The BEST (And Worst) Encounters For Your Pokémon Platinum Nuzlocke

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all right we are back with another nuzlocke encounter tier list this time for pokemon platinum one of my personal favorite games to nuzlocke for those of you who don't know me i'm flag on hg i do hardcore nuzlocks for a living technically one of my main goals for this channel is to encourage other people to start nuzlocking and providing them with the resources to feel confident enough to do so so this video is going to rank each of the pokemon that you can potentially find in a platinum nuzlocke and evaluate how good the pokemon is what specific threats the pokemon helps against and how likely you are to get the pokemon in a random nuzlocke as well as what encounters you might miss out on if you end up getting that specific pokemon instead of something else so platinum is different enough from diamond and pearl that i'll be focusing exclusively on platinum but some of what i say here will definitely carry over to diamond and pearl just know that there are pretty big differences between those games and i'm specifically going to be talking about hardcore nuzlocking which by my definition means that you don't over level past the level of the next gym leader you don't use items in battle and you play on set mode but as always a lot of what we're going to talk about here is going to be very applicable to any type of nuzlocke that you want to do and of course just as a reminder before we get started this is my opinion uh it's not objective fact i will likely make some mistakes or have some contradictions in logic but based on feedback that i got from doing this in previous games i did take notes while looking things up this time instead of just doing the rankings off the top of my head so i'm hoping that my notes will kind of help with the logical flow and make sure that things are a little more consistent and there aren't as many like factual mistakes so just i want to talk briefly about the game pokemon platinum in general and why it's one of my favorite games to nuzlocke um there are a few very difficult fights in this game that will definitely give you trouble especially if this is your first nuzlocke including a fairly difficult champion fight which is always pretty fun to me i don't love when the champion is like super underwhelming and i do think that cynthia is a pretty difficult challenge for especially first time those lockers but the level curve is very manageable for the most part and the encounter lists on the different routes are relatively diverse definitely the most diverse out of the first four generations and i also think that the late game of this game as well as the random trainers are not nearly as punishing as in later generations specifically black 2 and white 2 so if you're looking for a pretty difficult challenge but not one that is super super hard and ends up you end up wiping to a bunch of random trainers and stuff i think platinum's a really good first game for you to try out or second or third whatever so let's just highlight the major threats here i have a couple listed down here that i'll be continually referring to about which pokemon are best for addressing them in the early game you have the first mars and jupiter fight those can be pretty tricky if you're not ready for them you have the third gym leader fantina who has a miss maggiest that is just really fast and really strong especially at that point in the game crash your weight can be kind of difficult if you don't have an electric type but we'll talk about that later and then candace i think is by far one of the hardest gym leaders in this game she's got a frost lass that if she sets up hail can dodge your attacks and can also hit really hard with blizzard and shadowball and then all of her other pokemon are pretty strong too you've got earthquake on piloswine you've got the obama snow that has woodhammer so she's a pretty tough gym leader for you to face you've also got the distortion world cyrus fight that can be pretty hard if you're not prepared for it and then in the elite four most of the elite four is actually fairly easy other than lucian who is the last elite four member who has a glade which is pretty tough to take care of and a bronzong with calm mind so you have to watch out for both of those as well as of course a very fast alakazam and a slightly less fast but still pretty strong espeon and then of course you do have cynthia so you know she's notorious for her guard chomp so you do want to have a guard chomp answer but the rest of her pokemon are pretty tough as well so we'll keep those major threats in mind and we'll address the different pokemon and how they can assess them so we're just gonna go pretty much in pokedex order although i've moved some things around to kind of reflect like where in the game you get it so hopefully we can kind of move through the encounters as you would in the game so of course we're gonna start off first with the starters you can pick between torterra infernape and empoleon so unlike some generations this generation has phenomenal starters i think that torterra will just start with torterra is an absolutely an a-tier pokemon torterra is phenomenal it obviously makes the first gym leader rourke trivial he knows a razor leaf at that point and you can just kill all four of his pokemon or three of his pokemon tortilla is pretty solid into fantina since he'll learn bite at that level and he also learns earthquake at level 32 which is just absolutely disgusting and it's also great for may lean because it is the only one of the three starters that you will get at the level cap of may lean it's also perfect for vulchner obviously so he gets a lot of utility moves as well leech seed swords dance rock polish if you want to do setup razor leaf is gonna be his main physical grass stab move which is kind of annoying because it's pretty low power i mean you can get seed bomb from the move tutor or you could rely on wood hammer but that has recoil so that's not great and honestly as the game goes on torterra is not super amazing in the late game because lots of random pokemon have ice type coverage grass types in general are not super super good you're mainly going to want to use this for that early earthquake and then the grass type in the early game infernape on the other hand i think is an absolute s to your pokemon cino is pretty short on fire types so it's good to get one at the beginning if you want it chimchar evolves into monferno at level 14 so it will evolve before rorke meaning that it'll be pretty useful with the fighting type and it'll get mock punch um infernape is very fast it's very strong it's very good late game because it gets flamethrower and close combat which is amazing coverage both on the physical and the special side it's very good into mars as per ugly which can be a brick wall in the early game and of course infernape is very good into candace who as i said is probably the hardest gym leader in these games so it's really nice to have a fire type to just instantly deal with her this also easily beats cyrus's weevil it obviously sweeps a aeron in the elite four it's okay intolution definitely will kill the bronzong in one shot as long as you can get it in safely not on a psychic and just some downsides it is of course very frail so you'll have to be careful you can't switch it in as easily as the other two starters and it's obviously not very good and to wake and does nothing into fantina pretty much so you're gonna have to have other checks for those two if you take infrared but i do really think that this is a phenomenal pokemon and it's great to get a fire type right off the bat empoleon uh you know generally it's not great to take the water type starter because there's so many water types in this game but water steel is a phenomenal typing and it just has very few weaknesses this is definitely one of the best water types in the game i'm gonna put it in a tier you get surf plus flash cannon which is just disgusting damage obviously makes rourke very easy it's pretty solid into candace's frost last since empoleon resists all of her moves um empoleon is obviously good into lucian for the most part as long as you avoid the few focus blasts that his pokemon have and i guess thunderbolt on mr mime piplup and prin plup are generally pretty bad um you know they're pretty underwhelming in the early game and this will make gardenia a bit harder because you're gonna have to rely on your other encounters and of course there are plenty of water types so i'm not saying not to use this but i do think it's the weakest of the three but a free steel type is pretty pretty cool okay so let's move on to some of the other you know pokemon that you're definitely gonna get at some point in these routes because staraptor is everywhere fortunately staraptor is an a-tier pokemon i don't know if it's quite as good as empoleon because it's a little frail but it's got the intimidate pivot the immunity to ghost and ground type moves makes it a great intimidate pivot brave bird and close combat are both phenomenal moves as long as you make sure to kill whatever you're trying to go for in one shot this helps with gardenia it's okay into fantina since siraptor is normal type and is immune to ghost type moves it's gonna be even more frail as a star avia and a starly that's kind of unfortunate but you are pretty much guaranteed to get this at some point the barrel i wish that the barrel was better in this game but the barrel is just the definition of an early game pokemon it's very very fine but it's gonna fall off pretty quickly once you get past like fantina unaware and simple are both really good abilities but there really aren't that many instances where they're actually going to be that helpful throughout your playthrough you don't really want to do defense curl and rollout strategies because you're gonna get crit and rollout also keeps you locked in and the sad thing about this normal type is that it's not even that good into fantina because miss maggious has magical leaf and the barrel is part water type it's okay for pivoting in that fight but it really doesn't do that much that well the one thing i'll say is that you get early headbutt and hyperfang which is pretty solid you know but the one other downside to this pokemon is that it evolves at level 15 meaning that it's not very useful for rorke at all we're gonna put this in c tier prick tune another one that i wish was better qriketoon is c tier uh it's just too frail to be as slow as it is it could be kind of solid into gardenia but the move pool is just ass either you have to delay krikatot to level 16 so that he learns bug bite or you have to rely on 20 base power leech life or 10 base power fury cutters so it's really not bulky enough to pull off like any late game parish song traps so there's really nothing that this thing does other than is kind of useful into gardenia so that's why i'm putting it in sea tier definitely behind the barrel lux ray lux ray is an a-tier pokemon it's kind of almost guaranteed like you know you have a couple routes to get it and this is another potential intimidate mod the other option is rivalry which is okay depending on your gender the downside of luxray is that it suffers from a very shallow move pool like generation four just did physical electric types completely dirty but its special attack is okay so you can still kind of use it you know with shock wave to take care of wake it's decent into oric's cranidos because you will evolve this at level 14 as well so you're going to get intimidate on the cranial dose if you happen to get intimidated or if you get a male then you'll get a rivalry boost and you can kind of take care of the creators that way as long as you don't get rid it's very good in deciris who has a lot of flying types and this thing is bulky enough so because there's not really a lot of electric types i'm going to put this in a tier as well i promise that i'm not just going in order here but i do think that this is the right order for the first four and a tier okay so for cadabra and alakazam as well as with all the trade evolutions we're going to separate trade evolutions in case that you don't play with trade evolutions or you can't trade them or whatever right so cadabra and alakazam they're both speedy and strong they're pretty good into like cyrus's grobat for example but it is kind of hard to position these guys with so many strong physical attackers especially in the late game that being said they're pretty good into meilene i guess other than lucario who takes neutral damage from psychic they obviously completely eviscerate gardenia you should be able to outspeed the roserade and just kill it straight off the bat and if you give it shadowball it could be okay intolution as long as you avoid the shadowball users on lucian's team um yeah these aren't quite as good as in some of the other games just because psychic types don't hit super hard into a lot of the late game so i'm gonna put cadabra and b tier and alakazam is obviously just really strong and fast so he's going innate here so uh gyarados gyarados is always s tier it's kind of inarguable i don't know if it's quite as good as infernape no it is it's just intimidate is filthy it's very bulky if you get dragon dance you can basically just sweep almost the entire elite four as long as you're a little careful there just a really gross pokemon i mean don't use him for vulchner i guess but use him for everything else then you're good to go alright so next up is roserade very cool pokemon but unfortunately grass types have it pretty rough in cino a lot of random pokemon especially like pressure wakes water types have ice type moves the fact that you don't get shiny stone all the way until iron island means that you're not going to get roserade until pretty late in the game and at that point it's not that useful so i am going to put this in high beat here just because it's a pretty strong pokemon and it's relatively bulky on the special side but it's not quite as useful as some of the other pokemon that you can get in the late game crobat crobat is an s-tier pokemon as well throwback goes zoom it's fast there's a lot of fast pokemon in this game so it's nice to add speed them and it's pretty bulky and uh yeah i mean it just destroys gardenia for example it's bulky enough to tank a psy beam from fantina's mismagius usually and you can get off a bite to do decent damage and you know just in general it's got good bulky support for the late game but the thing that you gotta keep in mind about this crowbat is that it doesn't necessarily check anything super well right it doesn't it's not something that you bring out and then instantly kill it's kind of just a generally useful pokemon to have around to deal with a lot of different threats okay graveler and golem graveler is b-tier golem is probably gonna be a tier these are very very good into the mars and jupiter fight you can pretty much guarantee geodude by either getting orber gate or the orbit mine encounter you do have to watch out for the giga drain on jupiter's zubat but pretty much everything else is completely walled by graveler so they're very good early game but then they're not that good for the rest of the game because they're just slow and there's a lot of special attacking moves as well these guys are also very good into vulchner you just gotta watch out for raichu's focus blast but everything other than that is pretty much walled and killed by earthquakes onyx and steelix so onix is not quite f tier but it's pretty damn close onix is only useful for the fight against mars as per ugly and that is absolutely it that's the one reason it gets the sea tier is because mars is probably can be pretty tricky and if you get onyx it's completely checked by it but other than that garbage ass pokemon steelix is a steel type so it's gonna be much better it's pretty solid into volkner as long as you again watch out for raichu it's good into cyrus's crowbat i guess but other than that not a lot of super super useful matchups but it's a strong bulky steel type so it's pretty good up there rempardos it's i mean rampardos is very strong but its move pool is just absolute dog and it's just too slow to take advantage of its monstrous attack it's got bad matchups into almost every single gym leader and elite four member so i really wouldn't recommend using it i'm gonna put it in c tier for that reason although it is obviously better than a lot of these pokemon just by having like a ridiculous attack stat bastiodon is probably low b tier i guess like if i had to pick between the two i'd probably prefer bastiodon because it's a bulky tank like i guess you can toxic stall some stuff it is very bulky but it does lack any strong specific match ups into anything and it really can't hit back all that hard it's really just not that useful i mean like i guess you can set up stealth rocks and you can sponge hits it's a pretty solid pivot but overall i wouldn't waste time going and searching for fossils to get this guy okay macho can machamp i'm gonna put both of these in a tier low a tier for sure and the reason is that these are pretty good early game you know they're really good into rourke mars jupiter especially if you have guts and you get poisoned and may lean so these guys are really good in the early game and then they kind of fall off towards the late game as they get a little too slow and not quite bulky enough to tank really strong attacks they could be solid into candice i guess kind of a little bit obviously not into frost last but the rest of her pokemon as long as you are able to outspeed them or take enough damage and they do check barry's snorlax which can be kind of difficult to take care of if you don't have like infernape or close combat from staraptor for example golduck uh golduck is like always b-tier in every single one of these things it's i guess it's like maybe here you know it's a water type that is solid but it evolves really late which is kind of annoying so you're gonna have uh psyduck until like the sixth gym badge and you know i mean it can get the job done with surf and ice beam which is basically the only thing that you want from your water type but you can always do better than golduck unfortunately so golduck is gonna be sitting solid and beetier all right so let's talk about the burme evolutions uh we can talk about each of these wormadams separately warmer named sand is kind of sucky but it's not horrible i don't know it's like c tier it's probably better than onyx i would rather have x scissor on this guy than that guy i guess it gets earthquake which is cool which you can use for meleen sort of but i would never go for that one i would also never go for this one this is f tier times four weak to fire and flying no thank you this is trash which is funny because this is trash too but actually it's the best one this is the trash cloak one and that's gonna be in b tier uh i would honestly say that it's better than all of these pokemon and b tier so far because bug steel type is a pretty good defensive typing you know it checks mars for example with the per ugly it checks gardenia it checks fantina actually and it kind of sort of checks maylene but then after that it more or less falls off so b-tier it's not amazing but you know it's the best of the three different worm teams mother is not good mother is sea tier explicitly and only because it's good into gardenia but as we've said before like pretty much everything is good into gartenia but we'll give it to c tier for that reason i guess although no you know what screw it after you're going to f to your mother i'm sorry buddy once you get quiver dance once you get hurricane you get better but right now you're pretty useless same with beautify beautifies an f tier it's not very good it's a little worse than motham but you're more likely to get it i guess so maybe that's a reason to put it in c tier put it above moth them they're they're basically the same pokemon doesn't really matter dust stocks i guess i'll put in c tier low c tier because it's slightly better with moonlight and you get shield dust which is pretty nice but it's way too weak and it doesn't get like a stab move until level 34 or something and then by the level of 34 like you really shouldn't be using this pokemon yeah it's just not good i don't think anybody's gonna get offended by that we have a combi here this is technically a female sprite but i guess if you get stuck with male combi this is obviously the low low f tier i'm sorry combi you suck mess be queen is b for for b like because it's a b you get it this pokemon is okay you're pretty unlikely to get her unless you waste all of your honey train counters on her uh it's got bad typing to be as slow as it is and it's not quite bulky enough to be that slow either you can do some cool stuff with defend order and healing order if you want to be subject to a bunch of crits and then get really upset when you've gotten to plus six and then get grit by like a togepi or something but i think you're better off just using a you know different strat the cool thing about vespiquen is that it does learn toxic by level up so you don't have to waste your toxic dm on it if you want like multiple toxic stall users but there's better pokemon than this and yeah bug flying is not an amazing typing hachirisu my world champion i'm sorry buddy you are going into f tier yes you're very cute especially in your trozy sprite but you are just not good this is not even strong enough to one shot crasher wakes gyarados you're gonna need ev investments to one shot gyarados so you're more likely to get the lugs right anyways so like don't use pachirisu i'm sorry it's just like you're not strong enough to have this bad of a move pool superfang's not super useful in game i guess you get charm but like no this is this is this is f tier i'm sorry i'm sorry pachirisu float soul float sill is b-tier it's a fast water type we'll put it it's definitely better than golduck and honestly based on where you get it and when it evolves i would put it above these guys as well it's very very frail so you have to be careful about that but with enough attack and speed investment it doesn't really matter because you'll just come in and one-shot stuff so it doesn't really have to take anything what's nice about float soul is that it gets crunch at exactly the fantina level cap so as long as you watch out for magical leaf on the uh what is it miss maggias then you should be able to destroy a lot of her team with crunches um you may need some attack investments you may need some speed investments a little bit to outspeed miss magnus but given that it is naturally pretty fast and pretty um strong this is a pretty good answer into fantina's miss macchious and the rest of her pokemon um it should be fast enough to outspeed garchomp which is great like this is a semi-decent garchomp answer as long as you have it out as the dark chomp comes out and you should also be able to sweep flint with waterfall and probably be pretty fast enough to out speed the infinite so this is a pretty solid pokemon uh let's put it in high b tier above wermidam that's that's a lot of good answers and you're pretty much guaranteed to get it cherum cherum is not f tier because of leech seed but that is it very happy pokemon not very good uh you're probably never going to use this guy because the honey tree encounters mechanic sucks i guess it's c tier instead of f tier okay gastered on these gastrodons are the exact same pokemon they're just different colored but i think they're both cute so we're gonna put them both up here they are also world champions which is pretty cool they both only have one weakness which is grass type and that's pretty uncommon especially after the early game shell of sucks it's very bad in the early game but once you evolve these guys they're actually pretty bulky and pretty good answers into a lot of different threats you're not gonna get yawn unfortunately it's an egg move so no yawn but you do get recover at level 54 which makes it solid into the elite four and it's pretty good into vulchner except you maybe have to watch out for the giga impact from elective ire because if that crits you're in trouble i'm gonna put them in high b tier i think uh these guys are a little bit better than float sole or maybe right around paracross okay heracross would be s tier if it was easy to get but given that it's not it's going to go in a tier it's a very very good pokemon you know it hits very hard at all points in the game and it's bulky enough to take attacks it gets early brick break close combat it's really just the only downside is that it's hard to get it's harder to get than all of the other pokemon in a tier so it's going to go in low a tier for now ambipom another honey tree encounter this thing is completely useless and it's also ugly so we're putting it in c tier it's not completely useless i'm lying it's got baton pass so you can do baton pass strats and like you know technician is solid i guess although i don't let's check it yeah i thought so so it doesn't get fake out it's it's an egg move so it doesn't even have technician fake out so i don't know here that's that's fine nobody's going to be upset by ambi palm being put in seat here right right drift blim drift blim has three immunities which makes it a very good pivot and you can also guarantee it by just waiting until friday to find it at valley wind works um it's very helpful into gardenia although it's still weak at that point as a drift loon so you're not actually going to be able to easily take care of the um roserade but that's fine it's very helpful into may lean for example uh you know lots of pokemon have ice or dark type moves later in the game which makes it not quite as good as it could be but it does have a good tm moveset very very bad level up move set and you don't really want to rely on like stockpile baton pass strats and stuff i guess you know i'm gonna put this in b tier it's it is a very solid pokemon not quite as good as potentially unlike some other you know like rom hacks like renegade platinum or in later games where it gets unburdened but it's a pretty solid pokemon just kidding it actually does get unburdened in this game but still my point stands mid b tier okay low pony so low punny has pretty bad abilities in this game either completely renders held items useless with klutz or it has cute charm which is not really that reliable if this had scrappy for example i think it would be much better because it would be very very good into fantina but since it doesn't this is pretty average um it's a solid pokemon with solid bulk so i'm gonna put it in b tier uh i think it's definitely below rosarite probably below all of these pokemon actually maybe a little bit above bastion uh okay haunter and gengar so hunter and gengar you can get at the old chateau there's an argument to be made to wait for rotom instead of haunter or gengar but you know depending on what you want one might be better than the other these pokemon are stronger than rotom unfortunately they don't get shadowball in time to be a good answer into fantina but they are potentially solid into candace's frost lass if you manage to get rid of the hail or just get really lucky and hit the frost last on the first turn you know with enough special attack and speed investments they can also be very very good into lucian other than i guess bronzong right you are going to be weak to psychic attacks so you do have to be careful that you one shot everything so that you don't get one shot in return because these are pretty frail pokemon hunters going in b tier i'll put it right around alakazam and gengar is gonna go in a tier and i'm actually gonna put this above alakazam here these are also pretty good pokemon to catch other pokemon with because they can learn mean look and i'll explain that there's a couple pokemon that are pretty good but are able to run away which sucks rotom rotom you can guarantee if you want it the sad thing is that you're stuck with regular rotom in platinum because the forms where they possess random electronics from your house those are behind like some event in this generation or whatever so he's very frail but he is excellent into crash awake and cyrus if you manage to out speed and one shot everything doesn't learn thunderbolt by level up which is kind of annoying so you're gonna have to use a thunderbolt tm on him unless you want to do like discharge and charge beam or whatever levitate is good because it lets you switch in on the earthquake from cyrus's gyarados which is the only electric type that's able to do that so that's pretty cool i guess and of course he also completely walls maelene's lucario like the only thing that lucario can do is metalclaw which rotom resists so that's pretty solid i'm going to put him in a tier but he's not quite as good as luxray in my opinion let's put him maybe right around gengar something like that maybe a little bit better than gengar kind of depends on what you're looking for right i think gengar is more reliable overall but rotom has much better like specific matchups if that makes sense okay so unfortunately platinum decided to not have miss maggies haunch crow per ugly or scuntank in the game they're just not in the game which is super stupid so no need to rank them but they're they're all solid encounters if you want to use them in diamond and pearl for example but i'll tell you what's not a good encounter and that is seeking like at least you get waterfall at level 40 but don't don't use this pokemon there's other water types we've already talked about a couple of them don't use this sea king is f-tier but speaking of a pokemon with no use that brings us to the sponsor of this video nothing wiscash okay whiskash is a c-tier pokemon it's not as good as gastrodon or quagsire even um but it's solid i guess it's still gonna be in high seats here it's it's fine trimeco also sea tier there are better encounters than chimecho in mount cornet or route 211 so i'm striking it for that reason like it's not a horrible pokemon or anything and you can get early game chimecho pretty easily and that makes it pretty good because it's kind of bulky but like i don't know it falls off super hard after like gym two or three it's solid into gardenia levitate makes it good into my lean i guess but its move pool is very very bad it doesn't learn sci-beam so you have to use confusion until level 46. so yeah trimeko is definitely going in c tier probably not as useful as any of these guys here so mehdi cham medycham is an a tier pokemon it's good late game but in early game you know meta cham or meta type don't learn like a physical move until force pom at level 29 it can learn drain punch and all of the elemental punches without using the move tutor like you can just get them from art scales at the movery learner so that's pretty cool other than that you know it doesn't have a lot of really really solid matchups it's pretty good into candace i guess other than obviously frost lass and it's kinda good into cyrus if you can out speed and kill things with like thunder punch and kill the hound doom with drain punch and stuff like that so it is an a-tier pokemon but it's not high a tier by any means probably right around here i'd definitely rather have it than mott champ and this guy and this guy so yeah something here okay bronzong so bronzong is another steel type that's just big and bulky it doesn't have super amazing matchups into specific threats but it has a lot of very solid matchups in general it's physically bulky and especially bulky which makes it very hard to take out but the thing is that i wouldn't say that it's a super beginner friendly pokemon because you can't just like bring it in and one shot something in return right it's also a huge pain in the ass to level up because bronzor sucks but that being said i'm gonna put this guy in low a tier maybe right around steelix actually it's better than steelix maybe steelix and golem in a tier is a little too generous and maybe even these guys but early game i suppose these guys are pretty good actually let's go ahead and move steelix down here because you don't get metalcode until much later anyways so it's probably not as useful as i'm giving it credit for but it's definitely easier to get than aerocross so let's leave them here steel types are still pretty good okay rapidash rapidash finally does get flame wheels so he has a physical fire type move in this game which is pretty cool uh it's fast enough to be okay into candace with proper attack investments so that you can kill like obviously obama snow but also piloswine for example and maybe even sneezel you can outspeed i guess like it can out speed a aeron and you have a fire type answer into bronzong like if you don't get infernape or hadoom or flareon or whatever so it's not like useless it's definitely better than in other games i'm gonna put it in b tier maybe maybe right around golduck okay glycer this is definitely an s-tier pokemon welcome to the club here we're gonna put it right here this is a phenomenal pokemon with phenomenal typing you get immunities to electric and ground type moves it's strong it's fast and it's bulky i don't know how they did that stab earthquake is pretty gross damage you are going to have to use your earthquake tm on it but i do think that that's very useful especially because you can get glycor before may lean so it completely trivializes meleen and it should be fast enough to outspeed and kill everything that vulchner has except maybe raichu and jolteon but like they can't really do much to lysor this is also great into flint's infernape if you can't out speed the infranape and sweep him with something else and you should be able to outspeed and kill cyrus's hound doom with a bit of speedy vs as well this also has sword dance and rock polish if you want to set up dirty sweeps just watch out for ice type attacks obviously sudo wudo so sudo wudo is not good into any specific matchups after you get it because in platinum you can only get it on route 221 which is after you get surf it's like kind of okay into haunch crow like if you can survive the switch and then the psychic and it's solid into crobat and weavile obviously for cyrus but like it's not that useful you probably have better answers i'm gonna put this in c tier but it's it's better than these pokemon for sure mr mime i feel like i've been mean to mr mime in the past this is a pretty good pokemon i just don't like using it because it's almost like kind of boring to use if that makes sense but it's a very good pokemon i'm gonna put it in a tier maybe here the downside is that you only get it from route 218 in this game so that's right before cantalave city but you do get substitute you get encore you get baton pass so it has a very good utility on your team it's not super newcomer friendly so like if this is your first nuzlocke i wouldn't suggest like trying to use this thing because it teaches bad behavior as well as like you have to make sure that you do it properly you know in general mr mime specifically doesn't have like a great match up on its own also reflect and light screen are super cool but you're subject to crits blissey blissey is an s-tier pokemon it's always an s-tier pokemon it's not super amazing in this game because it doesn't get seismic toss but you know you can use just like soft oil toxic ice beam like whatever you want here you're gonna have to use your toxic tm on it so that is the downside but it's still really good especially because a lot of cynthia's pokemon are special attacking pokemon so this thing can completely wall them out unlike in diamond and pearl though this is not a guaranteed pokemon you don't get the happening egg anymore it becomes a topicus egg so it's not guaranteed but it is still pretty great if you can get it okay clefable clefable is a very solid normal type pokemon not as bulky as blissey for example but it is still quite bulky and it does get moonlight which is very useful it sucks as a clefairy which makes it very hard to level up and it's also going to be a tm sync because most of its moves come from tms but it's still a very useful addition into any team it doesn't check anything super specific but in general it has really good answers into a lot of stuff let's put it right around bronzong probopass another steel type though i would rather have clefable or bronzong from mount cornett uh it's pretty good in defrost lass i guess but it does suffer from no recovery unless you get lucky with leftovers um it's a solid bulky stealth rock setter if you want it and i guess it's like pretty useful in desirous for example and you can also learn magnet rise if you want to like try to do something cheeky with it against pokemon like cyrus's gyarados or cynthia's garchomp i'm gonna put it in b tier and it's not quite as good as like these guys here yeah i think i'd rather have worm a dame steel type than probopass gardevoir so gardevoir gets early calm mind it gets psychic at level 31 if you delay the evolution by one level from curlia uh you just have to make sure that when you're catching it that it doesn't teleport away from you so catch it super quick or make sure that you have a mean look from hunter or gamecar it's all around a solid pokemon very similar to alakazam but you get calm mind and you're not quite as fast and you're not quite as strong unfortunately psychic types aren't quite as good in this game as some other games so this is just going to go in high b tier here delayed on the other hand is an a-tier pokemon i think you're not going to be able to get glade unless you get the male roll circular and you're not actually going to get it until you get to pastoria city where you can get the dawn stone but it has swords dance it gets psycho cut leaf blade close combat night slash these are all really good and that makes it have a lot of utility into the elite four uh it's obviously very especially bulky and it also only has two weaknesses so this is a very good pokemon and a very good answer into something like cynthia's mylodic for example which can be pretty tough to take out quickly especially because it has icebeam so a lot of the other grass type users are not super good into it you do have to be very careful about physical attacks because this thing is very physically frail it can die to like i don't know a critical hit sucker punch from absol for example just just suggesting things and uh steadfast makes this a very very good answer into weavile if the weville thinks that it can just fake out so that's about it for glade this is definitely going in a tier um and i would much rather have it than all of these guys up here all right the eeveelutions you do get a free eevee here from bb or bay bay or whatever in hearth home city so you get your choice between one of the what seven potential options uh vaporeon is a very good option here it's a good bulky water type it's probably the best of these slow bulky water types that don't have recovery so i'm gonna put this in a tier it's definitely one of the better water types that you can get not as good as empoleon not as good as these guys maybe somewhere right here but just an all-around very solid pokemon surf and ice beam are very good from this guy jolteon i think jolteon is probably your best bet for an eeveelution this is much better than luxray does everything that luxray does but a little bit better and it's good to have a nice speedy electric type that's also fairly bulky on the special side jolteon is phenomenal the downside is that you get ev at level 20 so you do have to use tms or the move tutor to get an electric type move on this jolteon before level 43 but if you do that it's very good in the crasher wake as well as cyrus it can out speed pretty much everything that cyrus has and take care of the crobat and the um ponch crow very very easily it's good into cynthia's mylodic and toga kiss as long as you're just careful of the mirror coat on the milotic okay flareon um i've definitely been too mean to flareon in the past people have rightfully pointed out that just because it has 130 base attack stat doesn't mean that it's 95 based special attack stat is useless which i may have suggested that's my bad so flamethrower is still going to hurt from this guy flareon is pretty solid into candice and he has enough special defense to hopefully survive at least one attack from frostlast so that's not horrible it's also good in the aeron obviously it's good in the lucian's bronzong and you know like cynthia's rose raid i guess but this is a b-tier pokemon because i think i'd much rather have either the jolteon or the vaporeon for that matter but it's pretty solid let's put it right here so espeon similarly espeon is b tier because psychic types like gardevoir are just not that good in this game but it is very strong and it's very fast so it's kind of like alakazam but an eeveelution i i would just rather have some of the other eeveelutions since you can only have one umbreon though umbreon is eightier i would also categorize this like bronzong for example or um mr mime where it's not super user like beginner friendly but you know you can really do wonders here with toxic and moonlight and it's just in general a very excellent pokemon it's super good in dilution other than against alakazam which has focus blast and blade which has close combat umbreon is super annoying to level up and it doesn't really help that much until the late game when you get toxic and stuff but it is an excellent answer into frost lasts especially because it can learn faint attack which always hits and it's bulky enough that it shouldn't take too much damage even from a blizzard leafeon so i love leafeon personally it's one of my favorite eeveelutions but for reasons that we've already talked about with other grass-type pokemon it's not very good in this game and really doesn't serve any purpose that some of the other grass types aren't better at like i mean technically it's good into bertha but like that's only important if for whatever reason you're like i refuse to use a water type pokemon because bertha gets swept by any water type so yeah this is gonna be c tier i'm gonna put it in high c tier maybe that's a little biased but yeah glaceon so glacion is another really cool pokemon that i just i wish it was better it's got very weird stats for being a pure ice type and that makes it very difficult to use it's just straight up not good into garchomp because you won't have to speed it because glaceon is really slow and you also have to wait all the way until the snow routes right before snowpoint city to evolve your eevee into glacion so this is very bad i can't put it quite an f tier because its base stat total is still really good and it's obviously a pretty strong pokemon but it's definitely low c tier for sure you know what i can put into f tier chat this thing is not good um there's no boom burst in this generation so chat is just a very sad singing chicken i would never use this over staraptor unless like i'm using the mic on my ds and i want to make chat say something terrible every time it uses chatter but yeah don't don't use chat it's it's not good raichu raichu i think i normally put an a tier which is probably too generous i'm gonna put it in b tier this gen because i can get jolteon here and it's also not as good as luxray for example but you know it's a fast strong special attacker i think you're pretty much guaranteed to get this in trophy garden especially if you've gotten some of the other dupes like roselia and staravia so it's it's super nice and to for example pressure wakes lead gyarados and i guess if you can get it in safely it's good into the gyarados and the haunt crow from cyrus but that's a lot easier said than done because this raichu is very frail so i'm going to put it in b tier i think it's somewhere around flareon knock towel so noctowel is a lot like chatot in that it's completely outclassed by straptor but because you can get it before gardenia i guess i will put it in low c tier with like these guys here like dust stocks or whatever and cherum and because of the normal typing it's actually pretty solid i guess into fantina like you're still gonna struggle to take care of fantine as miss maggious because it's just a very weak pokemon but at least it's specially defensive enough and resists magic relief that like you should be able to tank a few psi beams or whatever so it's not the worst pokemon i guess spirit tomb spirit tomb is b b for bad design choice because you're never gonna get this thing in a nuzlocke because in order to get it you have to like talk to a billion people underground and in order to do that you have to have friends and if you had friends to play pokemon with you wouldn't be doing a nuzlocke so you're you're never going to use this but like it's a solid pokemon i guess garchomp is s tier garchomp is disgusting it's i mean there's a reason why cynthia is so difficult and it's this guard chomp let's put garchomp maybe here with dupes you can actually pretty easily guarantee this guard chomp or you can you know you have a high chance of getting it in wayward cave just go into the little secret entrance there um you are gonna have to use your earthquake tm on it but that's totally worth it this pokemon is filthy it's not super amazing until you get garchomp at level 48 but you do get that before cyrus which is super nice and it does make volkner completely trivial like you just earthquake sweep faulkner with the scar jump guard chomp also sweeps a aeron it sweeps flint you do pretty good damage into all of lucian's pokemon stab earthquake will be able to one shot basically all of the pokemon that aren't immune to it like bronzong so this is a pretty pretty good pokemon my guess is that you'll also be able to just like naturally out speed cynthia's guard chomp by accruing speedy vs but yeah if you can kill garchomp with your own guard chomp then that's pretty sick okay snorlax snorlax is a tier i'm not putting this in s tier because this pokemon is nearly impossible to get i'm gonna put it in low atr because if you do manage to get it a it means that you're the luckiest person alive congratulations b it means that you got a free leftovers and c it means that you got snorlax which is just really bulky and good so yeah a tier unknown look at this unknown trying to put itself in a tier by looking like an a now this is f tier this is an f tier pokemon this is better than it's better than combi mail i guess yeah it knows hidden power like i guess technically you can catch it figure out its hidden power and then like maybe there's a couple things that it does well but no it's no lucario is a tier lucario is guaranteed from iron island which is very cool it's a great pokemon with a very good move pool it learns swords dance by level up but it's also a very good special attacker it's definitely on the frail side here but it is one of the better answers into frost last with flash cannon as long as you get lucky enough to hit it but yeah it does resist shadow ball and blizzard so that's pretty solid this is going in a tier and we're gonna put it above all the other steel types i think let's actually lower him pulley on here a bit well no no no i'm pulling on still pretty great okay quagsire bulky goofy boy gets early earthquake it gets yawn and it also potentially gets water absorbed which is really sick other than water absorb though and rest i guess there's no recovery which makes it kind of a toss-up between whether you want to use quagsire or gastrodon i personally lean more towards quagsire a little bit so i'm gonna put this right above the other two goofy water ground types but all three of these guys are definitely better than wizz cash peliper so pelipper does not get drizzle yet but it's still a pretty solid pokemon it gets roost by level up which means you don't have to use your roost tm on it it's relatively physically bulky which is nice it does lack a special flying type move which is pretty sad i mean like unless you want to use the move tutor to get air cutter but air cutter is pretty weak but you know surf and ice beam are both pretty cool and that earthquake immunity is really nice into garchomp if you can manage to one shot it with ice beam in return so pelipper is definitely going in b tier i do honestly think that because of the flying type it's actually a little bit better than golduck but it's right around there okay giraffe ridge little beep beep pony this is the jack of all trades master of none kind of situation it's it's not super good but it's not super bad it's sort of like discount alakazam with a ghost type resistance which is nice i guess you know it's solid in dilution because of that immunity but it's really just not super strong enough to make that work like even against something like espeon it's probably still gonna take pretty strong damage from espeon's attacks and i'm not even sure if shadowball one shots the espeon so i'm gonna put it in b tier but it's really not as good as i wish it was it's better than bespi quinn so maybe we go here okay hippowdon if you have the geodude and enough patience this hit pout on is guaranteed from rue and maniac's cave or whatever that's not what it's called you know you know the one the one with the crazy guy that is digging and the unknowns make it longer you know yeah that thing but uh yeah i mean permanent weather is pretty great especially because it can help you get rid of candace's hail though obviously it's kind of hard to get the hippodon in to a good position where it's not getting hit by a blizzard from one of candace's pokemon but if you can do it it instantly gets rid of the hail which is super nice um it's very strong and very bulky it obviously deals very well with vulchner very solid pokemon all around just make sure that you don't get screwed by your own hail chip i'm going to put this right around golem hoga kiss toga kiss is another a tier encounter this is guaranteed from the egg that cynthia gives you in eterna city it can double as both support with things like encore and yawn but it also is very very powerful this thing has massive massive four-move slot syndrome especially because once it evolves you lose the utility moves that it learns as a toka tick so you do have to make sure that you keep the move sets that you want on it but this is a very useful pokemon and serves a lot of different roles you just have to pick the right one for your specific team i'm gonna put this right around here this is a very good pokemon and since it's guaranteed there's no real downside to getting it pound doom so hound doom is an s-tier pokemon i don't think it's quite as good as infernape but it is another excellent fire type probably not as good as glysor so um you know this has a very bad level up moveset you are going to need to teach it flamethrower by tm as soon as possible and then you do get dark pulse from victory road but this is absolutely amazing into candace completely checks the frost lasts as long as you don't miss a billion times it's also very good into a aeron as well as lucian so this is a very very useful pokemon to have the fire dark type stabs are phenomenal i would highly recommend getting this this thing can roar your pokemon away so you do have to make sure that you have mean look or something or are able to catch it really quick because that's very frustrating rydon and ryperior so these are pokemon a lot of these pokemon up here are gonna be ones that like if you use the evolution item and the trade then they're slightly better rydon and ryperia both have monstrous attack ryperior is great especially if you get solid rock because it makes it a little more reliable into certain matchups you can't actually get rid on or riperior until after the byron level cap so that's a little annoying but generally speaking they're very strong pokemon to have they don't have like amazing matchups into anything specific but they're pretty solid and they're probably the most useful of the rock type pokemon in the late game i'm gonna put this one right behind graveler and i'm gonna put this one in a tier maybe right behind golem and machamp something like this dusnor and dusk glops so ghost types are always great to have in a nuzlocke these ones are probably the best answers into lucian's gallade for example they don't have any recovery which is a bit of a bummer and dust collapse isn't quite as good without evil light obviously but dust noir is very bulky and still hits pretty strong i'm gonna put the dust glops right around where haunter is just for ghost fidelity and i don't think this is quite as good as gengar or alakazam but maybe somewhere around umbreon and bronzong okay so porygon porygon is f tier it's bad but porygon z is obviously very good i'm skipping porygon 2 because if you're going to evolve porygon into porygon 2. i assume you can also evolve porygon 2 into porygon c but yeah this guy i mean he's still solid enough we'll put him right next to pacharisu but like not not a good pokemon porygon z though phenomenal pokemon i think if you just max out this thing's special attack and speed it can probably sweep just large portions of the game by just clicking adaptability try attack for those of you who don't know adaptability gives an increase to the same type attack bonus that you would normally get so instead of 1.5 i believe okay i was right it is doubled so from 1.5 to 2. so it's like this porygon z is hitting super effective tri attacks into everything and coming off a very monstrous special attack stat that is very very good so porygon z is gonna be a tier doesn't have any specific threats that it directly assesses but yeah this pokemon's pretty good why don't we put this right here here yeah okay scyther and caesar both of these in my opinion are a tier for slightly different reasons they're both great pokemon i would actually argue that scyther might be a bit better because of stab technician aerial ace it's gonna be the strongest flying type move that you can get in the game that isn't brave bird for example these pokemon are good into may lean caesar is good into candice for example they're both pretty good in desires they're good into aaron especially scyther is phenomenal into lucian and they're both pretty solid into a lot of cynthia's pokemon as well both of these pokemon have a lot of really good moves that they can use both of them can learn u-turn and x-scissor which are both phenomenal as well as swords dance and then cesar gets iron head for example and bullet punch which is great priority especially into the frost last if you can get rid of the hail so i think this is pretty high a tier why don't we put this actually right around here it's a little bit tough to get because you're only going to get it on one or two routes and there's a lot of different encounters there but if you manage to get these guys they're both phenomenal azumarill azumarill is b-tier we just got a few more few more generations until you get that coveted fairy type there buddy but um you know he's okay if he's huge power you know at least we get physical water type moves in this game but not as good as these guys because they're he's too slow and aqua jet is an egg move so maybe honestly somewhere even like around here probably okay drapion so drapion is a phenomenal pokemon especially if he has battle armor but of course like with all these great martian counters that we're just going to talk about here it's kind of tough to get this is an excellent pokemon though if you do get it especially into lucian especially especially into lucian's glade so that's very nice uh it's cool that you get toxic spikes if you want that's super useful into candace as well because that's a way to just take care of the frost last that way this would be an ester encounter if it was more common but since it's not it's going in a tier right around here my nose okay toxic croak toxicoke is a b-tier pokemon it's very cool but it has a wonky moveset that is more dark than fighting um it doesn't learn drain punch which is stupid so you do have to use your brick brake tm on it unless you want to rely on revenge which is its only fighting type move by level up sucker punch is cool especially in this generation where it's slightly stronger but it can be difficult to pull off and it may end up screwing you if the pokemon just decides to set up instead so it's not super reliable generally it's a decent into candice i guess cyrus and lucian is pretty good but if you miss out on the one shot this is a pretty frail pokemon and all of those things that i just mentioned are easily gonna one-shot it in return so we'll put it in b tier maybe right around cadabra and haunter we'll put it above cadavern hunter honestly it's probably better than probopass yeah what's proba pass doing so high let's put him down here yeah all right don't waste your great martian counter on a carnivane and by don't waste it i mean you don't have a choice so if this happens to you i'm sorry but this pokemon's not good um we'll just put it at the top of f tier because it's still like usable but it's just a waste if you're gonna like especially at the point that you get it in the game like levitate is cool i guess but like grass types suck as as i've consistently said being a little hypocritical here tangrowth is going to go into b tier because tangoth is a very good very bulky pokemon much better than carnivane it would be better if it was in a different game but grass types kind of suck in this game but if you get them you know you could get worse pokemon it's probably somewhere around rosarit they're they're both pretty solid yanmega mega lil fly this has a pretty rough move set until it learns air slash and bug buzz but by the time it does learn those you're gonna be at the elite four and it's not super useful until the elite four it can be good into a lot of lucian's pokemon i guess and like cynthia's roserade for example but that's about it i guess theoretically you can snipe off guard chomp after some damage from another pokemon because it does have that speed boost ability so there's some plays to be made with the mega but i i don't even know if it's as good as these grass types to be ah well it's better than vespiquen probably better than these guys um more reliable than these guys let's put them right around toxic croak i think another grass type in the great marsh another f-tier encounter i can't believe this pokemon is in this game there's like that one ace trainer in the snow route that has this tropius and i think that's the only time you ever see this pokemon in this game it's so weird that they like we're gonna put tropius in the game and not give it a baby evolution or a mega evolution or something you know like i wish this pokemon was better i really like it but yeah don't don't don't waste a great martian counter trying to catch this thing because you might not even catch it artillery sea tier a slow water type that's not bulky so what's the point it's kind of cool like it it has a really cool move pool but the speed is just really makes it an issue and it's not bulky enough to be that slow sorry uh finion minion is f for fish it's sort of fast i guess but like you could use plenty of other things let's actually put this a little bit above sea king because i guess it's faster but there's no reason to use this lumineon when instead you could use tentacruel which is absolutely an s-tier pokemon it's another it's another stream not stream video of flag on hg promoting the cult of tentacruel in nuzlockes this is always an amazing pokemon for nuzlockes it's fast enough and strong enough that you should be able to sweep bertha and flint with it you should be able to out speed in one shot garchomp with ice beam after just naturally accruing speedy vs this tentacle is amazing and they're always amazing in every nuzlocke because they're almost always guaranteed so get a tent to cruel and love it or else you die lickylicky lickylicky is c-e-c-e this pokemon really doesn't do anything it's not bad but there are other better pokemon to get i would rather not get the likatung on route 210 for this or is it 215 maybe whichever route the rainy route not worth getting this guy but it is you know like it at least does something it's probably around a bit barrel alteria ulteria like technically you can use a dragon dance sweep with alteria but if you have no shame in using dragon dance sweeping which you shouldn't you should do whatever you want it's your nuzlocke you can do whatever you want absolutely but if you're gonna drag and dance sweep with something you might as well drag and dance sweep with gyarados it's way easier so like this alteria doesn't really do much i mean like it's okay into some of the elite four but it just is not worth the slot because it's not that strong so i'm gonna put it in like b tier i guess here like here like like like here milotic milotics a good pokemon but you're going to uh hate yourself for trying to get it we're just going to put it in low b tier like if you get it it's good obviously but you have to fish in one spot in the bottom of mount cornet you're not going to get your mount cornet encounter until much later you probably will just get whisk cash instead like it's not worth it don't do it you don't need my lodic that badly there's vaporeon and other water types that you can get so it's fine mantine mantine is a very solid pokemon it's much like blissey if blizzy was wet good special defensive tank you know you can get swift swim and rain support which can be good like if you do that you've got a guard chomp answer i'm gonna put it in a tier not s tier just because like you get this so so late like it's only useful for the elite four and the champion because you can't get it until sunny shore city and you're obviously not really going to use it into vulchner so it's going to be a tier but it's a very very good pokemon not quite as good as vaporeon because you get it so late let's let's put it right there though okay obama snow obama snow is high b tier uh this is pretty much only good into cynthia's garchomp like if you can ice shard it and kill it but that's about it like the permanent hail is nice and you get perfect blizzards which is pretty cool but you don't want to be chipping away at your own pokemon with hail so that's always a downside i'm going to put this somewhere in the low b tier range let's say so weville is absolutely an s to your pokemon weevil is awesome you're not going to get it until you get into the veilstone galactic building so it's pretty late but i mean you also don't get sneezel until right before candace anyways but this is one of the best answers into cynthia and her garchomp you are going to need move tutor support to get the ice punch tm but it is absolutely excellent into lucian as well other than glade and bronzong because you can just out speed and kill everything with night slash it is fast but it is very frail so don't leave it in unless you think that you're gonna one-shot something it can kind of survive special attacks but other than that you gotta be careful um but yeah i mean this is this is definitely the best answer you can have into guard trump because you're almost guaranteed to outspeed it with no speed investments and you can just sacrifice something and bring it in to take care of the garchomp in one shot okay so magnazone as usual this is one of the best pokemon in the game it's great into candice because it resists all of frostlast's attacks it's great into cyrus it's great into a aeron it's great into lucian and it also has magnet rise for earthquake if you want to be a little cheeky and set up a bit definitely an s-tier pokemon let's put this right here you don't know why ellicott's there what are you doing ella kid get out of here okay electabuzz and electavire so these are late-game pokemon only because you only get them right before sunnyshore city so really we're just evaluating whether they're useful into the elite four and like they're really good into milotic i guess if you outspeed garchomp you can use ice punch which is super useful but like if you got them earlier in the game they'd be much better i'm still gonna put electrifier in b tier or i mean electabuzz and b tier and elect a vire in a tier i would put this right around raichu probably a bit better than raichu and this is just a very strong electric type which you can never doubt i would probably well because it's so late game i'm not going to put this around lugs right but this is obviously stronger than luxury let's put this just in low a tier maybe around clefable glade kind of region ah it's drapion and powder better okay similar logic here you can get these guys a little bit earlier i guess like before candace which is pretty nice if you don't get some of the other fire types they're okay in desirous but if you get magmar and magmortar it means that you don't get magnazon so that's kind of frustrating i'm just gonna put them pretty much exactly where i put but we'll put this next to flareon and we'll put this also in a tier right around where electavire is somewhere like this a little bit better because you get it a little earlier mamo swine mama swine is an s tier encounter you can almost guarantee mammo swine with dupes here earthquake is obviously amazing ice shard is super super useful and is probably enough to get the one shot on garchomp you just have to make sure that you keep ishard around before evolving um swine up and piloswine into mama swine because mama swine can not learn i shard you have to learn it from swine up at level 28 this is also obviously very good into vulchner so pretty solid pokemon all around it's a very good answer also into like some osiris team and yeah just just a good big beefy pig great stuff all right glaily glaily is the forgotten child of the snow runt line why get glealy when you can get frostlast sucks to be a man dude sorry galelli uh you know i mean it's probably fast enough with like an insane amount of speedyvs that you can kill in one shot guard chomp but you're probably better off just using a water type which is also going to be a better check into flint and bertha so i'm gonna put this just around a zoom roll i guess it's it's solid you know 80 base all the way down is very interesting and makes it bulky enough to take some attacks and stuff but like i don't know i'd i'd much rather have frost last which you obviously don't get a choice in but you just better hope that you get frostless because frost lass i want to say is an a tier encounter it's uh well actually let's let's put it in s here specifically because it just definitively outspeeds garchomp it's really good in the cyrus it's obviously really good into aaron bertha and also very good in dilution because it should be able to out speed all of lucian's pokemon as well other than the bronzong which you can't necessarily one-shot but we're going to put this right around where pi uh swinub is or mama swine i think i would rather have frost last because the ghost typing is just really really useful okay last and almost least is absol which i did not know was in this game really until it crit killed my glade this pokemon should be better but it isn't the only way that you're gonna get this is by going to the top of mount cornet and getting very lucky so you can't even use this for candace into her frost for example so it's kind of a useless dark type in that regard it's obviously very good into a lot of lucian's pokemon but it is pretty slow so yeah this is a b-tier encounter i don't think that you're ever really going to use this ever like unless you do like a dark mono block or something i guess but yeah this i i would put this around here so there we go uh this was a very very long list there's a lot of pokemon in platinum and as you can see a lot of them are actually quite good if you manage to get them so here's our s and a tier encounters here here is our b tier and c tier encounters maybe i can drop some of these b-tier pokemon down into the seat here because c-tier is pretty small right now but whatever and then here are our f tier stinkers so yeah again this is just my opinion um let me know if you have any thoughts on these rankings what you disagree with what you agree with i really hope that this is helpful to people this is it's the main reason that i do this is that i hope that it does encourage other people and give people the confidence to do a nuzlocke themselves because i really love doing those locks and i really want to make that as inclusive and as easy for people to get into as possible so absolutely let me know if there's anything else that you guys think might be useful um please keep giving me feedback on these videos we're growing as we go so i really appreciate all the support and i hope everybody has a great day alright be nice to each other and i will see you next time peace [Music] you
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 253,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming, Rankings
Id: IdBz4yRqMXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 22sec (3682 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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