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hi guys welcome back to my channel today i'm going to share with you guys how to make a delicious three-way burrito in case you guys want to help make this super easy and delicious recipe just stay tuned and i'll show you how alrighty guys so let's get started with our ingredients so for the recipe we're going to need four pounds of beef brisket six green chiles five roma tomatoes a half of a small white onion two garlic cloves four cups of pinto beans large flour tortillas flour new mexico chili powder oregano cumin garlic salt salt and black pepper so these are ingredients now let's get started alright guys so first we're going to preheat our oven to 325 degrees [Music] all right so now we're going to prepare our meat so now i buy the meat at costco so it's already nice and cut so now we're just going to season it with salt and black pepper all right so we're going to transfer our meat into a roasting pan now we're going to grab our salt sprinkle it on your meat [Music] and use a good amount do the same with your black pepper and just press it down okay so now we're going to flip our meat over and we're going to season that side all right so now we're going to add two cups of water just go all around and now we're going to cover our meat with foil all right so now we're going to put in our oven all right so now we're going to bake it for four hours okay so we got 10 minutes until our meat is done so now we're just going to roast our green peppers all right guys so once our chilis are nice and roasted we're going to transfer them into a plastic bag we're going to seal our bag so that we allow our chilies to sweat and by now our meat should be done so now we're going to remove it from the oven so let's remove our meat and be careful because it's super hot [Music] so just chicken make sure that it is nice and tender and it is so we're going to remove all the fat of course because we're going to shred our meat so look how tender our meat is so we're going to remove the meat from here so like that it cools down a little bit and then it's easier for us to shred it all right so we're going to shred our meat and it should be super easy like i said it's super tender so it falls apart just like that and let me tell you the meat is so delicious that you can even make tacos like that all right so once you have your meat on nice and shredded just divide it in half one side is going to be for our chile rojo and the other one for chile verde so now that we have our meat now we're ready to chop our tomatoes chiles and onion okay so i just transferred the remaining liquid from our meat and in the same time i'm going to add one cup of water just like we get all of that we can use that to make our sauces okay so for our remaining liquid we're going to remove the fat um so like that we can use the rest to make our broth all right so just mix it back in your water all right so chop your tomatoes all right so our onion so now we're chopping our onion and because we like our green chile to be spicy i'm going to add two chili serranos i'm just going to chop them and cut into small wedges okay so just rinse your garlic cloves and lastly we're going to peel and chop our green chilis so just remove the skin i'm not going to remove the seeds but if you want to it's all optional all right so once we have our chilis are nice and peeled now we're going to cut them so i'm going to cut them in half and then flip them over and cut them in half again and then start chopping them and so up until you get to the stem and just repeat the same to all of your chilis alright so once we have our chilies all nice and cut now we are ready to begin cooking all right so we're going to grab a medium frying pan we're going to set it on medium high heat and so that we're going to add two tablespoons of oil so we're just going to wait for that to heat up and then we can begin frying all right so once oyo is ready we're going to begin by frying our onions and chili serrano if you're using any [Music] and we're going to fry them for a couple minutes all right so after a couple minutes we're going to throw in our green chile and mince garlic [Music] all right so today we're going to add one and a half teaspoon of garlic salt one teaspoon of oregano a half a teaspoon of cumin and a half a teaspoon of crushed chili and the crusher is optional and now we're going to cook that for 2 minutes okay so after the two minutes we're going to add in our tomatoes i'm going to give it one minute all right so after the minute we're going to add two tablespoons of oil and just add your vegetables to the side and to that we're going to add our two tablespoons of flour okay so now just mix it up together and so that we're going to add three three quarters of a cup of our broth and now we're just going to bring this to a simmer all right so once it comes to a simmer try it for salt and see if he needs any so i'm going to add a little bit to mine and a little bit of more black pepper just mix it and now at this point we're going to add our meat combine your meat with your green chili and tomatoes all right so now we're going to reduce the heat to low cover it and let that simmer for five minutes all right guys so after five minutes this is what our green chile should look like at this point it's done so now we're just going to set it to the side so we can begin working on our red chili all right guys so now to make a red chili we're going to grab one cup of our broth and we're going to dissolve our chili powder now this is my favorite chili powder that i like to use um so this is the one so we're going to be transferring three tablespoons of the chili powder one teaspoon of garlic salt a half a teaspoon of oregano and a quarter teaspoon of cumin so just mix it in with your broth and of course it's all going to be to taste also so if you want to start slow with the chili powder then go ahead and do that but for me three tablespoons is delicious all right so once that broth looks like this now we are ready to make a red sauce all right so we're going to grab a large frying pan we're going to set it on medium-high heat and we're going to add 3 tablespoons of oil so we're just going to wait for that to heat just up sure it's falsely focused all right so once all is hot we're going to add three tablespoons of flour we're just going to mix it with our oil alrighty so once our flour looks like this now we're going to add our broth and to my cup i'm going to add a little bit more water and now we're just going to mix it and bring it to a simmer all right so once our sauce has simmer and thicken up try it for salt and see if it needs any or if you want to add more chili powder then go ahead and do it for me it's perfect so now i'm going to add my meat and you don't want yourself to be too runny because remember we're going to be putting them inside of a burrito okay so now just mix it with your meat all right so now that we have it all mixed together we're going to reduce the heat to low cover it and let it simmer for five minutes okay so after five minutes our red chili is done and let me tell you that smells delicious so now we're going to set it to the side and we're ready to make our beans all right so we're going to grab a small fry pan we're going to set it on medium high heat and we're going to add two tablespoons of oil and of course you can use lard or whatever your preference is and we're just going to wait for that to heat up all right so once our oil is ready we're going to add our 4 cups of beans that i already have a video on so just make sure you go check it out just throw it in there and we're just going to wait for them to come to a simmer so once our beans comes to a simmer we're going to begin to smash them down all right so once your beans are nice and smashed to your liking now we're going to add cheese just add your favorite cheese i like my cheese with a little bit of bean i'm just going to wait for that to melt and then we're ready to make our delicious three-way burritos all right so once our beans are ready we can set them to the side and get our tortillas ready all right guys so once we have everything ready now we are ready to make our delicious burritos okay so we're going to begin by adding a layer of our beans all right so we're going to grab our chile rojo we're going to put it on one side of our burrito and then grab our chili verde now we're going to grab it and fold okay and once you have your burrito we're just going to repeat the same process to all of our tortillas okay guys so once you have your burritos now take a big bite and enjoy it already guys and now for the best part the taste test now let me tell you i like to bite into my burrito like that and my favorite part is the middle you know when both sauces combine it's just seriously the best of both worlds but i took i cut it in half like that so you can see the inside of the burrito let me tell you that it's seriously the best so cheers [Music] seriously super delicious the meat the beans everything is the best i hope you give it a try and enjoy it already guys and there you have it and how i make a delicious three-way burrito i hope you guys enjoy watching this video and if you did please don't forget to give me a big thumbs up share with your friends and family and if you recreate this recipe please don't forget to tag me on any of my social medias any beauty to my channel please hit that subscribe button so you guys can be part of our family thank you so much for watching and i'll see you guys on my next video bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cooking Con Claudia
Views: 187,753
Rating: 4.9333873 out of 5
Keywords: green chile burrito, green chile burritos recipe, red chile burrito recipe, tacos, brisket tacos, brisket tacos recipe, red and green chile burrito, claudia regalado, green chile with beef, green chile, green chile beef, how to make green chile, green chile burrito recipe, green chili, chile verde con carne, chile verde, chile rojo para tacos, chile rojo, new mexico green chile, Authentic New Mexico Green Chile, cheesy beans, refried beans, authentic mexican tacos, burrito
Id: oXuIg73VDPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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