Best AI Side Hustles You Can Start With $0 In 2024

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today I'm going to break down nine AI side hustles you can do with no money these can potentially make you hundreds to thousands of dollars a day and I know because I've done or still do many of these myself I'll begin with the easiest AI side hustles and work my way up to the harder yet higher earning ones kicking things off number one photo colorization black and white photos have their charm but adding color to them can bring them to life that's why many seniors and their families are paying for such a service on Fiverr a freelance Service Marketplace people are colorizing photos for around $5 to $10 each now now that might not sound like much but being that it takes 15 seconds to do with AI it's not bad here's how it works I'm going to pull up cap cut a free all-in-one video editing and graphic design tool its new capcut for business Suite of tools offer a bunch of AI tools for entrepreneurs and creators to make content with I'm going to select the photo colorizer tool and with a single drag and drop I can turn a black and white photo into a colored one in an instant it's crazy to make more money you can consider upselling additional services like Photo restoration black and white photos often come faded and scratched with the old photo restoration tool you can repair those damages and make things look new another upsell you can offer is upscaling using the image upscaler tool you can increase the resolution of an old photo and make it higher quality as you can tell cap cut has a lot of AI Tools in fact every AI side hustle I'll be covering today will only use cap cut and nothing else it's pretty op I've linked it in the description for difficulty I'm going to rate photoc colorization 1 out of five sweat drops for earning potential I'm going to rate it 1 out of five Stacks because it is so easy to do it does bring along a lot of competition at least on Fiverr which limits how much you can charge you might have to promote your services offline to retirement homes or funeral homes you'll have to get creative number two clothing model photos when it comes to selling clothes clothing brands often need photos of models wearing their products if you think I'm going to tell you to pull out a camera or Unleash Your Inner Zoolander no with AI there's no need because you've got an entire Army of models at your fingertips with the cap cut for business AI model tool you can upload a photo of a piece of clothing and choose a model click generate and in seconds AI will ply your clothing onto the model it is Magic you can offer this service on Fiverr or directly to small clothing brands typically a photo shoot with a model can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars realistically will people pay the same amount for AI models versus Real Models probably not will they pay $20 $50 $100 maybe for difficulty I'm going to rate clothing model photo 1 out of five sweat drops for earning potential I'm going to rate it two out of five Stacks I would guess most clients choosing AI models have a limited budget so you'll earn less but with volume the work could be worthwhile number three captioning videos nowadays features captions more than ever to increase accessibility and hold your short attention span therefore captioning is in big demand on Fiverr Revenue can range from $10 to $60 per video based on its length captioning with AI is incredibly quick after creating a video project on cap cut and placing a video onto the timeline click captions then Auto captions immediately AI will caption the entire video for you you can then review the captions to fix any errors and you're good to export some opportunities to upsell include offering different fonts and styles In-N-Out animations and translations in multiple languages of course make sure you know the language you're translating to or else things may not come out right you can offer your captioning services on Fiverr but what I suggest is directly reaching out to potential clients look for small to mediumsized content creat and podcasters businesses that post webinars and interviews and real estate agents that post real estate videos if you can strike up some long-term Partnerships you'll set yourself up for some good money for difficulty I'm going to rate captioning one out of five sweat drops for earning potential I'm going to rate it two out of five Stacks number four product photos speaking of clothing earlier other types of products need photos as well businesses are particularly looking to add that classic white background to their raw product photos that's where you come in in cap Cut's online photo editor you can upload a raw photo photo of a product and click remove background on the side by toggling on auto removal AI will automatically cut out the background it's as easy as that on Fiverr people are adding white backgrounds for $5 per photo makes sense for just a couple seconds of work now another way to make money with product photos is to do the opposite and offer detailed backgrounds heading back to cap cut I'm going to click on apps and then the change background tool I'm going to upload my raw product photo and select one of the many different background options When selecting one cap cut will actually end analyze your product and generate a custom AI background that interacts with it you're going to be able to charge more than $5 for this if you really want to make money with product photos you'll need to work with businesses that don't even have photos to send you in the first place back in University one of my main side hustles was product photography I freelanced for a company that made product development hardware and would go to their office every few months to take photos Click by click I would cut out the backgrounds using Photoshop it took hours but I made over $100 every time over the years thousands with AI now you can do what I did but in seconds for difficulty I'm going to rate product photos two out of five sweat drops the editing is effortless with AI but if you're going to take product photos yourself you're going to need to know a bit about photography for earning potential I'm going to rate it three out of five Stacks there's definitely money in this number five social media Graphics when I freelance for that product development company I also designed a lot of social media graphics for them and I made thousands of dollars over the years with AI these days offering social media Graphics to businesses is easier than ever capcut has a tool called texted design where you write a description of the graphic you want and upload an image it'll then generate several custom graphics for you to choose from you can also browse their library of business image templates and select a design to start off with they have standard Square templates Instagram story templates you can always edit a graphic from scratch too the best way to make money with social media Graphics is through long-term Partnerships you're going to want to aim for a consistent amount of work try reaching out to some businesses and see if they're down a great upsell of the package with your designs is social media copy which you can even write with chat GPT for difficulty I'm going to rate social media Graphics three out of five sweat drops while you can use templates if you ever need to make something specific you'll need to know a thing or two about graphic design for earning potential I'm going to rate it three out of five Stacks it's a great gig number six content repurposing many video creators need help repurposing the long form content into short form content like Tik toks and Instagram reals and will pay tens to hundreds of dollars per edit typically repurposing video content consists of one adding captions which we covered earlier and two resizing to fit the aspect ratio of each platform in cap Cut's online video editor you can quickly switch between common social media aspect ratios if you're rep purposing for Tik Tok there's also a preview that you can use to make sure elements like captions aren't covered many creators will also want video effects and b-roll to to be added on as well so that's something else you could offer a good starting point is to reach out to creators who make simple talking head interview or podcast videos these videos are easy to repurpose and many of these creators do need the help for difficulty I'm going to rate content repurposing three out of five sweat drops it will require some video editing knowledge for earning potential I'm going to rate it three out of five Stacks number seven thumbnails another area you can help creators with is designing YouTube thumbnails on Fiverr people are charging up to $50 per thumbnail though honestly I think there are plenty of YouTubers out there who are willing to pay more because they know just how important a thumbnail is you can design thumbnails using cap cut there are a bunch of features to play with from text to photos to stickers I find the remove background tool mentioned earlier to be the most handy designing a good-look thumbnail is one thing designing one that people will click on is another if you want to succeed you're going to need to do some research and Analysis on what really makes a good thumbnail to bring in clients I suggest you reach out to creators big and small as well as businesses with YouTube channels have a portfolio to present them or even better examples personalized for them for difficulty I'm going to rate thumbnails three out of five sweat drops for earning potential I'm going to rate it three out of five Stacks number eight video editing in University editing videos was another one of my side hustles and it made me thousands of dollars there is clear demand from businesses and cont crators and with AI there's been no easier time to get into it than now cap cut has tools that can literally edit videos for you for example to create a video ad for a product you can use their cap cut for business tool product URL to ads by pasting in a product link it will analyze the website and generate several custom video ads for you for your product it's mindblowing aside from its AI tools capcut has many business video templates to choose from for all kinds of products and services you just drag and drop your Clips in and you're done all this to say if you want to make big money with video editing you'll need to learn how to edit outside of of these AI tools and templates for difficulty I'm going to rate video editing four out of five sweat drops there's definitely a lot to learn for this one for earning potential I'm going to rate it four out of five Stacks number nine influencer you probably already know how much money being an influencer can bring in a lot the cool thing is there are AI influencers popping up now or at least humans using AI to become influencers even I made an AI YouTube channel you can check it out here you can explore creating an AI influencer using cap Cut's AI character tool which generates a human on screen that can say anything you want you can select a range of different characters looks and voices as of now this tool is only on their mobile app taking it a step further there's a cap cut for business tool called Script to video where AI will make an entire video for you you just type out what you want your video to be about and then press enter it'll then generate a script for you which you can use to generate a whole video with visuals music captions voiceovers and all hello everyone today today I want to talk about why you should subscribe to Jensen Tong first of all Jensen Tong is one of the best YouTubers in the gaming industry I'll admit it's a bit basic as of now but it's a great way to get a video rolling you can always dive in and edit the video further for difficulty I'm going to rate influencing five out of five sweat drops it is by far the hardest one on this list for earning potential I'm going to rate it five out of five Stacks if you can make it work the sky is the limit and there are your nine AI hustles shout out to cap cut for sponsoring this video you can check out the cap cut for business tools at the link in the description if you enjoyed it be sure to like it subscribe if you want to see more and peace out
Channel: Jensen Tung
Views: 119,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jensen tung, capcut, tiktok, video editor, ai, a.i., artificial intelligence, side hustle, sidehustle, sidehustles, side hustles, no money, $0, free, passive income
Id: z8RVnPRNQvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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