The Ben Carson Factor - Pastor Stephen Bohr

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good evening everyone it's nice to see you here this evening we have a very important subject that we're going to study I just want to mention that the presentation tonight is a continuation of what we studied in our last session and I just want to say that I'm thankful that you're all here it's very difficult to preach to empty chairs but it's always good to have people here so before we get into our study we want to have a word of Prayer to ask the Lord to bless our study together so I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray father in heaven we thank you for the privilege of being here once again this evening to open your Holy Word we ask father that your spirit will be with us that your spirit will instruct us and not only instruct us but also strengthen us to live in harmony with what we are going to study I thank you for all these dear folks that have come out I also thank you for those who are watching the live streaming and those who will watch the DVD presentation and also the presentation on YouTube we thank you for the promise of your presence because we ask it in the precious name of Jesus amen probably nothing has been more notorious in the seventh-day Adventist Church in this struggle during the primary season the Republican primary season then the fact that a seventh-day Adventist is struggling to become the nominee of the Republican Party for President of the United States you know just as a matter of information many of you might not know that Ted Cruz's wife is also a Seventh day Adventist and so it's quite interesting that in this election cycle there are two individuals notorious that are connected or linked somehow to the seventh-day Adventist Church now as I was mentioning dr. ben Carson a neurosurgeon renowned much respected in the world of science and in the world in general has decided to run in for the Republican primary candidacy President of the United States he's fallen in the polls recently but I think he's still in fourth place now our study this evening is not going to be primarily about Ben Carson what I want to do is set the stage for what we are going to talk about it just so happens that the mainstream media as far as I know has not yet publicized dr. Ben Carson's views about the end time but there are individuals and groups that have blogs that have picked up on this I'd like to mention one of those is an organization called The Young Turks and they have they were on television a few years ago and they also have videos on YouTube and they've picked up on Ben Carson's views of end times even time events and they consider it a conspiration of view of history also an individual by the name of David corn on October 2 2015 on his blog and Mother Jones wrote a very interesting article about the candidacy of dr. ben Carson particularly his views of end time events and so as we begin I would like to read a portion of what David corn wrote by the way David corn at least several years ago was quite frequently interviewed on MSNBC and some other more liberally tended channels here in the United States but anyway I'm going to read now from this blog in Mother Jones Ben Carson the retired neurosurgeon who's in the top tier of the GOP 2016 contenders holds some unusual beliefs in defending creationism he has said that Satan is behind the big bang theory and the promotion of evolution and he that is dr. Carson has embraced and endorsed a paranoid McCarthy esque conspiracy theory that claims nefarious Marxists for decades have infiltrated every echelon of American society including PTAs in order to destroy the United States but it seems Carson's conspiration 'el worldview goes beyond all this in a talk he gave a year ago Carson who is a Seventh day Adventist indicated that he accepts a dark prophecy rendered a century and a half ago by a founder of his church XI and we know it's Ellen White she claimed that as part of the end times a time will come when seventh-day Adventists will be imprisoned by the government and even put to death merely for observing the Sabbath on Saturday not Sunday so does Ben Carson believe that when the big spiritual bang comes his co-religionists will be rounded up imprisoned and executed though he frequently cites his faith in God when he speaks publicly and in campaigns he has not discussed this core tenet of the seventh-day Adventist Church but about a year ago he did refer to it when he was a guest sermon Iser at a seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia asked to describe the geopolitical landscape of the United States Carson noted that most people in the United States were afraid to declare their faith he then continued in the following words I don't know what role the Lord has for me in all this I do know and looking at prophecy that the United States will play a big role that there has to be a return first to a religious awakening and more than likely any persecution particularly of the Sabbath will come from the right not from the left interesting blog on the Mother Jones website by the way you might not have heard of Mother Jones but it's a very well-known a website very well known blog read by tens of thousands of people so the question that we must ask is how in the world can ben Carson be President of the United States and believe that this country will repudiate its constitution and will persecute those who do not comply with the Sunday law even to the point of being executed for the observance of the Sabbath wouldn't this be considered unpatriotic and even treasonous to the United States is there any basis really for such a con special view so-called well the fact is folks that we're dealing with the media that is totally oblivious to Scripture the fact is that the secular media media is not able to grasp how things will end because they don't believe in the reliability of the Bible as a historical and trustworthy record you see they believe in the evolutionary theory both in biology and in history in their minds the stories of Genesis 1 through 11 never actually took place in history they are myths or legends like the ancient Babylonian flood story the epic of gilgamesh or the ancient babbling babbling in creation story Atrahasis if the stories of Genesis did not really occur what assurance can we have that they will be repeated again at the end of history you see if they didn't happen at the beginning how can we trust that these same stories will take place again on a global scale at the end of time you see the secular media is also oblivious totally oblivious to the scenario presented of the end in the book of Revelation if you ignore or reject the biblical view of the beginning and the end you are navigate upon an uncharted ocean of uncertainty so let's see what the Bible has to say about the beginning and the end that will be our authority it will not be David corn it will not be the media whether liberal or conservative it will be God's Holy Word our only source of absolute authority now I would like us to go back in our minds to an episode that took place after the flood you remember that when God created Adam and Eve he told them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth they were to disperse in the earth the Bible tells us that because of the wickedness of the world it was necessary for God to destroy the human race and only Noah and her and his family were kept alive in the ark now when Noah and his family came out of the ark the Bible tells us that God once again gave them the same command that he had given to Adam and Eve we find that command in Genesis chapter 9 and verses 1 and 2 Genesis 9:1 and 2 this is as soon as they come out of the ark then God blessed Noah and his sons saying to them be fruitful and increase in number and what and fill the earth so once again they're told don't gather in one place multiply scatter and fill the earth don't consolidate into one single place now there's a very important point that I need to bring to our minds and that is that in the book of Genesis as well as in the rest of the Bible names are very important more than 70 times in the book of Genesis alone the importance of a significance of a name is given let me give you some examples penny L which means face of God the name Jacob means a planter he certainly lived in harmony with his character when he overcame and his struggle with the angel his name was changed to Israel which means what Prince of God Abram was changed to Abraham Sarai which means laughter is changed to Sarah Yahweh Jireh the Lord will provide is the name given to the place where Abraham took Isaac his son and so we're going to find here in this story that we're going to study that there's a very important name that we are going to underline and that is the word Bible or the word Babel now we need to remember a very important principle as we study this story of Genesis 11 and that is that in the Old Testament we are dealing with a literal City we are dealing in with a literal valley with literal builders of a literal tower on the banks of the literal Euphrates but everything that is literal and local in Genesis 11 becomes universal worldwide and spiritual or symbolic at the end of time that is the principle that we need to remember that will guide us in our study so please go with me in your Bibles to Genesis chapter 11 and verses 1 & 2 here we find what condition the people were in this is taking place probably about a hundred years after the flood and it says there in Genesis 11 verses 1 & 2 now the whole earth had one language and one speech now this basically is saying that everybody spoke just one language but there's something deeper here and that is that these individuals not only spoke the only their one language literally but basically it means that they were all on the same page if you please because they could all communicate in this one language and so it continues saying in verse 2 and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east probably a better translation is as they journey to the east when you look at the geography of where they are crested and where they built this tower they journeyed to the East and it says that they found a plain in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there and of course then they increase in numbers and they don't want to disperse they don't want to spread out across the earth look the way that God had commanded them what they wanted to do was build a tower and a city and consolidate and centralize everything that project is described in Genesis 11 and verses three and four notice the attitude that these Babel builders had when they undertook this special project then they said to one another on reading in verse three come let us you're going to see several times they used the word us this is a self-centered endeavor they said to one another let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly they had brick for stone and they had asphalt for mortar and they said come let us build ourselves a city this is an endeavor to glorify human beings not to glorify God it's in defiance against God because God causes confusion so it must have been wrong in the sight of God so verse 4 says and they said come let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top is in the heavens we're going to see that that's important and then once again let us make a name for ourselves no let's let's become what famous the founders want to be famous so let us make a name for ourselves and now notice what their concern is they don't want to be scattered the way that God said the last part of verse 4 says lest we be what lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth basically this is the origin of the idea of a new world order centralized in one specific place you see they wanted to establish a new world order on the banks of the Euphrates River let me ask you in the book of Revelation is the Euphrates an important symbol that is used in connection with Babylon absolutely so they wanted to establish this new world order on the banks of the Euphrates River and their ideal was to save themselves while they still continued living a life of sin they went to save themselves through their technological prowess now there are two reasons why they built a tower in patriarchs and prophets page 120 we find those two reasons by carrying the structure to a much greater height then was reached by the waters of the flood they thought to number one place themselves beyond all possibility of danger let me ask you had God said that he was not going to destroy the world with another flood was this a lack of faith they did not trust God's promise they distrusted God they said let's build a tower that is so high that it's much higher than the waters of the flood so if another flood comes we can save ourselves self salvation characterizes Babylon but there's a second reason it continues saying and as they would be able to ascend to the region of the clouds this was no little old tower this was this was like the Freedom Tower in New York probably even higher than that because they intended to reach the clouds she says and as they would be able to ascend to the region of the clouds they hope to ascertain the cause of the flood well they should have known what the cause of the flood was God said so once again their distrust in God's Word because God said hey I sent the flood because of the wickedness they say well we're going to try and discover scientifically the reason of the flood they put science above the Word of God and they put their own salvation in place of the salvation of God they distrust God's Word and how we go to Genesis chapter 11 and verse 5 was God observing what they were doing oh you better believe God was watching God now comes to investigate their project it says in verse 5 but the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built now that expression sons of men is very interesting when you go to Genesis chapter 6 you find that it says that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful who were the sons of God there in Genesis 6 it was the faithful those who trusted God those who were faithful to God but who are the builders of the Tower of Babel they are not the sons of God they are the sons of men interesting variation between Genesis 6 and Genesis 11 now the Bible tells us that God keeps a record of Nations God keeps a record of human projects and he will allow them to go only so far let me give some examples you remember that God told Abraham that the iniquity of the amorite was not yet full was there a point at which the cup of gods were the gods Justice reached its top and there would be no more mercy for the civilization where the amorite lived absolutely God kept a record of the Emirates let me ask you did God keep a record of Jerusalem before it was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar yes you remember in Ezekiel chapter 1 God comes on his chariot to the temple because he's going to do a work of investigation to see who sign and crying and who isn't and once the ceiling has taken place probation is what probation is closed for Jerusalem let me ask you did God do the same with Babylon did God Way babbling he most certainly did remember the hand writing on the wall you have been weighed in the balances and you have been found wanting see God judges nation by the way God judged also Jerusalem in the year 70 when they stoned Stephen their door a probation was closed as a Jewish theocracy is there also going to be a declaration by God that the Mercy has closed for the world before the second coming of Christ you've read revelation 22 verse 11 where it says he who is filthy let him be filthy still he who is on righteous let him be righteous still he who is holy let him be holy still he was he who is righteous let him be righteous still at that moment God is going to say the world has reached its point of no return there's no more mercy available so does God keep a record of human projects and does not allow them to go beyond the line that he has established absolutely so God comes down to see the tower that the sons of men are building Ellen White in review and Herald March 9 1886 had something very interesting to say God keeps a record with the nation's what does God do he keeps a record with meit with the nation's the figures are swelling against them in the books of heaven and when it shall have become a law thinking about the United States that the transgression of the first day of the week shall be met with punishment then their cup will be full is the cup of God's wrath going to be filled for this nation just like it became filled with all other nations absolutely God keeps a record he came down to see whether these individuals have gone beyond the point of no return now let's go to Genesis 11 verses 6 and 7 here God is going to assess the situation and he's going to pronounce a verdict and the sentence based on his investigation it says in verse 6 and the Lord said indeed the people are what the people are 1 what does that mean they not only had one leg weeds but they had one objective to establish a global civilization centralized that it was governed from one central place in rebellion against God and so it says here that the people are one and they all have one language and this is what they begin to do listen this was only the beginning of what they plan to do and God said I'm not going to allow it to go any further and then he continued saying now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them unless God intervenes right and so God says come let us go down and there confuse their language that they may not understand one another speech so God pronounces the verdict and the sentence that is going to be executed upon this rebellious endeavor of building the Tower of Babel and so God now execute the sentence and we find that in verses 8 & 9 notice what God does so the Lord scattered did they want to be scattered no God says you're going to be what you're going to be scattered so the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the earth and they ceased building the city therefore its name is called Babel or Babel because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth now it's interesting to read Ellen White's enlightening comments about this episode of the Tower of Babel so I'm going to read from patriarchs and prophets pages 118 and 119 speaking about the place where they wanted to build the city in the tower here they decided to build a city and in it a tower of such stupendous height as should render it the wonder of the world these enterprises were designed to listen carefully now were designed to prevent the people from scratch' gathering abroad in colonies God had directed men to disperse throughout the earth to replenish and subdue it but these Babel builders determined to keep their community united in one body is this going to happen in the book of Revelation we studied it last time right there's going to be a union a consolidation of the dragon the beast and the false prophet papist Protestants and worldlings or the secular powers of the world we notice that in our last study she continues writing God had directed men to disperse throughout the earth to replenish and subdue it but these Babel builders determined to keep the community united in one body and to found a monarchy what is a monarchy it's it's one ruler that rules the whole so it says and to found a monarchy that should eventually embrace the whole earth is this a new world order governed from one central place absolutely thus their city would become the metropolis of a universal Empire so this idea of a new world order is pretty old it's nothing recent so it continues saying thus their city would become the metropolis of a universal Empire its glory would command the admiration and homage of the world and render the founders illustrious the Magnificent Tower reaching to the heavens was intended to stand as a monument of the power and wisdom of its builders perpetuating their fame to the latest generations the spirit of Babylon is a spirit of self dependence and arrogance it is a system that opposes God because it seeks to take the place of God notice later on Nebuchadnezzar establishes what is known as the neo-babylonian empire or the new Babylonian Empire and by the way there is evidence that Nebuchadnezzar when he established his empire he was hearken back to the original story in Genesis 11 and I want you to notice how Nebuchadnezzar spoke when he went out on the on the balcony of his palace and he observed the great city of Babylon this is found in Daniel chapter 4 and verse 30 the King spoke saying is not this great Babylon that I have built for the road for a royal dwelling by my mighty power for the honor of my majesty so it is a system that depends on man it is a system that is in rebellion against God and His Word a system that distrusts what God says that does not take the Bible as it reads that's why people don't like the view of endtime events they say oh that's a conservation theory because they can't understand what the Bible means when it says that there's going to be a nation that has two horns like a lamb but it's going to speak like a dragon it's going to contradict its own principles in other words because they don't understand the prophecy they don't really understand that this is not a conformational view of history this is a real view of prophecy in history now what's the confusion of the languages at Babel a wise thing yes it was it was a great blessing you say why is that because folks with a multinational multilingual and multicultural world a global consolidated apostasy was made much more difficult it was much more difficult to centralize everyone in rebellion against God because everyone would have their own language they would have their own nation they would have their own culture and they were dispersed over the earth depending on the language that they spoke God designed in other words to forestall future United action that would demoralize the world shortly after the flood each of these groups that spoke a different language might pursue an evil course but it would be very difficult for them all to unite in a concerted United Universal opposition to God but the interesting thing is that at the end of time according to the book of Revelation they are going to do it at least for a short period of time this was an empire built upon the greatness of man and in rebellion against God and by the way a unity based upon a human foundation will inevitably fall to pieces and that's exactly what happened God had the last word and the result was division and confusion God called that place Babel now the question is are we going to meet Babel again in the Bible yes we will meet Babel again in the book of Revelation so must Genesis be the foundation of what we find in the book of Revelation yes the name in Genesis gives us the origin of Babel and its spirit revelation gives us the ending point the Babylon of the end of time by the way it's interesting to notice that these days many individuals are speaking about the need for a new world order in our last presentation I read some statements from a Jesuit a scholar of the Roman Catholic Church actually many people don't realize this but Malachi Martin was also an exorcist he called that his special gift and and he died under circumstances that are uncertain how why he died the way that he did it there's uncertainty there and I believe it's because he wrote a book called the Jesuits and because he wrote the book the keys of this blood where he clearly revealed as early as 1990 what is happening in the world today and it's not because he's a prophet but it's because he's a he's a member of the Jesuits Ellen White says that the papacy can see ahead based on what has taken place in the past in other words because they they are so experienced 2000 years of experience they can predict what's going to happen pretty well even though it's not prophecy it's just saying what's going to happen on the basis of what has happened before now I'd like to read once again the statement that I read in our last presentation by Malachi Martin this was in 1990 in his book the keys of this blood you remember that this book describes a tooth-and-nail struggle among three powers number one the Roman Catholic papacy number two capitalist nations of the West which are composed mostly of Protestants and in the third place the secular communists or those who are unchurched you you can refer to them in many different ways and his idea is that the struggle among these three could only be won by one of these systems and guess which system it is well let's read what he has to say in his book keys of this blood page 18 he states this and I quote there is one great similarity shared by all three of these globalist competitors Gorbachev at that time john paul ii and in the capitalist West Ronald Reagan those were the three competitors but they represent systems so there is one great simulator similarity shared by all three of these globalist competitors each has each one has in mind a particular grand design for one world governance now you'll find many many times in this book the keys of this blood the expression grand design now you notice here what the grand design is the grand design is what one world governance from a centralized place and where is that place it's in Vatican City folks it's not in New York it's in Vatican City and so he continues writing there that is these three they're geo a geopolitical competition is about which of the three writing in 1990 which of the three will form dominate and run the world system that will replace the decaying nation system the idea is to get rid of the idea of independent nations all having their own laws all doing their own thing and the idea is to unite everyone with international laws international rules governed from one central location is this just like what happened at the Tower of Babel it's just the same thing that happened at the Tower of Babel so he says the struggle among these three is to find out who will form dominate and run the world system that will replace the decaying nation system by the way Martin harbors no doubts about who will win this tooth and nail competition and that that's the Roman Catholic Church and the reason he says that there's no doubt that the papacy is going to win is because Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom and Jesus said Peter upon you and of course Jesus wasn't speaking about Peter he's speaking about himself but they say that Jesus said to Peter you are the rock and upon you I'm going to build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it and so God is predicted according to his interpretation of Matthew chapter 16 that the papacy cannot fail that it is going to be the winner in this competition in chilling words Malachi Martin had this to say about all of the things that characterize society page 16 of his book no holds barred because once the competition has been decided the world and all that is in it our way of life as individuals and as citizens of the nations our families and our jobs our trade and commerce and money our educational systems and our religions and our cultures even the badges of our national identity which most of us have always taken for granted all will have been powerfully and radically altered forever did you notice that he's saying that everything in society everything in the nation's is going to be thrown upside down and then he continues writing no one can be exempted from its effects no sector of our lives will remain untouched nobody who is acquainted with the plans of these three rivals has any doubt but that only one of them can win are we seeing the individual who is claiming to be the winner now you better believe it this was written back in 1990 and it's happening right before our eyes you know I went to Philadelphia when the Pope came there it was an amazing sight more than a million people rendering him honor almost like he was God on earth would that have happened back in the days of John F Kennedy would that have happened even before that no way John F Kennedy had to go to Houston to speak to the Ministerial associated sins Association and say hey I'm going to respect the United States Constitution I'm going to take my orders from the Constitution not from the Pope but these days things have changed radically now let's go in our Bibles to the end time scenario in the book of Revelation we've noticed what Genesis has to say now let's go to the book of Revelation chapter 17 and verses 1 through 6 revelation 17 one through six then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me saying to me come I will show you the judgment of the great harlot now let's stop there for a moment what does a woman represented Bible prophecy a woman represents a church if it's a pure woman it represents God's true church if it is a harlot woman or a prostitute it represents a church that is living in adultery in other words that has forsaken Jesus as her husband and so this is an apostate Church so it says I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters what does the act of sitting mean it means that she is what she's ruling over the waters and what do the waters represent you've read the verse verse 15 it says multitudes nations tongues and people's she rules over the whole lot over the whole world from one central place was that the ideal of the Babel builders it most certainly was but she's not alone with the multitudes because it continues saying in verse 2 with whom the what the kings of the earth committed fornication so who else is allied with her not only the multitudes but the what the political powers of the world the kings of the earth does that ring a bell when you have the Pope giving a speech before not 193 representatives of 193 nations and all of them giving him a standing ovation when he spoke about the need to address world poverty and climate change I'll tell you what it's like you seen this fulfilled right before your eyes so I continue saying with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication her wine or his for false doctrines or false teachings all but that doesn't end there because it says in verse 5 and on her forehead a name was written what is her name does this take us back to the idea in Genesis is it the same name so if it's the same name must it be the same character absolutely because the name is an indication of the character so it says on her forehead a name was written Mystery Babylon the Great and then it says the what the mother of harlots oh so now we have another group that is involved how many of you have ever seen a mother that does not have children I've seen women that don't have children but I've never seen the first mother that doesn't have children so let me ask you does this harlot have children or daughters that were born for her from her yes because these are woman harlots according to the context so at some point in her history later on in her history there our children born from her that share many of the same ideas that the mother has kind of like the story of Herodias and salami like mother like what like daughter I'm not going to get into that story that's a prophetic story but anyway you see this union here the great harlot the multitudes the kings of the earth the daughters let me ask you which churches were born from the Roman Catholic papacy but have many of her teachings and practices Protestants that's right and but that's not it that's not it notice there's more it says in once again verse 5 and under for and a name was written Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth and I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus and when I saw her I marveled with great amazement but you know there's another group that the Bible says are going to join with her the merchants of the earth see you have to go to Revelation 18 in our prayer meeting we studied Revelation 18 in detail Louie knows because Louis has been there for practically every prayer meeting but the merchants of the earth in other words the world economy is also going to cooperate with this Babylonian system notice Revelation chapter 18 and verse 3 where we find that it says for all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and listen carefully and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury so what do you have what picture do you have here revelation 17 you have a global system you have an apostate Church the daughters the multitudes the kings of the earth the the Econ those who handle the economy the merchants of the earth all gathering together in a global system against God in Revelation 17 and verse 13 it says that these will be of one mind remember the story of the Tower of Babel these will be of one mind and they will give their power and authority to the Beast do you think God is our watching what's happening with babbling do you think God is attentive to what is taking place is God examining what is taking place oh yes who is going to have the last word our God's people going to be persecuted at the endtime by this system because they don't want to comply they don't want to join the New World Order absolutely but God will have the last word and confusion a Babel and will be the result let's read about it in the seventh plague Revelation chapter 16 verses 17 to 21 Revelation 16 verses 17 to 21 it says then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air in a loud voice came out of the Temple of Heaven from the throne saying it is done and there were noises and thunderings and lightnings and there was a great earthquake such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth now the great city was divided into three parts was their division at the tower Babel yes but you see the dragon the beast and the false prophet were all alike they were all United but when Babylon Falls they're going to what they're going to be divided just like at Babel so it says now the great city was divided into three parts and the cities of the nation's fell and great Babylon was remembered before God to give her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath then every island fled away and the mountains were not found and great hail from heaven fell upon men each hailstone about the weight of a talent and Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail since that plague was exceedingly great Babylon will fall Babylon will be divided and the same sentence that was pronounced at the tower and the city will take place once again not in a literal valley with a literal tower with literal builders in a literal city but with worldwide global system you know today in the world the catch word is globalism let me just share some of the details of this global perspective that is being spoken about let me ask you do we have a one-world when it comes to travel you know I travel mostly by an American Airlines do you know what what their Alliance is called the oneworld alliance interesting you can travel anywhere in the planet and be there on the same day or at least a few hours the next day so world travel has drawn the world together let me ask you is there somewhat of a global language you know you can find software that can translate things instantly in an intelligible manner man has overcome the barrier of language hasn't he how about a one world economy you know it's said that when the United States sneezes the world catches cold well guess what now when the world sneezes the United States also catches cold because there is actually a global economy that is interconnected let me ask you is there a one-world technology there most certainly is we talk about drones and satellites the internet and so on brings the world together you know ice can't cease to be amazed that I can sit at my computer and I can talk by Skype with somebody that is in China it's unbelievable that you could do that I still remember when you had to send Telegraph's at Western Union and you were really economical with the words you know you wouldn't say I will arrive tomorrow at such and say arrive tomorrow 3:00 you know because it was charged by words you say well you've revealed your age well maybe so but the world has changed technology has joined the world together let me ask you do we live in a world of global communication yes Skype email Twitter Facebook cell phones have created had created an environment where the whole world is like a neighborhood do we have a one-world marketplace absolutely these great trade agreements NAFTA CAFTA the trans-pacific which which by the way was signed recently and it includes 40% of the nations of the world joined in this endeavor have we had mega mergers of huge corporations absolutely you know there's only three major airline left in the United States of America Delta United in American Airlines American Airlines just merged with US air and so all of the great corporations are also consolidating and coming together are people talking about the need for religious harmony do you know that shimon peres who was the prime minister of israel suggests that that it would be good to establish a United Nations of religion with the Pope presiding as the head of that religious organization and he is a Jew is the world coming together politically and militarily to face the common enemy radical Islam absolutely in fact when I was in when I was in England you had this attack in San Bernardino and next day in the newspaper it says world powers ally themselves against Isis and for the first time that I can remember the Security Council of the United Nations voted 15 to 0 to all come together in fighting against Isis even Russia and China came on board which is practically unheard of let me ask you is the issue of climate change bringing the whole world together absolutely how about the issue of addressing world poverty the need to save the nucleus of the family absolutely in fact in Paris 193 nations signed this agreement to eradicate poverty and to eradicate the problems of climate change by the year 2030 do we live in a world also that has a one-world philosophy absolutely postmodern thinking there's no absolutes the talking of tolerance political correctness unity and diversity pluralism human rights by the way I believe in human rights but let me say that doing evil is not a human right is that you know the God allows people to choose evil but it's not a human right in the sight of God Ellen White predicted that the whole world would come together in the end time in the book last day events page 136 she stated this the so-called Christian world notice notice the so called the so-called Christian world is to be the theatre of great and decisive actions men in authority will enact laws we're in the Christian world right will enact laws controlling the conscience after the example of the papacy and now notice Babylon will make all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication every nation will be involved is that similar to what we found at the Tower of Babel everybody coming together every nation will be involved these have one mind she's quoting the text from revelation 17 verse 13 there will be a universal union bond of Union one great harmony a confederacy of Satan's forces but folks it is a union based on error it is a union based on human rebellion against God it is a union based on the theory of evolution which Rob's God of his love and his greatness it is a union based on the idea that gay marriage is as acceptable as heterosexual marriage it is a union based on the idea that there needs to be a millennium of peace not in heaven but a millennium of priests where a millennium of peace on earth it is a union that will say that sunday is the day that the whole world needs to keep it will be a union based on error and a union based on error is doomed to fall now let's go back to Ben Carson with whom we began our study you know minority organizations today there are sectarian considered sectarian and critical of the sinfulness of the world will eventually be looked down upon as being divisive as being travelers of the people and they eventually will be proscribed you say that could never happen in the United States of America the land of the free and the home of the brave well there is a beast that has two horns like a lamb but at the same time it will speak like a dragon and that nation represents the United States so what about Ben Carson you know he might not win in this cycle it doesn't look like it but the main point has been established and that is that once the media picks up on the view of endtime events of seventh day evidence they will be considered conspiration ist's to use the word that is used by David corn in his article they will be considered dangerous and divisive Ellen White in the book fundamentals of Christian education page 289 and I read this one last night she says when we reach the standard that the Lord would have us reach worldlings will regard seventh-day adventists as odd singular straight-laced extremists why don't they look at us that way today she says when we reach the standards that the Lord would have us reach that's the reason why and then she says she gives a Bible verse for this we are made a spectacle unto the world and to angels and to men vol 5 of the testimonies page 546 Ellen White I wrote our people have been regarded as too insignificant to be worthy of notice but a change will come the Christian world is now making movements which will necessarily bring commandment-keeping people into prominence that's where David corns a blog comes in as well as a Young Turks the mainstream media has not picked up on it but believe me if Ben Carson was higher higher in the polls eventually the mainstream media would pick up on this view of eschatology as well you know Ellen White wrote something that would appear absurd that would appear never to be able to happen in great controversy page 592 she wrote this very significant statement as Protestant oh let me just start before that those who honor the Bible Sabbath will be denounced as enemies of law and order Wow say can that be true absolutely those one of the Bible Sabbath will be denounced as enemies of law and order as breaking down the moral restraints of society causing anarchy and corruption and calling down the judgments of God upon the earth remember the days of Elijah did that happen in the days of Elijah did the Kings say all you traveler of the people you're the one that has brought this calamity upon us and what did Elijah say look cool off cool off now King that's not what he said he said you and your father's house have brought this upon because you have forsaken the commandments of God and you're worshiping bill the son gone she continues writing their conscientious scruples that is of the of the remnant will be pronounced obstinacy stubbornness and contempt of Authority they will be accused of disaffection toward the government because the government will give Allah Sunday law so if you don't keep the sunday law they'll say oh you're disaffected with the government she continues writing ministers who deny the obligation of the divine law will present from the pulpit the duty of yielding obedience to the civil authorities as ordained of God in legislative halls and Courts of Justice commandment keepers will be misrepresented and condemned a false coloring will be given to their words the worst construction will be put upon their motives and it makes you wonder what david korn will say when these things start happening say wow maybe ben Carson was right she continues writing as the Protestant churches reject the clear scriptural arguments in defense of God's law they will long to silence those whose faith they cannot overthrow by the Bible though they blind their their own eyes to the fact they are now adopting a course which will lead to the persecution of those who conscientiously refuse to do what the rest of the Christian world are doing and acknowledge the claims of the papal Sabbath she finished as the statement by saying the dignitaries of church and state will unite to bribe persuade or compel all classes to honor Sunday the lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments and then she says this political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth is that true today political corruption oh I I don't even need to say anymore she writes political corruption is destroying love of justice and regard for truth and even in free America rulers and legislators in order to secure public favor that means in order to secure votes will yield to the popular demand for a law enforcing Sunday observance Liberty of conscience which has caused so great a sacrifice will no longer be respected in the soon coming conflict we shall see exemplified the prophets words the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ the history of the papacy will be repeated on a global scale that's what prophecy says is going to happen so let me ask you what should God's people be doing while this is happening in the world the whole world is coming together the dragon the beast and the false prophet the multitudes the merchants they're all coming together in this global system they're on the same page what should God's people be doing we should also be coming together right why do you suppose the devil is trying to do everything in its power to divide the seventh-day Adventist Church especially doctrinally it's because he knows that if he can divide God's army and he can unite his he wins but we cannot allow him to do that well he unites his army God's people need to unite on the Lord's side in John 17 verses 14 through 19 we find on what basis God's people are to unite see because it's not just like the world says oh let's just all join together and get along it doesn't matter what religion you are what you believe what you practice you know let's just all agree to disagree let's just ride off into the Sun sunset and sing Kumbaya my lord and we'll all get along we'll be fine no that's not the basis for unity the basis for unity is God's truth here's what Jesus said in John 17 14 through 19 speaking to his father about his disciples I have given them your word what did Jesus get to the disciples the word and the world has hated them because they are not of the world just as I am NOT of the world so when you have the word word is the world going to hate you yes Jesus continued saying I do not pray that you should take them out of the world it's not like we should isolate ourselves from the world but that you should keep them from the evil one they are not of the world just as I am NOT of the world and then he says on what basis God's people are to come together sanctify them by your truth Your Word is truth as you sent me into the world I also have sent them into the world and for their sakes I sanctify myself that they also may be sanctified by what may be sanctified by the truth how important is God's Word how important is truth in the unity of God's people it is indispensable because any building that is built on error will fall you remember the story of the man who built his house upon the rock and the storms came the winds blew the floods came and the house stood because it was built upon the rock but then you have the house that was built on understand by the way that's human tradition because at the end of the parable Jesus says that the multitudes were impressed by his teaching because he taught with authority and not like the scribes in other words he didn't teach on the basis of tradition he taught on the basis of God's Holy Word Ellen White in a Bible echo September 1st 1888 in the heat of the Sunday law crisis back in the 1880s wrote this Christ is leading out a people to stand in perfect unity on the broad platform of eternal truth I love that statement I'm going to read it again Christ is leading out of people to stand in perfect unity on the broad platform of what of eternal truth you know what is in line is going to happen in the United States is really saddening in review and Herald May to 1893 Ellen White explains the people of the United States have been the favorite people would you would we agree with that everybody wants to come to the US you know that's why you have zillions of immigrants wanting to come to this country the people of the United States have been a favorite people but listen now notice but when they restrict religious liberty surrender Protestantism and give countenance to popery the measure of their guilt will be full did the measure of the guilt of the Tower of Babel come to its conclusion yes she says the measure of their Gill will be full and now listen to this and national apostasy will be registered in the books of heaven the result of this apostasy will be national ruin yesterday I talked about I talked about the issue of climate change poverty and family you know those are the three main points that the papacy is emphasizing these days and the Pope has gone on record saying that they're all related to Sunday family for example all you know the family needs one day where they can just don't have to go to work they can go to Mass and they can become spiritually enriched and guess what day that is Sunday and then he says you know in order to solve the problem of poverty all poor people they're so overworked you know the capitalists have made them work so hard so the capitalists need to give them one day where the worker can take off and just kind of unwind and guess what day that is Sunday and then he says climate change you know we need to let the environment of the world rest by the way he's written on this I have quotations in the article I wrote for the newsletter there it's all there I hope that you read that article reflections on the Pope's agenda it's all documented there he says we need to give the environment we need to give the world of nature a rest once a week and guess what day it is Sunday last I knew in Genesis it says that the Sabbath is the day they were supposed to let nature rest because of the day that God rested from all his labors you know in the explanation that is given for climate change you know they say climate change is caused by fossil fuels and it's caused by cutting down forests well that might be involved but that's not the real reason let me read your statement that I read in my last presentation volume 6 of the testimonies page 408 Ellen White wrote the restraining Spirit of God is even now being withdrawn from the world hurricanes storms tempests fire and flood boy she has like she's writing like she's writing today right disasters by sea and land follow each other in quick succession now notice what what the result is what the explanation is by the world of science she says science seeks to explain all these the signs thickening around us telling us of the near approach of the Son of God are attributed to any other than the true cause men cannot discern the central angels restraining the four four winds that they shall not blow until the servants of God are sealed but when God shall bid his angels loose the winds there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture isn't that an amazing statement you know there's a time of trouble coming folks and it is the worst time of trouble in the history of the world we can imagine the worst and it's still going to be worse than what we can imagine and you say well that's depressing I hope the Lord lays me to rest before that you know I hear many evidence say you know I hope the Lord lays me to rest before the time of trouble I'll tell I say I hope the Lord keeps me alive because I want to be part of that movement proclaiming the loud car loud cry of Revelation chapter 18 no matter what persecution and how many problems come I want to have the privilege of uplifting the truth of God so let's not say I hope the Lord lets me to rest in times of peace so then I'll enjoy my cake here and you know and I'll have it I'll have my cake and I'll eat it too now let me finish by reading you the real reason why everything is going to fall apart Isaiah 24 describes the second coming of Jesus in vivid terms you can read in the first six verses verse 5 is a critical verse it gives us three reasons why the world is going to be destroyed and none of them are global warming or climate change none of them are poverty or the disintegration of the family these are all symptoms but there's a disease behind the symptoms notice what it says in Isaiah 24 verse 5 the earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof what is the earth it's what defiled under the inhabitants why is it defiled listen because they have transgressed the laws change the ordinance you know I have a sermon titled changing the ordinance it's connected with Daniel 7:25 he shall think to change times and law let me ask you which were the to ordinance that God established at creation marriage and the Sabbath is there a frontal attack against marriage today yes legalized by the Supreme Court of the United States is Sunday God it is the Sabbath going to be next the devil has softened people up for the next great fight so three reasons because they have transgressed the laws change the ordinance and broken the everlasting covenant three reasons interrelated why the world is going to fall apart but the good news is even though the Bible presents a depressing scenario at the end time and by the way it is a very distressing scenario you know parents will deliver their children to death according to Jesus you know workers will rise against their overlords according to James chapter five the capitalist system will fall apart there will be epidemics and there would be hunger and there will be earthquakes and terrible disasters the Bible says that things are going to get worse and worse and worse and worse and the world will only have one hope and that is that Jesus will come and he will establish a kingdom which shall never be destroyed a kingdom of peace founded upon the truth of God's Holy Word I want to end by reading Isaiah chapter 9 and verses 6 and 7 we usually read verse 6 but we forget to read verse 7 no verse 6 speaks about the incarnation of Christ verse 7 speaks about what the result of his incarnation is going to be because he became incarnate he is going to be able to establish this everlasting Kingdom if he had not come the first time he will not be able to come the second time notice what it says there in Isaiah 9 will be verse 2 and then verses 6 and 7 the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death upon them a light has shined and then comes the famous verse for unto us a child is born and to us a son is given and the government will be upon his shoulder so notice the tense of the verbs for unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government will be future and the government will be upon his shoulder and his name will be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace and now notice verse 7 the consequence of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end upon the throne of David and over his kingdom to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward even forever the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this is that what we're looking forward to folks you know yesterday we were talking about what a world being is a whirling is an individual who is focused on the here and now on their houses on their money on their entertainment on their stocks and bonds their whole focus is the here and now and not the sweet by-and-by God calls upon us to think differently to have our eyes focused upon heaven our eyes focused upon Jesus to keep everything we are and everything we have in perspective you know the little chorus turn your eyes upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and what happens as a result the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace may the Lord bless us and help us to have that perspective let us pray father heaven we thank you for revealing the end from the beginning thank you that even though the end time scenario is depressing it ends with the glorious coming of Jesus on a very positive note we look forward to the day when Jesus will come we're tired of living in this world of sin and sorrow and sickness and suffering and death we want to go home I ask Lord that you will keep us faithful to you in the trying times ahead use us as your instruments to proclaim your message boldly without fear I ask that you will bless all of those who are watching this live streaming those who will watch the DVD and also on YouTube I ask Lord that you will lead them to make a decision to be on your side on the side of your remnant thank you Father for hearing our prayer for we ask it in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Nobby1844
Views: 74,506
Rating: 4.7610388 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Christ, Bible, truth, Protestants, everlasting covenant, Saturday, Sabbath, Sunday law, faith, persecution, end time, evolution, trust, book of Revelation, Genesis, history, Seventh Day Adventist Church, famous, self-salvation, flood, languages, papacy, big bang, radical Islam, Isis, climate change, human right, union, extremists, president John Kennedy apostate, government, prophecy, religious, judge, destroy, judgement
Id: mkgXANOD-fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 44sec (4304 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2015
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