The Battlefront re-release just got very controversial...

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before we begin we are so close to a million subscribers if you haven't hit the button you could be the one to push us over the edge fun video today about some Battlefront 2 controversy I was not expecting but let's roll the intro hey guys this is Justin hello and welcome to another video so we are once again talking the Star Wars Battlefront classic collection and for those of you who have missed the news news next month Aspire will be releasing on Xbox PC and Playstation a pack of the two original Star Wars Battlefront games with some small adjustments now I think news of this has been overwhelmingly positive however there are a couple of things worth talking about and one hopefully oversight that could actually end up being a pretty big deal and that strangely enough has to do with the use of modded content in the official release but let's talk about the little things first so overall I'd say there are really just two minor complaints about the Star Wars Battlefront classic collection that I've seen so far and the first has to do with size the two original Battlefront games how much would you expect them to take from your computer's hard drive just think about it for a second for context I have both the original steam versions Battlefront 1 2004 was 2.8 GB Battlefront 2 from 2005 9.59 GB well the re-release now apparently is clocking in at 50 GB so that's almost a five times increase in total space needed what's the source of this well as you'll probably guess new textures my friend azru a Star Wars Battlefront YouTuber did a really good breakdown of this on his channel which I'll link down below but there's also evidence that the basic textures have been upscaled with AI so not only is the size now greater but this can lead to visually inconsistent results for me personally I don't really mind some people this really bothers not because of the ethics of AI or anything like that just because from a visual standpoint it's not really a true representation of the original game you can let me know how you feel about that down below I think the other aside from the use of potentially modded content which again I'll get to has to do with price this game is $35 which is quite expensive the original games on Steam will often drop down to like $5 or less each I wonder whether they'll eventually be taken off steam once this launches but the fact of the matter is this is a pretty low effort bundle to me I don't mind the price but I understand why it really bothers people there's essentially no new content here it's not a remaster it's a collection the AI upscaling is one of the only changes I don't know a price like $20 to me would have been more in line with the amount of effort being put in here this isn't something like dark Forces where the game is very difficult to get running on PC I did a play through as I mentioned of Battlefront and Battlefront 2 on my channel a few years ago and yeah you got to mess with the settings a little bit to get the resolution right some of the borderless widescreen doesn't play that nicely but those are fairly small issues which you could fix yourself given a few minutes so there are people frustrated by that especially because this does have the potential to mess up the player base somewhat is everyone who played the PC versions going to come to this new bundle I'm almost positive there won't be compatibility between the two games and I also think it was a mistake for them not to try to get crossplatform multiplayer working there is cross generation multiplayer on the PlayStation but if they could get everybody playing together I just feel like that would help keep the game's population healthy going into the future I also hope this provides a good base for mod support and my dream going into the future is that if this is successful which I very much assume it will be that they consider reporting elements from the two PSP exclusive games Renegade Squadron and Elite Squadron over to steam I had a PSP I didn't even get those games not many people did and they essentially reflect one version of what Star Wars Battlefront 3 would have been so let's get that content to more players I think that'd be really cool you could even release it as like a DLC to this game or extra content I know that'd be more work than just a straight bundle but I think it would go pretty far to build confidence in a Spire who by the way are fully in bed with Star Wars and I do think it would make money as well all right but that takes us to the main topic of today's video and I've got to give a shout out to Majora Zed on Twitter who sent this to me and a bit of context the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 had exclusive Xbox DLC one of the selling points of this bundle is that all DLC will be available on all platforms before the re-release however the steam versions of Star Wars Battlefront 2 had a mod a popular mod created by IMA Shaman who inserted the characters of Assange Ventress Kit Fisto in the maps besin Cloud City renar Harbor rvar Citadel and yaven Arena into the PC version version by the way all of that content was released in 2006 for $4.99 so that's pretty good there were some other changes too like which Maps you could play assault on but as I mentioned these were locked to the Xbox modders work to get this content to PC it's my understanding that at one point they created a sajin kit by basically putting their skins over existing characters and their animations however at one point pandemic staff actually gave the community the files so the content was ported pretty much as it existed on Xbox to PC the problem is based on the trailer which was released Aspire has actually used this mod to restore the content but not the mod as it existed in its final upto-date form I'm just going to read from some of the steam discussions I am the author of the Xbox DLC content PC mod for Battlefront 2 the trailer shows Assange wielding two lightsabers like Aya something I did for my mod a few years ago due to a complication with the animations same with Kit Fisto who is clearly using K Mundy's animations like in my mod I fixed this recently so my heroes use the official pandemic animations Aspire has not there were a couple things I had to create custom like ass's lightsabers and kitfisto force bubbles that I'm expecting to appear and he points out that yeah Assa Sabers are his creation which is a tell that they're using his work not the official work now the mod author is not taking issue with the fact that they took his work me personally I think that's I mean a little bit scummy at the very least throw the dude some credit in the game credits or or some money but legally they don't have to do that because when you make something with the mod tools it's the property of lucasfilm and the modder bazon accounts is and I quote flattered and Overjoyed that something he created was even shown in Something official Star Wars the problem is that the old version of The Mod is just not as good it doesn't have the official content as it appeared on Xbox back in the day and for my understanding it means that the heroes in the mod will play more like reskins than the actual content now it's very possible that this trailer wasn't necessarily reflective of what the final game will look like or what content will be in the game the good thing is even if they want to use the mods instead of instead of porting the content over by itself there's actually a as mentioned Revis accurate version of the content as a mod available to download freely on mod DB but it's very possible that this was made early on in development or it was outsourced to another company and what was in the trailer was not reflective of what the final game will be hopefully that's the case I got to say I actually had the game on Xbox and I never played with ass back in the day because I didn't have Xbox Live I don't know if you could buy the content on dis but I don't think so either way the mod creator has reached out to Aspire and I got to say when it comes to remastering or rebundling these games which have been in the hands of the community for a long time I'm actually cool with companies working with community members who have lovingly over decades in some cases helped bring the game to a better place I mean ideally they ask and they work collaboratively cuz the way it is now this does end up feeling a bit like this is a cash grab they wanted to do as little effort as possible but there's a way this could have been cool if you took all of the tools the community made the ones that don't obviously drastically go away from the game's original vision and you make like an ultimate version which can be played out of the box by all fans that's pretty cool this just my thoughts on the whole situation though link to the steam discussion as well down in the description so you can follow along there if there are any updates but that's all I've got for you guys till next time be safe have a good one and May the force be with you oh
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 37,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nQaKob_sr78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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