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minions are by far one of the most important aspects of Hypixel Sky Block as they enable you to generate millions of coins entirely passively or even level up skills with no work whatsoever that being said while minions are incredibly useful they can also be very complicated and tricky to learn making it an especially daunting concept for early or even midgame players as a result I've taken the time to put together this video your One-Stop shop to what minions are how you obtain them what the best minions in the game are and how to maximize your minion setups the goal of this progression guide is to walk you through everything you will ever need to know about setting up minions to accompany you along your Sky Block Journey so with all that being said let's jump straight into the first section of this video before we get into the juicy details of this video we need to first start with the very Basics what actually are minions in Hypixel Sky Block to put it simply minions are just an NPC entity that you can place down on your Island and if they meet all of the necessary requirements they will start to generate a specific resource most minions just require a 5x5 grid of empty air to surround the block they stand on however some minions like the fishing minion require water to surround them so that they can actually catch fish minions start at Tier 1 and can be upgraded all the way up to either tier 11 or tier 12 but whether a minion has a tier 12 variant is dependent on which Minion you're trying to upgrade at the time of this recording not every minion has had a t 12 variant released yet but if you're watching this video months down the line there's a good chance that every minion can be upgraded to tier 12 by now regardless sometimes it's not recommended to upgrade some minions to their maximum levels either way and this is something that I will cover later on in this video upgrading minions are useful for two big reasons the first is that each tier will increase both the interaction speed of the minion and its capacity to hold items but the second reason is that this will unlock more minion slots minion slots are simply how many any available spots you have on your Sky Block Island that will actually let you place Minions on and this will limit the number of minions you're physically allowed to have on your Island at any given time this has been put in place that you basically can't just load your entire island with thousands of minions because if you could do this it would be slightly broken by default you start with five minion slots on a fresh profile but you can upgrade this all the way up to 31 total minion slots at the time that this video is being recorded surprisingly minion slots are one of the most misund OD and the most neglected features regarding minions in this game so I will be sure to cover the most efficient ways to upgrade them later on in this video needless to say now that we know the fundamental details about minions let's talk about why you should care about them so much and how it benefits you greatly as a Sky Block player minions are extremely useful for a variety of reasons but by far the most sought after one for the majority of Sky Block players is the ability to earn millions of coins at no extra cost because minions can work passively on your Island 24/7 they can generate Millions upon millions of coins entirely free as long as you set them up correctly however this isn't the only reason you should be using minions because they can also be used to level up any skill that you might want to boost your XP levels in or you can use them to level up any collection as well in fact some collections in this game require you to use a minion to even unlock them in the first place meaning that you definitely have to set them up if you're trying to unlock everything in this game minion items are also extremely important to know about when setting up your minions when you open a minion GUI you're greeted with this lovely menu that shows the minion stats upgrade info its inventory and the minion item slots if we pay attention to the minion items on the left hand side the first one is simply a cosmetic slot and doesn't actually affect the minion performance the fuel slot shipping slot and Minion upgrade slots however can drastically affect the performance of any minion that you use the fuel you use will deter determine either how quickly a minion operates or how much of a specific resource it produces and some fuels will even make the minion produce entirely different items Al together the shipping slot allows you to either place a budget Hopper or Enchanted hopper in the minion which will automatically sell the items that the minion produces at a percentage of the NPC price generally speaking you want to avoid using this slot as it's always better to just manually collect your minions and then sell the items yourself but there are very few setup that will benefit from the slot which I will cover later on in this video the last two slots are just allpurpose minion upgrade slots and you'll want to fill these in every minion setup you ever use because they will heavily impact how much value you get from your minions I won't touch on them too much right now but generally speaking you will want to use super compactor 3000s diamond spreadings or minion expanders in these slots because these will prevent your minions from filling up extremely quickly and they also boost your income Collections and XP gain overall however now that I've covered the basics and the importance of minions in Hypixel Sky Block I'm going to move on to actually setting up your first minion setup to get you started with your Sky Block profile to start your minion setup at the beginning of the game the biggest thing that you want to prioritize is minion slots getting your minion slot number up as high as possible is especially important early on since the base five slots that you start with really aren't going to be much of a help as a result you should always prioritize unlocking as many easy Minion collections as you can crafting up as many unique minions as possible and then storing these minions somewhere on your profile so you can use them at a later date do not craft heaps of the same minion however because this will not unlock you any more minion slots and will just waste your materials in order to actually unlock minion slots you need to make sure you craft brand new unique Minions that you've never made before whether they're just increased tiers of a previous Minion or a completely new minion altogether you're going to want to repeat these minion crafting steps until you've unlocked around 10 minion slots because this should be a good stopping point before crafting minions gets a bit expensive for the time being while you're working on the collections and the materials to get these minions you can also head on over to the community shop and make sure that you upgrade your minion slot profile upgrade as this will basically Grant you a free five minion slots as long as you choose to Max it out the only thing holding you back here is time so just wait for the upgrades to finish and make sure you refresh it once it's done assuming you've now got yourself 10 minion slots and you're ready to create your setup the very first minion that I always recommend beginners to get started with is redstone minions Redstone minions are very important because they will passively level up your Redstone collection without you having to do anything and this is extremely important because Redstone collection contains accessory bag upgrades I have a whole separate video that explains the importance of accessories in the description of this video so you can check that out after you finished with this one for the time being though though all you need to know is that the more accessory slots you have the more accessories you can fit in your accessory bag and the more accessories you have in your bag the stronger your profile is going to be since accessory slots are unlocked through the Redstone collection leveling up using your minions is definitely the best thing that you can do at the very start of the game when setting up your Redstone minions I highly suggest upgrading them using regular compactors at the very minimum however if you invest in some simple minion storages or even Diamond spreadings this is going to help you out even more Diamond spreadings will make the Redstone minions create both diamonds and Redstone so you can level up two different collections at once the minion storage will help your Redstone minions store more resources and I recommend stopping at a medium storage since anything higher is just going to be too expensive for now as for the tier of redstone minion you should be using tier fives will work fine for the time being but you can go as far as tier 7 or tier 9 depending on how fast you want to unlock your collections and how much money you want to put into them and with that being said that is quite literally your very first super basic Hypixel Sky Block minion setup while you let these things run in their own time you can go ahead and level your skills earn some coins and figure out other aspects of the game all the while your Redstone minions are hard at work and leveling your collections however once you max out the collection and it's time for an upgrade there's a few important Minions that I'd recommend upgrading into the next upgrade to Redstone minions is actually a bit of an interesting one and that is to use General collection minions now now you might be thinking what are collection minions I've never heard of that term before collection minions is just a term that's used to describe any minion no matter what resource it produces but specifically what its main purpose is to level a collection for example if your bone collection is low and you want to Max it out you could use a skeleton minion to slowly level it up passively and this minion would also count as a collection minion now if you haven't already realized the vast majority of the Minions that you craft to level up your minion slots are also collection minions so if you followed this guide closely you should have a handful of collection minions just lying around in a chest somewhere because you had to upgrade those to actually get your minion slots as a result my upgrade recommendation from Redstone minions is to use all of these collection Minions that you already have lying around and then place them down to level up every single collection that you have until you can Max them out the specifics of which collections you choose to level don't really matter it's more so just being being able to unlock as many recipes as possible so you can make your life much easier if you've managed to level your endstone collection by hand because you've done a lot of node mining in the end then great you won't need to place down your endstone minion because you've already maxed that one but if you haven't even started leveling your gunpowder collection because killing the creepers in the Deep Cavin sucks then placing down your creeper minion will be a huge help in maxing out this collection if you haven't noticed already the early stages of Minion setups should be focused on preparing yourself for for the mid and late game stages rather than trying to rush making tons of coins or leveling up your skills as for Minion upgrades that you should be using for this new setup the money that your Redstone minions made should have been able to cover for a few super compactors at least which are just the upgraded variant of the regular compactor you've already got if you aren't able to afford super compactors for all of your minions just yet try to get as many as you can for the time being and actively work towards doing so until every single Minion has one this is by far the most useful minion item in the entire game and it's going to last you even when you're using a multi-billion coin minion setup on the other hand you should be using either a diamond spreading or a Min expander in the second upgrade slot and this will vary depending on the interaction speed and the type of Minion you're using to quickly summarize when you should use a diamond spreading versus a minion expander the general rule of thumb is as follows if you want to maximize your income then use a diamond spreading if the minions interact interaction speed is 15 seconds or faster if the interaction speed is slower than 15 seconds though use a minion expander instead because this will typically earn you slightly more money this isn't always the case so just be sure to double check which ones provide more money specific to the Minions that you are using if you want to maximize The Collection game of a minion though then use minion expanders these will very slightly buff the interaction speed of the minion which will cause them to generate more resources and thus level The Collection faster that being said using a diamond spreading can also be used to level a collection except it's only going to level your Diamond collection so it's not exactly the same thing is the minion expander because of this it's likely that you're going to be using all Minion expanders and super compactors in your new collection minion setup since this will max out the collections at the fastest speed and allow you to upgrade out of it as soon as possible at this stage of the game you can also start considering cheap fuels and I'd recommend trying to push for enchanted lava buckets if you can since they're cheap and they last in definitely so you're not going to have to replace them at all nonetheless this concludes the early game section of today's video so now that you've maxed out a large portion of your collections you've got around 15 to 20 minion slots and you know how to work with minions effectively now we can start talking about the more profitable minion setups or the best ones to level your skills with depending on your budget your needs and what stage of the game you're at the Minions that you want to use will vary drastically to start things off I'm going to split these minion setups into three categories you've got money-making minions skill leveling minions and allround minions as the names imply money-making minions are designed to make a lot of money but they won't be focusing on leveling skills or your collections skill leveling Minions on the other hand are designed to level your skills very effectively but they may not be very good for earning money and all around minions those are just Minions that can level skills and earn you decent coins on the side but they don't really fit into either category that well the most common setup that people upgrade two coming into the mid game is either clay or snow minions now technically speaking clay and snow minions can also be considered early game but because I like to think that ear game should be designed on setting up the minion foundations and not so much full-blown minion setups I'm going to leave these in the mid game section of this video CL snow minions are considered a very good starting minion setup because these minions are really cheap to max out and they also generate great income for their price better yet both minions can also help you level your fishing and Mining skill respectively which can be super useful early on if you want to get a head start on these skills before you start to manually grind them particularly with the fishing skill it is very nice to have a head start in the fishing levels because that way you can actually use certain fishing rods to manually grind the skill rather than having to start all the way from scratch using some really garbage fishing rods clay and snow minions are classed as all round minions because they make pretty solid money especially at their price points but they also level their respective skills quite efficiently especially the snow minion the snow minion is actually so good that it can arguably fit into the skill leveling minion category as well because it actually levels your mining skill really quickly and happens to be one of the better minions in the game to do so from my experience it took me about 6 months to reach mining 50 using a really budget snow minion setup that had no Buffs and nothing special about it and this is really good considering that you can get these Levels by doing next to no work at all at a very very cheap price however if you were looking for something that's a little bit more costly but will make you better money then I'd suggest looking into slime minions slime minions can easily generate 5 million coins per day using a very subpar setup but the one downside to this is the initial setup cost being much higher than something like your clay or snow Minions on top of this slime minions generate no skill XP whatsoever and they do not level any collections either so you are quite literally sacrificing everything just to make as much money as possible that being said if you're happy to manually level all your skills and you're comfortable with where your collections are at then I'll leave a link in the description to my slime minion setup guide so you can follow that and make as much money as possible if you're not super fixated on making tons of coins though then you might want to look into melon minions or fishing minions melon minions are by far the best minion to use if you want to passively level your farming and surprisingly you can actually make really solid money with them even if you don't choose to max out your setup too much melon minions Thrive with consistent AFK for a variety of different reasons so once again I will leave a separate video in the description that covers melon minions in much more detail if this does sound like the option for you fishing minions are similar to melon minions in this regard but instead of farming XP they Grant fishing XP the only difficult thing about fishing minions is the fact that they generate a lot of unique resources and fill up super quickly so if you do plan on using these minions be sure that you can afford the extra extra large minion storages to go with it that being said fishing minions sadly don't make any good money at all so you should only be using them if you want to avoid manual fishing altogether the setup for these is much simpler than other Minions on this list though just use whatever fuel you can afford whether it's an enchanted lava bucket magma bucket plasma bucket or even catalysts and then pair this with the usual super compactors and Minion expanders since you're likely using these level your fishing XP rather than earn coins minion expanders are going to be more valuable than Diamond spreadings here now the last minion setup that I'm going to cover in this video isn't really a dedicated setup like the rest of these but it's more so just some tips to keep in mind for the mid game the beauty about clay snow slime melon and fishing minions is that these minions are almost guaranteed to never become outdated no matter how many updates Sky Block goes through this is because clay snow and slime minions all make their money by selling the materials to to the NPC meaning that unless Hypixel makes some drastic changes to the NPC prices they're still going to make great money snow melon and fishing minions are also recommended more for leveling skills rather than generating income and unless Hypixel releases Minions that do these jobs better or they Nerf these minions for some weird reason these will forever stay at the top as your best options for these skills that being said if you are a little bit more ballsy and you're able to play on shifts in the market very efficiently you can actually make substantially more money using off meta minion choices but this is generally far riskier and I wouldn't recommend it if you want a more hands-off and passive approach to your minion setup for example when the rift update came out the price of gas tiers skyrocketed because they were in extremely high demand for specific crafts gas minions ended up being the best money-making minion in the game by almost three times as much as second place and this lasted for about 2 weeks before they went back to normal again technically speaking you could have made outrageous profit amounts if you played the alpha notice that the gas TI would become valuable and then use those minions during that period but this is quite a lot of work for a short boost of money and it's not really something that I'd recommend not to mention if you do pick up on these Market changes early you're probably better off just investing in the material so buying tons of gas tals and then selling them later not really switching out the minions to do so that being said there are also a handful of other solid minion choices out there such as sheep gravel chicken glowstone Pig and even lapis minions but I wouldn't recommend using any of these either because you'll likely need to AFK them more often they might have some intricate setups to maximize profits and they'll just be a lot more work to make super profitable compared to something like slime minions slime minions are the staple of the midgame money-making minions because of how easy and reliable they are to use while other possible options tend to not be as reliable even if they can be slightly better either way this covers all of the necessary information regarding the best midgame minion setups and once you feel like you've had enough here and you want to upgrade into something even better then the last section of this video is perfect for you late game Minion options are an interesting one because some of them are wildly expensive and require some of the craziest setups to make super efficient While others are typically just more advanced and intricate versions of setups that you've likely already seen for starters I want to address the last and also the most expensive minion in the game The Inferno minion I won't get into too many details in this video about how they work but what I will say is that these minions are the only way that you can unlock the chili pepper collection the reason these minions are considered late game is because of their crazy crafting and maintenance costs the tier 3 Minon alone costs around 4 million coins on average while upgrading to a tier five is 17 million coins on top of this Inferno minions are pretty useless without using hypergolic grade fuel which if you aren't aware already one hypergolic fuel will fuel an inferno minion for 24 hours and the cheapest one costs a little over 4.5 million coins to craft long story short these minions are very expensive to get started but have some very rewarding payouts if you can stick to them for long enough similar to the other complicated minion setups in this video I will leave a link in the description below that explains Inferno minions in much more depth so if that's something that does interest you you can always check that video out after this one unlike The Inferno minion though the next late game minions I'm going to talk about aren't considered late game because they're outrageously expensive but more because their requirements are very high the minions I'm talking about are the Red Sand and melum minions also known as the nether minions both of these are very tricky to level up to Max because you need 12,000 reputation in either faction to get them to tier 12 but they're also quite expensive to level up to tier 12 too however if you are willing to work towards achieving this they will most definitely outperform your standard midgame slime setup but they need a lot more attention in the process for example red sand minions can be buffed using a snail pet and a mining Crystal so if you AFK on your island with a fully maxed setup using a level 100 snail pet and the mining crystal is placed you'll see an even bigger increase in your profits than you would have seen with slime minions slime minions can be buffed using a Magma Cube pet but this isn't enough to compete with Red Sands myel minions are pretty much the same as Red Sands but the mushroom cow pet Buffs them instead and the prices of both red sand and melium tend to fluctuate around each other very often if you choose to use either of the nether minions it doesn't really matter which one you go with just choose the one that matches the faction that you've picked and it will serve its purpose just fine if you are like me and you've got 12,000 reputation in both factions though then I believe my tends to be a little bit more consistent cuz it is used in more crafts than the Red Sand minions so you can go for that if you really want to but generally speaking they are the same thing on a completely different note though these aren't even the best money-making minions in the game if you have the coins to afford a fully maxed out tier 11 tarantula minion setup then this completely blows the profits of the ne minions out of the water tarantul minions are almost always in the top three highest earning minions at base value Ed with no fancy Buffs or setups but they can also be buffed using a spider pet and of course you can use really good minion upgrades to increase their efficiency too as a result these are even better for earning coins passively but their setup cost is over 3 billion coins and at that rate you're probably going to want to use the even more expensive setups on this list which I'm just about to cover because if you thought that was bad spending 3 billion coins on the tarantula minion setup then wait until you hear about the current ult ultimate minion setup that is by far the strongest and makes the best money in the game so the current best minion setup that consistently earns the most amount of coins in this game is a fully maxed out tier 12 Revenant minion setup now the reason it's so good isn't because it makes a lot of money from the resources that the Revenant minions generate but it's actually from the combat XP that you gain from collecting the minions the idea behind a fully maxed out tier 12 Revenant minion setup is that you can use it to level up Golden Dragon pets and once they're level 200 you can sell them for a massive profit so very very quickly summarize how this setup works if you're on a co-op of eight people with 31 tier 12 Revenant minions you use hyper catalysts in every single Minion super compactors and fly catchers to level two golden dragons at the same time one with a combat XP boost one with an XP share and you pass this around to all of your C members every single day for a huge boost in XP then you can profit around 150 million coins per day now you're probably sat here super confused wondering what sort of black magic is able to manifest 150 million coins every single day and I know what I just said probably sounds like a whole bunch of mumbo jumbo so once again I'm going to leave a detailed guide in the description below which will explain Revenant minions in significantly more depth the key takeway from this example however is the fact that leveling golden dragons is what's used to profit here not so much that the resources that the Revenant minions generate actually earns you those coins late game Minion setups are typically just how creative and how far you're willing to go to squeeze out every single coin you possibly can from the minions you use and as a result this is likely a stage of the game that you'll probably never even reach whether it's because you simply don't have the funds to do so or because you can't be bothered to micromanage your minions so much to bring my own experience into this I personally just use tier n red sand minions with plasma buckets super compactive and Minion expanders because they're relatively low effort and they're slightly better than slime minions but for most people even just these simple slime minion setup is still the best option nonetheless hopefully this segment on late game Minion setups has opened your eyes to the seemingly Endless Possibilities that you have with minion setups typically this stuff is too complicated for the average player and unless you're really keen on hypers specific Min maxing I wouldn't stress too much about trying to achieve this the final segment of this video is just a quick collection of extra useful information that doesn't really fit into a specific early mid or late game category these are just valuable tips I've got that will help you progress using your minions so be sure to use these where applicable if you are using a full skill leveling minion setup try your absolute best to not claim them unless the Derpy mayor is active Derpy boosts all skill XP gain by 50% and he also doubles minion output so by letting your minions generate items leading all the way up to Derpy's election this will maximize the amount of skill XP you gain in the process if your minions do start to fill up before Derpy's active and you don't want to claim the entire thing you can always claim out random bits of items inside of their storages and if you are using Minions that have Diamond spreadings you can always just claim the diamonds in the storages and this will help free up some space for extra resources when Derpy does get elected be sure to wait as long as possible as well because the double output that you do get from his perks will be active for the duration of his election and this combined with the skill XP boost is huge if you're using skill leveling minions when looking for viable off meta minions there are tons of useful tools out there that will provide you with valuable data I've personally had a lot of success with a website called high minions and once again I will leave a link to this in the description below if you want to use it yourself this website just shows you simple metrics such as the most profitable minions based on bizarre prices at the time how much money your minions will make depending on what upgrades you put in them and it even has a recommended minion upgrading tool to help you unlock minion slots I'd highly recommend checking this out if you're trying to make the most out of your minions because there are some pretty useful features this website has to offer that being said High minions isn't the only tool out there and I'm sure there are probably more refined or better profit calculators that do exist so if you do a little bit of searching around I'm sure you'll be able to find something and then for my final tip of this video If you're trying to buy Minions that are typically high in demand such as slime snow or clay minions consider buying them secondhand from other players before crafting them up yourself often times people in public lobbies or Discord servers will undersell their minions at a nice discount so they can receive some return on their initial investment this is perfect for the buyers too as they will save money and time crafting them themselves so if you have the patience for it I highly suggest trying this out my go-to recommendations are the Sky Block simplified or Sky Block Z disc Discord servers which I once again will leave a link in the description below to both of these Discord servers so you can try them out yourself and with all of that being said that concludes everything I had for this complete minion progression guide hopefully you found this video useful enjoyable or informative in some way and if you did consider leaving a like or subscribing to this channel as this is the sort of content that I post around here hopefully I've equipped you with all of the knowledge you'll need to get the most out of your minion setups and I wish you the best of luck progressing in Hypixel Sky Block
Channel: ModernSoldier
Views: 91,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, skyblock, hypixel, hypixel skyblock, money making method, money making guide, how to make money, minions, best minions, best money making minion, new update, new content, dungeons, master mode, m7, m6, f7, master mode 7, master mode 6, floor 7, necron, dupe, duplication glitch, dupe glitch
Id: W4vJ2FpP0jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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