The Beautiful Untouched Abandoned Farm House of Mrs. Anna (Belgium)

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[Music] Happy Days where once lived there by Miss Ella who was a farmer in heart and soul but once in our old age this labor-intensive work also came to an end for her years passed and eventually she lost her husband and lift a relatively solitary life in her tiny little Farmhouse somewhere in Belgian lands unfortunately friends of hers came to visit every now and then all this until five years ago when Mrs Anna moved to a nursing home where she subsequently dies foreign [Music] S as a monument of her past life [Music] it has remains completely Frozen in time and all of its belongings have been left behind [Applause] foreign [Music] let me take you to a magical place on Belgian grounds where time has stopped [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] to a new video and we are currently standing inside of a very cozy Belgian Time Capsule and this feels like a lovely Grandma's home and actually it's very small farmhouse the farm unfortunately is completely collapsed at the house in pristine condition this house once belongs to the woman named Anna and it's abandoned for approximately five years from now so it's not abandoned for too long but believe me when I say that it's a time capsule and everything is left everything is left it's completely untouched yeah unbelievable man it's uh yeah there's so many details and so much character from Anna who used to live here the old lady I think she was a widower one day I think her husband has passed and she just solitary spent her days hair inside and so and she passed away man and yeah like you said already said before this is very unique for Belgium so let's go a typical Belgian Time Capsule yeah man let's check it out we're starting here in the main hallway you can already see beautiful wallpaper and still this Frame hanging up here on the wall another ornament as well damn also if we look to the tiles it's typical Belgium to see those checkered tiles and also on the wall like you were touching yep and then the wallpaper of course like you already said and this looks a little bit like the farm just the solitary house somewhere in the Belgian Meadow my grandfather is the same painting at home so oh yeah wow we can actually go in three different directions from here yep exactly and let's first do this one man all right oh that's the attic all right well since the redder little place let's quickly go up there wow oh look there are all those egg boxes so maybe they had poultry and chicken also in as far oh yeah for sure the robe over here to like it's probably to AIDS a lady when she was walking up yeah much respect for her I can smell hay over here this is part of a beta where it's like the headboards yep over here is like all the vintage vintage furniture stuff that used to stand in the home yep you obviously people always collect many things throughout your life with the idea of reusing it again but in the end it just ends up at the Attic this is part of a Belgian stove this is the ground part of it it's such a sad few every single time again and especially the imagination that this woman used to live her life on her own like in her last days well beside some furniture you know some decorations I don't need to say there is much interesting over here in the yeti actually now we're just starting off slowly because the rooms like Raymond said are a time capsule yeah yeah all right let's grab the Rope not old yet but better safe than sorry all right so made it out safe it's always such an awful noise when it squeaks so hard all right and grinds over the floor well the door is already open after you man wow look at this room wow oh wow this is just like the old farm houses in Belgium that we explored back in the day like three years ago yep and they are just increasingly difficult to find nowadays because Belgium is a little country so the pearls are often already discovered but not for this one no no absolutely not I mean you know people immediately go to the places and they demolish or take everything that they get with this one in a wonderful condition absolutely immense condition we still got all the jackets hanging up here versus over there and look the holy water and that's a trophy for Cricket uh I think yeah and that's a pigeons on the right yeah look inside there what is it glasses Crystal plates everything is still there even uh yeah it's a Belgium ice cream brand these glasses are pretty unique actually well over here some purses well let's some glasses wish cards stays over here happy birthday Anna happy birthday with your birthday and have a good health and on too many years three friends I think she definitely reached a quiet old age if you see her in the pictures yeah we will see her in the pictures eventually and yeah you can definitely tell that she reached an old age all right let's open it up well looks like those were just some table clothes for the table yep and for which table do you think the one behind you yeah probably they have Christmas this one's decoration yeah a Christmas table clothes so maybe it got abandons around Christmas time yep mostly this place to get abandoned around Christmas time yeah it's so difficult right it's difficult man and the warmest time of the year have you seen this these are all like guards I think they are all like that notes from relatives and Friends yep exactly a lot of them imagine if you grow so old in your life that you have to lose so many friends it's actually really sad unbelievable man these are like a lot of dead notes yeah probably around 40 or so well I think even over 100 to be honest wow yeah it's sad to see but it's true life and we still got all the chairs also standing here next to the window front beautiful curtains yep but then look at the yellow old one that's not so beautiful no absolutely not sorry to mention it but it looks quite cheap low variable the Silver Plate oh wow is it there it's silver right I think so foreign oh this is cool oh that's her working in the farm wow that's Mrs Anna working in the farm outside with a pitchfork and some hay give him a look whoever it is it's actually right outside here I think right around the corner yep or maybe even there down there crazy she was definitely a Roman Catholic fate oh yeah 100 for sure candles are also beautiful look at the candle holders too so detailed and then look besides these not so unique sheets where a hole or China where the incredible and also on the floor over there yeah beautiful portrait over there as well that's frame religious one and I again really like the wallpaper yeah it looks like candles to me two crucifix is exactly the same ones in one room okay okay I haven't seen them and this is her I'm all right this is Miss Anna and this was probably your friends yep it is actually in the room that we're about to see this is her couch and this is the other sofa right next to it um believe me she reached the very old age I also really like the stove truly unique nice face of flowers over here wow look how many details unbelievable right but everything is so religious like yeah they definitely used to go to church man so the cobwebs right between it over there it says to remain Young and Beautiful it's probably something that she collected from our travels I'm curious what's inside of here some towels purses of course batteries lights lights I will be in the other drawers I think some gloves yeah cheats gloves just are all day yeah yeah you can just stay out of there was really an elderly woman living there was stuck yeah I could just see tiny spiders crawling over those blankets over here right now always covered with blankets normally it's covered with gold whips got some sugars over here some more shirts all the tiny details also we didn't mention this lamb over area that was beautiful and it's an electric one yep electric handles beautiful decoration nice face right this is holding some clothes yep it's a wardrobe yep flank have fallen down Bush bear said but true man I've never seen that bush bear oh yeah yeah I did I did okay it's called Belgian beer at least yep all right and then the last one of this room also clothes so many of them there's even a fur coat over there but mainly only for women yeah that's why I was thinking that she was living here alone yeah maybe she didn't had a man we can find out we can find out about that well and I actually connected to this room there's also a little bedroom look at this beautifully untouched with huge wooden Rosary hanging on this side of the wall and neat little bats calendar over here which dates from it's not saying a day it's it's one of those Chinese calendars that you get in a Chinese restaurant yeah well right next to the right light switch you also still have this receptacle for an holy water such unique wallpaper again yeah requesting myself always like how why this unique wallpaper my room is just white yep well apparently that was her taste yep yep well let's get to the other rooms there and then let's go there I need to say to wear a lot of details all right less part mode and Yep this is what we were also talking about pristine condition look at this room completely untouched over there was actually the picture taken yep with Mrs Anna and her friends on the couch right next to it and then over here we can see a picture of Mr Mrs Anna again look at her sitting in the corner somewhere yeah and over there with her cow in the fields quite funny this is crazy it's legit untouched everything is still standing there all those porcelain things well that's a portion of butts cops unbelievable so beautiful that there is just perfectly conditioned right yeah right and then the painting man yeah this is a famous one yeah we've seen that one also in Spain one time and Portugal yeah Portugal foreign to see that the plan over there is actually still alive after five years but it's one of those plans it doesn't need a lot of water to actually survive yeah we call it the fat plant yeah I don't know the English word for it yeah I don't know but we call it fat blunt it means fat plant so actually funny name in English that plants fat plant well and I don't know if you really noticed is that there are numbers over here they're like those posted switch with numbers they've been labeled yeah and uh well like we said we don't think if she has um relatives or she had a husband because I'm not gonna and do it like this but over here is a list with all the names of people that are yeah that's right to take this stuff they just divided the items between I think friends or for uh but yeah there is still dust in it so the next of Ken I think they never never succeeded not yet but it looks like they're definitely working on it so yeah I hope they come to an agreement soon and actually all the items get a new life if that are valuable get a new life well we have a television over here very primitive one I would say yeah Phillips but toilet paper all the beautiful decorations wow look at all those figurines it's amazing isn't it like from a famous collection yeah we've seen collections like this before in France often and also why always something from Chinese relatives yeah or Oriental items yeah Oriental sorry still Candy's aware Chinese viewers that was kind of racist wow look at this box over here Gucci books huh there was a wedding picture on it oh it's definitely out there I don't think so but you never know no but they look like Royals foreign [Music] We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year okay so now they're seeing you you mean like plural yeah like two people two persons okay so maybe she had a friend or her husband one day which I definitely think but I think he just passed maybe they just never had children exactly that's your brushed it wow look at this we still have a barometer on the wall here meanwhile Raymond is actually struggling struggling to close it I'll have you seen this butter and coffee there was cinnamon in there this was too healthy old lady we're walking and moving throughout the home yep in the last years of life so yeah you can tell that she definitely had a very old age yeah I think the woman definitely lived a good life happy life in a cozy little Farmhouse here in Belgium more artifacts over here yeah we can I'm not gonna push him wow all those brass set to where candle holders little vases oh my Lord well she loves shots everything is there let's look in the corner I'll take your medicines yeah any pills in the morning foreign wow everything was just left behind to when this woman probably passed away yep there was even still a Euro coin over here some real money some real dough what's this aware oh it's like a flashlight like a bucket flashlight what I actually love is this Belgian stove yeah they're so typical for Belgium and you never find them somewhere else instead of in a Belgium Farmhouse we found bars of this one also in the Attic it says delay and that's those beautiful prince of flowers still look all over here what will be underneath this I don't know it's quite heavy articles the burnt coals man uh stove they would actually boil water and heat up soup and all those things and look this is the one you said from the other room yep the more holy water foreign clock we often seen this one in France well it's actually German German yeah it's a yeah it's from work also still shoes and everything in the ground here yeah unbelievable right and over here we have a huge chauffeur and another seat look at that look it's beautiful right yeah it's very beautiful somebody's willing to take this it's in good condition number nine the lucky winner lots of plants hanging up here and then right there in the corner we actually have their medicine box Luke still bandages and everything inside with all their potions and then if we walk a little bit up here we actually come into the master bedroom I have a look at this beautiful and baked wooden beds Where Mrs and I used to sleep and curly is all cluttered and there are a lot of things on top of it yep and set the cement all our clothings I just don't know why it got abandoned in 2017 and no one has reclaimed to items yet and also how it looks man it's like a very old furniture yeah there were a lot of antiques and Village items and sides oh that's again a picture with her and the other friend that we saw yep so we're outside beautiful foreign of course cheat sheets okay oh look this could be the marriage picture of her and her husband I definitely think so something on the back maybe try no unfortunately I think that's her with her husbands yeah it looks like right where else would it be in a marriage photo yeah true another medicine get over there and there in the corner there's another woman oh yeah there's some more marriage photos here look at that this could be your sister or somebody I don't know maybe that's the woman in the picture as well I actually like this wardrobe yeah yeah you can open it up nothing in here this one looks quite empty then yep well there's still some sunglasses and the birds on the ground there but for the rest it's empty all right a lot of clothes to wear crucifix and again we have 2017 written over there in that little paper so that's definitely the last day that this place was still occupied five years ago well move let's talk about the fact that we're respectful urbexers look oh wow unbelievable this is her jewelry and it's all still there all still there man so yeah you can definitely tell that this is but yeah this is this is real gold I can tell over here necklaces wow and it's all still here also over here and there oh wow this place is really remains untouched over the years yep and that's the actual property right yeah it is another picture look different back in the day yeah a hell a lot different and I see you man yeah a man and a woman yep so she definitely had a husband and they were living here together yeah and there's a second bedroom so I'm wondering who slept there I think she did in her later days honestly there are so many things dedicated to religion in this place I was this little receptacle over the doorpost from this perspective this room looks even more beautiful than from the other sides all right let's continue through this way because we also have an amazing vintage kitchen with something that we've not often seen you're about to find out what it is there we go the blue painted walls blue and pink dials there and all the plates are still standing there pristine like how they used to be well remember when you was talking about what's this this is how they got their water but the water looks very dirty and muddy yeah yeah it does but this is how they got their water there's literally the only water supply in the home so you can tell how vintage it is foreign wow all right I'm gonna reduce the noise after water dripping also a little ferns over here with still a band and a pot Standing On Top that was probably for a little soap over there only thing in the wall completely moldy wow a pan and some tools are hanging out there foreign [Applause] so many shoes we already even had some storage right underneath the staircase going to the Attic the secret passage yeah it's like a little door very hidden burst is going to fridge it's empty yeah that's empty that luckily crates filled with empty bottles of beer freezer over here this was just like a little storage bar they have so many of those holy water things yeah they really need their supply of it you don't think so yeah also still some vegetables over here in this tin hey what's the date actually for quite curious underneath it to the 20. wow I think they have a quite long expiration day but still 320 yeah all right and you see also where Raymond walked through it how low those door paths are made and those olds farm houses in Belgium look all their cleaning equipment yep oh yeah skill very old-fashioned skill I actually like this in the same color as the walls yeah you don't really see it it's like a new cover oh this was for the liquor I haven't even seen it well let's open it all up everything is standing here like you probably already expected all right foreign 's getting darker and darker yeah we're ending the end of the day near Indiana today right now another furnace butt Spence five years ago she was probably still making some meals here every now and then truly I would say let's go over there you need to do it all by yourself man it's very narrow yeah very narrow space of where foreign well I think she kind of collected her laundry here I don't know what it exactly was but all a lot of towels other shoes again a part where they definitely store things yeah they did yeah just a big storage actually let's look to the ceiling where they would hang all those things up cookies yeah not much pretty fascinating but as you can tell everything literally everything is level there and then we're going into the basement it's the last thing and we explore this apart it's all very dirty water over here foreign food over there and look I need to stand yeah it's very low over here very low kitchen basement paint in the corner yeah and probably over there they used to stand like dense with vegetables and food products one day with all right man well this is how we're standing at the moment yeah as you can tell well abandon our knees otherwise we will hit the wall yeah wait let me just crazy okay yeah I'm just gonna do it like that all right let's go I need to say as we said is a real-time capsule especially for Belgium by the way sorry for my voice as you can tell Raymond has a little flu I have a little flu but still exploring still going strong still going strong yes so kudos to him and leave the like button for his efforts yep yep and yeah I I honestly really enjoyed it especially all the religious artifacts and eventually that we found out that she had husbands because we were first like pretty sure that she didn't have a husband at least yeah yeah and in the end the puzzle pieces fall together and you find out more and more exactly exactly that's that's always so funny about the the certain like the small details inside these places so I missed exploring a place like this just a Belgium Time Capsule Farm yeah man yeah it's been like three four years ago you will never find him like this I'm in this condition no this was a rare discovery special thanks to a friend for showing us this place exactly exactly well and if you liked it as much as we did they know the drill like subscribe comment right down below ring the bell notification button also write down below or if you're watching on mobile right over there and as always we will see you on our next adventure peace out [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Explomo
Views: 41,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: urbex, abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned farm house, abandoned farmhouse, belgium, belgian, abandoned belgium, abandoned mansion, urban exploration, urban, exploration, exploring, explore, untouched, everything left behind, abandoned castle, mansion, house, castle, farmhouse, farm house, mrs anna, beautiful, the, explomo, exploring with josh, steve ronin, the proper people, bros of decay, exploring the unbeaten path, explored, found, untouched abandoned house, of, france, anna
Id: UfSNr86hu3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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