"Remember Lot’s Wife" Pastor Stephen Bohr October 19, 2018

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I just want to tell you a little story my father just passed away just a few weeks ago in Edmond Oklahoma he was 95 years old he served about 43 years in the seventh-day Adventist Church in different capacities and I would go and visit him two or three times a year when I was on another trip I would take two or three days to go visit him he was in a retirement community seventh-day Adventist and he would always require me to preach there to the people in the community I never was able to go and just kind of hang out with him he always had me preach I remember the first time that that I preached there the head elder of the church introduced me and I asked my dad I said what's what's this man's name and he said this is brother lawless brother lawless and so I thought to myself I'm going on I'm going to just say something interesting at the end of my sermon so I said you know it's it's very a real pleasure to be here at this place preaching for the first time and you know sir I would like you to know that you have a terrible name for a seventh-day Adventist lawless well a couple of minutes later when he was going to have his prayer was thanking me for being there he looked at me and he said oh by the way you have a terrible name for a preacher so I hope that this weekend I will not bore you to death let's begin our study at Luke 17 Luke 17 verses 28 through 30 and we're going to read a lot of verses in our study this evening as well as in all of our other presentations here it says likewise as it was also in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed we have in these verses what we call typology in other words what happened back then becomes a symbol or an example or an illustration of a greater event in the future what Jesus is saying here is that as things occurred back then in the days of lot with sodom and gomorrah something similar is going to happen on a global scale at the end of time this is what is called typology in other words what happened in sodom and gomorrah was the type and what will happen at the end is the anti-type now we can never understand the final fulfillment unless we understand what occurred in the first place so we're going to dedicate some time to study about what occurred in Sodom and Gomorrah slightly before the cities were destroyed and at their destruction let's read Genesis chapter 13 and verse 10 Genesis 13 verse 10 this describes what that region looked like before the destruction of the cities of the plain it was an incredible place probably close to as beautiful as this area here it says there and lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan then it was well watered everywhere before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah like the Garden of the Lord what is the Garden of the Lord the Garden of Eden like the garden of the Lord like the land of Egypt as you go towards ZOA so that region where the cities were located at that time was well watered very fertile it looked like the Garden of Eden is what Moses is writing in the book of Genesis however in spite of the beautiful scenery and the fertility of the area the people who lived in the cities of the plain were great sinners in the sight of God notice Genesis chapter 13 and verse 13 there we find a description of the moral condition of these cities that lived that were in this beautiful place it says there but the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord so it wasn't enough to say that they were wicked you have also they were sinful exceedingly so you can see that these cities were extremely wicked in spite of the fact that they lived in an area that was greatly blessed by the Lord now as we read the story of Scripture we discover that there were three main sins that characterized the cities of the plain the first was sexual perversion we get the word sodomy from Sodom we say that that individual was sodomized well that tells you what kind of people lived in those cities the story tells us that the last evening before the cities were destroyed all of the men young and old of the city gathered around Lots house they said to lot send those two men out to us they were not men they were angels they said because we want to know them in other words the inhabitants of the city wanted to have homosexual relationships with the Angels that was the condition that the cities were found in the cities were also characterized by violence not only sexual perversion but by violence we're told in Genesis 19 and verse 9 that they wanted to break down the door of Lots house so that they could lay hands and do violence to the two guests that lot had in his house they didn't think twice about murdering individuals who were not in favor of their agenda the third sin that the Bible mentions is a crass materialism they live for the here and now they weren't thinking about the future they weren't thinking about the needy they were thinking about accumulating for themselves in Ezekiel chapter 16 verses 48 and 49 God is speaking about his people but he's comparing his people of that time with Sodom and Gomorrah let's read those verses in Ezekiel 16 verses 48 and 49 as I live says the Lord God neither your sister Sodom nor her daughters have done as you and your daughters have done look this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom she and her daughter had pride fullness of food and abundance of idleness and notice what the result was neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy crass materialism violence sexual perversion in fact the cities were in such a terrible condition that if you read Jude verses 10 to 13 you'll find that the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah are compared with three individuals from the Old Testament three notorious wicked people Cain Balaam and Korah so you study the the stories of Cain and the story of Balaam and Korah and that's the way the people were in the cities of the plain so God looked upon the cities and he did an investigation of the cities and he said I am going to destroy the cities but before God destroyed the cities god never destroys without first giving a message of warning calling people to repentance and so now before the cities are destroyed God sends three men to visit Abraham who lived in the hills above the cities let's read Genesis chapter 18 verses 1 to 3 this is before the cities were destroyed it says there in Genesis 18 verse 1 then the Lord appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamre as he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day so who appeared to him the Lord it says verse 2 so he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold three men standing by him now when you read three men at least when I read this I said three come to Abraham before the destruction of the cities of the plain hmm is there some other text in scripture that refers to three angels warning the world before the world is destroyed so it says in verse two so he lifted his eyes and looked and behold three men were standing by him and when he saw them he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the ground and said now this is very interesting how many had come three but now notice Abraham addresses only one it says there in verse three and said my lord this is Abraham speaking to one of them my lord if I have now found favor in your sight not in the sight of all three in the sight of this one in your sight do not pass on by your servant so we had find some very interesting hints here Abraham is speaking to one of them he boughs with his face to the ground he calls the individual before him Lord and he says I am your servant are you catching the picture very interesting and so in verse 16 were told that all three of them along with Abraham began to journey towards the city of Sodom let's read verse 16 then the men how many were there three then the men rose from there and looked toward Sodom and Abraham went with them to send them on the way so you can you can picture this here is a hair of the three men they're walking toward Sodom and Abraham is walking with them let's go to verse 22 it says then the men turned away from there and went toward Sodom how many actually went toward Sodom - we're going to see that in the in our next verse - but how many were there three so it says then the men turned away from there and went toward Sodom but Abraham still stood before the Lord who was the first person there it was the Lord none other than Jesus Christ and you say well how do you know that notice chapter 19 and verse 1 it says and now we discover two things first of all only to go to Sodom and now we discovered that they are angels it says in Genesis 19 verse 1 now the two what angels came to Sodom in the evening and lot was sitting in the gate of Sodom when lot saw them he rose to meet them and bowed himself with his face toward the ground what happened with the other angel there were three says only two actually arrived inside him who was the other one Abraham stood before whom before the Lord I don't like to think of him as the third but I like to think of him as the first angel and you say why because now a conversation begins between Abraham and the Lord and the conversation revolves around the idea of judgment and the need for God to separate the righteous from the wicked so the righteous do not perish with the wicked when the cities are destroyed the first angel is the judgment angel notice the verses that we find in Genesis 18 22 to 25 Genesis 18 22 to 25 then the men turned away from there and went toward Sodom but Abraham stood still still stood before the Lord and Abraham came and said would you also destroy the righteous with the wicked suppose there were 50 righteous within the city would you also destroy the place and not spare it for the 50 righteous that were in it so who is Abraham particularly concerned about he's concerned about not destroying the righteous along with the wicked he wants God to protect the righteous when the cities are destroyed and now notice verse 25 a key verse far be it from you to do such a thing as this to slay the righteous with the wicked so that the righteous should be as the wicked Abraham's focus is upon whom the righteous separating the righteous so that they are not destroyed and then the last part of their says shall not the what the judge of all the earth do right Abraham is pleading that God perform a work of judgment to separate the righteous from the wicked so the righteous will not perish in the city the focus is on the judgment of the righteous and this chapter 19 verses 12 and 13 one of the the cities gives a message to lot and his family Genesis chapter 19 12 and 13 then the men said to LUT have you anyone else here son-in-law your sons your daughters and whomever you have in the city take them out of this place what is this being saying says get out come out so that when the cities are destroyed you're not destroyed with the cities verse 13 why was he supposed to come out with his family for we will destroy this place because the outcry against them has grown great before the face of the Lord and the Lord has sent us to destroy it let's go to verse 14 so lot lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law who had married his daughters and said what get up get out of this place for the Lord will destroy this city but to his sons-in-law he seemed to be joking so another one of those angels that went to the cities gave the message to Ladin to his family what the cities are doomed get out so that you don't perish along with the wicked in the cities and then you have a door that closes do you know that the door of probation closed for Solomon for the city of Sodom before the city was actually destroyed let's read Genesis 19 verses 9 and 10 Genesis 19 verses 9 and 10 I want you to notice that a door closes and the angels actually have to protect lot and his family from the wrath of the sodomites it says there in Genesis 19 and verse 9 through 11 and they said stand back that's the men of Sodom then they said this one came in to stay here and he keeps acting as a judge now we will deal worse with you than with them so they pressed hard against the man lot and came near to do what to break down the door were they violent people you better believe it this is a mob but the men reached out their hands we've already noticed that they're angels and pulled lot into the house with them and shut the door when that door shut the doom of the cities was determined this story is similar to the story of the flood remember Jesus said as it was in the days of Noah so also will be at the coming of the Son of Man and here he says as it was with Sodom so will it be the coming of the Son of Man let me ask you did the door closed before the destruction at the time of the flood seven days before did the wicked know that they were doomed when the door closed no when did they know that they were doomed when the it began to rain and they were all destroyed so in Sodom you have a door that closes and the angels actually pull that in and they protect the faithful that are in the in the house or else the wicked who hated them would have destroyed them and then of course you have the next event which is after the closing of the door then you have the destruction of the cities and the destruction is described in a very interesting way notice Genesis 19 and verse 24 Genesis 19 and verse 24 then the Lord rained what did he rain brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord out of the heavens what is that that burned Sodom and Gomorrah fire and what and brimstone and notice the aftermath of this destruction in chapter 19 and verse 28 it says speaking about Abraham then he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain and he saw and behold the smoke of the land which went up like the smoke of a furnace so you have fire and brimstone falling from heaven and the result is smoke than a sense towards the heaven let me get ahead of myself a little bit can you ever think of another passage in the Bible that speaks about fire and brimstone and the Mokka scent smoke ascending how about revelation 14 we'll come to that in a few moments but God had a faithful remnant in the a small remnant that were not practicing the sins of the cities notice Genesis chapter 19 and verse 29 Genesis 19 29 and it came to pass when God destroys the cities of the plain that God remembered Abraham doesn't mean that God had forgotten Abraham went when it says that God remembers it means that God is going to intervene at that moment that God remembered Abraham who had been praying for a lot and for his family Abraham God does it out of love for Abraham God remembered Abraham and sent a lot out of the midst of the overthrow when he overthrew the cities in which lot dwell and then in the New Testament in second Peter 2 7 and 8 we find a description of lot you know he had even become a little defiled with the cities in his way of thinking and yet he was tormented every day as he saw the wicked things that were being committed in the cities notice 2nd Peter chapter 2 verses 7 & 8 it says and delivered what's the next word righteous lot who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked for that righteous here's the word again that righteous man dwelling among them tormented his what there's the word again his righteous soul from day to day by seeing and hearing their lawless deeds so was lot sighing and crying because of the abominations that were being committed in the city yes he was and then verse 9 says then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise Authority so you have the first angel so to speak is that Angell The Passion of Abraham is that the right just be distinguished from the wicked you know the second angel which says to Laden to his family get out because we're going to destroy the cities and then you have the third scenario which is fire and brimstone falling from heaven and the smoke ascending like the smoke of a furnace and in the city you have righteous lat shut in behind the closed door while all of the wicked are shut out now there's an interesting detail which I know you've heard of before and that is the kind of fire that destroyed the cities go with me to Jude 7 Jude 7 and let's read about the kind of fire the quality of fire that destroyed the cities of the plain Jude 7 we only mentioned 7 because it only has one chapter I suppose we could say Jude 1 verse 7 it says there as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them in a similar manner to these having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh are set forth as an example suffering the Vengeance of what eternal fire what kind of fire destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah eternal fire but as you know we have a problem now notice 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 6 it's right near there near Jude 7 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 6 it tells us what the aftermath of the cities was after the fire consumed everything it says and turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into what into ashes condemned them to destruction making them an example in others this is typology an example of those who afterward would live ungodly so the cities were turned into what ashes how many of you have ever tried to burn Ash can you light a match to ashes no because the ashes as a result of everything that there is to burn once everything is burned up you cannot light the ashes any more and so we have a seeming contradiction here because we are told that the cities were destroyed with eternal fire and then we're told that they were reduced into ashes which means that the fire must have gone out how do we resolve this issue the traditional thing that has been said and it's not wrong but it's incomplete is that the cities of the plain were destroyed by the fire and it was the result of what the fire did that's eternal not the fire itself have you heard that explanation it's not a bad explanation but it's incomplete there's a better explanation what is it well let's go to Deuteronomy for 23 and 24 Deuteronomy for 23 and 24 see scripture explains itself doesn't it this is the seventh-day Adventist principle of Bible study Scripture interpret scripture you don't stay in one verse you look at all of the verses that are related to the verse or to the passage that you're studying because the other passages will clarify and amplify the passage or the verse that you're studying scripture interpret scripture Ellen White called it the Bible is its own interpreter you say well why can you compare one verse with another and the other verse with the other it's very simple because one Holy Spirit inspires the Bible in other words the author of the Bible is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit placed in the Bible everything we need to understand the Bible the Bible interprets itself let me ask you let's take for example salt do you have to declare salt salty No Sault by nature is salty right do you have to declare the Word of God the Word of God no when you taste it you know it's the Word of God by comparing text with text let's go to Deuteronomy for 23 and 24 and let's see what the fire is it says take heed to yourselves lest you forget the covenant of Lord your Lord your God which he made with you and make for yourself a carved image in the form of anything which the Lord God has forbidden you for the Lord your God is a consuming fire a jealous God the consuming fire is a person did you catch that or not says God is a consuming fire doesn't mean that God is a bunch of flames of fire no there's an aspect of God that is comparable to fire we're going to go to that in a minute but it says God is a consuming fire a jealous God the New Testament repeats this idea in fact this verse is quoted in the book of Hebrews chapter 12 28 and 29 go with me there Hebrews 12 verses 28 and 29 it says therefore since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptable birth reverence and godly fear for our God is a consuming fire so God is the consuming fire according to these verses that's the reason why first Timothy chapter 6 verse 16 says that only God has immortality and he dwells in unapproachable light which no man has seen or can see to whom honor who to whom be honour everlasting power amen you know Ellen White once received the vision that's found in early writings pages 52 to 54 and she had a conversation with Jesus and she said to Jesus does your father have a form like you do and jesus said yes he has a form like like I do but if you should contemplate his form his person you would cease to exist because God lives in light unapproachable God is a consuming fire according to Scripture now let's amplify that a little bit in what sense is God a consuming fire God in person is not a consuming fire but there's a quality of God that is a consuming fire what is it excess 24 verses 15 to 17 Exodus 24 15 to 17 Israel is at the foot of Mount Sinai and God is revealing to Israel his glory it says there in Exodus 24 verse 15 then Moses went up into the mountain and a cloud covered the mountain now the glory of the Lord supported the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai and the cloud covered it six days and on the seventh day he called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud and here comes the key verse verse 17 the sight of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel in what what is it about God that is a consuming fire the glory of the Lord the light that radiates from the Lord is a consuming fire God is not a bunch of flames personally speaking no his glory is the consuming fire now let's think about that was there ever a time that God did not have his glory was there ever a time in history past present or future that God did not have his glory no is God's glory eternal yes so his fire is eternal but now listen carefully the glory of the Lord is eternal the consuming fire is eternal but not what the fire consumes are you understanding me so when somebody says to you oh well you know it says that you know man is going to be destroyed by everlasting fire don't argue with him and say well you know it's the results that are eternal say yeah you're right the fire that destroys the wicked is everlasting fire but the wicked are not everlasting the fire or the glory of the Lord is eternal but not which that which the glory of the Lord consumes are you with me now let's read what's going to happen with the wicked and with Satan Malachi chapter 4 and verse 1 this is a verse that we all know well for behold the day is coming burning like an oven and all the proud yes all who do wickedly will be stubble and the day which is coming shall burn them up what's gonna happen with the wicked they will be burnt up what does that mean they will be burnt up so I mean that they're gonna burn forever and ever never has continued burning no they'll burn up says the Lord of Hosts that will leave neither root nor branch who is the root Satan who are the branches his followers just like Jesus says I am the van vine you are the branches Satan is the root and his followers of the branches how much is going to be left they will leave them neither root nor branch in fact verse 3 continues saying you shall trample the wicked for they shall be went ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this says the Lord of hosts will the way could be reduced to ashes yes so the fire that burned them are they going to go out what the fire burns yes but does the fire still burn after they go out absolutely because the fire is God's glory by the way the Bible also tells us that Satan will be reduced to ashes you know as Adventist many times we think that Satan is kind of like a spirit we think of the Angels as intangible spirits kind of like ghosts the fact is that angels are material beings we cannot see them because they're in a different dimension but they do they are composed of matter they can be reduced to ashes in fact Ellen White in early writings page 152 once was shown the devil as he is today and as he used to me she says this flesh hung from his from his face she saw his eyes she saw his his forehead receding for him he has a hand you know his chin is resting on his hand so so the angels are also going to be reduced to ashes now in order to have ashes you have to have matter would you agree notice what we find in Ezekiel 28 18 and 19 speaking about this being Lucifer you defile your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities by the iniquity of your trading therefore I brought fire from your midst and it devoured you and I turned you to what to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all who saw you all who knew you among the peoples are astonished at you you have become a horror and shall be no more for ever what does shall be no more mean to be or not to be that is the question to not be anymore means that he will no longer what exists the Bible is clear but after he's reduced to ashes will the fire still exist the fire will exist because it's God's eternal glory now this helps us understand some misunderstood expressions that many people from churches misinterpret let's notice some of them second Thessalonians 1 verses 6 through 9 2nd Thessalonians 1 verses 6 through 9 here we find the Apostle Paul writing since it is a righteous thing which God with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels and how is he going to come in what in flaming fire taking vengeance and those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ these shall be punished with what with everlasting destruction I'm reading from the New King James Version with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the what their it is from the glory of his power so what is that this that destroys the everlasting destruction of the wicked it is the glory of God's power what does everlasting destruction mean it means that the process they're going to be destroyed and destroyed and destroyed and destroyed and destroy the process is going to last forever that's not what it means it means that they destroyed and they remain destroyed forever because they will not live again so is our destruction everlasting yes it's everlasting in the sense that they will have no resurrection they will remain punished forever because they will not live again notice Matthew 25 two verses in Matthew chapter 25 that are misunderstood Matthew 25 verses 41 and 46 this is the parable of the sheep and the goats then he will also say to those on the left hand depart from me you cursed into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels in - what kind of fire the wicked are cast into the everlasting fire does it say that the wicked are everlasting or the fire is everlasting the fire is everlasting not the wicked verse 46 and these that is the wicked will go away into everlasting punishment let me ask you when the wicked are destroyed is their punishment forever do they remain punished forever yes because they die and they don't live again that makes sense not only does it make sense it's biblical incidentally have you ever read in Revelation chapter 15 verse 2 let's go there for a minute revelation 15 verse 2 speaking about 144,000 they're standing before the throne of God on the sea of glass in the kingdom and there's an interesting expression here it says and I saw something like a sea of glass mingled with fire I see a glass sweat mingled with fire how can you have a sea of glass mingled with fire Ellen White explains in great controversy that the glory of God who sits on the throne above the sea of glass is so great that that the sea appears like it is mixed with fire it's a glory of God that shines in the sea of glass God is as a consuming fire now I want to share with you something else it's not the wicked that are going to live in the everlasting fire it's the righteous he'll say wait a minute this is getting a little bit too intense well let's let the Bible explain it Isaiah 33 verses 12 through 14 Isaiah 33 verses 12 through 14 speaks about the destruction of the wicked and the people shall eat the burnings of lime like thorns cut up they shall be burned in the fire here you who are far off what I have done and you who are near acknowledge my might the sinners in Zion are afraid fearfulness has seized the hypocrites they're gonna be burned in the fire it says here and now comes an interesting question actually there's two questions verse fourteen who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings of course that's the wicked right wrong it says in verse 15 he who walks righteously and speaks up rightly he who despises the gain of oppressions who gestures with his hands refusing bribes who stops his ears from heaving hearing a bloodshed and shuts his eyes from seeing evil he will dwell on high his face of defence will be the fortress of rocks bread will be given him his water will be sure who is it that's going to live with the everlasting burnings and with the devouring fire not the wicked but the righteous do you know why because the righteous will have a fireproof character you remember the story and the three young men in the fiery furnace this is only human fire and yet they had this faith and this trust in the Lord they were willing to give up their lives to be faithful to the Lord they had a sterling character a fireproof character and when were thrown into the fire the fire couldn't burn on and of course what they went through is an illustration of the fiery furnace that God's people are going to go through during the time of trouble read the chapter the time of trouble in the book great controversy Ellen White says that that the remnant it appears like the flames of the furnace are about to burn them up but they shall come forth as pure gold because a fire will consume all earthliness that the image of Christ can be perfectly reflected in them desire of Ages page 107 ellen white understood this that we've been talking about to sin where ever found our God is a consuming fire in all who submit to his power the Spirit of God will consume sin however if men cling to sin they become identified with it then the glory of God which destroys sin must destroy them so what is it that's the droids the wicked the glory of God which is the fire now do you remember we talked about three angels at the beginning of our study does the book of Revelation have basically the same message three angels messages for the end of time does the first angel refer to the judgment Revelation chapter 14 verses 6 and 7 this is not coincidence this is typology what happened back there in a lesser scale becomes symbolic of what's going to happen on a global scale at the end of time let me ask you is God going to separate the righteous from the wicked before the second coming is that going to be a burden of the Lord so that the righteous are not destroyed with the wicked there's a judgment that takes place and by the way the purpose of the pre-advent judgment is not to determine the punishment of the wicked the purpose of the pre-advent judgment or the investigative judgment is for God to reveal to the universe who he can take to heaven knows the focus is on the righteous just like we found in the book of Genesis notice revelation 14 verse 6 then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation tribe tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his what of his judgment has come and worship Him who made heaven and earth the sea and the springs of water the first angel proclaims the investigated judgment but there's a second angel the second angel proclaims that Babylon has fallen Babylon is doomed just like the cities of the blade notice verse 8 Revelation 14 8 and another angel followed saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she had made it has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and by the way this message is repeated and I and intensified right before the close of probation notice Revelation chapter 18 Revelation chapter 18 and let's review begin reading at verse 1 after these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven having great Authority and the earth was illuminated with his glory and he cried mightily with a loud voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen and now thoughts are added you see the first time that this message was proclaimed was in the in the summer of 1844 when multitudes left the apostate churches and joined the mill right movement however at that time Babylon was not fully fallen it was fallen but not in the same way that it's going to be falling right before the close of probation you see how do we know that because of the description that is given in the following verses it says in verse 2 and he cried mightily with a loud voice saying Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen and has become a dwelling place of what of demons a prison for every foul spirit and a cage for every unclean and hated bird the birds represent evil spirits in fact these these three phrases are three different ways of saying the same thing the phrase dwelling place of demons prison for every foul spirit cage for every unclean and hated bird those are three phrases that are synonymous verse 3 for all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication the kings of the earth have committed 4 with her and the merchants of the earth had become rich through the abundance of her luxury a global apostasy and then notice verse 4 second angels message and I heard another voice from heaven saying what did God tell lot come out because destruction is coming don't share in her sins come out notice I heard a no other voice from heaven saying come out of her my people lest you share in her sins unless you receive her plagues for her sins have reached to heaven and God has remembered her iniquities what does the third angel's message say it says whoever worships the beast or his image or receives his mark what is gonna fall upon them fire and brimstone by the way you look up that combination in the Bible fire and brimstone it describes only one event it's used also in Psalm 11 verse 6 but it's used to describe only one event and that is the second coming of Christ and so the third angels message says whoever worships the Beast this image receives his mark fire and brimstone will fall upon them and the smoke of their torment will ascend interesting did we read that in Genesis absolutely let me ask you is the door of probation going to close before Jesus actually comes absolutely are the angels going to have to protect God's people during that period this place is going to be a very day you think it's dangerous now Ellen White tells us that when probation closes Satan will have full control of the finally impenitent can you imagine a world where Satan is in total control of the wicked you know if God wasn't here to protect his people there would be no one left alive and sometimes we scare Adventist we say you know that's gonna be a terrible time Jesus is going to say see after the tribulation folks during that time we will not have an intercessor but we will have a protector Jesus is not going to say fend for yourself hang in there I'll see you later know after all Jesus says lo I am with you even to the close of probation no that's not what you said Sam with you even unto the end of the world so we don't have to fear that period if our relationship with Jesus is strong because Jesus is going to be here to protect his people in fact Ellen White says that the Angels the individuals will have swords with which they want to destroy God's people she says that they will break like straw because the angels she says clothe his mighty warriors will protect God's people did the angels protect a lot and his family yes at the closing of the door Psalm 91 verses 9 through 12 are very comforting this is the Tribulation sound this is describing what the time of trouble is going to be like because you have made the Lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place there's the key because of this no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come near your dwelling for he shall give his what his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they shall bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone so you notice the condition because you have made the Lord who is my refuge even the most high your dwelling place in other words now during probationary time is the time in which we can develop a fireproof character let's read of several verses in the Bible where we find the expression see God who are the ones that are going to see god knows what we find Hebrews 12 28 and 29 now is the time to develop a fireproof character in a moment I'm going to tell you how we do that the Bible tells us clearly how we develop a fireproof character Hebrews 12 verse 28 says therefore since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken let us have grace by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear how should we serve God with what reverence and godly fear for God is a consuming fire you're all acquainted with Matthew chapter 5 verse 8 blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God what are the wicked going to do when they see Jesus coming sitting on the throne oh you've read it revelation 6 they're gonna hide in the cage they're gonna cry for the rocks to fall on them hide us from the face of the one who is sitting on the throne for the great day of his wrath has come God's people would say Lord this is our God we have waited for him and he will save us bless that I'll appear in heart for they shall see God by the way if your heart is pure your actions will be pure remember when I was a kid once in a while bad word would slip out of my mouth and my mom would wash my mouth with soap maybe you had that glorious experience as well it doesn't taste too good so one day I looked at my mom and I said mom you're going about it the wrong way you have to you have to wash my heart not my mouth because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks if your heart is right your words will be right interactions will be right bliss it'll appear in heart for they will see God Isaiah 33 verse 17 after saying that those who will live with everlasting burnings that will be with a consuming fire it says your eyes will see the king in his beauty they will see the land that is very far off which is heaven no less first John chapter 3 verses one to three first John chapter three verses one through three behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called the children of God therefore the world does not know us because it did not know him beloved now we are the children of God and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know that when he is revealed we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and what do we do in order to see him as he is and be like him verse 3 says and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as he is pure that means that we have to be careful about what we are allowed to come through our ears and our eyes whether it be music whether it be television whatever what we read will define our mind you know if we fill our mind with Scripture our behavior will will reveal it if we feel fill our mind with the Hollywood trash our behavior will reflect it because we are what we eat we eat physically through our mouths we eat spiritually through our eyes and our ears and we are what we eat notice Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 14 pursue peace with all people and holiness without which no one will see the Lord what do we need to have in order to see the Lord holiness according to this and then revelation 22 verses 3 & 4 has this beautiful promise and there shall be no more curse but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him they shall see his face and his name shall be on their foreheads won't it be a wonderful thing to see the face of Jesus you know we have descriptions of the face of Jesus actually see the face of Jesus but in order to see his face we must have holiness and we don't do that ourselves there's a process whereby God cleanses us and purifies us now let me just read Titus chapter 2 verses 11 to 14 and then we'll talk about the secret and it really shouldn't be a secret because it's rerun in Scripture the secret of how we can have holiness and purity so that we can when we see Jesus will receive him with open arms Titus chapter 2 verses 11 to 14 for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men there's a lot of talk about Grace in the church praise the Lord salvation is by grace through faith not by our works so it says the grace of God brings salvation it has appeared to all men but grace teaches us something see when Grace has embraced our life it teaches us something what does it teach us teaching us verse 12 that denying see grace teaches us something doesn't it that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in the present age in the light of what Oh looking for the Blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ who gained himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for himself his own special people zealous for good works you know people say well Paul says that we're saved by grace and not by works true we're not saved by our works but if I faith is genuine works will follow works of the fruit and salvation is the root you know grace is the horse so to speak and where the horse pulls the cart follows let me ask you when you start your car in the morning and you put it in Drive which wheels move first the front wheels or the back wheels you know somebody always ask well is it front-wheel drive or back wheel drive let's suppose that it's back back wheel drive what happens when the back wheels propulse the front wheels immediately follow where there is faith works automatically follow and if there are no works it's because there's no faith Ellen White compares faith and works with the two oars of a rowboat let me ask you which of the two oars is most important the right or the left or if you only have the right oars you're going to go in circles to the left and if you have the left or you know it's going to go in circles to the right in order to have a balanced Christian life there has to be a faith that works you see we're not saved by faith alone we are not saved by works alone we are not saved by faith plus works we are saved by a faith that works if you don't believe that read Hebrews 11 the chapter of faith have you ever noticed that in ebro's 11 everybody's doing something by faith Noah built by faith Abraham left by faith Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son by faith Abel offered and by faith Sara even conceived when she was old you say well what faith did it take well Abraham even though he didn't believe that it would be possible to have a child at his age he had to have sexual relations with his wife so faith genuine biblical faith is a faith that works now how can we develop holiness and cleanse our lives we can't do it only the Lord can do it how does he do it let's treat just a few verses in closing psalm 119 verses 9 through 11 psalm 119 and verses 9 through 11 speaking to youth how can a young man cleanse his way what's the answer by taking heed according to your word with my whole heart I have sought you all let me not wander from your commandment and now comes the key verse your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you how is it that we overcome sin by hiding the word in our hearts by hiding Jesus in our hearts and that happens through the word through the written word of God notice John chapter 15 verse 3 once again an emphasis on the word Jesus says speaking to his disciples you are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you clean because of the word Ephesians 5:25 2:27 speaks about the victorious church at the end of time the last church the remnant husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her that he might why did he give herself with himself for the church then he made what sanctify and cleanse her how does he sanctify and cleanse the church sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word the waters the Holy Spirit through the word and what happens as a result that he might present her to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she should be holy and without blemish are you catching the picture let me just refer to one final verse on this point and then one final concept and we'll draw this to an end 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 18 has the secret of how to live a victorious life it says there but we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord what do we behold the glory of the Lord his character what happens as a result our being what transformed into the same image from glory to glory as by the Spirit of the Lord the word transformed there is the word in Greek meta Morpho where we get our word metamorphosis from do you know what a metamorphosis is let me ask you in which in what way are a caterpillar and a butterfly similar they're radically different and yet a beautiful butterfly comes from a caterpillar through a process known as metamorphosis there's a transformation a radical transformation and how does it happen by beholding the glory of the Lord and where do we behold the glory of the Lord in his word that's why Ellen White said that we should spend a thoughtful hour each day beholding the life of Christ in the Gospels particularly the closing seems she says that this will give us victory in our Christian experience because by beholding we are changed let me just share with you a little story so that you can so that you can grasp what I mean I taught theology for six years in our University in Medellin Colombia you know I had many very very good students but I had one which was the most outstanding of all he's now teaching at southwestern evidence University in Kean Texas has three doctoral degrees brilliant he would come to class and he would sit in class with his notebook from the time the class started with his Bible open and he would look at me and he would practically copy verbatim everything that I would say I had him for three years in the classroom almost every class that I gave well several years later I was traveling to a certain location or was preaching there and a sister comes up to me and she says pastor Bohr do you know such and such a person talking about this external mind I said oh yeah I know him very well she looked at me she says you preached just like he does of course I smiled and I said well sister you know he was my student for three years she says oh I didn't know that a year ago we invited him to our studio to do a series in a production studio and it wasn't in the daytime so there was no audience so I decided that I would sit at the feet of my student and as I sat there and I watched him preach I said man in life this is almost a photocopy move his arms the same and flex his voice the same you know moves back and forth to sing say wow this is amazing I you know I have never taken the time to sit down and notice why because by beholding we are changed into the image of what we behold it's the law of life now let me just mention in closing Lot's wife you see Lot's wife came out of Sodom but Sodom did come out of her are there many Adventists perhaps that have come out of Babylon but babbling is still in their hearts hmm food for thought Genesis 1917 says so it came to pass when they had brought them outside then he said escape for your life this is the angel speaking to lat escape for your life do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plane escape to the mountains lest you be destroyed don't look back but his wife looked back behind him and she became a pillar of salt what was she thinking of when she looked back o comfortable home all the nice furniture I have in the home all of my friends in the city of Sodom you see she came out of Sodom physically but Sodom was in her heart her heart was there and the Bible says she was turned into a pillar of salt jesus said that if salt loses its favor it's saving it's no good except to be trampled by men she lost her savor I read this statement in closing Luke 17 31 and 32 and that day he who is on the housetop Jesus speaking now about the end time and his goods are in the good house let him not come down to take them away likewise the one who is in the field let him not turn back remember Lot's wife those are words of Jesus remember Lot's wife folks let not let's not get so attached to what we have in this world that we lose out in the next some people say well you're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good and I turned that around I say you're so earthly minded you're no heavenly good nothing that we have here is going to compare with what we're going to have there somebody might say oh I have this beautiful mansion is it made of gold well I Drive this beautiful Lamborghini does it fly nothing we have here comparisons what we're going to have there so let's keep our eyes focused on Jesus and his kingdom and let's serve Jesus not out of fear not a love obligation but let's spend time with him so that we fall in love with him and each day we reflect his character more and more like Enoch and we'll reach the point where Jesus's will say you have nothing more to do them there on earth your bodies down there but your mind is up here come and we'll walk throughout eternity on the street of gold in the New Jerusalem father in heaven we thank you for the witness of your word we live in a turbulent world sin increases things that we perhaps had never even thought would exist in the world strife we long for the coming of Jesus we're tired of living in this sin sick world father we know that we have a work of preparation not only us but also helping prepare others by sharing Jesus with them I ask Lord that throughout the course of this weekend you will give us that passion to be like Jesus that passion to reach others with the glorious message of the character of Jesus thank you Father for having been with us this evening and please answer our prayer for we ask it in the name of Jesus amen thank you faster have you been blessed tonight man thank you for challenging us and reminding us to to always look at Jesus and so I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow we start at 9:30 for Sabbath school we'll have a presentation here by pastor Bohr so I know that you want to come a little bit earlier than 9:30 all right and then we'll have the next presentation during divine service and if you're in other churches you can join us in the afternoon we have a presentation at two o'clock and then one around 3:00 3:15 we'll take a break in there but these are you know the times can change but we plan to or to start the one enough to noon at two o'clock so thank you for coming tonight have a blessed evening and drive safely home we'll see you tomorrow morning god bless
Channel: SDA Central Calgary
Views: 53,244
Rating: 4.7270193 out of 5
Keywords: Central Church God Bible Adventist Pastor SDA, sermon, Seventh-day, Church, Religious, Mission, Church Life, Worship, Prayer, Sermons, Remember, Lot’s, Wife, Pastor, Stephen Bohr
Id: mFPPJ3qj81c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 50sec (4430 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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