A Man Who Loves Crime Plays Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Part One

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"My name is Phoenix Wright. I'm a lawyer. And I solve anime crime."

Best opening line ever

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DepartmentSquare1 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] oh damn it why me i've got to find someone to pin this on it well i wonder who did it someone like him i wonder who did the murder i'll make it look like he did it august 3rd 9 47 am district court defend lobby number two oh my god i made it on time well i have to say phoenix i'm impressed not everyone takes on a murder trial right off the bat like this oh we're going in the deep end actually it's because i owe him a favor favor you mean you knew the defendant before this case he's one of the reasons i became an attorney well that's news to me i want to help him out any way i can i just really want to help him i owe him that much it's over my life everything it's all over everything okay in the courtroom that your client screaming over there yeah that's him that's despair oh i'm gonna do it i'm gonna die gee golly it sounds like he wants to die yeah he's a joker like that ain't he nick hey hey there larry dude i'm so guilty tell him i'm guilty but you got to keep your voice down you can't be saying that before the trial who took her away from me nick who did this oh nick you gotta tell me who took my baby away newspapers say it was you let me just tell larry that well i think you were responsible for it but you know we're gonna just try and uh keep up the facade as long as we can in the courtroom you know let's just entertain everyone a while larry butts my best friend since grade school our school had a saying when something smells it's usually the butts larry shot his pants in school and they never let it go that's not relevant to the case i just want to mention it here there's a reason his name is butts but i know better than anyone that he's a good guy at heart that and i own one which is why i took the case to clear this butt's name let's clean butts court is now in session the trial of mr larry butts prosecution is ready your honor uh the uh defense is ready too i think oh gee your honor mr right this is your first trial was it not oh gee yes you're hotter i'm a little nervous oh i i don't feel confident defending my client murder is a serious charge for your client's sake i hope you can control your nerves oh gee thanks you're honored you shouldn't be this nervous in like a quarter law i think we should have a test to ascertain your readiness yes your honor oh gee my hand's shaking eyesight fading knees weak mom spaghetti please state the name of the defendant in this case it's me i'm the defendant right have you completely lost your mind focus the defendant is the person on trial you're his lawyer what law school did you go to sorry i couldn't hear your answer i'll ask once more please state the name of the defendant in this case it's definitely me it's definitely me uh it's just what if i say it's mia me all right i have to go home i'm expecting a delivery come on jeep there's no need to be going so soon is there listen right the defendant is the one on trial your client get your [ __ ] together phoenix sorry i'm really hard to hear and you know it's just like hair like lodged in my ear right now um i'll ask you once more please state the name of the defendant in this case you guys can't see it on stream i just got an achievement with a picture of mia that said please turn in your badge that's not a good start considering this is my first case this is a murder trial tell me what's the victim's name oh i know this one glad i read the case report covered the cover so many times it's uh oh it's uh mrs butts uh larry's girlfriend christened at birth i believe the victim's name is listed in the court record just press tab to check it at any time okay okay attorney's patch no one would believe i was a defense attorney if i didn't carry this even carrying it phoenix i don't think anyone believes you're a defense attorney cindy's autopsy report her name was cindy autopsy that's right mr wright who is the victim in this case cinderblock it's cindy stone now tell me what was the cause of death died because she was just poisoned she was struck at once by a blunt object correct you've answered all my questions see no reason why we shouldn't proceed is that how courtroom starts judge like make sure the clients of the lawyers have done their homework do you know why you're here point to the shape that best describes the crime scene the murder weapon was the statue of the thinker it was found lying on the floor next to the victim you see gord accepts it into evidence statue added to the court record mr payne the prosecution may call its first witness prosecution calls the defendant mr butts to the stand uh chief what do i do the court's proceeding you'll get your chance to respond to the prosecution later so be ready let's just hope he doesn't say anything unfortunate uh oh larry gets excited easily this could be bad i think excited might be the wrong word here is he gonna be like be on the stage he's like gee golly i'm being tried for murder oh it's just i've never had this experience it's all new to me mr butts is it not true that the victim had recently dumped you hey watch it buddy we were great together we were romeo and julia cleopatra and mark anthony oh he's getting emotional i wasn't dumb she just wasn't taking my phone calls or seeing me ever she had a restraining order filed on me your honor but it wasn't me who killed her i'm not the guilty party what's it to you anyway mr butts what you describe is generally what we mean by don't in fact she had completely abandoned you and was seeing under men she had just returned from overseas of one of them the day before the murder okay so they they broke up like long before they murdered what do you mean one of them lies all of it lies i don't believe a word of it your honor the victim's passport according to this she was in paris until the day before she died the victim was a model but did not have a large income it appears that she had several sugar daddies daddies sugar yes older men who gave her money and gifts she took their money and used to support her lifestyle dude we can clearly see what kind of woman this miss stone was tell me mr butts what do you think of her now don't think you want him to answer that question yeah larry has a way of running his mouth in all the wrong directions like larry's going to open his mouth it's like well i'm sad i didn't get to kill that [ __ ] she left me it's like larry no you're not helping your case stop him from answering my client had no idea the victim was seen at her men that question is irrelevant to this case that cheating she dog i'm gonna die i'm just gonna drop dead yeah when i meet her in the afterlife i'm going to get to the bottom of this i believe the accused motive is clear to everyone yes quite even the judge is just like yup he's guilty he's going to jail you went to the victim's apartment on the day of the murder did you not [Music] well did you or did you not [Music] well maybe i did and maybe i didn't what's it to you let me just lie in court oh god do i stop him or do i have him answer honestly can i just like bound and gag this man like just stop him and restrain him have him answer honestly well if he's getting the death sentence anyway like let's just keep going well mr butts dude chill she wasn't home then so like i didn't see her printed scream prosecution would like to call a witness who can prove mr butts is lying well that simplifies matters who is your witness the man who found the victim's body just before making the gruesome discovery he saw the defendant fleeing the scene of the crime mr payne the prosecution may call its witness yes your honor oh jesus is bad please bring mr frank sawwith understand oh i don't like him witness testimony witnesses account his name is mr saaj mr payne mr right mr size mr butts i was going door-to-door selling subscriptions when i saw a man fleeing an apartment i thought he must be in a hurry because he left the door half open behind him thinking it's strange i looked inside the apartment then i saw her lying there a woman not moving dead i quailed in fright and found myself unable to go inside i sought to call the police immediately however the phone in her apartment wasn't working i went to a nearby park and found a public phone i remember the time exactly it was 1pm the man who ran was without a doubt the defendant sitting right over there incidentally why wasn't the phone in the victim's apartment working your honor at the time of the murder there was a blackout in the building i have a record of the blackout for your perusal electricity the midstones build was out from noon to 6pm on the day of the crime now mr rice yes uh yes you're uh sorry i was looking on my phone you may begin your cross-examination cross-examination your honor what's that this is still like law school right your client is innocent right oh no he seems pretty convinced he killed her and that witness must have lied in his testimony or is your client really guilty how do i prove he's not you hold the key it's in the evidence compare the witness testimony to the evidence at hand it's bound to be a contradiction in there present your badge it's objection i'm a lawyer this evidence clearly reveals the contradiction in that statement your honor how exactly are that evidence and statement just now related they aren't [Music] remember the time exactly it was 1pm so the time of debt was three hours after that objection you found the body at 1 pm you're sure yes it was 1 pm for certain frankly i find that hard to believe your statement directly contradicts the autopsy report the autopsy knows the time of debt at some time after 4 pm there was nobody to uh nobody to find out one piece is that really [ __ ] appropriate and like this is like a courtroom phoenix like thinks right a woman has died i don't know if this is appropriate how do you explain this three-hour gap this is trivial the witness merely forgot the time mr sash why were you so certain that you found the body at 1 pm that's a good question i've you see when i found the body i heard the time there was a voice saying the time it was probably coming from the television oh but it was three hours off wasn't it i guess the victim must have been watching the video of a type program i can already see the contradiction there was a blackout my badge your honor proves that i am a lawyer [Music] blackout report hold it right there the prosecution has said there was a blackout at the time of the discovery and this record proves it no you couldn't have heard a television or a video [Music] the defense has a point do you have an explanation for this mr sash no i i i find it quite puzzling myself quite oh gee oh sweat and bricks wait i remember now mr sash the course would prefer to hear an accurate testimony from the very beginning these constant corrections are harming your credibility he's digging himself a hole actually i didn't hear the time i saw it yeah there was a table clock in the apartment wasn't there yeah yeah the murder weapon the killer used it to hit the vic like at least try if you're gonna lie at least try we already know what the murder weapon was and you said what the murder weapon was okay well we know this is not true wait just a moment the murder weapon wasn't a clock it was a statue you know what your objections and your evidence just who do you think you are just answer the question mr sot hey i i saw it there okay that's a clock your honor if i may yes mr payne as the witness stated this statue is indeed a clock the neck is a switch you just tilt it it says the time out loud as it doesn't look like a clock i submitted as a statue oh gee golly i'm so clumsy i see so the murder weapon was a table clock after all well mr right it appears that the witness's testimony was correct this is a clock do you have any problems with his testimony now as a matter of fact i do your honor your honor there is a gaping hole in the witnesses testimony the only way he could have known the weapon was a clock is to hold it in his hand yet the witness testified that he never entered the apartment clearly a contradiction you struck her with the clock and the shock of the blow triggered the clock's voice that was the sound you heard we're doubling down the sound must have left quite an impression on you understandable since the murder weapon spoke just as you hit the victim did you strike the victim with the clock that day i i never look i the clock i heard no i mean i suck yeah yeah why did he take off his hair i hate you your arm may i have the clock i asked the court to listen very carefully beep it said it it's 8 25 that certainly is a strange way to announce the time well he is the thinker after all so we've heard the clock what are your conclusions mr wright mr payne can you tell me what time it is now it's 11 25. as you can see this clock is exactly three hours slow precisely the discrepancy between what mr saad heard and the actual time of death so mr sot try to talk your way out of this one it proves nothing how did you know it was running three hours slow on the day of the murder you can't prove that you don't have a case it seems you lack the critical evidence to support your claim yes your honor this means i cannot let you indict the witness wait what unfortunately this ends the cross-examination of mr frank sash what do you mean i almost had him i thought i solved it sorry larry i failed you what not so fast mr thot oh [ __ ] mia i mean chief listen up right don't throw this one away not like this think ask yourself why was the clock three hours slow figure out the reason and you'll have your proof this is my badge and it proves that i'm a lawyer the passport they just traveled back they changed time zones the victim had just returned home from abroad the day before the murder as we all know the time difference between here in paris is nine hours presumably we're in japan right now that's just been established when it's 4 p.m here it's 1am the next day there the clock wasn't running three hours slow it was nine hours fast the victim hadn't reset her clock since returning home that's why the time you heard when you struck her dead in the apartment was wrong proof enough for you mr sot or should i say mister did it like phoenix this really isn't appropriate a woman is dead this man is a murderer you have to stop cracking jokes like this does he just frost at the mouth oh [ __ ] oh my god he's dead oh you're on it we don't need the sentence him he's already choked i have to say i'm impressed i don't think i've ever seen someone complete a defense so quickly and find the true culprit at the same time thank you your honor at this point this is only a formality but this court finds the defendant mr larry butts not guilty it's been a while since i've seen a trial end on such a satisfying note i've never seen the chief looking this happy she's this glad imagine how larry must feel my life is over larry you're supposed to be happy what's wrong now oh nick don't worry about me i'll be dead and gone soon good wait no that's not good at all congratulations harry harry yes you practically see the headlines now harry butts innocent ah thanks i really owe you one here take this it's a present it's the murder weapon i made one for her and one for me really you made this well thank you keep it as a memento okay so it's not the actual murder weapon it's not like soaked in blood it's a it's a bit red at the top don't mind that uh just a jam stain so international and she was just playing me for a fool don't that make you just want to cry well your relationship ended larry right i'm confused as to what's going on here i think she thought quite a lot of you in her own way now you don't gotta sympathize with me okay oh i'm not just sympathizing really isn't that right right don't you have something to show your friend something that proves how she felt about him huh oh yeah right larry this is my badge here you go larry oh it's okay nick don't worry about me i'll forget about it soon enough look i'm gonna head home thanks a ton eh oh we don't get to redo it no he doesn't know we got the bad end so don't worry larry i know she loved you because i'm a lawyer i didn't know it then but that clock was soon going to be at the center of another incident and my promise to tell the chief about me and larry will be one promise that i wouldn't be able to keep oh [ __ ] the end the game's over hello this is maya hey maya it's me sorry may is it maya mia yeah it's me maya that's my that's mia yeah that's maya is that maya mia maya maya is it maya not mayo is that mayor that's mia maya like the mayans okay maya mia maya blue dabba d dabba dab let's go actually i'm calling because i have a favor to ask i know i know you want me to hold evidence for you it's a clock clock yeah it's made to look like that statue the thinker and it tells you the time i should probably tell you the clock isn't talking right now huh it's not working that's lame i had to take the clockwork out sorry put some papers inside it instead papers that the evidence then hmm well there's a possibility it might turn out that way yes when you come by the office tonight say nine o'clock i'll be waiting maya i have to do a double take now miss faye i'll take what's mine papers sorry but i can't give you what i don't have is faye you are a poor liar i see it right over there that must be the thinker that swallowed those papers how could you know oh you are not cogniferous of my background i don't know if anyone's cogniferous of your background like what does that mean my dear miss faye i'm so very sorry but i am afraid i must ask you for one more thing your eternal silence farewell miss faye oh [ __ ] oh not again i wonder who committed the murder oh that's strange i guess the chief left without me what's that smell blood mia maybe she's in her office what's this someone's there chief chief chief snake snake who are you oh she's dead too okay strange girl dropped out cold i left her lying on the office sofa went back to the chief where she lay under the window she was struck in the head with a blunt object probably died instantly a thinker lying next to her must have been the murder weapon there are some glass shards near the chief's body must be pieces of the glass light stand a line broken in the back of the room at glass shards added broken beyond all recognition [Music] piece of paper it must have fallen from mia's hand what could it be uh she wrote a note from mia but maya piece of paper is a receipt from a department store did it yesterday apartments store receipt with letters written in blood on the back i think that's enough snooping around for now can you tell me what happened i came in the room was dark sis sis she was already dead even the chief hear the chief's sister i'm a younger sister and you were here visiting it's late at night yes she said she wanted me to keep some evidence for evidence yes it was that clock it was the thinker maya i have something to show you because i am a lawyer um about the thinker the thinker that was oh sis probably shouldn't have asked her about the murder weapon the the murder weapons too upsetting what about a receipt that your dead sister wrote in her own blood with your name on it i'm sure that'll be less upsetting why why would she write my name please just calm down i would just write my name uh oh now i've done it better hurry up and call the police huh that's funny a few of the screws in the receiver are missing it looks like someone was halfway through taking it apart police please come quick what was that someone screaming from outside the window she's staring right at me she's holding the phone in her hand uh it's not what it looks like ma'am oh the police are coming the police sounds like they're coming this way freeze police all right i'm detective dick gumshoe see gumshoe what an odd name received a report from the building across the way see got a person saying they saw a murder yeah i probably was that screaming pink-haired lady this word maya here mean anything to you um that that's my name her die in brett she wrote down the killer's name killer i'm not case closed you're coming down to the precinct man are you going to be my attorney well that's what i wanted to talk to you about no i'm gonna prosecute you i got all the evidence you i need to stick you behind bars i've also heard about you heard heard what about me i was talking to my sister on the phone the other day oh no she's heard about me and through the worst possible person today was my junior partner's first time in court wow really how did that go well he kept flashing his badge at the judge honestly i was on edge the whole time it's been a while ah so he crashed and burned he's a genius one of those strike fear into the hearts of evil types tonight it's flattering me me well i know who to go to if i ever get into trouble now i don't know maya i think you might want to wait give him three more years that is unless you want to be found guilty oh no i didn't mean to insult you no it's okay it's true i guess at the same time i can't just sit by and watch i think the person did this to me i know maya i have something i would like to show you that might help with the case does this mean anything to you what do you mean you've never seen something like this before i already showed it to you what's with that outfit oh this this is what all acolytes wear it's my uniform you could say i'm a spirit medium and trainer a spirit medium pretty sure that qualifies as strange it's part of a cult tell me about the day of the murder yes let's see that morning i got a call from my sister who wanted me to hold on to a piece of evidence for an upcoming trial evidence yes i clock shaped like the thinker one larry made how could that have been evidence in the case you want to hear it in her own voice hear her her own voice yes i'm pretty sure our conversation is on my cell phone he recorded it yeah i forgot how to delete those things oh i just remembered that detective took my cell phone sorry oh right of course so i see detective gumshoe all asking for it write you a note so you don't forget okay sure thanks so you're a real honest goodness spirit medium with esp and all that yes in training oh can't you contact me as spirit then your honor i have spoken with the spirits from beyond the grave okay it's close she's guilty she's guilty this is the address of a famous lawyer my sister gave me this a long time ago said if i was ever in trouble i should call him and well i'm in trouble do you think you could go ask him to represent hmm can i just say no i'm representing you like just force myself to be her lawyer non-consensual legal services [Music] ironically not legal the office is filled with police officers they're all busily searching for clues hey you there this is for a crime scene pal no trespassing i'm so sorry don't i know you from summer oh yeah you were at the murder oh you're that butts guy aren't you no no phoenix right can anyone mistake me for larry i guess i got the wrong name mr right sorry about that that butts guy he was a killer and you're no killer right but butts wasn't a killer that was the hope did you look at the trial sorry pal but this is one trial you aren't gonna win why do you say that the cities put prosecutor edgeworth on the prosecution never heard of him whoa you call yourself a lawyer pal four years ago this edgeworth guy became a prosecutor at the age of 20. everyone says he's a genius surprise you don't know him of course i know him i was just playing dumb actually i think i might just be dumb i don't know who he is there are rumors of back alley deals and forged evidence all i know for sure is that edgewood hates crime with an almost abnormal passion oh i need to show this yeah i need the cell phone i was wondering did you see uh my face cell phone oh that i have it do you think you think you could give it back sure i mean wait a second pal tricky lawyer cell phone has a lot of numbers on it like her boyfriend's cell phone holds all a little girl's sweetest and spiciest secrets sorry pal i already checked all the numbers in memory impressive you're quite the detective secrets is phoenix going to jail next oh here you can have you can have the phone back there weren't any suspicious call records in there after all if you didn't notice the recorded conversation maya's cell phone received from detective gumshoe he's like playing hard to get but he's really helpful he just gave us the phone i don't suppose you're planning on talking to that witness anyway you'd better not no influence in the witness with your lawyer relay lord i can't pronounce that one pal yeah miss april ning sorry about this but i can't tell you anything about her well you just told me your name miss may huh time to pay a visit to miss may is this against the law well hello there handsome [Music] um hi smoot right real smooth gee this is all like something out of a movie it's all so exciting i can hardly contain myself oh let me go fresh enough so i can look the power of the beautiful eyewitness this looks suspicious there's a screwdriver stuck in this drawer what are you doing no touching oh bad boy you really shouldn't pry around in other people's rooms now i wonder what could be inside the drawer it's a screwdriver can i just grab it i need you to describe what you observe at the time of the incident oh observe incident you sound just like a lawyer in the movies i like a man with a big vocabulary careful now game oh gee oh i'm nervous now oh god you know you're cute when you plush believe me this is the first time in my life i blush this ma i am i i don't want my camera i'm not blushing i'm just i'm here with like a notepad you know i like to do the detective in like la noire when he's just trying to like detect facial reaction reactions and he's just kind of sitting there taking notes and like do a luna dragon that's me right now like mama i just want to find out who did the murder see there are two glasses on the table is someone staying here with you oh what amazing powers of observation you must be one of those famous detectives like on television say mr big detective why don't you go look for clues in the garbage hmm that's good advice check the bins check the garbage look like she could have disposed of a weapon ma'am [Music] what do you think excuse me but i'm a witness police witness you understand how can i possibly give you any information in good conscience me the witness it's just like in the movies that wasn't the most over-the-top clearing of the throat i've ever heard so you're the one that has been this looks like a jolly trap um well sir actually it's about maya maya i gotta go i've got some laundry i can't go taking cases on a day's notice no it's quite impossible wait a second how did you know the trial is tomorrow yeah uh anyway i'm afraid it's entirely impossible for me to represent her sorry under discussion get the [ __ ] off my property before i call the police i beg your pardon but could you leave now i've nothing more to discuss with you what's going on here it's quite a pain ah you notice it's my pride and joy impressive isn't it well isn't it color of the sky the hue of the sea the weave of the straw hat it's worth at least three million i have no intention of parliament of course no i won't sell it not even to you you schmuck get out of my office i wasn't interested it's not for sale i'm not buying did you find the lawyer um well well see i really don't think you should use that guy what really happened i don't mean he refused to help oh oh okay i can show her that i've got her phone back oh say i listen to my sister's voice oh oh that's sad why his eyes closed she listened to every word with such intensity before long tears began to roll down her cheeks here's something that might cherry up my did you know i'm a lawyer 15 years ago my family was involved in an incident it was a man and he he ruined our mother's life ruined after that she disappeared 15 years ago there was an unusual murder case made quite a stir everyone was talking about it apparently police were running out of leads they were getting desperate wait they didn't use a spirit medium did they the man my mother helped the police capture was innocent police police's consultation with a medium had all been carried out in secret of course but man found out about it and leaked to the press i told all the papers that my mother was a fraud and the media jumped on it big time she my mother became the laugh and stock of the nation white excuse me white that was his name my sister told me white [ __ ] pluto apparently mr white in the billiards room with the candlestick what should i do do i just leave her and go home yeah well maya good luck in court tomorrow i've made up my mind i'm going to defend you whether you want me to or not maya i won't abandon you you can count on me that's so kind of you one last question you are innocent right yes i trust you you trust me too okay it's a deal just what was inside that strange woman's drawer could it be a screwdriver could it be the handle of a screwdriver that was pointing out of the drawer is it related to a telephone is it a screwdriver [ __ ] sake we know it's a screwdriver only time can tell there's a bell boy now it's someone something different good afternoon sir but i ask you to inform ms meyer there is a message for her please tell her that mr white of blue corp phoned oh right sure mr white could that be the same white that ruined the family or is it just a really common surname like it's like mr smith this is like 40 million smiths in the world if your name's like john smith that you you have like at least 40 000 doppelgangers at any point in history that's my chance to see what's inside what do we have here a wire tap what would a woman like her be doing with a thing like this oh [ __ ] wiretap added to the court record get to this woman's bottom phoenix no look for the tango and with you tomorrow miss may in court phoenix is cancelled well gord is now in session for the trial of miss mayofa by faith prosecution is ready iran defense is already your honor the defendant is at the scene of the crime prosecution is evidence she committed this murder and we have witness who saw her do it prosecution sees no reason to doubt the facts of this case you're on it prosecution calls the chief officer at the scene detective gumshoe he looks confused the murder weapon was a statue of the thinker around next to the body sir it was heavy enough to be a deadly weapon even in a girl's hand sir the court accepts this statue as evidence still calling it a statue yeah this is the same judge he should know you should know it's a clock by now you immediately arrested miss maya faye it was found at the scene correct can you tell me why yes sir i i inherit evidence she did it sir we had a witness account describing it the witness saw miss maya faye at the very moment of the murder [Music] the very moment you say very well mr right you may begin your cross-examination cross-examine what didn't see a single contradiction in that testimony smack hey maya just threw something at me when my sister couldn't find any contradictions in a witness's testimony she would bluff it and press the witness on every detail i heard correctly you said you arrested her because you had hard evidence she did it correct huh did i say that me oh gosh oh clumsy me i heard you say it you did say it you did say it exactly what about the suspicious woman in pink's claim was hard evidence what do you have any more solid proof other than their claims detective um i found a memo written on a piece of paper next to the victim's body on it the word maya was written clearly in blood lab test results showed that the blood was the victims also there was blood found in the victim's finger before she died the victim wrote the killer's name okay that's the bit depressed it's it doesn't identify the killer why didn't you testify about this vital piece of evidence the first time you son of a gun i i i'm real embarrassed i forgot about your honor sir try to be more careful gosh you dumb [ __ ] you get a lot of cases where the victim actually writes the killer's name sure it happens all the time in books and the movies this isn't a movie detective oof don't you find it a little odd that the victim would write down a name especially the name of her own sister uh yeah actually you got a point pal oh the witness's opinion on the matter is irrelevant the facts are clear the victim wrote down the name of the accused the victim told us the name of her killer before she died the victim wrote the killer's name she died instantly [Music] detective gumshoe there's one thing i want you to clarify for me here you say the victim maya faye but mia faye wrote this note but she was accusing the defendant maya that's really what you're saying oh this isn't one of those lawyer tricks now is it of course you ever heard who else could have she died immediately but no butt in your way out of this one detective order oh order someone who died immediately wouldn't have had the time to write anything down that autopsy report is outdated your honor what a second autopsy report was performed yesterday at my request dash was almost a meet almost immediate due to a blow from a blunt object but there is a possibility the victim lived for several minutes after the blow i received these report results this morning no way your honor it's quite easy to imagine the victim did have time to write maya that is all no i see damn you edgeworth i should have known you'd should have summoned up your sleeve why mr right you look shocked something you want to say i'm a sh i've heard there's nothing you won't do to get your verdict what reason could you possibly have had to request a second autopsy report mr right grudge the defense will refrain from personal attacks on the prosecution we saved claims like that just for the suspect in question prosecution would like to call as next witness this poor innocent girl saw the murder with her own eyes [Music] this is rather upbeat music for a courtroom considering someone has died april may at your service wink order in the cart order in the cart order order an introduction should not require any reaction from the crowd this is a house of law i will not stand for this yuck the witness will refrain from a wanton winking this is not good she's winking he's already captured the heart of every man in this courtroom looks like this case is only one that can be solved by the gays it was like nine at night and i looked out the window you know and then ooh i saw a woman with long hair being attacked the one attacking her was the mousy girl sitting in the defendant's chair then the woman like dodged to one side and ran away but that girl she caught up to her and she hit her and the woman with the long hair she kind of slumped the end that's all i saw every little bitsy witsy wink mr right i understand you are miss mia faced understudy where you're not you must know our techniques well the cowardly way of finding tiny faults and perfectly good testimonies hey how dare you well mr right will you cross examine the witness also i'm just completely biased here because you know you attacked edgeworth two minutes ago and i called you out for it but he's going to do the same to your dead colleague and i'm not going to give a [ __ ] how do you know it was my client huh well i uh gee first of all she had a girl's physique and secondly she was she was small who else could it be about her are you telling the truth did you really see the defendant oh we got her mr right oh god what was the meaning of this yes what is the meaning somebody tell me because i'm clueless about this i mean if you had really witnessed my client maya fe you would have noticed her clothes before noticing her physique no one wears clothes like this in a daily basis except her and i'm no expert on fashion but her hairdo looks far from normal to me i'm casting judgment on how she's chosen to wear this it's a bit harsh still we don't know if she was dressed that way the night of the murder she was your honor i saw her and so did detective gumshoe what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] briar what are you trying to say you mean lawyer i did see everything i did the victim the woman dodged the first attack and ran off to the right [Music] then the girl in the hippie clothes ran after her and she hit her with that weapon i saw it i did that clock uh that clock on that kind of statue clock the thinker i think sh how would she know it's a clock there's absolutely no way there's no way she would know that's a clock [Music] object what you said just now was quite revealing revealing oh you'd like that wouldn't you naughty mr lawyer i hate this character you just said that this statue of the thinker was a clock but there's no way of knowing that just by looking at it another person in much the same position as you recently called this a clock too and he was found guilty of murder no order the order in the court i say miss me can you explain how you know this was a clock uh because i heard it yes i heard it i heard it say the time well well mr right are you satisfied know your honor i'm not satisfied because i'm alexander hamilton it couldn't have rung because the inside of it was emptied your honor members of the cur of course it is inconceivable that the clock in question rank that clock is missing its clockwork oh could you how could you possibly know just take a look right now oh see anything interest in your honor it's as the defense says this clock is missing it's clockwork oh gosh the clock was empty it couldn't have run therefore this witness is a big fat liar the fat indeed the clock is empty as you say you can't ring however we must ask when was the clockwork removed if it was after the witness heard the clock then there is no contradiction [Music] oh that's quite true that's a possibility the clock might have been emptied after she heard it take a look at this yo that's a very cute cell phone oh gosh it's nice and pink oh you have a girly phone wait this isn't my phone oh gee my fragile masculinity is under thresh this is the defended cell phone and it contains a record a recording of the conversation she had with the victim on the day of the murder so you just want me to hold on to the thinker for you if you could i should probably tell you the clock isn't talking right now huh it's not working that's lame i have to take the clockwork out sorry september 5th 9 27 am i saw that clock before um what store was that again i i go to so many oops i forgot wink though the witness had seen it before that would make sense there's a defense of any objections mr right yes i do actually your honor the witness claimed she had seen it before but this directly contradicts a piece of evidence already submitted to this court this clock was never in any store ever why a friend of mine made that clock only two exists in the world and the one that isn't here is in police custody [Music] impossible everything is sold in stores miss me i think it's high time you went shopping for a better excuse a woman is dead oh excuses not on sale [ __ ] double whammy a woman lies dead he's going for a [ __ ] encore what is going on is this really necessary what's it to you porcupine ed that stupid clock doesn't matter okay she did it and she should die for it she should die oh [ __ ] oh gosh let's not get ahead of ourselves here this is a court of law and the witness will remain calm yeah oh silly me did i uh did i like lose it i guess i did gee oh she's real scary now this might let me ask toby how did you know the weapon was a clock oh dear she's not saying i think i don't think she knows the witness had never held the clock in her hand however she had heard that it was the clock she heard that is correct you're on and i can show you the proof well this is interesting let's see it then have a look at this oh i found this in miss mae's room even if that was the case which it's not you still have some to prove one thing did the victim ever say that the weapon was a clock on the phone can you prove that i think not oh yeah i think i can mia what's up you haven't called in a while well actually there's something i want you to hold on for me again what's it this time it's a clock it's made to look like that statue the thinker and it tells you the time miss april may you used a wiretap to listen to this conversation that's how you knew the thinker was a clock am i wrong your honor this is ridiculous your honor you're ridiculous the witness answered the question did you top her foe miss mate shut up all of you what gives you the right to talk to me like that you you liar it's no fair all of you ganging up on me like that oh so i'm the bad girl is that it is that it can you prove why you nothing to do with this murder even though you tapped your phone i'd like to see her pull that off mr lawyer i saw that evil evil grin you were probably thinking i'd like her i'd like to see her pull that off weren't you damn she's good well you're not the first man who's thought that and of course i can and will happy serious no way okay so the killing happened around nine at night why that's just when i was getting room service from that sweet bell boy room service iced coffee i believe it was iced coffee you know like a normal coffee but cold if you don't drink it quick the ice melts and then you have regular cold coffee i iced coffee doesn't have to do with anything testimony stance she saw the defendant maya faye commit murder no they're going to let her just walk away there's no way i can win this unless i tie miss may to the murder somehow the defense would like to call the hotel bellboy as a witness if you agree to one condition i'll consent to call on this witness condition if miss april may's alibi is not called into question after you examine the bell boy then you will recognize that miss april may was not the killer thus she is innocent and thereby you must also accept the verdict of guilty for miss maya faye that is my condition this isn't how it works that that's not how law works it's like so if i don't find something with the bell boy maya is instantly guilty we gotta do a la gamble accept the condition i've got nothing to lose except maya's life full you fell right into my trap your honor what do you make of all this and one of the lawyers referring to this as a trap in this court of law well you know law works in mysterious ways it's basically a game of yu-gi-oh when you think about it i am the head bellboy and defined gagewater hotel in business for four generations i believe i received a call after eight o'clock in the evening from our guest miss me she asked for an iced coffee to be brought to her at nine on the dancer i brought it to her at precisely the time requested of course and i delivered the iced coffee to our guest miss may herself are you sure it was miss may on the phone absolutely sir how can you be so certain i checked miss mayon personally sir not only did i see her in all her stunning radiance but i also heard her voice and then i saw them and is this really relevant is this relevant this bellboy had absolutely no reason to lie now if you have any decency you will end this rather tedious cross-examination here it was a bit tedious the witness may leave the stand can't let this happen can i protest i'm not done wait please wait yes there's a defense of some bad one last question tell me again about room service uh again sir exactly nine o'clock i delivered room service to miss may in room 303 the guests have requested iced coffee eighteen dollars was the charges i recall i see eighteen dollars doesn't that seem a bit expensive but stay focused phoenix yes well iced coffee for two you know and we don't skimp on the ice sir oh he said something bellboy tell us the truth now was someone else staying in miss may's room we got him i object that was objectionable the objection overruled the witness will now answer the question it was the uh good barrister there uh mr edgeworth who he asked me not to mention if i wasn't specifically asked her oof yo you fool your honor we have just learned of another person involved who may have been the murderer in light of this new fact i hold that it's impossible to judge the defendant wouldn't you agree mr edward and who mr right who is this other person simple it was the man went miss may as has been previously revealed miss april may was tap tapping the victim's phone yet miss may herself has an alibi at the time of the murder however that does not clear the man that was with her the bellboy saw no one else in the room at the time of the murder oh my what a convenient little setup but it's too late too late i suppose you'd like it if it was too late wouldn't you after all it was you hit the presence of the other man from this court i expect the prosecution of the feds to look into this matter fully am i understood yes yes your honor that is all for today for the trial of triumph of mayor faye court is adjourned oh gosh it was a wild one today i asked for a full record of april may's testimony thought it might come in handy during the trial tomorrow but now that i have it i'm not so sure most of her testimony was all lies in fact there's only one part that hasn't been stricken from the record the victim dodged and attacked and ran to the right but she was caught and struck okay well hello i didn't expect anyone to visit me in such a dank place as this it's really quite moving not you stinking lawyer i hope you die have you come to laugh yes laugh at the paul and miss me no no tell you guys this is me now no not really there's something i just want to ask haven't you already done enough question you spiky head little [ __ ] didn't say that but for dramatic effect we're just going to add in a few words there please you're scaring the security guard just look how frightened he is the badge the badge only the badge is going to help i live in hope for the day that the attorney's badge like solves the case it probably makes sense to thoroughly investigate the hotel room in case there's anything new there that could be a good place to start sorry for putting you on the spot like that no no not at all sir your efforts today can only help the gatewater's rep as they say huh rep yes our reputation will swell as the hotel where the murderer used a wiretap is that that really a selling point we can charge a premium for the room of course it'll be great for business soon whoa whoa miss may hasn't been charged with murder i too will become famous the bell boy who brought the murderer iced coffee i want to ask you about the man who has witnessed me ah yes he struck me as a real lady killer i feel pardon the expression i knew it from the moment i saw him he and i are of the same ilk we both carry the scent of danger he's gonna show up as like a murderer in another case converts the hotel like it's just a murder house he had a photo of that man i'm quite sure i could identify a photo currently this hotel is known as the gatewater i propose that we add a subtitle subtitle the gatewater hotel murder manor yeah he's going to kill someone he's going to kill someone uh let's check grossberg law offices just to see if there's anything additional here i don't think they're oh the painting's gone it's not gonna be the lawyer is it oh there's a picture here though a solid mahogany desk with some polishes with deep luster what's this old photos they're a two line here something's been written in pencil among the backs dl6 incident exhibit a dl6 instant exhibit b where no one will miss just one little photo it might be a valuable clue i'll take it for now okay and then there's another one totalizing the desk oh you can swap them here i think i'll swap them is that going to be the guy is that is that the woman's mom maybe it might be family i think i need both these pictures actually hang on yeah okay let me leave it alone for now uh i need to move go back to the hotel i want to show them this picture without a doubt that is the man who checked in with miss april may i will about i write a fit of it swearing that it's him henceforth i will be known as the bell boy who swore the affidavit is it let me go back and get the other picture uh no more photos on the desk oh [ __ ] okay we only got to take one picture all right uh i can go to the detention center i can show a picture of the man you again can't you take a hint and stay gone the only reason i'm back here is because you won't talk to me oh so it's my fault now you don't just have swaggy air you also have a spiky heart doesn't when this case is done i'm shaving my head where did you aha reaction this is him isn't it what who when why it is him this is the man who stayed in your hotel room the night of the murder no no that's not right nice try miss cooperative the bellboy's affidavit it tells us everything he saw such as the man you checked in with who was this most definitely this guy [Music] now i'm getting somewhere i think the man is more suspicious than her so maybe if i try play a bit nice i'll try okay he's vulnerable now it should be gentle miss me it will be easy for me to hand this affidavit to the police if it's so easy for you to get the police involved then why don't you somehow you think you're not up to it a little kindness and they just jump all over you at the opposite effect of what i hoped poor little lawyer and you are so close this isn't working i've worn out this piece of paper's usefulness damn it what why would you discard that why would you discard that let's go to grossberg again he's still gone oh no he's back aha you again the other day i'm sure there was a big pretentious looking paint on that pretentious looking well you know the one i mean anyway where did it go ah yes well i got rid of it got quite tired of the thing really i sold it you see yes that's right sold it i'm not sure i'd buy that wasn't that painting rather important to you sir did something happen i don't see how that's any of your business please speak no more about a cursed painting i didn't i mumble rumble excuse me i was wondering about this photograph why did you get that i borrowed it i'll give it back at once mr grossberg tell me about the man in this photo he may have been in that hotel room in april may on the night of the murder you know something about him anything very well i'll tell you what i know however you didn't hear it from me if you follow i follow that man is mr red white mr pink he's the president of blue corp these [ __ ] names how color-coded you want your life to be in your company they're information pros they sell information you see sensitive information despite his name mr white had the blackest reputation of any man in his country if you run across him watch what you say you wouldn't want him digging up any dirt on you the photograph has been returned now i must ask you to leave i need to think about things alone okay i think we got the important thing out of him there blue corp is now a travel option there's the painting the surreal decor welcome please furnish me with the title of your personash what the your name what's your name i was just inquiring asking that title that you go by uh right phoenix right wireably mr right is it right i see splendiferous perhaps i have intimidated you with my gigantic vocabulary what is this guy's problem i'm red white ceo of blue corp you know corporate expansion official my business dealings bring me into contact with the elite of the elite so i'm afraid i am not used to conversing with the worldly challenge what a fruitcake oh what business does a mighty lawyer have with a man such as myself this guy's arrogance meter is off the scale let's examine his room first listen this is supposed to be a desk am i this is quite the thing it is modeled on my body see well does it sleek around rounditure not inspire you you just admiring his ass haven't i seen this somewhere it's a replica ridiculous ridiculousity i have no interest in anything but originals that right there is a bonafide original word five million for sure i thought it was only worth three million do i need to censor this desk i'm just thinking about it it's not safe for work content i need to do something more tame do i i'll be getting a hot tub real quick you know god forbid we do something not safe for working the platform on the night of the murder where you and april mays hotel room who can say i seldom pay attention to mundane details such as time and place i know he was there the bell boy literally confirmed it i can't believe that testimony doesn't hold up anymore why does that not hold up my model is don't worry be happy you stole that from a song hotel bellboy has stated on the record that he does remember you very clearly no matter the billboard can say what he pleases i still won't talk to you if you want me to speak put me on the witness stand although i doubt you to be capable of doing that he raises a good question actually why didn't the prosecution call him as a witness oh the police the courts to me they are mere toys play things for my amusement i'm not guilty mr wrong was it right it appears you do not fully grasp your position here i ask again who are you uh-huh a lawyer no my feeble friend a mere lawyer worth nothing zilch zippo nada you are dead to me you are worthless i fired in your general direct not guilty just like that sorry excuse for an attorney grody burger what he's just smacking me well mr lawyer what will you do eh charge me with assault charge away i welcome it for it is you who will be found guilty what eat my exposition the police the courts they all do my bidding you came here from grote burgers i presume mr grossberg's yes then you must ask him why is it that this painting of his hangs him perhaps then he will tell you perhaps he will explain how a man can live life purely for personal profit mr grossberg i know you're mr white connected somehow i can connect it you say yes and i know what it is he's blackmailing you you're lovers i should have saved it before though i really want to see what that what that would have gone down red white is a man who makes his living through intimidation blue blue carp is a company that excels in finding people's weaknesses i'm afraid i've been paying them for 15 years now all because of the dl-6 incident as you may have guessed you know in the back of those photographs as you suspected i could not stand in defense of maya because of this white would have destroyed me if i did it is hard for me to tell you this my boy but a rest in red white will be nigh on impossible possible way he has information on everyone it gives him an iron grip he owns judges attorneys prosecutors police and politicians what they are bound unable to do a harm to themselves and therefore to him don't look at me like that what you see is nothing more than the weight of many years it was 15 years ago now i received a request from a medium a spirit medium medium her name was misty faye it's all connected you've been investigating the murder at the bequest of the police and she failed as a result the police called her a fraud this is what maya was talking about the other day i did all i could for her and in the end cleared her of wrongdoing that murder case however remains unsolved to this day the dlc6 incident was top secret at the time it made sense the police didn't want people to know they were using a medium they couldn't let people know one person found out i i told him you told white he offered me riches it's an embarrassment to me even now because i talked the police were mocked far and wide in secret they began looking for the one who sold them out of course white heard about it and he came to me only this time the offer was blackmailed have a close look at mia's office nia's office she followed his every move for years she may have recorded something of what she found oh [ __ ] there's another clue there let's see if there's an a record in this file that catches my eye a b f misty faye that's mia and maya's mother should i take a look read it i have tarnished a faye name but only these words my mother vanished i was determined to find the ones who had made my mother blame herself in this way using the power that runs in my family i held an audience with the dead finally the names of two men surfaced one was marvin grossberg a lawyer who sold my mother's information for riches the other was the man who sold that information to the press this parasite who makes his fortune on threats and coercion his name is the record stops there the entire w section is missing was it taken okay that's a big clue and then j to s a true s nothing much in here maybe i'll just skim some of this might as well biggest parts here at the end is an s suicide ew what collection of suicide reports is politicians policemen ooh is not what you say to suicide that's not right there's writing on most of these in pencil white this is mia's handwriting wait i get it mia thought he was involved in these suicides why drove them all to i can use these newspaper clippings if you try my patience further i fear a nasty accident may occur do i make myself clear oh he's transparent yeah can i present him with the clippings surely this is a bad idea mr white see this the arrows are describing the suicide of a politician he was embezzled in secret government funds then one day word got leaked to the press very next day he took his own life and this concerns me how and this article in mia's office miss mia did a file filled with articles like this every one of them was labeled with a single word white you were blackmailing him blackman not just him either you were threatening the chorus and hundreds of others you were involved in all the suicide cases that mia investigated this company is built on blackmail i'm right aren't i what a bizarre accusation mr wrong what is it that you should be doing now investigating me no no no i think no you should be searching for the one who killed miss mia secretary's office hello oh mr wrong will be leaving now yes sir i'll send someone right away wait a second mr white oh if i play to his ego that's actually a good idea you're right you are absolutely right i should be looking for the killer now and actually i've done better i found him he's sitting right in front just what are you insinuating mia was on to you he was keeping tabs i was trying i was thinking maybe play there was ego a bit but now i'm just flat out accusing him of being the killer secretary's office we won't be needing an escort for mr wrong instead please connect me to the public prosecutor's office of course sir one moment please why is that you what are you doing calling me at a time like this the mia case i witnessed the murder you see and thus as a very important witness i would like to testify what why now i thought you said you didn't want to go to court quiet to chewed i told you i changed my mind didn't i oh and one other thing send the police over here right away the man is standing right in front of me he looks dazed but could be violent what what man are you are you even listening the executioner the hatchet man the liquidator the killer man what mr white this is another one of those chief prosecutor i do not believe you are in a position to freely offer your opinions to me correct i'm telling you to send the police now oh [ __ ] you are a mere lawyer as was miss mia how dare you i'll point the finger at you and you will be tried as miss mia's killer the case is as good as settled no lawyer of any worst will defend you i have friends in the local lawyers association you see you'll be given a lawyer so stupendously inept that they make even you look competent detective gumshoe i present to you the man who killed miss mia faye take this despicable human being into custody farewell mr wrong oh [ __ ] he pulled the reverse uno i believe it's only been a day since the first trial a trial begins tomorrow am i on trial now i received a call from the chief prosecutor's office yesterday huh i was told that whatever mr white says today it will be the absolute truth no matter how you try to attack his testimony if i raise an objection i have it on good faith that the judge will listen to me but this does white have the judge in his pocket too there's no way to tell who is guilty and who is innocent all that i can hope to do is get every defendant declared guilty but what if the not what if what if you're on the other side what if you're working for the defendant that's like like a police just saying like i have to arrest them even if they weren't committing a crime like court is now in session for the trial of mr phoenix wright the prosecution is ready your honor the defense is ready your honor mr wright are you sure you're up for doing this yes your honor i will be defending myself please state your full name you wish to know the title of my personish personage [Music] uh your name yes that is what i said oh dear do my locutions confuse name these two are great together you are at the gatewater hotel the night of the murder correct and you witnessed the murder from there why do you do i tell you what you already know very well mr white you may begin your testimony i hope you have made your peace with god mr oh [ __ ] i hope you're ready to die phoenix not guilty let's see it was about nine o'clock i believe i was quietly perusifying uh that's reading to you some papers by the window then i heard a bedlam coming from outside surprised i turned to look at the building across the way it was then i saw him a spiky-haired man attacking a woman with long hair needless to say that man was none other than you mr lawyer i called miss may over at once she too was flabbergasted of course the victim she she ran away but you gave chase finally there was a terrible impactation and it was all over can you believe a little more detail about that i think it's worth knowing exactly what happened of course comprende i understand the victim was attacked by you and ran to the left okay you gave chase and struck her down yeah are you sure as you know i am always absolutely perfect okay we have a testimony for that they ran to the right objection we got him wait right there you said the victim ran to the left but that directly contradicts miss may's testimony she clearly stated that the victim ran right [Music] it is simple you have misheard her i think not look at the floor plans if the victim ran to the left as you claim she did she would have been running directly away from the door she would have been running into a dead end don't you find that odd very strange i did see her run to the left i did phoenix look at his face i don't think he's lying about this one so he did witness the killing because he was the killer and on his perspective it would have been left there is one scenario that would explain the conflicting accounts what obviously the witness was not viewing the crime from the hotel mr mr right what do you mean by this if he was not in a hotel where could he have been in the la this is a feyen co of course oh [ __ ] more specifically he was standing here well he was he was right here he was the killer he was the victim that's how mr white died that night he's the guilty party i killed him your honor and the victim ran for the door if he was watching from this point to him it would appear that he she ran to the left please this is no time for jokes and ill taste that is where the killer was standing in order i will have orders so help me lord anyone disturbing the order of this courtroom will be held in contempt i'll smack him across the ass i will it appears i have been unclear and for this i apologize mr euron might i be allowed to testify once more oh geez it seems to be a lot of witnesses that are just given false testimony these days in court i'll think nothing of it miss may's testimony was correct as was mine when you assaulted the girl she first ran to the left and then you hit her savagely that is what i saw with the last of her strength she ran to the right you chased her and delivered the final blow so he's saying that i hit her twice we have it on testimony that she dodged she dodged the first strike the victim dodged an attack present this [Music] your honor that statement contradicts this evidence it does i don't see anything contradictory okay no that didn't do it okay oh so it's the fact that it's the final it has to be the autopsy like is it specific on the statement i'm on it is okay the victim died from a single blow what do you have to say to that now's my chance to hit him where it counts mr white wasn't it you told this court you are abso possibly perfect i will refrain from using this phrase from now on um well see i looked at the other window when i heard that thing fall then the next moment i saw miss mia run to the left the killer you attacked her but she dodged um and then she turned and ran for the door then you did her in with a single blow [ __ ] yup oh that was a twap indeed if i do say so she didn't stand a [ __ ] chance she's pretty much dead after that that twap got her good mr your honor my stomach you you see it is hurting deal with it oh [ __ ] perfect oh wait i looked at the other window there's only one window there's only one window what window you looking at uh oh that um uh the glass light stand you're saying you saw the glass light snapped oh [ __ ] yes he's actually claiming that yes change your testimony to reflect that uh sorry uh my bad the witness will revise his testimony gee golly he's had to do that three times right now i trust this individual on what he's saying a light stand was lying on the floor when i looked and the next moment i saw miss mia run to the left mr white it was impossible for you to have seen the glass stand uh what these are the floor plans to the seat of the murder yes that's where poor miami look at this photograph this is the area you will be able to see here well note that the stand is not within the visible area there's no way you could have recognized the broken shards as a glass light stand so when did you see the stand mr white it must have been the moment that it fell and the only place you could have seen that from is inside the fey law offices in other words you are at the scene of the crime when the murder took place mr white mr white you okay there buddy mr white you did it didn't you mr mister your honor oh that's far enough phoenix right what i forgot about edgeworth mr white i think the time has come shouldn't you confess your crime now what what i said you should confess your crime er go confess that you place the wire tap the wire tap wait what is going on the order order in the court there i say order in order to place the wiretap you entered miss faye's office am i correct correct you are most correct miles give me a break yes in order to place the wiretap i breached the feyencola offices that is when i saw that a cursed light stand it was the beginning of september the week before the murder i had entered the fey in co law offices of course i had done so to place the wiretap that is when i saw this glass light stand do you have proof miss april may knew the details of miss phase phone conversation this proves that the wiretap was placed before the murder right yeah that doesn't help is it because oh because you have to line it up with the prompt the phone no it's not the phone okay we're playing it dangerous now the phone doesn't help i can't remember what the receipt is for i don't know if that was established it's not for the [ __ ] nightstand is it please don't no okay it's not for that [Music] okay well phoenix has died in court the defendant has failed to give the court sufficient reason to doubt the prosecution's claim this court finds the defense around the defendant mr phoenix wright guilty i guess i'll die you just get booed oh we're trying everything it's not the batch i'm afraid that's as far as you go mr right the time has come for you to admit your defeat you fought honorably phoenix huh phoenix over here i know that voice never give up phoenix mia i just collapsed so you're telling me there was no way to kind of get through that and it's just i have to deliberately just fail and that was the solution because that's kind of [ __ ] you have absolutely no way to know that that's what you're supposed to do ah you're finally awake they caught you too huh trying to cross the border todd howard you've done it again oh you're maya then you know the fair women have strong psychic powers when you accept your defeat in court it appears that was enough of shock to awaken maya's true powers so maya is channeling you mia okay all right all right it's just we've lost the plot all right this this trial sucks i've come from beyond the gray i should have expected the ghost medium to activate you have that receipt in the court record right um oh yeah the one you wrote maya on phoenix white wrote that not me oh so what do i do with it look at the front of the receipt front the regular receipt looks like it's from a famous department store one thousand dollars wow big spender item glass okay imagine you've been working for years to prepare a college application worthy of the ivy league your phone rings it's the admissions office at harvard they say don't bother filling out the application at all you've been accepted now on one hand you'd be happy you're going to your dream school but on the other hand you might feel a little let down right after all the sacrifices you've made you kind of wanted to see if you could earn that spot at harvard but this hypothetical scenario might help you to understand the plot device called deus ex machina okay i just want to make that clear i just want to make that clear this is how this feels they'd have purchased september 4th it's [ __ ] that's right phoenix i bought that stand the day before i was killed whoa i think the court is about to reconvene go do it phoenix you know you're innocent now you just have to prove it right i hope no startling revelations that change the status of the evidence that we've had presented occurred in the last 10 minutes look closely at this see the word maya written in blood you're grasping i think not look at the other side of the receipt the other side your honor would you tell the court what is written on the other side of that receipt audrey let's see oh a glass light stand at the date of purchase why that's the day before the murder you see mr white when you allegedly enter feyenco offices at the beginning of september the stand could not have been there well your honor i understand there must be quite a bit of pressure on you but i think you'll agree you can't judge me guilty under these circumstances oh geez talking about how i'm being blackmailed that is all for the trial of not so fast phoenix right what no way he can warm his way out of this one oh wait i forgot it's edgeworth there's a certain threat of logic to the defendant's claims however there is no concrete proof that phoenix wright is innocent ergo i would like to request one more day before phoenix wright is granted his freedom i need time to make one more inquiry into this matter oh object mr white's guilt is obvious there is no need to prolong this trial any further well mr edward if anyone is going to call mr white to trial it would be me the prosecution i need today to ascertain whether those new claims have any basis in factual evidence i see the objection tonight what what edgewood is sure to come up with or just make up something and after me has shown up to help me at all oh you bastard mr white mr your honor may i go home of course of course thank you for your time the witness will stay you're not supposed to intervene in the court proceeding like this phoenix read this note out loud actually yeah me as this is me as ghost again how is she interrupting this mia what's this deus ex machina is latin for god from the machine and the device has been around since the time of greek theater they strove to resolve their dilemmas only to be saved from defeat at the last moment by an early form of special effect where did i get this too because she's a ghost at this point i just want to present my badge but no i'll [ __ ] up the trial all right mia's memo the memo mia had given me was a list of names many of them sounded strangely familiar people in finance famous celebrities that's when it happened stop desist halt but please stop make him stop how how did you get that list admit your guilt right here right now or else this list will be released to the press i confess i confess i did it i hit her i hit miss mia with the thinker case closer well that was real [ __ ] weird but i see no reason to continue this trial um i guess it's guilty uh forget all the other evidence we had uh phoenix you're off the hook i'll give you a slap on the wrist and just don't do it again yes you're on it you've done it again that was quite a spirited defense spirited because we've invoked spirits from beyond the grave i guess you could say that only you in you for [ __ ] sake this court finds the defense uh rather than defend it mr phoenix right not guilty did he run can you just leave thank you phoenix you missed a lot to help me and maya i won't forget it as long as i live [Music] i can't stay here that long i just came back from the shadow realm to help you win this case in court and now that my task is done i will depart this world once more phoenix can you come to the office tonight say nine o'clock it's kind of [ __ ] up because that's the same time i was murdered out in the office by myself but now i want you to go back there alone i'm pretty hungry how about a burger mia haha you should see your face mia what are you talking about it's me maya not my dead sister amaya why are you here because of this mia wrote me a letter take care of phoenix for me take care of huh he means the office this office someone has to help with the new wright and co law offices right and who better but me maya faye reporting for duty wait no on second thought let's make this casual yo nick maya here ready to get down to business you know what this means we're partners yo my sister got murdered in these offices but i want to forever be reminded of the spot she dies by working out of the same office space in which she was brutally murdered also i'm 17 and probably don't have a college education i'm a lawyer now you know when i think about it it is maya's fault i'm here now but if it wasn't for her i'd probably be in jail oh no good luck phoenix i'll always be here watching there's a great burger joint just down the street did we schedule a funeral for me come on times are wasted okay wait up the end [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 1,521,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RTGame, RT Game, Irish, funny, moments, gameplay, rt game, stream highlights, funny stream highlights, ace attorney, phoenix wright, phoenix wright ace attorney, ace attorney funny, ace attorney let's play, phoenix wright let's play, phoenix wright funny moments, phoenix wright playthrough, phoenix wright trilogy, ace attorney trilogy, phoenix wright games, ace attorney games, ace attorney phoenix wright, phoenix wright gameplay, ace attorney gameplay, phoenix wright 1
Id: 5tUoqIcvG34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 12sec (5712 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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