The Beekeeper (2024) - Movie Review

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[Music] [Applause] what is up guys and welcome to my review of the new Jason STM action film The Beekeeper and also of note this is the newest film by director David AER who's fairly well known mostly for the debacco regarding his Suicide Squad film unfortunately but he's a director that I enjoy most of his films and he he's written some things that a lot of people don't even give him credit for like training day he wrote the first fast and the furious which has turned into this massive franchise he's a very interesting filmmaker so you take a guy who's known for very gritty street level action thrillers you throw Jason STM one of the best and most relevant action stars of today one of the few action stars of today put them in a movie together you pretty much got my interest and essentially what this movie is is kind of a plot that we've seen numerous times before where Jason STM is this quiet beekeeper he's friends with this older woman she gets her identity stolen gets all of her money ripped out of her accounts and everything digitally just robbed from her and he has this little set of skills that nobody knows about so he activates and goes and just kicks ass all the way to the top to take down the people that uh that did this to this woman that he cares about and so right off the bat adding in the fact that it's a January movie you know that this is probably going to be a bit of a dumb action movie if nothing else but that doesn't always mean it's a bad thing some dumb action films are some of the favorites of all time that we all watch continuously so the question is is this going to be dumb good or dumb bad honey it's flammable as [ __ ] who knew starting off with the positives for The Beekeeper to me this was absolutely a successful throwback to the dumb action films of the 80s and even more so the '90s where the violence is high you got a kick ass action star that can carry through all this uh action all the violence all the hand toand combat which Jason STM has always done well with even in in bad movies and you have a lot of style brought with David AER as a director and he always likes to turn the grid up a bit so there's there's bloody violence here it is definitely rated R the movie doesn't take itself seriously whatsoever there's B puns for Christ's sake I mean they know this is a ridiculous premise and they're having fun with that it's a very self-aware movie and so it's definitely going to be for specific audiences there's some people that are going to see this that just get turned off and say that's way too dumb for me and then there's people like me that love those old school violent action films that look past some of the familiarity here and say you know what that's just a good oldfashioned dumb Kick-Ass time and Jason STM look he is one of the only people today that you can call an action star and it doesn't matter how bad the movie is I'm always entertained by this guy I mean hell last year we had Expendables 4 easily one of the worst films of the year and yet I was still mildly entertained and you would not have to twist my arm too hard to get me to watch that film a second time because it's just 90 minutes of Jason stay them [ __ ] people up you know he's in front of a shitty green screen this time but it's Jason stay them [ __ ] people up and that's a formula that I enjoy what the [ __ ] bro don't move and I actually found the film to have a very self-aware tongue and cheek humor to it it's not like laugh out loud funny but the deeper you get into this premise and the more that you find out about the Jason STM character and what a beekeeper actually is you can't help but laugh at the absurdity I mean there's scenes in here that are like straight out of John Wick where you got a older guy that's been in the business for a while he yeah this guy he just [ __ ] up all of my people oh my God he's a beekeeper what's a beekeeper well he's this thing that works outside of the government and he you know basically protects the hive The Hive being the system and as soon as the system system starts to fall out of whack he's activated and nobody can stop him so wait wait wait wait explain this to me so he's not only an actual beekeeper but that's like some kind of a secret code name for what kind of an operative badass that this guy is there's like an actual code name within the US government that they call a guy The Beekeeper that you're telling me that's that's the plot of the movie Yes okay [ __ ] it you got Josh Hutson in here as kind of the main villain of the movie he's the figurehead of this entire operation that's doing the identity theft and robbing all these people blind so that he can funnel the money where he wants it to be and I thought it was a fun performance from him it's a different kind of character he's just absolutely a Despicable douchebag I mean he's just snorting cocaine and rattling off these douchebag catchphrases and you know the second that Jason stay them is face to face with him he's going to last about2 seconds in a fight with him so they just have fun with him playing up his personality the entire movie and you even have Jeremy Irons as kind of his his second in command he's almost like an evil Alfred and so you have all these people that are Canon fodder that are just put there for Jason stum to break bones and to stab and to you know throw off of [ __ ] Bridges and do all the crazy things that he's going to do throughout the runtime all the while having some pretty big personalities that are the figureheads of the entire thing that were waiting for that confrontation so I enjoyed the villainous performances that we got and finally I think that David AER did a pretty good job at filming the action you know we are so spoiled now days with things like the John Wick franchise and the mission impossible franchise like these really high performing welldone action films that show you all the choreography and don't have all these cheap Quick Cuts and so I always walk into an action film that I know is going to be primarily hand toand combat a little bit nervous is like is this going to be where I'm going to be able to see the action or is this just going to be a bunch of shaky Cam and cuts and David a does a good job here where there's definitely some stylization there's definitely some quick cutting here and there but you could see all the action you could see every bone snap you can see every knife go in and I just like his gritty violent style here this is one of his most fun movies and I enjoyed what him and Jason STM Styles coming together turned out moving on to the mixed this is an incredibly fast movie like not just runtime wise I think it's like just an hour and 45 minutes or something like that which is nice you know we get so many three-hour movies that's nice but it's edited together and the story is crunched together so so tightly that the movie Just moves at a Breakneck Pace from the moment it starts I mean there's no lull whatsoever this thing just moved in the theaters which again very relieving especially for a movie like this but at the same time there were a number of scenes that I felt like should have breathed a little bit longer like there was just moments where it cut to something else or something immediately got introduced and then it was paid off a few minutes later it felt like the movie was rushing in moments so while I appreciate the fact that we get a movie like this that's very easily digestible it's very fastpac and you never are bored you're never like losing your interest in the film I felt like it could have been 10 minutes longer and just let certain sequences breathe a bit better and the movie would have felt a bit more relaxed moving on to the negatives there is a FBI detective character that is introduced here who is kind of the one that that knows that Jason STM is the one doing all these things and she's kind of hunting him while simultaneously hunting the people that Jason STM is going after and I just didn't like her character I didn't like the way her character was written uh there's this weird details that were given about her where she's kind of an alcoholic and she always wears her College alumni shirt even though she's been graduated for many many years with her FBI jacket over the top of it she's always kind of joking around and not taking things seriously whatsoever and basically her entire investigation the clues and the details that she needs are more or less just dropped in front of her or she just happens to know like this is a movie movie that does not go for logic whatsoever and we'll get into that in a second but her character specifically to be like the good guy Counterpoint to the anti-hero badass that Jason stm's character is I just didn't think she had enough charm or wasn't written to be Charming enough to really Merit her existence to where halfway through the movie every time it started to cut back to her I was like get back to STM and the other thing which is absolutely the biggest thing that you're going to hail against this movie you're going to see every single review talk about it whether it's a positive or A negative review this script is terrible like the story in this movie is dumb as [ __ ] and there's so many logic gaps here there is so much that happens just out of thin air people always know where to go people always know who to go to like Jason STM just appears in places like I said the detective character just every single piece of her investigation is just like Eureka Eureka left and right I mean it it just it moves at a Breakneck Pace because there's not any time for these characters to actually do any kind of work to get from plot point B to plot Point C but if you stop to think about it for more than a second the whole thing just crumbles so this is going to live or die a terrible death on whether or not you can shut your brain off and just enjoy a dumb fun action film this is not something to be taken seriously whatsoever this is not something to dissect the logic or dissect the reasoning in the storytelling it is an excuse to get Jason STM to beat the [ __ ] out of like 50 dudes for 90 minutes if you're on board for that you'll probably have fun with it if that's just way too much of an Ask movie's not going to sell you so overall I actually really enjoyed this I was surprised how much I enjoyed it tomorrow is my birthday this is kind of my birthday movie and it's always nice for somebody with a January birthday to have a good experience with their birthday film I like Jason STM I like what he does even when his movies are mediocre I still have some enjoyment out of it so take that with a grain of salt that I'm recommending this but but if what I'm saying this movie delivers and does well interests you if you're that type of old school action fan I think you'll have a good time with this whether you pay to see it in theaters or wait for it to hit VOD but if you're not a fan of that genre I don't even know why you're watching this review this is not a movie for you that's it for this one guys if you enjoyed that please click over here for all of my 2024 new release reviews I'm also going to put my playlist up here of all of my end of the year rankings the best worst most surprising most disappointing all that good stuff from 2023 and tomorrow on my birthday come H high water I'm going to have my video where I rank all 121 films I saw last year so please like share hit the Subscribe button so you do not miss that and as always remember opinions are like [ __ ] but that doesn't mean you have to be
Channel: Cody Leach
Views: 16,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cody Leach, The Beekeeper, The Beekeeper Review, The Beekeeper Movie, The Beekeeper Movie Review, The Beekeeper 2024, The Beekeeper 2024 Movie Review, David Ayer, Jason Stratham, Beekeeper, Beekeeper Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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