Let's Play Outer Wilds, for the First Time

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wake up there's our pilot back from your pre-launch camper under the stairs i see it's launch day hey seems like only yesterday you joined the space program suddenly here you are leaving on your first solo voyage what do you say ready to get this beauty off the ground it's all fueled up and ready to go am i an astronaut i think we're just going into space anyway you'll need to get the launch codes from the hornfills at the observatory before you can lift off just bring those here to said your goodbyes or whatever hey it's you plate says you're blasting off on your ship today i'm really excited to see this launch and you aren't you're going to go into space aren't you better now i've changed your mind aren't you in sleep with the model ship can i see it you recalibrate the controls and install better thrusters i want to give it a test drive blade says would be just like the real thing only less likely to start a fire try to line one of those geyser pools show me what you got fly the model ship [Music] oh good god i'm still getting a handle on it i'm still expensive was that model vector is linked to our sky shutter satellite which is currently orbiting timber heart satellite is equipped with two on-board cameras see if you can take a snapshot of our village okay so this is like an orb of the planet i'm not taking these pictures right now this is just a slide show isn't it no these are all pictures oh i've used a lot of film okay all right let's let's stop that then hey come say hi to your old flight coach for your lunch i've got zero g train instead of you on a refresher i'll figure it out i'm sure oh god that's floaty oh jesus god i'm already so disorientated oh jeez the way out was through here oh it's okay once you've done it of course it'll be a little more stressful when you're hurting through space but just remember you're training and trying to hit anything big yeah we always hit the side of the cave should be all right this fence is a pocket of ghost matter a strange and dangerous substance that's invisible to naked eyes good news is that you can detect ghost matter with a camera through ghost matter is uniquely painful and probably kill you don't complain to me if you hurt yourself fooling around it's quite dangerous just to leave this here yeah you can you can see it all there a lot here only this is the observatory though this looks more like a museum look at that little fish look at this dude concept art from the game's development this was taken from a gnomey ruin on brittle hollow used to create a local gravity distortion was most likely used to traverse steep surfaces try it out oh god okay hold to translate nearly ready felix and i have finished construction she says calibrating the device won't take long fortunately the adelrock's lack of atmosphere will make calibration simple after all this time i'm thrilled to finally resume our search okay that's really interesting you know you have to just like follow the caravan and it translates the text as you go i mean soon outer wilds too this is the observatory i think this this looks very observatory-like oh good god right god i wish space was real better equipped than ever to unravel the mysteries of the nomad you and hal should be very proud of your work tell me what's your plan once you go to space i'll be honest with you i'm probably going to wildly improvise plan to follow in the footsteps of felts wearing the great outer wild adventurous tradition are you i might have guessed it looks like all that's left is to send you off oh no it's a fine day for a lunch i'm ready to die in space not much hope okay launch code's quiet let's head on back oh hello ah okay that was a little weird the statue was doing what the eyes opened and you saw images from your own memories and glowing lights flying around you mean like a hallucination it's no offense but you're sure it's you're okay to launch like medically speaking they're fall damage in this game we know now [Music] oh i'm back here but i have the launch codes okay all right are you ready to get off this this thing off the ground ship's all fueled and ready to go did i just die oh bad dream or something you still cap asleep that's a negative on being deceased you know it's tradition to sleep out under the stairs the night before a launch but if you ask me it makes you all a bit jumpy optimal death yeah speed run strategy get back to the campfire look at this it's a lot of wood for a spaceship a bit uneasy okay what we got oxygen refills spotted free walk towards it enjoy yeah i mean that that seems like sound advice chips log interloper dark bramble giant steep brittle hollow hollow's lantern yes these are these are all the areas that basically you can go to god i'm kind of scared here we go oh i got i didn't mean to do a flip okay uh let's just start by going over here isn't it oh my god how do i land this thing just land here oh my god oh this can't be good oh my god it's okay it's either in either in okay we made it jesus christ what's going on here danger ghost matter detected nearby i can't see if i don't have a camera i think there might be some there this can't be good okay there we go i have no idea where i'm supposed to be going i feel wildly off course right now i don't know what's going on over there oh what the hell is happening hey what oh what what's going on what the hell was that i think i just got picked up is that me dying up there you're lucky i'm in a time loop because otherwise i'd be super dead okay i don't have gra are you grounded for medical reasons because i have no idea what you're talking about jesus christ okay so it's quite clearly established there's a time loop happening uh let's not go back to that planet okay we made it oh wait no i i need my suit god damn it look space is hard the only prior experience with space is that one episode of the magic school bus hey what's going on there am i gonna be able to engineer this i got who okay what's happening here i don't think we need oxygen here still on our home planet yo hatchling thought you're taking that ten count of years into space today what are you still doing here i saw something crash over the horizon it didn't like what i was seeing in the pictures my little scout was sending back i thought i'd come over here myself and take a look is that a dark bramble seat i think so it's nothing i've ever seen on timber harp before so you're probably onto something here where it is but put down roots in a hurry i'll let the look of this thing hatch then that's the fact it'll set marilyn howell loose on it let's get rid of this mess sooner rather than later and no one can remove an unwanted plant faster than a tree keeper can puff can help me haul the old scout launcher over here obviously the opening is too small for something someone to fit inside anyway i'm not going to blindly stick my hands into any that looks as unpleasant as that seed does the way to lose an arm or two what happens if i just jump in no it hurts there might be something in the woods over here i have no idea what i'm even supposed to be looking for right now i just feel like i've been chucked into space i like the campfire uh we can roast a marshmallow get that nice and toasty i mean that's cute oh no that helps us i should try land on the moon this time and remember to bring my space suit and gently does it gently dust are we looking hello sir oh thank god we missed you that was unbelievably close crowd control didn't tell me you were launching long time no see actually it's been a long time since i've seen anyone what is this place very funny stars above you serious aren't you that's just depressing come to the lunar outpost which apparently the space program doesn't bother to teach anyone anymore we first started outer wilds travelers used to bring their ships here all the time for repairs base fairing technology has improved loads since then the older ships tend to fall apart a lot like more than they do now oh look at that thing hang on can we stop on it i feel like this one's going to be moving quite quick oh it's getting a bit closer it's getting a bit close jesus okay brace yourself gang it's got to be an easier way to land what happens there that bit is broken i want to get to that bit if i can uh i'm trying okay all right good enough [Music] wait wait oh my fell off oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay isn't it oh we're free falling what's that oh my god i gotta land the ship i gotta land the ship i gotta land the ship i got it okay so this planet is like literally chucking pieces of itself like up into the sky the water is rising fast i assume this might have been a point to land the ship safely it looks like it okay well there's nothing wrong with my parking job so to speak old translate statue workshop oh this is like the three-eyed statue yeah is it three eyes yeah there's like a third one okay ship you gotta hang in there oil they're going to test the memory statues tonight block says it could be dangerous so we can't come but what if we did didn't use the door and snuck in the other way does anyone want to box specifically told us not to do that really want to see the test too lamy that's a huge risk to take we probably shouldn't maybe fl box let us use a lighter text okay launch sketch i don't know what entirely i've done i have no idea if i'm supposed to be here i'm oh no okay i think we're in space now ow the ship's okay yeah i'm sure it's fine what if i stand on this and then i get picked up because there was like a slight fall what if i try that am i in the basketball brace yourselves brace yourselves no did that do anything i don't think it did oh i think that just keeps me safe from the tornado oh my god it's like a door i'm not trying to like slam hoop if you stand in here and the tornado comes get get you it keeps you safe i think that's all that is trying to look around and see if there's like another way to get in there oh no i can think of one way it's under the water hey my ship's under here are you doing oh okay that just follows my light i think you unlock the thing flocks would you kindly step back so daz is close to the statue when pair in the statue would choose whoever's in closest proximity eoc's eyes have opened it tells the statue of his pair it does now no matter where he is in the star system does the statue record his memories and send them to the ash twin project it's extraordinary sculpting work uh the ash twin project that was that was the we saw them it was like a pair of planets that's a no my that's the statue that's the thing we see when we die and then that leads back to us okay confident to know the statues would not pair until the project succeeds otherwise i imagine the experience will be hard to endure ideally they only need to activate once the project succeeds as a safety measure however the statues will also activate in the event of equipment failure they will why is that and then goes wrong with the ash twin project the statues and their masks will make us aware of the situation and enable us to fix it i'm not quite sure what that's telling us but there's something going on with the statues and the ash twin project we should probably go to the ash twin pair at some point it seems like it'll be important what was that it's pretty trippy and there's three of them that are lit up presumably one of these is like for my memory loop right now i don't know what else i can do there yet i'll be honest with you but presumably from all this i really want to get to the ash twins it seems like something really important is happening there yeah i gotta get to my ship oh another tornado wait what was that okay something just killed me no idea what just happened okay easy does it easy does it landon is the hardest thing in this game easy does it easily does it yeah this should be all right this should be all right the power cable that's going here there's like a beam bit here okay i'm not gonna be able to get past that holy okay now this door will need to remain closed for some time pi and i run an experiment based on the extraordinary fines from the white hole station i mean i will run this experiment to one of us specifically me and prove the utter wrong so those inconvenient the lab currently can only be accessed by the path from the sunless city img lab is now being used to design the ash twin project you're here to help even just to observe be sure to visit use the sunless city path to the lab so the problem with that is there's energy this ghost energy in the way that's going to kill me there is a thing on the sun itself i'm not going to be able to land on that one i can guarantee you that much you've seen my parking jobs like do you think i'm gonna be able to delicately land on like the platform on the sun okay the ship is completely wedged come on how did i get it oh you're bloody kidding me how have i managed that this is really bad what is filling oh it definitely is it's filling up here maybe my ship might be wedged out but the ash rises oh it is it's coming up it's it's actually colliding with the physics oh okay we got to be careful because any hole repairs should i get inside okay we shouldn't have gone inside i just got blended god damn it engage autopilot oh that might be handy for me oh my god that's gonna safely land me on the planet wait wait wait wait what do you mean it's complete holy what is that okay i'm on the wrong planet but there's something here autopilot is very handy discovery unidentified signal nearby escape pod begin flight log escape pod 2 vessel has been mortally injured emergency sequence activated awaiting departure from vessel launching escape pods 3 now launching escape pod 2 collision imminent preparing for impact and external environments can complete external temperatures prohibitively high verdict and hospitable did not seek shelter on planet surface so i was in the pod i don't think they got out okay now escape pod punctured this planet's surface it broke into what's shown as a cave system a much cooler air i'd recommend we seek a sight down there to build a long-term shelter a nona but these passages are like a mace with this danger there is still our best chance for survival will form teams and descend into the caves look for a shelter site america finds on the walls to avoid becoming irreversibly lost catches everyone and be aware of the sound as you search it appears to be rising gradually oh god so we don't have a long down here because the sand is going to come in do not follow this town to its end holius and i will examine the horror that lies as its terminus later provided we live through this what's down here like an angler well the logic really is if you see trees then there's oxygen anglerfish overlooked district steppenstone district high energy lab trailhead i shrine district [Music] you can just light them all up equally honored can't bring your position however we aren't all but certain the sunstation will not cause destruction once we've built it and won't support the station's use the sun station okay right so what's up an experiment very quick uh clearly went wrong here i have to guess uh which one of these was the lab that's the lab is it okay we should go to the lab quick because the sand is coming in we don't have much time we playing the fossil fish game tonight i fed the fossil fisher new lantern if you go to the stepping stone cave there is the entrance to the fossil fish cave is easy to see now stepping stone cave okay that's what the entrance is gravity cannon oh no this probably means the ghost stuff is ahead let's just skip that this is the gravity cannon but it's already filled with sand damn it we didn't get the thing with the fish down there the sand was coming in way too quick okay let me try hop over to the other planet we got some important information at least there's definitely more down there we need to get whatever that fish had oh no okay there's still a little bit of gravity oh we're okay you can finally see what this thing is up close but it doesn't seem to do anything might be missing a bit of kit right now kind of worried about our proximity to the sun pick up the scroll i put this in here friends visiting from the hanging city we are planning the ashram project the high energy lab on emperor an ember twins equator became lost in ember twin my gratitude is that rammy amy family but the high energy lab is the building with the large solar panels i'm surprised i didn't see it imagine how otherwise immensely clever conor would lose his own head or anatomically possible lab has solar panels oh my god the okay boys there's a way to get back to the ship come on this maneuver is gonna cost us a few years i need to get back to the ship soon we're about to collide with the sun i think i was starting to heat up a bit there i think we're all right jesus christ okay so there's definitely more to do on the oh get away [Music] i don't think we're gonna be able to outrun that that's a supernova i don't think i can get away okay and that's how the game resets right so the sun explodes and that's what's going on and we're stuck in a time loop so we have to try and stop it so clearly the ash project went wrong on this planet because they were talking about the consequence for that being well hey the sun would explode i think that meteor hit a station here that's probably affected the project and that's what's setting things in motion the question is how do we use this information so we are looking for an entrance to the anglerfish there's one and one of these doors let's turn those lights on we don't need the other ones on if you're too big to climb through the anglerfish overlook hole you have to go the long way but it isn't fair but a stepping stone cave and then up into the fossil fish cave remember to feed the fossil fish first if you throw a light into his mouth he'll show you the way oh that's not a bad idea is it yeah put that there and then we go back to stepping stone cave neven stove stone stepping stone great i broke the sign there we go how does this help me whoever was it when we ended it last time is the angler fish we'll change the angle fish now it's the power of the where blindfold do not peek i would change it it's too early if you can't see anything and pi says the real angle fish are blind so you have to wear a blindfold the rule stance roll update it's okay if younger kids don't wear the blindfold when they're it the rest of us still wear for the scientific accuracy to make the game more even the rest of us the little fish line up against one wall and the angle fish says so the little fish sneak across the other side angle fish catches you you're eating last little fish to be caught is the new anglerfish the old anglerfish gives the new anglerfish the blindfold becomes a little fish the children are all dead actually this vessel appears to be the same species as the anglerfish and dark bramble don't believe it originated from this planet that by starvation okay so that gives us research on the angler fish but i don't know how else that helps us what about the lab oh i meant to access the lab while i was down there didn't i okay it's probably too late now to go back down for it uh what we can do is if i head to the other ash planet we can explore that some more it's our first delivery one warp core fresh from the black hole forge recent stalin's core sibling on brittle hollow as i write this i got you clary with this the ashton twin project is underway investing deeply curious about what you and poke found on the white hole station that started this project could i visit some time to learn more i recommend you do the white hole station is the model for the towers being built for the ash twin project the visitor station would undoubtedly be useful i'd like you to visit the white hole station with you stop using the scroll wall to flirt with my sister okay so yeah so the i've got an idea of what's happening in this world and what went horribly wrong research went too far with the ash twin project and now the entire world's being destroyed uh the sun itself is gonna go kaboom uh what's happening at brittle hollow wait were we here already oh my god oh but that's a black hole right we probably shouldn't be here everything unharmed no one was badly injured from the escape pods impact we're incredibly fortunate good news at least have we heard from escape pod 2 or escape pods 3 i'm unable to make contact my equipment and hear the other two escape pods of stress signals however any comfortable pods must be structurally intact then you're calling for them batch the moon is approaching again you embrace yourself swiftly the volcanic moon has returned cash is a fallen ash and debris there's a black hole at the center of this planet what happened here like that's my concern is it even safe for me to be here oh my god oh oh that answers that question it's all just too late to lose here's everything we can recall about the signal we encounter while aboard the vessel signal looked like an eye round with a circle at the center much like a pupil suppose the signal was looking for something signal was older than the universe itself it's the most significant detail i know my client has ever encountered anything like it how can anything in this universe be older than the universe itself imagine what rare and profound knowledge it might offer you must find this eye of the universe volcano is angry surface integrity 50 i think the planet is not long for the world oh no i i just don't think we're along for the world in general goal this time get to the lab because i think we can explore most of the stuff on the ash twin planet if we just get there autopilot complete i'll take it from here that's where we need to be as rickety as the ship looks it's surprisingly durable if me piling it is any indication is that all the way at the bottom god so you have to go right here you're gonna miss it because this will just like fill with sand oh god run okay we're all right this is the lap okay we're inside we made it don't know how that helps us hello hey ma how's it going i could show norma arriving at the warp receiver on brittle hollow very slightly before departing from the white hole station me and i are devised an experiment to see if this is a real phenomenon or simple machine error in theory what we want to try reproduces a negative amount of time elapsed between something enter in a black hole and x in the white hole at its destination an update our experiment here reproduced the anomaly in arrival and departure times the pie is unconvinced it's more than an equipment error i hope to strengthen the effect to render it visible to the unaided eyes to that end we've decided to try adding more energy imagine the sunless city's energy supply should prove sufficient hypothesis confirmed assad sought hypothesis confirmed it's beyond extraordinary this changes everything what a beautiful day for the intersection of abstract theory and practical application okay so they had some initial success but yeah is this clearly went wrong warp of course oh i see what's going on there black hole sucks it in and spits it out there sudden observatory is asking if creating a 22 minute interval as possible that is to have something to arrive 22 minutes before it is actually sent through the warp then the negative interval of time between departure and arrival can be increased by add more energy to the warp core problematically the energy required to extend the interval increases of it at an exponential rate i mean i believe would be necessary to invent a new method of producing energy a thrilling but enormous undertaking we also require advanced warp technology to be able to handle such energy we'd also likely need an enormous space to fit these proposed new energy and warp technologies together the location large enough would be ash twin okay 22 minute interval is interesting because it's been it's about 22 minutes well it feels like about 20 minutes could be 22 like the universe ends so we're like become part of that interval i think what if we use warp towers like the one we have on white hole station to connect ash twin directly to each critical location okay i actually want to fly my spaceship into that black hole in brittle hollow and see what happens next is that wild okay i think yeah so i think i know what's going on there's the white hole see that's where it's gonna take us out time to test the theory right scientific experiment here we go i want you to look at that only there's anywhere to land here now mind you oh what's that and there's a oh no no no no no no okay okay we're all right what is going on in here welcome to the white hole station if you fell through the black hole by accident don't worry you aren't the first this warp tower can return you to brittle hollow every warped tower is tuned to a specific astral body tower's warp can only be used during the brief window when the tower is aligned with its corresponding astral body in this case brittle hollow as we stand on the warp platform on the floor during this alignment to be warped oh these are so these are the teleport stations that they mentioned yeah and that's the alignment there so this is going to gradually rotate into position i think if you look closer you can very slowly see it move see here we go let's test it see quickly scan it quickly scan it put it in scan it and get the information oh here comes the sun here comes the sun we got to go through the black hole again here we go oh and that's why this amasses ruins as time goes on because it's the remains of brittle hollow that are like being exited out like brittle hollow slowly just kind of gets like deposited over here as i've already told remy these measurements can't be accurate how can i nominate brittle howl before he or she ever stepped onto the teleporter the implications are absurd the book the high-energy lab is in the canyon and ember twins equator come here at once you need to see this oh yeah and we saw that with the scanner because like when we popped it in right it was a there's a moment where there's two of them okay i've learned how to use autopilot now maybe i can land on this thing now i'm worried about the orbit this thing is gonna take i'm also i'm very aware that i could just be jettisoned after this and if i'm jettisoned after that's like that's it this place like actually scares me quite a bit but we landed on it oh my god oh no oh no oh okay we can get back on okay wait so the ice melts it for a fraction of a second there can i go inside the comet i didn't have time because of the panic and like i got jettisoned i might be able to get inside that when it comes back around to the sun go for the next time is to get on the comet when it gets near the sun and hop through the ice and not completely panic you know observe the phantom moon it sometimes greets us in the night sky your thoughts interest me compliment your eyes how do you imagine disappears hypothesis could it be a shift in the light spectrum suppose this moon is too shy to show us his face dressing your playful moon isn't much like its violent friend hollow's lantern moon isn't volcanic to my unaided eyes sometimes it leaves his friend hollows lantern for nights at a time the nights the moon circles this planet appear random seems to travel as it likes there's a phantom moon quickly get it scanned quickly quickly quickly all right we should be good sun is angry oh there was something else on the wall there that i didn't see there was three of them mural of dark bramble and ensnare in the no my vessel mural of three escape pods evacuate in the no my vessel is that what happened one of the escape pods never made out of dark bramble we we found two of the escape pods already you know i walked to the solar system in a spaceship called the vessel they were attempting to follow the signal from the eye of the universe vessel crashed somewhere in dark bramble okay we got to go to the dark bramble then look like there's a lot of questions there what exactly have i locked onto the red light there's just a satellite here error map offline i didn't push it did i oh god i can okay i gotta be careful there uh how do i restabilize the satellite before it spins wildly okay this is gonna be a tricky one to get on i don't wanna just jump out in the space this is actually scaring me actual horror game right now error map offline outer wilds ventures no i'm too scared i'm too scared i i don't know how to actually interact with that right now i think me hitting it has definitely not helped the situation i think me hitting the satellite has not helped like it's already gone i i i don't even know what to do with that right now hey what what exactly am i even looking at i don't know i couldn't tell here that doesn't even look safe to like dock on i can try fly inside i don't know how smart this is what am i looking at there's something here [Music] oh my god it's full of the anglerfish holy i'm in trouble this is particularly bad here we go right so dark bramble ha there's an escape pod in there though i have to get it surely that is terrifying oh i wait i got well i got one idea hang on there was the seed that landed here if i use my scout thing right it might give me some information yeah this might be scary okay so that's gone in oh no oh now that that's actually gone through and i have its signal i can follow it okay this can't be good that is three duplicate signals this is where i land it i think we can try i think we can try set down our ship here over here hey buddy about the feldspar this is the other pilot whoa where'd you come from no one's spent come here in well forever actually that makes you the second heritage to ever reach dark bramble after me of course well done it's a good story i've just finished exploring the core of giants deep and needed a new challenge and none of us ever been inside dark brambles so i think hey let's give that a try cruising around for a while dodging this odd odd massive inter-dimensional vine bristling with thorns and runs this huge angler fish the biggest i've ever seen well a few stones tried to shake the thing off nothing too fancy i'm going full speed when the fish clips me knocks me into a vine end well like i said crash blamo on impact my ship starts making noise like it's coming apart from the inside i think well that ain't great sure enough i barely get out of there before the electrical system starts sparking like crazy i had to move faster dying pleasantly so i had to put a little distance between me and my poor my poor fried ship camped out near where i crashed at first i found this skeleton later great fun would have been stupid not to use it i moved my setup over and have planted my emergency tree seats been here ever since oh my god this poor man seeking the reach in the core of giants deep lies at the end of the hollow vine they crashed their ship into minefield spurs ship i want to go to the tail end of the anglerfish skeleton and look for a flickering light okay so what i can do then yeah if i if i get to the end here and i use my scout i might be able to replicate it again there's a ship there's mosey on in here i'm gonna have to get out if i follow this up or my ship's gonna get stuck presumably the sun is gonna go into a supernova soon anyway we're about to be consumed quickly get some information uh we're gonna have to go straight for dark well we have to go straight to the seed dark bramble and then go inside the core there we go and we're on the planet some something here oh never thought i'd see one of these pieces outside of giant's deep they were always awfully useful back there maybe a jellyfish could be useful here too i think it's terrible the outside is all rubbery and tough maybe that's because it insulates the jellyfish's insides i'm getting zapped by electricity i'm going inside of this jellyfish's interior cavity to see if what's in there tastes any better i gotta go inside the jellyfish hope the feldspar do not eat this even if you are dying it'll be too sad this is the last thing you ever ate in this life these jellyfish are only useful for insulation from electricity again do not eat love feldspar insulation from electricity okay assuming we are going to be zapped by lightning i need to hide inside our jellyfish it seems like a point though return if i jump down here i'm not going to be able to come back i mean there's something down there oh be brave oh no no no no no no no no that's really bad all right friendly bucko no felts bad we're just going to camp with you remote jesus i don't know my right and saying anglerfish are blind blast things do have a weakness i mean if i fly as fast i can't approach the deal them could have used a bit more thought behind it at least they didn't eat me oh they're blind so maybe that's how you get to the red light oh no i can think of one way to get past the angler fish that i'm noticing if i do actually forsake my ship i go jetpack mode for it i don't think they'll spot me in theory they shouldn't try murderous get ready for a potential jump scare oh my god what the is this are these eggs i don't think that's gonna help i think it's just eggs that was the point of going down here oh we found it there's not a long left oh we just barely got to it we know it's here though there we go okay i mean we found it our logic was fine let's head straight there autopilot what are you doing i think i broke the ship it won't take off hey let me just uh it saves on the day reset yeah let me just go back about okay the autopilot takes a bit just to kick in yeah that was it was a a bit funky wait a minute that oh that's the station autopilot you're good the auto pilot you know what we gotta do oh oh that scared the out of me okay i can take it up to the first one in park no i cannot slap off the wall i'm dead god damn we need to investigate like the crash site problem is this bit right here where there's so damn many of them nobody make a sound well it's been fun gang i think go get a sneaky zone no don't you in there gonna take it nice and slow right quiet hey buddy someone sneezed oh we are fast approaching the planet slow down slow down this is bad oh that was mean that was mean i've done this wrong get ready gang [Applause] [Music] precious memories what's that wait a minute and what planet slash oh god here we go what what was that okay brittle hollow know where the black hole here takes you now too [Music] that's really near that's 47 meters away hello my man dr ryback oh you launched that's great great job you i guess that means i've been out or a while huh this is brittle hollow but you probably knew that lots of history here it's great here to see the hanging city it's always been my dream to see with my own four eyes ever since i was a hatchling italy and race lived in the solar system long before our species even existed how could i not want to see what their civilization was like the exciting stuff is all below the crust including the hanging city that's just to the north you kind of see it from here also the big dome in the south pole on the sudden observatory can't get inside from the surface trust me i tried but it's like the rest of i know my structures here probably a path to it beneath the crust somewhere good luck with exploring anything about the noah i'd love to hear it he's an archaeologist just travel in the world get know my history welcome in this place above you stands the tower of quantum knowledge you're making your first pilgrimage to the quantum moon to send these stairs and obtain the last of the knowledge you need for your journey uh slight problem bucko lynn felix and i have determined this atypical shadow of rock is the reason objects in this grove are behaving in a quantum manner of no unique signal is coming from this shard seriously our friend the wanderer and moon sounds the same also the same signal the shadow produces calling out from the giant's deep then bahar and the hourglass twins suppose there are other shards like this one only other object we've observed displaying this quantum behavior is the wandering moon got the moon there good god wait that just move already yeah it did oh that's trippy look at that oh no this is real bad i feel like there's more down here i should be able to explore though i think i have to go to the quantum signals if i want to work out the secret of the quantum moon you think i can make that jump you have little fate unfortunately i think the world's about to end again oh there's like a teleport point up there it's like a faster way probably i think we're on the underside of the um the dome we got here a little too late though because uh i can hear that sun coming quickly scan giant steep we haven't really explored much of too have we we kind of just crash landed here at the start and then called it a day so we finished building the final orbital probe cannon module and are ready to send it into orbit around giant steep for assembly the next step will be the send private up to the orbital probe can to install the probe tracking system all my friends here at the construction guide my gratitude for your tireless work i had given up hope i truly believe this cannon may actually succeed or many other attempts if not i need to get in there daz and i were lifting orbital probe cannon components into orbit for assembly once somehow sank down beneath the curtain the the current oh i've convinced me not to try and recreate the phenomena myself using other cannon pirates we're very curious to know what happened how could someone pass through the current graduate interesting question this is exciting spire constructed a model of giants deep here at brittle hollow sudden observatory and it reveals how an object might just sink below the current so on this one with a wall gives dialogue on this one gives the projection this is inside the observatory see five minutes 54 seconds ago long range probe successfully launched from the orbital probe cannon okay we welcome this place this shrine is a space to reflect on what brought us this star system the signal from the eye we observed the eye signal in our travels and followed it here to find its source we know it's this the source of the signal which we have chosen to call the eye of the universe the older in this universe itself the rest we have yet to learn enter and open your minds its possibilities okay so they formed a cult that approaches have you been involved in an accident that wasn't your fault your injury lawyers for you we'll get you the compensation you deserve i'm sure it's fine not the ghost matter okay not today oh we're so close to this there we go okay we made it inside let's open that door first and foremost savage construction yard has been used to cyclones and giant deeps to lift orbital probe cannon parts into orbit one component was pushed down past the current that usually prevents anything from sinking by an aircraft in a mile to determine why it has happened up there it's now clear there are two different types of cyclone o cyclones and giant deep rotate clockwise these are the cyclones cassava typically use the same components into orbit there also exists a rarer type of cyclone that spins the opposite direction and pushes objects beneath the waters and below the current oh hey clockwise is up but if we find an anti-clockwise cyclone that will push us down oh i missed a line hang on also i want to make a model okay important line okay if i just drive my spaceship into it is the spaceship can the spaceship do water i guess we're gonna find out okay oh good god here we go okay okay wait remember remember the advice about the jellyfish we're safe underneath a jellyfish yeah okay here we go mr jellyfish okay maybe we shouldn't have gone in in the ship are you sure we're gonna be safe going in here this looks so dangerous i hope this keeps us safe what the hell is that oh yeah we made it in oh no the music displaying coordinates for the eye of the universe we got it sweet probe track and mod will be the first to know the coordinates of the eye of the universe we need to fire the probe once the probe tracking module statue okay well the end's about to claim us uh we got something pretty good there though that feels really significant so we got the coordinates for the eye that might be important i don't know my coordinates making the location of the eye of the universe the statue in the probe tracking module automatically records each probe's trajectory and transmits the data to the ash twin project i i take it we just gotta go back that in yeah we already know what's going on though we know the secret of the tornado now oh this one wait this is actually quite important we might if i since i can land better now because if this is the one that's tracking the eye of the universe what might be a bit important to get a hold of you know yeah this is the one that got in orbit uh except we have the coordinates from the one that sank to the bottom of the scene now orbital pro can launch request received probe launch successful hope tracking module receiving data from the probe over the probe canon structure compromised during launch damage to multiple modules detect it don't ask the order of the pro cam to use so much power that it breaks will you right not my nervous friend we only need to fire the pro the probe once anyway who minds if it compromises the orbital pro can structural integrity slightly i would buy in battle i would mine because we won't be capable of receiving our probes data if the probe tracking module is destroyed oh is the tracking module that satellite we found if it was fired that would make sense there's more to explore here specifically for the tracking module so we got to get that into the planet now and there was definitely more stuff we could get here we were just in a hurry last time oh it's the probe data he's left the solar system here oh good god we've previous launch data from ash twin number probes launched nine million three hundred and eighteen thousand deep space anomaly matching all known criteria for the eye of the universe found bound by probe nine million three hundred and eighteen thousand and 054 so they found it and they did find it and that's why we have the coordinates can i just go there now yeah bro hey it's you good to see you made it here in one piece the first solo launches a doozy isn't it i don't freak out i think lately i keep like dying repeatedly i don't know it's pretty weird what about you have you died lately or is it just me oh he knows about the time lou i was behaving unusual lately that time that makes sense cool personally i like new experience and i've been in a time loop before i don't think i've been in the time loop long before this one looks like you and i are the only ones who can tell time's gone all weird ride radio and horn fellas and ask if they die too but i thought i was being metaphorical if i tell horn fell about the time loop oh the sun just exploded every time i dialed my memories from that loop replay back to me pretty sure it's related to this big stone know my statue i found hold that talk guy bro i'll see you in a minute looks like we're dead again the autopilot flew my ship directly into the sun not like it will try to take you there on purpose make sure the sun isn't between you and your destination when you engage autopilot and you'll be fine the fair point oh we could try we could try a hitcher we do need to kind of get inside this place we could just try to do that i think that's on its like way to the sun right now yes it is okay if we're quick here i think we can get inside this place we might as well sorry gabriel we'll check on gabriel after we get inside okay we need to find a point where the ice is gonna melt so we can hop inside whatever's in here i mean this seems to be like a as good of a place as any okay here we go oh this is terrifying that means the poison crystals i keep forgetting as well this thing has a camera so i can actually just see like where the poison is is there any even on these hey ma if someone's been in here if there's a tree hi i'm receiving much stronger energy reasons now that we're beneath the crust wherever it is must lie somewhere below closer to comet center certainly things more dangerous than we realized i think my ship might be gone isn't that a part oh okay not that one okay so th this must be the way the question is this is just very slippy i think i think i see what's going on okay take that tunnel and then you gotta go left left tunnel slowly that is probably a massive sinkhole yes it is okay we found something all right here we go what happened in here spherical stone casino seems to be the source of the energy readings no writer the source is what's been in the stone i'm stuck in some sort of exotic matter stone is mute in our energy recordings that should be ten times what we're seeing at least until we want this matter interacting with us as far as i can tell direct contact would almost certainly be fatal everyone count anything like this hasten it's always protecting us from what's inside where still this matter is disturbingly volatile by whatever the matter inside the stone casing is is a lot more than just profoundly unstable and the tons of pressure this density scan never seen anything that's tightly compacted before what is this it's orders of magnitude worse than i'd imagined the stone with the rupture the little matter within would rapidly expand turn to the shuttle right now the rest of our friends need to know they're in terrible danger leave your equipment and run what are you doing pie what we know about this alien matter the better our chances of survival i will learn what i can here go on the others maybe they can construct shelter somehow oh god so this just opened yeah this is all exploded this was contained we're gonna die in here by the way i've already accepted that now that that fact also how you can tell we're not getting out of here our ship isn't actually detected anymore did you notice that like because the sun actually consumed it well we might as well let the sinkhole claim us go through the fun circle okay now i can go back and talk to gabriel because we still need to do that anything else on our moon too i didn't really stop here long there was like a guy with a campsite well there is something there yeah okay quick quick moon pit stop hang on what is this oh this just helps you find like what planet you're looking for that's the eye hang on is it gonna point i don't think it's going to be that easy that it just like signals it out it has me to deposit this my friend so i believe this locator cannot detect the eye signal we need to build a more core sensitive device if we want to locate the eye of the universe we'll build it don't lose hope uh cassava our search for the eyes or broad our clan to this place you don't give up so easily this is information we probably should have got like way earlier in the game i reckon uh because we actually have the exact coordinates for where the eye is at this point in time damn you spoiled yourself before getting here okay i have to go talk to gabriel this is ireland think so that's as good as a good of a landing as any how do i stop the blaring red siren reactor damage oh oh no i guess the problem just fixed itself uh for future reference where exactly is the reactor okay gabriel we actually have to talk to you this time and what happened to the orbital pro cam well that's the kind of that that's the cannon breaking apart at the start of each time loop for real figure out why too much power oh for enthusiasm kind of scary how much that sounds like something uh slight or feldspar would do you'd be surprised that nobody built something that actually broke and think of it though broke might be the wrong word besides it looks like the orville probe cannon is still firing successfully at the beginning of each time loop gabriel are we safe here you seem surprisingly calm about this he just floats off his hammock how do you stay so calm in the face of repeat and pen and debt deep breaths no seriously i'm meditate i'm going to teach you'll be it'll be the next loop before you know it close your eyes oh okay right thanks guy bro that instantly kills you bit unfortunate but i guess we learned the technique as for landmasses i've counted four islands including this one that's the one to know my statue i saw on the beach have we been to all four gabros the statues the hangar no there's one more island and okay we haven't actually been somewhere then oh there was this island yeah i guess that's the four island there's not much we can do on this one though ah yeah all the way down to the core consider yourself concord giant steve you just got feldsparred that wasn't my more dramatic feats if i do say so myself i can't believe it wasn't electrocuted can't wait to tell horn excuse me one second gang that's one more off the list see that's all all that's left is the big one now dark bramble here i come it's funny that that's only connected now considering we have actually found feldspar already like god we were missing a lot of the connections just between things here i think that's most of the island explored i think that's giant's deep done i don't see anything else unless there's a way inside that big tornado i could try it oh my god okay right welcome to this place this tower shares with all who ask the knowledge need to make his or her first quantum journey okay this is a different quantum power seek the wandering arch there it is i'm gonna guess if i look away it's gonna disappear again observing a quantum object observing an image of a quantum object these are the same oh is this how we find the moon is it really that simple picture yes yes it is that counts as it being observed and see that only wore off there because the picture disappeared you just got to make sure you have some pictures handy and that's how we get the quantum moon we did it in time okay we know how to get the moon now there's a quantum signal here adjustment another happy landing is there a shortcut down to the center of the planet from the middle of these maybe let's find out we're going somewhere in the quantum signals down here what is this update the log we we we found something oh boy well the sun got us uh but we quickly scanned some and we learned how quantum mechanics work oh i don't have my jet pack as uh that was a short-lived one oh it's this one grove shared because and we now know we want that to stay there we simply have to take a picture in the ancient glade it's always dark the quiet shade across old barrack that literally just appeared everything quantum this is new keeps eye on it [Music] that's how you get access to here okay we can read this properly now on inside 2a wouldn't be safe for native life to on some of the case pools so unfortunately i have to mine one of the other sites the opposite new life species semi-aquatic and very ha hardy the ecosystem here is quite robust so i believe they'll thrive in the long run catch us in the pools if you visit two way to meet them it's watching them once during a rest the hours escape from me they're fascinating i wonder what their fourth eye does oh this is the nomi discovering us i think we got four eyes don't we so that's what's going on there i think the quantum signal there was just to get you towards that point it wasn't that was a way of finding it we kind of just brute forced it and found it that way okay so what i need to do is i just need to get through the cloud cover now on the moon oh okay here we go what is going on here you've recalled the rule of quantum imaging recall the mural rule of quantum entanglement recall the rule of the sixth location uh your guess is as good as mine what is that solanum i am here after watching it wander for the skies for so long i'm about to stand for the first time on the quantum moon as expected my shuttle has landed the moon south pole i make the reign of my journey on foot i don't know why the quantum moon always welcomes his visitors at the south pole just that this is true it's a child i consider such a known sinister now though i understand there are no ill will the universe is and we are i am ready [Music] start on the south pole okay [Music] whoa what the was that what the that instantly killed me okay there's something more on the quantum movement there was two other options there i don't exactly know what i did wrong there the gravity cannon okay well maybe that's related this is maybe mark location wait no gravity cannon okay we can go to wherever the quantum moon was trying to take us accelerating toward destination oh no it's taking us towards why it's taking us towards ashton i'm i i locked down to ashton yeah he's got sidetracked to get i'll get back to the gravity cannon soon i'll get back there trending going on here oh is the door is there any point in going back here no this room is just dead wait okay no that's worked out where the am i now don't use the command to see for 10 minutes all systems entered sleep increased solar activity detected sun station whole integrity approaching critical levels closing emergency doors oh i should have read that message oh this is gonna be a risky jump [Music] oh jesus holy we're on the sun science compels us to explore the sun can't we change this i don't enjoy working in view of such a morbid mission statement but it's accurate we're going to create a supernova for the purpose of scientific progress that's our mission mission to decide if such an irresponsible feat is even possible it's a better one mission determine if it's possible to prompt the sun to explode like a sense of humor this didn't lack a sense of etics only refrain from going supernova on me before the sun does oh no they didn't detonate the sun did they oh my god stars reach end of natural life cycle now approaching red giant stage warning evacuate sun station approximate time until sun station is destroyed by expanding stars three minutes approximate time until star is dead 14 minutes oh i gotta be quick the sun is just dying it wasn't the experiment that went wrong just the sun's dying what happened to the sun station not fire it fired but it failed the sun barely responded there were in intestinally small surface level changes but they were barely visible even to the third eye the station is useless it will never and could never cause the sun to explode what comes next my friends i suppose you must start over but i'm unsure how to start over turn the ash to in first my friend perhaps the change of task would help aspire notice the comet approach in the star system that we'd like to investigate it's a pretty good outcome we actually explored the sun i don't think there's anything else up there we know what the gravity cannon is there's a teleport station here but what's the prerequisite for that i don't see a dial okay i just want to hear him out what oh okay that's where that one takes me that's that's back there where does this one go then why did that kick in just there is that because the ash came by how does that set it off yeah let's try it let's try on the other one then yeah there's the focus for it do you see that oh no okay that's not gonna quite work though because the ash is gonna lift us right there we go where exactly is this oh we don't have long giant steep memory statue timber heart memory statue humans till end of cycle i i gotta hurry oh my god there's so much here quickly just get it all documented we don't have time we don't have time quickly there's just a bit more oh i don't think we're long for the world what the hell is that there was a black hole inside wherever we were okay we got a lot of information though so we just need a downward thrust as the sand is kind of fallen and that will take us there there we go all right we're in again oh wait talk to self if you're me then i'm as confused as you are you think we have the same memories questions let's see remember all the time there's a good last week but i jumped into the black hole in here what about you oh no did i do something anyway it's been good talking to you me incredibly strange but good see you around what this is the greatest day of my life just ah what have we done jumping into that black hole was a terrible idea nearly ready to activate the ashton project here's what will happen first the sun station will receive the order fire at the sun prompting it to explode using the energy from the resultant supernova the ash tuned project will send the order for the orbital probe cannon to fire back in time by 22 minutes exactly 22 minutes after these orders are received the sun station will again trigger the supernova send the probe data from this canon launch back in time until each cycle created by the actual project will last precisely 22 minutes you can end this cycle at will to where it's difficult to write the sun station did not work wait for the sun to explode on its natural timeline if you prefer idea but you'll need to find some way to halt our agent process however this is the closest we have ever been the actual project is theoretically sound you're only unable to power it perhaps there's another way that's why it's kicked in now it's simply the sun is dying of old age remove the warp core right so wait so this is what's power and everything though including the time warp if i take this out i don't think i'm gonna come back can i put it back in if i take it out yeah you can insert it again if i take this out like that's it if i don't find something to do with it in 20 minutes 22 minutes oh no no no no no no no no oh jesus don't do that to me game there's like no point in me removing that because if i remove that i've broken the reset of the game and like i'm screwed that's where it's hidden anyway well like now what do we do okay there's with the quantum moon and then the vessel i gotta go back there at some point gravity cannon oh that guy sucks through the white hole oh my god okay a big piece of this just got like sucked true there's something there shuttle is currently resting at the quantum mode [Music] what does this mean all the shuttle home what's this this is a ship this is the quantum moon guy [Music] oh what is happening what is going on you destroyed the fabric of space-time what what did i do what what music's there is that a kazoo what did i do what okay maybe don't do that okay but that's not gonna happen again is that was because i was around with the quantum stuff wasn't it but we got the kazoo ending see what this does [Music] okay that's not ideal and that teleports you back so you it set flight and reset it didn't kill me that time i'm gonna break off soon crossroads we need to get to the tower of quantum knowledge again my time it when it starts to fall i might be able to jet pack up instantly oh what the was that someone kick me what the was that here we go [Music] ow and the pilgrimage to quantum moon will carry you just as it carried me and many in our clan before me to the moon's sixth and most secret location you'll be ate in your pilgrimage by the shrine our clan built on the quantum moon remember this final rule to explore the sixth location the shrine must be on the moon's north pole be curious on your journey well i guess we just enjoy the fireworks how much else we can do right now but we got crucial information regarding the quantum moon there we have to so we have to move the tower to the north pole somehow time for the uh world's most violent gender reveal parody here it's a boy norma detected a quantum signal coming from somewhere on the hourglass twins so wherever that signal is that's where we're going to learn our next bit friends if you find any sign of coleus i i implore you to help me evangelize during our research trip and has been missing ever since some of us from the sunless city are here to help search for coles can you tell us more about your expedition my gratitude burr police and i was studying about the cave's geology he hoped to learn more about a unique and wandering rock that visits several different caves in this area disappeared in the cave at the bottom of the dry light lake bed at the north pole it happened in an instant and without warning i'm sure that's fine gonna be honest i don't know the way through here and this is gonna get ugly real quick yeah i think we're about to get crunched bit unfortunate i think it's like a little platform in sequence i think we're going the right way how this guy suddenly disappear in here this is where we were when he vanished he's been missing for two days now happened for coley has disappeared we examine the different rock different rocks but calculus stand on the largest one the wandering rock has taken notes and then my lantern died i lit it again coleus and the rock were both gone so we disappeared with it god can i travel like that oh so that's really important for traveling around the place curious this rock took me to a new location i wonder why this happened here's possible alarming this new cave appears to lack an entrance or exit as the rocket brought me disappeared while i wasn't watching wandering rock has returned before i've been so allowed to use to see a sedimentary specimen i wonder if i myself become quantum became quantum briefly when the rock carried me here this seems the clearest explanation hypothesis if the rocking can bring me here it can also carry me out my hypothesis was correct i can travel on this rock as long as i'm not observing my surroundings and it must be in complete darkness i'm going to bring my mentor here to see this friends colleagues has discovered a new quantum rule also promised me he'll never vanish again even if he does learn something useful from it so that's entanglement okay but that's how that's working yeah okay so we now know i think everything we need for the quantum moon so we need darkness for this so i gotta close the door i need to move this to its north pole turn off the light look at that oh wait we there ah not quite okay north pole i'm just hoping the tower appears okay and now we're on the north pole oh we've got it oh hello there who are you explain explain eye of the universe there's a fundamental uncertainty throughout the universe normally this uncertainty is only observable on a very small scale as one approaches the eye however that uncertainty goes enormously quantum moon probably exhibits macroscopic quantum behavior because of the proximity to the eye charts that broke off from the quantum moon have a similar effect as i imagine you've seen elsewhere in this star system not just observation forces a quantum object to collapse to a single possibility what would happen if a conscious observer somehow entered the eye itself over time does become my clan's greatest question so solana made it to the moon i am on the my first pilgrimage to the quantum moon although my client make this journey when we come of age even though the eye cannot be reached from here the quantum moon remains special to us as it carries us nearer to the eye than any other place we know we're only here to be close to the eye while the eye is obscured from our sight we can see the quantum moon's reflection of the eye in the sky above us so we need to get as many exploration as we can i don't know how we're doing on time suppose you can reach the eye of the universe where you try to enter it what do you imagine the effects on a conscious observer might be and you might climb believe the eye call call to us for a particular purpose i was a child i used to believe the eye was malevolent if we're my client to the star system only to have them vanish from from them so completely you don't have much connection you and i jealous and kind of feels special i hope you won't mind if i think you have you as a friend oh bless is there anything else here i think we got all the info we could oh we didn't quite okay you don't quite die if you're on the quantum moon i think a bit different adam wonders what would happen if a conscious observer were to enter the eye that whole line of inquiry is done oh no all that's left i think is this like there's a bit there might be some more stuff in the hanging city there seems to be some more information but of main areas that i know there's something there that we have to explore it's strictly there right now we need to explore the vessel the stress break beacon we're not just going towards the red awesome hang on the music's gonna give me a heart attack right off on a fun adventure what will we find at least we'll go out dancing gotta keep the energy going i feel a lot calmer about this now you know it's helpful more like dance brett bramble dark brambles got some sick beats the anglerfish love this music they probably do they don't get many banging tunes okay part three oh this is the other escape pod this isn't the vessel we heard about this ending up here escape pod crashed we tried to flee this place destroying our movement and communication get bullies in the process we've held out as long as we could here but there's pod supply of breathable air is near deplete it and the anglerfish attack more and more frequently the best chance of survivors to return to the vessel to either repair the damage or more probably await rescue sekka is the message finished the vessel's beacon has already grown fainter it'll be gone in mount of ours we need to leave here quickly they met a very grisly end like you don't have enough air to reach the the fighter of the two beacons then the decision is made for us leave a trail of lights as we go there's still a chance someone could hear our escape pods distress signal i think we saw some of the lights yeah it's off that way all right distress beacon investigate time how will we know if the sun explodes ah that's a great question i don't think it worked out for these guys they should have kept the funky music playing it would have helped them yeah it's tragic what's happened here they just couldn't get out of uh dark bramble no one in the escape pod made it let's follow that signal i'm gonna hit it this might be it oh [Music] i'm just not going to touch the controls a while and keep dancing oh thank god we made it power funky music has brought us to safety oh jesus oh this is where you have to take it oh this is the um the symbols okay all right so we have to take we have to take the core here those are the symbols we need to input can can is gonna be a mad dash to get this done in time then okay this is it question if i die to the angler fish that's really gonna mess up the planet isn't it maybe the anglerfish will just understand vessel smacked just fly into the sun with it i'll see you all in hell i always hated this system okay we to get it right this time or uh yeah the universe is kind of doomed if i just go straight apparently we make it safe there were no lights in this one were there this one's safe ramen speed all right insert the warp core that was the first one [Music] second one oh it's on the screen i didn't even see that okay the coordinates are in oh [Music] we made it this is the eye should i be going in that all right we're on the eye what's up what do we do now oh everything's okay i think this is it yeah he's gone now here we go oh no oh advanced venture was founded by feldspar gas and slate and horn fellas to explore solar system at the end of the universe no i never got to see it for themselves but thanks to their efforts and technology a heritage was able to reach the eye of the universe all the life forms who will perish in in the uncommon debt of the universe we will miss the anglerfish the least one false observations this is incredible versus thought the points of light in this image were stars but they're not they're galaxies this image just covers a tiny patch of the whole sky which means the universe contains at least a thousand times more galaxies than we previously imagined i need to sit down observe uh can we go into the lights [Music] oh oh they're all going out yeah they're all exploding until it goes dark and there's nothing left okay sure [Music] well there oh get him out of there oh the towers [Music] the tower is crumbling [Music] it's um it's not quite time yet pretty sure we'll need the artist for this next part we'll need you know everyone don't rush take your time might not even exist here we're getting all the musicians together okay you just flash the light he's gone that's very mean the point up oh oh it's your man's ship [Music] fly over to him hi i think that's the gang matches observers entered the eye i wonder what happens now is it time to find out let's find out the song is new to me but i'm honored to be part of it ready to start the music should be cool i got the old harmonica here goes nothing i want to play with the whole group again can i start won't let you down do i begin here i go i begin got it i'll do my best [Music] quickly as we're making a new universe [Music] this is the end of our journey all that remains is the collapsing numeral possibilities before us are you ready to learn what comes next admire your curiosity friend let's find out together oh [Music] we did it everyone's dead outer wilds you can now play as luigi ah sweet 14.3 billion years later [Music] [Music] there is a new universe medicine there's a new species oh what was that oh it was the scout probe because we fired him into the abyss oh he lived low previously out of interest where does it pop us back well probably actually in the same spot it always pops you back flying to the sun for the last time oh wait can we get a kazoo end and if i take the core and just fly into the sun with it hang on okay let's just yoink that set destination the sun oh oh no wait wait wait wait gravitational pull got us okay here we go i'm gonna try land on the platform okay i you are dead incredible it's like no music okay i got you covered [Music] you
Channel: RTGame
Views: 713,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rt game, rtgames, rt games, outer wilds, let's play outer wilds, outer wilds ending, outer wilds full game, outer wilds quantum moon, outer wilds explained, outer wilds story, outer wilds moon, outer wilds ash twin, outer wilds lore, outer wilds gameplay, outer wilds blind, outer wilds first time, outer wilds end, outer wilds dark bramble, outer wilds complete, outer wilds endings, outer wilds kazoo, outer wilds secrets, outer wilds sun, stream highlights, rt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 0sec (5640 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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