The Berenstain Bears and the Bigpaw Problem

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi big boy good to see you today hello big paw going shopping what's big paw doing in town whatever he wants to 97 98 99 100 hey hi big cubs good jump ropers thanks big paw now me jump gosh big paw i don't think our ropes are long enough for you [Music] oh cubs not worry big bar get on rope hey ready go officer marguerite big paws destroying bear town property that's the least of it he's destroying beer town oh my gracious alive my earthquake oh my stars it's a big one 5.6 on the richter scale oh dear me dear me the earthquake where is it earthquake we've been in the park all morning jumping rope we didn't notice any earthquake big jump rope big boy jumped just like little cubs what oh gracious me jumping rope fun fancy that your jumping triggered my alarm big boy sorry yeah he didn't mean to scare you professor oh i realized that but since bear country lies over the great grizzly fault it's only natural that the slightest tremor can stimulate earthquake fears ah that great grizzly fault runs smack dab through the center of bear country you're right boss it's smack dab all right smack dab yes the great grizzly fault an earthquake waiting to happen maybe i can hurry it along well so long where are you going big paw go back to cave me too big and strong for town cause too much trouble that's not true your great strength is a national treasure we need your strong right arm big boy have strong right arm strong left arm who atta boy big come on we'll help you with your shopping look walnut let's get some [Music] that's kind of high for us could you shake a few walnuts down for us big sure easy for big paw don't feel bad big we know you didn't do it on purpose [Music] they were out of the soap bubbles but we got all the other stuff you wanted big pop thanks little cubs oh could you get the door for us okay oh big sorry not mean to slam door so hard you big clumsy brute can't you do anything right oh big ball fix no no no you've done enough bear country's not safe with him around yeah right he's a menace a monster he wrecks everything he's an oaf an animal hmm you look worried farmer ben is something wrong i'll say these creeper vines are ruining my apple harvest there's just too much to pull out big paw pull out creeper vines [Music] you wreck my whole orchard the big palooka's making everybody angry playing right into my hands it'll be a sense to haul big ball into court and convince the jury he's too strong and powerful to live with civilized folk and he'll kick him out of bear country banish him forever ah yes this scheme has the touch of genius no doubt about it i'm rotten to the car and it's gonna get me in good with weasel mcgreed big bob's been a thorn in his side for years [Music] agreed here state your business hi uh this is ralph uh listen i've come up with this gangbuster scheme you're gonna love it call me back later i've got important business to attend to important underground business this is it the great grizzly fault as soon as i find the weak spot i'll trigger this fault and cause an earthquake that'll rip their country apart yeah what about us weasel's boss what's the earthquake gonna do to us nothing you fool all the force will be transmitted upward to the surface we'll be perfectly safe in our underground quarters yeah if you say so chief you're the evil genius i'll go down in the dirty deeds hall of fame [Laughter] of course i'll testify he wrecked my store didn't he well me too by crikey turn my orchard into a shambles uh how about you folks well said count on it friends big paws bothered you and interfered with my schemes for the last time [Music] say what's this big paws being called up before the court he's charged with being too big and powerful to live among civilized folks it's that raffish ralph's idea if found guilty big paw could be banished from bear country forever that's outrageous the trials today come on let's see what we can do i mean order in the court now the bear country court is now in session proceed with the conviction yeah yeah i mean the case may it please the court i refish ralph intend to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt and indeed will prove that this overgrown mass of uncontrollable muscle is hazardous to our community and must be banished forever i found it the weak spot when we attack this point it'll start a chain reaction that'll go right up to the surface and destroy bear country forever thank you i think we've heard enough the next witness for the prosecution grumpy grizzly it sure looks bad yeah after grumpy grizzly it's farmer ben and you know how mad he is it big paw all right x marks the weak spot now let's see some weasel power i said weasel power not whip power i'll try it again then it's your testimony farmer ben that the defendant big paw maliciously and feloniously destroyed your apple orchard be right thank you you may step down that's not true your honor it wasn't deliciously and melonious well whatever those words were sisters right yeah the warner in the court i object i object you can object all you want to rapist ralph but it isn't fair yeah farmer ben asked big paw to pull out those creepers you can't send your old big paw away you'll break his heart and besides you never know when bear country is gonna need big paw his super strength is a great national treasure oh that's pocky rock yeah yeah yeah and poppycock you will never need that much muscle now let's convict this fellow so we can all go home [Music] i did i did it great grizzly funk do your donating come on let's get out of here fair country [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] big poor see big croc their country needs you that's right big bad national treasure [Music] you
Channel: Berenstain Bears
Views: 146,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bigpaw, Bear Family, Berenstain Bears, kids tv, cartoons, kidlit
Id: LBoNr4rE6fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2017
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