I'm being stolen from by the Orchard Music

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[Music] do not ever work with the orchard do not do it do not work with Orchard music or Sony Music they will steal from you they will mess your livelihood up that is the message for today's video and I'm doing something that I warned every company about 4 months ago if you steal from me I am going to hit you back I'm going to expose your bad practices and I'm going to put a video up like this which will dominate search results as one other company has already found and which will reflect badly on you and it will never ever ever come down and I'm doing this because I'm tired I'm tired of people taking advantage of me I'm tired of people stealing from me I'm tired of people screwing over creators through YouTube's broken systems so this is something I've been dealing with for over 5 years and it happens several times a year what happens is a music Rights Management like in this case the orchard will begin to falsely claim my intro outro music which is the song resonance by Randy Goff of Home Randy by the way is an excellent guy he gave me explicit permission to use it in my videos and I've been doing so for the better part of 7 years what happens however is that these Pariah companies like Orchard Enterprise or Orchard music who again you should not work with sign artists and these artists will often make crappy remixes of home in this case this musician uploaded what's essentially the song with quotes from sunzoo put over it that's all the orchard provides that to YouTube it gets 1,000 views but more importantly the YouTube copyright management system begins working for them and they start to claim any video which uses that original music that means that my back Library slowly starts to get claimed so far in a couple of days I've had about 80 videos and many recent from my backlog claimed and that's a serious amount of money that I am losing now can I dispute those claims yes and the money is is put basically in escrow but it's awarded to the winner the problem is when one of my videos is claimed I both lose control of how many ads are placed on it it could be none it could be so many that it's unconscionable and it's just straight up not possible for one person to keep up with this automated process every time I dispute a claim I have to go through a legal form on YouTube what's insane is that this is not the first time the orchard has done this to me back in 2022 I had a very similar issue where they just Mass claimed many of my videos to the point where I couldn't keep up in that case it was hundreds of videos which they claimed for me and I was only able to get any sort of results because I'm a big enough influencer again at air quotes to make a stink there's so many major issues here there's no incentive to stop these Mass copyright flagging events when a song improperly enters a management company's system the benefit for them is they get the money from my videos that they claim the downside is even when they're wrong nothing happens they don't even have a realistic way for me to get in contact with them I called Sony music The Orchard is a Sony Music Company there is of course no number for the orchard directly and the lady on the switchboard when I asked to speak to either the orchard or Sony legal gave me the number for and I'm not joking customer support for Sony electronics so if your TV stops working you'd call the number she gave me that should not be legal the only way you can actually get in contact with them is on their website through a form which of course I filled they never get back to you I got an email that I found on their Twitter they don't get back to you they don't care and if you're a musician you should not want to work with these people there's no doubt this is scummy terrible behavior and they stink there's also realistically just no way for me to prevent income loss as this is happening I've put out according to Social blade 1,800 videos on the eart sluder channel I'd say 75% of them use that music there's also videos on x2 xclip my other channels I just cannot keep up with their barrage of claims especially when they come in the morning and even if it's only in their system for a day that's a day of Revenue that I'm not getting that doesn't go towards me and my kids and my employees that instead goes towards them and it's complete and utter nonsense they need to pay I have in my inbox literally hundreds of emails from YouTube which contain the word Orchard music each one of those emails is Orchard taking advantage of a broken copyright system fraudulently to no punishment there's no reason for these musicians to not make some shitty copy of resonance and submit it into the digital rights management system because there's no punishment it's not just Orchard though as a Sony Music subsidiary they're one of the worst completely without any sort of human face completely Beyond any sort of punishment that I or anyone else can hope to dish out there are some okay ones for example in 20123 I was dealing with a similar issue from a company known as a loaded I tweeted about them and tagged them they fixed it pretty quickly and they told me hey we've removed the reference file from the content ID system your claim should be released and it won't happen again okay great now of course it restarted actually this very month before this nonsense February 8th I said hey the claims started again remove it now they said we're sorry it happened again you know even in a good situation it's still crap like it's still terrible but at least it's somewhat better anyway as I mentioned earlier this is the second time I've had to do a video like this actually it's more than the second time but it's the second time I've done a video in this format the first time was when I said don't ever work with fuga music they called them out for similar nonsense and you know what now and I've checked this from different devices incognito mode secure browsers when you search fuga music that video saying how crappy they are and they are crappy is one of the first results if not the first results at least in videos it always comes up on the first page so everyone who looks up their shitty brand sees that video and I will never ever take that down in fact every time this happens I take one of my big videos from the past one that has over a million views lots of you know weight within the YouTube system and I also Chang the name of that to don't ever work with X fuga music in the case I gave earlier I know what I'm doing with SEO I know how to make things appear so I'm going to do that and that's forever and now today we're adding a second company to the list I will say it again so YouTube can understand my voice they can add it to the transcript do not ever work with the orchard don't do it they're going to release all my claims eventually they've even released some already it kept the claims that's like a recognition that hey we're in the wrong here but our systems don't care doesn't matter this video is staying up they can go to hell I hope people see this and recognize that they stink and you guys as my fans feel free to let them know don't harass any actual person who works with them but if you want to boost this video if you want to share this video hey that helps a lot right now honestly I'm getting this video to above 8 minutes because I think it'll perform even better like that I'm also going to monetize it not because I'm going to donate a charity but because I want it they're going to claim it I'm going to use residents throughout they're going to claim it I want the money I feel like I'm going insane here I'm so tired of having to deal with this I should be able to use Music you should be able to license music on YouTube like it's it's basic anyway like I said share whatever I'll see you guys soon [Music] bye-bye [Music] oh a
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 74,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Es3uSGA5stM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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