Best (and Worst) SNES Games You were Playing in 1993

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you know just for fun I make these air fresheners I actually built this one to smell like an ' 80s arcade it's menthols wood paneling spiled Cola and a gumball machine and these are available for sale right now in my Shopify you can check out a link in the description below 1993 was a pretty interesting year for video games not the best Ines games and I did that video not too long ago but for the Super Nintendo well it had a nice mix of really great games and really maybe not so much here's a look at a lot of the Super Nintendo games that you are playing maybe you rented maybe you got for your birthday or maybe you just saw on the rental shelf and you're just like nah not for me early in the year we got the game Power Moves by canico it featured an interesting lineup of fighters in this game and it is your kind of player versus player Street Fighter clone this was during a time when man Street Fighter 2 was everything so so many people were making their own Street Fighter 2 style game and you're going to see a few of them on this list today it wasn't great but it was worth a rental for the weekend you know just something to check out we had cool world based on the kind of a cool film idea and although this scene here looks pretty cool reminds me of like the pilot wings uh level uh I remember renting this and not remembering how to actually play this and capturing my own footage here I don't know what I'm doing it was a cash grab hey what about Harley's Humongous Adventure I don't know what it is but I have a huge passion for any video game that shrinks you down so the stages are basically like you know these blown up stages you know like rescue r ERS was like that or that one level from Little Nemo and this entire game is like that cuz you're all shrunk down and you're trying to you know it's a kind of a platformer catch all the stuffs kind of game it wasn't terrible you know we had dragon's eye Shanghai 2 which leads me to believe there is a Shanghai 1 maybe there was on computer or something I'm not sure this is that maang solitire not like maang proper you know smoke filed rooms you know 80s style you know they had a bunch of those games too uh but this is the kind of maang that we are familiar with it's like I I think I think it's is called majang solitire you stack up the pieces and you eliminate one by one you know in pairs of two so long as they're on the Outer Edge uh you can you can um you know you can select them super chill super nice game this is the kind of game that your mom would actually play and it's still a fun game today I mean they still have this game several iterations but they had this for the Super Nintendo which was perfect I remember renting it a couple of times at least well with the success of Sim City now we have SIM Earth where you're in charge of building a planet okay if you insist I mean if you trust me with building a planet I guess we'll do the best we can anyway couple of scenarios in this game you literally start it from you know water life to you know building ground by you know causing volcanoes to happen and uh other catastrophic events or make the water level rise and you're trying to you know have you know sea life become land life U become civilized it's it's an interesting kind of game and um I I don't know I'm not very good at it I never know exactly what I'm doing in this game but I sure have a lot of fun playing this game and when in doubt you can also just do one of the scenarios and then just have fun with it like start dropping nukes and whatever I've done that once or twice super Valas 4 I was just like my good where are the where where are the other valis games four already I mean I guess if you had Super Castlevania 4 you can have super valis 4 well they've had the Valas games on other systems for long time PC engines uh Sega Genesis Mega Drive whatever you want to call it and they very kind of fun just run in SL Style game it has that anime look that I really really liked so it was fun to see and and fun to have here in the United States got tiny tune Adventures Buster busts loose now tiny tune Adventures one of my favorite Platformers on the NES and the Super Nintendo version well this is not the Super Nintendo version this is its own game kind of interesting where you can't jump on their heads just by nature of like you know Mario Style you can't just pop on their heads but you do have this kind of somersault drop kick a very starm manlike from pro wrestling that is your attack um and there's also a dash button and dash is a huge part of this game where you have to like Dash and then jump over things and everything nice bright cartoony Graphics pretty decent game uh you actually find it really cheap nowadays but it's it's it's a fun one oh the combat tribes this was one of my favorite arcade games of the time from American techno so this is like from the makers of dodgeball or you know that style of game River City Ransom but this plays more like a renegade in a way where you just have like a small area to maneuver it's not really like a s scrolling beat them up but you just have your where you are your area and you beat up all the guys until the Boss shows up I liked it cuz I had more than just like punching kick style moves like while they're on the ground you can like attack them on the ground or give them a giant swing or you know crash their head into the cement and stuff like that it was pretty brutal this was one of those games as soon as I saw it in the arcade I was like oh man I can't wait for there to be a Super Nintendo version of this and then about a year later or whatever the Super Nintendo version came out and I was super happy about it well although 1993 may not be the best year for video games it gave us two games it gave us Doom which came out first on PC but it also gave us Star Fox and Star Fox has been a main well is it a main staple of Nintendo I mean we haven't seen a Star Fox game yet on the switch I don't know it's it's it's a game that a lot of people love now when it first came out I wasn't the biggest fan and even still it's like I you know I get it but it was really cool of Nintendo to do a new IP this could have been some polygonal Mario flyer something or other but let's let's make some new characters let's make a new brand and they did that with Star Fox and there's a whole lot of Star Fox fans today because of it this is the one that started it all on the Super Nintendo very kind of mind-blowing with the uh the polygonal flying and all that very cool that you can do that thank you Nintendo for Star Fox we got fatal Fury which is one of three Neo Geo games that we got on the Super Nintendo we'll cover the other ones later in this video and this is the one that most people I think gravitated towards the most was the Fatal Fury Series has that nice pickup and play Style again kind of a street fighter clone but still has a few things that it did on its own for its own and I loved the fact that we had Neo Geo games on the Super Nintendo were they Neo Geo quality well maybe not as much as we would have liked but versus paying for a Neo Geo which barely anybody could you know unless you you know play these games in the arcade to have that Neo Geo at home experience this was the best we got and I thought they were done very very well huge fan of all the games uh and and fatal Fury was one of the best and then we turn around and have Street combat now okay Street combat another another fighting game another another Street Fighter 2 clone in a way versus style weird moves kind of crazy characters and stuff like that too got a couple of moves you can do this game features a jump button no 2D fighting game should have a jump button up should be jump always but here we are and it took me until the internet to figure this out and took me when I started playing Super famicom games that I realized that street combat is just a graphic hack of a RMA one half game now this this there was a RMA 1 half game that did come out in the US this is not that one this one came out as Street combat confusingly I don't know if it was a license issue or there like a nobody knows what Rona is we'll just call it Street combat and do something else I don't know but yeah same same idea same thing interesting Wayne's World from THQ this is during a time where THQ was kind of like the the new ljn if you will uh you know based on the the Saturday night liar skit and then there is the movie and then you know let's make a video game based on Wayne's World now this one is better than the NES one but it was just kind of fun to see on the super Nintendo it had you know had the the little digiti pictures and it had the voice samples and stuff like that it was it was maybe worth a one day rental Yoshi's cookie for the Super Nintendo there was an NES version there was also a Game Boy version and this is the Super Nintendo version I loved it that bulletproof software had uh you know licensing rights or whatever to take their puzzle game and uh add the uh add the familiar characters to it and I do love this game I mentioned that in my Nintendo video too I don't think there's anybody on this planet who likes Yoshi's cookie more than I do I don't know what it is it's just aligning the cookies all the way across all the way down keep going I don't know it's just super fun chill game I still play it today we had brawl Brothers which was the sequel to rival Turf and rival turf was kind of a favorite of mine when the Super Nintendo came out because unlike final fight it was two players simultaneous as a sid scrolling beat him up and this time you have uh five players you can choose from it doesn't matter how many players there are whoever does the wrestling moves that's the person I'm playing as every time 100% Whoever has the wrestling whoever whoever is the wrestler The X wrestler whatever that's the person I'm playing as final fight guy on Super Nintendo I'm still playing this Hagar it's that serious and this one's fine um there there's several of these games for the Super Nintendo and I think they're great I I like them I like them oh the Lost Vikings man was I a fan of the Lost Vikings when it came out great music kind of a fun story you know and Teamwork Makes the DreamWork the three different Vikings have different abilities one can run one has a weapon one has a shield and you have to you know switch back and forth between between the different players to attack the enemy and then block the laser and then run and jump over a thing to hit the switch and stuff like that a lot of that going on with this game a huge fan of the Lost Vikings check it out for sure oh Bubsy came out in '93 well that explains everything no I'm just kidding Bubsy gets a bad rep for I think it was just like it was overhyped as the new mascot the new thing this is the guy this is the attitude this is H didn't turn out that well I don't think I don't know I remember when when it first came out I was was like it's you know the kind of a Sonic ripoff I don't it wasn't really a Sonic ripoff uh it tried too hard to just be what it is it's just it's a decent platformer it's a decent Run and Jump Style game and it features my favorite favorite favorite idle animation of all time to this day my favorite Idol animation of all time comes from Bubsy for the Super Nintendo it's this right here that's the best never mind Bubsy we had Shadow run in 1993 Shadow run now this is the Super Nintendo version of Shadow run there's a lot of people who say the Genesis version is better um I played it mostly on the Super Nintendo this was the shadow run that I played both are completely different games and this game would have been easier with a mouse I think but I mean it it works okay just by using the d-pad I know it just it just seems like it was more of a PC Style game that happens to be on the Super Nintendo and a lot of those I liked the idea that I could do that I would never play them all the way through but it was cool that we had Shadow run at least the brand H you ever played Tasmania well I mean it's it's interesting enough this is another one that had you know there's also a version of Tasmania on the Genesis again two completely different games that one's more of a platformer this one's more of a uh like a a racing game I don't know what you would consider this game but we we certainly had it Batman Returns came out on the Super Nintendo as well as the NES you saw that in the uh NES video uh this one I liked more it's it's a sides scrolling beat them up it's just a one-player uh style brawler type game and it's fine for what it is it was it it was okay I mean again it this was one of those games it was worth the rental cuz you could rent it you could play it that weekend beat it that weekend bring it right back and say okay that was cool and I like the fact you could take enemies and throw them in the background to like smash windows and stuff like that I thought that was kind of fun Pocky and Rocky this is a game that oh boy this is well it was nice because I mean old school fans know it's Kiki Kai Kai I mean this came out for the famcom disc system it came out for other stuff too uh was it on uh turbo graphic 16 or PC engine I think it was and this is that kind of bright colorful Vivid style looks a little bit like a legend of the mystical ninja is I think a lot of people compared that to this cuz a lot of times this was the one that they played first they didn't even know about the other ones this is this is the one and I'm so happy that this happened so super fun game two- player simultaneous if you'd like it's it's the one to play man it's it's awesome I love it oh the uh the rigs bedroom had mini a rock and roll racing night W that sounded weird uh I rented this game a lot my friends and I we love this game game and why wouldn't you love this game it has like licensed music for some of the tracks anyway and it plays like uh RC proam it's an it's basically RC proam but with like a rock and roll Vibe and everything it's it's great it's perfect it's almost the perfect game if it was like four players simultaneous that'd be something I we I wish we would have a revamped new version of rock and roll racing and maybe we can get the people at a interplay and silicone all that to um to make that happen oh who is it now is it Bethesda Bethesda please make an upgraded updated rock and roll racing game with multiple players online and this all licensed music that would be amazing I think we'd love to see that I sure played a whole lot of WWF Royal Rumble at the time this was unfortunately the best WWF experience we've had to this point was this game right here a lot like the previous one the super WrestleMania which wasn't great uh you know but this one is also not that great but at least the rest ERS had finishing moves they actually had their kind of signature move that they could do and there's a Royal Rumble Match where as soon as you eliminated someone by tossing them out of the ring then you could um then then another person would come in so it had that gameplay that's all I ever did in this game I barely ever did I I don't think I ever played it once to actually get the I'm sure I did once uh you know to get the like the championship title I always played this game just as a roal rumble match and that was fine by me and you probably already know this but the trick to this like the the you know don't don't even have to wear him down who to the ropes give them an arm drag take over you'll Chuck them right out of the ring every time they don't need to be weakened or anything well we had battle toes and battle Maniacs battle toes was super iconic for the NES it's like oh cool there's a Super Nintendo version of it it was fine it didn't have that same heart that charm that feel that thing that I was looking for what it first came out for the NES where I was like oh my God this is like state-ofthe-art you know great animation great music and this game does that too this game has awesome music has an awesome soundtrack it has awesome you know colorful cartoony you know comic book style stuff I don't know it just didn't have that same feel for me but it was still pretty cool to see Goof Troop is a lowkey underrated could quite possibly be in my top 10 favorite Super Nintendo games of all time maybe even my top five favorite Super Nintendo games of all time if I actually you know made a list and then the process of elimination I can't tell you why or why not but man what a fun game this is two players simultaneous again it's that Capcom Disney combination and it's just kind of like a it's a like a puzzle game it's like a it's an action puzzle game where you can find these items and move things around and I don't know this game is amazing it's I can't can't explain it beyond that Evo one of my favorite games on the Super Nintendo as well uh came out during this time by today's standards it's unfortunately one of those games that goes for a high price ticket and is worth it now you see some of those games every once in a while like a this game's going for this much money just to collect it this game is one of the best games on the Super Nintendo in my opinion it works on Evolution and you evolve the way you want to evolve yeah you have to you know you start out as this little fish guy here um and then the more you experience you get then you can evolve and give yourself better Jaws to bite stronger um you know better fins to swim faster or Ram things or a hor and stuff like that and then later levels you evolve into like a dinosaur and a primate and eventually I mean you can beat the game as a primate you can beat the game as a human I've never been able to beat the game as the bird I'm going to work on that uh hopefully later this here but I liked the idea that you could just evolve and you know become the strongest of your tribe and then you know move on to the next area I guess it was also the year we got Super Mario All Stars we got a combination card this is the Super Nintendo retelling of Super Mario Brothers Mario Brothers 2 and Super Mario 3 as well as the what they call the Lost Levels which was the Japanese Mario 2 you know how that story I don't need to tell you fill you in on that one it was just fun to see it it was cool to see and L the fact that they had this and remind me in the comments I swore I'll have to look it up sometime I swore that if you beat every Mario game in this game like one Lost Levels two and three and beat every stage without warping wasn't there like a couple of bonus levels I maybe it's mandal effect I'm not sure the seventh Saga came out for the Super Nintendo during this time uh the Super Nintendo was an RPG beast and this one was pretty cool I I actually liked this one quite a bit um here's why you get to choose who you want to play as you want to play as the robot you want to play as the dwarf you want to play as the human the demon you know whatever you get to choose who you're going to play as which is kind of cool what I liked though was in the Overworld map you can see where the enemies are so if you're in a rush to get somewhere you can try to avoid them best you can or if you're looking to level grind you can just walk into them and then you know you're going to have that enemy encounter um to go from there I thought that was a super cool idea seventh Saga very cool I almost called it seventh guest Super Street Fighter 2 is the story of of why DLC is an okay thing by today's standards because people are like oh hey remember back in the day when you didn't have to like you know pay for add-ons for games it would just unlock them I was like yeah it was called Street Fighter 2 and I had to buy Street Fighter 2 then Street Fighter 2 turbo Edition then Super Street Fighter 2 it's yeah you didn't just download the characters you had to buy a whole new copy of the game well this one has four new characters you can choose including Cammy we finally get Cammy yay um I always liked DJ but very fun game it's it's more the street fighter too it has the new characters it's pretty cool we also had Final Fight 2 which was pretty cool Final Fight This one finally features two players simultaneous it's about time uh it doesn't really matter I'm always going to play as Hagar anyway and this time thanks to our friend Zan gef uh Hagar finally knows the spinning pile driver yay anyway Captain America and the Avengers and you got to remember this is before the Avengers were cool this is like cuz he have like Iron Man was like the other guy you know Captain America was probably more upfront you know Hawkeye is cool Vision was like yeah it's co so whatever yeah it was during a talk about parallel universe yeah before the Avengers movies The Avengers were like okay like especially Iron Man especially Iron Man Sid scrolling beat him up not done exactly very well it's okay it was like worth a you know it was worth a rental I guess maybe looking at a game like this is like well maybe it's okay that we didn't get uh the X-Men game on Super Nintendo maybe it's okay we didn't get the Simpsons arcade game on the Super Nintendo cuz it may have looked like this I don't know pla was the game that nobody really had and it was available on rental shelves and it took you a while to finally play it uh because sometimes you're like oh I'd rather I'd rather rent this I'd rather rent that oh everything's rented out I mean this looks kind of cartoony this looks kind of kid-like I guess I'll check it out and then when you play it you learn it's a very very good game very good well I mean we didn't really have a Rayman game yet uh for the for the Super Nintendo we didn't have a Rayman game yet but this was kind of like that where your arms and your legs would launch as your weaponry and then you collect them back and then you can put them back together I don't know it was just it was it was pretty cool Tough Enough whatever it's another Street Fighter 2 clone I did play it though of course I played it I played all of them I played everything but yeah Tough Enough and on the front of the cover it says like hey punk are you tough enough I was like is that the whole title I Think It's just tough enough World Heroes another SNK game uh play this on the Neo Geo and now you can play it at home on the Super Nintendo without needing a Neo Geo console and I liked World Heroes pretty well I liked World Heroes pretty well it was it was pretty fun it was this was a pretty cool uh 2D you know sides scrolling fighting game what do you want to call it Street Fighter 2 clone let's call what it is of the of of the those this one's pretty neat 93 Super Nintendo finally gets Mortal Kombat uh too late um unfortunately this is most people's introduction to Mortal Kombat um some of the things are changed a little bit I do like the controller better on Super Nintendo than I did the Genesis I'll be honest with you there um but it didn't play very well um you know of course they removed the blood that's kind of what made Mortal Kombat you know cool and you know whatever the fatalities were not I don't know yeah you know it's Mortal Kombat on Super Nintendo what can you say zombies at my neighbors this was another fun one two players simultaneous uh collect all of the uh the neighbors and the people and get rid of all the zombies and stuff like that you'd figure for a game like this it'd be like okay whatever I get it but there's a lot of people a lot of fans with this game I think it's okay I I I like it okay any game that had a creepy Vibe especially on the Super Nintendo would always get my attention Sunset Riders this was cool cuz this was like you know from the arcade to the Super Nintendo and not very much time I swore like I saw in the arcade first and then almost immediately I saw the Super Nintendo I was like oh that's that was quick nice I'll take it uh it it wasn't quite a contra game but maybe a little bit like like a like a contra in the Wild Wild West in a way got four different characters you can choose from and uh you can do a two-player on this one as well always the fun to see uh bigger graphics on this one nice and colorful we got super Empire Strikes Back Now the Super Star Wars games for the Super Nintendo are all pretty decent they're all kind of worth playing and uh Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars game so I was really looking forward to playing this one and it's fine it's it's like the other Star Wars games it's it's totally worth checking out Secret of Mana or is it Secret of Mana do we need to talk about Secret of Mana it is amazing super nostalgic for the the soundtrack I can listen to the soundtrack and be whisked immediately away back to high school when I first played the game uh love this game I never beat it though but I do love this game and it's an action do do they call them action RPGs now that Adventure Style game where you can actually slash your sword and stuff uh you could actually play two players on this one which was a cool thing hey there's that Rono 1 half game I was talking about earlier Rono 1 half we finally get it for the Super Nintendo uh another 2D fighting game I was familiar with the name but I hadn't watched the anime yet yet I I was like oh this is a thing from Japan for somehow for some reason I knew that cuz I wasn't even like an otaco at the time but I knew it was something like from Japan that was popular there I have no idea why but U play the game anyway um if you are familiar with the series uh this game came out later in the series so it features characters from like late late in the series you know what that means you know you know what I'm talking about so it's like you know I would have liked it if they just had like you know here's characters from like you know the first few Seasons or whatever but it's also kind of based on the manga so never mind the anime series actrazer 2 what a disappointment not because the game is terrible because it's not it's actually a very very good game it's just not actraiser cuz the actrazer I loved is my favorite Super Nintendo game of all time and my top one of it's in my top five favorite video games of all time is actrazer and then when actrazer 2 came out I knew it didn't have the town building stages I was like I was okay with that I was okay with that until I rented it and I was like had the same sound effect effects great soundtrack great graphics didn't have the same charm didn't have the same feel it didn't even need to be called actrazer 2 it could have been called it this and this is my theory if actrazer 2 for the Super Nintendo was called literally anything else it would have been more heralded as a better game but unfortunately because it carries the name actrazer 2 and it's like it's like you go from Strider to Strider Returns on the Genesis you're just like what no shut up I don't have a better name for this it could have been called uh uh the Warriors of battle I don't know it doesn't really matter it is a decent game it's actually pretty hard too it's super hard very good game it's just not actrazer Aladdin if Aladdin was called literally any I'm just kidding uh this is the Super Nintendo version of Aladdin A lot of people prefer this over the Sega Genesis version that's okay if you're wrong uh this game is a very good game all the same now this game I don't know I mean they both came out different companies different whatever and it's a very good game it's nice colorful cartoony this is the game that should have been on the Super Nintendo which is good because it was on the Super Nintendo does that make sense this is this this is a Super Nintendo version of Aladdin and that plays just fine I remember a lot of press going into clay Fighter for the Super Nintendo something about the uh like oh they can use clay molding like you know build it out of Play-Doh or whatever and then take a picture and then those are the graphics like they they dig digitize them and everything like that super ahead of its time I thought and as another Street Fighter 2 clone another 2D fighter I thought it was pretty good I had a lot of fun with this game it was just fun to see nice nice and colorful and a lot of a lot of Personality uh with this game is it the best fighting game of all time absolutely not but it was a lot of fun especially in a world of really bad Street Fighter 2 clones well there's Jurassic Park on the Super Nintendo because Jurassic Park was everywhere during this time number one in the movies uh all the toys all the action figures all the t-shirts all the everything so of course you got to capitalize on the video games and all this game is made by ocean it's an okay game hey we finally get the art of fighting now if art of fighting came out is another SNK game don't need a Neo Geo to play it because you can play it on the Super Nintendo and of the three I kind of consider them the main three the Fatal Fury World Heroes artif fighting of the three artif fighting was the one that I liked the most me personally I don't know why I don't know I don't know I just I just like this more than the other ones and I had a lot of fun playing this game too two-player pretty cool the other ones that came out they're great too to the point where even if I play like the King of Fighters series I play as you know the art of fighting characters in this game I don't know I just I thought it was fun I I really really enjoyed this game I enjoyed this game so much I capture my own footage when I do these videos and as I was capturing my own footage I literally beat this game I literally just kind of played all the way through this game and and beat it just cuz I was like oh yeah it's been a while since I played this game I just started playing it I was like oh yeah I forgot I was filming for a video and we also get teenage meat Ninja Turtles tournament Fighters there is a version of this on NES as well as Sega Genesis uh the Super Nintendo version to me probably the best one probably the best one because it just plays the best you know and nice colorful big bright colors you know Konami love it yeah they made a few of them and all all of them play differently and I enjoyed this one uh the most fun to see fun to have got to love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles about a year and a half ago I also covered the 1992 Super Nintendo games as well as the 93 NES games I just did that video recently too so make sure you check out both of those videos while you can whatever one you want to watch first I don't mind I'm looking forward to covering the 1994 Super Nintendo games coming up really soon
Channel: JohnRiggs
Views: 55,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Lqmekrnw3Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 34sec (1594 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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