The Best (and worst) NES Games Released in 1992

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1992 was actually a sad year for me it was the year I realized that the NES was kind of on its way out now I love the NES I got mine like late 88 or so it was like my number one thing 1989 was my Pinnacle year for NES with you know the the cartoons and the Nintendo powers and it being featured on a Toys R Us commercial and stuff in the 1990 1991 oh my God Nintendo is here to stay and then 92 rolls around and the Super Nintendo already came out Genesis is red hot and you can just kind of feel it in the NES games you're playing you just kind kind of tell that there are better days behind the NES than there are in the future but some amazing games came out for the NES in 1992 we're going to cover most of them in this video today not all of them I don't need to talk about all of them but we'll talk about a lot of them how about that how are you feeling you got John rigs here and as always I thank you because hey these videos are free you can't beat that price but if you do want to support the channel I do sell my games on my shop I'm actually running out of copies of Y bbas 2o and soon as these CIB copies are sold out I think that's it yeah you know a couple of other fun titles and choo choo mimic is coming soon too hey what about fun air fresheners like these this new game smell smells like Styrofoam and static like he just opened a game on Christmas this air freshener Islands one is one of the better ones and of course star tropical personal favorite I love it it's like pinac colada and jungle that and so much more rigged or check out a link in the description below thanks oh you dig the shirt too we check out johnriggs use code John rigs I'll get you 10% off on this shirt specifically or any other shirt you see on their website they're all they're all great well we kick off the year with Attack of the Killer Tomatoes now Attack of the Killer Tomatoes it had a resurges because there was a fox kids cartoon that was also Attack of the Killer Tomatoes I think they made a cartoon after a horror film that would be like if they made Friday the 13th into a Saturday morning cartoon or something like that the game itself not great not great but I did rent it and it was an experience Bucky O'Hare however oh my God Bucky oare one of the the better ones one of the absolute best games on the NES there's an argument that can be said for that it was from Konami so you know you're getting quality right there and you play as Bucky ohare and you can unlock your friends along the way to help you in the other stages where you might need help in those other stages and it just plays like a great I mean tight controls you can shoot you can jump you can um explore fantastic game with Bucky ohare glad it came out Cowboy Kid when I was collecting a full NES set was one of the games that eluded me for years I I shouldn't say years months I suppose I couldn't find Cowboy Kid it plays like that goon Style game oh we call it legend of the mystical ninja here in the United States but for the NES Cowboy Kid it's such a good game two player absolutely love it definitely worth checking out Dragon Fighter was an interesting one because it's super hard looks great but then you can also transform into a dragon so that was really cool so again we're kicking the year off with some amazing games we're kicking the year off when there was still a budget behind a lot of the games I think they were pushing for like 1991 finally came out in '92 so good things so far including kickmaster another personal favorite of mine got a love kickmaster from Tido where you're just you know Sweet Chin musicing all the enemies and then they drop items you can choose what you want to grab maybe you want to grab Health maybe you want to grab magic maybe you want to grab what can can be considered items or something like that pretty cool to see with kickmaster in ' 92 Mega Man 4 came out and that's around when I was like all right we're getting a little ridiculous with the Mega Man games and I loved Mega Man Mega Man 1 I remember playing it at a friend's house and then when they made Mega Man 2 like they made a sequel to Mega Man that's amazing three oh my God amazing and then four came out I'm like this is good but it's more Mega I I don't know I I felt conflicted cuz it's like I wanted to love it and I didn't love it as much as I loved two or three I liked it I saw what they were doing with it and there are some people who consider Mega Man 4 the best one can't argue that but I don't know it it was cool how about that I it's it's a good game it's it's better than most Monster in my pockets was a fun one because it was a two-player simultaneous game got to love the couch Co-op w again we didn't have internet back then so every game was couch Co-op if it was two players but two players simultaneous a little bit on the easy side but definitely worth a rental you probably be the first time you play it maybe I loved Nightshade oh my God I loved Nightshade I loved the puns I love the point-and-click adventure style games I loved the concept I loved Nightshade so much still du today if you haven't checked out Nightshade yet it's worth looking at interesting we had Star Trek the 25th anniversary was the first console Star Trek game since probably the Atari May maybe I don't know Star Trek was an interesting thing from what I understand Star Trek was just the thing that the network almost didn't even want until Lucille Ball financed it somehow and then because Star Trek was given that prime time eating dinner spot that kind of became a cult phenomenon later on and it's funny cuz now we're looking at like the 50th anniversary of Star Trek maybe even we're past that by now but Star Trek the 25th anniversary you play as Captain Kirk you can choose who else do you need cuz maybe you need Spock with you you need Dr McCoy with you there there's one of the kind of episodes if you consider the you know stages episodes where you need to bring down like a biologist in the red shirt and you're like well that's last time we see this guy start Trek the 25th anniversary it's a game I like quite a bit i' I've been meaning to go back through it and play it through again beat it back in the day haven't done it in a while might be a fun experience to do it all over again Super Spy Hunter came out you got to understand this is 1992 the original Spy Hunter came out in 1983 believe it or not so this is almost 10 years later we finally get a sequel it's funny cuz like today's standards it doesn't sound like a big deal but now oh my God the sequel to Spy Hunter well it wasn't quite the sequel to Spy Hunter they just called it that to sell more copies but it looked visually cool with the way it turns corners and stuff like that I thought it looked awesome we have Turtles 3 the Manhattan Project I loved Turtles 2 the arcade game and Turtles 3 the Manhattan Project more of the same it was nice to have this one because Super Nintendo could have like turtles in time and then uh the Genesis had their hyperstone Heist so then on the NES hey we also have another Sid scrolling Turtles game with Manhattan Project and honestly it's one of the better ones it's really good love to play it well in ' 92 we get dragon warrior 3 you know what's funny I don't hear as many people talk about Dragon Warrior 3 as much as two or even four I hear a lot of people who love four but what about three and this is coming for me the guy who literally has a slime tattoo on his arm I'm not the biggest dragon warrior fan I like them a Dragon Quest nowadays but back then it was such a grind right came out in March of 1992 something to play for the rest of the year we had GI Joe the Atlantis Factor now this is a game that's worth getting behind they made two GI Joe games and uh GI Joe the Atlantis Factor absolutely wonderful game both GI Joe games are fantastic but this one no complaints from me if you see a gi. Joe game they're both great I like the taxon one probably a little bit more they're both fantastic games Ghoul School came out and Ghoul School was that kind of rental game where you're like never heard of this game I don't even know this company I mean we know Electro brain now but I you know I don't know anything about it it just looks interesting I'll go ahead and rent it out of all the games that were perfect rentals just rent it and check it out I mean maybe you have it in your collection that's fine too it's Ghoul School I mean it's called ghoul school and you of course you play as a kid with rip jeans and spiked hair and stuff like that whooping aliens with your towel H whatever Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back well the Super Nintendo version it is not the Star Wars games on the NES were always kind of a little I mean there are some people who like unironically like them I could never get into them even though I will say for the record my personal opinion Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite Star Wars movie so I was excited to play this but I rented it that was good enough for me TNC surf design thrillers surfari why did we need this we didn't TNC surf design classic NES game it was the game you played because it featured skateboarding and we didn't have a whole lot of skateboarding games back in those days but now here's uh one where you play as Thrilla gorilla not surfing this time but skating and not great but it still it existed well popular Tetris was hey we finally get hatress also bulletproof software from the tetris guy sure it's but it's hatress you're stacking hats on heads all right toxic Crusade from Bandai loved me the toxic Crusaders again I think this was wasn't this a Saturday morning cartoon as well I know it came from the movie traa and all that too legendary out of all the trauma films I think toxic Crusaders is probably the most popular and the game itself for the NES very very good extraordinarily good great side scrolling beat him up check it out for sure Darkwing Duck was cool to see for the NES because it was along with that after school lineup we had DuckTales amazing we had chipad Del's Rescue Rangers very very good game Tail Spin not so much you know my feeling on Tail Spin I don't care for it as much better than I give it credit for when I first played it but not bad Darkwing Duck though absolutely amazing a lot harder of a Capcom game if you're just like oh I love Duck Tales but you can beat it in one life dark wiing duck has a bit of a challenge that I wasn't expecting but I'll take it and I love dark wiing duck loved it king's quest 5 to me and to many kids who grew up with the NES who didn't have a computer growing up king's quest 5 was the first king's quest game we play now I was familiar with king's quest and I had a friend of mine who did have a computer who showed me king's quest like in the mid 80s and I was like okay that's interesting that looks like a you know okay I get it but I I didn't I didn't play computer games I played Nintendo games so when King Quest 5 came out I was very excited cuz again I love that point and click style of game so it was my my introduction to that I I love how there's you know different ways you can die in so to speak it was fun um a big fan of King's CL hey adventure Islands 3 absolutely legendary Adventure Island 2 ooh that's fun that's more of the same and we got a third one H I love it Adventure Island 3 um is the one that's harder to find of the three here in the United States but if you find it go ahead and grab it because it's an amazing game it's more like the second one the first one is more arcadey and then two and three are more like made for NES and then we also had Contra Force again going to the first one legendary I mean iconic for the NES super CA I'm a huge fan of super CA I actually like super CA more than Contra believe it or not but then when Contra Force came around you're just like shut up this is not Contra well as it turns out it's not Contra it was not called Contra in Japan they put contra name just like with Super Spy Hunter they put Contra name on it just to sell copies just like Mystic Quest Final Fantasy Mystic Quest no it's not it's not Final Fantasy come on get out of here anyway I'm here to tell you Contra force is not a terrible game it's not it's just not Contra I was a big fan of K Crusty's fun house I liked Crusty's fun house I like those puzzle style games I liked Lemmings I liked things like that and with this one it was just unique I liked to see which different rooms different ways that the mice would be captured I suppose you know what's funny I liked The Simpsons I wasn't a fanatic it's not a religion to me I don't quote it every day like everyone else seemed to and still seems to hey hey kids but I like The Simpsons or I appreciated them back back in the day for sure and Crusty's found house absolutely excellent don't even need to be a Simpsons fan to enjoy it WrestleMania steel cage challenge well out of all the WWE games on the NES it's one that's a little bit more playable but still not great um I remember oh this is this is an embarrassing story but this is a true story I remember I couldn't wait to get WWF WrestleMania steel cage challenge this is already after we had super WrestleMania for the Super Nintendo and now I'm going back to the NES but I was like well I'm a huge wrestling fan so I got to grab it went to Montgomery Ward that tells you how long ago it was bought it played through it beat it basically the first time and I was like I'm not going to play this game ever again I can't foresee myself or even my friends and I playing this game again and it was during a time where you could literally return games like at the store but I was way too embarrassed too so I had my mom return it for me help pathetic is that I was in high school when this came out I was like Mom can you go back to mgy war like next time you're there can you uh can you can you return this please and she did and I got my money back and I ended up buying something else so still though how much of a wuss was I good Lord it was am you know what's funny uh dragon warrior 4 came out this year too maybe that's why we haven't heard so much of Dragon Warrior 3 as people are still Level grinding in Dragon Warrior 3 we they dropped Dragon Warrior 4 like half a year later in the same year can you believe it it's one of the ones I think people like the most for the NES but still cool to see Felix the Cat what a fun game this is a little bit on the easy side but Felix the Cat coming back in fashion been around for a hundred years why not make an NES game out of it and to many people who grew up playing NES especially maybe the younger generation this is probably their introduction to Felix the Cat maybe they didn't even know Felix the Cat was like a newspaper comic strip or a cartoon or the wall clock in your Grandma's kitchen or something like that for a 100 years but it's great and you should definitely check it out gargoyles Quest 2 another fantastic game you should check out from Capcom gargo Quest the first one came out for the Game Boy and I love the fact that this came out for the NES because I cannot see the Game Boy very well at all you know until the Super Game Boy came out that I could play whatever I want on the Super Nintendo you know with that Game Boy adapter but gargoyle's Quest 2o so good with a little Adventure element and it goes to the Sid scrolling part that's my kind of game that's my style of game absolutely love that one and it's funny I've never beaten it I really should change that sometime Spider-Man Return of the Sinister 6 this is also still during a time where they needed to make make a good Spider-Man game and they just couldn't now Spider-Man for the Sega Genesis was at that time the best Spider-Man game I've ever seen and I was like well I'll give it the benefit of the doubt and I know it's from ljn and didn't quite make it wasn't all there it's unfortunate but you know it did come out that year so it was worth at least the rental limings came out that year though and I loved limings limings for the NES limings for the Super Nintendo I believe they made it for the Sega Genesis as well I love the fact that we were starting to get more computer games on the NES again I didn't grow up with computers I wasn't a PC Gamer I wanted to play some of the games though when I was very familiar with what limings was but just couldn't play it at home and now I can and it plays very well on the NES I think well I'd be remissed if we didn't at least mention little Samson now also in this year we had panic restaurant power Blade 2 Wacky Races some Heavy Hitters by today's collecting standards and little Samson came out November of 92 and I'm sure there were people at the store along with all these other great games like oh should I get little Samson nah I'll get gold to which also came out that year Lil Samson I've never heard of that I'm going get Spider-Man good luck with that we don't know nobody would have known little Samson is a wonderful game I'm sure you probably know it best for its value right now as far as collecting goes but as a game itself it's actually a very good game too it really really is it's worth checking out Prince of Persia going back to the computer games that were coming out for the NES hey we have Prince of Persia now for the NES and it plays like the Prince of Persia I played for a moment on the computer got to love that Joe and Mac was fun to see on the NES because Joe and Mac came out about a year prior on on the Super Nintendo so it's like oh cool you have the Super Nintendo version and now you have the NES version of Joe and Mac they don't play exactly the same but still very good you know earlier in this video I talked about Mega Man 4 well Mega Man 5 came out the same year too Mega Man 4 at the beginning of the year and then Mega Man 5 at the end of the year hey for Mega Man fans nothing wrong with that here's the thing though I'm a huge fan of Mega Man 5 it's one of the best ones I think for the NES interesting that they would just have them back to back like that like they rushed them I have no idea rushed them out is that a pun no uh but Mega Man 5 came out later in the year uh just in time for Christmas in 1992 along with RC proam 2 RC proam 2 was such a great game it came out too late RC proam 2 should have come out maybe 2 years after the first one came out and I think 1992 was a little too late for it where it kind of just got lost in the shuffle with everything else that was going on with all the other great games that came out for the NES during this time great games like The Simpsons Bart meets radioactive man this is the third Simpsons game now uh third in a row I think from The Simpsons games uh the other two not great in my opinion the play if the play controls were better it would be a much better game like I don't mind the gameplay I honestly don't I wish the controls were a little bit tighter I wish uh the jump button wasn't also the Run button where you have to like hold like jump and then run and then let go and tap it again to jump like do a running jump no no don't don't do that to us tidy T adventures cartoon Workshop I cannot tell you the hours of insanity that myself my friends Dan I'm going to call him out by name Char my buddy just all my friends at the time we would play Dan especially rented it a few times until I finally actually ended up buying a copy some somewhere along the way at the time I didn't have money to buy games but I could rent them and the amount of times that we rented this game was unreasonable it's not even a proper game it's literally an animation studio where you drop in the animation you know give it a direction of what to do you can pop up a speech bubble sometimes uh to make it say something stupid and we would just do this for hours and you know and then watch our little 30-second cartoon that we made and just piss ourselves laughing so much because it's the dumbest thing ever which is what makes it brilliant and I loved it and it's still one of my favorite experiences and favorite memories of playing NES games is playing tiny tune adventures cartoon Workshop that's right that's a true story there were so many more games that came out in '92 but we'll keep the video at least this long anyway we still got other videos too we've talked about Nintendo from the 80s Nintendo even in a little bit in the future and we still have a few years left to cover the uh great NES games that came out kind of the golden years of NES 2 so make sure you're subscribed check out these other videos in the meantime and I hope we see you real soon
Channel: JohnRiggs
Views: 36,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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