To The Moon: A Love Story. of Helping A Man Die

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[Music] oh excuse me for heroically evading that squirrel coming out of nowhere dr watts i don't think you have did a good job of evading i think that's dead you ran it over anyways oh what angle did he hit this tree at because here's the road right he swerved in here and was able to straighten the car out just in time to hit the tree he's a drift king he's just that good probably gonna be another all-nighter you know i know and i doubt i'd have any coffee shut up dr watts act one never told anyone but i've always thought they were lighthouses thanks for coming on such short notice that's okay i think to be bad at predicting debts as well are you the patient's daughter oh no i am just his caretaker these are my children sarah and tommy not exactly a nine to five job so johnny lets us live here i suppose this johnny is our man johnny listen if it's a kid we're dealing with i don't think we're the ones you want no no he just prefers to be called that he's upstairs right now at his medical doctor come with me is there anything else i can interact with for river by johnny h wiles kind of a song is this it's just two notes repeating over and over uh i don't think i can go anywhere else in the house just yet okay they're gone whoever gets their first gets to play the melody oh no fair you pushed me did not whatever you get the boring two notes anyway kids love their piano [Music] cut that racket out you brats i'm trying to sleep painting of a lighthouse by the cliffside a painting of a woman holding something yellow and blue painting of an animal of some sort a casual painting of three people so you two can grant him any wish huh to try at least we always succeed because we're awesome so what's the wish the moon the moon the moon he wants to go to the moon he's just keep on getting crazier why don't you tell us about our client here that i don't really know much johnny's an odd man so the two years that i've worked here he rarely spoke he worked as a craftsman for most of his life and his wife passed away two years ago well i suppose if you look around the house you may find some more info i suppose johnny wouldn't mind since he signed for you two hmm so be it who gets to search the house uh dr watsia you just stay put on the machine dr rosalyn's gonna explore thanks for the offer but i'm busy leaving a butt print on this chair receive remote patient monitor that'll keep you updated on johnny's status thanks i was just going to ask for it donnie's heart monitor is now activated in menu click this oh god okay so we can keep an eye on him at any time your mother said to ask you to show me around the house okay maybe we will maybe i think we just need a little convincing that's all what do you think tommy yeah what would you like we want one trillion dollars [Music] or the candy cane mom hides from us at 1 trillion it is cut the crap and help all right okay i i just can't get it right now oh i can grab this there we go receive candy cane got what you wanted good old candy cane you come and give me a tour of this at this instant i won't sneeze on it dr rosalind you can't do that we live in a covered society now you can't just talk that i know there's this funny room in the basement i don't like that funny room what do you mean by funny room you'll see it's weird you need to get the keys though the old man hid it inside a book in the study at the pilgrim's guide to origami volume one the keys to avoiding paper cuts uh read passage pilgrim's guide to origami has already supplanted the great wikipedia origamia as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom about paper folding although it has many emissions it contains much that is appropriate for full or at least wildly inaccurate it scores over the older more pedestrian work in two important respects first it is made of paper and secondly it provides numerous band-aids to make up for the inevitable paper cuts resulting from the reading of this book dusk like the tale of a girl who fell in love with a zombie who admitted the smell of daisies and showered with gentle sunlight is it this book maybe another year oh no there's the key chose his hiding spot well no one wants to pick up that book open the door with the room key it's like a cave in here oh this seems healthy a broken music box a stuffed toy platypus looks adorable enough to annoy neo might come in handy take the toy platypus a rabbit folded out of paper i can't advance into the room don't like the vibe that room gives me what do you two know about all those rabbits nothing the old man didn't want anyone to go inside so he never told him there's more of them actually where inside the abandoned lighthouse it's just beneath this cliff wanna go see i got the keys ain't supposed to go in there either are you these damn hooligans oh i gotta check out the light i i can't just stay and wait i need to head south to the street and take the other path to get down to it though i forgot my parachute of all days tommy pretty dark out aren't you kids scared of course not we role play it away what tommy's a super powerful knight and i'm a mighty magician yeah we destroy all evil oh that's uh that's nice do you role play too i no he's not cool enough to do it hey i could if i wanted to i could get my dnd campaign back together i could play a nice cleric can we touch the squirrel oh no it's a terrible squirrel gone wait what [Music] don't worry children i'll protect you [Music] attack volcanic jump kick yelling volume just louder your time is at an end squirrel gone yeah stop it or tell my you animal abuse yeah she'll call the cops on you didn't you say you like role playing well there goes the squirrel it's going to be like i thought it was just going to be like am i fighting like the wildlife now i was very confused there in terms of mechanics in memory of river e wilds river wilds she john's wife that was the same for river for the music okay and that was composed by johnny god this is it i imagine this lighthouse is no longer in operation if i had to guess if it is i'd be very concerned because you just see like rabbit silhouettes on the coastline a multicolored paper rabbit it just wasn't here when we came last week this is the only one with two colors huh you know these things actually look pretty hard to fold kind of an odd hobby though we got the platypus and the rabbit animal collection gang why don't you be late by another half an hour not like we got a dying client or anything i caught up in something i got caught up in something too it's called our job get off your high horse i'm late just this one time and you milk it please tell me we're good to go of course we are because i'm competent your helmet's on the couch chop chop oh we going inside his head this should be the last accessible memory disable speech for all except johnny done let's get him any time you can view your position in time by moving the mouse toward the top of the screen so we're looking at johnny's life uh okay what else have we got we gotta investigate each room i imagine and look at the clock received no clock that note about the clock the clocks in johnny's house never tick i still get all these items too johnny what a pleasant surprise we don't get many visitors around here my name is dr eva rosalin and this is dr von matterhorn dr lorenzo von masterhorn dr neil watts are you familiar with the sigmund agency of life generation a convenient i've just been thinking of calling you lily get us some tea please lily actually you've already called us we're here to fulfill our contract from the relative future careful dave you slip off the cliff we're gonna have to reload this memory watch it nils show some respect just a program you know i know but this is his last accessible memory and we need its cooperation first comes the worst we can just reboot it how would you waste time like that i don't like neil so can you do it can you take me to the moon we can't but you might be able to why did you why do you want to go there i don't know i just do i can already tell this is going to be a pain in the ass we need to get to your childhood but it is too distant to do so in one memory hop thus we will need to traverse through your memories with gradual backward leaps once we lay down the waypoints in your childhood memories for direct access we will return here that's when you'll need to help us influence the childhood you to become an astronaut or to get on a giant catapult as long as you can take me to the moon i will cooperate in any way possible good now in order to leap to a memory we need an item that is of importance to you you have a memento of some sort to get us started here is this bunny i made oh there it is that'll do we'll need to prepare this memento first oh complete the memento click the orbs to flip pieces there we go the memento can now be activated for traversal wait what about my privacy we'll try not to violate what we can avoid but in most cases it can't be helped they are going inside his head at them though it's gonna be hard to kind of stop what we don't see there we go we've jumped it's the platypus that's a lot of origami it's creeped me out we probably should have checked his record for psychopatty first oh what the did he hear me that's impossible probably just a part of his this memory interact with objects to establish five memory links what the was that what that's it i'm doing the breaking from now on oh that's the next memento the travel back in time okay reminder the corner orb can flip the entire diagonal okay i think i understand what i'm no i really don't okay i got it i'm still curious as to what this is i'm trying to we're helping this guy who's dying fulfill his dream we have to keep jumping back and back as much as we can it's finished river [Music] like you i'll be able to watch over her every day you won't be alone anymore i might never understand why but i stay true to your wish i'm sure anya is grateful to you too when i'm gone who is going to watch over us oh rosalind just revealed herself my name is eva i was just passing by was she your wife yes her name was river that's a special name she she didn't need to do it [Music] but she you wouldn't understand i don't even understand oh boy the growly at the start too it's got to be a journey this one anyway i'll catch you on the other side have fun re-breaking the barrier for yourself the platypus is the next jumping point ideal shows the minimum number of moves the memento can be completed in three okay i mean i can see a way to do it in four i'll still take that oh he's younger now we're gradually traveling back after we pay for your operation we'll have just enough left for it so don't you worry [Music] white lie that's what you call it right no i'm sure we can just stop it when the papers for my treatments get here i will not sign them well you do what our money is up to you but if you would grant my wish i want you to use it to finish building that house and then for every day that you live there i want you to watch over her visit her speak to her comfort her i don't want her to be alone anymore what about you [Music] happy i'll be happy i made this [Music] tell me what it is it's a rabbit like all the others you made what else its body is yellow and the rest is blue good what else look river i wrote a song it's for you okay it's called for river why so cliche it's just a placeholder who's lasagna they were talking about he's so important shouldn't we have seen her in his late memories i guess he didn't keep that promise after all no i'm too manly for this i'm heading on i already got my memory links you want to hitch a quick ride or look around yourself uh stay and explore go on ahead i'll catch up with you don't you miss the days when memory audio to mp8 conversion was legal i think i brought home over 2 000 songs during my first year on this job you just like download music from memories piano movers telling you there's just no way what if we take it apart look at us john we aren't exactly at the right age of piano moving you know what this means that much to you i'll pay for the professionals to do this can't help saving that house for you so this is the least i can do so nicholas okay prepare the memento jump back further yeah look what we have here this is the house under construction is it just himself working on it oh no there's someone else isabelle nick called and said i should come i heard about river would she be okay illness was just diagnosed in its late stage fortunately it's treatable but the medical bills i can't afford to finish building this house isabel barely afford to pay for her treatment gonna tell her that we can afford everything i don't want her to do anything crazy shouldn't lie to her you don't understand isabelle she found out i'm not sure which she'd choose so what if she chooses not to save herself for the sake of this place then so be it it's what she really wants i really just like when you neurotypicals think you know what's best for others hate when you call me that izzy i don't want to be alone isabel not going to let her die it's arrogant i don't care where you going going to pick something from this cliff to bring back to her it'll at least give her some comfort doesn't make what you're doing any less wrong nick wanted me to give you this that it's called everything's all right it isn't oh god it's so harrowing because like we're going back gradually true at all everything he wants now we've already seen how this plays out oh god is that a music box is that the broken one the music did change yes it is okay open up the pickled olives pickled olives are the key to everything activate the olives how wonderful having your dream house built at such a beautiful sight you had your wedding at that lighthouse near there all those years ago didn't you that's not all that's special about it we have a long history with that place well it's good to have some good news let it get together for once cheers and congratulations you two hey cheers oh it's heartbreaking be right back i'm gonna get some fresh air me too oh hey so did you tell river that thing from back then i did how'd you take it the most part she took it well but something bugs me ever since the incident she's been making these strange rabbits out of paper origami rabbits yes lots of them i used to fold origami animals for my daughter all the time what's wrong with that i don't think it's the same thing she's been doing nothing but making the same rabbits day in and day out the house is literally filled with them now didn't isabelle say something like that is a common trait with river's condition yes but something doesn't feel quite right this time when i asked her about it she never answers instead she gets this distant look in her eyes it's almost as if she wants something from me the strange thing is i feel like there's something i owe her too wait so even he himself never knew what was up with those rabbits forget about the stupid rabbits we've got bigger problems it's a confined memory and there there are just no mementos anywhere don't worry we can probably draw one from out from how leave it to me i just gotta give the bartender a quick visit first oh yes so this is a very real thing so they can just get stuck in the memory if there's nothing to associate it with other points in time that's interesting so they actually have to kind of improvise here to get back further heyo could i get a bottle of pickled olives please sure cash or credit check i'm sorry we don't take checks oh just put it on my tab then wait does that mean you don't have any money you're so getting reset hey there could i get you anything hello can i get a bottle of pickled olives please sure cash or credit just put it on my tab i feel like spending big today oh thank you sir here's your pickled olives thanks bro you'll be getting an enormous amount of tips today thank you sir you're such an ass meal why is that a bottle of pickled olives you sporting yeah are you a fellow olive lover indeed i am just got a fresh bottle of them myself in fact mind if i join you sure why don't you grab a seat well down a bottle together do people just eat like straight up pickled olives straight from the jar those people some people are screaming in horror no they drink it eva disable taste simulation now oh neil i don't think i feel like it you okay there yes i'm just savoring the amazingness of pickled olives they're wonderful aren't they yeah i just can't understand how anyone could find such things to be disgusting take your time we've got two bottles left more pickled olives and you know what else is wrong with society today hey i actually have it right here why may i see it okay here it is and freeze finally dear lord over the olives neil oh shut your mouth wait don't you there don't worry sheesh see i'm doing it by the books oh smash trying to get into this and you're ruining the mood totally worded okay memento pear we're going further back oh he's no longer gray crikey nutcrackers i don't think anyone has ever said that you aren't australian who cares like 20 billion nanometers off the ground and standing on a damn flagpole just jump down it's not like you can be hurt here you're kidding me it's a freaking skydive can't stay on here you can't get off god i hate it when this happens i swear if this pl he's gone what the neil is dead why would they abandon her like this i suppose she's just no longer needed no longer need it if we save well in a few years we could afford to build a house on top of here it's going to be a squeeze but i'm sure we'd be able to see her from the window in the morning at night we'd always be nearby and and we could walk here anytime she'll never be alone again john we'll be able to watch over her every day yeah we will you remember what happens don't you like watching a train wreck the ending isn't any more important than any of the moments leading to it the important thing is that over here they are happy they were referring to the lighthouses on you weren't they i suppose so in that river she declined treatment for the sake of a lighthouse isn't that a bit too extreme seen stranger things in the course of the job me too but uh i can never wrap my head around it it's none of our business anyway she's not our client so anya is the lighthouse what happened at the lighthouse they had their wedding here as well it's hugely significant to them okay wish me luck on this one lads i actually got it activate memento hey where are we now so the house doesn't even exist on this plot of land now i imagine and heck did they move this thing upstairs who knows by bet it'll be a piece of cake for the tardis not really you can't even get it through its door true well that settles it moving pianos is a pain in the ass for everybody probably take an entire episode to get it inside i wouldn't mind seeing such an episode we need it sounds pretty epic next time on doctor who jesus the new series has really gone downhill what is chibnall doing these days what are you making there [Music] rabbits did you see the rabbit i left for you yeah tell me about that rabbit huh describe the rabbit um it was yellow what else a bit puffy and well it's just a paper rabbit i don't know how else to describe it it's a lot of paper rabbits this is the day she started it huh wait so this this was the first day with the rabbits i mean there's something going on i don't know what new boxes of plain paper oh i think i know where this is going well this she started ordering supply for the rabbits he loves the platypus too this memento seems to have been like following throughout like john brought this to her grave so this has to be important do a diagonal oh and that pretty much solves it okay click the wrong one got the idea what's so significant here what happened with the lighthouse why is it called anya there's the platypus i left it in the car this is where the future house would be oh hey another crashed car they also had to dodge a squirrel at the last minute is that why you approached me back then yeah what about now is just part of it look it was a long time ago it's not too relevant now but izzy said i should tell you the truth i shouldn't have tainted our first meeting like that oh what is that a hacky sack can you throw this as far as where anya's at i don't know you want me to try would you river are you insane get away from there the next memento here the hacky sack i imagine is going to be a memento at some point that had some significance got to keep going everyone would is different john just because she and i said the syndrome doesn't mean we share the same head everything was okay at first but now she's even more aloof than before even when we're in the same room she's never really there just because she struggles to express it it doesn't mean she doesn't feel anything still there right unless you just have to have fate that she cares wait why do you seem so normal is he i mean don't you have the same condition when i was diagnosed when i was still young but effort it's not impossible to acquire a guise of social norms systematically me i'm an actress because i've been doing it all my life not only on stage but off stage and at practically every moment i've gotten good at it because acting is the only option i have the only way for me to be normal but river i never did that i made an outcast and refused to learn to step against it i don't know if it was by choice or by limit whether bravery or cowardice i've never met a woman with it before they're they're referring to being on the spectrum i imagine is that it just from the way it's being described here and you know how it's different in a case by case what are you reading there the emperor's new clothes i love this when i was young still do huh of course just for different reasons i was a kid i loved the animorph series i know you might have gave you a book from it as a wedding present ah yeah that was one odd wedding present i guess i was pretty obsessed with it when i was a kid why haven't you read them since i mean their children's books what's wrong reading children's books come for them suppose so tobias hawk rachel grizzly jake tiger marco gorilla david cover cassie wolf why oh just wondering could have just googled it oh those the animorphs are they i don't remember these otters i thought there were books or something for a moment yeah rachel grizzly you know what about david's he's my favorite character uh i don't know what are you talking about animorphs have you read it no yes really sort of oh do you know what animal is david's main morph um what was david again like he literally just said it cobra was a cobra an olive oh yeah a cobra i really wish they kept the old covers instead of these plain sheets those are cool something we could investigate there there it is emperor's new clothes ideal is five uh oh man these are getting hard don't know how i got that i'd not see what i was doing an aged animorphs book glass of pickled olives seal of homage but where's the mouse it's the corniest remark you've made all night don't you mean cheesiest [Applause] remark yeah you've earned that one back to watts the cough at the end has never felt more appropriate do you like the name anya [Music] would you like to name her anya [Music] i understand hey come with me they gave the lighthouse and name this can't be a good idea i'll probably trip and fall don't worry just follow my steps ah they're dancing oh ow my ass i think you stepped on my toes sorry her dress was the same color as that the rabbit that she made for johnny wasn't it was blue and yellow there's some association there promise to love and comfort to honor and to keep in sickness and in health for as long as you shall live i do until you take this man standing before you to be a lawfully wedded husband promise to love and income and comfort to honor and keep in sickness and in health for as long as you shall live yes by the power invested in me i now pronounce you husband and wife ladies and gentlemen i pre present you mr and mrs wiles hack the one uh yeah what did you think that was i'm just bad at wins that's all lewis had to escape from my eyes didn't know you were that sentimental oh when i say my eyes i wet my mouth my fluids have been bought fluids and solids that's a lovely image thanks neil oh i better go see how your anna's doing all right man tyler thanks for coming i will so proud of you joey joey oh that's my grandpa's name he passed away before i was born matt calls me by it as my nickname how come you never told me about it because the writer you call me john not another sentimental grandparent childhood what do you have against those anyway i mean you sure talk about your grandfather a lot what no i don't whatever you say it's even note joey johnny's nickname named after his grandfather okay so we might need that if we improv at some point can't be helped river i'm sure they didn't mean to come on we're late wait is that a rabbit why would you obsess over some roadkill not to mention so many years later don't ask me you you are the woman here don't know what you're implying dr watts the rabbit itself dead rabbit so was this the incident when the rabbit got hit and she started kind of making the paper habits after that we're jumping back with the rabbit this is linking to another point with a rabbit poor thing what's with all the road kills today there's a horse whoa don't do it don't do what you know what dude don't not ride this horse blue and yellow again what are you five years old okay i won't not ride it yeah but wasted time neil ah oh rip nail received note dr neil watts in memoriam village she has never done it by herself before i'll be fine i'm not a child ah river oh look at her go what's the matter let's go [Music] hey wait up i wonder if neil got off that horse yet she i don't think he has better go save his bum hold space to gal oh i can go fast now where's neil i'm coming oh neal god i i think i killed him it's the hacky sack memento here it is mental dude you have to line it up carefully with that horse though look at me i'm not getting on that beast again it's a bag i don't think it's the hacky sack the ideal is four [Music] actually amazed i've been able to figure out some of these is the diagnosis certain yes we've reached a consensus on the results unfortunately like many cases of pervasive developmental disorders it's a rather late diagnosis as you know when you were a child miss it could have saved you a lot of trouble you have any books on it this one is by tony atwood he's one of the specialists on the subject borrowed free of charge for now just don't elope with it thanks doc now are you two a couple unmarried and without any other current legal affiliation yes i see well i could give you a referral to a specialized counselor if you wish you're ending unsettling in the relationship no and you sir no it's fine nonetheless sir you should also give the book a read it'll help you understand her condition i'd rather not why is that well it's your call in the meantime there's a thing called equine therapy that might help her the ranch just north of here offers it i can contact them for you i don't know why it's saying like like condition and like dancing around like i guess being on the spectrum i i i don't quite understand that it was 2011. uh do you think it's just because it's 2011 it would just be a little less talked about because even back then surely it's highly stigmatized still in 2011. okay it's only 10 years ago my god and you couldn't even mention it by name i find that astounding excuse me could you please silence the clock the ticking really bothers her not that severe i'll be okay no problem it's standard policy there's anything at all that makes you uncomfortable just let me know that's why all the clocks were quiet in the house steph toy platypus can't believe this piece of atrocity is dated all the way back here leave the platypus alone looks like someone took good care of it still got pretty bad taste in animals though shut up neil leave her alone a lot of people who don't know what autism is are scared of it and cannot understand us in more recent years people have become more accepting i'm glad that you know that like that's at least something i find i find i can't believe that like again this is only like 10 years ago and you can't even name it you know because it would have been so stigmatized like that that just doesn't sound right you know look i know i can't believe he once paid to see this crap in theater no you idiot look we leaped we leaped through the clock oh god we went really far back we have cooked macaroni the kids in the theater all by himself what a loser yeah that's perfectly acceptable you go to the theater by yourself all the time that's different no one's confident enough to match my taste getting stood up now that's a kodak moment you're like well you can i see i want to construct him a lady friend can we construct the lady friend for him eva no oh he got stood up did he had to save i guess i have to nag something out of him again all yours this is no olives this time oh [Music] this is when they met river oh you were in there this whole time oh no they already they already had met i waited for you at the lobby i thought you didn't come why did you leave i thought we were watching the movie together oh i'm the one who should ask that what do you mean you're watching the movie together and then you left you're watching it together i didn't even know where you were saw me in there why didn't you come and find me what difference does it make you're watching the same movie in the same room oh he's laughing it off what's wrong you're so weird do you not want to watch the movie together anymore of course i do come let's head back in before it ends that is actually very sweet platypuses here we jumping through the platypus again yes we are platypus comes everywhere okay uh ideal is five uh we've now got access to everything wait okay this is a roundabout way of doing it because i've just deleted the platypus but i can get him back solved it incorrectly hurt her back i think we're in school now come on dude grow some balls um oh nicholas knew johnny back then it's not that look maybe this wasn't such a good idea oh yeesh what's what could possibly happen just think about it worst case scenario she says no straw on like nothing happened no no and everyone still think you're cool what if she tells someone or yells at me don't be a little us that's dr watts it isn't even nicholas i was like the doctor like have some balls kid what if she throws an encyclopedia in my face i don't even have a helmet dear lord i'm so not prepared for this dude don't panic just straighten your spine to quit being a little wuss yeah you tell us hello uh hello can you hear me yes and why didn't you never mind um that's a cool platypus you got there what are you reading a book about platypus no oh i i think that's great that's the face bomb from dr watts lighthouses huh there are exactly 16 second order fresno lens lighthouses in the country left nine of them are coastal and one of them was modified from historic kerosene lamp lighthouse um say you want to go catch a movie together sometime i don't know that's okay i'll give you time to consider it i can't why there's no date or time oh um how about this saturday at eight eva i think the system froze yes oh great never mind i guess we'll work out the details led johnny how'd you get on what the heck were you doing in there dude what i asked her out no that was pathetic if i were you i would have just barged in there and be all like oh it's been cracked a little hey you go out me you now that's just terrible i know and it would have still been better than what you just did skating critique yeah da vinci train by drawing eggs barrels are like very big eggs therefore you will all be very big da vinci's i can't fault that logic you want to be the best artist in the world trained from the biggest egg you can find river why don't you answer it you know you know the answer we're waiting river fine i guess we'll we'll have to made sale on august 3rd of 1492 from the spanish city of palace till the frontera which was founded in 1322 and granted to alvar perez the guzman who was at the mere age of 14 by the okay okay i only asked for the date oh god number she must have had a hard time in school alt tab alt tab sieve note alt tab life save okay i don't know if that helps us with the current mission johnny's doing okay too heart rate mine is still there i'll set f4 all f4 i learned that advice from my good friend twitch chat they've always got my back yeah she's unique but she's uniquely boring i mean just look at her she just sits there by herself all day with that creepy deformed duck toy ah deformed duck that's a platypus anyway she's just so off you know like she's from a totally different planet or something i know isn't that cool oh if you're into aliens and that sort of stuff i guess really if you want to be weird why don't you just go hang with the emos and guts well for one i don't want to ruin my hair the fact we got a name for them says a lot too i just i just don't want to be another typical kid in a sea of typical people how the heck would beam widow change your own identity i mean you'd just be some guy who hangs out with a shy girl he's not just shy nick something's strange about her look nick the point is that i know what i need she's the one who has it do you want her for what she has but not for her that's cold man just hope you know what you're doing i i do you're wrong though people aren't that typical everyone's unique in some way right this guy's some kind of human hugging hipster that's sort of disturbing you know sometimes i want to slap our clients upside the head it's high school everyone's a bastard but hey welcome to the club wait this is what he told her about at the cliff i was just thinking that yeah this is how things started with them then when cuckoo and began to make those creepy rabbits right because he confessed this from who knows how long ago she's pretty good at holding a grudge okay so they got they got together for what is the wrong reasons very very kind of cruel reason but i imagine somewhere there he came to genuinely love her for who she is because johnny does apologize for this you know they do spend their lives together i mean i would hope that god that's you know that's what comes of it death toy platypus this love every time we see this thing we're guaranteed a free memory link must have left as big of a scar in his mind as it did on mine i think a scar is the wrong word he associates it with her you know she took her with her everywhere calm me oh for a walnut's sake ah hey not cool eva you never goodness me what could the censored word be going further and further back i'm going to school now man have a nice day joey there's the pickles the pickled olives oh no cucumbers holy crap my mind's totally blown pretty easily impressed not quite olives i i've no idea what i'm doing absolutely none solved it don't help i don't know how where are we eva what the hell is that okay so something's going on with his memory here does he repress this that's his next memory yeah why is it going laputa on us i don't know it's just not linking the memories together for construction oh this is bad but don't worry we've already gotten the teenage years saved we might still be able to do this well i guess this is it there's nothing we can do here ready to finalize before activation ladies first we have to hop back out we got very close to his earliest memories there he went all the way through his life act two billions of lighthouses stuck at the far end of the sky that's all this old fool knows sorry i can't be of more help i'll have to be enough all right that's all that's all that's left to do is link in your registered desire to go to the moon to your early memories and we'll pull the switch and voila you'll be on the moon in no time if you can make lily disappear it means you can alter this world then can you not simply make things happen and fulfill my wish here and now that would work if this were your one true set of memories what do you mean what is this then what am i this is just a copy canvas for us to work with if you will all we can do is prepare this canvas in a logically consistent way and then when we transfer your registered desire to your childhood the machine will generate your new life one where the desire dictates your behavior the result of that would then be revisions of the real john you see even if we satisfy you you're merely a read-only program i mean we could reset you over and over again and that's enough don't be so sensitive he's not real you know truly believe that why did you even care to explain doctor is that what i truly am oh oh this has done something all our nights work this is the connections and chains what the please give me a warning first what can i say i like being ahead ask if that's a pun but i'm afraid you'd say yes let's do this fast i feel silly enough in this form as is all we need to do is pass desire from his latest memory to to the earliest line up two matching mementos on the edges to transfer the registered desire eva check this out i'm not seriously oh the book is the link the book oh once it's unlocked they don't have to stay connected do they not okay there we go so we've associated them doesn't have to be one chain all right let's go check out what souvenirs he brought back from the moon ladies first not this time man wait we're not going in there too bad we got a straggler here no loss we can do this without him i know but it feels incomplete yet too attached it's going to impede your abilities to do your job it's rubbish don't pin your womanly ways on me neil needs to shut up yes he does something isn't right these memories they feel more than just haven't happened again they are exactly the same impossible the desire was transferred was it not it was okay what's happened what a pleasant surprise we don't get many visitors around here deja vu again my name is dr eva rosaline and this is what i'm not saying it twice dr neil watts lily get us some tea please lily freeze him too oh something's gone wrong what could this be even as if his desire doesn't work alone why is there no change at all perhaps perhaps it just needs some provoking to activate from his early memories johnny's desire to go to the moon might need some stimulation to be brought up huh well then oh we're changing it what the this wasn't what they said was playing oh well do you mind river no i like this one all right let's go then hopefully that's enough for an ignition wait where is neil where is neil uh yes my favorite film moon what are you guys doing here it's starting let's go get a good spot wait i don't remember that happening something must have changed that something is different this isn't a real change this is may i have your attention please as you know i'm representative sent from nasa in all its glory and i'm here to tell you all about it oh no neil hit it timmy wow that was terrible what chances do i have of doing something as awesome as adventure in another realm to inhale the sweetness of venus to swim counterclockwise through the rings of saturn or perhaps just chilling at the backside of the moon well here at nasa we believe that with enough will everyone has the potential it could be you or you or perhaps you i don't want to go to the moon then you're in luck wait what why not why should i i'm happy here on earth as it is oh don't you want to go there even a little bit no why not even a tiny bit um no this kid will be terrified you're going to the moon sonny well as an official nasa recruiter i should go over some facts about the moon did you know that its surface is about as big as africa it's true in fact if you try to bike around the moon [Music] also it takes 1.5247 seconds for light to travel to the moon from here and if you drive a flying car it takes 130 days on your lap you'll roll in a one on his persuasion rule jesus did not spec charisma remember nasa welcomes any of you especially if you're a brunette neil no nasa probably wouldn't hire you but i suppose it was blatant enough for this i do try pretty hard you're gonna go see if that worked course be right back utter failure deuce hey don't get discouraged i'm sure there are still things to be done what do we got next what's our next idea can't afford to finish filming this house isabel can barely afford to pay for a treat but can you neil no can you afford the lunar trip lottery the diagnosis surgeon yes in fact we rarely have anyone did you know that nasa has excellent health care plans it's true for both you and your spouse good free phone he rides in space oh look a wedding good for you but here's a riddle guess what you should go for the honeymoon imagine just your entire life you're being terrorized by people just saying you want to go to the moon hey johnny johnny you come with me to the moon the moon anyway as valuable as time is here this just isn't going anywhere like this let's take a break till morning hopefully johnny can hang on until then we're contacting you about your space shuttle's extended warranty you need to make sure the warranty is in check if you want to go to the moon johnny everyone's going to the moon including you doesn't make sense why the machine of no effect johnny's registered wish to go to the moon was successfully transferred yet it wasn't even a trace of him wanting to go to the moon after the transfer unless unless a secondary condition for the desire was changed in the process only then would the same desire produce two different outcomes at two different points in time you don't have much time left i wonder if neil came up by anything pictures all kind of make a bit more sense now payton of a lighthouse by the cliffside painting of a woman holding something yellow and blue painting of an animal of some sort that's the platypus casual painting of three people that's the old gang from school i imagine river made the paintings seems like a little johnny here has some hidden records from the old days hidden records hidden medical records to be exact apparently during his ute he was administered a large dose of enhanced beta blockers and what luck they tend to have this little side effect in the curious thing called memories johnny didn't have a heart condition did he apparently not which leads to one to wonder if the side effects were intended to be merely just that to begin with in such a large amount its impact on his memories at the time of administration must have been significant that's what kept us out of his earliest memories well that's not the machine i'll tell you that it's just given the reconfiguration frequencies that should get us past the blockers and once we're in his childhood it might finally be early enough to transfer his desire for it to work in order to activate the new frequencies we'll need a trigger trigger something that exists strongly in the bridging inaccessible memory and we'll need to give it to john for for him to stimulate his memory internally but what do we know of that we've only gotten a glimpse of his childhood memories even if you find a childhood photo or something john's unconscious the road kill eva it smells i know it's your fault for running over it what's going on the children are still sleeping wait a minute that last memory the one we were stuck at it was the same smell the olfactory receptors are directly linked into the brain's limbic system lily let me see what this means um what he means that smell is arguably the most effective sense for a memory recall we can use it as a stimulant to bridge his childhood memories and the best part even though johnny's unconscious he's still susceptible i think i'm missing some vital contextual info on this whole thing all right this is good this is awesome you just need to go fetch a piece of the roadkill yes i'll just wait why should i fetch it you're the one who rounded over exactly i've already done my part how noble neil the squirrel was the plot device all along not safe to just bring in a piece of germ-infected roadkill like this there's a valve container in the car at least make its odor controllable the thing is why does this childhood smell like that where are you going i gotta go take a leak ah here it is received valved container what's that thing there gotta get some of that dirty roadkill this painkillers is neil okay oh hey did you get the road kill it's ready great go get it set up i'll be right back neil these painkillers i think they are yours hey may i ask why you were on them i wasn't going to tell you but oh this is embarrassing a few days ago i walked into a concrete wall you just walked into a wall like that what could i say i was in deep thought some rather strong pills neil and it was a rather strong concrete wall it was a match made in heaven i say let's hurry john's dying back there neil you aren't addicted are you you're kidding me the overdose before i'd sink to that level of contrived mess what's wrong with neil so when we get to that exact point i will send the signal when i do i want you to release the valve for about three seconds certainly this might be your last chance you two whatever you do in there good luck what's the last thing we need oh god act three they shine their lights at the other lighthouses and at me imagine this is the final act i already have all the memories gathered the ball was the key there wasn't much association with the ball but there is a bunk bed here which seems a little suspect neal's childhood smells of death what's going on something's happening quick send it again what's going on doctor something's wrong what take over from me lily this condition has been destabilized intake levels must be reconfigured it's happening to this place it's been destabilized get out what get out of his memory now what are you talking about if the system doesn't restabilize you and the shock might permanently damage whoever's in here why aren't you getting out then i can't kneel if both of us get out under this state all of our work will be reset it won't be enough time to redo all we've done before johnny oh you freaking don't pull that contrived crap on me then a movie and you're no hero you're just being a why you being one too get the hell out of here screw that if you're gone they'll probably pair me up with alistar you know how badly he smells worse than the roadkill he's stabilized we're back online and guess what your carrot cake sucks neil you can't just say that wait a minute my carrot cake doesn't suck um you know what i didn't mean to you know call you a right you know that i did right these guys are made for each other we actually made it and now i'm not sure if i'm going to like this place what do you mean it seems peaceful enough neil did you notice something out in johnny's room earlier the bunk bed i suppose not never mind i just hope i'm wrong i think it's the bunk bed you should time overlap's getting out of hand look at how many of them there are it's like a zoo he has a brother better get going the stores closes early today oh take care martha say hello to the boys for me i will i'll see you around the only thing that exists in this memory that could do such a thing would be duh we need to go back now wait what's going on now just shut up and come oh god i don't understand he was unconscious how would he be seeing this here when he he when he never did i'm just surprised that he survived didn't you see it in his room neil johnny slept in a bunk bed joey joey why did you hit joey ma why did you hit him joey wake up joey wake up lose a twin brother not to mention how their mother must feel at least johnny had the beta blockers erase the memories not like he remembers it much somewhere in there the aftermath of those memories probably lingered what about their mutter i don't think she took i don't think she took the beta blockers seems to have gotten a little cuckoo lisa don't really think she called johnny joey as a nickname but she then takes johnny for joey what about johnny himself i don't like it here let's move on and we're twins dude you should totally give this series a try animorphs was his favorite series i mean really it's just wicked awesome i've already plowed your tree books straight what's it called animorphs i don't like that weird alien stuff why not it's great instead of going to boring school they get to turn the tigers and all big bad aliens they're all like just watch johnny one day i'm gonna be a famous rider i'll write the coolest novel on the block and every kid will get my book for free and make us rich and buy both you and my really big houses how would you get rich if you give away the books for free free for the kids the parents would still have to pay of course what you still mad about the other day oh come on i called first dibs on the train fair and square what happened to your prize anyway you gave it away well hobo look it's not just about that day [Music] you know i always favored you hey that's not true remember last christmas and last easter and the time we went fishing and hey okay you know what you can have my train if you want really yep i mean hey by your reason she'll just get me another one right oh jesus oh even earlier fruits fresh fruit apples oranges and tomatoes we got it all wait a minute tomatoes aren't fruits uh yeah they are they're the ovaries of the plant and contain seeds that's what a fruit is come on tomatoes we never ever refer to them as fruits we who happen to enjoy cooking in groups okay some of us take it very seriously and strictly speaking tomato is not a vegetable it's actually a type of dolphin i don't want this stupid toy i want the train the only train left you want to exchange your price for a teddy bear instead no i just bought the train now now john don't make a scene but i won two he just went first he it's okay i'll let you play with it too be how nice your brother is johnny okay you dumplings don't block the stand now come let's go see what's over there i'm not a dumpling hey is that whack-a-mole whack-a-what whack-a-mo you take a mallet in whack moles isn't that animal abuse or fake moles butthead oh people blew off steam before fps were invented oh primitive yeah it's pretty ghetto want to play just hit everything on the head and you win yes yes yes uh sure well this is an actual game hang on johnny could be in his final hours let's get sidetracked the carnival real quick remember that pirate and inception where like leonardo dicaprio just stops to play mini golf while the dream is collapsing out of 46 total target appearances you struck 46 times and made 44 successful hits it's a 95 percent hit rate it's your new record i'll take 95 percent whack of all eddie first said we can't just stop all day to play whack-a-mole johnny's life is like in its final hours i'll hail the mole king they used to call me the whack-a-mole king back in college they didn't that's not true they called me the drift king back in college so that is true don't you ever forget can never understand you joey how can you stand the taste of them they're just so sour and icky sour and awesome is what you mean just try it no i don't even want to taste regular olives you try at least one johnny who knows maybe you'll like it yeah this is when he tried pickled olives i'm done though can i go play okay but only at the playground not an inch too far leave that bag i'll keep it for you no it's mine i won it yeah so like how johnny seems to have processed the loss of joey is their identities kind of merged wow we saw birds like that in the walkway up to his house well okay so he wandered off the trail and found a cool place let's face it he could have also been eaten by a pack of tigers tigers don't travel in packs idiot you know when i was a kid my grandpa took me stargazing every year there was a hill outside of the city that we'd stay at the same one every year watch the stairs till daybreak well i did mostly he just carried the telescope for me of course the thing was though man didn't want me to stay up late grandpa always told her that we were just camping and hit the telescope inside the car that's all good but when we got back in the morning had to pretend like i'd actually slept in conclusion that's the story of how i started my caffeine addiction oh i told you pax a tigers dweller hello wait don't go i'm johnny what's your name you're at my spot oh i'm sorry i didn't mean to hug this place all to myself uh you want to join me are you here to watch the stairs are you [Music] oh we got a completely different angle [Music] look at him you know you still haven't told me your name yet not telling you everyone makes fun of it in school why say it makes them want to go to the washroom uh okay well it can't be worse than john i mean everywhere in the world nearly everyone's named john we do have a lot of john's in the society at large what's wrong with having a name that everyone has well it's boring i guess if everyone has it then what's the point i wouldn't mind just for once to have the same name everyone else has like those lights in the sky they all look the same from here but that doesn't make them any less pretty what do you think those stairs up there are anyways my dad says the giant burning spheres of gas oh i bet he's just making it up why would he lie to me because you know that's what grown-ups do they make things up santa easter bunny kangaroos it's true kangaroos aren't real australia's not real have you ever made an easter bunny out of stairs like a constellation yes um of other things never tried a rabbit though [Music] you want to make one yeah we'll make the bestest constellation ever let's see who makes one out first three two one and i see it uh where in the sky oh beware in the sky think big uh bigger than all the others wait a minute wait a minute i see it tell me what you see there right there's two ears in the head what else and there there's it's two feet yes what else and the moon the moon is its big round belly of course cause river river would have known about joey and the fact that johnny has forgotten this throughout his life so when she's interrogating about the rabbit she's trying to bring back these these memories because johnny would have forgot that's what she was trying to do with all the rabbits and the blue and yellow one of course it's the moon in the sky what do you think they really are the stars i mean [Music] i i've never told anyone but i've always thought they were lighthouses billions of lighthouses stuck at the far end of the sky it must be so lively up there but it isn't they can see all the other lighthouses out there and they want to talk to them but they can't because they're all too far apart to hear what the others are saying all they can do is shine their lights from affair that's what they do shine the lights the other lighthouses end up me why you because one day i'm going to befriend one of them that bag what's in it oh it's the prize i won from whack-a-mole did you get to play that game i tried but i'm too clumsy what did you get from it i got a thing i don't really know what it is it's a platypus it's some kind of a weird duck beaver thing may i see it he gave it to river and he doesn't even remember i wish i could win one myself johnny that's my colin here you know what keep it it's yours mine yeah i can always get another i don't like to brag but i'm totally the best of that game will you be here next year yep will you yes same place same time yes what if you forget or get lost and we can always regroup on the moon silly right on the rabbits tell me connie coming oh yeah i forgot my hacky sack in the bag he said you're clumsy right maybe it'll help [Music] treasured them all that time he never even knew here i thought this is going to be an inspirational childhood dream story should have known that some girl would come along and turn it into a cheese fest you neil i suppose now we know what we must do to send him to the moon wait you aren't actually going to do it are you it's our job neil but we are contracted to do damn it evil wait oh we're going forward i know you were in here leave no moon so he always had like a connection to river even if he wasn't aware of it objective where johnny and river are to regroup they get lost from each other neil i know what you were planning to do i know that you know yeah well i know that you know that i know look a contract has to send him to the moon the only way for that to happen is if johnny is motivated to do so but if that means removing river then what's the point the reason why he even wants to go to the moon in the first place is because she died i know but we are legally bound by the contractors specifically the contract didn't take this job to make him miserable eva i don't know about you but i signed up to help the freaking geezers die happy me too and i like this job but if we directly go against our legal obligations we'll be in for court hearings with appeal we know that johnny'd be happier to not go to the moon johnny would be happy with a lot of alternate life tangents neil we're not here to play god our job is to give him what he signed for we happen to know what he wants better than he does look i'm only released risking losing the river because i believe in her and what do you mean risk you're removing her and decides i will make up for it make up for it how running out of time booby traps really eva just trying to buy some time geez thanks for telling me oh i gotta go some expensive pieces of equipment you're tossing seriously just stay put and wait till i'm done piss off come on neil you got it i know i just told you to off but you got to save this oh you've got to be freaking kidding me this is a game to you either they aren't just zombie evas the zombies come any closer i got plants oh we gotta go we were shooting with plants it is plants vs zombies we've come full circle [Music] oh what did you do to her relax she's merely going elsewhere at this point this is the only way i'm asking you to trust me please just calm down and wait here let's pull the trigger already where are you going just one last thing i need to do oh so there's no need to visualize the door what's all this melodrama neal why why you fighting so hard for this forget it there's no time come on they're gonna hog all the good tables they're all the same sheesh ah joey's right the ones by the kitchen smell better totally and olive refills are just steps away joey's here now saving him doesn't justify it you can always find another river neal but he'll only have one brother come on we're in the way joey's back but river is gone [Music] short steps deep breath everything is all right chin up i can't step into the spotlight she said i'm sad somehow without any words i just stood there searching for an answer when this world is no more the moon is all we'll see i'll ask you to fly away with me [Music] until the stars all fall down they empty from the sky but i don't mind if you're with me then everything's all right [Music] why do my words lose their meaning when i feel what i say there's such a rift between them he said i can't really seem to read you i just stood there never know what i should do when this world is all we'll see ask you to fly away with me until the stars all fall down they empty from the sky but i don't mind if you're with me then everything's alright if you're with me then everything's alright [Music] [Music] he actually made it huh sounds surprised whatever happened to we always succeed because we are awesome [Music] this isn't a success i'll lighten up we're in nasa to the moon the story about a lame duck's attempt to become an astronaut a novel by joey wiles i can't believe this crap actually sold isn't the real world neil satirical comedy i imagine about his brother what do you think last century's moon landing was that's not neil let's not what's the best part of it what the very top and bottom of the shuttle oh how i pity anyone who can't see those particular parts indeed especially his nose at the top maintenance finishes it probably won't look the same yeah and now's the only time you devs that's like they're real clever don't they they're just laughing it up right now at least he got into nasa i guess i think he made it to the end even if he did it take board in just a few years to become an astronaut let's hurry and find the last link then hate the mr finale what's going on are we out of time i don't know and here's our other new recruit river right good to have you on board hello i'm john [Music] i almost thought you wasn't what the you deleted her now i told you i just moved her he does what her life here is still up to her this new world is based on public data and johnny's own beliefs since rivers data as an individual is not recorded in the public domain it all comes from johnny but have gone very badly you know we never want to take risks neil just say i won this round [Music] still made the song he wrote it himself apparently i had a repetitive if you ask me though [Music] what's it called to the moon [Music] i like that name wait we're all going in [Music] lily and the doctor too thank you for letting us in here yeah yeah he was the one who requested it you find out why you wanted to go to the moon sure and what all happened here let's just say it was a bunch of sappy cheese that soared itself out come up here oh why why not just gonna push me off the ledge again aren't you probably but the views weren't the odds neil just plummets into the river below oh johnny's going to the moon and i'll see you in hell neil oh because one day i'm going to befriend one of them [Music] there's still time to kill neil gotta go real quick eva just knock him off the bridge no one's looking all the tension's on the rocket right now they'll never know well you tried you had your chance [Laughter] shut down [Music] the the memories still work out joey's about for it all now too river lived as well because they had money [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 631,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Irish, funny, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, funny stream highlights, to the moon, to the moon game, best indie games, to the moon full game, to the moon gameplay, to the moon ending, to the moon story, to the moon lets play, to the moon music, to the moon playthrough, to the moon pc, to the moon neil, to the moon game play, rtgame, rt, game, rtgames, rtgamecrowd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 9sec (5169 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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