I'm tired of this dumbass theory

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[Music] hey guys this is Justin hello and welcome to another video we're 10,000 subscribers away from a million I'm going to start updating the count as we get close but if you want to help me get there consider clicking the button anyway I recently saw an article from cbr.com it's a few months old but it was going around again and it deals with a question that I've seen answered many times in pretty much the exact same way in which I ultimately think is wrong the question is this why does Dooku never get those distinctive yellow Sith eyes the ones we see in Anakin or Darth Maul and while this question is generally not that important I think it ties into some greater misconceptions about Dooku's character that I want to take a second to clear up so the article says and I'll just paraphrase bits I'll also link it down below most Sith look like they came out of a nightmare other than a redeemed Darth Vader they portray unquestioned evil they are the ones that the Jedi must stop to regain and maintain balance in the force their selfishness greed and anger LED them to Value things like ruthlessness murder and Conquest so demonic looking eyes are a fitting feature that sets the Sith apart the author then goes on to say that the yellow Sith eyes are essentially a window to their soul their raging emotions then when it comes to Dooku says well Dooku may be powerful enough to hide his Sith eyes there is another reason for his unusual appearance Dooku's eyes were never yellow because he did not have the same motivation and emotions as other Sith he was an idealist who left the Jedi because he thought they had lost their way it's even possible that he thought that he would do some good in the Galaxy by destroying the Republic and replacing it with the Confederacy of independent systems regardless his eyes were not yellow because he wasn't motivated by anger he was a practical Dark Side user frankly this is almost all nonsense and I'll not knock some of the easy ones out of the way first no Dooku didn't believe that the Confederacy of independent systems could do a better job controlling the Galaxy than the Republic Dooku's plan was very clear the clone wars were manufactured he would work with Palpatine to overthrow the government and the Jedi and they would step in and take command the CIS was a means to an end this is completely evident even if you just stick to the movies the end scene for episode 2 when they're meeting in the works that AR on corusant makes it completely clear they In Cahoots like he knows who Palpatine is that's why he's so surprised in episode 3 I mean let's also not ignore the fact that he named himself Darth tyrannis tyranny tyrannis but it's certainly true Dooku is not Palpatine he's not evil for Evil's sake that being said very few Sith are I posted about this on Twitter and I got lots of great responses but I think my favorite unfortunately can't find it now is that there's a reason why the phrase the road to hell is paved with good intentions exists Anakin wasn't evil for Evil's sake he wanted to save his wife he also in a way wanted to protect the Galaxy from the crumbling Republic and what he saw as the failings of the Jedi Order look what he became it's less about intentions and more about action and what we see with Dooku is dark actions the desire to dominate the willingness to kill to partner with other Sith to do outright evil things it doesn't matter if he thinks he's doing it for the right reason Jason solo Anakin Skywalker definitely Darth plagas if you read that novel even Darth Bane in a way they all believe that their philosophy is the truth and the best way forward for the Galaxy Darth Bane believed that the strong should rule just like Dooku believed in his way of doing things now there are differences between Canon and legends I'll get into that later but I feel like a lot of you and a lot of these articles and whatever have been fooled by Dooku's Persona this is like one of the main bits of episode 2 doku is meant to be evil but it's almost a more Insidious evil pun intended than something like Palpatine because it's hidden behind what dark disciple calls this Patrician air this sense of nobility and gentlemanliness we see this play out in the movies that's why I'm so shocked that some of you missed this Dooku goes up to Obi-Wan oh there's been some big mistake get sh of here I'm doing this for the greater good this is during the genoan scene of course when in reality no there's no mistake and he keeps Obi-Wan locked up and then throws him out to die in the gean ocean Arena so when the article says that Dooku didn't have the same motivation and emotion of other Sith it's completely wrong Dooku wanted to dominate Dooku used his anger Dooku was willing to deceive and to kill and to throw billions if not trillions to their death so that the Jedi would be destroyed and the Sith would gain power like it calls him a practical Dark Side user what does that even mean now admittedly there are very few cases where Dooku gets completely lost in the sauce like we see with Anakin for example but even Palpatine he doesn't really have Sith eyes until he completely drops the facade we don't see Ventress have Sith eyes either what I think it is is an individual completely losing themselves when it takes over like even when Palpatine is fighting Maul and saage his eyes stay their normal color in fact some have pointed out that during the Clone Wars there are moments where looks like Dooku may have Sith eyes himself during moments of intense stress or use of the force the one that's most convincing to me and that I think actually was intentional is when he's fighting and training Savage oppress he shoots Force lightning and his eyes look quite sithy and you can contrast that with how they look earlier in the scene I think for a pretty convincing argument so it's always there for Dooku and I don't know why but the idea that he was some sort of noble person who just happened to use the dark side it's just blatantly wrong there's nothing in the films that supports this there's nothing in the Clone Wars to support this there's nothing entails the Jedi that supports this for example he doesn't like some people dying like Qui-Gon but that's because he sees them as potential allies he doesn't care about the average person which again very Sith likee Behavior we're sticking just to the movies as well well I mean he's the one who creates General Grievous and unleashes that cyborg monstrosity onto an unsuspecting Galaxy if we go deeper into Canon and legends well there's a lot more I mean in the Clone Wars the CIS is doing some sort of genocide or bioweapon testing every second or third episode all at Dooku's command he tortures kidnaps murders again he plays it off like he's this nobleman this guy with a heart of gold that's a mask that's meant to be the point I'm rereading dark disciple right now that novel opens with him destroying a convoy of refugee ships for no reason he's so bad so evil that the Jedi Council actually wants him assassinated which is also not super great for them it's arguably even worse if you look at Star Wars Legends the Revenge of the Sith novelization which came out before the Clone Wars really paints Dooku like an who knew exactly what he was doing I'll read a bit from this internal monologue at War's end the aliens would be crushed stripped of their possessions and their systems and their wealth would be given to the hands of the only beings who could be trusted with them human beings Dooku would serve an Empire of man and he would serve it as only he could as he was born to he would smash the Jedi Order to create it a new not Shackled by the corrupt narcissistic shabby little beings who call themselves politicians but free to bring true Authority and true peace to a Galaxy that badly needed both an order that would not negotiate would not mediate an order that would enforce the survivor of the Jedi Order would become the Sith Army the Fist of the Empire and that fist would become a power beyond any Jedi's darkest dreams Force capable humans and near humans had long refused to surrender their children to the lifelong bound servitude of the Jedi Order they would not refuse this Sith army they would not have the choice someone commented on my post about how well he doesn't want to kill Obi-Wan in that book he doesn't want to kill Obi-Wan because he thinks he's potentially more powerful than Anakin that's basically it he also hates Anakin because he finds robot arms and Cyborg bits disgusting he also doesn't think much of Grievous shockingly he's also otherwise described as a sociopath and yeah that's part of his character he's so good at manipulating people that even cbr.com writers are being fooled and that's a long time ago in a galaxy far far away I do think that this is a good lesson generally about the Sith Palpatine kind of paints our image of what they might be like but Anakin really should remind us again I know I said this earlier the path to hell is paved with good intentions and generally I think tuku's intentions were even worse than anakins I also don't think anyone who's not a Sith can shoot Force lightning but those are my thoughts let me know yours down [Music] below [Music] n
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 315,881
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Id: wgkkww3EX-w
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Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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