SuperChallenge: Complete Website in 2 Hours

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um okay okay okay what is up everybody we are live and welcome to the best stream the best design challenge ever to be in YouTube or at least in flux Academy today we're gonna have so much fun and it's amazing already to see so many people tuning in from all over the world I'm just gonna randomly shout out from the from the comments Valentina from Paris kg from Germany uh what's up Leon from Germany uh Deborah from California Los Angeles Rodrigo from Portugal what's up Maria from Greece what's up uh India Macedonia Austria so awesome to have all of you here today listen today I hope you've booked like two hours for this because it's going to be fun it's going to be intense I've got a huge thing planned out for us so let's get started let's get right down into it I'm actually going to share my screen so that we can get started all right this is our website in two hour super challenge the first time that we're doing this in Flex Academy and I hope this is going to be very very fun and useful for all of you let me share what I have in mind for us today so here's the plan here's the game plan and it's calculated to the minute all right we're gonna start off by using Chad GPT to generate a random brief for us and copy for a landing page then we're going to spend two minutes creating a wireframes out of that basically just porting it into your design software and arranging it on the page then we're going to spend 15 minutes now note you're not just going to watch me do it when we get to this part I'm gonna play music I'm gonna do it but you're gonna go and do it on your own I'm gonna create some mood boards and collect some inspiration for us I'm gonna do it for 15 minutes and then you're gonna paste the links to whatever you created in the chat here I'm gonna spend the next seven minutes reviewing it and giving you some feedback then we're gonna create some images uh some image assets for for our landing page we're gonna spend 15 minutes on that I'm gonna try to do this with mid Journey you can try to do it with whatever tool you want or search for stock photos or do whatever you want for creating uh images but I'm going to try and do this with mid-journey and then I'm gonna review the images that you've created and then we're going to spend 25 minutes designing the page again I'm going to review it and then we're going to spend 20 minutes to develop it in whatever tool you want I'm going to use webflow you can use whatever you want you can use framer you can use Elementor you can use editor X whatever you want you can use um and then we're going to review it and then we're going to see who the best designs are not mine right I want to see your designs I'm going to put it for your vote and you're going to vote for the best design now please please do not leave me hanging and I'm the only one going to do the design please do it as well because we have something big for the winner uh the winner is going to get the all access package from flux Academy which is basically our five Flagship courses um one year for support from our coaches and mentors and in our community it includes one-on-one call with me and it's basically over 2 thousand seven hundred dollars of value and we're going to give this to the winner so there's something worth fighting for today and creating something amazing by the way just so that you know where to celebrate this challenge we're also doing kind of like a big promo this weekend in flux Academy so basically all of our courses have great you know discount great promo on them until Monday so definitely go and check that out later on if you want to improve your skills now look what we're going to do here today in general I don't encourage you to try and do a website in two hours but we're going to practice the process and you're going to see every step that I actually do when working on actual client websites and of course in that case I don't spend 15 minutes on it I spend days and weeks on it but it's going to give you a sense of how we're thinking to think and what the professional web design process actually looks like all right what do you need so open up fire up your software so that you're ready because as you saw time is actually pretty limited on today's challenge so open up your designs software I already have like a empty figma file open up open up if you have like an account for a free AI Imaging Tool uh whether that's mid-journey dally or something like that or if you want to use stock sites and have a development tool ready in your disposal I'd open up a free uh webflow new blank webflow uh again you can use whatever you want I think my air conditioning stops I have to I have to have air to get started all right wait a second okay so I want to remind you something let's have fun right nobody designs a nobody's going to win an award here like you're gonna win our award right but nobody is going to win uh design an award-winning website in two hours this is just a challenge this is just a practice and I know that you know I've seen some of the comments here um before the stream starts saying hey I'm a newbie I'm here to learn and stuff like that great and we have a lot of tutorials and we have a lot of kind of like workshops for you to learn but today I encourage you try to learn by doing try to actually spend the time that when I'm working to work as well and just try to do something right and please don't leave me hanging that nobody's posting their work in the comments when I'm asking for a review I really want to see your work and give you feedback and hopefully we're going to see some really really creative work being done here today all right so remember no pressure to do the most amazing thing in the world but let's try and do something fun all right so let me share my screen and I'm jumping right into chat GPT and let's see what's going to happen here I've practiced this before and it's actually creating some crazy stuff and I have no clue what's gonna happen so here's the prompt that I'm going to use generate a random brief for a landing page it needs to include the company name category target audience landing page goals let's see what happens are you ready let's do this All Right company name spark Tech Solutions category technology Consulting Solutions target audience small and medium-sized business smbs in various Industries including I.T Finance Healthcare and e-commerce landing page goals establish credibility landing page aims to highlight start Tech Solutions expertise in providing Innovative technology solution showcasing previous successful projects what does that actually mean what does innovating technology solution actually means generate leads primary goal is to capture potentials attention encourage them to submit their contact information through lead generating form showcase services they're doing clouds they are software development Cloud solution cyber security all right highlight benefits landing page will on the focus on the benefits all right call to action would be uh clear and prominent yeah and it will be mobile optimized all right overall the landing page aims to present spark Tech Solutions as a reliable and results driven technology partner of smbs okay that's great now look what we're gonna do with that with that I'm going to add another prompt which is this based on this brief create copy for a landing page that includes navigation three sections and a footer we're not going to be able to build something huge in two hours so let's just focus on three sections and a footer and try to design something cool out of that let me hit enter on that and now it's actually creating the copy for us so navigation hero section hero image oh they're actually he's actually giving us ideas for the design a diverse team collaborating on a project I'm not necessarily going to use that but it's nice heading Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution all right so note we have here heading subheading call to action then second section is the services and then so it's giving us the services service number one IT consulting service a software development Cloud Solutions well actually five Services very nice and then sector number three testimonials it's actually giving us the testimony this is great so now we have all the content even with to put in the footer so that's super great I'm going to share this with you so that you can copy all of this and start working with this as well let me share this with you I'm going to copy the link to this thing all right copying and then you're all going to be able to all right I really really hope this will work so I'm pasting this oh wait I'm pasting this right here in the chats and um yeah all right so now you have it okay so now that you have it let me let me look I need to see the I need to see the timetable to remember what we're doing now we've generated a random brief and now we've got 10 minutes to create the wireframes so here's what I'm going to do I'm gonna skip here to my screen that not the review screen the design screen for 10 minutes and here's what I'm going to do I'm gonna hit play on that I'm gonna put some music and then I'm going to take this into figma and start creating my own wireframe you do the same and we'll chat back in 10 minutes let me also put the timer here so this Rings over here all right let's do this start start we're on we're on let's put some music [Music] dance dance I Just Wanna Have Fun clap my hands let's do this dance dance I I Just Wanna Have Fun clap my hands turn around now and dance dance I Just Want to Have Fun clap my hands turn around now and dance dance I just wanna I just wanna run around I just wanna pop up and around business [Music] okay [Music] I [Music] don't know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] sunshine [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] I'm waiting for Sunshine waiting for Sunshine foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's try to finish this up I know it's uh it's a bit of a boring copy paste work here just to set things up here but um but you got to do it right all right let me try to do like [Music] take me home [Music] [Music] you wanna know [Music] baby you make me crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] more minutes let's see what we can do [Music] tell me the only thing you are is [Music] take me home [Music] all right right on time with the music let's pause that and let's see what we've got all right actually five five more seconds left all right okay so this is damn ugly what we have here but we basically have the structure in place so I took all of this copy and structured it in three section we have the navigation we have the uh we have the hero we have thing I didn't paste all the different Services here but we'll do this later we have the testimonials and then we have the footer now by the way there's a lot of UI kits out there that already have pretty much templates for all of these things like I don't know if you're familiar with relum or there's tons of figma UI kit that basically you can pretty much have the structure and you can paste in the text now the reason I'm not using them is just because I feel like they're a little bit limiting and if I want to change things later right now I like that it's free form and I don't really have you know it's not it's easy for me to change so later on when I get to the design yeah it's more free form so that's my that's my favorite way of doing it and uh yeah we've we've got something that we can work with right now okay so uh I'm not going to review your your wireframes because at this point I assume that it's not very different from what I have right now but now basically the fun begins so let's see where we are right now so we've created the wireframes now it's time to move into inspiration and mood board now by the way I have put below this video a bunch of resources that I'm going to be using uh one of them is this uh inspiration handbook curated inspiration handbook PDF that we've created with a bunch of websites and stuff like that for inspiration so feel free to check below this video there's going to be a few of the resources that I'm going to be using throughout the project um so I've prepared in advance and I'm sharing that with you otherwise it's not fair you might not have it handy all right so we're ready for the next 15 minutes let me set up the timer um let's meet let me actually go ahead and change that to 15 minutes all right and we're ready for round number two this is inspiration and mood boarding so the idea in this step just to give context I know there are people here who might think what am I supposed to do right now the idea right now is that we've got a brief right we Chad GPT gave us a brief on what do we need to communicate who is this for and what is the goal here so now we're trying to get some inspiration to build a visual language what color should we use what kind of layout should we use what fonts should we use so we're going to create a a curated a bunch of images that are going to inspire us to communicate in that direction so that we we have better decisions and the way I'm going to do this I'm going to look at the brief I'm going to write few keywords that those are the key things that I want to communicate and then I'm going to look for visuals that in my opinion communicate these ideas all right so I'm just going to paste in a bunch of images on on my figma I'm going to start with a lot and then I'm going to curate them into something that I feel like is cohesive so that will guide me later on in the design all right I hope you're ready let's go ahead and do 15 minutes starting right now let's go back to the music and do it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] get up on your feet this is a ShakeOut [Applause] that be just like a takeout [Music] show me you got soul inside those new shoes and you can rock and roll with an attitude [Music] you got the remix [Music] just the way you like [Music] fresh [Music] so fresh it up on your feet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so fresh get up on your feet this is a Shakedown [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] I wanna see you again [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right we've got one more minute let's see what we can do with one more minute [Music] all right I think I'm gonna wrap it up with this it's not a lot but let's start wrapping it up so for the last half minute let me show you what I've got and again this is really really quickly if this was real life probably spent hours or days doing this but let me show you what I'm thinking about so the words and in the meanwhile while I'm kind of sharing please put links if you're using figma or something just share what you have so that we can take a look at your mood boards and inspiration so paste that in the chat right now in the meanwhile for the for the next minute or so let me show you uh what I've got here and uh let's jump into the let's put timer for review as well so that we know that we're on track so we got seven minutes to do review here basically what I've got for myself is I put the words credibility trust technology and Spark now I think in general kind of like the the stock is like people in suits and it's blue but I I kind of felt like going for something a little bit more darker and kind of like trustworthy by being dark um so I like these kind of like dark or black designs that sometimes just have a little bit of color and I actually like this green which is kind of like coming from the cyber security which is one of the things that they're offering so I think I'll go for something very kind of like black and white with a little touch of this neon green um and then I I also like this kind of like a little bit of maybe this little bit of green is going to be this swoosh of whatever outer space kind of like I don't know if this is spray I really like these dark 3D somethings maybe I can do something around that I also like this kind of like Matrix Vibe of kind of like cyber cyberpunk kind of thing which is a I'm gonna have to make a Twist on this to try to make this more trustworthy because this is kind of like more cool I guess than trustworthy but maybe we'll see we'll see if we can create something super cool in uh in mid-journey um all right so this is what I've got to start with let me go ahead and try to see let me see if I've got links from you that we can take a look at did somebody paste links all right please please please uh paste links here nobody's sharing links oh man can't believe can't figure out how to paste all right come on Friends if you have created your own mood board and collected some inspiration let us see let us see what you've done so far oh bam now I'm thinking might think maybe YouTube won't let us paste links actually in the chat maybe that's the thing got it all right we might have to send the links to yeah I think we might have to send the links to team at flux academy uh I guess otherwise it might not be working so let me put the um email here damn we've never done that before so uh this is the first time here team team at flux Dash uh and let's try to do that otherwise we'll start moving because after all it's kind of like we don't have a lot of times for this but um yeah let's see if we can let's see if we're trying okay so you know what I'm gonna keep moving on um and then I'm gonna try to keep moving on and then maybe we'll take more time on the next round so let me see what we've got going on for the next round oh we've got a first one we've got a first one all right let's try to open that up and see how it's going okay oh my God they're already designing where's the mood board it's actually the design okay so Roy is actually going ahead with the design very similar color palette to what I was talking about are you stealing Roy are you stealing my ideas um where's the other stuff where's the other text and mood boards or you don't have any all right very cool very cool solid what else let's see from Norteno let's try C what we're getting here let me close all of this in the meanwhile all right big type clean minimalistic splashes of neon color oh man that's very similar to what I'm thinking very nice oh but this is very different very different Okay so we've got interesting stuff here we've got a lot of different things here so my recommendation is you have to narrow this down because otherwise you've got like dark stuff you've got very bright stuff um you've got stuff that is kind of like black and white and kind of edgy and then you have stuff that is very very friendly full color so I would recommend you know making a making a decision um this is obviously very very color I would narrow it down um of all of these bright one here obviously work well together all of these dark ones can also work well together but yeah I would narrow it down a little bit some of it look more solid corporate that like what you would expect from like a very big solid company some of it looks more like an edgy startup so I would pick a direction just so that we're clear and we're you know communicating um the same thing let me see if we have something else oh now we have a bunch of them all right so Alejandro let's try this usually don't do mood boards so it's a good experiment let's give this a try all right so strategy encourage credible register and benefits I guess these are kind of like just like a demo of how would a registration benefits would look like um okay so this is to me this is good inspiration for structures of content like here's how to do a testimonial here's how to do featured work and that's that's good sometimes to see how you can structure things but the goal of this step is to try to get a sense of the visual feel so here obviously you have a very clear visual feel because I feel like this is the same design but you can see it's kind of like dark with only orange like a slight Touch of orange into it very very clean all right we're out of time for review but let me do this really quickly um and these ones these ones I'm not sure what you meant by having them um the idea is to bring something together that is gives you gives you an idea for what color palette you want to use what fonts you would want to use so in this case we've got a lot of different things right here we have like a cursive font here we have kind of like a serif font like a friendly serif font uh each one of them is in a different color palette so it's it's diff besides this one which is just like a single work I would like to see kind of like what is the visual direction that we're going to go with and this is supposed to help you because when you're going to get to designing your website you want to have like a simple answer to the question of what font should I use like what what color do I want to use here right all right let's do last one before we move on so let's do Erica Ramirez let's check this out all right so the words that we have here are Innovation security efficiency and optimized all right so very clear I would say very clear color palette with this dark purpley uh purple or purple teal gradient which is super super trendy right now almost all Tech or fintech companies are are doing it this way um this is a this is a cool idea for both visuals also kind of like 3D uh dark 3D kind of similar to the direction that I'm thinking but here we have kind of like a very cool layout um so this this can develop into something really interesting um all of them kind of have like very solid Sans serif font so this gives me a very cool Direction so this is pretty clear mood board so well done I think this is something that we can we can work with all right let's move on into our next phase which is creating the image assets all right so what I'm going to do in this step is I'm going to try to look at the structure of the wireframe that we have right now and I'm going to come up I'm going to first try to come up with an idea what should we have there like come up with an idea or perhaps two ideas before I run off and try to execute on them using whatever tool or or website that's going to help us so let's take 15 minutes to do that uh let's go back here and set up 15 minutes play some music and let's rock and roll let's do this [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like if we have an image that okay let's give this a try [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I just want to share what I'm trying to do here while I'm trying to do it um so I have this idea because it's so my idea for this is that they're called spark and they're empowering your business so I want to show like they're creating energy and with them you're going to be super fast or something like they're taking your business to the next level so my idea is to have like a visual with two hands with maybe like a ball of energy like this thing like in between the hands or something like this I don't know I got this idea and I want to try to explore it so I'm going into mid-journey and close up obviously uh so I wrote here close up on hands with a pulse of energy between them on a black background and this AR 16 by not just means that it's going to be a wide wide image but so far it's not done yet but I'm not sure this is not what I had in mind but let's see what it has created and then I'm gonna try something else all right so let's see what it has created all right not what I had in mind so let's see so here's a cool thing that I can do I'm gonna take this image and I'm going to export it for a second I'm going to see how mid-journey calls this right so check this out this is actually pretty cool now let's call this energy and what I can do in mid-journey is that I can do describe and basically I can drop this image here and um and then mid-journey is going to tell me what did they how they would describe this image and then I can use these same words to create something all right so a beam of light through a space pattern in a style of light Bloom agenda neopunk a light star that glows with the light outside in black background with a blue glow and light in the style of light all right so let's try this okay so let's try to take what I had previously which is close up all right let's take this beam of light instead of light blue and magenta neopunk let's take all of this thing and let's do here imagine and let's start with how I did before which is a close-up of two hands um facing each other maybe facing each other with a with a light beamed through a space pattern in between in a style of light blue I would I would say how would I call it maybe cyan cyan green or neon green let's call this neon green nanopanka and the the for the image itself I'm gonna do this AR thing let's see what's happening with this well it's a bat I'm gonna have to do something we only have like five minutes left so I'm gonna try something hmm it's always so uh you never know what's going to happen 15 starts to get unblurry hmm I also want to try what can I do with this 3D thing that I had in mind here what kind of image I can create with black 3D so I thought about power station or battery um maybe futuristic cyber Power Station all right let's try that as well no that's definitely not what I wanted it's not done yet but don't think that that's what I wanted it looks too actually I don't know maybe it's actually is it cool I don't know I don't know if it's cool maybe maybe maybe if the fingers are touching kind of like the uh the you know Michelangelo uh Michelangelo painting that's actually a cool thing so actually let's uh let's try to do that again let's try to change the prompt imagine with a close-up of two hands not facing each other but with in Dex Finn or touching let's see what that would give us so I'm going to do this and in the meanwhile I'll try to do another one with a 3D imagine 3D clay object of uh futuristic power station on a black background let's see what that is going to give me so we're gonna work on these two images together besides those I don't need any really additional images here because maybe here we're gonna get some icons while we're designing and yeah we just need one image for the heroes so let's see how that goes so that's not what we imagined here the fingers touching like how do you call the Michelangelo Michael Angelo fingers touching how do you call this creation of Adam right let me I'm gonna try to do this as well this is actually let's see if there's anything here that's usable not really I don't know so is this one starting I don't know we've got a minute waiting to start is it going to start or not it's not going to start I'm going to have to I'm going to have to use what I have which is again might not be what I was looking for come on what is waiting to start start already should I do this again my God it's not starting imagine let's also add this let's just do it oh no sorry I didn't see what is this new thing I think I'm just not don't understand the interface of uh mid-journey all right let's check this out it's now or never it's either this and if this doesn't come out good I think I'm going to use one of these one of these things oh this looks like it might be pretty cool I hope this is going to be turning pretty cool my God we've got like 30 seconds I'm excited to see what's gonna happen okay okay okay we've got something it might be cool it might be cool so they're powering up your business remember the idea here is that they're powering up Empower your business so you're going to empower it with what with this okay this looks pretty cool this looks pretty cool and we can create it we can turn it into something uh with the green thing all right I mean that's it so I'm just going to upscale this one because we're out of time so I'm just going to ask for a high resolution version of this one version number actually I think this is upscale number two and maybe I'm going to do one of these as well just like in the worst case if okay that's what we have I'm gonna have to work with that all right let me copy that into figma that's our image that's that's what we have a second all right okay so that was me we're out of time let's go and review your work so start pasting out your work or pasting or sending us however you did last time and I'm going to set up timer for seven minutes and we're gonna start right now all right so let's see if we have something already in the okay whoa we've got so many but I don't know if it's for the imagery well until you send stuff for the imagery which I hope you're going to do soon let me go through some of the some of these let's see Marco whoops I didn't take the link properly so let's take the link see what we have here all right so we have expertise building trust driving conversions pastel colors light colors modern clean okay so for this one there's it's there's definitely a coherent style here which I think it's useful but I have to say that to me this kind of feels a little bit more like lifestyle uh brand maybe skin care that kind of thing not necessarily kind of like an I.T Technology Innovation kind of company um so of course the thing about is expertise and building Trust of course you can be an expert in skin care and you can build trust but we have to remember and be appropriate to the category in which we're designing for in this case it's technology Consulting and solution so kind of like you know uh serious people in suits which I'm not sure that this is um this is a good fit for them but it is cohesive and and very clear um design language that we can see there all right let's see what we have all right so Darren let's check this out the imagery what do we got what we got I'm excited to see this actually let me go ahead and open up a few of them at the same time so it's faster so we don't have to wait this and for Assad all right give your child the gift of bilingualism that's cool it's that's the same briefer you did a random brief for yourself so maybe you're doing a different different briefs all right so I thought we're all working on the same brief but if you're working on a different brief that's that's actually pretty cool so let's see so for students bilingual opportunities so I might have given completely wrong feedback uh to the previous one if he's working on a different project I assume we're all working on the same brief um yeah this is very cool for kids if this is again bilingual learning for kids super appropriate very nice and this is the image uh so it's really cool yeah this can be really cool the only thing I would think is maybe we can you know well when we get to the design we'll see how that fits with the text but really cool image I love it all right so what do we have here all right so we already have spark Tech empowering your business so this image is very specific it looks like what the company is doing is laser cutting right Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology but this is Consulting this is they're not doing laser cutting so this is a little bit too specific and not telling the story of again Tech empowering your business and that kind of stuff this is a little bit more like Consulting right because hey we're strategic like in chess uh let's see what else we have here peep my mid-journey images let's check them out let's have another one open while we're in it Aaron not enough time of course of course it's not enough time all right Empower your business okay so this is metal light bulbs Sparks technology all right so this is this is a good metaphor uh I would say a little bit cliche because it's easy and fast but because we're not we don't have a lot of time that's also where kind of like I think it's a good place to go spark there is a physical spark there but this also kind of looks like a technical spark um idea Innovation so there's yeah it's it's a good image oh actually these ones look very very cool not sure what I would do with them but they definitely look like very cool images um the problem with this layout by the way is that you can't see the image so this is like a shame so I would try to do a layout where the image is on the left and the text is on the right so people can see it uh that would be my kind of like feedback right now oh this is very cool okay this is very very cool this looks like you know a very cool like there's energy here there's technology also the colors of cyber we talked about how trendy purple uh blue gradients are recently uh and and we've seen something pretty similar in uh in references that we've seen before but this is already pretty solid and we didn't get into development yet so good good work on that um what else do we have here all right please see the attach figma link let's do it all right oh wow this is already looking pretty well designed okay whoa so I don't know which one of the images were created maybe this one and Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution the problem with this image and I don't know if this is the final image but the problem is it just so shows a computer so it's okay on Apple's website but here if you're if you're if I see this image and I re read Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology yeah I know that's why I buy from Apple to empower my business with Cutting Edge technology right but this is not what this company does so we need something else we can't just show a computer and say that because the computer can be you know the the thing that I'm you know empowers or something like that oh I love the colors I love the I love the mood board very very cool this also abstracts maybe too abstract but very cool as well all right very nice let's do one last one we're actually out of time but I do want to do Emma let's do one last one as we're out of time oh no request for Access let's do another one olena let's do that all right good work good work team I'm very happy you're creating and participating very happy all right so let's see what we have here Okay so this image is I it's appropriate and the truth is I've I've it's like I've seen it in a lot of places so the good side is that it's fully appropriate and if you would be working for a real client in this industry that would probably pass the the downside of this is that I feel like maybe at this point it's a little bit of a cliche because I feel like I have seen this a lot and it's kind of like I probably can find this on a lot of stocks I again we're only doing this in 15 minutes so yeah it's it's okay to go to a stock site and find something quick and you've found the appropriate thing so it's it's good again if this was a real website be careful of doing kind of like the maybe the obvious thing but for now it's good it's good all right let's continue let's see where we are on our road map okay so we created the image assets and we did a review it's time for the actual design all right this is going to be tough I'm gonna need to drink some water for this all right are you ready for this let me just take a quick look at the comments all right well done well done my God so many people are here with us today I'm very very excited by the way do not forget I've said this in the beginning and not all of you were here in the beginning we have an awesome promotion in flux Academy for all of our courses so if you want to learn how to do this in depth for real clients when you take the time to really do this thoroughly then you can get our courses for an amazing price until Monday so June when we finish this go and check that out all right on to the next round and let me set up here the uh the timer for now 25 minutes classic for Pomodoro thing and I'm gonna hit the music I know you can't hear me when I put the music and that's okay because I think I'm not gonna talk I'm gonna try to focus on design and get as much of the page I can are you ready three two one let's do it thank you you love me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] by the way just to share what we're doing now that I have a mood board now I'm designing so now I'm going to I have a pretty much a clear color palette but I'm going to go look for a font that fits my mood board there's kind of like a short list of great Google fonts uh below yeah in a real website I wouldn't go with a Google font I would look for something premium but it's short and we need to develop it fast and I don't have time to buy or install and stuff like that so there's a great resources below for Google fonts let's give this a try [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you love me [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] grapes in hand looking up [Music] [Music] music play the fists begins [Music] fills the air steps [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] glass rose colored lips a Thousand Candles glowing faces [Music] [Music] music play the fists [Music] begins [Music] Freedom beats High Fresco [Music] Glory notes do with me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you never thought broken promises [Music] you always look good when was looking bad looking back it had me trusting somebody I probably shouldn't have PTSD from falling and hitting rock bottom with nothing there to cut your name that's how you reached out I read the message leave it a comment or respond when you least expected everything I said I felt the need to mention when facts even faster it's hard to touch it I'm just thinking out loud I felt bad for whatever I said but whatever's dead I hope I see you never again [Music] [Music] make a connection anybody in question amazing [Music] foreign [Music] do you ever call me [Music] amazing [Music] [Music] Chicago [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] laughs [Music] thank you [Music] I'll be there [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you we got last one last minute so I hope you're I hope you're ready it's going to be in a minute let's do it [Music] foreign [Music] all right all right all right okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay where are we we're out of time we're out of time okay how was that for you good I hope good stressful good let me show you what I have so I'm I'm a fan of big big type so I try to do something with big type and I also like when things go above and on top of things so I broke down the the title into Empower your business with cutting-ed technology put some some drop Shadows on the image to give it a little bit of feeling of depth there see let's see if we can share it this way and see how it looks in real life they'll give us more context to whether this works or not okay so bam Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology and then comprehensive technology and then we got the benefits I didn't get the chance to copy all the text and change all the icons oh my God my Lightnings have moved these bullet points that was such a fun detail um make my bullet points as kind of like Lightnings I thought that was a fun detail all right missed that okay oh they're back they're back and then we've got the testimonials which is a carousel by the way I hate carousels I would never do this on an actual website but it was super fast so I you know did this Carousel thing and then the footer didn't have time to put in the the logos and stuff like that but almost done almost done in 25 minutes I cheated I completely got rid of the subheading but yeah that's it all right so this is my design this was what I was able to do in 25 minutes and now drop your links let me see what you have made let me see what you have made all right let's put up some some timers for our review let's play this out seven minutes for design review shoot let's do it before we go ahead into development mode all right let's see what we've got here all right let me tell you right just so you know I might run out of battery for my camera because this is the longest stream I've ever made so if it dies let me know and I'll switch to my normal webcam all right Emma let's check this out let's see what we've got actually let's open up multiple while we're at it I feel like my computer is not pulling through this uh my computer is finding it very very difficult to have all these tabs and streaming and music and all of that okay okay very cool very cool mid-journey image Empower your business with Cutting Edge business technology this looks very very cool I love this image very very cool I would love to know what the prompt was but this is very very cool um all right so let's see the rest of it comprehensive Technology Solutions this is really good this is really good explore our services okay so we didn't get to the end but this is really really nice my only comment design comment on this is that I think that there's too much line height here in the in the type in in big headings usually you want to tie it up the letter the line height a little bit more um not like when you have to read a text so if you're staying with the default it might look a little bit too spaced out like it is right here but very nice very nice website all right let's see the next one all right oh so this is very very energetic Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution uh comprehensive technology solution I.T Consulting all right very very cool so I do feel like the the image here in the background is very very cool I might have used it kind of like I would rotate it and just have it in the hero and because I feel like when when it's all throughout the thing it's it's getting difficult to read the actual text that you have here and it becomes a little bit too busy here it actually works because you don't have too many of them so in the hero it works I would probably use that image in the hero section and leave the rest of the website uh cleaner but very nice effort for 25 minutes very very nice let's see the next one all right finally a solid one that actually that would actually work with real client right Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution all right so this is definitely something that I guess I would say corporates would buy this looks very trustworthy very Technology Innovation um I've said this before on you know the kind of thing that I I feel like I've seen this a lot but that on the good side is that they would probably actually take it the bad side is that I've seen it a lot and it's a little bit generic I would also say here I would avoid having too much distraction in the background throughout the website as it's it's making it difficult to consume the content but very well uh very well done effort congrats for being able to finish up the whole page very nice let's see some more let's see some more very nice Shreya let's open this up see what else we have here Mathias Matthias I was late no excuses here I was late come on a total mess Ben I would love to see that total mess let's open those up all right let's check it out oh very nice image that we have here some very cool stuff I don't know if this was also created by mid-journey but this does look like the future the future where technology is Flowing all around um what I would say though and I don't know if this is again um for lack of time or not but when you have an image that is bright you don't want to put white text on top of it so you want to make sure that you just you just break the text you know you can break the text after with and then the text doesn't go on top of the image um okay the rest of it seems like uh you know um still building all right very nice but very nice the image is great um yeah you can keep working on it it's a it's a really nice start all right let's see what we have here oh very nice and solid inspo and let's check out the website all right Empower your business with Cutting Edge Technology Solutions all right schedule consultation okay this is really nice this is very solid this is this comes to creating uh trustworthy by actually being very very minimalist but that's really really nice the image is I wonder if it looks like technology or some kind of like uh knitting or like Fabric or something like that I'm not sure what the image means but but it's it's not bad in terms of the context I think in terms of typography and stuff like that uh like the stuff is really big I would have the heading very big but the the button and the rest of the things that would make them smaller they kind of look a little bit too big and when you're scrolling through imagine that we're scrolling full screen so this is actually good this is a good heading but then this is very big big and the next one is already big so it's all in your face so I would make the things that are not the heading I would probably make them smaller but really nice design uh very good aesthetic here liked it right let's see what we have here um all right ooh very nice I'm not sure where to start let me start here okay so revolutionize your business with spark Tech solution it does look technical from the future um cyber so image is appropriate I think color scheme is appropriate um I would say that there's the the dark blue on it's almost invisible like there's not too much contrast between the black background and the dark blue here so I would make a little bit more contrast here otherwise you know you can't really see that you have a little background here uh not that I did better but I think it's more visible right I also gave it this green highlight to add a little bit more contrast so I would add a little bit more contrast here oh my God we ran out of seven minutes but I do want to see a little bit more work I'm gonna do a few more minutes all right because you know you you guys did really good job I love it all right let's see it let's see a few more uh before we move on all right lotem let's open upload them let's open up a few more let me close this Natasha I'm actually very impressed by the fact that you're all working through with me I I kind of felt like I'm gonna be the only one doing it but I'm so happy that you know doing it Balthazar let's let's see it let's open it up it's a tough challenge it is a tough challenge all right ooh this is interesting all right let's see what we have here so Empower first this is the first person that's actually focusing on people right showing that we have people here empowering your business with Cutting Edge technology solution but I wonder if these people who look like very nice like hipsters on the way to the party are the trustworthy yeah are they the trust part uh trusted technology partners so I think you can have like the you can go for the like I wouldn't say tech nerd but like The Trusted technology partner like apple has these kind of like the Apple Geniuses at the store and then you can so the friendly people but then maybe if they're all with the same shirt or something that makes them look a little bit more professional because these guys look like they're going to the party but I do love that there's a little bit more personality in people in here we haven't seen people so far also I like that somebody is finally breaking the mold and trying to show the the services and a little bit more interesting layout I like the layout choices here also added a contact list very nice very nice what else do we have here ooh something very futuristic all right Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution here but this this image is also very very um specific and I'm not sure that it's appropriate for what we have here which is like it Services because this looks like The Cutting Edge technology that we're talking about is actually what she has on her face because it looks realistic and it looks specific so it looks like this is the technology we're selling which is not not the right thing um but the image is actually pretty cool um yeah and there definitely looks like futuristic Appley kind of like white white design which is really nice let's check out the last one oh very nice oh the battery concept something I was thinking about as well when I was brainstorming uh so this looks like the thing that can power up your business and give you energy and stuff like that so comprehensive technology for SMB is very nice the icons very nice wow you guys did a lot more than me being able to copy the text and all of these things that we have here really really nice very nice very solid very good work all right okay amazing okay it's this time it's this time of the night my friends I know it's night for me I don't know if it's night for you but we're gonna try and develop whatever we can to make this an actual thing in 20 minutes all right let's do this I'm putting I'm putting the putting the where where are we where's the timer not 25 minutes and it's not designed it's development but who cares we're gonna call it design I'm gonna put the timer for 20 minutes are you ready for this I'm gonna jump right into webflow and try to finish as much as I can three two one let's do this all right [Music] creatures [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] it's a beautiful day at the beach I was losing my mind for about a week [Music] water line [Music] different things [Music] sometimes I feel my eyes there baby tonight baby [Music] tonight baby [Music] I know we're not the same I'm so tired of playing games [Music] [Music] different things [Music] bring my head sometimes [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] let's go [Music] back [Music] I'm tired of rock and rolling I ain't tired of rock and rolling I'll be dancing tomorrow [Music] another rock [Music] down below [Music] foreign [Music] 's dead camera is dead let me change to a different camera we knew this was going to happen let me see how am I changing a camera here this is interesting let me see how I change my camera hmm camera camera should be this all right so now we can see me but if I go here okay hopefully this is good let me know if this is good and I can continue on designing all right let's continue well what happened here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] step up in the building killing it they thought I wouldn't zero to a hundred baby I'm dripping in diamonds this goes in my eyes [Music] bring it right back wear it like that move it like that like it like do it like that push it like that bring it right back [Music] like that do it like that baby [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] oh Wow all I wanted you [Music] I need you [Music] I need you [Music] friends we got two more minutes so try to wrap it up I don't know how far you got I'm not getting very far but let's try to wrap it up in two minutes [Music] [Music] all I wanted you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] more seconds I think I'm gonna finish this up right here uh yeah that's it that's it for me so let's see how far along I got I got the here and by the way if you looked at how I built this I'm very very sorry I know that I'm I'm the one who's supposed to teach you how to build with webflow properly but I just try to do this as fast as I could so I did it in kind of like a scrappy thing uh just to make it look good it's probably not the correct way to do that but I got the hero section uh done I also have the navigation set done and uh I got the second section with all of the bullet points of course it's not responsive yet uh I didn't build it properly with Styles but I try to do it as best as I can right uh loaded up the fonts brought them on here and yeah it's pretty it's pretty let's let's look at the page honestly I believe that with just like 30 40 more minutes we could have finished which is again it's pretty impressive that you can build out this thing in like an hour not to mention that we designed within half an hour um so I think I'm not too ashamed out of it I was afraid that I'm going to like be oh by the way I'm looking at the wrong camera I'm thinking the old camera works but it's actually this camera got it um so I'm not I'm not too I don't feel like too ashamed of what happened uh for a short exercise I think it was quite fun and I'm really really interested to see what you have in store for me so let's do this let's do this one thing I have to take like a three minute break so I'm gonna take a break while you paste the well you paste the link and then I'm coming back and then we're gonna review it and then we're gonna vote for the best design so I'm very very excited about this I'm Gonna Leave You with music here for two minutes and I will return [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign I hope you're ready for this this is the money time I'm gonna close everything so my computer doesn't crash on us here and it's time to see what you have created and it's time to vote on vote on the winner for today see y'all wow there's so many designs that I haven't got to yet uh so maybe we'll do a few more a few more designs um because maybe not everybody got to develop them and so I want to see some more designs all right let's start opening up let's start opening them up um web flow preview let's see if that works oh we've got some framer ones I'm excited to see what we've got all right so Empower your business with the dancing robot oh did you see that we also got some animations in very impressive oh my God this actually works very impressive very very impressive let's see what we have here okay so this one's the one that we have seen in the design and Okay so we've got the hero section here but not the rest of the website nice nice progress okay this is the one that we've seen earlier as well very nice with these that's not not look like it working but it's well it's designed it's developed very nice oh this looks pretty cool as we're getting down to the bottom of it very nice very nice let's see what else we have here all right not enough time but nice challenge if we had enough time it wasn't the challenge I think super challenge it's a super challenge all right Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution looks pretty solid I would say very very corporatey Okay so we've got the hero section so most people got to the hero section and that's me as well so all right well done Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution oh so we've got the trendy colors which we've already talked about multiple times today and we've got the actual spark here very nice very nice cards here we've got the testimonials I imagine maybe they're scaling or moving with some kind of interaction in the future but very nice the whole thing is built so very impressive that you got to lay out and build the whole thing very nice let's see what else we've got here groovy sight and groovy sights oh no this is not the page that we're looking for Joss you gave us the webflow uh thing you need to publish it and give us the link all right two hour challenge site let's see let's see what we have ooh empower the business Okay so we've got the hero section nothing below it and this is stucking to the to the top a little bit but nice image of somebody with I guess a VR set and he is looking into the future cool cool image all right let's see what else we have here thou Shake all right my final another frame or website using AI is that cheating I think that might be cheating today oh but nice logo spark enhance your Enterprise with Advanced technological innovation that's actually pretty cool I have to say uh we have like three different fonts here so this is kind of like a round very round geometric font here we've got like technological rectangular font in here we've got like a serif font so something is a little bit confused with the typography here but hey very nice very nice uh if this was created by the framer AI then obviously it's it's you know been created very very fast but the hero is still nice I would make sure that we've got consistency in the fonts let's see what else we have here all right so lotems trendy site with webflow preview by the way friends if you can give me like a published site it's better than me opening up tons of webflow uh windowsis which is going to crash my computer so send me the published links all right so we've got our cool friends here oh nice let them already managed to build up this cool layout here very nice very nice I thought this is going to take long I'm not sure did you do this with grids let's see how this was made no not with grids so how is this created just push them push the cards second how did you lay them out this is interesting all right but very nice very nice let them all right what else do we have here what else Jeremy Ron I'm a complete webflow Noob so I fired up WordPress that's okay that's okay Jeremy we're not haters here we respect every Web Design Software platform CMS ooh all right Empower your business with Cutting Edge Technologies the image is actually pretty cool but I think that the red here doesn't read very well and I have to say Okay so this is I was gonna say this looks like a warning but it's actually a warning I guess it's the gdpr thing um and in general you you you do want to consider that having red stuff red on black it does look like a warning and note in the background we do have like this more purplish pinkish stuff that looks more like technology so I would be careful with the color red um but all right very very nice okay let's me open up a few more and I don't even know how to how how to get like the finalized for voting I mean we've got so much stuff let's open up this one let's open up so this is a figma here's another railing another webflow preview all right let's check this one out okay spark Tech so I think the if the if I'll tell you what I think I think if these were kind of like rays of energy or electricity or something like that I think this can be really cool but they look like physical straws which kind of look old school so I don't know somehow this does not feel super technological to me um and also the green is yeah this is green of nature more than green of technology I would say it's definitely the green that you have in an image I feel like it would be a better fit for technology than the green that we have here um but very good start ooh spark Tech this one looks like looks like a little bit like webflow or something like this with the with the design with the gradients and stuff like that so it looks pretty cool oh you see the people finally people that we have here all right this wow this is really nice I don't know is this like was this built by a template this is actually pretty nice with the sticky position here and all of the different features I don't know I'm asking if this is a template just because it looks so good and it was well developed so I was like maybe they cheated somehow but other otherwise I think it's actually pretty cool and pretty impressive so very nice okay okay okay okay okay okay let's see what else do we have here all right Balthazar let's open it up I think I'm gonna open up uh a few of the a few of the designs that were not published okay so this one we've seen the design now almost oh pretty okay so this was done with relum and if you're not familiar relum is uh basically a component UI kit for webflow so because this was designed in figma with it it was very easy to then Implement into webflow it's basically you're copying and pasting the same components and just replacing the text so that's that's how he got very far with it um and it looks good like the the beginning looks good okay I don't know let me know in the comments I'm I'm actually asking you this should we pick winners only from those who have developed or also from people who maybe have just designed I don't know what do you think let me know in the comments uh because I I honestly I don't know how to approach picking the winner and I'd love to hear your your opinion about it let me see if we've got some more stuff here all right here's joff's groovy website all right so this looks techy and power business with Technology Solutions I would just say something about design it's centered do you see it's centered but this title is left aligned this is really weird if everything is centered keep everything centered um okay so this is a this is a good beginning but didn't get very far but very nice I think the the image is appropriate all right let me see if we have some some more stuff Mateos let's check out the framer site oh that's the one that we saw the design and actually looks looks pretty good here you can see what I what I was talking about with the you know with the button being way too big on the screen I've mentioned this earlier and I think when you see it like this you agree but this one looks very clean Yep looks pretty good I actually I like this I'm not sure what the image is but somehow I like it okay Luisa let's see let's open this up okay nice nice sorry it's not somehow it's not getting all the way to the end of the screen it's not 100 width but it looks pretty good I like the color scheme I like this illustration super friendly we haven't seen a lot of friendly stuff um this is good logos that help us you know create uh trustworthiness right and social proof that was actually part of the brief I don't know if you remember this this was part of the brief very cool illustrations I don't know where she got these illustrations but this is actually pretty good they're also you know they are the right so this is cyber security and this is Cloud solution so this is very nice was this created with with AI who created this Louisa did you create the these with AI this is very cool illustrations I'd love to know how these were created this is pretty impressive and it's also fully developed like the whole page so it's not it's just I don't know why it's not uh going all the way through maybe it's something I don't know no I don't know why the width is not right but it's pretty impressive I like it okay so Emma all right let's check this out I'm never gonna be able to remember okay am I pretty good we've seen this so one thing that you can note here is that there's the image cuts and then there's back we're going back into the normal background so when you have an image you want to make sure you clean the edges so that it's transparent so that you know it's it goes back into the the background so you don't see the the image being cut um all right but this is a good beginning you didn't get to to finish it but it's it's a good good beginning let me see what you're saying basically in the chat I wanna I wanna hear what you're saying in the chat we need a poll yeah we're gonna do the pull we're gonna do the pull design design I see that you're saying design um design should count yeah design should count and no I found the illustrations from a website all right that's important which website I send mine but it wasn't on the dock okay excellent job excellent job let's see some more let's see some more um see some more websites all right Kevin let's check this out all right so Empire your business with Cutting Edge Technology Solutions oh here's another one with a sticky this very impressive build for the QuickTime that we have and also an actual Carousel okay very very impressive very impressive the only thing I would say here in terms of design is that when you have something like these which is both outline and yellow like the both readability and the hierarchy is being so much reduced that it's really hard to read it so I will read Empower your business and I will just jump here or here because it's very it's it's too faded into the background so that's kind of like a design uh design note on this one but the build here the webflow build is pretty impressive very nice let's see some more okay just one ah man sorry uh I'm not pronouncing the name correctly oh whoa what is this spartac this is a really really cool image I'm not sure I understand what goes on in terms of the layout like the navigation is way too big and then we have this probably not in the right location yet but really cool image I really like the image here and the services okay so this is a start of something that becomes I think this can become something really impressive uh and I love the the image kind of like comicsy cyber comic C but looks really cool but but the rest of the website looks super solid um love it okay Manuel let's check this out on my my browser is gonna crash for sure okay Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution and you see like looks like a pro looking at some what code or something like this it's pretty solid I would have to say uh it's it's pretty that's probably something that a real company would do um yeah not not cutting edge but it it can work um and that's also an interesting start of the layout I think that it's I don't know if it's not centered or it's but it's the the text is kind of like a little bit too small to read but make this a little bit bigger and I would probably create stronger contrast in the hierarchies here what I mean by that is that the the difference between the heading the subheading and the button they're all the same almost the same size so I would make either this bigger and these smaller or something like that just to create more contrast there um all right what else do we have all right let's try that oh that's nice okay so we have the same problem here that we talked about in an earlier design where you're trying to highlight this but you're actually really really reducing the contrast from the background so it's uh less readable and yeah it's it's it's more distraction than than highlighting uh the image is pretty cool the image is pretty cool you can see that a lot of people went for the purplish thing which is yeah it's the trend right now okay okay oh my God we have so much more oh my God okay so what are we gonna do I'm not gonna be able to to do all of them um I do not know what to do okay so we have to start we have to start wrapping it up what's going on here okay I'm gonna stick here where you can see me okay so okay I I don't know what we're gonna do I don't know I'm very first I'm so sorry if I'm I'm so sorry if I'm not opening up your your link um where were we okay so I'm gonna open up oh my God I don't even know what to do okay Kai I think we can stop stop adding new ones I'm gonna try to open all of these and we'll wrap it up with this and then we'll have to make the tough decision and then we'll do the vote and then yeah I don't know I don't know it's gonna be so hard okay okay let okay it is more impressive to see like the full thing on figma I have to say I have to say this is pretty nice also purplish the background the the lines in the background looks technological fast nice all right what else do we have what else do we have oh very nice Empower your business this is cool I think it's a similar direction to what I had with kind of like a futuristic Power Station maybe that's even cooler than the one I have um nice very nice okay what else what else what else what else do we have okay so Empower your business with Cutting Edge technology solution the thing with this image this is a style that was very very trendy like a couple of years ago but I don't know why they look confused or it looks confusing because they're all talking at the same time I'm a little bit overwhelmed by this uh but the design does look very very friendly so most of the stuff that we had was like super serious and this one is kind of like friendly um it's nice it's very nice all right Tim let's check this out oh oh nice okay so this looks like technology in the background I like uh I don't know if this is 80s kind of like leads stuff but very cool oh very nice icons we have here I don't think by the way that this font is readable for like smaller headings I would go with it it's it's probably cool here in a hero section but not I wouldn't use it here but other than that very nice design okay okay oh my god there keep coming in okay so sorry sorry I'm not gonna be able to to see all of them so this is the last one I'm sorry Austin I'm sorry Brenda sorry this is the last one that I'm opening up oh I couldn't even uh sorry okay okay okay so sorry I feel like so many people have done such a cool work and I didn't even get the chance to to see all of it I'm sorry okay so this is another kind of like futuristic futuristic concept with the future um I would say this is pretty cool I would say that this looks a little bit too science fictiony uh for an actual company that I would work with I think um but it's pretty cool I like the color scheme the image is really nice I like layout that goes on top of stuff and big typography I've said this before I also said before that I think that when you have big typography you need to tighten up the line height so the letters are closer to each other all right all right so here's what we're gonna do it's gonna be very very difficult I'm now going to go through them and I'm going to pick three and then we're going to vote on these three so let me see from the beginning okay I'm gonna run through them and then I'm gonna pick three so this this okay this okay this one okay this one okay this one this one okay okay I'm getting a sense I'm getting a sense of which which are the three that I'm gonna that I'm gonna choose I think I know I think I know and we're gonna vote for them in a minute all right let me just refresh my memory okay okay so I don't remember the names so we're going to give them temporary names here are the temporary names that we're going to give them uh we're gonna go with number one candidate number one is going to be candidate number one is going to be this it's going to be the I'm going to call this webflow direction okay this is how I'm gonna call it I don't know it reminds me of webflow so we're going to call it webflow branding webflow branding Direction the other number two is this one which is I don't know I'm gonna call it fabric because this is what I see here so I'm going to call it fabric um and the last one I'm going to call this this one this is the illustration green illustration all right so we've seen we've seen them all all right I'm going to go ahead and create the poll now it's the first time I'm doing this Live on YouTube oh my God my computer is crushing okay let me close all of these my computer is not is not being able to take all of this pressure okay wait wait wait we're gonna do a poll we're gonna do a poll God it's not working oh no my YouTube poll is not working okay start a poll q a wait wait wait wait wait wait we need to do a proper poll I can see you shouting in the comments but we need to do a proper call why I can't do a poll I can't do a poll oh my God I can't do a poll I don't know why but I can't do a poll okay so I'm just I'm looking at the comments I'm looking at the comments I see a lot of illustrations let me remind you we had the webflow direction we had the fabric and then we had the green illustrations um just like what am I doing here it's changing everything so I see a lot of illustration illustration fabric webflow uh illustration illustration fabric webflow webflow webflow webflow oh my God oh my God I see oh this is not fair I can't really count them now I see tons of webflow why can't I do the poll so annoying okay so I have to say I'm seeing I'm seeing a lot of webflow and a lot of illustration so you know what we're gonna do what we're going to do is we're gonna we're gonna let give them both give them both the prize all right so let me let me try to bring my my camera what is my camera okay so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna have two winners it was too difficult it was too tight and we didn't have like an official poll to count them all in so both the green illustrations and the webflow please email our support team which is team at flux Academy just like you've submitted it and let her know that you're the one who did it you you already have an email email uh thread with us and uh Kaya is gonna help you set you up with the price this has been really really really incredible first time I'm doing this was very very fun I hope you enjoyed it as well I hope that you remember what I said and you're gonna check out flux Academy and you're gonna check out all of our courses which go into Super depth into everything that we've done today so that you can do it professionally for clients so that you can charge a lot of money for doing it and that's it we're gonna wrap it up for today this has been the longest live stream I've ever done and I'm like I'm dead but very well done for the work that all of you have been doing it's been so fun peace out for today see you next time bye bye
Channel: Flux Academy
Views: 112,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphic designer job, web design, web design freelance, web design business 2022, web design freelancer, web design business, web design 2022, web designer career, web design school, ran segall, Flux academy, webflow, webflow ecommerce
Id: Kk3Uijo8n3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 24sec (9864 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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