The Beginners Ultimate *ALL CLASSES* F7 Guide - Hypixel Skyblock

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dungeons are one of the most popular things to do in Sky Block with most of the best items in the game man I got to make an intro anyways this video is split up into chapters so if you're looking for a specific class check the video description or timeline to skip there we'll start with General gear everyone should have regardless of their class the first things you're going to need are bonso staff wither cloak sword Jerry sheen gun bonso mask and of course Spirit leaps and Super Boom TNT all of these are needed for phase three of the fight where mobility and survivability are really important you'll need a bonso staff to jump around easier as teleportation abilities are disabled and a Jerry sheen gun is needed for the same reason as it can be used to scale walls a Wither cloak sword is used to be invulnerable temporarily When jumping in lava to bounce up to terminals or just because you slipped bonso mask is used to survive an attack that would otherwise kill you in phase three this is helpful because if you were one of your teammates misses a terminal you can't go back without getting past goldor who will instantly kill you so having a Bono mask you get past him Spirit leaps are used to LEAP obviously and Super Boom TNT can be used to blow up the gates in the terminal phase which will make them skip the 5-second timer when all the terminals are finished finished which speeds up the run a little bit there are other items you'll need outside of phase 3 as well most importantly a set of dungeon equipment the four pieces everyone should have are the bone necklace adaptive belt Soul Weaver gloves and shadow assassin cloak these are the only four pieces of equipment that are dungeon IED and can also be starred which makes them significantly better than any other piece of equipment aside from possibly a rift necklace the bone necklace is the most expensive equipment piece out of the four so if you choose to use a rift necklace instead that's not a problem healing items like a floid zombie sword are helpful to have but not completely necessary other than that it should be good so let's get into class specific stuff we'll start with the tank class as in my unbiased and objectively true opinion it's the best class I'll cover healer at the same time because they do basically the same thing as Tanks A lot of people make the mistake of assuming Support classes are cheap to play but that couldn't be further from the truth if your support setup is less expensive than a DPS setup that means your setup probably sucks and you're probably just buying a set of gold or and a crappy weapon in reality all good Support classes should have a set for damage as well as a set of gold or not just a ladder you need a DPS setup to not be dead weight when clearing as in gold or or you don't do enough damage to contribute to clearing rooms at all nekron and ranged your melee weapon are usually cheaper than a mage setup but if you can afford or prefer to use Mage gear that works just as well if you want advice for DPS gear you can use a description or timeline chapters to skip to one of them like I said before anyways for tank armor a Reaper mask and 34 gold or armor are the best options you want to recombobulate it of course and giant is the best refor for tank armor if you have gemstone slots unlocked amethyst or ruby gemstones are of course the best options also get hot and fuming potato books obviously for the extra health and defense if you're going healer use the same stuff but with a mender Crown instead of a Reaper mask if you're an Iron Man player simply substitute gold Lord's armor for Necromancer Lord armor as for pet a legendary blue whale is the only good option and the pet item doesn't really matter most of the time a dwarf Turtle Shelmet is the best option but because tanks have a passive that grants anti- knockback you don't need one because there aren't many good defensive pet items you can use whatever you want but Harden to reinforce skills are good options that don't cost much as for healing items a florid zombie sword is great but if you have Enderman Slayer level five a Gloom lock gri is literally the best healing item in the game you also want to Soul Whip or ax of the shredded to keep aggro if the bosses on you as only melee hits work and despite technically being rage attacks both of these weapons projectiles still count as melee hits you can also use Jingle Bells if you want but because they have such high Mana consumption they usually aren't very effective aside from a damage set for clearing like I mentioned earlier that's all you need to play support so let's get into the actual fight right when you enter you should go straight to Max or and Agro him and then take him to the conveyor belt and keep him right in the middle so when the laser is activated by your teammates he'll get instantly stunned after hitting half health maxor rages returns to being invincible and you have to activate the laser one more time during this phase his damage skyrockets and it can be really annoying to deal with but if your team is fast they can lower maxor Health get the second set of crystals and then kill him to minimize how long he's enraged for but let's be honest you're probably going to use party finder and get a bunch of idiots on your team so that won't happen anyways the easiest way to deal with his enrage ability is to use Castle Stone which will make it super easy to tank maxw War's damage if you're a Healer you can use your wish ability which will help you and your teammates after the second set of crystals is collected Ed your team can finish off maxor and enter phase 2 at the beginning of the phase not much happens storm flies around shooting lightning and Fireballs but you can't damage him your teammates should be killing all the wither skeletons around the green and yellow pads and after a while storm will begin a countdown after it ends everyone gets insta- killed unless they're under a pillar for this phase you'll want to aggro storm and take him under the green pillar some teams do the yellow pillar first but most people won't after storm gets crushed he's vulnerable to damage and after reaching half Health he enrages and you need to take him to the yellow pad to get crushed again after getting crushed a second time your team can finish him off and everyone needs to run to the red pillar to go to phase three during phase three you need to complete the terminals which are basic puzzles that monkeys have the ability to solve so if you can't I'd be concerned classes don't really have designated terminals to do outside of Master mode so you can do whatever you want most of the time the tank does the Simon says device in part one but it just depends on your party after phase three ends you have to go through this gold door to fight gold or in the room with a gold floor all you have to do is the support is stand in front of him gold or's damage can be scary but if you use it during maxor your ultimate should be back this is the last time you'll need it during the fight so if if you have it feel free to use it after goldor dies you enter the Final Phase to fight nekron after he lets you go bounce to whichever side your team goes to but it doesn't really matter that much just don't go to the middle yet because the tank usually grabs aggro from nekron which means nekron will follow you there which makes him harder for your team to hit after losing some health he teleports to the middle and you just have to stand there while your team beats him up and after a while the fight should end if your team's DPS is good that's all for the support classes though so let's move on to DPS Archer and Berserker are some of the most popular classes to play to nobody's surprise a good weapon if you're Archer and have a budget is a JuJu short bow if you don't have Enderman Slayer level 5 and can't afford carries you should probably just reconsider doing floor 7 altogether if you can't do void glooms on your own you're probably rushing Dungeons and if you can't afford to buy carries you probably won't be able to afford decent dungeon gear either there are other goons out there that are saying crap like oh just use a machine gun bow it's so good it can solo M8 but no it's absolute dog water they just don't want you to stop watching their video but I do anyways a JuJu or Terminator are obviously the best options and you'll want a set of nekron and a golden or Diamond Head but a diamond head is really expensive and not at all needed for floor 7 as for Berserker weapons the best options are the bouquet of Lies bellthorn Reaper or giant sword and lucky for Iron Man players all of these can be obtained before doing floor 7 as for Iron Man armor you'll want to use shadow assassin armor with a golden head shadow assassin isn't very good but there also aren't any other options you also of course want to recombobulate your armor to ancient as it's the best damage reforge as for pets Archer and Berserker have the most options by far it all depends on what you need the two best options are of course the or golden dragon pet but those are also the most expensive a wither skeleton is a cheap and half decent option for damage and so is the tiger pet if you want it if you need survivability a baby Yeti is a good option but it doesn't have any damage buff so I wouldn't recommend it unless you really need the ehp lastly if you choose to use frozen Blaze instead of nekron use a legendary Blaze pet as for pet items if you need attack speed a tiger plush is a good option but I would recommend a dwarf Turtle Shellman as getting thrown around during the boss fight isn't very fun for your magical power and tuning points set it to Whatever Gets You closest to an even strength and crit damage balance if you use a term use fortu is for the crit chance same for your tunings but some people like to set their tunings to speed for clearing but that's a personal preference for Speed you could simply use Rancher boots or Max boots instead but don't sacrifice too much damage for Speed oh with all that you should be set so let's get into the fight right when you get in go to whatever Crystal your team wants you to or if none were decided just get one your tank should be dealing with maxor so don't worry about him yet the easiest way to get a crystal is to wither cloak up this lava pillar right here and then bounce off with the bonso staff to get to the crystal after maxor gets stunned you can damage him and after taking a bunch of damage maxw will go back to being invincible and also being raged so you just have to get the crystals again to finish him off after maxor is dead you go to phase two and all you need to do is kill skeletons for a while until storm starts attacking after his countdown starts hide under the green pillar to avoid dying and after that your tank should get him under the pillar and your Mage should crush him after that all you need to do is damage him sometimes your team might have you do pad in which case you just have to stand on the green or yellow pads when storm is under the corresponding colored pill pillar to crush him after hitting half Health he enrages and you just have to go to the yellow pad and do the same thing to kill him after he's dead go to the red pillar to get down to phase three to do terminals there are no specific terminals you need to do but most parties will have their Archer do the eror device at the end of phase three after you get to gold or just shoot him until he's dead your support teammate should be enough to keep you alive here after goldor dies you'll go down to the Final Phase to fight nekron all you need to do is damage him until he teleports to the middle and then you have to chase him there to hit him as if he doesn't get damaged enough his nuclear frenzy attack will grow and it'll kill everyone if you and your team is good nekron will go down pretty quick and the run will be over if not nekron might use some special attacks but they aren't that hard to deal with that's all for those two classes though so let's move on to Mage Mage is a difficult class to play because of how expensive the gear can be most people will expect or require that mes need a hyperion to join their party so it's one of the more expensive classes and of course Iron Man players can't even get a Hyperion without doing floor 7 in the first place you don't really need a Hyperion though a spirit scepter Yeti sword or maybe M staff are cheaper and still decent weapons as for arm storm and wither goggles are the best option with necrotic on everything other than a chest plate which should be reforged to loving if you're an Iron Man player you can substitute storm for Necromancer Lord armor for pets you should use a sheep pet or if you want speed use a black cat if you don't care about getting slapped around the entire fight use a textbook otherwise use a Shelmet as for your magical power you should use sighted as it's really good and also really cheap or if you for some reason have eccentric use that also set your tuning points to intelligence or speed for clearing and if you really want more speed use max or boots or Rancher boots that's a about it for gear though so let's get into the fight right when you enter go straight for getting crystals and killing wither skeletons your support should have Max or under the laser already there are two ways to get crystals the first is to jump into lava onto one of these pipes and Bono staff across the Gap to get to the Crystal but because Mages have so much Mana you can also use a Jerry sheen gun to get up to a crystal neither method is faster than the other and it just comes down to personal preference your Archer shouldn't need much help damaging Max or but if they do go and do that and afterwards get the second set of crystals and Kill Max or to get to phase two after entering just run around and kill the Wither their skeletons and after storm starts chasing everyone you are another DPS Clash should crush storm by going to one of the pads and standing on it after crushing storm once you can damage him a bit and after the second time you can finish him off after storm dies go to the red pillar to enter phase three Mages don't really have any particular terminals they need to complete so just ask your party or do whatever you see them not doing you should also be using your guided sheap ability to blow up the gates once you get to the end of a segment after completing all the terminals you have to go down this Corridor to fight goldor all you need to do is hit him with your Mage beam as getting too close will blow you up after gold or dies you get dropped down into phase four to fight nekron right when you get there you should bounce to whichever side your team goes or if everyone splits up like usual just go to whatever side and beat up nekron after losing a bit of Health you'll teleport to the middle and you need to follow him there to continue damaging him as long as you and your team are decent nekron won't cause any issues and he'll die pretty quick that's all five classes though sorry for butchering healer and berserk but they're bad outside of Master mode anyways okay I don't feel like thinking of a good outro so I'm just going to abruptly end the video
Channel: Ondrae The Great
Views: 98,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, skyblock, hypixel skyblock, skyblock hypixel, floor 7, floor VII, necron, skyblock hypixel floor 7, necrons handle, storm, goldor, maxor, dungeons, skyblock dungeons, hypixel skyblock dungeons, floor seven, andre, andre the great, rng, tank guide, hypixel skyblock tank guide, skyblock hypixel tank guide, guide, tutorial, skyblock guide, hypixel skyblock guide, best tank guide, how to, dungeon rng meter update, archer guide, mage guide, healer guide, berserk guide, f7 guide
Id: q0Zd-pPNC4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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