BEST $1500 Gaming PC Build Guide - RX 7800 XT Ryzen 7 7800X3D (w/ Benchmarks)

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got [Music] [Music] you yo what's up guys Joey here hope all is well welcome back to another full PC build guide today we're working with a $1,500 budget today's build's going to rock a sick white color theme and we're going with all AMD components means AMD GPU AMD CPU so the graphics card for this this build here today is the very competitive RX 7800 XT in the white colorway beautiful powerful graphics card we have on our hands the highlight of this card is that it competes with an RTX 470 by Nvidia but yet this comes in a whole $100 cheaper it also has more vram 16 GB versus the 47 12 gigs anyways we have ourselves a really good build here today for 1,500 you're going to get a lot of value so how did the build guides go down we break this video into three parts first we're going to go over all the parts and their prices why we picked them second we're going to jump into the build guide I don't care if you've never built a PC before by the end of this video you will know how to and you will have the confidence to do it beginner guide here I'm going to be with you guys every step of the way start to finish I got you and third we have fun we're going to put this build to the test against all current popular titles and esport titles it's going to be awesome we're going to frag it up I always love putting the builds to the test it's going to be lots of fun so make sure you stay tuned till the end to find out how this build performs all right guys before we jump into it I want to mention that here on the channel we've covered a bunch of different price points for the build guid so if your budget is a little higher or a little lower be sure to check out the previous build guides on the Channel all the parts used for this build will be linked in the video description let's jump into it first the graphics card we were talking about earlier let's open it up and as I said they go for 500 bucks that's as low as you can get it right now on Amazon don't need this but look at this card oh yeah voila it's a huge boy right here three fans all white nice back plate looks sick First Impressions very cool looking card nice guys and for the ports oh wow they're getting Fancy on us even the protector to the color theme this card's going to be rocking two display ports and two HDMI ports let's get this protective film off with this for the benchmarks in today's video guys we're going to be targeting once again 1440p resolution and we want to try to hit 240 FPS in most of the games we're going to be testing and this will get the job done so now let's go over the CPU that we chose guys CPUs are not the most exciting part of your computer but when it comes to this CPU this is on par with the graphics card because it's an AMD ryzen 77 the 800 x 3D woo back at it with the 3D CPUs but this is the 7,000 series which means it's more awesome and more powerful and let's not forget more expensive we picked it up for the price that you see on the screen let's open this guy up this is my first time using a 7000 series 3D AMD CPU why do we love these CPUs so much well because they're super good for gaming and when I mean super good I mean that this is going to assist any graphics card that you put with it so well as in your graphics card is going to be running at 99 % utilization so that covers our CPU the motherboard right we're getting a little groovy with the board too got ourselves a nice little gigabytes line of motherboards it's called orus we're rocking the b650 chipset this is the orus elite XT this board's in the ATX form factor and very nice look at this it's just a clean looking stealth black colorway board it looks sick look at the ports ports are good too we have built-in Wi-Fi as you can tell by our antennas Han of USB ports this is a good board guys really good board we're going to want to get Wi-Fi antenna if you're going to be using Wi-Fi this little tool right here maybe we'll need these two screws so I'll just get them out for now now we're using 1 TB of trusty WD blue m.2 SSD we always use these they're Speedy they're reliable they're a good price for the ram we're using a Corsair Vengeance RGB kit ddr5 of course 32 GB at 6,000 MHz good amount of ram we got here and it's Speedy these sticks do light up and they're clean and we almost forgot what's going to cool our little AMD 3D CPU and that is this right here we have ourselves a deep cool heat sink the ak500 wh high performance CPU Cooler let's get it open nice it looks beefy which is what we need for our 3D CPU look at this bad boy right here that's a thick boy just look at the design of the heat sink from the front this is where we're going to see it's just a really clean design you know this is a sexy heat sink and now for the juice this is a thermal take power supply 750 WS bronze rated good price going to supply all the power we need and here it is guys this is the Smart B X1 750 power cable Right Here and Now what's going to house these lovely components is an antex case this is their df700 flux in the white colorway let's get this guy open 1 2 3 4 five fans in this case I like it I like it a lot what do you guys think of this look at these fans right here high quality a bunch of openings here this is all open you can even see the fan so a lot of good airflow three fans it's good amount of ports it has a button up here too that controls the lighting of the fans but yeah here's the case guys this case is a good price for what it offers it looks cool good airf flow a lot of pre-installed fans and yeah so that wraps up our essential parts list which cost just under 1,500 so we didn't even go over budget we did a good there now we're going to go over the second list which is totally optional you do not need these parts this is simply for Aesthetics custom sleeve power supply cables in the white colorway our brand crater all these do is these connect to the original power cable and then this is then what's on display in the front of our case here and it's what makes our build just look really clean looking real dope with these right here versus you know these stock cables right here not so pretty next our crater rgbled strip kit our fans in this case do light up but we still want even more light so I'm always throwing strips in pretty much every build comes with two strips strong magnetic attachments and the cables we need next all our builds have to have some character boom we got the hell kitty X Team USA Funko Pop here Hello Kitty surfing why I pick this one I don't know the answer either so she matches our color theme she's what she's on a surfboard more on this later but I promise you it's going to look amazing you know look at it and be like wow all right guys that's it all parts Linked In the video description now we're going to jump into the build guys let's do it first we're going to be working with our motherboard now first you put in the CPU we want to go ahead and lift the lever to the side and then all the way up we also want to lift this up and now we're going to reveal our CPU socket now if we take a look at our 7800 x3d there's a Golden Arrow on the top left side of it if we take a closer look at our CPU socket there's also an arrow on the top left side of the CPU socket so you guys guessed it we line up Arrow to arrow and that's how you know we're putting in in facing where it's supposed to be facing hover it over and drop it in there we go okay so now we put this down and we return the lever to the original position we put it all the way down you will feel resistance that is normal you're not breaking anything and tuck it in right there where it was this thing will come undone a bit or all the way but yeah that's it just take it out cool cpu's in now we need to install our sexy heat sink now what we need to do first is so you will have this and here's the included thermal paste we're using AMD here so we don't need this Intel back plate they gave us a screwdriver so that's cool I'll put I already have one but I mean we all have one so we have two of these bags these are the mounts we're going to be using the ones that just have a circle not the ones where it's wide the circle one this is for AMD so what we're Gathering here is our Mount our thumb screws the thermal paste screwdriver why not that it gave us and the heat sink first thing we want to do is we want to unscrew these four screws right here now we can remove these we do not need them so let's go ahead and open this bag we'll put our mounts right here for now and we have four of these the black part goes down we're going to screw it into these four points cool next we're going to put our first little Mount right there and our second one just like that time for our thumb screws and then we screw it in so make sure you get them nice and snug I'm going to go ahead and tighten it more with the screwdriver I'm going to keep turning till it stops Don't Force It Once the screwdriver stops so we don't want to like overtighten it so there we go just putting it in and turning till it stops good now what we want to do is remove the fan from the heat sink for now by pulling up on this metal piece then the other side okay let's get that to the side there we go we took the fan off to reveal this go ahead and make sure you take off the protective film from the back of the heat sink and now what we need to do is apply a psz amount of thermal paste in the middle of the CPU so remove the cap and put a psz amount in the middle there we go here's a closer look now we are ready to secure our heat sink so we're going to line up our two screws with the two points I remember when putting on the heat sink has a little logo here we want this on the bottom right side of the board that's how we're lining this up now first we're going to remove this right here and we have an opening that reaches down to this screw so put this through and that's how we're going to be securing that one so this is on the left side of the heat sink right and we want it to be on the left side of our board that is the proper placement guys here we go be setting it down going to look right here we should have them lined up and then just set it down and there we go it's lined up easy I'll go ahead and use our included SC driver and I'm first going to secure this one a little bit not all the way just I just want it to attach there we go I got it to attach now I'm going to get this one to attach putting the screwdriver through here and finding it got it lined up I could just see it through here easy let me show you guys you can easily see and line up the screwdriver right here so now that I have it now let's get this one attached and this one is now attached cool so the reason we just want to attach it first a little bit is because if you overdo one side then it's going to be hard to do the other side it's going to be like pushing up the other side's going to be too lifted it's going to be hard to screw it all right I'm going to use my screwdriver now back to the other side evenly tightening it down give this one a few turns cool let's go to the other one give this one a few turns all right and we'll finish this one off just going to keep turning till my screwdriver stops there we go it stopped it has a safety so you don't like overtighten it there that's good and I'm going to turn the other one till it stops okay done very nice looking heat sink it looks dope now let's put the fan back on I'm going to take off this little metal tie off the fan cord right get that out of there and the cord going to connect on the top of the mother motherboard so I'm going to have the cord over here and we're going to reattach the fan same way we took it off see yeah right there goes right into there and now for the other side simply just pull up on the metal get it to tuck in there there Fan's on let's put the cover back onto the top just like that now the final step is to connect the fan of the heat sink to the CPU fan header on top of the board it's labeled and it's great done that was a pretty straightforward installation next guys we're going to install our RAM and that goes right here first thing we want to do is going to pull back the levers on the second slot and the fourth slot of our Ram slots our Ram has some protective film let me get that off the Vengeance logo okay so we're putting our Ram six in the second and fourth slot because we want the ram to run in dual Channel mode when putting in our Ram we're going to line up where it's not indented to where it is indented right here on the ram slot so the Corsair vengeance is going to be on our right side of the board facing us once you get it in we push down with both thumbs equal force both of these clips are going to clip up we do the same thing for our second stick get it into place push down both thumbs equal force and that Clips up and there we go it's as simple as that our Ram is installed cool next guys is our m.2 SSD one TB get it open and it's this little guy right here now we need ourselves a smaller screwdriver zero and this is the m.2 SSD heat sink we want to unscrew it to reveal where we're going to put our SSD so our m.2 we want to put it into the little slot right there go into that just like that push it in now it's going to fall down onto this I'm going to push this up with my nail there we go this thing comes up so it looks like this guys once we lifted that up Falls right in and then push that thing down and it holds it into place now before installing our m.2 heat sink we want to remove the protective film and screw it back up done and that to installed all right guys so now we're ready to put our motherboard inside our case let's get the panels off in the back side of the case down here in the hard drive cage we're going to find all our accessories that we need all the screws here they are we'll set that to the side for now so when putting any motherboard inside your case you want to First make sure sure that all the motherboard standoffs are in the appropriate position to support your motherboard so our motherboard is ATX form factor it has nine total points so three on the top three in the middle and three on the bottom and with this case we don't need to change the layout of the standoff because they're already where they need to be ATX form factor so we're ready to get our motherboard in there already let's lay the case down so let's go ahead and get our motherboard in there and the first thing that we want to do is line up the io Shield back here so as we can see we just want this to get into place just like that and what I'm going to do is line up the middle motherboard standoff with the motherboard and I did now all the other ones will then be lined up now we're ready to secure it with the screws that came with the case we're going to be using this screw right here just like this so start with the middle one and we're going to secure all nine points so we finished securing six of the points they're circled red and now we're going to do the last three on top and those are our final three points and that's it our motherboard's secure now we're ready to install our power Supply I'm going to get rid of this tie to release all our cables and when installing our power supply you want to make sure that the fan of the power supply is facing down and it's going to go right into here with the fan facing down now we're ready to secure it with the four screws that came with it these screws also come with the [Music] case done our power supply is installed now I'm going to connect our power supply extension cables remember like I said earlier this is optional but looks way better in the front of our PC we're only going to be using three cables for this build so the first one is a big 204 pin power cable so originally this would have hooked up to the motherboard so instead it's going to hook up to our extension cable and then this is going to hook up to the motherboard instead and Beyond display in the front now we're going to want to locate the power cable for our graphics card and it's going to be labeled PCI Express it's an eight Pin cable that's lit up 6 plus 2 so we're going to want to look at our extension kit and also find an a pin that's split like that 6 plus 2 we're going to connect the other end of that to the PCI Express cable boom and now this will hook up to our graphics card and it's going to look awesome so we're going to do that twice actually now we're going to do it again we're going to connect a second eight pin for our graphics card because it takes two eight pin cables for the juice so I'm going to find another PCI Express power cable from the power supply and do the same thing and done now I'm just going to comb the cables real quick with the included cable [Music] Combs all right guys well good job so far believe it or not we're almost done we are now ready to start connecting the cables it could be a little intimidating for the first timers it's very simple we're going to break down all our cables into only three groups so the first group of cables is all our power cables which power things our second group of cables is all our case cables and that connects everything in the case up here to the motherboard the power button the USB ports for your audio for your headphones for your LED lighting all that good stuff and then the third group of cables is our fans and our lighting all right guys let's start with the power supply cables okay first cable we're connecting is the big 24 pin power cable we want the clip right here to clip back here so we're going to line it up straight and then when it's lined up push in all the way make sure that Clip Clips and then you're left with this result looks beautiful next let's move it up here in this location top left side of our motherboard is where we're going to hook up our CPU power cable very easy to find it's labeled CPU we're going to plug it in right here to this eight pin the clip again needs to clip up here so we're going to line it up straight once again and clip it in all the way done very nice and that's it for the power cables right now these are for our graphics card we're going to save this for later all right moving on to our second group of cables our case cables so here we are at the bottom of our motherboard first cable now some cases we'll have this hurdle we cannot fit the cable we need through here because the power supply is blocking the clearance so we're going to unsecure the power supply for now and now back to where we were cuz now we can push the power supply forward and our cable will go through so first case cable is our HD audio cable we're going to plug it into the far left of our board it only goes in one way we want the HD audio text to be facing down as in the HD audio text on the cable we're pluging it want that to face down and there we go should look like that now next we're going to be using this tool that came with our motherboard not all motherboards come with this tool I'll explain right now what I mean so next we are hooking up these little jfp1 cables they plug into here now on some motherboards you will plug them directly into here but with this motherboard it has this unique tool so we're going to plug in these little cables to this tool and then we're going to plug the tool into it there so if we take a closer look we're going to see on our left side power led the positive is on the left and then the negative is on the right side for our power LED and here we have our power LED positive on the left side side and minus on the right and we're going to hook it up in there and there you go it's in place right next to it is our power button so for that one we're going to find this which says power switch and this does not matter what way we put it in and there we go let's flip this around now and on the far right side we're going to see HDD that is this right here HDD LED it wants the positive right here on the right side so let's turn it around and that Arrow right there that we see that is super tiny that is the positive so we want that on the right side right I just flipped it to get the arrow on the right side there you go it's marked right there too A Plus and a minus so we're going to go ahead and line it up accordingly and that's it guys a little tedious but very simple process and now this is going to hook up like this with the cables on the left side right into here guys there is this fan in our way but we're still going to be able to make it work so I'm just going to line it up straight I'm using fingers in both of my hands here to line it up good and once I have it lined it up I'm going to push in straight into there have it Go in all the way and there it is it's in remember guys line it up straight first and then push it in don't push it in at an angle without you lining it up cuz you're going to bend pins now right above what we just did our jfp1 cables is our final case cable we're going to plug it in right here this is our USB 3 cable now if we take a closer look at it it has a hump on one of the sides so here I have it with the hump facing us again first line it up straight there we go and then push it in all the way and there we go guys that's all our case cables could you believe how simple that was that was fast done with with the case cables but remember don't forget to rescure your power supply okay third group of cables our fans and our lighting we're about to hook up all five fans of the case to the motherboard as well as the lighting of the fans to the motherboard and then our crat RGB LED strip totally optional but adds a lot of Splash of light side of your build and it's fully customizable okay the fans first let's do it let's go to the back of here so here's our fan controller at the back of our case all the fans and the lighting of the fans are connected to our fan controller here are the cables of the fan controller first we need to give the fan controller power that is through SATA we're going to locate the SATA power cable from our power supply and plug it in there the fan controller now has power next are these two cables this cable is going to connect all the fans that are connected to the controller to the motherboard and this cable is a three pin RGB cable it's going to hook up all the lighting of the fans to the motherboard let's get this tie loose and plug in the fans first back to the front of the case all right so we're going to go to the bottom of our motherboard we're going to hook it up to a system fan header which is right there cable goes in one way with these two humps facing down and it should look like that guys nice and secure now right next to it on the left side we have ourselves a three pin RGB header right here hopefully I can squeeze this one through and nope you already know what I'm going to do move the power supply forward and then rescure it again all right power supply unscrewed pushing that forward and this cable only goes in one way into the three pin you just have to line up the three pin correctly the single pin is on the right and the two other ones are on the left all right very nice all right guys now I'm going to install the rgbl strips real quick we're going to put one up here and then one on the side right here I'll put a link to a video on how to install these in the video description this computer's coming out nice guys I've never had a like worked with an AMD card that was like a white and three fan oh and that AMD 3D CPU man it's going to be awesome and we secure our power supply again all right guys next we're going to install our graphics card this awesome RX 7800 XT here we go first we got to make room for this guy he's going to be going into the first and second slots so we need to remove the brackets on the second and third slots now undo this thing right here slide it back next we're going to get the lever of our PCI slot and push it back then we're going to line up our card with the PCI slot and once it's in there lined up we're going to push it in and that lever will clip back up now we are going to secure our cart all right and the final step is giving this bad boy some juice I'm wiring the two PCI eight pin power cables through the bottom of the case right here bit of a tight squeeze but we're doing it we're doing it be careful not to unplug our jfp1 cable okay here they are so let's plug in the first one all right you don't want these cables to be touching like the fan right cuz then it's going to make noise and stop the fan that's not good we did not do that but just letting you know cuz it is very close all right and now we going to clean up these cables with the Combs I push the cables back a little bit so they can be higher right here and they won't be so close to the fan we're done guys now I'm going to install the Funko Pop and do Cable Management cu the time lapse you want to make sure you undo all these ties guys cuz these are metal and they could touch the board and you don't want to run a risk of shorting anything so yeah get rid of all these little metal ties all right guys let's get the lights off all right guys the lights are off first boot up time get the power in and it's alive and the lights are on guys I had to press the LED button up here this is how I change the lighting of the fans in the front just like that okay I'll leave it on that color for now looks pretty cool guys that does light up that's cool we can probably change that to another color once we get the software installed the RAM sticks are on the fans are on the RG belly D strips are on now let's do the final peel yeah and there you go it's like the glass is not even there look at how clean this looks guys look at that heat sink the Hello Kitty Funko on her surfboard that awesome white colorway RX 7800x this build came out awesome guys if you're following along congratulations now we need to install Windows 11 the operating system from a USB flash drive and the drivers I made a video tutorial on how to install Windows 11 from a USB flash drive for free that video is linked in the video description and then I'll also link a video Down Below on to how to install the drivers after you're done building your PC all right guys all that's left now is to put this build to the test we're going to frag it up in a bit but remember all parts for this build are linked in the video description and also we got more build guides coming up but comment down below what kind of combination you'd like to see as far as what graphics card with what CPU you guys would be interested in seeing and the other budgets remember we've done tons of build guides with higher budgets and lower budgets so check out the past build guides as well all right guys let's frag it up all right guys settings for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer 1440p resolution here are these settings right here for the quality we put it on the balance preset and here is everything else and for the fov to the Max 120 let's do it you're lucky man you're [Music] lucky boy [Music] got him oh fudge later sucker wo look at this guy doesn't have a clue oh my God these guys really don't know what's going on [Music] to later yeah that's how we do it boys woo that was intense non-stop action right there settings for Wars onone to 1440p resolution here are the quality settings for this and once again the view [Music] 120 we [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] oh shoot y I was surprised with the performance though we hit over 200 we were at 240 FPS that's awesome on war zone 2 super smooth gameplay all right next game all right guys time for some Counter Strike 2 1440p resolution 240 HZ it as this setting now Advanced video here it is let's jump into it here we go Hi how are [Music] you got you I get the chickies get the [Music] chickies y oh shoot oh right in the face fudge we got oh we weren't wow we really weren't that far behind performance is really good guys surprisingly CS2 counter- strike 2 a lot more demanding than I thought it was going to be playing on 1440p res and we got 360 I was expecting like a billion we're covered 1440p 360 HZ monitor performance is pretty good it's a fun game next one settings for fortnite 1440p resolution on performance mode let's do this [Music] finally what the heck did I just do [Music] like I am oh my goodness the performance was crazy though we're over 360 FPS shouldn't need more than that next game all right guys so now we're going to be checking out Arc ascended this is a newly released title here are the settings we're going to be rocking 1440p resolution at the resolution scale of 64 which is what it sets it to default and I'm going to go ahead and leave it there cuz this game is very demanding we are only getting 50 FPS right now so close to 60 it is playable this is pretty crazy the GPU utilization is at 100% too so our ryzen processor is definitely performing how we wanted to the attempts are great everything's working how it should now I don't really play these type of games newly released popular game a lot of people play it so I knew I had to pick it up to show you guys how it would perform we are playing at 1440p as I said but definitely nowhere near 240 FPS for this title this game looks really pretty though and it sounds great some bird all right when we hop in the water FPS only Rises got the little fishies all right guys let's give 1080p a try now yeah it performs a lot better at 1080p not that 1440p was unplayable I can still play all right remember what they taught us you got to run sideways cuz they can't turn like us see it worked definitely playable looks pretty all right next game all right guys now we're testing out rust settings we're going to be using this 1440p and here are the graphic settings look I'm just going to tell you straight up I've never seen performance this amazing in Rust and honestly the only reason why it's performing this amazing is because the ryzen 3D CPU 200 FPS and rust like wow that's really good I just going to steal my kill like that I've never hit 200 FPS in any other build on Rust has this really good rust performance all right let's see if we can pick up some kills this guy's one shot now there he goes once twice and his one shot what four shots all right we're going to win ourselves one more duel and then we'll move on to the next game he's one shot and no he's not he's four shot what oh my goodness dude there we go next game settings for Apex Legends 1440p resolution Max f v at 110 here the rest of the settings let's do it here we go what the you think I wasn't going to notice you oh my God I choked I choked I choked we're in second place nice oh we got lucky right there no we were so close well performance was great I was locked at 300 FPS next game settings for cyberpunk 277 1440p resolution here are the graphic settings let's do it you were the one to call oh what sucker punched me him up unhand me now before I drip ding ding CH got to get this done oh yeah they look they have a lot of Health but they also don't know how to [Music] shoot moving very how are you still alive come on boys let Boogie take that take that bro they are warriors dude oh my goodness dude just die bro woohoo we did it yeah yeah all right well 1440p cyber Punk performs great next game all right guys next Rainbow Six Siege we're playing a 1440p resolution I'll going be playing my first rank match in a minute I haven't played Siege in quite a while so we have it at Max fov 90 and here are the graphics settings let's do it yo what up guys hello what's up man to see what's going on the BR man I'm getting uh 450 FPS is that a lot I'm get barely 100 though I got a 1050 no you [Music] don't oh all the way in the back oh my God that guy killed four people that round dude we totally threw [Music] it oh [Music] bro oh my dude that guy just got destroyed man oh 360 no scope oh nice lag clutch what where's the rest of the homies where am I oh what it kicked me out again at the end guys what the heck Siege performance was amazing though all the servers are just dying right now next game all right guys Halo infinite 1440p resolution 90 fov here are the rest of the settings medium graphic settings preset and we're going to try out the new Halo 3 refill playlist so we're about to play out an old school Halo 3 map remade on infinite Forge let's do it here we go team Slayer baby here we go oh there you are TR dude you really think [Music] I'm yeah you thought P that's right [Music] baby BR [Music] nice I'll bring it home nice woo all right we're at 99% ization the whole match all right guys that's a wrap for this one thanks for watching till the end I appreciate all you guys support stay tuned for the future build guys we have a lot of them upcoming comment down below what you guys want to see next also check out Creator we're running a sale on all RTS 30 bucks free shipping all right guys catch you guys in the next one [Music] peace
Channel: CRATER
Views: 338,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming pc, pc gaming, rx 7800 xt, 1500 gaming pc, rx 7800 xt gaming pc, gaming pc build, gaming pc build guide, how to build a pc, best gaming pc, budget gaming pc, budget pc build, pc gaming 2024, 1500 pc, rx 7800 xt benchmarks, rx 7800 xt pc build, $1500 gaming pc, rx 7800 xt review, build pc gaming, pc, amd, intel, nvidia, nvidia geforce, joey delgado, joeyslittlemind, rtx 3060 RYZEN 5 5600X, AMD, 5600x, ryzen 7 7800x3d, rx 7800xt, ryzen, rx 7800xt gaming pc
Id: UcvWU83FwWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 54sec (2154 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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