doesn't make any sense also peter's an idiot for putting his name on this camera next up we have a little indie film called the avengers and yep it's the best of 2012 what'd you expect it's the first of its kind a giant-sized team-up movie that was built up using four different films the banter is great the action's fantastic love their moves constantly play off each other love the references to the comics like having hawkeye being a villain for most of the film just like how in his first appearance in the comics he was a villain and i absolutely love the scenes of iron man fix in the helicarrier just kidding i i that's just so boring i don't care cool to me this feels like the most popcorn film than any of the other avengers films of course it has serious moments but just not as many as say age of ultron infinity war or especially endgame that's not really a bad thing it's just that some people may not care for that which i understand also hey look it's thanos there he is and finally we have chronicle which is a pretty underrated film in my opinion it's not perfect like i think the final act is kind of whatever but the first two acts are pretty great it's definitely a unique film as i don't think we've ever gotten a found footage superhero film before or since but it's done pretty well of course it's the same faults that a lot of found footage films do like like some shaky cam sometimes and yeah sometimes you're thinking why are you recording this put the camera down but it's just a solid film i'd recommend if you're interested ghost rider spirit of vengeance doesn't really feel like a superhero film it's a lot grittier than last one but it still has really goopy moments like ghost rider pissing fire yep that happens outside of mediocre acting and previously mentioned pissing fire the only real thing of note in this film is that ghost rider takes control of an excavator and turns it into a ghost rider excavator which is probably the coolest thing and literally any foreign media which basically saves this film from being the worst 2012. i came in iron man 3 is ok you know what's not the mark 43 which is the worst iron man suit and so the felon's plot i actually really like it well no i take that back i love tony's arc in the film of ptsd and struggling to be iron man and realizing that there are gods and aliens in the universe it's just the man in a tin can even though age of ultron and the rest of the mcu kind of retcons the whole i'm the one for iron man thing at the end of the film but hey whatever that's that's just that's not the film's fault that i gave points away from first class for similar things it was the film's point but point is iron threes applause whatever to me as i love that stuff but the mandarin not a fan of the whole trevor twist just i don't care for and the actual real villain is pretty [ __ ] in my opinion him declaring himself as the real mandarin is really dumb especially now that shang chi exists iron patriot is also pretty silly but i mean it's meant to be silly like i've seen people go this film is military propaganda i mean look at iron patriot like guys it's a joke it's a you're not supposed to look at him and go damn i wish we had like 50 of them like why do you think right after iron man 3 rhodey goes right back to being war machine again like in age of ultron a film released like two years later he's back to being war machine again because even he knows well this is tacky as [ __ ] i do really like how this film has tony barely in the suit and has been finding unique ways to fight with just pieces of the armor like that just the gauntlets or one of the rocket boots or whatever and of course i think the ending of the iron legion is pretty amazing next we have thor dark world which is my second least feared and received it's just boring that's all i have to say about it malekith boring curse boring thor boring jane boring dark elves boring darcy annoying loki he's okay sorry for the crappy review but i mean what do you want me to say it's a boring ass movie that i've only watched like three times maybe i have no interest in re-watching it ever again then we have kick-ass 2 which i have not seen remember i said at the beginning there will be two or three films i haven't actually watched so don't get mad at me i warned you though i doubt anyone will get mad at me if you're not seeing kick ass too because for what i know most people don't like this film i just didn't care for the first film so i was like why should i watch the second one moving on i'm really conflicted about man of steel i don't like the gritty superman that's constantly being paraded around as a jesus metaphor but i think michael shannon does a great job with general zod even when his scenes are a bit over the top i think he nails them amy adams on the other hand is fine like she's okay this is by far her best performance as lois lane as it just gets worse and worse from here on out i do absolutely love the score of this film though flight is my personal favorite superman theme love the classic theme but this would just sound so good hell the entire sequence when superman learns to fly is pretty great i also like the superman the kryptonians fight well not the destroying buildings part that's really dumb but i mean how powerful it hits you can tell that these are some of the strongest beings in the galaxy with every punch you can feel shockwaves around them it's great i also like the flashbacks that clark's childhood cut in between scenes of the film in the first half granted though well i like the concept of this i don't like paul kemp being like maybe i should have let those kids die i don't [ __ ] know dude and his death in a tornado is really dumb overall i'm very mixed on this film but i think it's by far one of the best dcu films which says a lot about what i think of the rest of them and finally we have the wolverine and this film is strange because it's more like a sequel to the last stand than it is origins so it's weird seeing all the last stan connections to it even though this is technically an origin sequel anyways i like the japan setting as you don't really see the country a lot in superhero films i think the action sequences are really great my favorite one being the bullet train fight which overuses his claws to stay on the train while it's going like a million miles an hour we need more creative fights like this in superhero films but with most x-men films i just don't think the writing this is that great though i think the actors in the film pull off the lines just well enough that i can take it seriously overall the plot is kind of mad though and silver samurai looks really dumb i prefer the actual design in the comics not this weird mech suit thing that looks like shredder from the 2014 tmt film which we'll be talking about very shortly it's just an average film got some good things some bad things it's far from the worst deckman film that's for sure guardians of galaxy is just fantastic what more can be said about it it's funny it's emotional it's crazy it's actually packed it's just really everything a space comedy needs to be marvel took a big risk doing this and it really paid off as now the guardians are household names well i think this feels fantastic and actually has my favorite opening in any marvel film ever maybe even film in general i do have some problems with it the biggest one being ronin who i just don't feel is very interesting on paper he should be i mean he's portraying thanos for his own personal power that should be interesting but he just doesn't have a real standout personality also drax as much as i love when guardians 2 onwards he's a little weird in this film i mean let's not forget the [ __ ] line which wow i never thought the word [ __ ] would ever be in a marvel film it's great it would be my favorite superhero film in 2014 if winter soldier didn't exist now with winter soldier guys we gotta remember the mcu is military propaganda which is why this movie is about how you shouldn't blindly trust the government the nsa spying on you is bad and how nazis are trying to get into the government and you shouldn't be afraid to call them out and fight against them yup a very pro-military movie jokes aside chris evans peaks as captain america on this film not the same does a bad job in any other films but far from it but he really gives it all in this film this is also like one of four mcu films to give nick fury anything to do outside of being a cameo so that's pretty cool even if the eye line does get ruined as a joke and captain marvel falcon's introduction is solid i'll be honest here i've never been a huge falcon fan not because i think he's a poor character just that after this film i don't really think he's been giving any time to do anything in any other mcu film outside of a small role in ant-man and some acting scenes in civil war black widow's great as always bucky's pretty good but like falcon i was never really into bucky until falcon elite soldier the action this is also fantastic and the political thriller aspects are a huge pro for me then we move on to big hero 6 which is okay i mean sure it's really well animated and yes my wife gogo and aunt cass are pretty based but i don't know this film just doesn't do much for me i like the setting this weird hybrid between the us and japan and the villain looks cool a little twist is really obvious and most of the green casts aren't too interesting i don't know it's just the solid kids film i guess it doesn't really do much for me as none of the characters even remotely stand out except for my wife go oh wait no i already did that joke tmnt is the worst of 2014. i mean just look at it what is this this is disgusting voice acting wise the turtles are fine but writing wise and well well design they look terrible as their shredder i mean why does this do look like megatron's [ __ ] cage it's awful also let's not forget how this dude was originally speech shredder but they realized wait a white shirt is kind of weird let's let's not do that then there's megan fox's april o'neil which i actually don't hate in fact i actually like her as april it won't be opposed to her reprising the role again i don't really think she deserves the whole wow she's an awful actress i mean look at her and transformers because like dude it's transformers do you name a single person who was doing good in those movies outside of like peter cullen and frank welker she does fine here but what's not fine is the fight scenes which are all extremely forgettable i mean it says a lot when the best part of your tmnt film is the four turtles goofing around in an elevator the amazing spider-man 2 is amazing i absolutely love it not because i think it's good though i really don't in fact i think it's arguably the worst spider-man film but instead i love it because it's the most interesting case study in how not to start a cinematic universe everything just falls flat in this film outside of andrew garfield demo stone who both give it their all but they can't say the script there's too many villains as meth goblin just comes out of nowhere at the end of the film electro is just really silly i'm sorry but i hate this film soundtrack when it comes to the dubstep stuff also right appears at the end that's it oh and of course my favorite part the villain room say what you want about the mcu villains being too tied to tony stark but like every single villain in the tazon verse was going to be tied to oscar somehow why like even venom for god's sakes on a more positive note i actually do think this film has the best spider-man suit design i think jimmy fox is having a blast in this film even if his character isn't very good overall it's a disaster i love every second of it and finally we have days of future past which is solid i know this film is one of those movies that you either love or hate well i think it's all right does the cgi hold up in some scenes nope is the quick silver scene cool yup do the original timeline characters get enough screen time outside of wolverine no not really but are the past characters fun and entertaining yup it's a real you get something good you get something bad kind of movie but i think it tilts more towards good by the end of it so right off the bat age of ultron is my favorite superhero film of 2015. in fact i actually really like h voltron and i know there's gonna be people going wow pigpen that's dumb the thor subplot goes nowhere the epic doesn't ultra makes two really jokes i agree hulk and black widowed a relationship that was dumb i very much agree so why do i like this movie well ultron yes i think ultron makes a little too many jokes but keep in mind in this universe he's built up tony's personality so it makes sense in the universe and yeah his mouth is weird i wish he didn't have that but his dialogue when he's not doing the jokes i feel is really really great i mean i love the opening scene where he reveals himself to the avengers i also love this film's redesign of the characters especially black widow and captain america tony's arc in this film is also pretty great as is the twins though two backwards ever gets killed off almost immediately in the mcu but hey scarlett witch is here and she's pretty great i also love captain america's arc about having to deal with living in a world without war it's great stuff is this film perfect no absolutely not but i feel like it gets way too much hate meanwhile ant-man is okay i think they do a really great job of being creative with the shrinking growing stuff i also love ant-man and yellowjackets designs hope's pretty great as is hank pym and uh that that's it i yeah i really just i don't really care about scott lang i don't hate him i just never found him funny or that interesting he's always been just like like kind of their character for me same thing with louise i just don't find them very funny also yellowjacket as a character is pretty bad but the scene returned to man to goo was funny scary what were they going for there and finally we have fantastic four aka fan four stick which yeah is the worst 2015. i mean it's a really guinea contest this film stands out for being one of the worst superhero films ever made quite literally everything goes wrong in this movie outside of the casting for the most part and some of the performances you know the line it's clobbering time yeah well what if the thing got that famous catchphrase from his abusive older brother who beat him doctor doom let's turn it into this i don't know what that is but he has a really brutal massacre scene that's actually pretty effective problem is doesn't match the rest of the film's tone at all also everyone's just so [ __ ] mean to each other like at the very end of the film they're discussing what they call their team and human torch is like how about two guys a girl in the thing that nobody wanted hey we both know that you could take him what the [ __ ] what a thing do to you he's the [ __ ] up dude but yeah too long didn't read really bad film literally killed fantastic four so fox had to give back to marvel civil war is my favorite film in 2016. i know there's some that wish to follow the comic but as somebody who absolutely hates the civil war comic i'm completely fine with the changes love the introduction of black panther and spider-man and i think they're both perfectly casted the action's fantastic i do like how this film doesn't really take a side make sure cap's morally in the right but tony does have some points about needing to hold some kind of accountability i think the film does a great job of portraying both of them without making them look like villains also this film is my favorite war machine design no question those little stun batons kind of funny like all these guns and missiles and then you pull out your little stick i do have some complaints though sharing card is a big one because why is she in this film like she helps cap get bucky out which is you know fine but that's kind of it she disappears from the rest of the film despite constantly showing your team part of the airport battle the kiss is just awful don't don't do that please oh and zemo i don't know i i wasn't really into in the film i know a ton of people are but you know he didn't really do anything for me action's fantastic score's fine uh it's like overall pretty damn good film and pretty much just avengers three like let's be real here as for dr strange i really like it when it was released it was easily those different mcu film out there and i think benedict cumberbatch was perfectly cast as strange i also really like the agent one and mordo especially mordo cannot wait to see more of him special effects wise films also fantastic as is the film's first 10 minutes where it shows strange losing his ability to use his hands dude does an amazing job capturing how depressed and angry at the world stranges also ancient ones final monologues are my favorites in the mcu beautiful stuff now while i just listened off a bunch of stuff i liked there's a lot i don't like in this film for example the villain calculus easily the most forgettable mcu movie villain actually you know what he's the most forgettable mcu villain period no question i also wish this film did more creative magic stuff because outside the wacky buildings and strange's mind [ __ ] moments there's not really too much crazy magic stuff going on most of it's just magic kung fu and while it looks nice it doesn't really feel dr strange to me but luckily they fixed this at infinity war as for deadpool i'm gonna keep this short i'm the wrong person to talk about deadpool because deadpool is technically a borderline masterpiece in terms of adapting the character problem is i don't like deadpool so i don't like this movie but if you do like deadpool then you'll love this movie that's really all i can say about it teenage booty ninja turtles out of the shadows is a movie that a ton of people go oh it's pretty good but i just don't see it like yeah it's nice finally seeing craig and live action and the cartoon accurate suit yeah it's nice to see megan fox's april again yeah b-bum rock steady and baxter stock and finally appearing is also great and hey the drone has this giant eye but that's kind of it writing wise it yeah it's not as bad as the 2014 film but still not very good the action is fine i still don't like the turtle designs and by extension people from rock city designs shredders new look is okay and crang well if you squint he kind of looks like a halo engineer i don't know i just think this film is really mediocre if not flat out bad then we have bat movie superman and before you comment saying the ultimate edition saves this film i have only seen the ultimate edition i've never seen the original cut that being said i hate this movie i hate batman killing people i hate zombies odd doomsday i hate lex in his way of talking boys i hear how jimmy olsen gets killed by isis i hate that i continued the jesus metaphor after superman i hate the weird justice league cameos i hate the martha scene i hate this film adapts the death of superman in the second dcu film and i hate how wonder woman just kind of shows up out of nowhere look i'm not trying to be super negative but i don't really have any positive to say about this film really except for yeah i like ben affleck's batman and sure the fight scenes are pretty damn great especially the ones where batman's fighting a bunch of goons and batman being superman i don't know i just don't really see what people love this film i really don't then we have suicide squad which i'm gonna be honest with you i have nothing positive to say about this film i briefly talked about it in the batman iceberg video but um there is nothing this film i like the acting the story the characters the effects the soundtrack the action the world building and the costumes i just hate or have no opinion on everything this film i think the best way to summarize how i feel with this film is the single image this just captures everything i feel about this film then we have x-men apocalypse and when i first saw it in 2016 i actually really liked it so imagine being me in three years re-watching it in 2019 and going holy [ __ ] i like this x-men apocalypse is the worst revised timeline x-men film by far no contest like we'll get to dark phoenix and debutants later but those and those are pretty bad too but holy [ __ ] they just got everything this film wrong apocalypse is terrible looking at wow it's psylocking a comic accurate costume cool and oh she's standing around the concentration camp that doesn't it's kind of weird okay oh boy it's a stan lee cameo where he and his wife watch nukes launch i don't really think you guys know why they do stanley cameos also are we really gonna do another okay bad needle we'll let you go this time just don't do evil stuff in the future again oh and the wolverine cameo was fine i guess why'd you spoil it in the trailers action wise it's whatever soundtrack wise and it's nothing really to write home about story wise it's pretty mediocre if not just flat out bad the only two things i like in this film are jubilee and the quicksilver scene which i actually like more than the first class that cooks ever seen which i know it's blasphemy but uh i don't care finally we have max steele i don't know what this is england is my city guardians of the galaxy was my favorite superhero film ever made the characters the story the message the music the comedy the visuals i could make a 10-hour video going over how much i loved everything about this movie this will make you die laughing and then a few moments later make you cry multiple times it's perfect it's flawless and if you disagree with me that's fine that's your opinion also the yondu arrow scene is probably the best mcu scenes period then we have wonder woman which i think starts off kind of shitty with one of the worst child actors in modern hollywood it's a pretty bad cgi but then quickly becomes pretty damn solid afterwards gal gadot and chris pine have great chemistry and acting wise i think they both do great jobs action wise this film is also pretty great until the good thing yeah this film ends horribly in the lead of the final 30 minutes chris pine explains to wonder woman that gods aren't the reason why man goes to war sometimes humanity is just shitty i think that's a really great lesson for the character to learn in the film problem is this message gets thrown out of the window instantly when suddenly it's revealed that ares started world war one yup cool and so the rest of the film then is just a really terrible cgi fight aries also like asks wonder woman to join him and it's like why the [ __ ] would she do that where'd that come from you could then make the argument well she still learned the lesson just because every shows up doesn't mean he starred the war but right after she kills him though everyone stops fighting oh right and the other characters um military squad mates are dumb assistant ladies whatever wonder woman's family's okay and the two other villains are cartoonishly evil which i appreciate although it does clash with the rest of the film's tone then we have thor ragnarok which hey they did the unthinkable they made thor entertaining as for the story itself it's all right i do like how this film at the end of the day is just going remember the ball the boring stuff about four one two well we're gonna destroy all that except for lady sith who's still out there because of schedule conflicts they also made a thor villain outside of loki entertaining which is unthinkable i won't claim hella's an interesting character but she's an absolute blast to watch valkyrie is also great grandmaster is funny hulk's hulk egg corgis fine i never really found cork that funny i'm sorry as for loki he's pretty good on this i'm glad we finally got a loki redemption story that's an actual redemption story and not the dumb fake out redemption story in dark world oh and yeah and doctor strange cameoing was cool overall it's a pretty simple film but a pretty enjoyable one though odin's death looks really bad then we have spider-man homecoming which sorry spider-man twitter but i really like homecoming oh no it doesn't have uncle ben oh no he's going to start this film for a collective total of five minutes jokes aside i do really like homecoming i think it's one of the very few spider-man films to actually do the friendly neighborhood thing really well the other being spiderman too and that one scene tasman tv puts on the fireman helmet i really like tom holland as peter and i'm still in shock five years later that i'm attracted to aunt may i don't know how to feel about that mj is barely in this film and honestly i'm not too big on her here gee it's better than far from home but just she doesn't really do much in this film ned isn't really funny to me either he gets a lot better and far from home as well but unless he's just kind of like the funny sidekick then we have vulture shocker and tinkerer which i have very different opinions on as for tinkerer i always forget he's in this film meanwhile shocker one i have no opinion on because he dies shocker to the other hand i have no opinion on him because he has nothing but vulture well vulture is outstanding he's one of the very few mcu movie villains they actually show isn't really a bad guy at heart he's just doing bad things i mean because he's a bad guy but you get what i mean like the whole the villains got a point thing next we have captain underpants i've never seen it from what i've heard it's all right i read the books as a kid i really like them and i remember laughing on the jokes in one of the books when i was a kid but my teacher yelled at me for laughing when he was a fourth grader i was like this is a comedy book i'm doing what i'm supposed to do why you guys are you yelling at me let me have lego batman which i i absolutely adore sure not all the jokes in this film work but my god when they do they do the voice act is top notch the animation is outstanding the respect and passion for batman and his lord is staggering willarnette is also the definitive film batman of the 2010s i don't care sorry ben affleck it's absolutely hilarious and weirdly emotional at times it's really great i highly recommend it though the use of other properties is kind of math to me it probably should have just been batman villains but whatever next we have splits which uh barely counts it's fine i don't know it just doesn't really do much for me honestly the best part of the film is the twist that this is a sequel to unbreakable acting's fine but like i do have to talk about the problem with this film with mental health stuff this film was heavily criticized for you know being kind of insensitive towards people with mental health problems i mean i guess the film tries to avoid the problem by being like well actually you know his powers are but he's like you know he's got strong strength but like also like his personalities are also affected by his powers and it's like no he still has multiple personality disorder and you marketed the film as a psycho with multiple personalities to sort of kidnap some people you can't really avoid that criticism i'm sorry then we have justice league 2017 which um i'm gonna keep this short because everyone their mother knows this film sucks justice league is a frankenstein of a movie that's incredibly entertaining from the horrible cgi to the terrible story weird [ __ ] that just doesn't add to the film like the family subplot and that one guy that helps batman kill parademon seriously who the [ __ ] is this dude here's my page on the tc wiki who is he also steppenwolf is one of the worst modern superhero villains imagine being this boring to look at and listen to why the [ __ ] you looking at me also i really don't care for batman's weird climbing vehicle thing this film did give us this masterful scene though too long didn't read garbage film but very funny oh hey look it's rick grimes and the mort as for power rangers i saw it once and i forgot everything about the film i guess it was neat hearing the theme briefly wish the megazord looked like a megazord not a pacific rim hand me down it's bad what else do you want me to say and finally we have logan which if guardians 2 to come out this year logan would win easily logan is another film that's borderline perfect somehow it made me a person who doesn't really care about wolverine at all adore the character you can tell from every part of this film that's a passion project from the acting to the score the action the story emotions like you [ __ ] god the emotions dude x24 kills professor x and charles thinks it's wolverine killing him jesus christ that killed me i also think this is hugh jackman's peak at acting now yeah i haven't seen him in too many films that aren't x-men related but his performance and this is award-winning it's it's perfect like i said you can tell he put his all into this film and it shows it's honestly the perfect song for the character if not the entire cinematic universe but alas there's three more x-men films i absolutely love venom no i don't think it's very good but it's extremely fun tomorrow isn't an alright job when it comes to eddie interacting with the characters but when eddie's interacting with venom the film jumps from 5 out of 10 to a 10 out of 10. their dynamic is so goddamn funny i'd kill for mobile just about the two of them hanging out living a normal life venom's design is also amazing it's about time we finally got a comic accurate venom but for the rest of the film yeah it's not very good riot's got an okay design but as for ryan's motivations and character he's extremely lacking i do find it funny though that venom was bullied by riot on their home planet though the action is also pretty lacking mainly because 90 of the fights take place at night and you know we got a giant black blob and a giant grey blob fighting each other at night it's kind of hard to see literally anything hopefully they fix this for final two because pl please don't [ __ ] up carnage turd and wind also shiva i'm sorry if you're gonna tell me 15 years ago that we'd be getting an aquaman movie i'd probably not know what the [ __ ] you're talking about because 15 years ago before aquaman came out was 2003 so i'd be like three years old regardless it's surprising that we got an aquaman film do i like it i'm entertained by it as for the character's story dialogue the film doesn't really work with me though i think jason momoa and amber heard do all right jobs i really don't care for many other characters especially ocean master who i think is just pretty lame black manta does look pretty cool but he's barely in the movie the film's action's pretty great though as are most the effects and costumes too bad that i dislike most of this film's content it's still light years better than bvs justice league 2017 or suicide squad but i wouldn't say it's as good as wonder woman or mass steel yes what are those meme hahaha not funny anyways black panther is good the film's score costumes and action are all pretty damn great as of the acting especially from the late and great chadwick bozeman denia and michael p jordan also do pretty damn good jobs this film's plot is also pretty good especially with the message about isolationism being really stupid more films should have that kind of message outside of the kind of lame twist of uh black panther's friend being actually a bad guy there really isn't much i dislike in this film except one major part the cgi oh boy the cgi in this film is not very good everyone talks about the rhinos and the final fight between black panther and killmonger being really bad then yeah i'm in agreement they're really bad looking also i'd also make the argument that they kind of wasted claw not like super wasted to him but i feel like they could have had him in the film a little bit longer i don't know andy circus is a great actor i just wish they'd use them more as for deadpool 2 just like with deadpool 1 if you like deadpool you'll like this movie i hate deadpool so i really don't care for this film cool they'll be a comic hacker juggernaut though like i said it's a perfect adaptation of a character i don't like so what else i'm going to say outside of like i guess josh brolin and zazzy beats do pretty great jobs and there's that pg-13 film that's released in theaters so i guess i'll talk about that once upon a deadpool is very mediocre because deadpool doesn't work in pg-13 even someone who hates simple like me knows that incredibles 2 is good not amazing but it's pretty solid i do really like what they did with helen bob in terms of dialogue but it's the wife being the bread maker with the dad's the housework thing it's a really tired trope i just like yeah we get it hahaha but i get what they're doing this film does take place in the kind of 50s so it'd be more relevant there i don't know like time's weird in that universe what's not weird is the animation because the animation this film is [ __ ] amazing easily with my favorite looking pixar films except the new heroes i think they all look horrible just terrible yeah sure they're well animated but like design wise i just don't think they fit in this world and the kids dash and violet don't really do anything in this film and jack jack is still annoying but this time he's in the film for much more little wise screenslaver doesn't hold a candle syndrome i mean she's all right the twist is extremely obvious but i mean you can't beat syndrome it sounds like i'm being really negative with this film but look i do quite like this film like i said the dialogue animation and action look most of the jokes land and the connections between this film the original are all great it's just the bad things are really noticeable as for the darkest minds it's a young adult dystopian movie with superpowers never saw it never will looks awful teen titans go to the movie i'm sorry i'm doing this two and two in a row but um i'm not a fan of teen titans or two times ago so i never watch this it looks like an extended episode apparently it's okay i don't know next we have ant-man the watts which is one of three mcu films they just fly out of this lake outside of wasp hank bill foster and some of the shrinking growing stuff in this film most notably the building being shrunken and that that that's it i don't really like much about this movie it feels like a side quest to the mcu but in reality it's pretty [ __ ] important but the whole quantum realm being introduced although i guess it was briefly introduced not ant-man one but you get what i mean i also think scott and hope have some of the worst chemistry in the mcu but she's supposed to be really angry with him at the start of the film for obvious reasons but she and hank almost instantly are like ah scott you're back in the game you're oh paul rudd you goofy bastard like their flurry just doesn't work with me either it doesn't feel natural at all to be honest i don't even think they should have been a couple i just think they should be friends or co-workers as for ghosts she's fine i guess i do like the idea of an antagonist that's not really a villain but at the end of the day she's kind of forgettable with her powers being basically just she can go through walls that's kind of it also her design is really bland but her design being bland is not that big of a deal because design is one of my favorite designs in the mcu overall just not very big on this film at all not counting the deadpool films released this year since i think it's unfair for me to count them because you know i they're not for me this is probably my least first uh superhero fellow playing team then we have infinity war what can i say about it if avengers was an event moving then this is a bigger event movie i guess i tried to think of something but i couldn't sorry while this film gets insane praise for thanos and the action which is fair enough they're both fantastic i do have a couple problems with it first being that cap's team doesn't really do much in this film outside of fights besides vision and wanda but hey you got like 20 plus characters so of course they're not gonna be able to have everyone be doing something big also the cgi looks incredible with the majority of the film in some areas like the hulkbuster suit with the head removed looks really [ __ ] bad also bruce banner's jokes in this film just don't land for me as for everything involving thanos the guardians of the galaxy iron man vision spider-man thor etc i absolutely adore i mean thanos they absolutely nailed i was worried they wouldn't do a good job making him a threat in this film but within the first two or three minutes of the film he murders the film the first avengers film and beats the [ __ ] out of hulk he's insane everyone loves it so do i and it would be the best of 2018 if spider-verse didn't come out when it was announced that sony was making a cgi spider-man film i actually laughed i had zero faith in this film and didn't even watch any of the trailers for it it was all the ones released on netflix i checked it out and i felt like the biggest dumbass in history into the spider-verse is incredible the animation perfect characters all likable and fun the story simple but effective the drama extremely emotional the fact this film maybe care about miles morales a character i've never really cared about before speaks volumes i can't think of a single thing wrong in this film outside of maybe kingpin's design being a little too big i mean it's not wrong with the film but holy [ __ ] how the [ __ ] do you live dude what else can i say spider-verse is easily the best film of 2018. hellboy 2019 never saw it don't care moving on as for shazam i honestly didn't expect to like shazam but after seeing it i gotta admit it's really [ __ ] good sure it's not the most complex film the cgi can be a bit iffy at times but oh man does this film know how to lead is the fun factor of shazam despite the occasional brutal scene like the villain murdering his family the film is mostly filled with dumb fun jokes and situations i think zachary levi does an amazing job with shazam he really captures the idea of a kid turning into an adult superhero and wow child actors who aren't awful that's genuinely rare to see nowadays as for the action it's fine it's not really this film's focus so i'm okay with it not being super great oh and yeah mark strong's dr savannah is whatever i guess overall solid film can't wait to see dwayne johnson beat the [ __ ] out of zachary levi in like four years then we have captain marvel it's okay brie larson does an all right job nothing too incredible though her costume pre and post becoming captain marvel is insane again one of my favorites in the mcu i feel like she gets a lot better in that game though i wish she had more screen time in that film but i understand why she didn't because you know it's mostly about the original avengers hopefully she'll be better than captain marvel oh the marvels that's a really dumb name i'm sorry sam jackson does a great job as always and man the d aging cgi is pretty damn great young wrong's one of the few mc movie villains who are better than average rodents here as is the who guy regarding the galaxy that they exist i do love how rodent kind of shows up like i'm gonna kick some ass i think he's had to marble just like annihilate [ __ ] and he's like all right you know what let me back up a bit let me just back the [ __ ] up a bit let's not do that i also love tablos and the twist the scrolls aren't all bad guys this is gonna make secret invasion way more interesting and as for the rest of characters maria is all right but everyone else is just kind of forgettable like all of yongrov's crew and phil coulson like they're fine i guess but they don't really do much for me as for goose goose is a cat haha funny goose scratch nick fury's eye sorry i really hate that that's so [ __ ] dumb overall it's a solid film hated on way too much because it's feminist despite it not and even if it was who cares there's all those people out there who are now going uh but larson hates man they wants to kill white people you're a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] beta [ __ ] one i mean let's look in the mirror buddy are you a winner yourself and two i'll actually play the full clip of her saying the i hate men thing because i guarantee you 99 of you haven't seen a full clip so earlier this week usc annenberg's inclusive initiative released findings that 67 of the top critics reviewing the 100 highest grossing movies in 2017 were white males less than a quarter were white women and less than 10 were unrepresented men only 2.5 of those top critics were women of color so you're probably thinking right now like wow that super doesn't represent the country that i live in and that's because that's true this is a huge disconnect from the u.s population breakdown of 30 white men 30 white women 20 men of color and 20 women of color am i saying that i hate white dudes no i'm not but what i am saying is is that you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have the chance to see your movie and review your movie this film's not anti-men though it was used to promote the military i mean i'm not one of those dumb asses who thinks the mcu is building propaganda but like i will admit this was really [ __ ] weird why do why why did you do that sorry spider-man twitter i really liked far from home oh no the glasses are dumb and wow where were they in endgame because like the glasses that fire [ __ ] missiles from space would have been very effective during the close quarter battlefield on earth and yeah tony totally had those glasses on him i mean those are just things you carry around normally dumb critiques aside far from home does a lot of things right like making mj net actually entertaining characters for once giving happy hope and something to do mysterio in general just being awesome bringing back jonah with jk simmons and alex jones parody the new spider-man suit looks great though i don't really care for the stealth suit and the talus twist was great too now sure there are some dumb things like the peter and it's what's his name subplot about fighting over mj was pretty stupid and so was the bus scene let's be real here but honestly i don't really mind the bad stuff in this film as much because all the good stuff to me easily overshadows it especially mysterio who i think is one of the best mcu villains period love love love what they did with them here especially the cereal sequence cannot believe they adapted them so well and still had the fishbowl helmets only thing left to say is i like how sandman's the only villain for the previous spyro films to actually appear in the mc oh never mind okay next we have glass aka how to kill your cinematic universe 101 oh wait he never wanted to make any more of these films all right i guess glass didn't kill anything then anyways glass is uh pretty bad like sure same jackets great as always i think i've said it like 10 times in this video but everyone else so much especially bruce willis man i don't know what it is about him but he's just been utter crap since unbreakable it's a damn shame action's pretty bad yeah having the climax of the film being in the middle of the movie was kind of a dumb idea unique but dumb not much else to say other than just wasted potential dark phoenix is hysterical like yeah it's pretty bad but holy [ __ ] isn't funny how how do you make a movie worse than the last stand oh oh wait they did one right after the last stand that was actually worse and then they made apocalypse you know what controversial opinion dark phoenix is better than last stand i'll say it i think overall acting is better special effects are better not by a lot for both those categories and costumes are better and that's okay that's not like so much either is it a lame conclusion to the x-men film series no because it's not the new mutant says technically okay yeah it is a lame conclusion all right there's not really much else for me to say outside of this it's just really funny and the ex would line is one of the funniest [ __ ] things ever and by the way the women are always saving the men around here you might want to think about changing the name to ex-women as for bright burn bright burn is easily the worst of 2019 no question i cannot explain to you how much i hate this film just because it advertises itself as superman but evil and how he got bullied we became evil basically that they take the man of steel scene where pockets like i don't know maybe maybe we should let him die dude i'm [ __ ] dumb don't last me gone to the extreme because that's an interesting idea for a film too bad this film that says [ __ ] you and is actually about an alien bio up being sent to earth disguised as a superman like kid the kid doesn't even really have a mind of its own like he gets controlled by the aliens like what the [ __ ] way to take all the interesting [ __ ] out of the movie acting why special effects wise except for this one jaw scene that's really grisly and looks really good and dialogue wise none of it's very good and yeah i've seen people say this film is more like a tribute to lord budget horror films i don't know man i don't really buy that it's a genuine shame because i want to like this film i wanted it to be good but it just completely abandons any good ideas it had at the door also connecting this film with super is extremely stupid next we have joker and oh boy the comments were already gonna be a fun time after the brie larson thing but now it's gonna be a war zone though uh truth is i don't care and i find it very funny when people get triggered over uh opinions so anyways i don't really care about joker i don't hate the film i don't love it i just don't care about it joaquin thinks that's a good job but i don't like the idea of joker having a backstory period i just i just don't like that concept as a whole borrows way too much from other films i i do like how this film is extremely critical of capitalism america's mental health system but um yeah i just don't like the joker backstory and like i said it just follows way too much of other films also a smaller detail but i really don't like how joker is even remotely involved with batman's inspiration in this film and before you say they do to batman yeah i didn't like that either it's a fine film i guess but like i don't understand why it's like that's some kind of masterpiece if you think it's great that's great if you don't that's also great society meme then we have the best of 2019 which is avengers end game and um like i've said a thousand tied to this video already what do you want me to say it's one of the greatest inclusions to any film series ever i'm going to love and care put into this is insane and i adore how this film references it connects itself to every mcu film that final portal scene was the most hyped moments in any film period i mean this was the ending to a build up consisting of over 20 films since 2008. there's a million video essays as to why this film's great so i won't go into every single reason why i love this movie but i will talk about two weird things i don't really care for one smart hulk looks weird don't care for that look he dabbed and two end game thanos is pretty great just not it doesn't infinity war thanos but these are just extremely minor nitpicks they're not even really issues with the film itself acting music connections writing etc are all just great do yourself a favor and watching game though you have to watch um a majority of this first so oh oh boy have fun so it came off the ending let's talk about wonder woman 1984 and how it's pretty mediocre like the first film i think gal gadot and chris pine do pretty damn good jobs but the plot of films doesn't really work for me cheetah isn't very good and our cgi is even worse it's it's not like cats level bad but it's not exactly rocker raccoon levels in quality peter pasquel the king himself does a solid job in this film but you know what doesn't do a good job in this film the cgi i don't know what it is with the dceu but almost all their cgi looks just terrible to me and while i appreciate the lighter tone i think this film gets a little too silly for me which i know sounds hypocritical since i said i love how silly the rainy films were i don't know man just doesn't really work here for me but hey i'll take a sillier tone than a uh dark and gritty oh batman's murdering people [ __ ] sorry i hate i hate the standard cut i don't i don't care i'm also just tired of the 1980s in film i mean we've had stranger things bumblebee black ops cold war and i know it's not a movie or show but you know ray player one et cetera like i just he's the [ __ ] with the 80s stuff i don't care anymore also while syria's armor looks cool what's the purpose of it like it doesn't boost your abilities in any way and gets destroyed almost immediately during the fight and oh i guess asteria is still alive okay to end off on a more positive note i do think this film has the absolute best wonder woman armor genuine perfection one of my favorite favorite live-action superhero designs next we have bloodshots which exists i never saw it but they want to start cinematic universe with bloodshots and in the cinematic universe they want to give faith her own film and oh boy i can already see the memes being made next we have birds of prey which i don't really like at all i was excited before the trailer was released because margot robbie said that she'd have more control over the film so i thought we'd get a great harley quinn adaptation and it turns out we did just a modern post 252 deadpool harley quinn and not the classic carly i love awesome i just find this film to be really annoying well i think most of the actors do decent jobs in the film i just don't like any of the dialogue especially harley's haha egg sandwich it's like deadpool's chimichangas that's funny haha and look it's the best dcu joker played by johnny goth good work buddy just by standing there for a second you did a better job than jerry little ever could also i'm not too big on the changes to the characters like hunters especially i'm not too big on i don't really care for black canary's design either like i get if you don't want to do the whole comic thing but i feel like they could have done something it was like a hybrid between the two made it work a bit more i don't know cassandra kane's alright though probably one of the better characters written in the film but i think black mask is probably the best part of this film he was really fun and really brutal he also reminded me of pagan min from far cry 4 in a way i also like the art direction in this film as well as most the fights i think the fight choreography is really [ __ ] good in this movie but no matter how good your film looks it just falls apart the script sucks and like i mentioned i really hate it i really hate it i'm sorry hopefully gotham city sirens will be better and finally to cap the entire hour and ten minutes jesus christ i didn't think this was that long video we're talking about the new mutants and i knew this film would release my friends look like idiots now because they kept saying oh it's never gonna release pigpen it's never gonna release it's not gonna guess what it did after oh my god two and a half years jesus christ it finally released and you know what it sucked it was awful i mean they got a giant cgi bear monster that looks really [ __ ] good too bad the acting is bad and the story is meant best and it's not very scary if at all in fact there's almost nothing to really talk about with this film it just exists as an oddity wasted potential that could have launched an entire trilogy of films sadly for x-men film fans this is the last film the experience in mac universe one ending unless like deadpool 3 somehow ties in with i mean they have to right so like i guess bird surprise my least favorites of 2020 and then uh winner 184 is my favorite i don't know i didn't really care for any of the films this year except shot which i did not see but uh i will watch one day and so that's it we're done finally oh my god we're done as you can see on the screen we're doing the you know the best worst just show them off one by one because uh just in case uh you didn't catch it the first time um i know because sometimes i wasn't very clear which one's my my favorite and least favorite but uh i'm not recording audio i'm sorry uh this is a fish to make not too much of a [ __ ] it's not as much as an iceberg but then whatever um hope you like the lo-fi animal crossing soundtrack because um i couldn't think of anything and it's like oh it's copyright free music okay it's like one of the first results sure whatever um next video will be the spiderman iceberg and then afterwards i might do a mini iceberg which i mentioned on the community tab and then the mcu and then um another thing there's another video i want to make which i might make after the spiderman iceberg but i i i mentioned it very briefly at the end of the star wars one this because this wasn't the one i mentioned the end of the star wars one i just decided to make this one before that one um which i might make i don't know that one will not be super long i'll be like 15 minutes max yeah i uh and so eventually i will do another one of these for the shows oh wait no no i won't do that for the live-action uh shows because that means i have to watch like 800 hours of supergirl birds of prey arrow flash agents of shields runaways legends of tomorrow titans swamp thing batwoman inhumans the gift you remember the gift no you don't don't lie to me legion krypton remember krypton no you don't don't lie to me you didn't and i get oh [ __ ] small village release after 2000. i don't want to watch smallville no no no um so yeah that's not that's not ever going to happen if anyone else wants to do that go ahead have fun because i'm not [ __ ] doing that that sounds horrible that sounds like hell i can't do that also i hope you don't mind the footage repeating itself because i was thinking to myself like maybe i'll have like the background footage be like from superhero films at least like every year you know like like 2005 i'll have like batman begins playing in the background you know like 2018 i'll have joker but um but i realized that would just clock way too much [ __ ] on a computer um so i decided not to i'm like you know i'll just throw some [ __ ] some xbox clips i have thrown around on xbox dvr so uh unfortunately i didn't have enough of them so i had to repeat a lot of them so i'm sure i don't know i'm sure people have noticed but uh it's i hope it's not that noticeable i mean you're mostly focused on the images not the background footage so and before anyone asks will i ever do one for the uh direct dvd animated films no i don't think so because i truth be told i don't really like the um the dc animated films um i like to dcau like you know mask the phantasm mr freeze sub-zero etc but like you know like flash points not really flashing it's okay actually uh that one that's like atlantis war or something if it was called i don't know i don't remember caring for that one bad blood batman versus rob like you said i don't really care for those films at all some of the one-off phones are all right they're like ultimate gas lights all right i don't know i'm just kind of rambling at this point sorry but if you could check out the star wars iceberg because i spent an ungodly dose amount of time on that thing it's only gotten like 12k views since two and a half hours i don't normally i mean this is a hobby like i'm not doing this jobs like not crucial but um it definitely made me sad when i saw that i'll see you next will be the spiderman iceberg and uh yeah so uh that's it see you later grilled cheese
Channel: Pigpen
Views: 190,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Extended Universe, DCEU, MCU, SUMC, Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Venom 2, Avengers: Endgame, Avengers: Infinity War, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, Iron Man, Batman, DC, Marvel, Captain America, Superman, Justice League, Snydercut, Joker, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Into the Spiderverse, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Deadpool, Black Widow, Logan, Hellboy, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Daredevil, Harley Quinn, Birds of Prey, Watchmen, Wolverine, Thanos, Loki
Id: _HxD8aBOT6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 41sec (4781 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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