Park Metal Detecting | Nokta Legend Metal Detector GAW

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[Music] hello and welcome to the channel I am at a park this particular Park is the park I wanted to hit uh the day after the fourth when uh Christine and I went live this has a huge fireworks show and it's really crowded so I'm gonna do my best to find some surface targets and I'll only dig things that are either really shallow or pique my interest but uh I'm gonna work this grass a little bit out here but before I do that I want to clear the top lot because uh maybe there was a lot of kids playing during the fireworks show so we'll see how that goes but uh I'll bring up on the first Target and then make sure you uh catch the entire video because there will be a nice announcement about something we're giving away which I think most of you already know so stay tuned for that and wish me luck all right first potential Target here jumpy a little bit 70s and 80s so [Music] and we're starting off with our Penny of course hopefully it picks up I've already worked this whole back area over here and uh that's it a penny all right so far I've found three cents um lots of bobby pins and one hair clip and a nail and this is a nice Target 74 73 oh happy hey it's just a kid's ring though I just need to find the ring that says Fourth of July next really cute though all right the top lot didn't do me that great three pennies um that kid ring and then a little bit of bobby pins and stuff like that but uh I spoke to one of the employees and he kind of gave me an idea of where the masses were sitting so I'm walking on the grass now um this is a good sign double Quarters here that's 50 cents right off the bat so that's what I'm looking for easy money so there's actually painting lines out here so that's good for me and again I'm only going for surface fine natural jumpy that's usually a bottle cap or um really uh solid good targets probably a penny two bars that's my rule I gotta stick with one unless it's like a really there you go and check this out guys sorry I'm buried cut a ring that's what I'm hoping for this kind of stuff nice looks like copper on the inside Maybe yeah maybe some type of stone or high grade plastic I don't know but that's pretty cool it has 77 right here all right we'll dig this one it was only one bar or so it won't be from fourth though Penny I figure that's a very high tone penny early in the 60s yeah Memorial so I am picking up a lot of this kind of stuff um if I don't pick it up I'm just gonna have to find it another time so there is a lot of it and clean bottle caps so if I'm clean oh see there we go there's a penny right there I'll take that get that bald head back so I'm cleaning the park as I go because like I said I'm just gonna have to find this stuff later walk back to my detector and just kind of scouting the ground a little bit yeah there's lots of those metal things it must have something to do with the fencing they put up which sucks because it's gonna be hard to get rid of all this stuff like little pieces here I can't pick everything up but I'm trying to get the big ones but like I said maybe we'll clean them now or find them later so I'm roaming a little bit right now I'm gonna go grid an area pretty soon here I'm just like I said trying to look for that surface stuff I dropped the sensitivity clear down to seven because I'm not trying to dig anything and this manicore will go deep anyway so a little mole activity here but yeah not too bad so far one little kid ring in the Tot Lot and one ring out here in the grass just never know what you're gonna find that's what makes this hobby so fun because right now I'm looking for more of those metal pieces like this right here in the bag if I get enough to take it to the trash I guess anyway I'm gonna keep searching there's only one bar there's a 2d on it though that might just be me let's let it clear out for a second huh let's see what we got oh it's stuck in the grass there it is all right and not precious metal but uh it's still another find all right that works that was a jumpy signal anyway all right I just had a high Target right here High tone that's not deep so I'm just gonna look around here first let's see here I keep jacking up this there it is I can feel it I do it yep got a quarter is you think it is yep came up as an 88 so not too bad real strong signal I just kicked this up a little uh some more aluminum but uh this is obviously a spot somebody was sitting hmm ketchup packs hot sauce whatever it is I can't see a penny right here oops I think I got a Wheatie on the surface that does not make sense to me when I do that but give me a second here I think I have my eyepiece with me I'm gonna see I picked these up real cheap just so I can see a little better tell you what year it is if I can see it it's a 42s all right so the other uh battery died on me I guess it's getting 89 right here didn't seem like it was gonna be deep probably another quarter maybe if I'm lucky or something better like a dollar who is talking what would you like me to converge wow always being listened to wow Siri is eavesdropping on me then I got a crushed up this is a quarter wow lawnmower attack well I guess finding that Wii right over there actually makes sense because they've been having issues with this tree and look at the root system that thing could have been pushed up but it was in really good shape so that really surprises me but check this out this is pretty crazy someone during the live whoops I think I bent this a little bit twisted was asking about pole towels and uh numbers look at this one how solid that is I had pulled out a few minutes ago it was 28 30 32 all over the place but I'm willing to bet money on the fact that I'll bet a nickel that this is a nickel it just sounds perfectly solid it's not jumpy and it sure is look down there if I can get to it there it is ah yep that's a fresh drop somewhat fresh anyway definitely a nice solid Target on this one I thought that was working on a coin here and I see black is bigger than I thought so ah oh wow that's a big one pretty good shape too I'll keep that I don't know if I'll clean that up it'll probably start closing again all right after find a nickel here's a 29 30. mostly 30. a little bit of everything so this is more likely to be the pull tab but you never know [Music] right there this grass is pretty hard to get through I'm doing the wrong hand though thumbs are getting me a hard time yep see and that's pretty much the difference between a pull tab and a nickel but you really never know anyway I talked to the guy it works here and he was telling me that that tree that had the Wheatie is a gathering spot for a group of seniors once a week and they sit around that tree so um that would explain why there was a fairly decent Wheatie sitting there anyway this is an interesting find what do you think Siri are you listening again Siri oh now she's ignoring me she's interrupted me like three times I already have a 43 to 46 here and I started probing around and I see a very delicate looking chain right here I don't even know how to break anything let me try to loosen the dirt up around here a little bit there's gotta be a pennant on it because the chain I probably wouldn't have picked up is my guess audio is not breaking it oh man I think it's gonna be a blinger anyway look at the back piece but you never know yet let's get this thing out oh there's a butterfly probably what was attached to it all right we're getting it slowly without damaging it do a little tug and see yes there's more of it here okay it's been there a little while let me get it all put together here pull off a glove real quick so we got chain and then this clasp and then we got the butterfly and it's just bling unfortunately I thought I had some good for a second there it's been pretty rough hunt as far as surface finds that I've been digging more than I wanted to but I'm limiting myself to three hours too so I'm almost done then when I get done I'll go do the wrap up maybe I'll get Christine involved in that and then we will talk about the um giveaway yes I did say giveaway yeah that's all rusted and stuff but yeah that's still a cool find I love finding stuff in the ground like this beats uh pull tabs and pennies and bottle caps all day long huh some of us had a sore throat or likes these things but I did notice the penny in the midst of it all so I will take the penny pocket bat and uh I've been picking up only metal trash but we'll get this stuff up too I mean the trash guys have already been through here so they didn't seem to too concerned about it plastic anyway there's a trash can right there so it's not a big deal you guys have to see this I went to the trash and uh I'm having problems getting this phone to zoom in maybe I can hit that button there is a bird on my metal detector I was gone 30 seconds or less probably 10 seconds what is he doing if he poops out my detector crazy there you go she's just grubbing so I'm working my way back let me fix that and I had a 55 right here I wasn't gonna dig it and then I decided what the heck look at this that is cute and I don't know that was supposed to be silver ear or the orange came off I have no idea but it's a little bird it almost fell backwards lost my balance anyway um that's a cute little guy unless I find something on the way back to truck that's probably my last find that's definitely an interesting character though I know some people tell me who it is all right the next day I'm out hunting a few more Parks today let's see if I can get some good finds it's overcast it's nice out and uh I got a Target so let's see what I got first Target of the day where would it go I heard something there it is a 17. 17 is usually foil those lower numbers here that was easy enough um that's not foil that is a token what is that something town I don't know my little town what that says all right I don't know what that is off the check very interesting that's a good way to start so I think I have a penny here but here here's your um pull [Music] and then you're getting a nice Target next to it so we shall see what is that paper to a straw yeah just a penny we're working close to these uh poles always seems to be pretty good you just gotta like I said learn the numbers of each pole and they're all different depends on what they're made out of and how thick they are um but I like these as close as I can and listen for other toes like this one they're all running about the same numbers so I just found um piece of metal which I'll throw away dime and a penny here but the thing is this Penny it's pretty hard to read but I'm looking at it and it looks like it could be a Wheatie um I'm going to clean it first or wash it try to get this Gunk off it but that sure looks like a weedy that's a high tone Park number two didn't find a whole lot of Park number one more coins look at that that is a car and it's upside down oh yes another car's car very cool missing a wheel no he's not gonna win no race oh well all right we're getting a seven right here mostly seven anyway [Music] wow a little butterfly all right that works real skinny too wow all right getting a double Target here pull it's definitely something next to this pull besides a Band-Aid there it is all right I got an earring and it's bling until the copper is showing through on the back side but it's a piece of jewelry that's cool wow this park is plugged with bottle caps um a couple coins that's an that's loud oh yes nothing like a car full of uh junk look at all that that is just loaded I got most of it out already had got me a car looks like a Mustang yes another Park [Music] it's a jumpy little 60s 80s 90s everything 70s hmm what is that oh wow I got a phone I think yeah dang a flip phone of all things huh it's probably dead I don't think I'll be able to charge this one wow pretty fancy probably cheap actually I never heard of that brand shock dang I got a phone I just dug this up I don't remember what number that was um 40s I'm not really sure if it was a ring or just a fitting but it's hard to tell right now I'll have to clean this up and see if there's any indication on the inside but it's got a two lines down the middle it could have been a ring but uh I will definitely uh probably just tumble it and see what it turns out like but pretty cool it's got some weight to it get a 28 29 here nickler pull tab nickler pull tab right on the cusp of two ooh neither dang I got a ring a secure hitting the light wow gotta see if it's a real one or not I can't tell offhand I'll check a Little Closer I'll update you but wow got a ring pretty too 28 29 though that's definitely doesn't seem to be gold numbers that's a nice loud one all over the place from 70s on up car maybe no insomniac that is cool looks like it goes on a keychain Maybe huh that's an interesting find solid gold I wish anyway yeah that's definitely something uh unique yeah 45-47 I'm about done it's getting kind of warm now there it is [Music] a rhino Los Angeles zoo of course what else would it be nice flattened penny it's not a nice Target along this rubber Edge 88. should have known I thought it was gonna be a dime to be honest with you or maybe a quarter another car dang Firebird Pontiac Camaro that was a Camaro I guess it does from the front yeah nice I thought I was digging up a coin and I got another car little tiny guy wow oh Christine's got her work cut out for today nice okay now listen to this tone solid 88 shallow one bar this grass is really drying hard though be careful my thumb it's still kind of jacked up there it is a quarter I think yeah I am working my way back to the truck but I'm really slow at it but uh I had a 47 right here and I got this I'm not really sure what it is this came up first and I still had a Target so I dug this up I have no idea used to be shiny I'm really jacking up my thumb I don't know why I'm not wearing gloves I'm a bone head but uh interesting find wow look at you all dressed up you're a grown-up oh stop stop anyway so I hunted because I brushed my hair I hunted the park we wanted to go to yeah yesterday okay after the fourth obviously they're closed on the fifth yes I'll show you that wrap up first okay and then I went out today and that rap by the way that video or that hunt was three hours okay today I hunted for five hours so eight hours total every time I go to work you're hitting Parks without me I'm gonna go to the beach tomorrow what a stinker I know anyway let me show you what I did all right let's start over here so these we're all over I probably picked up two or three dozen of these um apparently they're the barricades they put up yeah these have something to do with the barricades they were everywhere so maybe they fastened together but there's gonna be pieces for a long time at that Park anyway I picked up so many of them threw away but I kept some too this guy's just really ugly surface find that's not really sure what he was or is um then I got this little bracelet it's a hair tie yeah whatever it is more hair tie stuff cute a bow we have this picture frame yeah at the park in the grass oh someone lost her curler oh part of it bobby pins these are coming in um 23 24 red okay so I dug some anyway because I just want to get them out of the park but they're so easy to avoid now okay cool and then I got a carabiner a pin that was in the grass this is some sort of clip maybe a buckle or something I got a nail this is probably part of fireworks um obviously the pull tabs and beaver tails and then I got uh only six quarters one of them was tore up longer he just has character yeah he's got a wave he does have a wave and then um dimes nickels pennies so so fancy oh and then I got uh this necklace here I thought that was a butterfly but I think it's a design it looks like almost like a snowflake or okay something else all right but this is bling I got this little guy here oh cool not really sure if it's for the toe or ear it's pretty big that's a toe dude they have big feet then I got this cute little happy ring so happy and oh 42 s um Wheatie very nice let's focus on that let's have some issues today then this guy here you were telling me that's a Pokemon yeah it's Pokemon oh don't ask me what that is yeah and then this is probably my best find besides the Wheatie that ring cute zoom out yeah so that was um yesterday and today I decided to go to the park again or actually went to half a dozen parks I found a phone what is that it's a shock phone I don't think I'm gonna have a charger for that um pretty cool wow and then I got this is I think lip balm I didn't open it because I don't trust what could be in it okay and it's rusted shut more hair pieces Wheels took a lot of stuff out of the grass this was grass but this is all um this is from Legos okay all this stuff was in mostly in the tot Lots I got a spark plug that's weird yeah what's left of it another allen wrench I thought this was a ring when I found it nope no it's a brass fitting good job thank you um this is kind of interesting it's got ruler marks it's really heavy too then these both were in a soccer field I don't really know what they are and then this was in the grass I have no idea what this I dug up first then this thing was still in there and I found it crazy it is and then I got uh the quarters oh cupcake money that's enough I got a money for cupcakes in two to two days um I like the key lime one yes I know you do a lot of Dimes too okay nickels yeah and lots of pennies always pennies [Music] oh there's some bad ones there's some old ones too and then into the interesting stuff well Insomniac find it's pretty cool wow and then a bling earring okay A little butterfly cute this is a Wheatie it's a 55 it's in bad shape can you tap the screen for me there you go wow yeah it's in bad bad shape but I got a um flattened Penny again for the zoo and then let's see here what's this this was a my little town so I did some research and that is an indoor playhouse that's cool yeah and then I got this ring which I didn't film it was just a little blinger then Pro this ring I thought might have been gold at first it's really pretty but uh I didn't ask the test and it failed there's no markings hey what's let me see athlete's hand or something Lucy why is it I don't know look at this is an athlete's foot what's going on over here quit picking on me Nancy now for the grand finale I got four cars that's cute so I told everybody we're just excited to get back so that you can play with the cars really drum roll I can't I thought you'd like that little one I know I do like this little one is little so it's not gonna make the normal [Music] very tiny hmm that was a pretty pathetic uh he's little he's not gonna make the you know he's not gonna make that noise he can't but the Camaro is the bomb though I love the Camaro then you got a car's car but the car car car has a it's a missing wheel how sad what's it I didn't get all the wood chips out I don't think uh leave him alone we're waiting how's he gonna do it it's like the engine's fine Tire on this guy yeah he's in bad shape yeah so it wasn't a bad hunt yeah they're really nice but I'm done hunting for today I see that because I probably like I said I'll probably go to the beach tomorrow yeah you stink through maybe I'm thinking about it so don't worry I'll be at work yes so now we've got the hunt done yeah we have to make our giveaway announcement okay so we're gonna give away I just did it yes I'm giving away that nocta Legend yeah and it has I think two coils with it I might even have the extended battery and uh we're gonna give it away to who to somebody who comments on this video cool and we're gonna give it away in one week the following Saturday mhm and a little disclaimer we are not going to do what go outside of the US yeah we probably can't mail it outside the USB that wasn't what I was talking about oh my bad what are we doing we're not going to make any comments emails text yeah ask people if you get stuff like that that's not us um if you've seen the way we do our giveaways in the past we do it the same way every time if you get some weird spammer looking thing um that says oh contact this phone number that's not us oh well you have to go on pay a shipping charge that's not us um I would just say report it there's a there's a spot you can hit report exactly we're not going to ask you to do anything other than make a comment and we will pick a winner in the next Saturday video correct so don't fall victim to scams exactly exactly anyway and if you're not sure just email us yes Bill Christine at or Bill at I thought I got complaints you got the good stuff okay yeah anyway thanks for watching we really appreciate it and we will catch you on the next one we may not do a Wednesday video because we're going to be on a road trip all right bye
Channel: Diggin' SoCal
Views: 4,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diggin socal, diggin socal christine and bill, diggin socal christine, metal detecting, park metal detecting, metal detecting videos, diggin socal youtube, garrett pinpointer, metal detecting finds, treasure hunting metal detector, metal detecting parks, metal detector treasure hunting, metal detecting city parks, park detecting, minelab metal detector, minelab manticore detector, minelab manticore metal detector, metal detector, metal detecting finds 2023
Id: ZABrmZ_dpBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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