3. Francis the Socialist – Part 1

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with the food and so we want to continue on with the spiritual food here this afternoon and so again elder boy we're really glad to have you with us and would like to start together with prayer if we could father we thank --fill again for this very special weekend and and again we're asking to hear from heaven we want to we want a sense again the nearness of your coming as we see the the prophesies unfolding as never before right before our very eyes and jesus said when you see all these things lift up your head because your Redemption draweth 9 so we're praying for your holy spirit here the remainder this afternoon and and blessed elder boar give him strength and energy and all that he needs and wisdom as he shares and we pray this in Christ's name Amen well here we have the remnant of the remnant [Music] you know there's this area in the country of Venezuela it's actually in northwest Venezuela where it's very desert like in fact they have some sand dunes similar to the ones over in New Mexico white sands national monument it's terribly hot there and there's all kinds of wild donkeys running in the wild you know they every so often you find a dead donkey in the road that a car crashed into but anyway when you get to around noon one o'clock in the afternoon when it's just boiling hot you see these donkeys along the road and they're on their backs and the legs are up looks like they're dead but it's so hot that the just they're you know they're taking a nap and so they call that the hour of the donkey and this is the hour of the donkey it's very difficult after a big meal it's becoming guts a drink I assure you that I will not go to sleep but I I imagine that some will kind of doze off and take a little nap power nap and that's okay I won't point you out promise he he wields a big stick well you know I've told this story before the place where my dad retired he passed away one year ago October and I was a minister for about 43 years in the Adventist Church but every time that I went to visit him they would ask me to preach there at the Adventist Retirement Center and I remember the first time that I preached there the elder that introduced me his his last name is lawless so when I found out that his last name was lawless I got up and I said my dear brother you have a terrible name for an adventist so then I preached my sermon and when I finished my sermon he got up and he says before we have the closing prayer I'd like to say pastor Bohr you have a terrible name for a preacher so he got the last laugh my last name by the way is spelt bo H are not Bo re so anyway alright we've had our prayer the title of our two studies this afternoon is Francis the socialist and now we're going to see how the papacy has morphed into something visibly different than the traditional papacy I'd like to begin by reading a statement that we find in great controversy page 595 great controversy page 595 well-known statement but God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible and the Bible only as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms the opinions of learned men the deductions of science the Creed's or decisions of ecclesiastical councils as numerous and discordant as are the churches which they represent the voice of the majority not one nor all of these should be regarded as evidence for or against any point of religious faith before accepting any doctrine or precinct we should demand a plain thus saith the Lord in its support soil in white states that not the opinions of learned men not the deductions of science not ecclesiastical creeds not ecclesiastical councils not the voice of the majority and I would add not human experience should determine what we believe but only what the Bible teaches now as we examine the story of creation in Genesis it is clear that creation took place in a literal week of seven days and that each day consisted of 24 hours just like the days that we know now how do we know that the days of creation are literal days and you're gonna see where I'm going with this because we're to speak about the papacy in a few moments which is radically different than what we find in the book of Genesis how do we know that the days of creation were literal 24-hour days just like we know today I'm gonna give you 9 reasons reason number one the Hebrew lexicons the word lexicon is a dictionary that defines the meaning of words Hebrew lexicons all agree that the word day in Genesis 1 refers to a literal 24-hour day in other words those who are experts in defining words in Hebrew experts in Hebrew say the word day in Genesis means a literal day so we should listen to the dictionary second in the Old Testament the word day appears with the numeral qualifier around 250 times that is it was the evening morning day 1 day 2 whenever it has a numeral qualifier without exception in the Old Testament always refers to a literal 24-hour day no exceptions third each day had an evening and morning which would be ridiculous to say was the evening in the morning of the first million years the expression evening a morning refers to the setting and the rising of the Sun the expression evening a morning indicates that the days of creation were literal days with an evening and a morning furthermore the Bible uses the language of immediacy quickness when it refers to creation Psalm 33 and verse 9 says God and it was done he commanded and it stood fast those expressions don't allow for something that takes millions or billions of years it has the language of immediacy and quickness four times in the story of creation this is reason number five four times in the creation story there's another expression that indicates that what happened occurred quickly it is the expression and it was so God spoke and it was soul that's found in Genesis 1 verse 7 verse 11 verse 15 and verse 24 the sixth reason the fourth commandment of God's law clearly shows that the days of creation were literal days you say how is that well the fourth commandment says that we are to work six literal 24-hour days and we are to rest on the literal seventh 24-hour day because God worked six days and ceased on the seventh how could we follow God's example of working 6 days and resting on the seventh unless God worked six literal days and rested on the seventh if the days were millions of years long we could not follow God's example are you understanding this so the fourth commandment clearly shows that the days of creation were literal 24-hour days seventh reason the New Testament writers believed that the story of creation in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 occurred literally just as it's written let's start with Jesus in Matthew 19 verses 4 through 6 he says and he answered to them have you not read that he who made them at the beginning made them male and female and said for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh so then they are no longer two but one flesh therefore what God has joined together let not man separate when did God create man and woman was that a process that took millions and millions of years no Jesus said who made them at the beginning so Jesus believed that there was an Adam and Eve and the creation story tells us that they were created the sixth day reason number by the way let me read what Paul also said first Corinthians 15 47 to 49 he says the first man was of the earth made of dust so did the Apostle Paul believe in the original story that Adam was made from the dust of the ground of course the second man is the lord from heaven as was the man of the dust so are also are those who are made of dust that's us and as it is the heavenly man so also are those who are heavenly and as we have borne the image of the man of dust not of monkeys we burned the image of the man of image of the man of dust so shall also we bear the image of the heavenly man so clearly Jesus and Paul believed that the story of creation literally took place reason number 8 Ellen White confirms that the days of creation were literal 24 hour days for Adventists we believe that the spirit of prophecy is true that Illinois was inspired so reason number 8 is that Ellen White clearly states at the days of creation were literal days let me read you just two statements spirit of prophecy Volume one page 85 I was then carried back to the creation she's seen this envision and was shown that the first week in which God performed the work of creation in six days and rested on the seventh day was just like every other week the great God in his days of creation and day of rest measured off the first cycle as a sample for successive weeks till the close of time in another statement testimonies to ministers 135 she wrote when the Lord declares that he made the world in six days and rested on the seventh day he means the day of 24 hours which he has marked off by the rising and setting of the Sun now how can you be more explicit than that once again he means the day of 24 hours which he has marked off by the rising and setting of the Sun recent number 9 is that not only do a varnish we're not the only ones that believe that the days of creation were literal days there are creationist scientists of other denominations who believe the same one of those for example is Henry Morris he was actually the head of the Institute of creation science in San Diego California good friend of Adventists and he wrote the following in his book biblical creationism page 62 the Lord himself had worked 6 days then rested on the seventh setting there by a permanent pattern for the benefit of mankind so God worked six days he rested the seventh as a permanent pattern for us so there are many reasons why we know that the days of creation were literal days do you know that Satan has almost totally won the victory already in establishing Sunday he didn't wait until there was a National Sunday law through the theory of evolution most people in the world today have basically denied the story of creation along with the story of creation the Sabbath because if creation didn't take place in six literal days and God didn't rest the literal seventh day then there's no basis today for observing the Sabbath so Satan has gotten rid of the Sabbath through the theory of evolution which most people today believe with the exception of conservative Christians which are in the minority so devil the devil has discarded the Sabbath even before a Sunday law he has most of the world already in his camp if you please but there are some scientists so-called a handful of them Adventist who try to accommodate the creation story to the discoveries of science discoveries in quotation marks they try to accommodate the biblical story to science so-called Ellen White warned against this in the book education page 128 and 129 she wrote inferences erroneously drawn from facts observed in nature have however led to the supposed conflict between science and revelation so discoveries she says inferences by studying nature have led some to conclude that there's a supposed conflict between science and revelation and now notice what the solution is in the minds of these scientists and in the effort to restore harmony that is between the biblical creation story and the discoveries so-called of science in or in the effort to restore harmony interpretations of Scripture have been adopted that undermined and destroy the force of the Word of God geology has been thought to contradict the literal interpretation of the mosaic record of creation millions of years it is claimed were required for the evolution the earth from chaos in order to accommodate the Bible to this supposed revelation of science the days of creation are assumed to have been vast indefinite periods covering thousands or even millions of years to accommodate the biblical story to science so-called in other words the idea is yeah it says in Genesis days but the day is symbolic of much longer periods of time and then she ends the statement by saying such a conclusion is wholly uncalled for the Bible record is in harmony with itself and with the teaching of nature so no need to accommodate the Bible to scientific discoveries in quotation marks because nature and Scripture are in harmony when properly understood now why do I mention this as we begin this afternoon we're going to dwell now on the Pepa seas view of creation it is a fact that neither john paul ii nor Francis the first believed that the story of creation literally took place as it is written in the book of Genesis both of these very influential popes John Paul the second who was Pope for decades and Francis the first have concluded that the biblical story of creation is a symbolic story that wants to teach us lessons but that creation did not take place as it is recorded in Genesis chapter 1 both have taught that the universe came into existence by a Big Bang and that the world has evolved over the core of billions of years by a process of macro-evolution john-paul in a speech that he gave to the papal Academy of the sciences which was also printed referred to evolution as more than a hypothesis and also said that studies in the various various branches of science have presented a significant argument in favor of the theory I want to read his own words now today John Paul wrote new knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis it is indeed remarkable that this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers following a series of discoveries in various fields of knowledge the convergence of these discoveries neither shot nor fabricated of the results of work that was conducted independently is in itself a significant argument in favor of the theory so evolution is more than a hypothesis and according to him these studies which were conducted independently in the different areas of science microbiology chemistry biology etc present a significant argument in favour of the theory now there was a newspaper writer he actually wrote an interesting article for the Chicago Tribune where he was brutally honest that there's no way that you can really reconcile the biblical story with the scientific assumption and the Pope of course he tries to do both says yeah we accept the story of creation but we are commenting it too long periods of time that science requires see he wants to win over scientists as well here's what this Stephen Swanson wrote about the paper C's view in a major statement of the Roman Catholic Church's position on the theory of evolution pope john paul ii has proclaimed that the theory is more than just a hypothesis and that evolution is compatible with christian faith what does he say what the suppose say that evolution is what compatible with christian faith you can in other words accommodate christian faith to the scientific view of evolution in a written message he continues to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences the Pope said the theory of illusion of evolution has been buttressed by scientific studies and discoveries since Charles Darwin and then he writes this if taken literally the biblical view of the beginning of life and Darwin's scientific view would seem irreconcilable is he right yeah if taken literally the biblical view of the beginning of life and Darwin's scientific view would seem irreconcilable in Genesis the creation of the world and Adam the first human took six days evolutions process of genetic mutation and natural selection the survival and proliferation of the fittest new species has taken billions of years according to the scientists so you say there's no way you can reconcile the biblical story with the theory of evolution and yet the Pope Pope John Paul the second said yeah you can still be a Christian and you can still believe the story of evolution as presented by science so-called now Pope Francis goes even further than John Paul you see he wants to impress the world of academia he knows that if the church stands that the story of creation in Genesis is literal the scientists will be against the Catholic Church and the majority of world leaders as well Pope Francis has made it clear that he believes in the Big Bang Theory basically has nothing to do with a television program by the way the idea is that 13.8 billion years ago when none of us were around there was this little particle or speck in the universe a small singularity or a point and at that point it began to expand or to stretch over the course of 13.8 billion years and the universe that we know today is the result I want to read you what Pope Francis said to the papal Academy of the sciences on October 14 2014 the Big Bang which today we hold to be the origin of the world not us him when he says we he's talking about the papacy the Big Bang which today we hold to be the origin of the world does not contradict the intervention of the Divine creator but rather requires it so I said we can still believe in a divine creator and we can believe in evolution what is he talking about I continue evolution evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve notice God create gave creative in nature the mechanism that would permit evolution he incorporated in nature the capacity to evolve over millions and billions of years so he says evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation because evolution requires the creation of beings that involve that evolve then he wrote he said this and he also wrote it when we read about creation in Genesis we run the risk of imagining God was a magician with a magic wand able to do everything but that is not so it's amazing and then he writes he created human beings and of course originally they were created like a monkey see he created human beings and let them develop she incorporated in the original lower forms he incorporated the mechanism or the capacity to evolve and that since God is involved in the course of millions of years so once again he created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so that they would reach their fulfilment are you understanding what the papal view is notice what the Pope wrote in his encyclical laudato si paragraph 81 he wrote human beings even if we postulate a process of evolution did you catch that human beings even if we postulate a process of evolution also possess a uniqueness which cannot be fully explained by the evolution of other open systems because what the Catholic Church believes is that God did use millions and billions of years for us to get where we are now but at certain critical points God intervened to nudge the process forward so when when you have this well developed monkey god intervened and gave the monkey a soul or the capacity to reason and now you have the precursor of what we are today is that the view that the Bible presents totally not he also wrote in paragraph 66 of his encyclical the creation of count accounts in the book of Genesis contained in their own symbolic the stories and Genesis are what their symbolic not literal the creation accounts in the book of Genesis contained in their own symbolic and narrative language profound teachings about human existence and its historical reality actually the Pope is a pantheist the pantheism try to enter the adventist church at some point in its history yeah it's trying to enter the church now through things like spiritual formation contemplative prayer that's the practice of pantheism the Pope is a pantheist he believes that the universe is evolving and eventually everything will work itself out and you'll have an era of peace and prosperity and everything will go well through the process of evolution I want you to notice three statements by the Pope in his encyclical that shows that he is a pantheist he believes that everything in the world is divine and is moving on to a convergence actually he has the view of a jesuit scientist by the name of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin there's a whole chapter in the book that was written by Malachi Martin the book that's called the Jesuits on this particular scientist Jesuit scientist and his view pantheistic view and of course Frances the first is a Jesuit and he's embraced this view that God is in everything and everything is moving towards converging towards a unity where there'll be peace and harmony in the universe I read from paragraph 92 of his encyclical everything is related and we human beings are united as brothers and sisters on a wonderful pilgrimage woven together by the love of God by the love God has for each of his creatures and which also unites us in fund affection with brother Sun sister moon brother river and Mother Earth earth is not my mother and the moon is not my sister paragraph 233 the universe unfolds in God who fills it completely hence we find a mystical meaning meaning in a leaf in a mountain trail in a dewdrop in a poor person's face the ideal is not only to pass from the exterior to the interior to discover the action of God in the soul now listen but also to discover God in all things is God in all things God is not in all things God created all things he is not in all things paragraph 246 is a prayer with which Pope Francis ends his encyclical and this is part of his prayer all powerful God you are present in the whole universe and in the smallest of your creatures God is not present in everything that's pantheism the word the word pantheism means God and everything God is not in everything God sits on his throne in heaven God is separate from his creation he sustains his creation but he is a person separate from his creation he is not in creation he is not part of creation so what are the devastating implications of the Roman Catholic papal view of creation first of all heterosexual marriage is based on the creation story correct it says in Genesis as well in Matthew 19 verses 4 through 6 therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife but what happens if the story of creation is not literal then heterosexual marriage becomes something of presser and preference because there is no divine foundation that God established at the beginning are you with me what about gender identity how many genders did God create - not 50 it says in Genesis 1:27 male and female he created them how many genders did God create - how many genders do people say that there are today whatever your choice is 50 or 60 different ones there are parents that aren't even not even assigning a gender to their babies because they say let's wait till they reach to a certain age then they can choose their own gender the duality of gender is based on the creation story but if you discard the creation story then you can have more than one gender because there's no divine foundation for dual gender it gets more serious on what is the Sabbath based on a literal creation story we keep the literal seventh day because we believe that it creation there was a literal seventh day what happens with the Sabbath if you believe that the days were long evolutionary periods the Sabbath is gone as the seventh day of rest in Genesis 2 it says the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God according to the Apostle Paul and many characteristics in Genesis God established certain functions for the male and certain functions for the female in the home and in the church but if you reject the creation story then the roles of male and female are interchangeable in other words role distinctions not only gender distinctions but role distinctions within the genders disappear if you don't believe that God established those functions at creation and that the story is literal furthermore the Bible teaches us that after sin the strong must help the weak and the rich must help the poor in fact Pope Francis in his encyclical constantly says that the rich should help the poor the rich should help the poor and the strong should help the weak but his teaching does not square with his scientific theory because the scientific theory of evolution functions on the basis of the survival of the fittest known technically as natural selection the strong survive in the weak disappear the rich thrive and the poor fall into the dust so how can someone like the Pope say I believe in evolution which is based on the a little fetus where the strong wind and the weak loose and then say now well the strong need to help the weak there's a disconnect there even more seriously the papal view destroys a soon expectation of the second coming of Jesus if we're in a process long process evolution how much longer are we gonna have to wait for the process to reach its climax where is there a hope of a soon coming of Jesus with the angels from heaven to destroy the world and cleanse it and make a new heavens and new earth how much how long is it gonna take him to make a new heavens and a new earth another million of years you see if we discard a literal beginning a literal fall literal spiritual Redemption from the fall and a literal second coming what do we have left nothing but the papal view not only totally destroys what God established at creation which is heterosexual marriage two genders distinctive functions for the two generals genders the Sabbath and the idea that the strong should help the weak which goes against the idea of natural selection but this theory Mars the beautiful character of God it is an attack on the omnipotence of God the fact that God is all-powerful does not God have the almighty power to create things instantaneously by speaking them into existence that is his power so limited that he has to use a system of merely and millions of years for things to perfect isn't he powerful enough to speak and have it done it's an attack on the omniscience and the wisdom of God you see the man the mechanism of evolution functions of the basis of a method of trial and error we're through the course of millions of years evolution irons out the glitches in the process does this reflect your picture of God that he uses a method whether there are many blind alleys whether you need to iron out the glitches in the process couldn't God create everything perfect from the start without using a method of trial and error which involves waste suffering and death in the book here I stand page 277 here's the description of evolution evolution presents a bloody ruthless struggle for existence from the very beginning where there is more much waste of living substance in many false starts and blind alleys that sound like a wise and intelligent God not in my mind is this the God who was by the way Jesus Christ the Creator is this the same person who when he fed the 5000 he said pick up all that remains so that nothing is wasted is this the same God that when he fed the four thousand said pick up every bit that is left over so that nothing is weighted would God use a method where there's all kinds of waste and blind alleys and restarts if God is all-wise absolutely not it is also an attack on the love and mercy of God how can a God of love use a method where there's so much suffering and cruelty and pain and death does this sound like the God that cares for the sparrows and dresses the lilies of the field but even more seriously the theory of evolution is an attack on the need for a savior listen carefully if the Genesis account of a perfect Adam and Eve in a perfect Garden is symbolic then the story of the fall must also be symbolic and the result then is that salvation is perfecting through the process of evolution let me read you a statement by a Roman Catholic theologian Karl Smith's Mormon he wrote this very liberal Catholic doesn't believe the creation story but what he says is brutally true the notion of the traditional view of redemption as reconciliation and ransom from the consequences of Adam's fall the notion of the traditional view of redemption as reconciliation and ransom from the consequences of Adam's fall is nonsense for anyone who knows about the evolutionary evolutionary background to human existence in the modern world further salvation cannot mean returning to an original state but must be conceived as perfecting through the process of evolution he catches the picture Frank L Marsh Adventist scientist wrote the following if death and the law of tooth and claw existed long before man and if man evolves through these natural processes then that could not have been a perfect Garden of Eden nor a perfect Adam and Eve nor could there have been a real fall in which man became subject to sin if that is so what is the theological meaning of Jesus incarnation and atonement Paul connects the two forests by one man's disobedience many were made sinners also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous if there was no Garden of Eden with this tree of life what is the future that revelation 20:2 depicts for the redeemed quite a statement you see the Bible presents a chain of events first God created Adam and Eve perfect with no inclination to sin second Adam and Eve ate from a literal tree and literally fell into sin the virus of sin literally passed on to all of Adam and Eve's descendants and because the virus of sin passed on to all of their descendents death came in to all and because there is death we need a redeemer from death now you follow me so you have the entrance of sin deaths and a redeemer from death but what happens if you eliminate a perfect beginning then death is not the consequence of sin so why would we need a redeemer the Bible also teaches that after saving us from the guilt and power of sin God will rapidly create a new heavens and a new earth that's the biblical view totally negated by the theory which the papacy upholds the theory of evolution even where God intervenes at certain critical points in the process so the papacy only wants to win over the socialist powers of the world the nations of the world the majority of them today with the exception of a few capitalist nations but he also wants to win over to the papacy the world of academia he can the papacy cannot do this cannot win over the socialist powers of the world unless the papacy embraces the agenda that the socialist powers have and unless the papacy impressive embraces the theory of evolution whit's the world of science today embraces the whole idea is fitting in with the world of science fitting in with a way of thinking of the globalist socialist nations of the world so now let's talk a little bit about the Jesuit strategy I was tempted to recall this series the Jesuit conspiracy but then I thought well you know everywhere I go almost people ask do you think that maybe there might be infiltrated Jesuits in the Adventist Church I've never met one there might be but I'll tell you the big problem is not that the Catholic Church the papacy has taken individuals and planted them in the Adventist Church the big problem is that we've sent our teachers to non-adventist institutions and they've imbibed many of the ideas there and they brought them back into the church and they've taught our ministers and our ministers embraced those views and then they share them with the church that's where the real problem is not an infiltrated jet but here and an infiltrated Jesuit there but the amazing story that we're going to study now is that the Jesuits have infiltrated their own church there's a Jesuit conspiracy with the Roman Catholic Church they basically taken it over and now I'm going to tell you the fascinating story the rest of the story as we've previously seen in order for the Roman Catholic papacy to recover the power that it lost it needs to fulfill two objectives the first objective is to win the confidence of the globalist socialist powers of the world so they will have confidence of the papacy again because in 1798 and years after the powers of the world did not allow the papacy to use them anymore and second the papacy needs to merge with Protestants they need to win over Protestants and we notice that that's through false charity liberal ideas and unity uncommon points of doctrine so the papal strategy is twofold win over the political leaders of the world the socialist leaders of the world and secondly win over Protestants so that you can have a synthesis of that which previously was intention or identity so let's talk about the founder of the Jesuits his name Ignatius Loyola he founded the Jesuit Order in 1534 with one specific purpose composed of two parts I read from the book the Jesuits by a Jesuit Malachi Martin page 28 he wrote the Jesuits were giants but with one purpose the defence and propagation of papal Authority and papal teaching basically the Jesuits were founded to be obedient to the theology of the papal church and to be obedient to the authority of the Pope and the Jesuits lived up to their calling until the 50s and 60s of last century they defended the papacy the authority of the papal chair and they defended the Orthodox doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church however in the early 60s post-modernism liberalism began eroding the authority of the papal throne and the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 60s from 1962 to 1965 a very important council was celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church a general council council Vatican 2 in this council the authority of the papal chair was diminished and the unchangeable nature of the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church began to be questioned in fact I'd like to read what Malachi Martin wrote by the way he was eyewitness to what happened there he wrote concerning what happened in the aftermath of Vatican Council to the Hurricanes of change had swept through all a different spirit reigned among the delegates these other delegates to the General Conference 31 of the Jesuits the 31 General Assembly of the Jesuits he wrote a very different father General was in charge that's the head of the Jesuits a very different atmosphere filled the Rome of the Pope's and Jesuit ISM had already received a new mold so there was a change in the Jesuits no longer was their agenda to defend papal teaching and to defend the authority of the Pope Vatican 2 their emphasis the catch word for Vatican 2 was the Italian word ad ornamento which means renewal according to conservative Vatican insiders this council was a watershed event in the history of the Roman Catholic Church in fact shortly after the council a new father General was elected a Spaniard by the name of Pedro Arrupe Gandara father general number 27 of the general of the Jesuit Order he was elected in 1965 and during his 18 years that he was Father General of the Jesuit Order the rebellion of the Jesuits against the papacy against their own organization consolidated and intensified they liberalized and change the focus of the Jesuit Order it is an undisputed fact and you can check this out by doing research that in the late 50s and early 60s the Jesuits have been undermining the idea that the Catholic Church dogmas are absolute truths unchangeable and that the definer of doctrine is the Pope you see the Jesuits realized that they were living in an increasingly secular liberal postmodern world and they needed to adapt of the mood of the age to win the support of the world according to Malachi Martin in his book by the way if you can get a copy of the book the Jesuits very interesting book a lot of things we don't agree with but the history that he tells there is really eye-opening and how the Jesuit Order has changed the focus of the Roman Catholic Church according to the book Pope Paul the sixth and Pope John Paul the second and Pope John Paul the first spent many sleepless nights because they were struggling against an out-of-control Jesuit Order in 1987 this was by the way 33 years ago that Malachi Martin wrote this a state of war exists between the papacy and the religious order of the Jesuits what you think that the Jesuits are at war with the Adventist Church yeah that too but we've seen this Jesuit Milla K Martin conservative Jesuit he didn't go along with the new agenda he was distressed by the changes in the jesuit order but he says a state of war exists between the papacy and the religious order of the Jesuits 33 years ago he wrote this the Society of Jesus to give the order its official name listen carefully the war signals the most lethal change to take place within the ranks of the professional Roman clergy over the last thousand years and as with all important events in the Roman Catholic Church it involves the interests the lives and the destiny destinies of ordinary men and women in their Millions so does this did this conservative Jesuit recognize that there had been a shift among the Jesuits in their emphasis and mission absolutely and he was an insider now let's move on to the participative John Paul to the first this story is going to get become more and more interesting as we move along you say John Paul who's that well before there was a John Paul the second there was a John Paul the first he ascended to the throne in 1978 when Pope Paul the sixth died John Paul the first had expressed his misgivings about the liberal and rebellious trends of the Jesuits though he was a conservative Pope and he is actually he had actually promised that he was going to take measures to correct the problem with the Jesuits so according to Malachi Martin the Pope planned to give a hard-hitting speech at the meeting of the general congregation of the Jesuit Order on September 30 1978 so Pope John Paul the 1st was going to give a speech to the Jesuits and he wasn't tell them you shape up and returned to the reason why you were established to defend the theology of the church and to defend the authority of the Pope that was supposed that speech was supposed to be given on September 30 1978 according to Malachi Martin he was going to give this hard-hitting speech and he was going to tell the Jesuits then unless they shaped up he would dissolve the order with the possibility of reestablishing it later on the day before he was to give his speech 33 days into his pontificate he was found dead in his bed and no autopsy was performed hmm makes you wonder what's going on uh so when John Paul the first died the Conclave do you know what Conclave means Conclave II it means under key because they're shut in the Sistine Chapel by lock and key until the elected Pope so the Conclave met and elected Karol whitey 'la whom we know as john paul ii john paul ii was a tradition journalist conservative Pope an extremely anti-communist because he was from Poland which was part of the Eastern black and you know he struggled with this Solidarity movement in Poland John Paul believed in the absolute authority of the Pope and he believed in the dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church but the Jesuits didn't on page 28 of his book the Jesuits Malachi Martin wrote the contradiction between John Paul's polish model and the liberation model ardently advocated ardently and openly by the Jesuits in Latin America could not have been more stark or bold-faced Thoris as a radical difference between the Pope's model as he fought against communism in Poland and what the Jesuits wanted to establish in Central America at the same time John Paul the second and his successor benedict xvi were Pope's of a dying breed they staunchly defended papal Authority and the dogmas or doctrines of the church during their conservative pontificates by the way benedict was the head of what was actually known as the Inquisition which today is called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith there in the period of these two popes the papal talking points were marriage between a man and a woman against euthanasia against abortion against LGBT against those who were attacking papal authority and those who were trying to change the teachings of the church those were their talking points in fact both John Paul the second and Benedict the 16th dismissed several theologians from their teaching posts for teaching doctrines contrary to the traditional doctrines of the church the probably the most famous was an individual called Hans Kuhn he was a theology teacher at the University of Tuebingen in Europe so in other words there was war between John Paul the second and the Jesuits within the Roman Catholic Church the Pope was anti-communist and the Pope was in favor of papal Authority and the doctrines of the church the Jesuits wanted to change everything now the talking points of Pope John Paul the second and Benedict the sixteenth were not liked by the global political leaders because the United Nations is in favor of abortion the United Nations is in favor of euthanasia it's in favor of gay marriage the socialist powers of the world are in favor of what these conservative popes were against so there needed to be a change of talking points because the secular media and the United Nations frowned on the topics of discussion of these conservative popes the progressive mood of the day of inclusiveness pluralism political correctness and postmodern thinking required a change in talking points but these two conservative Pope's stood in the way now I want us to consider for just a few moments communism as it attempted to take over Central America those of you who are my age remember the issue of the contrasts in Central America where communism you know was began to thrive in Nicaragua El Salvador looked like communism was going to take over in our very own neighborhood john paul ii was not only a conservative pope but he was a deadly enemy of communism and he fought tooth and nail against the communist bloc in what was known as the soviet union so at this point there was no synthesis with these conservative popes there was no synthesis between the papacy and socialism but it's what the Jesuits wanted are you understanding what I'm saying at the same time in the United States Ronald Reagan was allied with john paul ii to attack communism in fact on Time magazine there appeared an article there was a picture of the Pope and Ronald Reagan shaking hands and the title was the holy Alliance you see at this time there were problems in Central America in the 1970s communism was trying to take over in a very old neighborhood the insurgent Jesuits this is something that many people don't know the insurgent Jesuits were really the source of the problem Jesuit bishops in Central America were not only Roman Catholics they were communists in the decade of the 1980s the problems intensified with what is known as liberation theology it's a Christian version of Marxism or communism pope john paul ii made a visit to nicaragua and he was treated with disdain and disrespect by the jesuit priest and by the populace it's interesting that these Jesuits in Central America that wanted to bring in communism there were Catholics but they were also Marxists they used the traditional language of the Roman Catholic Church but they gave that language a totally new meaning let me just read you this statement from once again Malachi Martin a Vatican insider this is page 57 of his book liberation theology which is the Christian version of Marxism liberation theology was the perfect blueprint for the Sandinistas those were the Communists that want to bring in communism Liberation Theology incorporated the very aim of Marxism Leninism it presumed the classic Marxist struggle of the classes to be free from all capitalist domination above all the Marxist baby was at last wrapped in the very swaddling clothes of ancient Catholic terminology in other words the the that Marxist baby was wrapped in Roman Catholic terminology and so now I want to read how theological meaning the theological meaning of words was changed by the Jesuits the historical Jesus for example became an armed revolutionary the mystical Christ became all the oppressed people collectively Mary the Virgin became the mother of all revolutionary heroes the Eucharist what we call the Lord's Supper became the bread freely made by the liberated workers hell became the capitalist system the American president leader of the greatest capital capitalist country in the world became the Great Satan these are the Jesuits say this contrary to what the traditional Pope or papacy believed heaven became the earthly paradise of workers from which capitalism is abolished justice became the uprooting of capitalist games which would be returned to the people to the mystical body of Christ the Democratic socialists of Nicaragua are you seeing what's happening here what are the Jesuits doing they're moving away from doctrine they're moving away from the authority of the Pope they're saying let's not discuss so much doctrine or the authority of the Pope we need a new focus we need to win over the socialist communist nations of the world and we're not gonna do it with the traditional talking points because that's not what the globalist powers want to hear so Malachi Martin wrote this book the Jesuits you know I had this book for years in my library just kind of sat there then about six months ago you know I was looking through my books app most of them in boxes now because they don't have any place to put them but I was looking through the books that I haven't on my bookcases and I saw this when the Jesuits I never read it hmm I think I'll give it a whirl it's a big book probably about 500 pages so I started reading it as I said what was this written so I looked 1987 said no wait a minute everything he said in 1987 is happening now not that he was a prophet but that he he's a staunch Roman Catholic and the Roman Catholic Church has been around for 1500 years and they can read what's going to happen by the law of cause and effect cuz they've seen it happen before so he wrote this book and in this book he was aghast this Jesuit Malachi Martin was totally distressed by the new focus of the Jesuits of the old order that he belonged to effect eventually he resigned from the Jesuit order he was so disgusted and in the book he documents in my new detail the shift of the Jesuits to totally transform and change the Roman Catholic Church's talking points now let's talk about Pope Benedict's retirement most people believe that benedict xvi retired from the papal throne because of the sexual abuse scandal of children so the Roman Catholic Church wanted to get rid of him because he was involved in the scandal they wanted to start afresh however that were not the real reason in order to carry forward the agenda the new agenda of the Jesuits they needed a liberal Pope there would not focus on the orthodoxy of church dogmas or the authority of the Pope but someone who would please the politicians of the world and will make it easier for Protestants to join the papacy because Benedict had said there is 'fuck --it that the Protestant churches are not true churches well that went over like a lead balloon among Protestants it was necessary to have a pope that would implement the new agenda of the Jesuits Benedict did not resign of his own free will the papal talking points needed to change and as long as Benedict was there the talking points were not going to change it's interesting Malachi Martin wrote this on page 17 of his book though the movement of the Socialists has been global since its inception it was above all in Latin America that the strange alliance between Jesuits and Marxists gathered its first practical momentum it was there in Amerika that this new Jesuit mission entailing as it does nothing less than the transformation of the socio-political face of the West so what is the purpose of the Jesuits to change the transformation of the social political face of the West eliminate this idea that a nation needs to look out for itself internationalism globalism everyone working together he continued writing in other Central American countries meanwhile listen carefully Jesuits not only participated in guerrilla training of Marxist cadres but some of the Jesuits became guerrilla fighters themselves regarding the Jesuit war against Church dogmas Martin wrote this there is not one major dogma or one Capital moral law of Roman Catholicism that has not been challenged both challenged and denied by individual Jesuits once again there is not one major dogma we call them doctrines or one Capital moral law of Roman Catholicism that has not been both challenged and denied by individual Jesuits beginning with Jesuits of the highest rank and the most honoured stature one of the great theologians of the twentieth century in Roman Catholicism was Karl Rahner considered probably the greatest Roman Catholic scholar of the 20th century notice what he wrote Jesuit he's a Jesuit he wrote to achieve Christian unity this is Martyn write about what he what Caruana believed to achieve Christian unity he said it was necessary to drop all insistence on papal infallibility as a Dogma drop the idea of the Pope is infallible and to drop insistence as well and all other doctrines about the Roman pontiff in Roman Catholicism that had been defined and proposed by Pope's since the fourth century get rid of what get rid of papal infallibility the authority of the papal chair get rid of the doctrines don't emphasize them why because if the papacy emphasizes those there's no unity with the rulers of the world or with Protestantism for that matter now our time is up don't miss the next segment basically as I'm going to talk about the first Jesuit Pope and I'm going to talk to you about who the father general of the Jesuits is today see this this is a spider web where each part is joined together with the other part what Malachi Martin wrote 33 years ago he's transforming transpiring right before our eyes so at this time I think we're going to have a Q&A for about a half an hour and then we will continue with the next segment you can be thankful that I don't charge my services on Sabbath just kidding I believe we're gonna have two or three mics if we're gonna have the stands like we talked about because we wanted to have them come to where we were rather than running mics all over the sanctuary so raise your hand I guess they've changed that plan so raise your hand if you have a question and we'll get a mic to you I know you say it's an order but I guess I don't get the concept of it is it's it's a philosophy and somebody says yeah I think I believe that let me sign on or I mean do I mean I just guess I don't understand why ton Durst and what it is so so mainly is it more educators more more so than that others well there are different schools within the Roman Catholic Church you have the Augustinians you have the Dominicans these are religious orders within the Roman Catholic Church you have the Jesuits you have different orders or we would call them different clubs in the Roman Catholic Church and of course the most dangerous of those are the Jesuits because they're the oldest and they have the most experience and they're the ones that are driving the change in the Roman Catholic Church so so they are it's hard to to describe other than say that the Roman Catholic Church is composed of many different clubs and individuals decide to join join those clubs and so the Jesuits are an order of the Roman Catholic Church but for instance if you have the Cardinals do they all belong to one of these clubs are there some that are just now I don't want to belong no no the Cardinals belong to two different orders in the Catholic Church the Cardinals are not all Jesuits but the Cardinals in the great majority today are liberals theologically liberal and liberal in terms of the organization of the Catholic Church the Jesuits have had great influence even on the other groups within the Roman Catholic Church Buster boy I've always read considering the Jesuits that they were in in many ways connected with the counter-reformation and that was one of the reasons for their origin could you talk a little bit about that connection the main reason reason for the establishment of the Jesuit Order was to counteract the Protestant Reformation process and Reformation began you know the date that is usually given is 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the cathedral door in Wittenberg and Loyola established the Jesuit Order in 1534 so you can tell very close afterwards and the explicit purpose of the jesuit order was to counteract the growing protestant Menace fact you can still you can go to to st. Petersburg it Basilica in Rome and there's a statue of Loyola and he's trampling on the head of a Protestant I've seen that personally so though so basically the idea of the Jesuits is to eliminate Protestantism and you know you read what I'm gonna read a statement by Ellen White a little bit later where she says but basically they infiltrate the educational systems the government's the medical world the scientific world all over the world to leaven the world so that the world will go along with their philosophy so yes it was established directly to counteract the Protestant Reformation so you were talking about the fact that a disbelief in the literal creation account in evolution was one of the things that attacked was a need for a savior you went through a series of logical steps as to how that happened so if that's the case and if the papacy is now coming out and saying we believe in evolution which is obviously what they're doing what reasons do they give for needing a savior or is it just political expediency to keep on track with their agenda okay that's a very good question and let me let me answer this way the Roman Catholic Church by its religion deceives the people and by at state aspect deceives the political leaders so the ceremonies of the Roman Catholic Church are to captivate the multitudes into leading them to believe that these religious leaders believe you know the G that they're sinners and the Jesus died on the cross for them and so on they don't believe it personally okay that aspect is to deceive the masses and they've got a pretty well DC the idea for example you're supposed to pray to Mary for favors and so on these liberals they don't believe in that but they they talk the talk because that's what they want the people to believe to be loyal to the church on the other hand the state aspect of the Vatican is to be able to have relations with the governors governments of the world to influence them to do what the Roman Catholic Church wants it is a high the Roman Catholic Church is a hybrid it's a union of church and state which is very dangerous that deceives both groups by say by her being a state in this church I believe in there in the depths of their hearts they're atheists but they would never say it because if they said they were atheists what would happen with the populace but what is this all about they're saying that they're atheist come on what is the reason for all the ceremonies and all the teachings and all the prayers to Mary if there's no such thing as a God so they have to they have to provide a facade by the way let me just share this interesting testimony for you this coming Thursday I'm going to be traveling to Spain I'll be speaking at a church there on the Book of Daniel for the last six months or so I've been corresponding with a Roman Catholic priest and some of you probably received our fundraising letter in your mailboxes if you're on our mailing list and this this priest I has been strongly impacted by the Adventist message he's been watching on YouTube he's been watching Walter fight he's been watching bachelor in the last couple two or three months he's been watching the materials for secrets unsealed so he wrote an email he says I believe in little Ellen White is God's prophet for the last days I believe that the dead are dead I believe that the Sabbath is the day that we're supposed to keep as the day of rest he says I believe in the 1880 message and I know what the Roman Catholic Church is trying to do by introducing spiritual formation and contemporary prayer I mean this guy knows more about adventism than the Adventist Church and and he has requested baptism so one of the reasons I'm going is a week from this coming Thursday we're gonna be baptizing this Roman Catholic priest there in Spain so not only are the laity watching the the programming the conservative Adventist programming but also people intelligent people I mean I'm not saying that people that haven't studied they're not intelligent they have a practical intelligence of people who who are you know who have studied and have advanced degrees you know they're starting to come to the conclusion that you know where they're at is not the right place that they need to look for something that's better there's another individual that I told this story also in our in our latest fundraising letter there's this individual in Colombia who also watched our programming and he contacted the pastor of the seventh-day Adventist Church studied our message became an Adventist very well-to-do individual you know very well financially and he has requested that I go back to a city on the border between Colombia and Ecuador he says I'm going to rent the most luxurious hall in the city pay all of your expenses and I want you to present a series mainly for the upper class the higher class people and so later on this year I'm going to be traveling to Colombia to do that this is an individual who basically handles millions of dollars and has embraced the Adventist message and so so not only among the common people but also among those who are highly educated there is a great interest on the basis of what they see happening in the world and that's the reason we exist that secrets unsealed we only exist for one reason that is to proliferate the message the present day messy present truth message of the Adventist Church that's the reason for our existence yes how do the Freemasons fit into all this well the Freemasons are also a secret society just like the Opus Dei and the Jesuits I've heard that the Jesuits and the Freemasons do not like each other much so I don't know exactly because they're secret societies we don't know exactly what links really exist between them and how they consider one another other than the rumors that you hear but Ellen White does warn us totally against all secret societies she says we should not join secret societies and you know some people make it a point to say that Ellen where Ellen White is buried there's an obelisk and an obelisk is a freemason symbol and so they say that Ellen White was a freemason because there's an obelisk at her Sepulchre well folks Ellen White has many places in her writings where she condemns the Freemasons by name furthermore in the cemetery where she's buried Oak Hill Cemetery in Bella Creek there are bunches of monuments that are obelisks of people that were never Freemasons simply an obelisk was the popular thing to put on a gravesite at that time has no connection with secret societies so I wish I had a better answer but because they're secret societies we don't know all of the inner workings that they have one with another any other questions okay it sounds like from your description John Paul 1 and John Paul - were kind of cut from the same cloth I'm wondering why was one put out of the way after 33 days in the other one was pulled for I think 23 years because I think that the Jesuits during the pontificate of john paul ii still did not have a complete and strong foothold in the roman catholic papacy i think it's a process that took time and you know benedict was there for several years in the Jesuits had gained enough power at that point enough adherents to really exercise their clout in electing get getting him to retire and to elect a Jesuit Pope and by the way even though benedict xvi promised that he was going to go into the shadows and he would not be seen anymore recently i'm going to share this in a few moments benedict xvi is at war with francis the first on the issue of celibacy because you know the the present Pope has shown himself open to the possibility of the bishops in Amazonia that isn't the Amazon to be married because they can't find enough male priests so you know the fact is that they did not have their full strength at that point but eventually they had enough strength where they said let's just get rid of this Pope forced him to retire and elect a pope more to our liking yes and of course I heard that the Jesuits priests got pretty much have followed everybody in the world specially in America is that true the Jesuit priests what they have a record a foul-up pretty much on everybody in America is that true a record or five well I've never seen it but maybe maybe they do you know I don't know you know the bottom line is that we don't know all the inner workings of the Jesuits by but but by what we're seeing we can know what the general direction of what they want is we can see what they're working towards they are a secret society so a lot of the things that are going on we don't know like people who say well the Adventist Church is infiltrated by Jesuits that the Catholic Church has has planted Jesuits in the Adventist Church well who are they you know we don't know so let's not obsess about well is this lineage us maybe that's when the Jesuit they're I'm more concerned about what they're teaching then trying to discover if they're Jesuit that's been planted by the Roman Catholic Church in the Adventist Church we can get caught up so much in conspiracy theories that we lose our focus and by the way when I'm sharing with you it's not a conspiracy theory it's all very well documented with the sources that I mentioned as well as many other sources that I'll be sharing when when I published the newsletter articles there'll be at least two successive articles on this particular point and Francis I've heard that they're they're called the white Pope is there a black Pope and is the black Pope a military arm of Jesuits okay good question the white the black Pope is called black because he dresses in black he wears a black robe the white Pope puts on a white robe so it has to do with what they're clothed with but the real powerful individual in the Catholic Church is the black Pope which is the father General of the Jesuit Order and I'll be talking a little bit about the present father General of the Jesuit Order in our second session this afternoon very interesting he's obviously a Jesuit but can you guess what country he's from Venezuela interesting we'll come to that a little bit later on and now we're going to tell you what what our doodle salsa Abascal which is the name of this new father general I'm going to show you being a Jesuit that he has this very idea that doctrine we can't really know what we're supposed to believe in terms of doctrine that doctrine is not set in concrete and is not unchangeable but it changes with the times I'm gonna read you statements from him where you know he's and what that what does he said about the in Venezuela where you have hundreds of political prisoners that are being tortured in prison people who are starving to death eating from the garbage what does he say well there needs to be a dialogue between the communists or the the leaders and the opposition just dialogue but he condemns nothing of what's going on which is very interesting because he's a communist and the government of Venezuela is communist so birds of a feather flock together okay any other question where are we over here Jesuit vice president do you know much about the background of vice-president pence any any association I'm not sure that pants is a Jesuit may be educated but I think that he's a Protestant I think I don't think he's a Jesuit I think he said yeah I know he's not a Jesuit president Trump is a presbyterian quotation marks [Laughter] but most of the influential people that he has surrounded himself are Catholics including Barr the Attorney General and CE Polonia who is going to be defending him in the impeachment trial in the Senate he is also Roman Catholic and most of the media has been taken over by Roman Catholics as well and there by the way there are two branches in the media also there's a conservative branch and a liberal bench the conservative branch is Fox News the liberal branch is what President Trump refers to as fake news and so and by the way most of the most of the commentators in both wings are Roman Catholics but the Roman Catholics at Fox knows they're at odds with the Pope almost on everything because they're on the conservative side which is in the minority in the Catholic Church there is a minority of probably 25 or 20 to 25 percent of Roman Catholic that Catholics that despise Francis the first in fact when we were in Philadelphia there was a group of conservative Catholics that were that were going from person to person to sign a petition for Pope Francis to outlaw abortion and I got to talk to some of them they said this Pope he he is the Antichrist in the Roman Catholic Church one of them told me because we can't recognize our church kind of sounds familiar doesn't it you know what's happening in the Catholic Church is happening in the Adventist Church is happening in the political world because the church is a reflection of society unfortunately instead of transforming society the church reflects society that's sad okay yes with evolution death is a requirement you can't evolve without death and no matter how you spin or twist or turn or spiritualize in creation death is not part of it so how do you how do how do you as a person who believes in creation in evolution deal with the aspect of death that's one of the big dilemmas that they face because the Bible says that death is a result of sin and because of death which is the result of sin you need somebody to save you from death which is the Redeemer but as there was death long before sin the link between sin and death is broken because evolution doesn't function on the basis well you're going to get a redeemer from death no what happens is through evolution eventually death will be overcome by the process of evolution so it's something that they are not able to answer the break between the idea of sin death and therefore the need of redemption they're irreconcilable like that newspaper article said they can't you can't reconcile him it's impossible in the presentation that removing the literal meaning of the creation week opens the door to interpretation of multiple things like care or sexual marriage and of course the identity crisis issues both in Canada the United States and around the world I guess my question is to prompt number one what's your insight into the just shortly of course into the factors that can influence the US Supreme Court to legalized gay marriage and number two is there something like intellectual suicide going on on the American colleges universities campuses because of the embracing the LGBT ideology and can you just give us a little bit of insight in those two issues because they are related to the interpretation the first week of creation in a way right our public universities have been over totally overtaken by liberalism in other words in favor of LGBT in favor of communism and socialism in favor of LGBTQ etc so basically a whole young generation is rising in the United States that has only the view they don't know anything about the founding of the United States the principles upon which this nation was established and therefore they they've been given the idea that this country is bad that the system of capitalism is banned and that the principles upon which this nation was built are bad and and so it's like trying to catch the wind it's an impossible situation as long as the universities are teaching this many of the teachers are Marxists they're socialists you know you take for example you know Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren there they are you know the professor religion but they're really communists in their outlook because what happens is socialism basically if you want a contrast between socialism and capitalism socialism believes that the government should do everything capitalism believes that individuals should be the builders of society and so you know this idea well we're going to give free education and we're going to give free healthcare and we're going to give free this and free that $1,000 a month to everybody and so on you know if I was a young person I'd say hallelujah now I have a thousand dollars to spend but they don't realize that what's gonna happen it's gonna lead the country to go broke I mean Medicare for all just look at the price tag and maybe that's that's the entire purpose there's a purpose behind this and that is to take the United States to the point where it's bankrupt because that way the system can change so we live in perilous times what was the other point okay when when the Supreme Court approved gay marriage two of the justices that we have now we're not there Cavanaugh was not there and Gorsuch they were not members of the court basically the court was a four to four with a swing vote which leaned liberal so I believe that that's the reason why gay marriage was a was approved as constitutional I'm not so sure that that would happen now we live in dangerous times when it comes to the Supreme Court because right now this is supposedly a Protestant country but right now we have five justices that are Roman Catholics one who grew up Catholic Gorsuch he grew up Catholics and he attends the best Episcopalian Church and we have three Jews there are no Protestants on the Supreme Court now what happens if judge Ginsburg should pass away she's been sick with pancreatic cancer what happens if she passes away and we have an election of a seventh leaning Roman Catholic it's a scary thought the most powerful branch of government is the judicial branch you know we have three branches of government the United States we have the executive the legislative and the judicial the judicial is primary the Supreme Court which is the most powerful of the three to Supreme Court why because Congress can write a law but if somebody contests a constitutionality and the court says that the law that Congress wrote is unconstitutional the law does not become law or the law is overturned so let me ask you what a National Sunday law beyond Constitution clearly unconstitutional Congress shall make no law establishing religion or forbidding the free exercise thereof would establishing Sunday as a national day of worship be establishing religion any thinking person the world would say yes let me ask you this what if the Supreme Court should declare constitutional what is unconstitutional that's what's going to happen no ii necessarily be an amendment there might be an amendment to the Constitution but there's really no need for an amendment because the Supreme Court can say that Sunday laws are constitutional even though we know that they're not constitutional that's the reason why the Beast of Revelation 13 it says that it has two horns like a lamb which it professes civil and religious liberty but it speaks like a dragon in other words what's going to happen is the supreme the law the semi law is going to be drawn up by Congress and I you know the United States is not going to get rid of the idea of civil and religious liberty but in its actions it is going to contradict its profession of standing for civil and religious liberty so would anti Sabbath laws be unconstitutional too although it says that that's not only going to be a National Sunday law there's going to be anti sabbath-keeping laws would that be unconstitutional yes because the Constitution says nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof which means that you can keep the Sabbath if you want so a Sunday law would be established in religion and anti Sabbath law would be forbidding the free exercise of religion and what's going to happen is the Supreme Court is going to declare that both of those laws are constitutional even though we know that they're unconstitutional that's the reason why this beast has two horns like a lamb speaks like a dragon it contradicts in its speech what it professes to be one more over here I think and then we need to be heading into a break if you want to give him a break before he has to speak for the rest of the afternoon yeah give me a break this is this is more of a practical question many many of us are visiting this church today but we are scattered about throughout the region and this is you talk a lot about earlier about some of the challenges with our universities and university ministers being trained elsewhere outside of our our seminaries and then coming back what practical advice can you give anyone here today that recognizes that perhaps the minister that stands in the pulpit with with a traditional love for the church yet you're hearing things that are contrary to what we've always believed what would you recommend as practical advice for those members I would recommend what Jesus recommended first go and speak with that person individually if they don't listen to you take it to the elders of the church if they don't listen to the elders of the church take it to the church board and if the church board doesn't listen then you've done your work and there's nothing more to do we need to follow the process of going to the person first and talking to them individually in trying to win that brother or sister to the biblical view but we are living in very perilous times folks all kinds of winds of doctrine are attempting to enter the Adventist Church and we need to know what we believe and why we believe it we need to be firmly grounded on present truths and and so it's vitally important for us to study to know what we believe to share it and to speak up when we see our church deviating from the truth one of the reasons why we have problems in the church is because there people say well I know that that's wrong but I don't want to make waves I don't want to cause a conflict in the church some people stay quiet we need to speak up be nice you know be be nice be courteous don't be mean because conservatives are our considered mean and many times conservatives are mean in the way that they come across so we need to be kind and loving but we need to be firm when it comes to the message that God has given our church we need more Bible study and more witnessing for two we need to be considered of our time of letting him get little rest so we got one more question and we've listened if we can be quick so we can read a book that got from the library a while back called in the closet of the Vatican and the subtitle was power homosexuality and hypocrisy it's written by a man named Frederick Martell who is apparently an investigative journalist and he spent four years travelling through Europe and spent a great deal of time at the Vatican and gained dinners gained entrance to the inner sanctum of the Vatican and was able to get a lot of people to talk and he learned that they feel that probably 75 percent of the priests especially in the upper echelon of the church are gay but of course the you know what what's preached by those people is very homophobic and and they you know they're very anti LGBT and I just wondered you know how that plays into the tack the Jesuits are taking and and and I think it it also I mean according to this author had something to do with Benedict the sixteenth resignation - oh absolutely a benedict was too conservative for the catholic church for for what the Jesuits were trying to do yeah they were mostly it was mostly John Paul the second and Benedict that the book addressed yeah absolutely so it's another evidence of what I'm sharing here that that's what's happening in the Roman Catholic Church by the way I'm going to share with you some quote very interesting quotations in one of the trips that Pope Francis the first took he did a news conference on the plane somebody asked him what he thought about marriage between a man and a man and a woman and a woman he says who am I to judge that tells everything of what he believes concerning gay marriage he's in favor of gay marriage he is in favor of women priests he doesn't openly say it because there would be a revolution by the Conservatives but he firmly in his heart believes in a non celibate priesthood and he believes in the ordination of women priests as well he is a Jesuit of the most radical kind socialist wanted to he's made a queue medical trips he's made trips to Buddhist missions Hindu Nations Muslim nations Christian nations Catholic nations and is constantly saying we all need to come together lay aside our differences and come together that is the new Jesuit model see the way they used to be defend church doctrine defend the authority of the Pope no way to win over the rulers of the world or the scientists teaching creation hello or since when you say we got the truth what Protestants gonna want to unite with him nobody but if you can make the Roman Catholic Church palatable to all these groups everything can synthesize you
Channel: lexingtonsdachurch
Views: 18,303
Rating: 4.8235292 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, christian, bible, truth, adventist, sda, seventh day adventist, church, sabbath, sermon, lexington, kentucky, stephen bohr, end-times, bible prophecy, little horn, 666, mark of the beast, daniel, revelation, catholic, papacy, pope, vatican, jesuits, 2020
Id: XSE9Gmdn2-E
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Length: 113min 5sec (6785 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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